Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon

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Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
2020 | Sustainability Report
Delivering for a sustainable future
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
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Note: a number of images used within this document
were taken prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 in
2020. Social distancing measures have since been
put in place across the Company.

                                  AURIZON                                                          2020 | Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon

Managing Director & CEO message                       3
                   About Aurizon
                How we operate
            Governance and risk
                     Future of coal
 Climate change and environment
                    Tax at Aurizon
               Delivering for a sustainable future    1
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON              HOW WE OPERATE               GOVERNANCE AND RISK                        SAFETY

Aurizon’s FY2020
sustainability performance

     262                            $400
    milliontonnes of
                                 share buyback completed,
         commodities               and $514 million paid
            hauled                      in dividends

      charities supported
                                      of our employees
    through our Community           work across regional
         Giving Fund                locations in Australia

         22%                          6.15%
                                      of our workforce
       of our workforce
                                       is Aboriginal or
      is female, up from
                                    Torres Strait Islander,
        21% in FY2019
                                  up from 5.64% in FY2019

      improvement in our
                                      deterioration in
        Total Recordable
                                     Rail Process Safety
     Injury Frequency Rate
                                          in FY2020
    (TRIFR) against FY2019

increase in total greenhouse
                                 spent with suppliers,
   gas emissions against     a large percentage of which
  FY2019 (Scope 1 and 2)       was in regional Australia

2                AURIZON                                                      2020 | Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
FUTURE OF COAL                        CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                       PEOPLE                   COMMUNITY                     TAX

Managing Director & CEO message
On behalf of Aurizon, I am pleased to share         During FY2020, we delivered on                     However, Rail Process Safety, which includes
our seventh Sustainability Report.                  several key initiatives to further drive           operational safety incidents such as
                                                    long-term commercial sustainability for            derailments, signals passed at danger and
Aurizon is committed to being open and
                                                    the Company, including:                            collisions, deteriorated by 8%.
transparent on the environmental, social and
governance (ESG) aspects of our business,              Approval of the 10-year commercial              While it is important to note that over
with disclosures on how we operate and                 agreement with our customers who                the past decade there has been long-term
manage risks. In August 2019, the Australian           use the CQCN to transport their coal.           improvement in Aurizon’s safety performance
Council of Superannuation Investors rated              This agreement provides greater                 and culture, we remain absolutely focused
our ESG disclosures as ‘Leading’ for the               commercial, operational and investment          on driving further significant improvements.
fifth consecutive year. In addition, as of June        certainty for all users of the CQCN, and        We are continuing to invest in technology,
2020, we participate in the FTSE4Good Index            a platform for continued performance            processes and people to deliver more
Series, MSCI and Sustainalytics ESG Ratings.           improvement across the supply chain.            safety and efficiency benefits. In this
                                                       Our Bulk business has seen a very               report, you can read more about one of
This will be our fourth year reporting against         strong turnaround following its 2017-18         our initiatives, TrainGuard, which will support
the Task Force on Climate-related Financial            restructure, with new customers,                improved safety outcomes for our people
Disclosures (TCFD) as recommended by the               extensions to existing contracts,               and continued delivery performance for
Financial Stability Board (FSB). While our             and continued efficiency improvements.          our customers.
annual Sustainability Report remains the               The Bulk business now has a more
primary channel for engaging on all ESG                diverse revenue base by product,                The regional communities where we operate
matters, our inaugural Climate Strategy                which provides a more balanced platform         are very important to us. We understand
and Action Plan1 sets out our actions and              for the future. Bulk continues to focus on      the significance of contributing to these
long-term targets in reducing our emissions,           leveraging its diverse assets and facilities,   communities where our people work and
while contributing to the decarbonisation of           utilising available capacity, and flexibly      live. We have continued to support local
Australia’s transport supply chains.                   deploying its assets and people.                charities through our Community Giving
                                                       Bulk has also expanded its product              Fund by providing grants to assist a range of
Despite the emergence of COVID-19 this
                                                       offering, with the $25 million acquisition      community initiatives.
year, we have continued to provide safe,
                                                       of Townsville Bulk Handling and Storage,
reliable services to our customers, and                                                                During the year, Aurizon was pleased to
                                                       which has been renamed Aurizon Port
support the regional communities where                                                                 become a founding member of the Regional
                                                       Services (APS). This business has a
our people live and work. As Australia’s                                                               Australia Council 2031 (RAC2031) with the
                                                       long-term lease over assets at Townsville
largest rail freight operator, we have a critical                                                      aim of being able to give a greater voice
                                                       Port that are adjacent to Aurizon-owned
role in safely servicing freight and logistics                                                         and support to the future development
                                                       rail lines. We now provide storage
supply chains right across the country.                                                                of regional Australia.
                                                       and stevedoring services for a range
Our response to COVID-19 is anchored to                of customers that transferred with              I welcome your feedback on our 2020
our value of safety, with the health and               the acquisition. Long term, this will           Sustainability Report and invite you to
wellbeing of employees our top priority.               also provide the opportunity to                 send any comments to
I am proud of the outstanding efforts of our           increase rail utilisation through volume
employees during this very challenging time.           aggregation and to help grow earnings
                                                       for this business. These opportunities
We have worked hard to build a stronger,
                                                       are attractive to Bulk, given the existing
more sustainable business in recent years.
                                                       fragmentation in the market and the
In FY2018, we simplified our business model
                                                       benefits of converting volumes from
to focus on our core capabilities of hauling
                                                       road to rail.
bulk commodities and managing the
Central Queensland Coal Network (CQCN).             Despite the impacts of COVID-19 on global
Aurizon is also well positioned from a              steel production resulting in a softer
funding perspective, with a strong balance          demand forecast for coal in the first half of
sheet. These changes, together with                 FY2021, the fundamental demand drivers
the ongoing efforts of our employees,               remain. Australian coal export growth of
have supported our Company’s resilience             1-2% per annum is forecast over the
during this period of uncertainty for the           next decade, driven by infrastructure
national economy. We have found new                 development and energy demand in Asia.
and more flexible ways of working,
                                                    In FY2020, our safety performance
while also benefiting from our decentralised
                                                    results were mixed. Our Total Recordable
workforce with more than 80% of our
                                                    Injury Frequency Rate, which captures
employees working and living in regional                                                               Andrew Harding
                                                    the number of injuries to employees per
areas of Australia.                                                                                    Managing Director & CEO
                                                    million hours worked, improved by 10%.

