February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish

Page created by Loretta Daniel
February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Today’s Gospel: Ma,hew 5:17-37 (shorter version) Jesus
said to his disciples, “Do not think that I have come to
abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish
but to fulfill. For I tell you, unless your righteousness
exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never
enter the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that it was
said to those of ancient $mes, ‘You shall not murder’; and
‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to
you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be
liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you
will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you
will be liable to the hell of fire. So when you are offering
your gi+ at the altar, if you remember that your brother or
sister has something against you, leave your gi+ there
before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother
or sister, and then come and offer your gi+. You have heard
                                                                     “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and
that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to
                                                                      pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has
                                                                   Today’s Gospel reveals the deeper meaning and purpose of
already commi,ed adultery with her in his heart. Again, you
                                                                   the moral Law of the Old Testament. Jesus states our
have heard that it was said to those of ancient $mes, ‘You
                                                                   righteousness must exceed even that of the most pious
shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you have
                                                                   religious leaders. Outward observance of the Law is not
made to the Lord.’ But I say to you, do not swear at all. Let
                                                                   enough. It is not enough that we do not murder, commit
your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this
                                                                   adultery, divorce, or lie. The ‘law’ of the new covenant is a
comes from the evil one.
                                                                   law that God writes on the heart. The heart is the seat of
                                                                   our mo$va$ons, the place from which our words and
Vangelo di Oggi: Ma eo 5,17-37 (Forma breve) In quel
tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Non crediate che io sia      ac$ons proceed. Jesus calls us to train our hearts, to master
venuto ad abolire la Legge o i Profe$; non sono venuto ad          our passions and emo$ons, to love God wholly, and to do
abolire, ma a dare pieno compimento. Io vi dico infa9: se la       his will from the heart. This is where the transforma$on
vostra gius$zia non supererà quella degli scribi e dei farisei,    takes place. Jesus is not giving us a rigorous set of rules to
non entrerete nel regno dei cieli. Avete inteso che fu de,o        follow but is describing what the transformed human
                                                                   person is like. His descrip$on is not an impossible ideal but
agli an$chi: “Non ucciderai; chi avrà ucciso dovrà essere
                                                                   is set forth as the normal commi,ed Chris$an’s life. True
so,oposto al giudizio”. Ma io vi dico: chiunque si adira con il
proprio fratello dovrà essere so,oposto al giudizio. Chi poi       righteousness is possible only by and through God’s grace.
dice al fratello: “Stupido”, dovrà essere so,oposto al                             Forty Hour Devo7on Our annual observance
sinedrio; e chi gli dice: “Pazzo”, sarà des$nato al fuoco della                    of the Forty Hours Devo$on is Thursday, Feb
Geènna. Se dunque tu presen$ la tua offerta all’altare e lì $                       27 to Saturday, Feb 29. The Forty Hours
ricordi che tuo fratello ha qualche cosa contro di te, lascia lì                   Devo$on is a special $me of con$nuous
il tuo dono davan$ all’altare, va’ prima a riconciliar$ con il     prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. While the Mass is the
tuo fratello e poi torna a offrire il tuo dono. Avete inteso che    central act of worship, Va$can Council II upheld and
fu de,o: “Non comme,erai adulterio”. Ma io vi dico:                encouraged the adora$on of the Blessed Sacrament outside
chiunque guarda una donna per desiderarla, ha già                  of Mass. Come and spend some $me in prayer before the
commesso adulterio con lei nel proprio cuore. Avete anche          Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. You can drop in for a
inteso che fu de,o agli an$chi: “Non giurerai il falso, ma         few minutes or spend a few hours. Please commit to a
adempirai verso il Signore i tuoi giuramen$”. Ma io vi dico:       specific $me, if possible, by marking your name on the
non giurate affa,o. Sia invece il vostro parlare: “sì, sì”, “no,    sheets in the foyer.
no”; il di più viene dal Maligno».
                                                                   School Form Signing Re-registration forms for SFA
Income Tax Receipts The 2019 income tax receipts are               Elementary and Notre Dame Secondary require Fr Gino’s
ready for pick up at the back of the church and are arranged       signature. He has set aside two dates for parents to drop in
in alphabe$cal order. Project Advance receipts, if applicable,     and have the forms signed. Parents, please come to the
are included in the same envelope. Any receipts not picked         office anytime between 3 pm and 6 pm on Tuesday, Feb 25
up this weekend will be mailed. Thank you for your support!        or Thursday, Feb 27.
February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Office Closed Monday The parish office will be closed on                       Mass Inten7ons and Parish Ac7vi7es
Monday for Family Day.                                            Sat Feb 15          5:00 pm † Maria Spitale
               Sta7onary Pews Many thanks to the Knights          Sun Feb 16          9:00 am † Giovanni Grasso
               of Columbus who secured our pews. They no          6th Sunday in                † Gisella & Giuseppe Lucche,a
               longer move around! No more interes$ngly           Ordinary Time
                                                                                      10:30 am † Darcy Jaudines
               slanted, roomy and wide or challenging and                             1:30 pm SFO Recollec&on & Adora&on
               narrow sea$ng. Thank you Knights!                                      5:00 pm All Parishioners
Family Dance Success A big thank you to the many families         Mon Feb 17                  Office Closed for the Holiday
and friends who came together to make our Family Dance at                             8:00 am † Antonio Prai
the Italian Cultural Centre such a huge success! The children
                                                                                              † Ernesto Cabrone
were dancing, the parents were dancing, and even Fr Gino
was doing the shuffle onstage. The event was an                     Tue Feb 18          6:30 pm Prayer for Virtues
outstanding show of the connec$on and engagement of our                               7:00 pm Perpetual Novena - St Francis
School and Parish community. This year, we combined our
                                                                  Wed Feb 19          8:00 am † Luigi & Angelina Capolongo
