Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015

Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Vodafone Turkey

Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015

4    Vodafone Turkey

5    Our Contribution to Economy

6    Our Approach to Sustainability

11   Our Customers and Society

17   Innovation

18   Base Stations and Health

19   Responsible Supply Chain

20   Environment

24   Health and Safety

28   Our People

34   Corporate Security

36   Our Performance Against Objectives

40   Vodafone Turkey Foundation

49   Reporting Principles

50   GRI G4 Content Index

56   Independent Assurance Statement
Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
About the Report

About the Report
We created our fifth sustainability report, as the previous one, in accordance with the GRI G4 Guideline and
AA1000 Assurance Standard.

We acknowledge the fact that sustainability of our corporate success        environmental, social, economic, and ethical issues through various
in the long-term depends on our ability to offer solutions that             stakeholder dialogue mechanisms. We devised and implemented
create transformation and change as well as our ability to operate          strategies for the issues identified accordingly. An independent auditing
responsibly and ethically. In line with this principle, we hereby issue     company provided assurance that the information in this report is
our fifth sustainability report in order to maintain interaction with our   identified and reported in accordance with the AA1000 Assurance
stakeholders and disclose our company’s performance. Our report             Standard. Selected GRI G4 indicators were also audited. The statement
focuses on our main efforts to create sustainable value for our business,   for the mentioned audit is presented on the last page of this report,
the environment, society and our employees.                                 together with audit results of the selected indicators.
In Accordance with GRI G4
We developed the contents of this sustainability report in accordance
with the “core” option of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) G4 Guideline.
Within the scope of the “Materiality Disclosures Service” provided by the
                                                                                         Vision, Mission,
GRI, we received confirmation that the indicators between G4-17 and                      Values
G4-27 are indicated accurately in the report and in the GRI Content Index
at the end of the report.
                                                                                         Our Vision:
Scope of the Report
                                                                                         Leading the digital transformation in Turkey.
We put together the content of this report largely considering the
main issues raised by our key stakeholders – namely, our customers,                      Our Mission:
employees, regulatory bodies, non-governmental organizations, and
the society. Using our sustainability strategy as basis, we disclose our                 Inspiring every individual in Turkey for a better
approach to key environmental, social, economic, and ethical issues                      future through communication technologies.
identified in cooperation with our stakeholders and the associated
performance we achieved in 2014-15 fiscal year. Our report also                          Our Values:
transparently includes targets for the next fiscal year and performance                  We provide fast, high-quality, simple and
evaluation against our previous targets. Unless mentioned otherwise, all                 reliable services while helping our customers
data in the report cover the fiscal year of 1 April 2014 - 31 March 2015.                enjoy the opportunities in life and realize
                                                                                         their full potentials. We are committed to be a
Boundaries of the Report
                                                                                         customer-obsessed, innovative and competitive
In this report, “Vodafone Turkey”, “our company” and “we/us” phrases
                                                                                         international company with local roots admired
have been used to refer to “Vodafone Turkey Group Companies”.
                                                                                         by its customers.
Vodafone Turkey Group Companies refer to the following companies
which are included in the consolidated financial statement: Vodafone
Telekomünikasyon A.Ş., Vodafone Dağıtım A.Ş., Vodafone Teknoloji
Hizmetleri A.Ş. (OKSIJEN), Vodafone Net İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.,
Vodafone Holding A.Ş., Türkiye Vodafone Vakfı (Vodafone Turkey
Foundation), Vodafone Bilgi ve İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş., Vodafone
Elektronik Para ve Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş., and Vodafone Mobile
Operations Limited. Unless mentioned otherwise, the report covers all
of these companies. Regarding Vodafone Mobile Operations Limited (in
Northern Cyprus), only its financial data is included in the report.
Our Solution Partners
We perform operations -including installation and management of base
stations- with increasing support from our solution partners. We obtain
sustainability data of our suppliers that are accountable for management
of assets we control. In addition, we report health & safety performance                     We appreciate your inputs!
of contractor companies. Our stores and third party call centres make up                     Your feedback on this report is valuable to us.
an important part of our solution partners.                                                  You are welcome to share your opinions and
                                                                                             suggestions via e-mail:
Independent Assurance Statement for AA1000 Standard                                             surdurulebilirlik@vodafone.com
This year we continued to implement our sustainability management
systems and reporting process in parallel with the AA1000
Assurance Standard devised in line with principles of transparency
and accountability. We identified value-creating and essential

Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Message from Vittorio Colao

Message from Vittorio Colao
CEO, Vodafone Group Plc

Mobile and digital communications transform lives and livelihoods. As of   Vodafone Turkey understands the different ways in which digital
31 March 2014, our core business – connecting people and businesses –      solutions can help to transform lives and livelihoods and can also enable
has fundamentally reshaped how 446 million customers in 26 countries       businesses to prosper both socially and economically. A customised
communicate, share, create, learn and grow and thus realise their          enterprise readiness index, designed by the Turkish team, is helping
individual and collective potential.                                       businesses identify how the expanded use of digital solutions and
                                                                           technologies can further improve their efficiency. Over the past year, the
At Vodafone Group, we are committed to achieving our business              platform has been used to identify the digital needs of nearly 35,000
goals while seeking to act at all times with openness, integrity and the   enterprises, which are extending their use of technology to reduce both
highest standards of corporate responsibility. We expect everyone who      operating costs and carbon emissions.
works with us to have the utmost respect for privacy, human rights
and freedom of expression. We also think carefully about our role in       The beliefs, aspirations and concerns of our diverse stakeholders
mitigating climate change, reducing environmental harm, ensuring           continue to shape our performance and success, influencing the way in
ethical conduct throughout our supply chain and tackling gender            which we make decisions. We hope that this report demonstrates how
inequality. Operational safety remains a key focus at Vodafone. We         our global business strategies and local market operations play an active
believe all incidents are preventable and have put in place a number of    and positive role in addressing a range of critical social and business
programmes to seek to ensure that everyone who works for us goes           issues.
home safely to their families at the end of each day.
                                                                           Vittorio Colao
From the farmer in Turkey who uses our mobile services to enhance crop     Group Chief Executive, Vodafone Group Plc
productivity and reduce pesticide use, to the new mother working for
Vodacom Mozambique who will benefit from the same support offered
to her peers in Europe under our new global maternity policy, we strive
to have a positive impact on the way people manage their daily lives.