1   To be published in October 2020                                                       Delivering for a sustainable future                       3
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON                                                       HOW WE OPERATE                                                           GOVERNANCE AND RISK                                                                              SAFETY

        About Aurizon
        Aurizon (ASX: AZJ) is Australia’s largest rail-based transport business and an ASX50 company.

        Our purpose is to grow regional Australia                                       What we deliver                                                                 these employees living and working in regional
        by delivering bulk commodities to the world.                                    As shown in figure 1, our operations primarily                                  communities in Queensland and New South
                                                                                        span Queensland, New South Wales and                                            Wales. The Coal business has a large fleet of
        Each year, we transport more than 250
                                                                                        Western Australia. Our biggest economic                                         locomotives and wagons, with total assets
        million tonnes of Australian commodities,
                                                                                        footprint is in regional Queensland, where our                                  in excess of $3 billion.
        connecting miners, primary producers,
        and industry with international and                                             employees support our coal haulage business,                                    As a supply chain partner for our customers,
        domestic markets. We provide customers                                          deliver bulk commodities, and ensure that the                                   we transported 214 million tonnes of
        with integrated freight and logistics                                           Central Queensland Coal Network (CQCN)                                          metallurgical and thermal coal in FY2020,
        solutions across an extensive national rail                                     is running safely and efficiently. Our key                                      connecting mines in the Newlands,
        and road network, traversing Australia.                                         operational areas are broken into three                                         Goonyella, Blackwater, Moura and West
                                                                                        business units: Coal, Bulk and Network.                                         Moreton systems in Queensland, and the
        We also own and operate one of the
                                                                                                                                                                        Hunter Valley and Illawarra coal systems in
        world’s largest coal rail networks,                                             Coal
                                                                                                                                                                        New South Wales, with domestic customers
        linking over 40 mines with five export                                          Our Coal business provides a critical                                           and coal export terminals. We haul around
        terminals in Queensland.                                                        service to Australia’s $55 billion2 export                                      half of Australia’s export coal volume.
                                                                                        coal industry, the nation’s second largest                                      Approximately 10% of the coal we haul is
                                                                                        source of export revenue in FY2020.                                             for domestic use, contributing to Australia’s
                                                                                        Through this business, we employ more                                           energy generation.
                                                                                        than 1,800 people, with a large majority of

        Figure 1 – Aurizon’s operations

              Legend                                                                                                     Darwin

                    CQCN (Network)
N (Network)         City / town
                    Port                                                                                                                                                                                         Cairns
 town                                                                              Broome                                               NORTHERN
                                                                                                                                        TERRITORY                              QUEENSLAND
                                                                                                                                                                                            Cairns                       Townsville
                                                   Broome                                                         NORTHERN                                                        Cloncurry
                                                                                                                                                                     Mt Isa                                                    Bowen
                                                             Port Hedland
                                                                                                                  TERRITORY                               QUEENSLAND
                                                           Karratha                                                                                                                  Hughenden           Collinsville
                                                     Dampier                                                                                                           Phosphate Hill               Townsville
                                                                                                                                                              Cloncurry                                                              Mackay
                                                                                                                                                Mt Isa                                                    Goonyella
                            Port Hedland
                          Karratha                                                                                                                                 Hughenden             Winton
                                                                                                                                                                                   Collinsville                                               Rockhampton
                                                                                                                                   Alice Springs                                        Newlands
                      Dampier                                                                                                                      Phosphate Hill                        Longreach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mackay                         Gladstone
                                                                                                                                                                                        Goonyella                            Moura
                                                                                        WESTERN                                                                                                                  Charleville
                                                                                        AUSTRALIA                                                                   Winton
                                                                                                             Alice Springs                                                               Quilpie       Blackwater        Rockhampton
                                                                                                                                                                    Longreach                                                                      Gympie
                                                                                                                                              SOUTH                                                     Moura
                                                         WESTERN                               Leonora                                       AUSTRALIA                                                                           Bundaberg
                                                   Geraldton                                                                                                         Quilpie
                                                             Morawa                             Kalgoorlie
                                                                            Perenjori                                                                                                                                          Gunnedah
                                                                                                                        SOUTH                                                     Broken Hill             Toowoomba
                                                                  Leonora                                              AUSTRALIA
                                                                                            Kambalda                                               Crystal Brook                                                              Hunter Valley
                                        Mullewa                Perth
                    Geraldton                               Kwinana
                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEW SOUTH
                            Morawa                                                                                                                                                                    WALES                           Sydney
                                             Perenjori                                           Esperance                                                 Adelaide                                       Gunnedah
                                                                                                                                                             Broken Hill                                                          Wollongong

                                                                                   Albany                                                                                                                                 Canberra
                                                              Kambalda                                                       Crystal Brook                                                               Hunter Valley
                                Perth                                                                                                                                                   Murtoa
                            Kwinana                                                                                                                                                VICTORIA
                                                                                                                                                                              NEW SOUTH
                            Bunbury                                                                                                                                             WALES   Melbourne Sydney
                                                                       Esperance                                                     Adelaide

                                                   Albany                                                                                                                                            Canberra



        2 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020, (customised report).

        4                                    AURIZON                                                                                                                                                  2020 | Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
FUTURE OF COAL                    CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                                 PEOPLE                   COMMUNITY                 TAX

Our Bulk business includes haulage of a
range of bulk commodities, such as iron
ore, bauxite, alumina, base metals, grain and
livestock. During FY2020, our Bulk business
delivered 48 million tonnes of commodities.
The business also provides supply chain
services to customers, including ballast
cleaning, hook-and-pull, and handling and
stevedoring services.

In Queensland, we service the North West
Minerals Province from Mount Isa to the
Port of Townsville, as well as the central
and south-west regions of the state.
                                                    A loaded Bauxite train in Western Australia
The acquisition of Townsville Bulk Storage
and Handling (renamed Aurizon Port
Services) during FY2020 has expanded our
supply chain capability in North Queensland.
To support Western Australia’s strong export
industry, we deliver our customers’ products
to the ports of Geraldton, Esperance,
Fremantle, Kwinana, Bunbury and Albany.

We operate and manage the CQCN under
a 99-year lease arrangement with the
Queensland Government. The CQCN connects
over 40 mines to five export terminals, as well
as to domestic customers (see figure 2).