annual fundraising gala and annual family dance for one big
                                                                                              † Paul Nielsen
celebra$on, and it delivered. The event raised $24,000
towards the School Building Fund.                                                     9:00 am First Communion Retreat
                                                                                      6:30 pm Choir Prac&ce - Sun 10:30
              Ash Wednesday Lent is just around the corner,                           6:45 pm School Annual General Mee&ng
              star$ng February 26. There will be three                                7:00 pm RCIA
              Masses on Ash Wednesday - at 8:00 am, 9:15
              am (school Mass) and 7:00 pm. Lent is a holy        Thu Feb 20           8:00 am   † All Souls in Purgatory
              season and being marked with ashes indicates                            11:00 am   † Maria Spitale
our recogni$on of the need for deeper conversion of our                               11:00 am   SFA Over 50 Club
lives. Lent is not simply about what we ‘give up’; it is about                         5:15 pm   Legion of Mary mee&ng
replacing our favourite ac$vi$es, foods and desires with                               6:30 pm   Li8le Friends Walkabout
something that will draw us closer to God. Examples of this                            7:00 pm   Choir Prac&ce - Sat 5 pm
are increased prayer or Mass a,endance, Sta$ons of the            Fri Feb 21          8:00 am Spec Int Leo Strong
Cross, increased charitable giving, visi$ng the sick or
                                                                                      7:00 pm Engaged Couples mee&ng
anything else that opens us up to God’s grace.
                                                                                      8:00 pm Prayer for the Church
I Believe Part 2 We enjoyed Part 1 of Fr. Ain’s I Believe talks   Sat Feb 22          9:00 am    † John Langstaff
this week where he spoke about the early church, poli$cal         Chair of St Peter   9:30 am    Confession
scene and some heresies with clarity and humour. Everyone                             9:30 am    Rosary
is welcome to Part 2 on Thursday, Feb 27 at 7 pm.                                     5:00 pm    All Parishioners
            Ladies Apprecia7on Lunch All parishioners are         Sun Feb 23          9:00 am † Domenico Di Tomaso & family
            invited to a lunch organized by the Knights in        7th Sunday in                † Maria Crescenzo
            honour of the women in our lives. Men to serve        Ordinary Time
                                                                                      10:30 am † Caterina Zappavigna
            lunch to the Ladies. Sunday, March 1st from                               5:00 pm SFA Parish & School
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm. Raffle prizes available. All proceeds go
to fund the new school. Tickets are $30 and will be available                  SFO Recollec7on and Adora7on Everyone is
for sale by the Knights of Columbus a+er Mass.                                 welcome to join the Secular Franciscan Order
More Witnesses: Lessons for Living a Robust Public Faith                       (SFO) on Sunday, Feb 16 at 1:30 pm for a special
Chris$ans are being silenced in all walks of public life. Pro-                 event. Fr Ain will speak on The Teaching and
lifers are not allowed to run for poli$cal par$es and Catholic                 Prac$ce of St Francis of Assisi, followed by
doctors are being forced to refer pa$ents to be euthanized.                    Adora$on of our Lord in the church.
How should we respond to today’s challenges? Come listen          Bap7sms Bap$sms are scheduled at noon on Sundays.
to Canada’s former, and only, Ambassador of Religious             Parents, please call the Parish Office to arrange a date for an
Freedom, Fr Deacon Andrew Benne,, and learn how to                appointment with Fr Eugenio.
apply the hard-won lessons of such towering figures as
Saints Thomas More and John Henry Newman to today. This           Weddings Arrangements for weddings must be made at
event takes place Wednesday, March 4 at St Patrick Church         least six months in advance. Archdiocesan Marriage
in Vancouver from 7 pm un$l 8:30 pm. $15 $ckets can be            Prepara$on classes are mandatory. Please call the Office for
purchased online or at the door www.rcav.org/events               more informa$on at 604-255-8855.
February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Please support these businesses which directly support St Francis of Assisi Parish

                                                              Bell & Burnaby Funeral Chapel
                                                                             “The Slavin Family” – Since 1934

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vancouverbc@retrouvaille.org                                                            A Division of Service Corporation International
                                                                                                        (Canada) ULC

                                                                                  Medical equipment and
                   Knights                                                        Supplies
                of Columbus                                                       Compression garments
                                                                                  Mobility Aids

                Catholic men
                   serving                                          604-888-8811
                 the parish                                  2230 Springer Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5B 3M7
               and community                                            (near Brentwood Mall)
                                                             www.bcmedequip.com     service@bcmedequip.com

                                                                                                                             Thursdays at 11 am
                                                                                                                      Mass Meeting Social Bingo
                                                                                                                     All are Welcome! Italian spoken

                                                                          ST. FRANCIS OF
                                                                          ASSISI SCHOOL
                                                                           & PRESCHOOL
                                                                          and PRESCHOOL
                                                                           Teacher     specialists
                                                                            After    School
                                                                                  School ClubClub
                                                                 Award     winning
                                                                       winning     academic
                                                                               academic         and
                                                                                         and physical
                                                                   physical education
                                                                         education      programs
February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish February 16, 2020 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
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