Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook

Page created by Betty Jensen
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Storytelling tips and tricks   Themes   Reputation framework   Place DNA™   Introduction

                                                                                                                             Duder Regional Park, Clevedon

                                                   He tīwhiri me te rauhanga
                                                          kōrero paki
                                                  Storytelling tips and tricks

Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
                                                                                                                         He tauira o te kōrero paki
                                                                                                                         Storytelling content examples

                                                                                                                         Our stories are gathered around our brand essence through
                                                                                                                         themes that help us express who we truly are and what our
                                                                                                                         destination can offer.
Place DNA™

                                                                                                                               Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s themes are:

                                                                                                                                              A place of mana
                                                                                                                                              Māori values
                                                                                                                                              Life essence
Reputation framework

                                                                                                                                              Collective worlds
                                                                                                                                              Unity in diversity

                                                                                                                                              Playground for ideas
                                                                                                                                              Inspiration and innovation
                                                                                                                                              Young and welcoming
                                                                                                                                              Good growth

                                                                                                                                              Urban oasis
                                                                                                                                              Quality of life
                                                                                                                                              Restorative city
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                                                                                         The story starters on the following pages show how you
                                                                                                                         can apply content marketing principles to bring Auckland’s
                                                                                                                         themes to life.

                                                                   28   Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
He tauira kōrero – he whakairinga
                               Content examples – posts

                                    A place of mana                                                                 Collective worlds                                                              Playground for ideas                                                         Urban oasis
Place DNA™

                                                 Auckland – Smart Move                                                                    Elemental AKL                                                                          Visit Auckland
                                                 September 5 ·                                                                            August 2 ·                                                                             October 13 ·

                                     Tiffany found it easy to make the transition to Auckland and found New                   It’s a wrap! That’s it for #ElementalAKL 2019                                          We think Auckland City looks perfect from every angle, especially from the
                                     Zealand society to be open, caring and culturally accepting. So what are you             From dynamic theatre productions, delicious culinary experiences to world-             Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park #VisitAuckland
Reputation framework

                                     waiting for, could you make this your place?                                             class light installations, what an incredible 31 days it’s been with over 65           Photo: instagram.com/wander_pip
                                                                                                                              events and 120 eateries across Tamaki Makaurau!
                                                                                                                              Subscribe to our newsletter for updates here –
                                                                                                                              We’ll be back in 2020!

                                     What could Auckland, New Zealand offer you?

                                              1603 Likes                                    12 Comments 36 Shares
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                                                                                                       258 Likes                                       6 Comments 14 Shares

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              356 Likes                                      6 Comments 33 Shares

                               29         Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
He tauira kōrero – he whakairinga
                               Content examples – posts

                                    A place of mana                                                           Collective worlds                                                               Playground for ideas                                                        Urban oasis
Place DNA™

                                                  AucklandNZ.com                                                                     Visit Auckland                                                                         studyauckland · Following
                                                  @Auckland_NZ                                                                       November 4 at 7:00 PM ·                                                                Waiheke Island

                                     A fish out of water       ...                                                       Ever wanted to try a hāngi?
                                                                                                                         Introducing The Māori Kitchen New Zealand’s first commercial hāngi located
Reputation framework

                                                                                                                         on Auckland’s Queen’s Wharf. Discover the ancient Māori cooking traditions
                                                                                                                         and native history through Appetite for Auckland here: https://bit.ly/31ZcfB7
                                            EmiratesTeamNZ           @EmiratesTeamNZ · Nov 8

                                         Is there a better sight than Te Aihe on the Hauraki Gulf?

                                         #AmericasCup #AC36 #Auckland2021

                                            9.4k views                                          0:13 / 0:58

                                     4:08 PM · Nov 8, 2019 from Auckland, New Zealand · Twitter for iPhone
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Liked by aut.international.students and 1,556 others

                                                                                                                                                                                                                studyauckland Get into Nature!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Partnered with @gottogetout_adventures International students become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kaitiakitanga, Guardians and Protectors of Auckland. This year students are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                planting trees and weeding invasive species on Waiheke island, making sure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                one of our national treasures retains it’s beauty

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   by @dannyler22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                #studyauckland #visitauckland #auckland #aucklandcity #aucklandnz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                #tamakimakaurau #nz #studyabroad
                                                                                                                                  125 Likes                                      14 Comments 18 Shares

                               30         Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Te kōrero paki mā te kiko o roto
                               Storytelling through content

                               Creating and collecting                    Why do people share
                               effective content                          content on social media?