The CQCN is a critical part of the supply
chain for Queensland’s coal industry
and delivers around half of all global              Loading of a cattle train in Julago, Townsville

seaborne export metallurgical coal.
This 2,670-kilometre multi-user track
                                                  Figure 2 – Aurizon’s Central Queensland Coal Network
network comprises four major coal systems:
Newlands, Goonyella, Blackwater, and Moura.
The Goonyella Abbot Point Expansion
                                                                                  Abbot Point
(GAPE) is the connecting system link for the                                                                                  Legend
Newlands and Goonyella systems.                                                                                                       Newlands
Access to our rail network is managed under                              Collinsville                                                 Goonyella
a process approved by the competition                                                                                                 Blackwater
regulator, the Queensland Competition                                           Mackay               Hay Point                        Moura
Authority (QCA). Because the network is a                                                            Dalrymple Bay                    Coal Export
regulated asset, network access charges are                                                                                           Terminal
approved by the QCA at a level designed to                    Moranbah         Coppabella
compensate the business and shareholders
adequately, reflective of the risk environment                                Dysart
in which we operate and to ensure safe and
efficient operations.                                                                                       Rockhampton
Together, our Coal and Bulk haulage                              Emerald                                                    Wiggins Island
businesses are referred to as ‘above rail’,           Alpha         Blackwater          Bluff                               RG Tanna

while our Network business is referred to                      Springsure                                            Gladstone
as ‘below rail’.

                                                                                                Delivering for a sustainable future                  5
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON                                          HOW WE OPERATE                                           GOVERNANCE AND RISK                                           SAFETY

As shown in figure 3, approximately 80% of our revenue relates to coal (Network and Coal businesses),
with our Bulk business contributing around 20%.

Figure 3 – Aurizon’s FY2020 revenue3 by major segment4

                                                        $1.263m                         $1.189m                            $609m

                                                          Coal                          Network                             Bulk

                                                                                              31%                        27%
                                Haulage split        42%                                                                         46%
                                 (volume)4                                             69%                               27%

                                                      Thermal                           Thermal                           Bauxite/Alumina
                                                      Metallurgical                     Metallurgical                     Iron Ore

Our strategy
Our strategy is defined by our purpose, vision and values. Our values are the behavioural principles that underpin
how we deliver safely and improve the business every day. Activities that are linked to our values are identified
throughout this report.
Our three strategic levers (Optimise, Excel, Extend) continue to provide a framework to guide the short- and
long-term focus areas for our business, aligned with these goals (see figure 4).

Figure 4 – Aurizon’s Strategy in Action


    Growing regional Australia by
    delivering bulk commodities to the world


    The first choice for bulk commodity transport solutions

    SAFETY                        PEOPLE                         INTEGRITY                   CUSTOMER                     EXCELLENCE
    We know safe,                 We seek diverse                We have the                 We strive to be              We set and achieve
    we choose safe                perspectives                   courage to do               the first choice             ambitious goals
                                                                 the right thing             for customers

    Strategic Levers

                 OPTIMISE                                           EXCEL                                                 EXTEND
                 our existing core business                         to create competitive advantage                       to grow our business and deliver long-term growth

3 FY2020 Revenue: Coal (Total revenue less track access), Network (Total revenue),             4 Haulage split by volume is based on Aurizon analysis.
  Bulk (Total revenue).

6                               AURIZON                                                                                                             2020 | Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
FUTURE OF COAL                             CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                             PEOPLE                    COMMUNITY                     TAX

FY2020 overview
We are focused on strengthening our core
business primarily through Optimise and
Excel programs and initiatives. In FY2020,
we have delivered several key milestones,
for example, we have:
   Substantially de-risked the near-term
   coal contract book, with only 13% of
   contracted volumes expiring in the next
   3 years, and 58% having a duration of
   greater than 7 years (an increase of
   9 percentage points against FY2019).
   Continued the implementation of our
   Access Undertaking (UT5), delivering
   greater commercial and operational
   certainty to our Network customers.
   Continued to progress our Precision
   Railroading program in the Moura and
   Blackwater corridors, which will raise
   productivity and increase capacity
   across our CQCN operations.
   Completed a sale of our rail grinding
   Implemented our optimised legal and                         accordingly. A key example is our Bulk              operations and supply chains to be
   capital structure to enable greater capital                 business, which has executed a strong               more efficient for our customers.
   efficiency and increase the funding                         turnaround from an Earnings Before Interest
                                                               and Taxes (EBIT) loss of $14 million in FY2017,     How we create stakeholder value
   capacity in our above rail operations.
   Completed a $1.3 billion debt refinancing,                  to a $90 million EBIT contribution in FY2020.       Through our business model, we create
   and issued a $500 million Network bond,                     We are now well advanced in switching               tangible and sustainable value for our
   providing significant liquidity and funding                 Bulk’s focus from transformation to growth,         primary stakeholders, including our
   certainty during the COVID-19 crisis,                       so we can better meet the evolving needs            employees, investors, customers, and
   with no debt maturities until 2023.                         of our customers and the markets we serve.          communities. Table 1 outlines the value
                                                                                                                   created in FY2020.
We continuously monitor our execution                          Beyond Bulk, we are continually scanning
against our strategy, our long-term goals                      the market for opportunities to grow and
and external factors, and adjust our focus                     enhance our business, including exploring
and initiatives in our strategic levers                        investments that enhance our core

Table 1 – Aurizon’s value chain

                             HOW AURIZON CREATES VALUE                                                      VALUE CREATED IN FY2020

 Investors                   Our integrated business model provides a defensive stream                           $514 million has been returned to investors
                             of earnings from our regulated track infrastructure (the CQCN),                     through dividends.
                             while our rail haulage business is largely leveraged to                             $400 million buyback completed, increasing
                             Australia’s metallurgical and thermal coal exports and other                        shareholders’ effective interest by
                             bulk commodities.                                                                   approximately 4%.

 Customers                   We generate business for our suppliers and convert their                            262 million tonnes of bulk commodities
                             inputs into reliable, safe and efficient supply chain solutions                     transported at an estimated value of over
                             for our customers.                                                                  $30 billion for our customers5.

 Employees                   We provide stable employment and rewarding career                                   More than 4,900 people employed.
                             development in a safe and high-performing work environment,                         $792 million in wages and benefits paid.
                             as well as the opportunity to contribute to the economic
                             prosperity of Australia.

 Community                   Our key role in bulk supply chains enables economic prosperity                      More than 80% of our employees reside
                             and growth for all Australians. We help sustain regional                            in regional areas.
                             communities by providing employment and economic benefits                           $408 million in taxes collected and paid6.
                             in areas where we operate.                                                          $1.3 billion spent with suppliers.

5 Estimated value of customers’ product, as calculated by Aurizon.
6 Excludes PAYG income taxes included in wages and benefits paid.

