Sunday Before the Nativity of Our Lord - Icon of the Holy Ancestors

Page created by Lois Richardson
Sunday Before the Nativity of Our Lord - Icon of the Holy Ancestors
Sunday Before the Nativity of Our Lord

            Icon of the Holy Ancestors
Sunday Before the Nativity of Our Lord - Icon of the Holy Ancestors
      December 19, 2021: Sunday Before Christmas
 Epistle: Col. 3: 4-11                                   Gospel: Lk. 14: 16-24
Mon., Dec. 20        9:00   + Christine Danylak (Leo Danylak)
Tues., Dec. 21       9:00   + Debbie Altier (Shirley Jacobs)
Wed., Dec. 22        9:00   + Nicholas Marcinko, Sr. (Andrea Novak & Family)
Thurs., Dec. 23      9:00   Special Intention
Fri., Dec. 24			Christmas Eve
			 10:00 pm For Vocations
Sat., Dec. 25			       Christmas: Birth of Our Lord
			 10:00 am For Christmas: For Our Parishioners
			             4:00 pm For Sunday: For Our Parishioners
Sun., Dec. 26		      10:00 + Dorothy Chezik (Mary Ann & John Turko)

                                      Christ Is Born!
                                        Glorify Him!
                                    Христос Рождається!
                                       Славімо Його!
                                            Another Christmas is here. Let
                                        us reflect on the true meaning of this
                                        celebration. We will receive gifts,
                                        many will receive more than others.
                                        But we will receive one gift equally.
                                        That is the gift of the Incarnate God.
                                        Let us acknowledge this unique
                                        gift by participating in as many of
                                        the special Christmas Services as
                                        possible and remembering the real

reason for the season, and to pray for
Peace on Earth!                             Christ is Born! -- Glorify Him!
    May the Incarnate Christ, be with       Христос Рождається! Славімо
each and everyone of you during                          Його!
this holiday season and throughout
the year 2022. My prayers for your                 Father Nestor
continued health and happiness.

      It’s Okay to Say “Merry Christmas”

    Every Christmas, anti-Christian       liberty and love for our fellow man
groups such as the American Civil         are deeply rooted in the Traditions of
Liberties Union, the American             the Apostolic Church which includes
Communist Party, various Islamic          the Bible, particularly in the life,
groups and Atheist groups sue some        death and resurrection of Our Lord
city for erecting a nativity scene on     God and Savior Jesus Christ. That’s
public property. Likewise, fearing        why America has been a light among
they may be perceived as politically      the nations in the world.
incorrect, a handful of retailers             Like the angel who appeared
replace the word “Christmas” with         to the shepherds saying: “I bring
“Holiday” in their marketing.             you good news of great joy,” we
    It may seem like a small issue, but   Christians have a story to tell about
these things are significant because      the blessings of honoring the true
they diminish the importance of the       God. Telling the story can start with
Christian foundations of our society.     simply not patronizing stores that use
    Our ideas of justice, mercy,          “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry

Christmas” and by reminding those         okay to say Merry Christmas.”
who say “Happy Holidays” that “It’s

                    Trees And Poinsettias
    The Christmas tree tradition was      Pennsylvania, in 1830. Early trees
started in Germany in the late 1400s.     were decorated with fruits, nuts,
At that time a popular theatrical per-    popcorn, toys and candles. Today
formance, the Paradise Play, depict-      more than 80 percent of American
ed the expulsion of Adam and Eve          families buy and decorate a tree at
from Paradise and was represented         Christmas.
by a fir tree hung with apples. Soon           The tradition of poinsettias in
the tree was placed in the homes of       churches and homes at Christmas
Christians, who inter-                                  traces back to a village
preted it as a symbol of                                in Mexico. According
the coming Savior. The                                  to the legend, it was a
apples were replaced                                    custom for villagers to
with small white wafers                                 place gifts before the
representing the Holy                                   Nativity scene at the
Eucharist or Commu-                                     church on Christmas
nion. Later the wafers                                  Eve. A small boy, too
were replaced by pieces                                 poor to give anything,
of pastry cut into shapes of stars, an-   knelt to pray in the snow outside. On
gels, hearts, flowers and bells.          the ground where he knelt, the leg-
    Pennsylvania Germans claim to         end says, a beautiful plant with scar-
have brought the Christmas tree cus-      let leaves grew immediately.
tom to America. The first Christmas            The boy took it into the church
tree is recorded under the date De-       and presented it as his gift to the
cember 20, 1821, in the diary of a        Christ Child. Mexicans call the col-
Matthew Zahm of Lancaster, Penn-          orful plant Flor de la Nocha Buena
sylvania. The first known exhibition      (Flower of the Holy Night), and it
of a Christmas tree was held in York,     is thought to resemble the Star of

Bethlehem. The poinsettia plant is        amateur botanist. He discovered
named after Dr. Joel Roberts Poin-        the beautiful plant there in 1828
sett, the first United States ambassa-    and brought it to the United States,
dor to Mexico and an accomplished         where it was named in his honor.