                               Always focus on your audience when         Think about the content you engage
                               creating content or finding content made   with on your personal social channels.
Place DNA™

                               by someone in your community. This way
                               you will have a better chance of sharing        What do you share?
                               content that is engaging and relevant.
                                                                               What do you tag your friends in?
                               Ask yourself this question before you
                               publish: Who is my intended audience,           What do you react to with a
                               and what makes this content valuable            Like or Comment?
Reputation framework

                               to them?
                                                                               What videos do you save to
                               Effective content should tick one or            watch later?
                               more of these boxes:
                                                                          Then, think about your motivations for
                                    Inspires interest/intrigue;           sharing. This will help you understand
                                    motivates action and travel,          why some content drives people to act
                                    video/photo albums                    or engage while some do not.
                                                                                                                    Social media
                                    Grabs attention; stops people              Does it make you look fun, cool,

                                    from scrolling and focuses                 interesting or smart?
                                    them immediately
                                                                               Does it make you think of a friend   Social media platforms hold some of
                                    Entertains; shows striking visuals         or family member who would also      the greatest potential for audience
                                                                               enjoy it?                            engagement. Each social network
                                    Informs; provides local tips/                                                   varies according to audience, optimal
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                    information, or event dates and            Would someone you know benefit       posting tactics, engagement and tone,
                                    time-of-year to visit                      from seeing the content?             which makes it important to structure
                                                                                                                    your posts for maximum impact. Use
                                    Adds value; exclusive deals or             Does it reflect the activities       the following recommendations to help
                                    demonstrates value in terms of             you enjoy?                           you create content tailored to each of
                                    money and time                                                                  your social media channels.
                                                                               Does it surprise you with
                               Keep these five areas in mind when              something you didn’t know or
                               creating content or curating content            hadn’t seen before?
                               to share on your channels.
                                                                               Does it represent the community
                                                                               that you are a part of?

                               31       Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Ngā kiko ā-Pukamata me ngā tikanga tōtika rawa
                               Facebook content and best practice

                               Image posts                               Make it compelling.                         Link posts                                  Facebook best practices
                                                                         The first few seconds of a video are
                                                                         crucial to draw in the viewer. Whether
                               Powerful images capture attention                                                     Add a link to your post to generate a          Make it valuable.
                                                                         you choose to post short-form or
                               and improve post visibility threefold.                                                link preview that includes an image and        Always ask yourself why your
                                                                         long-form video, make sure the
                               Be consistent with your photo captions                                                the title. Facebook includes link clicks       post will be valuable to your
                                                                         content is compelling and engaging
Place DNA™

                               and use the same writing format from                                                  in its News Feed algorithm and rewards         followers. Create content
                                                                         the entire way through. Look at the
                               post to post. This helps people better                                                high-traffic links by showing them             that resonates best with your
                                                                         retention rate on each video you share
                               connect with your brand. For example,                                                 to more users. Here are a few tips for         Facebook audience.
                                                                         by using the insights page and adjust
                               how do you credit the photographer                                                    link posts:
                                                                         accordingly to improve over time.
                               each time? Do you use parentheses,                                                                                                   Be consistent.
                               or the camera emoji followed by their                                                 Select a relevant link.                        Try to post around a regular
                                                                         Make it visual.
                               username? There is no right or wrong                                                  Make a list of the most relevant topics        schedule so your followers know
                                                                         85 per cent of the time, people watch
Reputation framework

                               way, but choose a method and stick                                                    to your audience. Then, try a quick            what to expect. The goal is to
                                                                         Facebook videos without sound
                               with it.                                                                              Google search of your topic or your            ensure your content is seen and
                                                                         (source). Use your video to show,
                                                                                                                     business name. Searching Pinterest for         engaged with.
                                                                         not tell. It is an opportunity to attract
                               Video posts                               attention through the most stunning
                                                                                                                     the name of your organisation can also
                                                                                                                     reveal new images and links.                   Share stories and conversation
                                                                         visuals you have access to. If your
                                                                                                                                                                    pieces, not sales pitches.
                               Facebook users watch over eight billion   video has a voiceover, add subtitles so
                                                                                                                     Post a short, appealing caption.               Be human. Use a friendly,
                               videos per day (source). Your audience    that people can understand it with the
                                                                                                                     The link is the focus of a link post.          conversational tone. Respond as
                               likely has some video-watching habits     sound turned off.
                                                                                                                     Do not draw attention away from it             soon as you can and be helpful.
                               too. These tips will help your video
                                                                                                                     with a lengthy caption.
                               posts succeed:                            Maximise the mobile screen.
                                                                                                                                                                    Share unique, diverse content.