                                                                                                    Delivering for a sustainable future                        7
Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON                                            HOW WE OPERATE                                            GOVERNANCE AND RISK                                                SAFETY

How we operate
Our approach to sustainability                                    risk disclosures for use by companies                           Material priorities and relevant
                                                                  in providing information to investors,                          stakeholders
Our approach to reporting                                         lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders.                      Understanding our material impacts is
We keep stakeholders informed of our                              Our response to climate-related risks is                        necessary for developing our strategy and
corporate governance and financial                                outlined within the Governance and risk                         operating sustainably. Addressing these
performance via announcements to the                              chapter of this report. In addition to the                      impacts is key in creating sustainable
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)                              Sustainability Report, in 2020 we will                          value for our stakeholders.
and our website. Investors can access copies                      publish our Climate Strategy and Action
of announcements to the ASX, notices of                           Plan that will communicate our plans to                         We strive to ensure that our Sustainability
meetings, annual reports, policies, investor                      decarbonise our operations and provide                          Report reflects significant economic,
presentations, webcasts, and transcripts                          direction for our long-term climate                             environmental and social priorities that may
of those presentations on our website.                            change strategy.                                                influence strategic decision-making. As such,
                                                                                                                                  we continuously assess the material issues
In addition to the above disclosures,
                                                                  External participation and                                      that affect our business, our stakeholders,
we take a direct approach to reporting                            recognition                                                     and our operating environment.
environmental, social and governance
                                                                  With a focus on direct disclosures to                           As part of our process this year, we engaged
(ESG) disclosures to stakeholders with
                                                                  stakeholders, we take a selective approach                      an independent party to engage directly
the publication of our annual Sustainability
                                                                  to participation in external initiatives.                       with a selection of our key stakeholders
Report. This report is prepared with
                                                                  With an estimated 600 ESG ratings                               (see figure 5) to determine their
reference to the Global Reporting Initiative’s
                                                                  globally8, we consider each opportunity                         perspectives on the most important
(GRI) standards to provide investors with
                                                                  for participation with a view to actively                       sustainability issues for our business to
comparable information relating to ESG
                                                                  participate only where such initiatives                         manage. Our engagement with stakeholders
performance. Our approach considers the
                                                                  significantly add value for our stakeholders.                   confirmed that the existing categories
GRI’s principles for defining report content
that cover stakeholder inclusiveness,                             As at June 2020, Aurizon actively                               of material priorities that we have been
sustainability context, materiality                               participates in the FTSE4Good Index Series,                     reporting against remain inclusive of the
and completeness.                                                 MSCI, and Sustainalytics ESG Ratings9.                          key issues identified by stakeholders.

We recognise that our climate change                              In August 2019, Aurizon maintained a                            Aligned with our existing reporting,
disclosures are one of the key interests to                       ‘Leading’ rating for the fifth consecutive                      the engagement highlighted our
stakeholders. Since 2017, we have aligned                         year by the Australian Council of                               stakeholders’ continued interest in
our climate change-related disclosures to                         Superannuation Investors (ACSI) for                             themes such as:
the Task Force on Climate-related Financial                       corporate sustainability reporting in                               Our position on climate change, our
Disclosures (TCFD) recommended by the                             Australia10. Having received this rating for                        strategy for setting emissions reduction
Financial Stability Board7. This framework                        four or more consecutive years, Aurizon has                         targets, and our ongoing resilience in
enables consistent climate-related financial                      again been considered a ‘Leader’ by ACSI.                           a global low-carbon economy.
                                                                                                                                      Our strategy for regional economic
                                                                                                                                      impact, including investment through
    United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
                                                                                                                                      local spend, local procurement,
    The United Nations General Assembly’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
                                                                                                                                      and opportunities for community
    includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)11. The 17 goals and related targets
    act to address significant ESG issues across the globe. We began mapping our
                                                                                                                                      Our approach to promoting safety
    operations against the SDGs in our 2018 Sustainability Report. Acknowledging that
                                                                                                                                      culture in the way we manage our safety
    our business contributes to some SDGs more than others, we have continued to focus
                                                                                                                                      performance across our operations and
    on the five goals that are most aligned to our business, our values and our operational
                                                                                                                                      supply chain.
    environment: Good Health and Wellbeing (Goal 3), Gender Equality (Goal 5),
                                                                                                                                      Our approach to promoting supply chain
    Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8), Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                      transparency and ethical procurement.
    (Goal 9), and Climate Action (Goal 13). The links between these SDGs and our business
    activities are identified throughout this report.                                                                             These issues continue to be considered
                                                                                                                                  within report content, informed by our
                                                                                                                                  material priorities, as outlined in table 2.
                                                                                                                                  These priorities are listed in order of
                                                                                                                                  appearance in this report.

7 Financial Stability Board, Final Report: Recommendations of the Task Force on                   10 Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, ESG reporting by the ASX200. Available:
  Climate-related Financial Disclosures, June 2017.                                        
8 SustainAbility: Rate the Raters 2020: Investor Survey and Interview Results, March 2020.        11 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform. Available: https://
9 In addition, Aurizon also participates in the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) survey,
  which is required to be completed each year under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.

8                                AURIZON                                                                                                               2020 | Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COAL                   CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                       PEOPLE                   COMMUNITY                      TAX

Figure 5 – Key stakeholders

 Primary stakeholders                    Active interests
 Employees         Investors             Industry analysts   Rail network        Suppliers           Financiers             Non-government
                                                             providers                                                      organisations

 Customers         Communities           Governments         Regulators          Unions              Joint venture          Industry groups

Table 2 – Material priorities

 MATERIAL PRIORITY    DESCRIPTION                                                                                    CHAPTER

 Business model       How the structure of our business supports sustainable business practices and                        About Aurizon
                      enables us to operate efficiently and effectively. How we continuously improve
                                                                                                                           How we operate
                      through technology advancements, where possible, to reduce resource use, increase
                      productivity, and ultimately create value for the benefit of customers and shareholders.

 Customers            How we ensure that we are the first choice for our customers’ bulk commodity                         How we operate
                      transport solutions by delivering innovative, efficient and reliable services to help
                      our customers compete in global commodity markets. How we aim to maintain
                      collaborative engagement with our customers to provide competitive solutions.

 Regulation           How we continue to manage our operations and deliver value through regulatory                        How we operate
 and policy           processes, and advocate for policy improvements in areas such as energy and
                      emissions policies, and rail versus road access pricing.

 Business integrity   How we operate with integrity and conduct business ethically through our governance                  How we operate
 and transparency     structure and Code of Conduct. How we remain transparent in our interactions with
                                                                                                                           Governance and risk
                      internal and external stakeholders. How we promote transparency and sustainable
                      procurement practices with our direct suppliers across our supply chain.