Our core business – connecting people and
businesses – has fundamentally reshaped
how 446 million customers in 26 countries
communicate, share, create, learn and
grow and thus realise their individual and
collective potential.

2     Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report
Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Message from Gökhan Öğüt

Message from Gökhan Öğüt
CEO, Vodafone Turkey

Digitalization is becoming more and more effective in our daily lives.          footprint resulting from our own operations. By establishing energy-
Especially with the transition from dial-up connection to broadband in          efficient networks, switching sites, data centres and buildings, we take
the last 20 years, both fixed and mobile broadband technologies have            measures to reduce our energy consumption and greenhouse gas
taken up an important place in our lives. We, as Vodafone, believe that         emissions. In this regard, with Vodafone’s Istanbul Küçükyalı Digital
digitalization will be the determining factor in the future world, thanks to    Operations Centre opened in early 2015, we became the first mobile
its innovative and transformative power. Considering that digitalization        operator in Turkey to be awarded Platinum Certification by LEED
is also a prerequisite for economic welfare and development in Turkey,          (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
we announced the “Digital Transformation Movement” in November
2013 with the aim of leading the digital future of our country. In the          We know that the sustainability of our corporate success in the long-
first year of this Movement, we introduced digitalization to more than          term depends on operating in a responsible and ethical manner. With
five million individuals. In addition, with the “Ready Business” program        this in mind, we seek inputs from our stakeholders in identifying the main
aiming to reveal Turkey’s digital map, we launched a dialogue process on        sustainability issues. With regular stakeholder engagement workshops,
digitalization with 770 thousand businesses.                                    we aim to improve our performance to meet their expectations for
                                                                                sustainability. So far, we have organized 4 stakeholder engagement
Meanwhile, under our digital transformation vision, we continue to drive a      workshops (two of them in 2014) with participation of a wide group
concept of sustainability with “Mobile for Good” philosophy. To improve         including opinion leaders, public institutions and NGOs and the media.
the quality of life for the whole society, we work hard to make broadband       During these workshops, we evaluated our sustainability performance as
connection more accessible and available for active use. In addition            well as solutions that may create change and transformation. As a result,
to carrying out social responsibility projects through Vodafone Turkey          we deployed mobile applications including “Red Light”, “Accessible
Foundation for individuals in need, we have also been implementing              World” and “Respect Green”, identifying our next focus areas as “smart
social business models for commercial and social investments for the            cities” and “young entrepreneurs”.
last six years, in order to add value to the lives of our customers. For this
purpose, we consolidated all our products, services and projects for the        We also attach great importance to reporting on our sustainability
people with disabilities under the “Dreams Club”. “Dreams Academy”,             efforts. We proudly present our fifth sustainability report prepared in
the key pillar of this program, has touched the lives of 3,500 people. 465      the light of our dialogue with stakeholders and in accordance with
thousand women benefitted from “Vodafone Women First” program                   our spearheading approach to sustainability. Created in line with the
that we created to help women enjoy equal opportunities in the social           principles of “transparency” and “accountability”, as in the previous years,
and economic life. “Vodafone Farmers’ Club” program -designed for               this report presents the sustainability strategy, commitments, practices
and launched to the global market to transform business processes               and performance of our company.
of farmers and help them prepare for the digital future- reached 1,250
                                                                                As Vodafone Turkey, we will continue to consider sustainability an
thousand farmers in Turkey.
                                                                                integral part of our core business strategies and take on pioneering
We believe that machine-to-machine (M2M) technology plays an                    efforts for a more sustainable future.
important role in environmental protection and energy efficiency.
                                                                                Gökhan Öğüt
Therefore, leveraging on Vodafone’s global M2M experience of 20 years,
we offer our corporate clients major advantages, including fuel and
                                                                                Vodafone Turkey
energy savings and reduction in carbon emissions. On the other hand, in
order to identify digitalization needs of businesses so that they can keep
pace with the new dynamics of the fast-changing world and get prepared
for the future, we created the “Ready Business” program. Our goal is to
improve Turkey’s current digitalization index from 52% to 75% in the near

We feel the adverse effects of global warming and climate change
more severely with each passing day. As Vodafone, we use information
and communication technologies as key enablers in environmental
protection and combatting climate change, and work to reduce our

Created in line with the principles of
“transparency” and “accountability”, as in
the previous years, this report presents the
sustainability strategy, commitments, practices
and performance of our company.

Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Vodafone Turkey

Vodafone Turkey
In the new phase of the “Digital Transformation Movement”, we will focus on being the communication
company that leads the digital transformation in Turkey.