                                                                         Vertical or square cut video works best
                                                                                                                     Use enticing headlines.                        You can choose exactly who sees
                               Upload directly to Facebook.              on Facebook because people are most
                                                                                                                     The more intriguing the headline,              it through targeting.
                               You will get higher reach from posts      likely to watch on a mobile device.
                                                                                                                     the more likely a user is to click on it.
                               that contain a video uploaded to your     47 per cent of users only use the
                                                                                                                     Headlines which include numbers,               Share user-generated content.
                               Facebook page, versus posts that          mobile app (source).
                                                                                                                     such as “Top 5” or “6 Best”, perform           This encourages fans to share
                               contain a YouTube link. A day or two
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                                                                                     particularly well, as do headlines             their own stories. Unless you own
                               after posting, check your analytics.      Facebook Live                               that evoke emotion. Though you can             the content, always credit photos
                               The platform provides data that
                                                                                                                     not change the headlines or images             and videos.
                               includes total views, length of views
                                                                         Facebook users spend three times            on third-party articles, you can be
                               and audience retention. Learn from
                                                                         longer watching live videos than            selective of those you share.
                               these insights to constantly improve
                                                                         regular video posts (source). Use this
                               your video offerings.
                                                                         feature to make announcements,
                                                                         share special offers and events, or
                                                                         simply show off your surroundings on a
                                                                         remarkable day. Facebook Live is also
                                                                         a great platform to conduct interviews
                                                                         with relevant experts or influencers.

                               32       Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Ngā āhua ā-Kapoata me ngā tikanga tōtika rawa
                               Instagram content and best practice

                               Image posts                               make announcements, share special            Formatting captions in a                 Keep your profile current.
                                                                         offers and events, or show off your          consistent way will also help            Choose an identifiable profile
                                                                         surroundings on a beautiful or               you create a distinct and                picture and provide a clear
                               Like Facebook, Instagram’s feed runs
                                                                         remarkable day. The Live Video feature       recognisable style.                      description in the bio with your
                               on an algorithm that favours some
                                                                         in Stories is also a great tool to conduct                                            business address, hashtag and
                               posts over others. With this in mind,
                                                                         interviews and Q&As with staff, guides,      Make it valuable.                        website link. Switch to a business
Place DNA™

                               always consider the value of what
                                                                         experts and influencers.                     Always consider the value of what        account if you have not already.
                               you are posting. Create content that
                                                                                                                      you are posting. Create content          This will make it easier for potential
                               resonates best with your audience as
                               measured by engagement. Adjust your       Instagram Stories highlights                 that resonates best with your            customers to get in touch with you.
                                                                                                                      Instagram audience.
                               efforts based on what you learn from
                                                                                                                                                               Use hashtags wisely.
                               looking at Instagram Insights data.       If you wish to extend the life of select
                                                                                                                      Keep your caption short                  Only use hashtags that are related
                               The better your content, the more         Instagram Stories, save them as
                                                                                                                      and get to the point.                    to your product or to Auckland.
Reputation framework

                               likely people are to follow you and       highlights to sit between your main
                                                                                                                      Most Instagram captions are cut          Always include the destination
                               interact. Poor-quality, inconsistent      feed and your bio. When deciding how
                                                                                                                      off after the first eighty characters,   hashtag. For a more impactful
                               or uninteresting posts will not be        to organise your highlights, think of it
                                                                                                                      so lead with what you need to say        caption, post the majority of your
                               able to compete.                          in terms of your website navigation bar.
                                                                                                                      in order to make people curious          hashtags in the first comment.
                                                                         Ask yourself, what information is most
                                                                                                                      enough to press the “more” button.
                               Video posts                               relevant and useful? Answer frequently
                                                                                                                                                               Add your geo-location.
                                                                         asked questions or how to get to your
                                                                                                                      Engage with others to grow               Always include the geo-location
                                                                         destination, top things to see and do,
                               Publish your most polished video                                                       your network.                            of where your photo was taken
                                                                         and trip inspiration.
                               content on your main Instagram feed.                                                   Like, comment and follow                 and encourage users to tag their
                               As on Facebook, keep these videos                                                      accounts that are posting and            location too. This is one more
                                                                         Instagram best practices