 Governance           How our Board provides oversight and strategic direction to sustainability through our               Governance and risk
 and risk             clear governance structure. How we manage risk within our strategic framework,
                      including identification and mitigation of contemporary and emerging risks,
                      and low-likelihood, high-impact risks.

 Climate change       How we manage the climate-related risks to our business in alignment with the                        Governance and risk
                      Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
                                                                                                                           Climate change
                      recommendations, including our efforts towards decarbonisation of the freight
                                                                                                                           and environment
                      supply chain.

 Safety               How we manage the safety and mental wellbeing of our employees, contractors                          Safety
                      and communities, through promoting safety culture, avoiding workplace fatalities
                      and injuries, and ensuring public safety, recognising the key role that our safety
                      performance plays in building and maintaining trust with our stakeholders.

 Future of coal       How we continually monitor and evaluate the demand for and supply of Australian coal                 Future of coal
                      and key market drivers to test the resilience of our business under divergent and
                      plausible long-term scenarios, which in turn are used to inform strategic planning.

 Environment          How we effectively manage our environmental performance by maintaining clean air,                    Climate change
                      avoiding or offsetting impacts on native biodiversity, and minimising waste to landfill.             and environment

 People               How we promote a diverse and inclusive workforce across all management levels,                       People
                      strengthen organisational capability and talent acquisition and retention, career mentoring,
                      and invest in knowledge transfer from long-standing employees.

 Community            How we focus on growing regional Australia through our economic contributions and                    Community
                      local procurement, and our role in long-term community investment. How we manage
                      our impacts on the communities in which we operate through prioritising community
                      employment opportunities and transparent and collaborative community engagement.

                                                                                     Delivering for a sustainable future                         9
ABOUT AURIZON                             HOW WE OPERATE                               GOVERNANCE AND RISK                               SAFETY

Aurizon’s response to                            procurement, information technology,              space meant that our IT infrastructure
                                                 and core corporate processes.                     was already set up for remote working,
                                                                                                   enabling the shutdown of our Brisbane
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic,            Managing the safety of our                        office with little impact. Although the
we put several initiatives in place to ensure    workforce and communities
                                                                                                   office reopened at reduced capacity,
the safety of our employees, communities         In addition to increased staff awareness          the majority of our employees continue to
and customers, while maintaining the             on personal hygiene and enhanced                  work remotely. In developing working from
continuity of our operations. Recognising        cleaning protocols, early decisions by            home rosters, we have considered adopting
the ongoing health challenge, we continue to     the CMT included:                                 a sustainable approach to flexible working
monitor and adjust our response, guided by
                                                   Revising workplace protocols for                that can be maintained longer term.
advice from the Australian Government and
                                                   business continuity, including separation       We will continue to enhance flexible ways
respective state governments through this
                                                   of business-critical teams such as              of working at Aurizon in FY2021.
period of uncertainty.
                                                   Deployment, Critical Train Control,
                                                                                                   Recognising this changing environment,
Crisis Management Team                             and Payroll
                                                                                                   we also extended a range of resources
                                                   Revising rosters, schedules and
In response to the fast-developing situation                                                       to support the mental health and wellbeing
                                                   labour contingency plans
and the potential impact on our operations,                                                        of our employees. Aurizon’s Mental Health
                                                   Ceasing all non-essential travel
including demand for our customers’                                                                Peer Support Group is a new network
                                                   and training courses
products, the Crisis Management Team                                                               of Aurizon employees who are qualified
                                                   Bringing forward inventory procurement
(CMT) was assembled in early March 2020.                                                           Mental Health First Aiders and can
                                                   should supply chains be disrupted
This team included the Managing Director                                                           confidently support their peers in times
                                                   Transitioning to work from home
& CEO, Executive Committee, Chief Medical                                                          of need. Our Health & Wellbeing team
                                                   arrangements for employees not in
Officer, and Head of Risk & Assurance.                                                             also rolled out a series of webinars
                                                   operational or business-critical roles
                                                                                                   designed to inform and support employees.
The team is responsible for assessing the          Establishing a COVID-19 leave
threat to our operations, and developing           entitlement of 10 days paid leave               With these measures, we are supporting
appropriate and coordinated responses to           to support impacted employees                   social distancing, and safely contributing
ensure the continued reliability of the supply     Establishing a COVID-19 hotline (24/7)          to proactive steps that help contain the
chain, aligned with community and customer         for our employees.                              spread of the virus, maintain the safety
expectations. Our Market Intelligence team                                                         and wellbeing of our workforce, and provide
                                                 A significant change to our work
developed a dashboard identifying key,                                                             continuity of service for our customers
                                                 environment altered the nature and
short-term market indicators relating to                                                           in regional communities across Australia.
                                                 volume of work for many employees
commodity demand, enabling scenario                                                                We recognise the situation continues to
                                                 during FY2020. Employees who were
planning for our business units.                                                                   evolve, and we will continue to learn and
                                                 not in operational or business-critical
                                                                                                   adapt our approach as developments occur.
The CMT has also guided contingency              roles transitioned to working from home
planning in key areas, such as employee          arrangements. At a corporate level,               Our priority remains the safety, health and
health and wellbeing, supply and                 our previous move to a flexible working           wellbeing of our employees.

  Support for COVID-19 vaccine
  In April 2020, we announced a donation
  of $250,000 to help in the development
  of a COVID-19 vaccine by the University
  of Queensland (UQ) using its breakthrough
  Molecular Clamp technology.

  The work is being done with research partners – the Doherty
  Institute and the CSIRO – and aimed at fast-tracking a vaccine
  for the virus. Our funding will help the University bring on extra
  researchers, equipment and resources, and expand partnerships
                                                                          Image credit: University of Queensland
  with other globally recognised institutions on this important work.

10                      AURIZON                                                                                    2020 | Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COAL                    CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                       PEOPLE                    COMMUNITY              TAX

 Social distancing at our operations in NSW                                                          Workplace hand sanitiser station

 Supporting regional
 communities through
 We continued to work with our customers
 to offer flexible services throughout
 the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with
 our Bulk customer Linfox Logistics,
 we continued to safely deliver food
 and other essential goods for regional
 Queenslanders and thousands of other
 Australians. Additional capacity was
 added in March and April, lifting the
 number of weekly intermodal services
 by more than 20 per cent above normal
 levels to meet surging consumer demand.

