Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...

Page created by Lori Fowler
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
talking ...
Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made
headlines with his smash hit song in 2019.
See what else everybody was talking
about last year.
by Arnold Wayne Jones, Page 14
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
2   █   01.03.20
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
toc                 01.03.20 | Volume 36 | Issue 35

                                9              headlines
                                                   TEXAS NEWS

                                        8 Construction begins on The Strip
                                        9 ASD anounces new VP/COO
                                       10 SCOTUS to hear employment cases
                                       11 ‘Trial by internet’ can ruin lives
                                                   LIFE+STYLE                                                                   Discrimination Lawyer
                                       14 2019’s cultural hot topics
                                       15 BOOKS: The can’t-miss titles of 2019                                                     Law Office of
                                       16 MUSIC: The top releases of 2019
                                                                                                                                  Rob Wiley, P.C.
                                                   ON THE COVER

                                     		              Nas X at the 2019 BET Awards.
                                     		 Photo by Richard Shotwell/
                                     		Invision/AP                                                                              214-528-6500 •
                                                                                                                                    2613 Thomas Ave., Dallas, TX 75204

                                        6 The Gay Agenda                 21		 Best Bets
                                        8 News                           24		 Cassie Nova
                                       13 Voices                         25		 Scene
                                       14 Life+Style                     30		 MarketPlace                            A Specialty Medication
                                                                                                                 Accredited Pharmacy with ACHC

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                                                                                                                                                   01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   3
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
                                                                                                                    Castro, the former housing secretary and          Diplomat who defended
                                                                                                                former mayor of San Antonio, was the only Lati-
                                                                                                                no candidate in the Democratic Primary. While
                                                                                                                                                                      a gay couple declared
                                                                                                                he has “struggled in the polls,” he “remained a       persona non grata
    Parade registration opens Jan. 6                       were killed and more than 50 others injured by a     policy pacesetter on immigration and fighting            U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Dan Foote
                                                           lone gunman on June 12, 2016.                        poverty,” according to the New York Times.            has been declared persona non grata in
                                                              Dallas police were notified of the threat and        In the email, Castro said, “We’ve accom-           that country after he defended a gay couple
                                                           immediately increased patrols in the area, ac-       plished so much together and made our mark            arrested there for having a consensual
                                                           cording to DPD LGBT liaison Amber Roman.             on history. We’ve stood up for the most vulner-       relationship. Foote, a career diplomat rather
                                                              Roman asked the community to “be vigilant,”       able Americans — folks who are left out, cast         than a political appointee, had been in his
                                                           saying, “As always if anyone has any informa-        aside, marginalized. We’ve fought for not only        position since December 2017.
                                                           tion, please encourage them to report it and         the middle class, but also the poor and those            Foote said he was “horrified” by the arrest
                                                           remain aware of your surroundings.”                  who are struggling the most.”                         of the couple.
                                                              That information should be reported directly         Castro noted that his campaign had “put               According to Bob Satawake, Foote’s
                                                           to 911.                                              forward some of the most bold and comprehen-          previous assignment was in the Dominican
                                                              Anyone with more information on this or other     sive policy that rivals any candidate,” and that      Republic where he worked with Ambassador
                                                           such threats against the LGBTQ community is          his campaign was the first to “release polices        Wally Brewster, Satawake’s husband. Brewster
       Registration for the 2020 Alan Ross Texas           asked to let us here at Dallas Voice know so that    on immigration, lead exposure, police violence,       and Satawake now live in Dallas.
    Freedom Parade begins at 9 a.m. on Monday,             we can pass the information along to the com-        Indigenous communities, farmworkers, foster              Although some news reports said Foote
    Jan. 6.                                                munity. Contact us at          care and hunger. And we set the pace on so            was recalled by Washington, Satawake spoke
       The Pride festival takes place on Saturday,                                             — David Taffet   many other important issues.”                         directly to Foote on Sunday, Dec. 26, during
    June 6 and the parade on Sunday, June 7. For                                                                   He continued, “We’ve told the truth at a time      the Lambda Weekly broadcast on 89.3 KNON
    the second year, both will be held in Fair Park.                                                            when lies come easy out of the White House.           FM, telling Satawake he was declared “PNG”
                                                           Castro suspends campaign                             We were the first to call for Trump’s impeach-        — persona non grata. Satawake explained
       For sponsorship information, parade                     Texan Julián Castro announced Thursday
    registration prices and information and festival                                                            ment. We said frankly from the debate stage           that usually when there’s a disagreement
                                                           morning, Jan. 2, shortly before 9 a.m., that he
    information, visit                                                                         that police violence IS gun violence. And we          between the host country and an ambassa-
                                                           is suspending his campaign for the Democratic
                                        — David Taffet                                                          said that it’s time for a state other than Iowa or    dor, the country, through diplomatic channels,
                                                           presidential nomination.
                                                                                                                New Hampshire to vote first, so that our prima-       makes its displeasure known in hopes that the
                                                               It is “with a heavy heart and profound grati-
                                                                                                                ries reflect the diversity of our party and nation.   home country will withdraw the ambassador
                                                           tude, that today I will suspend my campaign for
    Police patrolling Cedar Springs                        president of the United States,” Castro, 45, said
                                                                                                                This campaign left our politics better than we        and avoid a diplomatic dispute.
                                                                                                                found it … .”                                            While the Trump administration made no
    after threat on Grindr                                 in an email, time-stamped 8:50 a.m., announc-
                                                                                                                   Castro also pledged that he is “not done           comment on the situation, it refused to recall
       Someone posted a threat on Grindr during            ing his decision. “With the Iowa caucuses just
                                                                                                                fighting. I’m going to keep working to build an       Foote. So Zambian officials declared Foote
    the week of Christmas that Cedar Springs               around the corner, and given the circumstances
                                                                                                                America where everyone counts, and where              persona non grata, a tactic rarely used, which
    would be “the next Pulse,” a threat referring to       of this campaign season, I have determined that
                                                                                                                Democrats win races up and down the ballot.”          forced him to leave the country.
    the Orlando LGBT nightclub where 49 people             it simply isn’t our time.”
                                                                                                                                                   — Tammye Nash                                         — David Taffet