                               short. Between 15-30 seconds is ideal                                                  talking about similar experiences.       opportunity to engage with
                               here. You can trim the length of the                                                   A well-crafted comment can often         people and help new followers
                               video within the app and choose a              Post your very best content.            be enough to gain a follower.            find your content.
                               cover image to optimise performance.           Instagram is all about quality          Avoid comments that are generic
                                                                              images. Accounts with curated,          and overused such as “Great              Maximise the mobile screen.
                               Instagram Stories                              cohesive feeds attract more             capture!”. Genuine comments              Post square or vertical videos and
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                                              followers. Stick to content themes      resonate best because they               photos for best results. People
                                                                              and ensure your photos have a           show you care.                           can only post on Instagram via
                               Use Instagram Stories for candid
                                                                              similar look and feel.                                                           mobile, and only rarely access the
                               moments, destination tips and trip
                                                                                                                      Be consistent.                           platform via desktop computer.
                               planning. As these videos are only
                                                                              Follow a consistent style.              Try to post on a regular schedule
                               available to view for twenty-four hours
                                                                              Use scheduling tools such as            so your followers know what to
                               after posting, they are the perfect
                                                                              Planoly, Later or Iconosquare to        expect. The goal is to ensure
                               avenue to show your personality and
                                                                              plan out the look and feel of your      that people see and engage
                               share time-sensitive information.
                                                                              Instagram feed.                         with your content.
                               Post behind-the-scenes content,

                               33       Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Otara Market
                                                                                                    Ngā āhua ā-Kapoata me ngā tikanga tōtika rawa
                                                                                                    Twitter content and best practice

                                                                                                    1. Add images and video.              4. Post frequently.
                                                                                                       Tweets with images receive 150        If possible, share one or two
                                                                                                       per cent more retweets than           tweets per weekday (along
                                                                                                       tweets without images (source).       with a couple of retweets and as
                                                                                                       Follow the Facebook image             many replies as needed).
                                                                                                       post guidelines and use               Get in the habit of scheduling
Place DNA™

                                                                                                       attention grabbing photos to          a number of posts per month.
                                                                                                       make your posts stand out as          This can help you keep a
                                                                                                       users scroll past.                    consistent frequency when
                                                                                                                                             paired with live posts.
                                                                                                    2. Use hashtags and keywords.
                                                                                                       Hashtags make it easier to         5. Think of your Twitter account
                                                                                                       find related tweets. Add one or       as a customer service centre.
Reputation framework

                                                                                                       two relevant hashtags to your         Frequently check your mentions
                                                                                                       messages. Then, take the time         and respond to any interaction.
                                                                                                       to explore those conversations        If someone retweets a post,
                                                                                                       and interact with other users.        take time to thank them. You will
                                                                                                       Identify keywords associated          build a positive impression when
                                                                                                       with your organisation or with        followers see you interacting
                                                                                                       Auckland and listen to what           with others.
                                                                                                       people are saying through them.
                                                                                                                                          6. Use Twitter in real-time.
                                                                                                    3. Keep Twitter content original.        Despite developments on

                                                                                                       Twitter requires a different          other channels, Twitter is still the
                                                                                                       posting style than Facebook           most relevant tool for real-time
                                                                                                       does, so linking the two              information and conversation.
                                                                                                       together (i.e. posting the same       For example, it is the most
                                                                                                       content on both channels by           effective platform for informing
                                                                                                       connecting them) does more            people that you are closing early
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                                                                       harm than good. If you have           for the day.
                                                                                                       content that you want to share
                                                                                                       across multiple platforms,         7. Know your audience.
                                                                                                       create and write separate posts.      Use Twitter’s audience insights
                                                                                                                                             to understand the demographic
                                                                                                                                             profile and passion points of
                                                                                                                                             your followers. This information
                                                                                                                                             can help you create new content
                                                                                                                                             themes and ideas.