Corporate Performance
Being part of the Vodafone Group -one of the world’s largest international                                             “The Mosts” of Vodafone Turkey
mobile communication providers in terms of revenues- Vodafone Turkey                                                   • The fastest growing operator in terms of total mobile revenues in the Turkish
                                                                                                                         mobile telecommunications market.2
is the second largest mobile communication company in Turkey with
                                                                                                                       • The operator that has achieved the highest increase in mobile revenue market
21.1 million1 customers as of 31 March 2015.                                                                             share in the Turkish mobile telecommunications market.3
Committed to contribute to the growth of Turkey driven by a strategy                                                   • According to the results of an independent survey, the most recommended
to make digital connection easy and accessible for everyone, Vodafone                                                    operator by its customers in Turkey.4
Turkey increased its total revenues by 17.1% in the 2014/15 fiscal year                                                 “The Firsts” of Vodafone Turkey
(1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015) and reached TL 7.5 billion– in other                                                    • The first and only company in Turkey to receive AA1000 Assurance for its
words, the all-time highest revenue level. According to the data provided                                                sustainability reporting efforts.5
by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority, as of                                                     • The first company in the Turkish technology and telecommunication sectors
March 31st, 2015, number of customers reached the highest level so                                                       to have ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System Standard
far – 21.1 million1. While the number of post-paid customers increased                                                 • The first company in Turkey to obtain BS ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety
to 9.1 million1 with a net gain of approximately 1.3 million1 customers,                                                 Standard Certification.
the ratio of post-paid customers in the total base increased to 43%1. In                                               • The first telecommunications company to obtain Equal Opportunities Model
the last quarter of 2014/15 fiscal year, ARPU (average revenue per user)                                                 (FEM) certification, run locally by KAGİDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of
                                                                                                                         Turkey) with technical support from the World Bank.
reached TL 22.9.
                                                                                                                       • The first and only telecommunications company to provide 43% discount in
In 2014/15 fiscal year, our company continued to offer customers                                                         VAT (value-added tax) and ÖİV (Special Communication Tax) to the people with
mobile broadband tariff options and a large web-enabled device portfolio                                                 disabilities and facilitate their access to mobile communication technologies.
for every budget in order to promote use of mobile internet services.                                                  • The first telecommunications company selected as a Great Place to Work in the
                                                                                                                         Turkish telecommunications industry.
Thanks to the Smart Device Smart Communications Platform
                                                                                                                       • The first operator that has an electromagnetic field (EMF) policy and manages
(ACAİP) which makes choosing, purchasing and using smart phones                                                          this matter under the coordination of an expert team within its organization in
easy, straightforward and accessible, our smart device penetration figures                                               Turkey.
reached another record breaking level of 46% in the final quarter of                                                   • The first company to implement “Transformational Leadership” cultural change
2014/15 fiscal year. Again, in 2014/15 fiscal year, our company achieved                                                 program in Turkey.
                                                                                                                       • The first operator in Turkey to be awarded Platinum Certification by LEED
59% increase in data revenues. In addition, driven by the “İş Ortağım”                                                   (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) with the Vodafone Digital
(Business Partner) platform and Complete Communication                                                                   Operations Centre.
Services strategy, in 2014/15 fiscal year we achieved 14.5% growth in                                                  Note: The information above is as of the end of 2014/15 fiscal year.
corporate mobile services revenues compared to the previous fiscal year.

    Vodafone Turkey in Figures*

                            21.1 million1                                      TL 7.5 billion                                       35.2%                                                 1,200
                            Customers                                          Revenues                                             Market share                                          Stores

                            7,799                                              3,300                                                40,000                                                400
                                                                                                                                    People in our
                            Employees in stores                                Employees                                                                                                  Vodafone Volunteers

                Some of the Mobile
                Apps We Developed
                                                                            Red Light                  VMarathon                 Respect Green                  M-Wallet                      Farmer’s Guide

    *Figures are as of the end of 2014/15 fiscal year.

1 The number of customers given in this Report is based upon the criteria set by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority.
2 Calculated on the basis of the statements of the operators in our fiscal year (1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015).
3 Based upon the “Market Data of the Turkish Electronic Communication Industry” report of the Information Technologies and Communication Authority and financial statements of mobile operators in our fiscal year (April 1st,
  2014-March 31st, 2015).
4 TNS, Vodafone Benchmark NPS, March 2015.
5 By June 2015.

4        Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report                                                                                                                   For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr
Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Our Contribution to Economy

Our Contribution to Economy
With an ecosystem of 40,000 people, including our employees, members of our distribution and communication
channels, and suppliers, we make major contributions to the Turkish economy.

Our Contribution to Economy                                                                            Our Contribution to Public Policy
In the 2014/15 fiscal year, our total income increased to TL 7.5 billion and                           Telecommunications is a highly regulated industry, as the services
we transferred this amount to the state as taxes, to our employees as salaries                         provided are of public nature. Regulatory authorities mainly focus on
and benefits, and to our suppliers in exchange of products and services as                             issues such as market structure, competition, licensing, and access to
well as to research and development, investments in infrastructure and base                            network infrastructure. These authorities are responsible for the public
stations. Our business operations also have a multiplier effect that indirectly                        policies to be implemented in order to ensure sustainable growth of the
contributes to local economies where we operate.                                                       sector.
                                                                                                       At Vodafone Turkey, we are committed to fulfil our responsibility to
Taxes and Investments                                                                                  participate in development of competition policies to prevent distortion
Within the scope of the “Digital Transformation Movement” that we launched                             of competition and to ensure a sustainable competitive environment. For
to promote end-to-end digital development of Turkey, we invested TL 1.3                                this purpose, we regularly exchange information on different platforms
billion in 2014/15 fiscal year. The total sum of our investments (mainly                               with regulatory authorities, other public institutions, non-governmental
purchasing, infrastructure and base station investments) from 2006 to the                              organizations, and the general public. Our goal is to ensure that:
end of 2014/15 fiscal year reached TL 14 billion. We also contribute to the
                                                                                                       • Competition policies are implemented efficiently and in a target-
welfare of Turkey with our tax payments on behalf of our customers (VAT,
                                                                                                          oriented manner,
special communication tax, etc.). In the last 8 years, we paid more than TL
21.1 billion in taxes to the Turkish government.                                                       • Current regulations in the market are reviewed and the best policies are
                                                                                                          adopted in the light of international examples,
                                                                                                       • Regulatory obstacles against products and services that improve the
  Major Indicators of our Contribution to the Turkish                                                     general welfare and development of the society are overcome,
  Economy                                                                                              • Innovation and sustainable investment are encouraged for fixed and
                                                                                                          mobile broadband infrastructure, network and services,
  Direct revenue contribution:
  Taxes paid (Million TL)                                                      1,074                   • Efficiency and effectiveness is improved by driving the impact of
                                                                                                          Information Technologies in every aspect of the economy and
                                                                                                          digitalizing the economy,
  Direct revenue contribution:
  Other non-tax fiscal payments (Million TL)                                    664                    • Scarce resources (mainly frequency) are used in an effective and
                                                                                                          efficient manner.

  Indirect revenue contribution:
  Taxes such as VAT and special communication                                 1,863
  tax, paid on expenditures (Million TL)

  Capital Investments
  (Million TL)                                                                1,251
  Direct employment
  (number of people)                                                          3,297
  Note: Figures given in the table are audited as part of the Vodafone Group and reflect the 2014/15
  fiscal year data of Vodafone Turkey Group of Companies.

