Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School

Page created by Bernard Lawson
Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School
Newsletter Term 3 Week 9             Tuesday, 17 September 2019

                                            Bebras Challenge
 This term VPS once again participated in the Bebras Challenge. Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote
 Informatics (Computer Science, or Computing) and computational thinking. Computational thinking involves using a set of
 problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs and apps. The Bebras challenge
 promotes problem solving skills and informatics concepts including the ability to break down complex tasks into simpler
 components, algorithm design, pattern recognition, pattern generalisation and abstraction. Congratulations to the 74
 students who joined the event. We achieved 1 distinction, 13 credits, 28 merits and 24 participations. Great results again!

                                                                Congratulations to our Super Athletes

                                                                  What a fantastic effort. Five of our students were
                                                                  successful at the Regional Athletics Carnival held last
                                                                  Friday and will now compete at the State Athletics Carnival
                                                                  to be held at Homebush, Sydney.
                                                                  Jasmin W, Rhianna D, Asha B and Victoria M qualified in
                                                                  the Senior Girls Relay and Pearl R was successful in the
                                                                  girls High Jump. Well done girls! VPS is very proud of you.

      George Caley Place, Vincentia 2540 | 02 4441 7180 |
Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School
As the term begins to wrap up, there is still so much to be done. For the next fortnight, Stage 1 teachers are getting our
 students to Swim School every day, this is such a valuable program and we are lucky to have a pool so close.
 This weekend I look forward to seeing many families at the P&C Movie Night. This is a wonderful community event, don’t
 forget your chair and blanket! There will be a variety of food items for sale including baked goods. If you are able to donate
 some baked goods to this worthy cause, please bring them along or speak to one of our hard working P&C team. If you can
 help out on the night, the team would love to hear from you too…. Many hands make light work!

 At our recent P&C meeting the issue of parking was again raised. Many of the concerns relate to the safety of students once
 they are out of the school gates. Each and every driver needs to be extremely vigilant during these times and ensure that all
 road rules are being followed. Parents and grandparents are also reminded that the staff parking area is only to be accessed by
 staff. During pick up and drop off times, high school students are also to follow the protocols for parents. No student is
 allowed to ride their bike on school grounds.

 As part of our annual school review we are seeking feedback from parents. The link below is to a parent survey that will
 provide both the Department of Education with information as well as Vincentia Public School. Please take the time to
 complete the survey, as this will help determine the future directions of the school.

 From the Principal
 Janine Hopwood

     Upcoming Events - Week 9
     Weeks 9 - Swimming Program Year 2                            Assembly Awards
                                                                  Congratulations to these students who will receive an award at
     Tuesday      Sep 17     Parent/Teacher Interviews            assembly on Thursday, 26th September at 2pm.
     Thursday     Sep 19     ICAS Mathematics                     K warrabugan            HB 1    Hannah H         Izabelle K
     Friday       Sep 20     Gymnastics Stages 2 & 3                                                               Kooper N
                                                                  K dhagala               HB 2    Aiden H          Amelia E
     Week 10 - Swimming Program Year 2
                                                                  Stage 1 - yiragala      HB 3    Bella-Grace C    Amelia G
     Thursday     Sep 26     Assembly 2pm -
                             Item Public Speaking                 Stage 1 - biruwa        HB 4    Layla W          Olive H
                             School Disco
                                                                  Stage 1 - walimbura     HB 5    Felicity F       Avalilly B
     Friday       Sep 27     Gymnastics Stages 2 & 3
                                                                  Stage 1 - djungga       HB 6    Indi S           Max K
                             Students last day of Term 3
                                                                  Stage 1 - baraaran      HB 14 Josie C            Rhiana E
     Term 4 - Week 1
                                                                  Stage 2 - mara          HB 7    Hadli L          Hayden W
     Monday       Oct 14     Students & Staff Return for
                             Term 4                               Stage 2 - gwiyala       HB 8    Cooper L         Katherine W
     Thursday     Oct 17     Kindergarten 2020 Parent             Stage 2 - dhawarri      HB 9    Cadell K         Tahlia B
                             Information Night 6pm - 7pm
                                                                  Stage 2 - nangga        HB 10 Isabel H           Myles R
     Friday       Oct 18     Dance K-2
                                                                  Stage 3 - muriyira      HB 11 Ethan A            Lucas M
     Tuesday      Oct 22     Kindergarten 2020 Parent
                             Information Night 6pm - 7pm          Stage 3 - dhuril        HB 12 Stephanie W        Finlay B

     Thursday     Oct 24     Grandparents Day                     Stage 3 - bilima        HB 13 Jack H             Gianna-Marie M
                             Assembly - Item HB 1 & 2
         George Caley Place, Vincentia 2540 | 02 4441 7180 |
Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School
Mountain Bike Adventure

 On Thursday 29th and Friday 30th August a small group of year 6 boys were lucky enough to accompany the
 Vincentia High School Mountain Bike Team to Mount Stromlo in Canberra to compete in the ACT Schools Mountain
 Bike Championships. The boys adventure started with their arrival at Stromlo Forest Park at lunchtime on Thursday
 when they were taken out and shown the race track. Then on to some fun, riding the trails with 64 high school
 students, 5 high school staff and a group of very keen parent helpers. Day 2 got off to an early start with the boys
 arriving back at the Stromlo Forest Park at 8am to set up, register for the race and have a warm up ride. The race
 kicked off at 10am with the boys riding in 2 teams in the junior male category, against a total of 76 teams which
 included riders from years 6, 7 and 8. The boys did incredibly well, with one team coming 15th and the other 36th,
 against some much bigger and very fast competitors. The race is a relay style race with one rider doing a lap of the
 5km trail, then tagging their next rider for a total of just over 4 hours. Gillie, Henry, Jethro, Brody, James, Angus and
 Darcy had a fantastic time and would like to thank the Vincentia High School Mountain Bike Team for making it
 possible to compete.