                                              34   Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Takutai Square, Britomart
                               Ngā kiko ā-Pae Tukutuku
                               me ngā tikanga tōtika rawa
                               Website content and best practice

                               Your website is your home base;          3. Avoid information overload.
                               the place where you can tell your           Less is often more when it comes
                               story online exactly as it needs to be      to clear communication. Design
                               told. Here are five tips for producing      your website’s information
                               valuable web content:                       architecture to provide the most
                                                                           useful facts and stories at exactly
Place DNA™

                               1. Help your customers.                     the right time in the user journey.
                                  To do this, you need to know             Often, the best approach is
                                  their needs better than anyone.          to keep most web pages –
                                  Think about the journey your             especially homepages – minimal
                                  customers take as they make              and focused, saving lengthy
                                  the decision. An effective               descriptions and detailed
                                  website can help people in               histories for blog posts. This way,
Reputation framework

                                  many stages, from awareness              your web visitors will spend less
                                  to consideration to purchase, by         time and energy searching and
                                  providing the right information          sifting, and more time getting
                                  at the right time. Great websites        closer to your mutual goals.
                                  are easy to navigate and display
                                  helpful information clearly. Do       4. Build your website to be social.
                                  not be clever with your copy,            What is your website’s role in
                                  especially with the navigation           your digital marketing strategy?
                                  menus on your site; be clear.            Ideally, it is part of your online
                                                                           ecosystem that includes social

                               2. Provide contact info.                    media. Think of your website as
                                  Not everyone will use social             a content source that can break
                                  media to ask you questions,              down into smaller, shareable
                                  so you need to provide other             pieces. The pieces go out
                                  options. Make sure your contact          through social media, but the
                                  information is complete and              website holds them all together.
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                  easy to find. Many organisations
                                  have a contact page that              5. Help your customers find you
                                  includes phone numbers,                  through search and social.
                                  email addresses, team                    Make sure people can find
                                  members, chat services                   your most helpful pages by
                                  and social media channels.               consistently updating the
                                                                           details in the backend of
                                                                           your website. This is just as
                                                                           important as managing the
                                                                           content in the front.

                               35        Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
E waru ngā mātāpono kia whai kiko papai i runga ipurangi
                               Eight principles of great online content

                               1                                            2                                         3                                         4

                               Make it valuable                             Make it easy to share                     Speak like a human                        Respond to questions
Place DNA™

                               Valuable content can take many forms.        Content that is difficult to share        Use simple, personable language.          Answer questions promptly and directly
                               Value can be insider information. It can     will not be shared. This includes         Dry or sales-oriented copy tends to       with relevant information. Make sure
                               offer a deal or a prize or a distraction     off-brand content, heavily-branded        underperform on social media. Instead,    that links take people to the correct
                               from a busy day. There is opportunity        content, low-quality content and          add humour, ask questions and include     pages and contain useful information.
                               to provide value everywhere.                 uncommon formats.                         “you” and “I” where possible. This will
Reputation framework

                                                                                                                      help your audience feel that they are
                                                                                                                      having a real conversation.

                               5                                            6                                         7                                         8

                               Share other people’s stories                 Be creative                               Be consistent                             Promote your content

                               This is a great way to build trust in your   When taking photos or shooting video,     Without consistency, people are not       Asking people to share your content
                               brand. By sharing real stories from real     look for new and interesting angles.      likely to come back to your channels.     helps you reach people beyond your
                               people, you can reassure your audience       Think about the stories that are unique   Being consistent means keeping a          own networks. You can create a
Storytelling tips and tricks

                               that others like them have gotten            to you and to Auckland, and how you       similar rhythm in your posting schedule   list of bloggers and influencers
                               involved with your organisation and          can align them with the Auckland brand.   from day to day and week to week;         connected to your organisation and
                               had a great experience. User-generated                                                 sticking to a visual style that may use   its interests, and reach out to them
                               content can come from Auckland                                                         the same filters on photos; and using     with relevant content.
                               residents and visitors alike.                                                          captions that follow a consistent
                                                                                                                      format per channel.                       Example message:
                                                                                                                                                                “Hi @travelinfluencer, we know you
                                                                                                                                                                write about Auckland’s best cultural
                                                                                                                                                                experiences. We thought these photos
                                                                                                                                                                may be relevant to you. Feel free to
                                                                                                                                                                mention or use as you see fit :)”.