                                                                                                         New Investments for “Digital Transformation”
Employment Creation                                                                                      In line with our vision to lead digital transformation in Turkey,
Telecommunication services, by their very nature, have the potential to                                  technology investments have the highest share in our total
increase employment and invigorate the economy. As Vodafone Turkey,                                      investments. With such investments we ensure that more and
we directly employ 3,297 people, and provide “indirect employment”                                       more individuals and organizations benefit from the opportunities
for a total of approximately 40,000 people including the employees                                       created by mobile communication technologies. We attach special
of our suppliers providing products and services, store employees and                                    importance to helping our customers use these technologies
employees of third parties that we outsource.                                                            uninterruptedly and with the highest possible capacity. Therefore, we
                                                                                                         invested approximately TL 24 million in Digital Operations Centre in
Our call centres that operate on a 24/7 basis are at the heart of                                        Küçükyalı, Istanbul. The Centre, where 1,200 people are employed,
our investment and employment capacity. In order to contribute to                                        represents a further step in service investments for creating excellent
overcoming of the problem of youth unemployment and help the cities                                      customer experience. Considering the critical role that mobile
in Anatolia get their fair share of investments, we continue to open                                     communication industry plays, we believe such investments will
call centres in Anatolia. Number of employees at our nine call centres                                   also leverage the economic development in Turkey. We will continue
located in Afyon, Ankara, Elazığ, Istanbul (Ayvansaray and Küçükyalı),                                   our investments so as to meet the demands of our ever-growing
Izmir, Samsun, and Şanlıurfa reached a total of 3,570 people, 992 of                                     customer base.
them being our own staff members.

                                                                                                                                For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr          5
Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Our Approach to Sustainability

Our Approach to Sustainability
We make use of the transformative effect of mobile technologies to ensure a sustainable future.

Adopting a “dual-responsibility” approach, we, at Vodafone, are
committed to provide solutions that drive transformation and change            Sustainability Management
while operating in a socially, environmentally, economically, and ethically    Our sustainability efforts are led by Vodafone Turkey CEO. Vodafone
responsible manner.                                                            Turkey’s Executive Committee members and their teams are
Under our digital transformation vision, our major priority is to offer        responsible for managing various sustainability aspects within
                                                                               the company and monitoring performance. Corporate Relations
innovative products and services that add value to individuals’ lives
                                                                               department is responsible for expanding sustainability strategies to
and support the development of national economy by improving                   each department of the company and disclosing the results through
the efficiency of organisations. Using the benefits of technology for a        sustainability reports.
better life, we provide equal opportunity for access to knowledge. We
contribute to improving the quality of life of our customers and the           With a vision inspired by and know-how gained from Vodafone
                                                                               Group, we, as Vodafone Turkey, adopt a “dual- responsibility”
society by facilitating agriculture, healthcare and financial services,
                                                                               principle in our operations. In other words, we manage our
promoting social inclusion of people with disabilities and supporting
                                                                               commercial and social investments with a holistic approach.
women’s participation in the economy.
                                                                               We are faced with many sustainability challenges while carrying
In terms of environmental sustainability, our effort to reduce greenhouse      out our operations and we handle them through our corporate
gas emissions per base station continues incessantly. In addition, we          policies and management systems. Through participatory dialogue
create opportunities for improving efficiency, reducing fuel and energy        and cooperation models, we learn our stakeholders’ opinions,
consumption and cutting costs thanks to the digitalization solutions we        expectations and suggestions regarding sustainability and we
offer to our enterprise customers, including machine-to-machine (M2M)          integrate them into our corporate strategies.
communication applications. Thus, we also help our customers reduce            Our sustainability management and reporting practices take into
their carbon emissions.                                                        consideration our economic, environmental and social impacts.
                                                                               Since our first implementation of the globally-acknowledged
In terms of social sustainability, we are aware of the fact that our
                                                                               AA1000 Accountability Principles and Assurance Standards in
responsibility for health and safety covers not only our employees, but
                                                                               2011/12 fiscal year, we conduct our sustainability activities in line
everyone working across our supply chain. We have continuous efforts           with principles of “integrity, materiality and responsiveness”.
to improve our performance, which is already recognized as the best
practice within our industry. Through Vodafone Turkey Foundation, we           Through stakeholder engagement and participatory
implement various social investment projects to meet the social needs.         communication models that have become integral parts of our
                                                                               sustainability strategy, we regularly review our material issues. We
In terms of ethics, confidentiality of customer data and secure internet       transparently share our related commitments and targets as well
for children are among our key concerns and we remain committed to             as our performance against these targets with our stakeholders
maintain our efforts to that end.                                              through a variety of means, including our sustainability report.
                                                                               We take a number of actions and support a variety of initiatives
We also continue to launch new initiatives to make sure that each              to increase awareness on sustainability among our customers,
Vodafone employee is a “sustainability ambassador” to help us reach our        suppliers, stores, and most importantly, our employees.
social, environmental, economic, and ethical targets and commitments.

    Our Approach to Sustainability and Current Strategic Issues

     Vision                Making use of the transformative effect of mobile technologies to ensure a sustainable future

     Mission               Performing in a socially, environmentally, economically, and ethically responsible manner

                           • Ensuring that each of our internal stakeholders is a “sustainability ambassador” to help us reach our social,
                             environmental, economic, and ethical targets and commitments
                           • In terms of environmental sustainability, focusing on the improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of
     Strategy                carbon emissions in order to:
                               • Reduce energy consumption resulting from our own operations
                               • Offer smart business and M2M solutions to our external stakeholders

6     Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report                                                                  For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr
Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Our Approach to Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                             G4-18, G4-19, G4-21, G4-25, G4-26, G4-27

