January 10, 2021 St. Joseph Parish The Baptism of the Lord

January 10, 2021 St. Joseph Parish The Baptism of the Lord
January 10, 2021
                      St. Joseph Parish
                   The Baptism of the Lord

                                   Mass Times
   Weekend: Saturday: 4:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 12:00 P.M. (Spanish)
               Weekdays: Monday—Friday 8:00 A.M. & Thursday 6:00 P.M.
   Latin Masses: Wednesdays 9:00 A.M., Fridays 5:00 P.M., Second Sundays 2:00 P.M.
                          Administrator: Rev. William Evans

                                                Thank you to our Second Grade
                                                   Religious Education Class
                                                   for bringing the Christmas
                                                           story to life.

Parish Office: 920-787-3848 (you will be forwarded from this number for emergencies)
                     Email: office@stjosephwautoma.com
              Website: stjosephwautoma.com (a link to Mass on YouTube)
             *Watch Mass on our Facebook page at St. Joseph Catholic Church
January 10, 2021 St. Joseph Parish The Baptism of the Lord
Mass Schedule & Intentions                                Financial Report
               Public Masses
                                                                      Week Ending          Year-to-Date
Saturday, January 9                               Income (Actual)      1/09/21              7/1/20-6/30/21
4:00 P.M.    Gene Baumann
                 by Butch & Helen Cox             Envelopes           11,901.99            $ 143,785.04
                                                  Basket                2,048.32              18,275.03
Sunday, January 10
8:00 A.M.  Joyann Benz                            Other                   699.00              25,242.12
                  by Theresa Benz                 Total Income       $ 14,649.31           $ 187,302.19
9:30 A.M.     Kathy Larson                        EXPENSES (Actual)
                  by Friends
                                                  Total Operating      9,449.97              198,098.15
12:00 P.M. Living& Deceased Members
(Spanish)     of St. Joseph Parish                Over (Under) Cash $ 5,149.34             $ (10,795.96)
 2:00 P.M. Traditional Latin Mass                 BUILDING & GROUNDS
Monday, January 11                                Income             $ 1,033.00            $   12,773.50
8:00 A.M. Sophie Kolodziejczak                    Use of other funds       0.00                31,724.08
                  by Barb Przybylski              Expense                  0.00                39,306.88
Tuesday, January 12
                                                  B&G (Under) Cash    $ 970.16             $    5,086.35
8:00 A.M.   Paul Koenings
                by Tom & Patsy Koenings
5:00–6:00 P.M. Adoration/Benediction              SCRIP cards are available after all the weekend
Wednesday, January 13                             Masses. Call Jan to order cards or for questions on
 8:00 A.M. Intentions of the Cascino Family       how you can order from your home. 920-622-3891.
                  by Mongan Family                The profit since July 1, 2020 is now $2,572.21.
 9:00 A.M. For the deceased members of            Thank you to everyone who uses this program.
                The Roberts Family
Thursday, January 14
                                                         Congratulations to our January 5th
 8:00 A.M.    Poor Souls in Purgatory
                                                            Raffle Calendar Winners!
5:00–6:00 P.M. Adoration/Benediction/Confession
 6:00 P.M.   Phyllis McCardell                      $60 - Anita Rabiega, Franklin
                 by Jim & Helen Cook                $25 - David Vargas, Cedarburg
Friday, January 15                                  $25 - Florence Pitts, Crandon
 8:00 A.M. Intentions of Raha Family                $25 - Barb Kefer, Oconomowoc
                 by Mongan Family                   $25 - Lynn Kraklau, Mosinee
 5:00 P.M.     Traditional Latin Mass               $25 - Terry Martz, Wautoma
Saturday, January 16                                $25 - Sue Anderson, West Bend
4:00 P.M.    Jerry Hofmaier
                   by Alice Hofmaier                                Prayer Requests
Sunday, January 17
                                                  Please keep the following people in your prayers:
 8:00 A.M.  Marjorie Brust                        Sonny Pawluczek, Judy Gierach, Susie Sierra, Brian
                  by Tom & Patsy Koenings
                                                  Kelley, Lois Bielmeier, Jerry Locy, Kevin Kelm, Steve
 9:30 A.M.    George Melone
                                                  Dorsett, George Korleski, Eddie Emberson, Warfield
                  by Chris & Connie Melone
                                                  Family, Nicki Koenings, Betty Conklin, Don Daly, Kristin
12:00 P.M.     Living & Deceased Members
                                                  Aguilar, Kate Surprise, Shirley Barton, Gloria Sanchez,
                  of St. Joseph Parish
                                                  Geoffery Yeska, Holly Kallestad, Donna Tompkins,
                                                  Maureen Fahrenholz, Dawn Tyler, Sue Strey, Denise
                                                  Przekurat, Gail Trapp, Jean Unger, Paul Duquette,
                                                  Dick Yeska, Chuck Mrkvicka, Marianne Rubiano.
A note from Fr. Bill…