                               36        Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
Te uara o te kiko i waihangatia e te kaiwhakamahi
                               The value of user-generated content

                               User-generated content (UGC) can         Follow these steps for sourcing UGC:           Outreach process for Instagram             4. Use your organisation’s account
                               build trust within your audience by                                                                                                   to send a message to people in a
                               showing how others like them are also    First, find content to re-share.               1. Use the search bar on Instagram to         friendly tone, asking permission
                               enjoying what Auckland has to offer.     Begin with outreach to find content               input a term that is relevant to your      to share their content with credit
                               Effective UGC, reused with permission,   from new audiences. Doing this                    business. Look at the results under        to them. This is also a good way
                               has been shown to generate               regularly will help to grow your                  Places and Tags. Places will show          to gain engaged followers by
Place DNA™

                               engagement that is almost seven times    community. To understand how it                   you all of the content that is geo-        personally introducing them to
                               higher than brand content (source).      works in more detail, we have shared              tagged from a certain location, while      your account.
                                                                        the process for Instagram on this page.           Tags gives you a list of relevant
                                                                                                                          hashtags around your search term.          Example message:
                                                                        Then, ask permission to re-share.                 Think beyond official hashtags to all      @InsertUserHandle, what a
                                                                        It is always best practice to ask the             the combinations that people might         beautiful photo of the museum
                                                                        creator before you re-share their                 use. You can tell how active each tag      Would you mind if we shared this on
Reputation framework

                                                                        images, videos, or stories. It is the polite      is by reading the number of posts          our Instagram account with credit?
                                                                        thing to do, but it also builds goodwill          beside each one.
                                                                        and creates a connection between                                                          5. Regularly check saved posts for
                                                                        you and the content owner. Consider a          2. Keep a list of commonly used               replies and permissions.
                                                                        variation of the below copy depending             location tags and hashtags.
                                                                        on the social platform and always wait            Check these regularly.                  6. Once permission has been granted,
                                                                        for a “yes” reply before sharing the                                                         use a downloading service like
                                                                        content.                                       3. In the mobile app, use the save            dredown.com or gramsave.com
                                                                                                                          function (it appears as a flag at          to download the original images
                                                                        Suggested copy:                                   the bottom right of each post) to          and share on your own platform

                                                                        “Hi @InsertUserHandle, we love this               organise content into collections.         with credit.
                                                                        photo! Would you mind if we shared
                                                                        it on our own Instagram account with
                                                                        credit to you?”
Storytelling tips and tricks

                               37       Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
North Wharf, Wynyard Quarter
                                                                                                                    Ngā whakatairanga utu
                                                                                                                    Paid advertising

                                                                                                                    Marketers are used to equating           Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
                                                                                                                    advertising with one-way messages        all offer interest-based advertising
                                                                                                                    to a mass audience. Billboards,          tools that allow you to focus on
                                                                                                                    newspaper ads and television             the most relevant audiences for
                                                                                                                    commercials are all examples.            your business. Through Google
                                                                                                                                                             Ads and other platforms, you can
Place DNA™

                                                                                                                    However, you now have access             send messages to people who have
                                                                                                                    to tools that let you connect with       visited your website. Some of these
                                                                                                                    exactly the people you most need         tactics are more advanced, but
                                                                                                                    to talk to. The principles of powerful   they allow you to track the path to
                                                                                                                    storytelling still apply and so does     purchase in great detail. You can
                                                                                                                    the goal of matching the right           encourage your niche audience
                                                                                                                    people with the right experiences.       to take a series of actions toward
Reputation framework

                                                                                                                                                             the goal, whether that’s making a
                                                                                                                    By targeting audiences according         purchase, subscribing or something
                                                                                                                    to their passions and interests,         else. Then, you can measure the
                                                                                                                    you can dramatically increase the        results of each step, optimising the
                                                                                                                    impact of your ads. To do this, you      experience and stories told along
                                                                                                                    need to know your audience. Who          the way.
                                                                                                                    wants what you are offering, and
                                                                                                                    why? Think about grouping people         To Get Started:
                                                                                                                    according to their interests rather      Visit the Facebook Business page
                                                                                                                    than their demographics. For a           (link) to learn how to create ads

                                                                                                                    gallery advertising a new exhibit,       for Facebook and Instagram that
                                                                                                                    it is more important to know that        match your specific goals.
                                                                                                                    the target audience of the ad loves
                                                                                                                    art than it is to know whether they
                                                                                                                    belong to a certain age group.
Storytelling tips and tricks

                                                              38   Tāmaki Makaurau He Aratohu / Auckland Playbook
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