 The increased collaboration with Linfox
 came after the two companies celebrated
 one year since Linfox’s successful
 acquisition of our Queensland Intermodal
 Business, incorporating the transfer of
 employees, freight forwarding, pick-up
 and delivery assets as well as rail            Loading Linfox freight on to an Aurizon train
 wagons to Linfox.

                                                                                      Delivering for a sustainable future                11
ABOUT AURIZON                                         HOW WE OPERATE                                         GOVERNANCE AND RISK                                                 SAFETY

Our customers                                                 Contract updates from our Bulk business                       In addition to commodities needed to
                                                              during the financial year include:                            build infrastructure, exposure to growth
We strive to be the first
                                                                  South32 Cannington: Executed an                           markets of fertilisers and batteries will
choice for our customers’
                                                                  11-year contract extension out to 2032                    unlock opportunities for our Bulk business.
bulk commodity transport
                                                                  for services on the Mt Isa corridor                       For batteries, the global uptake of electric
solutions through the
                                                                  Aurizon Port Services: Acquired                           vehicles (EVs) is expected to drive demand
delivery of efficient,
                              We strive to be                     Townsville Bulk Storage and Handling                      for commodities such as nickel, cobalt,
reliable and flexible
                              the first choice                    to extend supply chain services for Bulk                  copper and lithium.
services, while always
maintaining our focus         for customers.                      customers in North Queensland                             This is supported by State Government-
on safety. Our ability to                                         Incitec Pivot: New contract commenced                     led initiatives. In December 2019,
design, build and operate rail infrastructure                     in January 2020 for the haulage of acid                   the Queensland Government announced
enables us to effectively manage our                              and fertiliser on the Mt Isa corridor                     a $13.8 million New Economy Minerals
customers’ supply chains and interfaces                           BGC: New contract commenced in                            Initiative to encourage exploration for
between port and mine. We provide                                 June 2020 hauling cement products                         minerals, such as copper, nickel and
technological innovation and significant                          on the Kalgoorlie Freighter                               rare earth minerals, used in emerging
haulage experience for our customers each                         Rio Tinto: The commencement of                            technologies, including EVs and renewable
day to support the delivery of commodities.                       the contract for the operation and                        energy products12. Western Australia’s
                                                                  maintenance of Rio’s ballast cleaning                     Future Battery Industry Strategy also
Above rail portfolio                                              machine on its Western Australian                         outlines the state’s plans to become a
Our Bulk business has made strong                                 Pilbara network in February 2020                          globally competitive producer and
progress on its turnaround plan with                              Mineral Resources: The commencement                       exporter of battery minerals through more
a focus on continuous improvement.                                of the contract for the lease of                          exploration, innovation and investment13.
Our goal includes a focus on growth                               rollingstock, provision of mainline
markets, strategic partnerships, and better                       crew and Esperance yard operations
operational performance.                                          during FY2020.

  Aurizon invests in North
  In March 2020, we completed the acquisition
  of Townsville Bulk Storage and Handling,
  which operates bulk transport, handling and
  stevedoring services in North Queensland.
  The acquisition included all assets,
  equipment, existing customer contracts and
  long-term leases at the Port of Townsville,
  with bulk storage warehouses and handling
  facilities adjacent to Aurizon-owned rail lines.
  The business has been rebranded as Aurizon
  Port Services.

  The acquisition provides our Bulk business
  with the opportunity to extend supply chain
  services beyond our core rail capability.
  Aurizon Port Services will be complementary
  to our existing operations, because it sits at
  the end of the Mount Isa rail line connecting
  the Port of Townsville to the commodity-rich
  North West Minerals Province.

  Most importantly, we have been joined by
  over 100 employees with specialist port and
  transport capability who form the basis of
  Aurizon Port Services. We are delighted to
  have a team of passionate and highly skilled                        Port of Townsville
  employees join our Bulk business.

12 Queensland Government Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy:                13 Government of Western Australia Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation:
   New Economy Minerals. Available:            Future Battery Industry Strategy. Available:
   initiatives/new-economy-minerals.                                                          default-document-library/future-battery-industry-strategy-wa-0119.pdf?sfvrsn=ccc7731c_6.

12                             AURIZON                                                                                                           2020 | Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COAL                               CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                                     PEOPLE                          COMMUNITY                              TAX