4        █    01.03.20
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
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                                    01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   5
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
information to Managing Editor
Have an event coming up? Email your

Tammye Nash at
                                                     Seafood & Oyster Bar, 2508 Maple Ave.
                                                                                                     the country at the Sheraton Dallas,
                                                                                                     400 Olive St.
                                                                                                                                                      signature event Toast to Life from
                                                                                                                                                      5:30-7:30 p.m. at Mama Tried
                                                                                                                                                      Deep Ellum, 215 Henry St.
or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at               • Jan. 11-12: Stonewall Democrats               • Jan. 16: THRIVE Game Night            by Wednesday at               Primary Screening                               Game night with food, drinks and
5 p.m. for that week’s issue.                        Members hears from candidates in                friends. Free event for LGBTQ adults             • Jan. 23: THRIVE Discussion Group
                                                     all of the primary races and vote on            50+ from 6-8 p.m. at Resource Center,            Peer-led discussion group called
JANUARY                                              endorsements from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on             5750 Cedar Springs Road. Questions               “Let’s Talk!” for LGBTQ adults 50+ from
• Jan. 4: Stonewall Democrats                        Saturday and 2-6 p.m. on Sunday at              to                  6-8 p.m. at Resource Center, 5750 Cedar
Primary Screening                                    Sue Ellen’s, 3014 Throckmorton St.                                                               Springs Road. Questions to
Members hear from candidates in                                                                      • Jan. 18: Gaybingo                    
all of the primary races and vote on                 • Jan. 12: Sweat for a Cause          
endorsements from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at                  Join Equality Texas–Dallas and Barry’s                                                           • Jan. 24: Educare
Sue Ellen’s, 3014 Throckmorton St.                   Bootcamp for a feel good workout.               • Jan. 18: Bowling with the                      Educare presents Becoming Visible:
                                                     Each spot for this class is $32 with            Dallas Bears                                     LGBTQ+ Care from Theory to Practice
• Jan. 7: Brewing Up Business Plano                  the proceeds befitting Equality Texas           An evening of bowling from 6:45-9:30             with keynote speaker Tim Johnson from
Develop new business relationships                   from 2-3 p.m. at Barry’s Dallas,                p.m. at USA Bowl, 10920 Composite                SAGE discussing serious and unique
by giving your 30-second commercial/                 3600 McKinney Ave., Suite 150.                  Drive. RSVP to            health challenges due to historically
elevator speech, exchanging business                                     no later than Jan. 15.          unfair and cruel treatment from
cards and learning more about this                                                                                                                    7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Lovers Lane
month’s sponsor from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at               • Jan. 14: Mingle with TWCD                     • Jan. 17-19: Women Lead                         United Methodist Church, 9200 Inwood
3100 Independence Parkway, Suite 300,                Mingle with The Women’s Chorus of               Human Rights Campaign presents                   Road. Register at
Plano. $10 in advance. $20 at the door.              Dallas with 25 percent of your dinner           Women Lead Summit: Leading into the
Free to Chamber members.                             bill going to support the chorus from           Future at Westin Dallas, 1201 Main St.           • Jan. 28: Get Centered tour
                                                     4-9:30 p.m. at Rocco’s Uptown,                                                 Tour Resource Center and
• Jan. 7: Pride Night at                             2717 Howell St.                                                                        learn about its programs from
The Color Purple                                                                                     • Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day            5-6:30 p.m. at 5750 Cedar Springs Road.
Dallas Hope Charities and Cathedral                  • Jan. 14: Same-sex partner grief group                                                
of Hope present Pride night which                    Grief group for those who have lost a           • Jan. 20: MLK Day of Service
includes an after-show party with the                same-sex partner through death from             with HRC DFW                                     • Jan. 28: Same-sex partner grief group
cast and crew at 7:30 p.m. at Winspear               6:45-8 p.m. at Resource Center,                 Volunteers will help by sorting                  Grief group for those who have lost a
Opera House, 2403 Flora St.                          5750 Cedar Springs Road.                        donations and cleaning up around the             same-sex partner through death from                                                                                          shelter from 8 a.m.-noon at Jonathan’s           6:45-8 p.m. at Resource Center,
                                                     • Jan. 15-19: Creating Change                   Place, 6065 Duck Creek Drive, Garland.           5750 Cedar Springs Road.
• Jan. 10: DFW Pride Happy Hour                      The annual LGBTQ activist conference.           No photography.
LGBT Chamber of Commerce presents                    The first two days are all-day institutes.                       • Jan. 31: Business and Community
its first happy hour of the new year                 Friday-Sunday are workshops,                                                                     Excellence Awards
from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Crab House                    plenaries, entertainment and plenty of          • Jan. 23: Toast to Life mixer                   Awards luncheon at Renaissance
                                                     time to visit with activists from around        Learn more about Resource Center’s               Dallas Hotel.