               Come Home For Christmas!
We all know fam-                                        Just remember that Je-
ily members, friends,                                   sus experienced the
neighbors, co-workers,                                  same kind of reception
or school friends, who                                  and He did not give up.
are Catholic and no lon-                                So if your invitation re-
ger attend the Divine                                   ceives no response or a
Liturgy. Christmas is a                                 negative one, just wait
great time to invite them                               a few weeks and ask
to come home to the                                     again. In the meantime,
Church. Think about it,                                 pray for that person, but
pray about it, and invite someone to      don’t give up on them no matter how
come to Church with you during the        long it takes. It is hard to persevere
Christmas Season. There is always a       and it is hard to be rejected, but just
chance that you will be rejected or       be patient and kind and trust in the
your invitation will fall on deaf ears.   Lord.

                  Christmas Stewardship
During this Christmas season we           children to understand what it means
think about giving and receiving          to be wise stewards of Jesus and His
gifts. But as Christians we are called    Good News for the world. Google
to be stewards, and stewardship goes      the word “Steward or stewardship”
beyond just giving objects. It entails    and come to understand what the
giving gifts of the heart, mind and       word “steward” really means. Many
soul, as well as our time, talent and     times we use words in conversation
treasure. This year let us help our-      but not know what they really mean.
selves and our children and grand-        Part of being faithful followers of

Jesus means we continue to educate          faith to give, we can’t give what we
ourselves spiritually. In order to be       don’t have. May God made man in-
good stewards, we must first have           spire us to grow in knowledge and
the message of hope and love and            faith!

      Properly Receiving Holy Communion
    When approaching to receive             unsteady on your feet, please feel
Holy Communion, do not be afraid            free to use the first pew in front of
to approach the Priest. Father’s arms       the icon of the Mother of God. We
are only so long and when you stand         don’t want anybody to get hurt. Fa-
too far away, it is difficult to distrib-   ther will come up and give you Com-
ute Holy Communion.                         munion.
    We also remind everyone to tilt             Now finally, a little about the red
your head back and open your mouth          Communion Cloth. Sometimes the
WIDE. Please keep your tongue in            Altar Servers hold it; sometimes Fa-
your mouth. Please do not bite down         ther holds it. When the Altar Serv-
on the communion spoon. There is            ers hold, simply approach (i.e., come
no need to say anything since the           close to the Priest). If Father is hold-
priest says the prayer. There is no         ing it, simply lift it up to your chin.
need to say AMEN as is done in the          The purpose of the Communion
Roman Catholic Church.                      Cloth is to help prevent accidents.
    For those faithful who are a little

                          2021 Parish Dues
With the end of 2021 quickly                remind our Parish Family Members
approaching, we offer this gentle           that Parish Dues are now $50.00 per
reminder to make sure that your             adult per year. There is no increased
2021 Parish Dues are paid. Also, we         planned for 2022.

            Christmas Bake Sale Reminder
For those who ordered items from            the Christmas Bake Sale, pick up is

Monday, December 20th between          207 River St.
3:00 and 7:00 at the Church Hall at

                       Andrew’s Pence
    The Synod of Bishops of the        Many settled on another continent,
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church        where church buildings of the
(UGCC) has decided to hold a           UGCC are not everywhere, so that
collection, called Andrew’s Pence,     the faithful could not attend services
to support faithful of the UGCC        in their native Church. Wishing to
abroad where there is no permanent     provide all faithful of the UGCC
ecclesiastical structure.              with spiritual care, the bishops call
    More than 100 years ago            upon all to support the faithful of
Ukrainians started to leave their      the UGCC abroad in prayer and
native land in search of a better      financially, collecting the so-called
life, material welfare, and freedom.   Andrew’s Pence.

                2022 Church Calendars
The 2022 Church Calendars are          Church. The Calendars are free, but
available in the Vestibule of the      any donations will be appreciated.

           Festival of Christmas Carols
The annual Festival of Ukrainian       are invited to attend this annual
Christmas Carols will be held on       celebration to praise our new-born
Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 3:00 pm    King and our Lord Jesus Christ at
at our Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral    this Christmas time.
of the Immaculate Conception. All

           Collection Processing Team...
The Collection Processing Team         Team #4: Ron Barkofsky and Joe
for the month of December 2021 is      Smagula.

Sunday Collection for Dec. 11 & 12, 2021: $2,206.10

            Ss. Cyril & Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church
                                     135 River St., Olyphant, PA 18447-1435

                               Telephone: 570-291-4451                          Fax: 570-489-6918

                                                          Web Site:


                                                                Rev. Nestor Iwasiw, Pastor

     The Story of the Origin of Jesus Christ, Son of David, and the Rest of the Names

Eastern Christian Bulletin Service -- PO Box 3909 -- Fairfax, VA 22038-3909   Ph: 703-691-8862   Fax: 703-691-0513
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