Our Coal business continues to provide a                         Our suppliers                                                Local procurement
customer-aligned service. We are investing                                                                                    Our supplier relationships
                                                                 Our suppliers play a critical role in creating
in our fleet and technology with strategic                                                                                    extend from local
                                                                 value and enabling a sustainable future for
investments in asset performance and                                                                                          operators through to
                                                                 our customers, investors, employees and
utilisation. The Coal business’s engagement                                                                                   international suppliers.
                                                                 communities. As such, we want to engage
with current and prospective customers                                                                                        This gives us the
                                                                 with like-minded businesses.
on innovative commercial and operational                                                                                      flexibility to match
solutions continues to support evolving                          Working sustainably with                                     supplier solutions to the specific needs
customer needs. Our priority is the                              our suppliers                                                of operational requirements or a project.
continuation of operational efficiency                           We understand the importance of managing                     Through local procurement, we can generate
improvements supporting contracted                               ESG considerations with our suppliers.                       employment opportunities and provide
volume growth.                                                   During 2020, we published a Supplier Code                    economic benefits at all levels of
During FY2020, we had the following                              of Conduct that outlines our commitment                      the community.
updates for our Coal business:                                   to five key principles: Safety; Business
                                                                                                                              Inclusion at Aurizon goes beyond what
                                                                 Integrity; Labour and Human Rights;
    BlueScope: Commenced railings in                                                                                          we do internally as an organisation.
                                                                 Communities; and Environment. At a
    April 2020 installing Aurizon into                                                                                        Our ability to create greater social value is
                                                                 minimum, all suppliers to Aurizon will agree
    the Illawarra region                                                                                                      reflective of who we are. Our operations
                                                                 to our Supplier Code of Conduct when
    Peabody: Commenced railings in                                                                                            primarily span Queensland, New South
                                                                 onboarded to our systems. If the supplier is
    July across the CQCN and NSW                                                                                              Wales and Western Australia and, given
                                                                 onboarded as a result of a formal sourcing
    under new contracts                                                                                                       the regional nature of our business, we
                                                                 process, they will also be assessed against
    Coronado: Contract variation with                                                                                         recognise the importance of contributing
                                                                 these five key principles. The Code of
    additional volumes and term                                                                                               as partners in the communities where we
                                                                 Conduct is available in the supplier portal
    extension for the Curragh mine.                                                                                           operate. In FY2020, we spent an estimated
                                                                 on our website.
Our contract portfolio forms an important                                                                                     $1.3 billion with suppliers, a large percentage
part of our efforts to operate our business                      Modern slavery and human rights                              of which was in regional Australia. See our
sustainably. Our above rail contracts are                                                                                     Community chapter for more information.
                                                                 Given that our business forms a key part of
long-term, particularly in our Coal business,                    our customers’ supply chains, we recognise                   Increasing our spending with Indigenous
with 58% of the portfolio having a remaining                     the importance of responsible procurement,                   businesses is one way that we can create
contract life of >7 years (see figure 6).                        not only for our business, but for our                       greater social value impact and support
The long-term nature of our contracts                            customers’ operations as well.                               for the communities in which we operate.
provides greater certainty for our future                                                                                     As a part of our commitment within our
                                                                 We commit to supporting and respecting
revenue streams, as well as greater                                                                                           Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), we have
                                                                 the protection of internationally proclaimed
commercial and operational certainty for                                                                                      committed to increase our procurement
                                                                 human rights, as set out in the Universal
all stakeholders across the supply chains                                                                                     spend year-on-year (from a nominated
                                                                 Declaration of Human Rights15 and The Ten
in which we operate.                                                                                                          baseline of approximately $2 million)
                                                                 Principles of the United Nations Global
Figure 6 – Coal contract portfolio expiry                                                                                     with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-
                                                                 Compact16. In accordance with legislation,
profile (as at 30 June 2020)14                                                                                                owned businesses in order to improve
                                                                 we have published our first Modern Slavery
                                                                                                                              economic outcomes for those organisations
                                                                 Statement in 2020, which describes the
                                                                                                                              and Indigenous Australians. We achieved
                                                                 modern slavery risks in our operations and
                                    13%                                                                                       this in FY2020 with an overall spend of
                                                                 supply chains, and the actions taken to
                                 0-3 years                                                                                    $5.38 million, an increase of $1.29 million
                                                                 address those risks. A copy of the statement
                                                                                                                              from FY2019. Maintaining a membership
                                                                 can be found our website.
                                                                                                                              with Supply Nation17, which provides us
                                                                 We have adopted a principle-based                            with access to Australia’s leading database
                                                                 corporate governance framework designed                      of verified Indigenous businesses, is key to
                                                 29%             to promote responsible management and                        allowing us to achieve this commitment.
                                                 >3-7            conduct of our Company across a range
     58%                                         years
                                                                 of disciplines.
   >7 years
                                                                 We understand our responsibility to respect
                                                                 human rights and commit to providing
                                                                 transparency on our slavery risks and
                                                                 how they are being addressed.

14 Announced contract tonnages may not necessarily align with current contract tonnages.      16 United Nations Global Compact, The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. Available:
   Incorporates contract extension options where applicable. Includes immaterial variations
   to volume/term not announced to market.                                                    17 Supply Nation is an organisation that works to connect verified Indigenous businesses with
15 United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Available:      paid corporate, government and not-for-profit members in every state and territory
   universal-declaration-human-rights/.                                                          in Australia. Available:

                                                                                                              Delivering for a sustainable future                                        13
ABOUT AURIZON                              HOW WE OPERATE                                GOVERNANCE AND RISK                                SAFETY

Our future with                                  TrainHealth enables real-time access to this       Regulation and policy
                                                 data to help improve locomotive reliability,
technology                                                                                          Transport infrastructure and operations
                                                 problem diagnosis, driving techniques and
We are continuously                                                                                 are subject to policy positions and regulation
                                                 operational safety.
improving our operations                                                                            from governments that significantly affect
by developing innovative                         TrainHealth is initially being installed across    investment and the current and future
technologies for the                             the Siemens electric locomotive fleet in           use and efficiency of supply chains.
benefit of employees,                            the CQCN, with installation expected to be         We contribute to policy development
customers and shareholders. We deliver           completed by December 2020.                        processes, and engage through industry
these prioritised technology investments                                                            associations, including in the following areas.
in conjunction with people, process,             TrainGuard
                                                 TrainGuard is a platform utilising                 Final regulatory approval for the
and data change.
                                                                                                    Revised UT5 Access Undertaking
                                                 ETCS (European Train Control System)
Application modernisations                       technology to support driver decision              In December 2019, the Queensland
(AppsMod)                                        making, particularly in relation to speed          Competition Authority (QCA) approved
AppsMod is a multi-year program to               control and signal enforcement. TrainGuard         Aurizon Network’s Revised UT5 Draft
decommission more than 10 legacy systems         will support safer and more efficient              Amending Access Undertaking (Revised
and replace them with three platforms            train operations with fewer rail process           UT5 Access Undertaking) for the CQCN,
that can be used on multiple devices.            safety issues and improved train handling.         providing long-term commercial and
The program will streamline and standardise      TrainGuard is also a pathway to expanding          operational certainty for users of the
business processes, introduce new                our driver-only operations in Central              CQCN. As a result of the landmark
functionality, and improve the visibility of     Queensland. Operational demonstration              agreement reached with customers,
real-time data and information. Our employees    of TrainGuard was completed as planned             we now have a regulatory model that
will be better able to make informed decisions   in FY2020. Following this, the business            delivers long-term investment certainty
and do their work more effectively.              decision to proceed with deployment                and promotes productivity and performance
                                                 of TrainGuard across Blackwater and                in the Queensland coal supply chain.
We will also deliver capability to make
                                                 Goonyella has been communicated to                 The key elements of the Revised UT5
more information directly available to our
                                                 stakeholders. TrainGuard’s next phase is           Access Undertaking include:
customers and network providers, so that
                                                 deployment on the Blackwater mainline
we build the best customer experience within                                                              Extending the term of the Access
                                                 (Callemondah to Bluff) in 2021.
the rail industry. By removing duplication                                                                Undertaking to 10 years, from 1 July 2017
of effort and inefficient processes, we will                                                              to 30 June 2027, enabling improved long-
increase use of assets and reduce operational                                                             term investment decisions for the CQCN
losses. We will also be able to reduce costs
associated with supporting multiple systems.

We have already seen benefits of this
program through the delivery of key features
in the first half of 2020, with the remaining
functions to be released incrementally over
the coming years.

TrainHealth and TrainGuard
We continue to work on strategic
technology investments designed to
improve the safety and productivity of
our rollingstock and people.

TrainHealth refers to a leading-edge
technology designed to be fitted to the
Siemens electric locomotive fleet in the
CQCN. It enables real-time monitoring
of locomotive performance, making train
operations safer and more efficient.