       • Weekly: Lambda Weekly at 1 p.m.             a.m. at Resource Center, 2701 Reagan St.        a walk or run at Oak Lawn Park, near the        details; LGBT Sex Addicts Anonymous
    on Sunday on 89.3 KNON-FM with David             First Monday is birthday night at 5750 Cedar    intersection of Turtle Creek and Hall Street,   meets at 6 p.m. every Friday at 1919
    Taffet, Lerone Landis and the late Patti Fink;   Springs Road; Core Group Meeting every          every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. and every          Independence St., Room 19, Plano. 972-
    Silver Pride Project Coffee and Convo for        1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.;     Saturday at 8:30 a.m.; Leadership Lambda        316-9188 for details; Leadership Lambda
    LGBTQ+ seniors meets Mondays from 11             Fuse game night every Monday evening            Toastmasters practices and develops             Toastmasters gay-identified Toastmasters
    a.m.- 1 p.m. at Oak Lawn Library, 4100 Cedar     except the last of the month at 8 p.m. at the   speaking and leadership skills from 6:30–8      group meets from 6:30-8 p.m. every
    Springs Road, Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1            Fuse space in the 3918 Harry Hines Blvd.;       p.m. on Mondays at First Unitarian Church,      Monday at the First Unitarian Church, 4015
    p.m. at Grauwyler Park Branch Library, 2146      FuseConnect every Wednesday from 7 p.m.         third floor of the Hallman Building, 4012       Normandy Road (does not meet on Mondays
    Gilford St. Wednesdays for Breakfast Club        For more information call or e-mail Jalenzski   St. Andrews; Thrive, program of Resource        that are holidays); United Black Ellument
    from 10 a.m.-noon at Reverchon Recreation        at 214-760-9718 ext. 3 or Jalenzski@            Center for LGBTQ adults 50+ support group       hosts discussion on HIV/AIDS in the black
    Center, 3505 Maple Ave. and Thursdays for; LGBT square dancing       every Monday from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.             community (UBE Connected) at 7 p.m.
    Rainbow Rec from 10 am.-noon at Reverchon        group Pegasus Squares meets the second          followed by free lunch at Resource Center,      every fourth Tuesday of the month at 3918
    Recreation Center, 3505 Maple Ave.; Unwired      and fourth Sunday from 2–4 p.m. at Grace        5750 Cedar Springs Road; Lambda AA              Harry Hines Blvd.; DVtv in Spayse, news
    Group of Crystal Meth Anonymous meets            United Methodist Church, 4105 Junius St.        meets at noon, 6:30 p.m., 7:45 p.m. and         and entertainment discussion live streaming
    Sunday at 5:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday           For more info, email pegasussquares@            11 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Church,       every Friday, 4–5 p.m., on the Spayse Station
    and Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 11:30; Dallas Frontrunners meet for         6525 Inwood Road. Call 214-267-0222 for         YouTube channel.

