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Welcome to St. George Church - cloudfront ...
Welcome to St. George Church
                   A Parish with Spirit and Heart!

                              October 3, 2021

                 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

   At some point in my spiritual history, it dawned upon me that a
consistent human flaw is to endow ourselves with Godly power. The most
grievous errors committed in Church history seem to stem from human
rules that attempt to dictate how God can act. Whether out of arrogance or
ignorance, humans tend to think they can tell God who can be saved and
who should be condemned. This hubris results in endless conflicts
stretching across millennium.
   A simple image that helps me keep this type of temptation in check is to
think about the cart before the horse adage. A right relationship will work
effectively with horses and carts, but this is not it! Our right relationship
with God will work effectively if we remember who is first in this affair!
Despite what some people think about themselves, we humans do not have
answers and knowledge enough to direct God to judge as we decide.
   It is with unending mercy that God cares for us. God’s love is
encompassing and eternal. God’s wisdom is perfect. We are created in the
image and likeness of God, yet we are creations, not gods. We are to seek
and follow the will of God. Our place and purpose is lofty but God is first
in all things. As we grow in accepting this aspect of reality, we are freed
from bearing the weight of the world, freed to allow God to be God and
freed to become our best selves.
                                                                  Sister Lori
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Our annual collection for our Twin Parish in Haiti is next week!
Fr. Laguerre of St. Michael the Archangel parish in Coq Chante,
Haiti, has written us about the parish activities and the living
conditions of the people. He expresses gratitude for the support
from St. George for the medical clinic and clean water program,
and suggests that expansion of clinic services such as for
childbirth would be beneficial. He thanks us for our programs to
construct latrines for and provide goats to the families of the
parish. Fr. Laguerre tells us that most parents cannot afford to pay
their children’s school tuition, which results in the teachers not receiving their full salaries. Our
support also makes it possible for children to go to school; keeping the parish school open is a
major concern. Most families now have the means to purify their water; it would be helpful to
have cisterns to store water from the wet season.
Life is hard for the people of Haiti. The programs supported by you provide vital assistance to
the people in the midst of all their hardships. Please be as generous as possible to this
collection for our twin Haitian parish. Thank you for your support, the people of St. Michael the
Archangel Parish greatly appreciate it.
Give online anytime at stgeorgercchurch.weshareonline.org/HaitiMission.

         WELCOME, Mateo Seymour Augustus Russo-Persico!
         We celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism of Mateo on Saturday, October 2nd
         at 11 am in the church. May God richly bless Mateo’s life and that of his mother,
         Kaitlin Russo.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples, “Let the children come to
me…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
This week, please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to
bring the love and mercy of Jesus to children who are hungry
and cold. Thank you and God bless all.

               Let us pray for… Doris Ellis, Jeanne McIntyre, Ronald Eckert, Cathy Castro,
               Rick Gonzalez, Bernard Connelly, Rosemarie Wagner, Lucille Grover,
               Joe Grover, Bill Frick, Rose Wolf and Cheryl O’Neil.

Thank you, Garden Angels!
If you watch over the parish grounds on a daily basis, as we in the office do,
you would notice that there are small but lovely improvements being made
without fanfare on a fairly regular basis. We are so grateful to those of you who
come and go quietly, keeping us looking good. Your efforts are appreciated!

            Fresh Altar Flowers have been donated to us this weekend by
            John and Amy Gottstine, in loving memory of Raymond Gottstine.
            Thank you, John & Amy, for beautifying our worship space with your gift!
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October is Respect Life Month!
This year, we are focusing on St. Joseph, defender of life. His unhesitating
adherence to God’s will as he faithfully and lovingly protected the Christ Child
and the Blessed Mother bears witness to our own call as Christians.
If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential, non-
judgmental help is available from Project Rachel Ministry.
October 2-3 is the collection for Respect Life Sunday for Moms & Babies.
                           Funds raised through this collection help to serve over 1,500
                           families in all eight counties of WNY through the ministries of five
                           St. Gianna Pregnancy Outreach Centers and the Mother
                           Theresa Home.
Please place your specially marked envelopes in the regular offering basket, or donate online
at stgeorgercchurch.weshareonline.org/RLS.