Materiality                                                                          monitored closely. Issues that are listed in the upper left section of the
                                                                                     graph are issues where we have low impact, but which are of interest
Our sustainability efforts are mainly focused on the issues that matter
                                                                                     to our stakeholders. As expected, issues that are directly related to
most to our company and our stakeholders which also shape the
                                                                                     our employees are not major concerns for all of our stakeholders but
content of this report.
                                                                                     we attach great importance to such issues due their impact on our
During a workshop we held in 2012 with the participation of                          corporate success. These issues are listed on the bottom right corner.
representatives from various departments, we identified our key
stakeholders and material sustainability issues. After completing                    This report focused on the material issues listed on the upper right
this process, which received assurance within the scope of AA1000                    section of the graph, and provided data on the issues listed in the other
Assurance Standard, we regularly review and update our material                      two sections of the graph.
issues in line with the developments and feedback we receive from our                In this report, we mentioned issues that may be material not only to our
stakeholders as well as the strategies of the Vodafone Group. Feedback               company, but also to our suppliers. In terms of sustainability, especially
we receive from stakeholders through various dialogue platforms allows               health and safety and supply chain related issues are managed in a way
us to regularly update the most material issues and even to develop                  that also covers our suppliers. The report boundary for the other GRI
our products and processes accordingly. These platforms and issues                   indicators is for the Company only.
discussed are given in the “Stakeholder Dialogue” table below.
                                                                                     In short, we developed the contents of this report based on the material
Key Stakeholders                                                                     issues listed in the graph below, where the impact of Vodafone Turkey is
Our stakeholders are individuals and organizations that may impact or be             relatively high.
impacted by our company’s operations. We find it important to maintain
dialogue with our stakeholders, to take their opinions and suggestions

into consideration, and to disclose our performance transparently to                                                                                                Customer satisfaction
all stakeholder groups. This fifth sustainability report is based upon the                                                                                          Customer privacy
accountability and stakeholder dialogue processes of AA1000 Assurance                                                                      Children and             Using mobile communication
                                                                                                                                                                    technologies for the benefit of people
standard, which proves the importance we attach to stakeholder                                                                             secure internet
                                                                                                                                           Creating                 Access to communication by all social
dialogue.                                                                                                                                  employment               groups
                                                                                                                                           Contribution to          Solutions creating transformation and
                                                                                      Importance for stakeholders

Our Stakeholders                                                                                                      Water                economy                  change
                                                                                                                      Contribution to      Innovation               Health and safety*
                                                                                                                      public policies                               Energy and greenhouse gases
                                                                                                                      Environment-                                  Corporate security and business
                                SUPPLIERS                                                                                                  Paper
                                                                                                                      friendly                                      continuity
                                                                                                                      products             Sustainability in
                       S                            EM                                                                                                              Business ethics and anti-corruption
                     ER                               PL                                                                                   the supply chain*
                  TOM                                   OY
                                                          EE                                                                                                        Base stations and health, EMF practices
                 S                                          S
                                                                   RE AND N

                                                                                                                                          Employee satisfaction
                                                                      IND NTATIVES

                                                                         SE Os

                                                                                                                                          Diversity and inclusion

                                                                                                                                          Talent management, training and career development


                                                                                                                                          opportunities for employees

                              VODAFONE                                                                              Low          Economic, environmental and social impact of the issue                   High
                                                                                     * Issues that are related to our own operations as well as our suppliers.
                                                                   BOD ATORY


                                                                                                          Employees’ Opinions on Sustainability

                                                                                                          While creating the content of our sustainability report 2014/15,
               M LO
                                                                                                          we held a survey among our employees to identify the issues that
            CO C

             AL MU CA                                        IE

               GO NIT L
                                                           IT                                             they consider important. According to the results of the survey:
                 VE IES                               IV
                   RN AND                           UN                                                    • 79% of our employees are aware of the company’s
                        NTS      SOCIETY                                                                    sustainability practices. They receive this information mainly
                                                                                                            through internal communication sources and “Respect the
                                                                                                            Environment” mobile application. 32% of our employees learn
Material Issues                                                                                             these practices through our sustainability reports.
While identifying our material issues, we follow the guidance of the “Four                                • 77% of our employees believe our company’s sustainability
Principles for Defining Report Content” stated in GRI G4 Guidelines.                                        practices are highly sufficient or sufficient, whereas 20%
However, we consider not only the aspects and indicators in GRI                                             consider such practices “partially sufficient”.
G4, but also the issues related to our sector, issues reported by the
                                                                                                          • The most important issues identified by our employees include
Vodafone Group and the feedback from our stakeholders. Issues that are
considered to be the most important by our stakeholders and those with                                      (regardless of the order of importance): customer privacy,
the highest economic, environmental and social impact are considered                                        customer satisfaction, access to communication by all social
the most material issues.                                                                                   groups, using mobile communication technologies for the
                                                                                                            benefit of people, paper consumption and saving, energy
The most important issues for both our stakeholders and us are listed                                       and greenhouse gases, health and safety, corporate security,
in the upper right section of the graph on the right (regardless of the                                     business ethics and anti-corruption, and base stations and
order of importance). These are the issues that may have high financial                                     health.
and operational impact on our business processes and which are

                                                                                                                                             For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr                           7
Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report - Vodafone 2014-2015
Our Approach to Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                       G4-26, G4-27

    Stakeholder Engagement Workshops                                               for the first time in this process. A stakeholder ecosystem of 120 people,
                                                                                   including leaders of public sectors, non-governmental organizations,
    Based on the accountability principles and stakeholder engagement
                                                                                   universities and press members, attended the Workshop and discussed
    process of AA1000 Assurance Standard, we have been organizing at
                                                                                   digital transformation of the public sector in Turkey and efficiency targets
    least one Stakeholder Engagement Workshop per year since 2012 with
                                                                                   of the sector. In addition, solutions that may contribute to more effective,
    the aim of sharing our sustainability vision with our stakeholders and to
                                                                                   efficient and cost-effective business models for public institutions as
    collect opinions and suggestions to steer our sustainability practices
                                                                                   well as those that may achieve highest level of citizen satisfaction and
    and reporting. By the end of 2014/15 fiscal year, we had organized four
                                                                                   social benefits were also discussed. Working groups were formed under
    workshops in total.
                                                                                   three main titles to jointly create a digital transformation roadmap for the
    In the third workshop held in July 2014, we reviewed our digital               public sector. Public sector leaders shared development opportunities
    transformation approach and solutions together with 75 stakeholders            and opinions on “internal efficiency”, “inter-organizational digitalization”
    representing the business world, non-governmental organizations,               and “digital public services”. Potential projects to accelerate digital
    academia, media, and local authorities. During the workshop we                 transformation in the public sector were reviewed in working groups.
    discussed about being a part of the solution for a sustainable future
    and creating digital solutions that improve business processes and that
    reduce environmental impact and/or offer social benefits. One of the
    ideas suggested by our stakeholders that have been materialized is
    the FikirÇarkı project that focuses on and helps young entrepreneurs.
    Another issue discussed at last year’s workshop was creating energy-
    efficient “Smart Cities”. To take action in this area, we decided to conduct
    our fourth Stakeholder Engagement Workshop in 2014, focusing on
    representatives from the public sector.
    In December 2014, we held our fourth Stakeholder Engagement
    Workshop under the title of “Digital Transformation in Public
    Services” in Ankara, with the participation of public sector stakeholders