6      █   01.03.20
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
FEBRUARY                                                            • Feb. 17: President’s Day
• Feb. 6: Casablanca screening                                      Honoring our presidents who haven’t
The Texas Theatre presents a pre-                                   been impeached.
Valentine’s Day screening of the 1942
Humphrey Bogart-Ingrid Bergman                                      • Feb. 21: Toast to Life Sponsor Party
classic Casablanca at 8 p.m. at the                       
Majestic Theatre, 1925 Elm St.
Tickets at                                           • Feb. 21: LGBTQ Global Symposium
                                                                    on Equality and Human Rights
• Feb. 11: Same-sex partner grief group                             A coalition of Dallas-based
Grief group for those who have lost a                               organizations presents a symposium on
same-sex partner through death from                                 equality and human rights. A diverse
6:45-8 p.m. at Resource Center,                                     group of LGBTQ and ally presenters
5750 Cedar Springs Road.                                            will highlight Dallas’ rich history of
                                                                    moving from openly opposing to
• Feb. 15: Gaybingo                                                 vocally championing human rights                                               and equality from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at
                                                                    Southern Methodist University,
• Feb. 15: Love Equality                                            Tickets at
An event benefitting Equality Texas is
a night of celebration and dancing with                             • Feb. 22: Turtle Creek Chorale gala
drinks and light food from                                          Idina Menzel performs at a gala
8-11 p.m. at Seven for Parties,                                     benefiting the Turtle Creek Chorale at
150 Turtle Creek Blvd. Suite 107.                                   7:30 p.m. at The Statler, 1914 Commerce
Tickets at                                  St.

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                                                                                                                                           01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   7
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
Cedar Springs
construction begins
Upgrades and beautification are
meant to attract new business,
slow down traffic for safety
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

                        onstruction intend-
                        ed to beautify the
                        area and make it
                        safer has begun
                        on Cedar Springs
                        Road. Some of the
                        specifications of up-
                        grades are meant to
                        slow traffic and at-
tract more business to the area.
   The city is paying for the project
through bond package money designat-
ed to the neighborhood by former Dallas
City Council members Angela Hunt and
Pauline Medrano. Cedar Springs Road di-
vides the two council districts now represented
by David Blewett and Adam Medrano.
   The delay in construction has been due to dif-
ferent proposals by local businesses, residents
and the city. At one point, the city drew up plans
to narrow Cedar Springs to one lane in each di-
rection. That’s something that’s worked in oth-
er entertainment districts, like Bishop Arts and
Lower Greenville. But on Cedar Springs Road,
it would have halted traffic every day as beer
trucks made their deliveries to the many bars
along the street.
   After years of back and forth, a design was
approved earlier this year, and construction has      Top: New traffic lights are being installed on the corner of Knight         In a lot behind the Melrose Hotel,
begun. A traffic light is being added at the corner   Street on Cedar Springs Road to slow traffic on the Strip and make       a mid-rise addition to the hotel has
of Knight Street and Cedar Springs. Several fatal     the intersection safer for pedestrians. Right: Brick pillars and a fence been postponed a number of times but
accidents have occurred at that corner, and near      will surround the Melrose Hotel’s new parking lot. Above: Roy G’s is     is now on hold. The lot that formerly
                                                      taking shape at the Crossroads. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)
misses continue to occur as cars race through the                                                                              housed a vintage 1920s building that
flashing pedestrian lights.                                                                                                 was home to the restaurant The Bronx for
   Because there’s a jog in the street at that cor-      Entrance gates to the district will be placed               decades has been paved. The new parking lot
ner, each of the four corners has been dug up,         where Cedar Springs intersects Oak Lawn Av-                   will be surrounded by a fence built in a style to
and the bases for traffic light poles have been        enue and where it intersects Douglas Avenue to                match the hotel’s architecture.
poured. New handicap-accessible sidewalks are          mark the district.                                              And up the street, a new restaurant is taking
being installed, and brick will be incorporated          The last design element that will be added —                shape. Roy G’s — after the acronym for remem-
into the design.                                       and an indication construction is coming to an                ber the order of the colors of the rainbow —
   At Reagan Street and elsewhere along Cedar          end — will be the rainbow crosswalks.                         features rainbow colors. The bar/cafe is being
Springs Road, cutouts are meant to slow traffic          The crosswalks will be maintained by the                    developed and will be run by members of the
by narrowing the street. Landscaping will be           North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce and                      Street family, pioneers who helped turn a run-
added, which also tends to slow traffic. Brick         are being privately funded in a campaign head-                down Cedar Springs Road into the gayborhood
will be used in the design to beautify the cross-      ed by former Dallas City Councilman Chris                     in the 1970s with their original Black-eyed Pea
ing.                                                   Luna.                                                         restaurant.				                                █