                                                                       biruwa Assembly Item
                             K-2 Athletics Carnival

                                                                        Congratulations class biruwa. What a great
                                                                        assembly item and your costumes were amazing!

                                                                       Notes Home This Fortnight
                                                                            School Disco
                                                                            Years K-2 ‘Rising Stars Dance Program’
                                                                            2019 KidzWish Christmas Party

      George Caley Place, Vincentia 2540 | 02 4441 7180 |
Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School
Kindergarten Enrolments for 2020
 Vincentia Public School has commenced enrolments for
 Kindergarten, 2020. Vincentia Public School is the local public
 school for residents in Vincentia (including Bayswood), Erowal
 Bay, Old Erowal Bay, Hyams Beach, Bream Beach and Wrights
 In accordance with the new Department of Education
 enrolment policy, parents planning to enrol their child will be
 asked to complete the 100-point residential address check to
 confirm they live within the school’s designated intake area.
 This means you will need to provide documents to verify your
 child’s current address. Please see the list of approved
 documents for the residential address check.
 To complete the enrolment process, parents will also need to
 1.      An enrolment application
 2.      Birth certificate, passport, identity document.
 3.      Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR),
         Immunisation History Statements (Obtained from
 In addition, if your child is the subject of family law matters you
 will need to provide copies of any family law or other relevant
 court orders.
 If your child has health, disability or other support needs, you
 will need to provide:
 1.      Copies of medical/healthcare or emergency action plans.
 2.      Evidence of any disability or other support needs,
         including any learning and support plans.
                                                                       Procedures for Entering the School Grounds
 Canteen                                                               To ensure that we are meeting safety standards it is critical
 Weekly Specials                                                       we know who is on our school premises and why they are
 Week 9 - Thursday 19 & Friday 20 September                            here. This is for child safety reasons as well as management
 Spinach & Cheese quesadilla - $5                                      of emergency situations. As school begins at 8:45am it is
 A toasted garlic wrap filled with a creamy, cheesy spinach            expected that parents have left the school grounds prior to
 filling.                                                              9am. As school finishes at 2:45pm it is expected that parents
 Week 10 - Thursday 26 & Friday 27 September                           do not arrive prior to 2:30pm.
 Tuna bites & salad - $5                                               Apart from special events such as school assemblies or open
 Mini tuna patties with lemon and a fresh garden salad.                days, all parents arriving after 9am or before 2:30pm should
 Just a reminder that lunches are made to order only. If you           report to the office when entering the school to sign in and
 send money to school with your child to buy lunch, please             collect a visitor’s badge, before going to classrooms or
 make sure they know to come and place their order at the              anywhere else within the school. All volunteers must report
 canteen before school starts. Orders need to be in no later           to the office upon arrival, to sign in and collect a visitors
 than 9am. Thank you to the parents who place orders                   badge. All visitors must sign out when leaving the school.
 either via paper bags or munch monitor.                               If you need to drop something off to your child that they have
                                                                       forgotten, such as lunch, recess, hat etc; you will need to
                                                                       bring it to the office and we will call your child up to collect it.
                                                                       If you would like to see a teacher we are more than happy to
                                                                       make an appointment for you. These procedures all assist in
      Lost Property

                                                                       keeping students safe and not interrupting their learning

                                                                       Where to Wait During Drop-off and Pick Up Times
                                                                       During the morning drop off, parents should only be on the
                                                                       cement area adjacent to the flagpole and pavers.
                                                                       During afternoon pick up, parents are reminded that they
                                                                       should wait on the grassed area outside the hall, the cement
                                                                       area adjacent to the flagpoles and near the pavers.
                                                                       To allow for the smooth flow of students to the pavers area at
                                                                       the end of the day…. Parents are asked not to stand in
                                                                       walkways. This includes the ramp outside the hall, the silver
  Our Lost Property Trolley is overflowing. Someone must own
                                                                       seats and ramp outside the staffroom.
  these items. Is it your child? Please check the box before the
ccend of term.
         George Caley Place, Vincentia 2540 | 02 4441 7180 |
Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School

                                               Parent Information Evenings will be held on:
                                                      Thursday, 17th October &
                                                     Tuesday, 22nd October 2019
                                                            6pm - 7pm
                                                          PARENTS ONLY

        These Information sessions will assist parents with the process of
       preparing their child for school in 2020. A variety of speakers will
           share information about the many aspects of school life.

                     Tuesday: 29th October, 2019
                  Wednesday: 6th November, 2019
                   Thursday: 14th November, 2019
                    Tuesday: 19th November, 2019
                   Thursday: 28th November, 2019
                          Time: 9am - 10am

     Please bring documents to the front office if you have
     not already done so [birth certificate, proof of ad-
     dress, (100 points required) immunisation history etc].
     For any enquiries please contact:
     4441 7180 or email
         George Caley Place, Vincentia 2540 | 02 4441 7180 |
Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School Bebras Challenge - Vincentia Public School
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