              EPIPHANY, Part II
It is beyond ironic that on the actual date of the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (January 6 vs.
the transferred date of January 3 this year) that our beloved country would fall even deeper into the
Godless abyss toward which it has been running headlong for quite some time now. The attack on
our nation’s Capitol; manifest anarchy leading to the death of at least four people and adding to the
litany of death and destruction we have witnessed month after month in the past year, proved without
doubt that an association with a particular political party or ideology does not guarantee the moral
high ground. Many have commented repeatedly in disgust as “those people” killed, burned, looted,
and pillaged. Yesterday was the antithesis of the real Epiphany, but an epiphany nonetheless. We re-
vealed to ourselves that “those people” are actually us - all of us. We re-demonstrated, as we have
done from time immemorial, the brokenness of our human nature that, when left to itself, can rapidly
devolve into the “black ops” of the devil himself.
Epiphany is a two-way street. The Lord reveals himself to us in multiple and varied ways so that we
might have every opportunity to respond to his revelation. The intimacy we ought to desire with Je-
sus is either promoted or obstructed by our human reaction to divine action. The goal of the Christian
journey in this life is to progressively put on Christ so that we may become more and more like him
in the process. The Epiphany of Jesus is a dynamic and continuous revelation of his divine nature to
us. The epiphany of the faithful is the manifestation of our response to divine revelation. We reveal
the progress, or lack thereof, of our “theosis” – the degree to which we have put on the mantle and
character of Christ in this life.
If Jesus Christ is our All-in-All and the focal point of our being, then our actions must match our
claim. When the Godless rabble acts out, it is an accurate portrayal of humanity enslaved to its own
broken nature, with no ability for self-redemption. But when the supposed Christian faithful act out in
league with the children of darkness, it is a devolution into functional atheism that promotes
re-enslavement to our disordered passions and a rebuff of the Christian ethos. Godlessness, whether
actual or functional, yields the same rotten fruit.
Imagine the profoundly different scenario that would have played out if all of the protestors in Wash-
ington, D.C. had marched to the Capitol Building and promptly dropped to their knees in humble
prayer for our country and for the legislators of every stripe attempting to do the required business of
government: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my
face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal
their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). What an epiphany that would have been!
Satan is attempting to divide us and create enmity between us in every manner possible. But neither
pandemics nor polemics nor other dark enterprises have a chance of winning our undoing if Jesus
Christ is the source and summit of our lives and the well-spring of our witness to the world.
Maybe we are finally on the verge of an all-important epiphany for the salvation of humanity: “For
whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our
faith” (1 John 5:4). Praised be Jesus Christ!
Religious Education                                    The week ahead at
         I hope that everyone had a happy                              St. Joseph Parish
                   and healthy New Year.                  Monday, January 11
 Continue to watch the website, bulletin and mail for       8:00 am Mass
       Religious Education News and updates.                8:45 am Remove Christmas décor - Church
           Wednesday, January 13th     Class              Tuesday, January 12
           Wednesday, January 20th     Class                8:00 am Mass
           Wednesday. January 27th     No Class           5-6:00 pm Adoration/Benediction-Dcn. Grimm
                                                           Finance, Bldg & Grounds Meeting—Cancelled
   Blessings, Paula                                       Wednesday, January 13
             Coordinator of Religious Education             8:00 am Mass
                                                            9:00 am Latin Mass
                                                                  Religious Ed classes –Grades 2, 10 & 11
                     Recently added on FORMED
                                                          Thursday, January 14
                    Finnian and the Seven Mountains
                                                            8:00 am Mass
                   Seeking to avenge the death of his
                                                          5-6:00 pm Adoration/Benediction/Confession
                   parents at the hands of Viking
                                                            6:00 pm Mass
                   marauders, a young man named
                                                          Friday, January 15
Finnian leaves his monastic school in Ireland to find a
                                                            8:00 am Mass
legendary sword rumored to have the extraordinary
                                                            5:00 pm Traditional Latin Mass
power to defeat evil. Find out what happens in the
                                                          Saturday, January 16
adventures of Finnian.
                                                            2:30 pm Confessions
For the adults…                                             4:00 pm Holy Mass
The Augustine Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray            Sunday, January 17
Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm is an exciting weekly           8:00 am Holy Mass
Catholic talk show that brings the truth and beauty         9:30 am Holy Mass
of the Gospel to Catholics all over the world.             12:00 pm Holy Mass (Spanish)
Dr. Tim Gray will have a special guest on each
show to discuss various topics.
                                                          If you are able to help take down Christmas
If you haven’t signed up for FORMED yet, that’s easy to   decorations, the fun will begin on Monday
fix. Go to formed.org—click “sign up”—enter your          morning after the 8:00 am Mass. Thank you!
email -click the link in your email and you’re in!

    Schedule for Eucharistic Adoration & Confession                   Readings of the Week
•Tuesday 5-6 pm, Adoration/Benediction only                 Monday * Heb 1:1-6 / Mk 1:14-20
•Thursday 5-6 pm with Benediction, followed by Mass         Tuesday * Heb 2:5-12 / Mk 1:21-28
                                         at 6:00 pm         Wednesday * Heb 2:14-18 / Mk 1:29-39
•First Fridays: Adoration from 9:00 - Noon                  Thursday * Heb 3:7-14 / Mk 1:40-45
               with Benediction                             Friday * Heb 4:1-5. 11
Confessions:                                                Saturday * Heb 4:12-16 / Mk 2:13-17
•Tuesday 5-5:45 during Adoration
•Thursday 5-5:45 during Adoration                                   Sunday, January 17
•Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 pm                                             Samuel 3:3b-10, 19
**First Saturday Mass at 9:00 am.                                 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20
The Mass will be prayed Ad Orientum using the                           John 1:35-42
Ordinary form of the Mass in English.
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