8     █   01.03.20
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
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                      olanda Jones has                                                               BEFORE              AFTER                     2928 Oak Lawn Ave.
                      been named vice                                                             Actual Advanced Skin Fitness Patient 
                      president and chief
                      operating officer
                      of AIDS Services
                      of Dallas, effective
                      Thursday, Jan. 2,
                      ASD officials have
   “ASD is an amazing organization pro-
viding a holistic approach to housing
and care. It is indeed an honor and priv-
ilege to be a part of innovative program-
ming,” Jones said. “I have dedicated my
entire career to this population, and I’m
not giving up anytime soon.”
   Jones graduated from Texas Southern
University with a bachelor of arts degree
in intercultural communications. She
earned her master’s degree in public ad-
ministration, with an emphasis in public
policy, at the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Le-
land School of Public Affairs.
   Jones is a lifetime member of the Tex-
as Southern University National Alumni                                                           Non-Commission
Association and Dallas Alumni Chapter                                       Yolanda Jones          Sales Team
president. She also serves as the chaplain                                                       Guaranteed Pay
for Collin County Alumnae Chapter of          works to free American youth from sex
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.               trafficking through prevention, identifi-
                                                                                                   Health Care
   ASD officials noted that Jones has         cation and empowerment.                           Flexible Schedule
“dedicated her entire life to empowering         Jones has a proven track record of
                                                                                                    Great Work
individuals, families, and communities        federal, state and regulatory program
affected by HIV/AIDS to create and sus-       development and compliance at the

tain healthy lives.”                          leadership level, ASD officials. She has
   Born and raised in Dallas, Jones pre-      served as the quality compliance direc-

viously served as program director of         tor for The Resource Group in Houston
Dallas Family Access Network at UT            where she provided oversight and man-
Southwestern Medical Center, working          agement of the quality management pro-
in the area of primary medical care and       grams, specifically those funded in Ryan
support services to the HIV/AIDS com-         White Part A, B/State Services C, D, F,
munity. She also serves as chair of the Al-   MAI, and HOPWA.
locations Committee for the Ryan White           In addition, Jones served in critical po-       Make Our
Planning Council for the city of Dallas
and co-chair of the Care Coordination
                                              sitions at AIDS Foundation Houston, in-
                                              cluding a role as the Part D Program co-
                                                                                                Team Better,
Committee.                                    ordinator managing a housing program             One Individual
   Jones said that one of her passions is     for HIV-positive young adults between
freeing and advocating for youth impact-      the ages of 18-24. That program worked             at a Time!
ed by sex trafficking, and she serves as a    to provide life skills and guidance as the
volunteer and mentor for Traffick911, a       youth transitioned out of homelessness              Call Rebecca Burns @ 972-283-9797
Texas-based non-profit organization that      or foster care and into adulthood.        █