    External Stakeholder’s Opinion                                                 What are your expectations from Vodafone Turkey in terms of
                                                                                   economic, environmental or social issues?
    Ahmet Erdem                                                                    Rapid development in communication networks creates deep impacts on
    Chairman, YASED (International Investors Association)                          daily life. As a pioneer in the telecommunication industry, Vodafone Turkey
                                                                                   transforms its know-how in technology, digitalization and innovation into
                                   What, in your opinion, is the role of           environmental and social benefits. By using technological opportunities,
                                   the telecommunication industry in               it carries out important initiatives such as economic empowerment of
                                   development?                                    women and supporting women entrepreneurs, enabling safe and fast
                                                                                   mobile donations, and supporting education.
                                   The telecommunication industry is actually
                                   a horizontal industry that has a potential to   I also appreciate that Vodafone Turkey supports social projects outside its
                                   affect all industries within an economy, to     area of operations. For instance, I closely monitor the Dreams Academy
                                   improve efficiency and to play a facilitating   project that Vodafone Turkey Foundation carries out to support social
                                   role. With the developments in technology,      lives and to improve the quality of life of the people with disabilities. This
                                   digitalization and the subsequent               project has created awareness in the society that people with disabilities
                                   transition to an information society, the       can discover their own talents and do amazing things once given the
                                   telecommunication industry became               opportunity. I expect Vodafone to continue implementing such projects
    an indispensable factor in development. Development, diversification           and to invest even more into social development of Turkey in the future.
    and increased penetration of telecommunication services allow Turkish          Are there any areas that you think Vodafone Turkey leads? If so,
    companies using such services to gain more competitive power in the            what are they?
    international arena.
                                                                                   Vodafone is a company that uses the power of technology to offer
    Telecommunications is also an important pillar of the Information              innovative solutions for customer needs and that communicates such
    and Communication Technologies (ICT) industry. “Information and                solutions effectively. These innovative solutions by Vodafone also create a
    Communication Technologies on the Road to 2023 Targets” report                 transformative impact in terms of social and economic development. For
    prepared by YASED in 2012 state that one unit of growth in the ICT industry    instance, in a country such as Turkey where SMEs form a significant part of
    of Turkey will translate into 1.8 units of growth for the economy as a         the economy, products and services addressing the needs of SMEs have
    whole. Thus, if the share of ICT in the USD 2 trillion GDP targeted for 2023   great importance in helping SMEs control their costs and improve their
    becomes 8% as expected, the industry will have contributed approximately       competitiveness.
    USD 71 billion to the economy only through increase in total factor
    productivity.                                                                  In the context of sustainability, what are your suggestions to
                                                                                   Vodafone Turkey for the future and what would you advise them
    As the Chairman of YASED, what is your general view of Vodafone                about their improvement areas, if any?
    Turkey?                                                                        The multiplier effect of the telecommunication industry on the economy
    Vodafone is a company that operates in major global markets, that has a        plays a critical role in terms of sustainability. Therefore, I hope Vodafone
    strong presence with its investments in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and       will continue to bring global best practices in infrastructure, products,
    Asia Pacific regions, and that has the opportunity and capacity to offer the   services, business models, and social responsibility practices to Turkey,
    power of digitalization to more than 400 million global users to improve       after adapting them to our country’s unique structure and needs. I also
    welfare of individuals and societies. I believe it is very important for a     appreciate that Vodafone’s approach to sustainability is based upon the
    company like Vodafone to have invested in Turkey, which brings in best         fact that mobile technologies devised as a response to social needs should
    global practices to our country.                                               be accessible to all social groups.

8      Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report                                                                          For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr
Our Approach to Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                        G4-24, G4-26, G4-27

Dialogue with our Stakeholders
We have continued our communication with various stakeholder groups on various topics and platforms as well as our cooperation with non-
governmental organizations and industry representatives in 2014/15 fiscal year. We also continued to transparently share our performance in issues
concerning stakeholders via our website, sustainability report, press releases, and various activities and publications. Our dialogue processes with our
material stakeholders and the examples of issues shared are given below.

                     Means of       Examples of Dialogue Processes                                      Examples of Issues Raised

 Our customers                       • Every year we hold customer perception and satisfaction          • Through the customer perception and satisfaction surveys, we
                                       surveys for our corporate and individual customers.                received feedback on our responsible practices towards the
                                       By means of these surveys, we learn our customers’                 environment and the society.
                                       expectations and develop our products and services               • In the Stakeholder Engagement Workshop held in July 2014 mainly
                                       accordingly.                                                       for corporations, we sought solutions for digital growth, energy
                                     • We continuously establish direct communication with our            efficiency, operational efficiency, and social business models.
                                       customers through our call centres, sales channels, the          • In the workshop held in December 2014 for stakeholders in the
                                       Vodafone Forum, and the social media.                              public sector, we shared solutions that may contribute to more
                                     • We regularly hold meetings and workshops with our                  effective, efficient and cost-effective business models for public
                                       corporate and individual customers to learn about their            institutions as well as those that may achieve highest level of
                                       opinions and expectations.                                         citizen satisfaction and social benefits.

 Our employees                       • We hold People Surveys every year.                               • We held an People Survey, which evaluated not only employee
                                     • We regularly organize activities and practices to increase         satisfaction, but also our health & safety and environmental
                                       awareness in our employees.                                        performance.
                                     • We learn about the opinions, expectations and suggestions        • During the orientation program to accelerate new employees’
                                       of our employees and take necessary actions by yearly              adaptation to the company, we share our sustainability
                                       evaluating the performance of our company and our                  strategy with the aim of creating awareness and information on
                                       employees via internal communication channels and                  sustainability issues.
                                       regular meetings.                                                • With the “Sustainability Week” event we have been organizing for
                                     • We hold surveys to learn about the material sustainability         the last two years, we continued to inform our employees and
                                       issues for our employees.                                          receive feedback from them.
                                                                                                        • Within the scope of our “My Vodafone, My Business” efficiency
                                                                                                          project, we informed our employees on efficiency in terms of
                                                                                                          environment, economy and time.

