Summer Youth Employment & Training Program (SYETP) Handbook 2020-2021

Summer Youth Employment & Training Program (SYETP) Handbook 2020-2021
Summer Youth Employment
& Training Program (SYETP)
  Handbook 2020-2021

 Hamden Youth Services Bureau ●11 Pine Street ● Hamden, CT●06514

           Phone: 203-777-2610 ● Fax: 203-562-3498



                Funded by Workforce Alliance of New Haven


   11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                    203 777-2610
Welcome to the Hamden Youth Services Bureau Summer Youth Employment and Training Program
(SYETP) funded by Workforce Alliance of New Haven! As a SYETP participant, you have the opportunity
to gain work experience and develop vocational and academic skills this summer.

The SYETP provides youth, who are ages 14 to 21, a chance to gain invaluable work experience. Youth
are placed to work in non-profit organizations, government agencies, and area businesses. As SYETP
participants, you will be paid $13.00 per hour, (the state of CT minimum wage as of 8/1/2021).

The success of this program depends upon your cooperation and teamwork. SYETP participants, job
coaches, employers and supervisors must all work together in order to make this program work. This
Handbook was developed to describe your rights and responsibilities as a participant.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your HYSB Supervisor at (203) 777-2610.

Statement of Rights and Benefits for Participants under the Summer Youth Program

Objective:                This program is designed to provide you with work
                          experience and vocation training that will lead to natural
                          employment opportunities.

Non-Discrimination:       You cannot be discriminated against or treated differently
                          that other participants on the basis of your race, age, color,
                          sex, religion, national origin, disability, political affiliation,
                          or belief during any part of the application process or your employment.

Working Conditions:       You cannot be required to work or receive training in
                          surroundings which are unsanitary or hazardous to your
                          health or safety. Policies regarding sexual harassment and
                          the Americans with Disabilities Act are posted in the
                          Employment and Training Office.

Confidentiality:          The names of the SYETP participants are considered public
                          information and therefore may be disclosed. Other
                          information may be divulged as is normally available to the
                          public or is necessary to evaluate the performance of the program.

Minimum Wage:             In accordance with Connecticut law, you will be paid no less
                          than $13.00 per hour.
Benefits:                 You will receive benefits such as Worker's Compensation and
                          FICA, similar to those provided for other employees in your job situation.

                                   Participant Information

               11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                       203 777-2610
Length of Program – 5-6 weeks

Program Dates – July 6, 2021-August 6, 2021

Hours per Week – 15-18 hours per week Monday through Friday

Supervisor/Job Coach – A counselor will help you adjust to work and advise you in work-related situations. Your
counselor will contact you daily to insure that you are understanding your responsibilities.

Breaks- If you work more than 5 hours you are entitled to at least a 15 minute break-these may be paid or unpaid.

Time Sheets – You are responsible for keeping your own time sheets, which will be approved by your supervisor.
Time sheets are to be completed and signed daily and returned on Mondays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to your
Supervisor/ Job Coach. You, your site supervisor and Job Coach must sign the timesheet weekly.

Participants will not get paid for any time outside of the regularly scheduled hours for your assignment, (ex. If you
are scheduled to train/work from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. you start an assignment at 10:30 a.m. and leave at 2
p.m., you will only be paid for the hours of 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.). Please check your time sheets for accuracy and
completeness. Do not sign them until all authorized hours are recorded and totaled correctly. You and your
supervisor must sign your time sheets. If the time sheets are not filled our correctly, your paycheck may be

Absences – If you are going to be late or absent from work, you must notify your supervisor before your regular
starting time.


          Tuesday, July 6th 2021 Keefe Community Center 10:00 a.m.-noon
Activities may include:

   1. Introductions to Supervisors and your Teen Cohort (the teens that will be participating in the
      HYSB Summer Youth Employment and Training Program 2021).

   2. An overview of the program.

   3. Learning how to answer the phone and make phone calls (and emails) in a professional
      setting, and learning other skills that you will need to perform your training.

   4. Receiving a complete description of your training: where and how it is to be performed and
      who will assist you if needed.

   5. Financial Literacy

   6. Completing required paperwork.

   7. Questions and Answers.


                11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                               203 777-2610
Orientation will be in person at the Keefe Community Center, 11 Pine Street. You will be called in
  small groups. You must wear a mask and remain at least 6 feet apart from others. We will have
masks available if you do not have a mask. This will be arranged by your Supervisor and you will be
           notified as to the day and time. You will be required to complete paperwork.

Payroll Problems – If you have any problems in pay, you must report them immediately to your
Supervisor/Job Coach.

Lost Check – If your paycheck is lost, stolen or misplaced, please notify your job coach as soon as
possible. A “stop payment” will be made, and, after verification, a new check will be issued.