The Redemption of Scrooge - An Advent Retreat of Healing and Hope
Advent is a season of past, present, and future. Journey with the
ghosts in the classic Christmas favorite, Charles Dickens’, A Christmas
Carol, and experience seeing life and others with the eyes and heart of
Exploring the world of Ebenezer Scrooge together with scriptural references will bring healing
that ensures hope for a joyful celebration of the Christmas season. Hosted by the Church of
the Annunciation, our parish families of St. Vincent’s, Immaculate Conception, St. George,
and St. Joseph, are invited to participate. Space is limited, and the deadline for registration is
November 4th. Full details are posted on our bulletin boards and on our website at

Our Lady of Pompeii offers Grief Sharing Support Group this Fall
                If you’ve experienced the death of a loved one, consider joining them at Our
                Lady of Pompeii church on October 20, 2021 at 6:30 pm at 129 Laverack Ave.
                in Lancaster, NY.
They’ll meet on two Wednesdays of each month for 13 sessions, to watch videos offering
resources for coping with grief and loss, followed by refreshments and informal discussion. To
register, visit olpparish.com or call Sister Joyce at 683-6522 ext. 103.

Offertory procession with the gifts has resumed!
We have resumed processing with the gifts from the back of church to the altar.
It is often an honor for the family or friends of the persons named in the Mass
intention to carry the gifts up to the priest at the Altar during the Offertory hymn.
Please make yourself known to Sister Lori prior to the start of Mass if you wish
to bring the gifts up.

    “While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.”
                                                                                      ~ Francis of Assisi
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Mass Intentions for the Week
                                   (♥ denotes a living intention)
Saturday, October 2            5 pm      Joseph Arcara, by Tom and Pat Antkowiak
Sunday, October 3             10 am      Joseph Arcara, by Joseph and Josephine Pera
Monday, October 4              8 am      Paul Head, by Butch & Cindy Weeks
Tuesday, October 5             8 am      Lorraine Nuwer, by the Burkhart nieces & nephews
Wednesday, October 6           8 am      Communion Service
Thursday, October 7            8 am      Communion Service
Friday, October 8              8 am      In gratitude for favors received, by Anonymous
Saturday, October 9            5 pm      Marian Bull and Michael Hayhurst,
                                         by the Hayhurst and Lell families
Sunday, October 10            10 am      Joseph Arcara, by Joseph and Josephine Pera
    Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4:00 - 4:30 pm in the sacristy of the church.
                       The Memorare Chapel is open daily for prayer.
                                   Join members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in praying
                                   the Rosary at 7 pm Mondays in the Memorare Chapel. The
                                   Rosary Altar Society prays the Rosary on the fourth
                                   Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Chapel as well.

On most Saturdays at 4:30 pm, the Rosary is prayed in the church, prior to the 5 pm Mass.

Does your Employer offer Corporate Gift Matching?
We recently received a significant corporate gift as the result of one of
our parishioners requesting that their annual St. George offerings be
matched by their employer. Maybe your employer participates in
corporate gift matching? Learn more about Corporate Gift Matching at

                 Thank you for the gifts which you share with us!
                 Sunday and Holy Day gifts last week totaled $2,676.00. Maintenance and
                 Capital Improvement offerings for September totaled $746.00. Your
                 offerings for Seminary & Diaconate Formation totaled $292.00. Thank you!

                                              Contact Us
     Sr. Lori High, SSMN, Pastoral Administrator      Rev. Msgr. Jim Wall, Sacramental Minister
                             Office: 716.652.3153   Mobile: 716.292.4262
                      Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
                       www.stgeorgercchurch.org         stgeorge.wf@gmail.com
                 St. George Church 74 Old Glenwood Rd. West Falls, NY 14170-9704
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