 Society                             • In line with our transparency and accountability principles,     • Through corporate reputation survey, which involves our
                                       we regularly inform the society through media or other             stakeholders from every walk of life, we evaluate the improvement
                                       platforms.                                                         of our company regarding reputation and sustainability issues
                                                                                                        • We built the infrastructure of the “Respect the Environment”
                                                                                                          smartphone mobile application in 2013/14 fiscal year and by
                                                                                                          improving its content we contribute to creating awareness in our
                                                                                                          ecosystem on environmental issues.
                                                                                                        • We disclosed our “Red Respecting Green” Manifest and invited all
                                                                                                          stakeholders to adopt the basic principles of sustainability.

 Regulatory                          • We exchange opinions with regulatory bodies on issues            • We exchange opinions on issues such as effective and goal-
 bodies                                concerning our industry and company and we provide                 oriented implementation of competition policies and removing
                                       information flow to these bodies through reports.                  regulatory barriers against products and services that contribute to
                                                                                                          the overall welfare and development of the society.

 Local community                     • In line with our network deployment policy, we closely           • We maintain ongoing two-way dialogue by receiving the opinions
 and Local                             follow the developments regarding base stations and                of local communities and local governments especially about base
 governments                           health. We share the researches of leading institutions, such      stations.
                                       as World Health Organization and International Cancer
                                       Research Agency, through our website.

 Our suppliers                       • Within the framework of Supplier Performance                     • At the Supplier Information Day event, we informed our suppliers
                                       Management Program, we support our suppliers to develop            on recent developments in health and safety, best practices and
                                       their capacities in sustainability, quality and performance.       our approach to sustainability.

 Industry                            • We establish permanent cooperation with industry                 • We establish continuous communication with industry
 representatives                       representatives and NGOs in line with our sustainability           representatives and NGOs through meetings, working groups, and
 and NGOs                              approach (please see Cooperation with Non-Governmental             visits; we cooperate for the development of our industry.
                                       Organizations and Industry Representatives table).

 Our stores                          • We get feedback from our stores through periodic                 • With the Green Office practice initiated in cooperation with WWF,
                                       satisfaction surveys and implement remedial actions.               we increased awareness on nature and achieved more efficient use
                                     • We support our stores in improving their capabilities.             of office resources at selected stores.
                                                                                                        • We helped our store employees develop their capabilities by
                                                                                                          organizing training programs on various topics, including service
                                                                                                          quality and customer relations.

 Opinion leaders                     • We hold at least one stakeholder engagement workshop             • In September 2013, we held a stakeholder engagement workshop
 and experts                           every year, with the participation of opinion leaders, experts     to review our company’s approach to sustainability with the
                                       and other stakeholders. These workshops guide our                  participation of various stakeholder groups. Innovative ideas were
                                       sustainability reporting process.                                  brought forward in line with our “Mobile for Good” approach.

                                                                                                                    For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr                  9
Our Approach to Sustainability

Collaboration with Non-Governmental Organizations and Industry Representatives

  Non-Governmental                      Platform /Project                     Objective / Purpose                                    Activities in 2014/15 Fiscal Year

  WWF-Turkey                            Carbon footprint                      To inform our ecosystem on                             We develop regular communication activities, nature trips, e-learning
                                        management and                        environmental issues and                               tools, environmental campaigns and carbon reduction roadmap for
                                        awareness-raising                     environmentally friendly practices; to                 our ecosystem to adopt our sustainability approach and strategy.
                                        activities                            improve our carbon footprint in our
                                                                              business processes

  Business Council                      Board Membership                      To exchange ideas with other member                    We participate in studies conducted with respect to the
  for Sustainable                                                             companies about sustainability                         management of social and environmental issues. We lead the studies
  Development Turkey                    Innovation Committee                                                                         regarding the impact of innovation on sustainability.
  (SKD Turkey)                          Presidency                            To support development of projects
                                                                              aimed at encouraging private sector to                 In 2013, we became a signatory to the Declaration of Energy
                                                                              participate in sustainability effort                   Efficiency in Buildings. We hosted a joint event to exchange
                                                                                                                                     information on Energy Efficiency in Vehicles.

                                                                                                                                     We organized innovation and sustainability trainings for SMEs.

  AKÜDER, ÇEVKO (*)                     Membership                            To recycle and regain waste materials                  We continue to recycle paper, electronic and other waste materials
                                                                              back to the economy                                    and to raise awareness in the society.

  TBV, TELKODER, TESİD,                 Membership                            To contribute to development of our                    We support practices aiming to contribute to development of the
  TÜBİSAD, TÜTED, and                                                         country through communication and                      industry and take part in the events held.
  YASAD (**)                            Board Memberships                     information technologies

                                        Working Group

  DEİK, Endeavor Turkey,                Executive Board                       To contribute to improvement of                        We support activities to create regional and industry-specific
  PNB Turkey, TOBB,                     Memberships                           investment environment and the                         development opportunities by promoting sustainable development
  TÜSİAD (***)                                                                national economy                                       and competitiveness, and take part in events held for this purpose.
                                        Advisory Board

                                        Working Group

  International Investors               Board Membership                      To contribute to improvement of                        We proactively lead the efforts of international foreign direct
  Association (YASED)                                                         investment environment and the                         investors operating in Turkey for a better investment environment;
                                        Working Group                         national economy                                       we support activities performed for regional and sectorial
                                        Memberships                                                                                  development opportunities by promoting sustainable development
                                                                                                                                     and competitiveness.

  Aegean Forest                         Project Partnership                   To contribute to protecting the nature                 With the trees donated to the Aegean Forest Foundation, we created
  Foundation (EOV)                                                            and raising environmental awareness                    a Vodafone Forest in Çeşme-Ildırı.

                                                                                                                                     We launched “Respect the Environment” mobile application that
                                                                                                                                     enables our customers to donate trees in 2014/15 fiscal year.