Terminations – If you are unable to complete the program, you must notify your job coach. This will
insure proper processing of your last paycheck. Otherwise, your last paycheck may be delayed.


Monitoring – Work sites will be monitored throughout the summer to insure all aspects of the program
are meeting the Office of Employment and Training's commitment to you and other SYETP participants.
Employment and Training monitors will:

      Insure that you are provided with safe working conditions

      Insure that you are receiving the most rewarding work experience possible

      Identify problem areas and recommend improvement

      Evaluate supervision and training/work experience

      Conduct interviews with you, your supervisors and other participants at your work site for
       feedback on operation of the program.

Timesheets must be submitted and Paychecks may be picked at The Hamden Youth Services at the Keefe
Community Center, 11 Pine Street Mondays 9:00-4:00 p.m. You must wear a mask and bring photo
identification and sign for it.

      When picking up your paycheck, you must sign and date the day that you received your paycheck.
       Please see sample below. If someone else is picking your paycheck up for you, you must have given
       prior written permission (at the end of this handbook) with the person's name and relation to you. This
       written permission will be in your file. That designated person must present a picture ID when picking up
       your check and sign and date as well.

               11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                              203 777-2610
JULY 2021
Sunday        Monday              Tuesday            Wednesday          Thursday        Friday   Saturday

                                                                    1              2             3

4        5                  6                    7                  8              9             10

                            Orientation at the       First day at
                            Keefe Community           Worksite

11       12                 13                   14                 15             16            17


         For w/e July 9
         due by 4:00 p.m.

18       19                 20                   21                 22             23            24

         Timesheets                                                 First
         For w/e July 16
         due by 4:00

25       26                 27                   28                 29             30            31

         Timesheets                                                 Second
         For w/e July 23
         due by 4:00

               11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                           203 777-2610
August 2021

Sunday        Monday            Tuesday       Wednesday       Thursday        Friday   Saturday

1        2                 3              4               5              6             7

         Timesheets                                       Third          Last Day
         For w/e July 30                                  Paycheck!
                                                                         of Work
         due by 4:00

8        9                 10             11              12             13            14

         Timesheets                                       Fourth
         For w/e Aug. 6
         due by 4:00

15       16                17             18              19             20            21


22       23                24             25              26             27            28

29       30                31

               11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                 203 777-2610
Agreement with HYSB Summer Youth Employment and Training Program

I have read the SYETP Handbook, understand the terms and conditions of the program, and agree to
the basic rules.
_________________________                                           ______________________________
Participant Printed Name                                             Parent/Guardian Printed Name

_________________________ Date_______                                 ______________________________ Date ________
Participant Signature                                                 Parent/Guardian Signature

I give my permission to____________________________________ (relation to participant) to pick up my check if I am unable to. I understand
that the check will only be released to the person that I give permission to and they must present a photo ID, and sign and date the Check
Pick Up list in order for the check to be released.

                                            Permission to Photograph and Printing of Name

I, (name of parent/guardian) __________________________ (circle)         do/do not        give permission to photograph my child, (child's name)
I, (name of parent/guardian) __________________________ (circle)         do/do not        give permission to use my child's name (child's name)
I understand that photographs and names may be used for displays, on Town of Hamden website, on Workforce Alliance
website, or in articles in local newspapers.

Please initial the following you give permission for photograph.

Hamden website ______ Hamden Facebook ______ Display ______ Articles in local newspapers______

Please initial the following that you give permission for use of name.

Hamden website______ Hamden Facebook______ Display_______ Articles in local newspapers______

(Parent/Guardian Signature)_____________________________Date____________

Release and Consent of
                                      Information and Photograph

                                      I hereby give my permission and consent to Workforce Alliance, a non-profit organization, its
                                      legal representatives, successors and assigns, employees and any person acting with its
                                      permission, upon its authority or on its behalf, and permission to the CT Department of Labor,
                                      to use my name, voice, verbal states and portrait or picture (motion or still) for advertising
                                      purposes, for purposes of trade, public information, for any lawful purpose whatsoever.

Printed Name _________________Signature __________________
Address ____________________________________________Date ______________

Parental Consent

I hereby certify that I am the parent and/or guardian of ____________________________
A minor under the age of 21 years, and I hereby consent that any statements and/or photographs which have been or are
about to be made of my minor by The Workforce Alliance, may be used by Workforce Alliance, its legal representatives,
successors and assigns, and any person acting with its permission, and permission for the CT Department of Labor for the
above named purpose set forth in the release.
Print Parent or GuardianName______________________________Signature_______________________________

Address _________________________________________________Date____________________________________

For Staff only…Please return this release to: Workforce Alliance, 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd., New Haven, CT 06519. If you have
any questions, please call 203-624-1493 x242.

                      11 Pine Street Hamden, CT 06514                                               203 777-2610
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