The technology monitors the condition
of critical locomotive components,
engine performance and train handling.
Access to existing data sources, such as
the event recorder, has been augmented
with access to other data channels providing       Aurizon employees in Callemondah in front of an
                                                   ETCS-fitted locomotive (image taken in October 2019)
key indicators of locomotive health.

14                      AURIZON                                                                                       2020 | Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COAL                            CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT                                     PEOPLE                         COMMUNITY                             TAX

   Greater customer involvement in                        very important. Transport infrastructure and                     regulatory approaches to rail freight
   assessing and pre-approving strategies                 rail supply chain assets are underpinned                         infrastructure and operations compared to
   and annual budgets for asset renewals                  by investments with timeframes of up to                          road. This means that Aurizon and other rail
   and replacement (capital expenditure),                 30 years. The absence of clear, long-term                        freight operators are placed at a disadvantage
   and maintenance expenditure                            emissions reduction policy settings adds to                      when it comes to costs, infrastructure
   The ability for operating cost efficiencies            the uncertainty and difficulty for the private                   provision and regulation compared to truck
   to be retained by our business                         sector when making investment decisions.                         operators, particularly on key regional
   An improved return that better reflects the            This may mean that the opportunity for                           freight corridors where rail and road
   risks of owning and operating the CQCN                 more innovation to maximise future benefits                      compete to transport the same products.
   A rebate mechanism to customers if our                 of new investments is not fully realised.
   business performs below target levels.                                                                                  Policy changes are needed to address a
                                                          It is also important that current and                            number of substantial disadvantages for rail
The QCA’s approval of the Revised UT5                     short-term emissions reduction policies,                         freight compared to road, including inequity
Access Undertaking meant that the                         including the Safeguard Mechanism18 and                          in infrastructure costs, first-mile barriers,
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)                   the Climate Solutions Fund19, recognise the                      including costly or inefficient links between
that we earn increased from 5.7% to 5.9%;                 substantial benefits of electric traction,                       production sites and rail infrastructure, and an
this increase was backdated to 3 May 2019.                and are flexible and responsive in allowing                      inconsistent focus on enabling improvements
It will increase to 6.3% upon completion of               access to emissions reduction incentive                          and investment in the performance and
the independent capacity assessment of                    arrangements for freight operators that use                      competitiveness of rail freight.
the CQCN. If a capacity deficit is identified,            electric traction. We continue to contribute
the WACC increase to 6.3% will start when                                                                                  Informed by these challenges, we continue
                                                          to consultation processes and to engage
we notify relevant parties of proposed                                                                                     to focus our policy development and
                                                          directly with the Australian and state
options to address that deficit.                                                                                           engagement efforts on improving the
                                                          governments on the need for more policy
                                                                                                                           performance and the use of rail,
Network’s focus is now on the effective                   changes, including improvements to the
                                                                                                                           considering the specific circumstances
implementation of the reforms in UT5 and on               Safeguard Mechanism.
                                                                                                                           and needs of different freight corridors.
continued improvement and efficiency gains.
                                                          Rail freight policy                                              This includes advocacy for:
Importantly, the new body to independently
assess Network capacity, Coal Network                     We contribute to developing and advocating                          Targeted infrastructure investments or
Capacity Co Pty Ltd, has been established,                policy positions aimed at increasing the use                        development incentives relating to:
and work on this assessment has begun.                    of rail freight.                                                    — Links between rail networks and
As part of the UT5 process, we agreed that                                                                                       ports, including the potential for more
the CQCN would remain a declared service                   Benefits of rail freight                                              capacity and/or more efficient rail
and be subject to regulation under the                         Environment: Road freight produces                                freight operations at ports
Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997                      16 times as much carbon pollution as                           — Incentives for freight customers or
for the next 20 years.                                         rail freight per tonne kilometre20.                               potential future freight customers to
                                                               Safety: Rail transport is a far safer                             choose rail freight, including for the
Energy policy                                                                                                                    development of new production facilities.
                                                               mode of transport than road, with the
As one of the largest energy consumers in                      freight volume carried by one freight                          Working with ports to identify actions
Queensland, we operate the only electrified                    train equivalent to the volume carried                         they could take to increase freight carried
heavy-haul rail network in Australia.                          by 150 semi-trailer trucks21. Over the                         by rail to ports, informed by actions some
Reliable and affordable electricity is                         course of a year, the freight task carried                     have taken, including the Fremantle Port.
important for our business and our                             by one train removes the need for                              Prioritising improvements to both
customers. We have consistently                                thousands of truck journeys on our                             national and, where applicable,
advocated for the competitiveness                              roads, reducing congestion and                                 state-based regulatory frameworks and
of electric traction and have made                             improving safety.                                              procedures to enable more productivity
substantial investments for improvement.                       Productivity: Significant economic                             and innovation in the rail freight industry.
                                                               and productivity gains are achievable                          — Changing the remit of regulatory
However, the realised efficiency and
                                                               where there are large volumes of                                  agencies to include improvements
environmental benefits of electric traction
                                                               freight and/or where the freight is                               to rail freight productivity as a
over the medium to longer term are
                                                               carried over longer distances.                                    core objective.
dependent on clear and effective policies
from the Australian and state governments.                                                                                 We will continue to work closely with others
Over the last two years, policy actions                   Despite these important benefits, many bulk                      in industry to advocate to governments
aimed at reducing the price of electricity                freight products, including some resources,                      the case to level the playing field for rail,
and improving the reliability of supply are               processed minerals and agricultural freight,                     enable rail freight to increase the volumes
welcome. Lowering electricity costs reduces               have increasingly been transported by                            of freight carried on key regional corridors
the risk of the substitution of electric                  heavy vehicles, even where there is rail                         and realise the benefits that rail freight offers
traction locomotives by diesel locomotives.               transport available.                                             to customers and the communities in which
                                                          The reasons for this shift in freight from                       we operate.
At the same time, a clear and consistent
long-term emissions reduction policy is also              rail to road include different policy and

18 The Safeguard Mechanism provides a framework for       19 Under the Australian Government’s Climate Solutions Fund      20 Deloitte Access Economics 2017, Value of Rail:
   Australia’s largest emitters to keep their emissions      (previously the Emissions Reduction Fund), we, along with        The Contribution of Rail in Australia.
   at or below emissions baselines set by the Clean          other large energy emitters, are required to keep emissions   21 NSW Government: Consultation Paper: Clean Air for
   Energy Regulator.                                         within baseline levels as part of the Safeguard Mechanism.       NSW, 2016.

                                                                                                           Delivering for a sustainable future                                    15
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