  British Chamber of                    Board Membership                      To promote trade relations between                     We support projects to promote trade relations between Turkey and
  Commerce in Turkey                                                          Turkey and the United Kingdom; to                      the UK and to directly contribute to the partnerships; we take part in
  (BCCT)                                                                      contribute to partnerships                             related activities.

  Private Sector                        Board Memberships                     To contribute to the development of                    We actively take part in efforts to improve the legal, financial and
  Volunteers Association                                                      the third sector and to the expansion of               functional infrastructure of NGOs, which are important actors in
  (ÖSGD), Third Sector                                                        volunteerism in private sector in Turkey               sustainable development.
  Foundation of Turkey

  ÇMD, RVD, TEGEP,                      Vice Presidency                       To closely follow operational                          We support the efforts to contribute to development of innovative
  KALDER, PERYÖN (****)                                                       developments and to contribute to the                  practices in the industry and take part in activities carried out for this
                                        Board Memberships and                 development of innovative practices                    purpose, as we are committed to continuous improvement of our
                                        Founding Memberships                                                                         operational processes.

                                        Working Group

   (*) Accumulator and Recycling Industrialists Association (AKÜDER), Environmental Protection and Packaging Wastes Recovery and Recycling Trust (ÇEVKO)
  (**) Turkish Informatics Foundation (TBV), Independent Telecommunication Operators Association (TELKODER), Turkish Electronic Industrialists Association (TESİD), Association of Informatics Industrialists (TÜBİSAD),
       Association of All Communication Businessmen (TÜTED), Software Industrialists Association (YASAD)
 (***) Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), Partners for a New Beginning (PNB) Turkey, Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities (TOBB), Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (TÜSİAD)
(****) Call Centres Association (ÇMD), Association of Advertisers (RVD), Learning and Development Association (TEGEP), Turkish Quality Association (KALDER), Human Resources Management Association of Turkey

10      Vodafone Turkey Sustainability Report                                                                                                                   For more information: www.vodafone.com.tr
Our Customers and Society

Our Customers and Society
Material Issues              Our Commitments                                                         Objectives for 2015/16 Fiscal Year
Solutions that create        We will continue to launch innovative products and services under       To enable a greater number of companies to use solutions
transformation and           the Digital Transformation Movement.                                    that improve efficiency through the “Ready Business”
change                                                                                               Platform.

Social business models       We will enrich and expand the Vodafone Farmers’ Club.                   To improve productivity of 950 thousand farmers through
that support development                                                                             the Farmers’ Club.

Customer satisfaction        We will maintain our focus on customer satisfaction.                    To continue to improve our service channels under
                                                                                                     “unconditional customer satisfaction” principle.

Secure internet              We will support families promoting secure internet and phone            To offer solutions that enable secure internet and phone
                             solutions for children.                                                 usage for children and families.

As part of the Digital Transformation Movement we launched to “use communication technologies to inspire
everyone in Turkey for a better future”, we continue to offer innovative solutions creating added value for our
customers in every area (from healthcare to finance, agriculture, and development).

Digital Transformation Movement                                                     In our country, 22 million people, in other words 42% of the population,
                                                                                    use PTT (The General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization) for
According to the World Bank statistics, every 10% increase in access to
                                                                                    financial transactions, as they cannot access banking services. Mobile
mobile communication leads to 1.5% GDP growth in low and middle-
                                                                                    Cash Card launched in collaboration with PTT in 2012 enables money
income countries. Therefore, as a key driving force of today’s economy,
                                                                                    transfer via telephone, payment and “M-Lira” top-up. With Mobile Cash,
mobile technologies not only reshape the future of individuals and
                                                                                    our customers do not get into debt, pay interest or need to become bank
businesses, but also enable creation of equal opportunities for access
                                                                                    customers, as it is a prepaid card. Wide network of PTT contributes to
to information and building of social structures where all individuals
                                                                                    inclusion of the unbanked population into the registered economy. As
have the opportunity to be equally involved. We launched the
                                                                                    of the end of 2014/15 fiscal year, 46 thousand customers benefit from
Digital Transformation Movement with the aim to transform lives of
                                                                                    Vodafone Mobile Cash Card.
individuals and support sustainable development by means of mobile
communication technologies. We use our know-how and innovative                      Vodafone Mobile Wallet application, launched in 2013 aims to make
power to make life easier for the individuals and improve social welfare.           the opportunities offered by Mobile Cash available on smartphone
                                                                                    platforms in order to ensure easy financial transactions. This
                                                                                    application enables a great number of transactions, including creating
                                                                                    virtual Mobile Cash Card instantly, sending money to all GSM numbers,
                                                                                    depositing Cell Lira to prepaid Vodafone lines, saving money with
                                                                                    Save and Send account, and contactless payment with QR codes.
                                                                                    In addition, Mobile Wallet users benefit from contactless payment
                                                                                    in all NFC (near field communication) compatible POS devices. 139
                                                                                    thousand customers downloaded Vodafone Mobile Wallet application
                                                                                    as of the end of fiscal year.
                                                                                    Mobile Donation
                                                                                    In line with our “mobile for good” vision, we aimed to build a
                                                                                    platform where the individuals in need can meet with charities and
                                                                                    philanthropists. Previously, non-governmental organizations used to
                                                                                    announce donation campaigns through their own communication
                                                                                    channels and only reach the donators that they were known to. With
                                                                                    its Vodafone Mobile Donation service, Vodafone Turkey has been
                                                                                    the first and only operator to unite all short numbers allocated to
Digital Transformation in Finance                                                   foundations and associations for collecting donor money. Vodafone
As Vodafone Turkey, we believe that digitalization of payment systems               Mobile Donation allows citizens to make donations easily via free
that we frequently use in our daily lives is one of the most critical stages        SMS to the number 9000, www.cepbagis.com or Vodafone Mobile
of digital transformation. Mobile technologies have become an important             Donation mobile application. The application offers donation services
instrument for integrating people deprived of access to financial services          for approximately 150 non-governmental organizations and the total
into the financial system and for creating equal opportunities in this area.        amount of donations collected last year was more than TL 5 million.

                                                                                                               For more information: www.cepbagis.com           11
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