                                                                                                                                                         01.03.20      █   dallasvoice       9
Talking ... Black, gay C&W rapper Lil Nas X made headlines with his smash hit song in 2019. See what else everybody was talking about last year ...
Equality                                   vs.
SCOTUS to take up 2 cases
                                                   • In the Our
involving religious nonprofits and              Lady of Gua-
LGBTQ employees                                 dalupe School
                                                case, the Her-
                                                mosa        Beach,
CHRIS JOHNSON | Washington Blade                Calif.-based
Courtesy National LGBT Media Association        school refused to renew the contract of        sist them in one of their most important       then essentially undercut that decision
                                                Agnes Morrissey-Berru, a fifth-grade           duties: Forming the faith of their chil-       by determining in the Catholic school
                         ases the Supreme       and sixth-grade teacher, who’s now al-         dren,” said Montserrat Alvarado, execu-        cases the ministerial exemption enables
                         Court has recently     leging age discrimination under the Age        tive director at Becket. “If courts can sec-   religious institutions to engage in an-
                         agreed to take up      Discrimination Employment Act. The             ond-guess a Catholic school’s judgment         ti-LGBTQ discrimination under federal
                         on the right for re-   school has said it refused to renew her        about who should teach religious beliefs       law for an array of positions, including
                         ligious nonprofits     contract because she didn’t fulfill her        to fifth graders, then neither Catholics       teachers.
                         to hire and fire em-   cathecist certification requirement. That      nor any other religious group can be con-         If, on the other hand, the Supreme
                         ployees consistent     was established in 2012, years after Mor-      fident in their ability to convey the faith    Court ends up ruling against LGBTQ
                         with their faith       rissey-Berru was first hired in 1999.          to the next generation.”                       inclusion, Title VII would end up pro-
                         could have major          After filing a complaint with U.S.             Although the Supreme Court has pre-         viding no protections whatsoever for
implications for LGBTQ workers at those         Equal Employment Opportunity Com-              viously ruled religious institutions under     LGBTQ workers, making a ruling for an
institutions, LGBTQ legal advocates are         mission in 2015, Morrissey-Berru sued          the ministerial exemption are absolutely       expanded ministerial exemption under
warning.                                        in district court. The judge, however, de-     free to hire and fire whomever they want       Title VII irrelevant for LGBTQ workers
   The Supreme Court has announced it           termined her claim was barred under the        as ministers, it has not specified what po-    in terms of federal law.
has granted a writ of certiorari, or agreed     ministerial exemption and granted sum-         sition, exactly, is a “minister.”                 Nonetheless, such an outcome would
to hear, two cases now consolidated as          mary judgment in favor of Our Lady. A             The decision in these cases will de-        still undercut employment protections
one: Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Mor-       panel on the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of       termine whether the jobs at stake in the       for LGBTQ people as they exist under
rissey-Berru, Agnes and St. James School v.     Appeals reversed the ruling, which led         lawsuits — teaching positions at paro-         state laws and local ordinances. Twen-
Darryl Biel.                                    the school to file a petition for certiorari   chial schools — qualify as ministers. As       ty-one states explicitly ban discrimi-
   In both cases, Catholic schools are          before the Supreme Court.                      such, the ruling could impact whether          nation against LGBTQ people in the
seeking an expanded right to conduct               • In the St. James School case, the         gay teachers have a legal right to sue a       workforce, and numerous municipalities
employment practices — such as the              Torrence, Calif.-based school refused to       Catholic school if they’re terminated for      prohibit anti-LGBTQ bias.
hiring and firing of employees — con-           renew the contract of Kristen Biel after       entering into a same-sex marriage, or             Jon Davidson, chief counsel for Free-
sistent with their religious beliefs under      she disclosed she had breast cancer. (She      transgender teachers if they’re fired for      dom for All Americans, said a ruling for
the ministerial exemption granted by the        is now deceased and is represented by          undergoing a gender transition.                the schools would allow for a “greatly
First Amendment.                                Darryl Biel.) The school declined to re-          It’s true LGBTQ people, as of now, have     expanded exemption” under all non-dis-
   Shannon Minter, legal director for the       new Kristen Biel’s contract after telling      extremely limited explicit non-discrim-        crimination measures — and not just
National Center for Lesbian Rights, said        her she would be unable to keep her job        ination protections under federal law,         laws barring discrimination against
a ruling for the Catholic schools “could        because she couldn’t maintain order in         and none in the workforce, but the EEOC        LGBTQ people.
significantly expand the ability of reli-       her classroom.                                 has been accepting charges from LGBTQ             “That would include laws prohibiting
gious schools and other religious em-              The EEOC granted Biel a right-to-sue        workers alleging discrimination, and the       discrimination based on sexual orienta-
ployers to disregard anti-discrimination        letter in 2015. However, a trial court ruled   entire situation could change soon.            tion, and gender identity, as well as those
laws when hiring and firing employees.          she was serving in a ministerial position,        At the same time the Supreme Court          prohibiting discrimination based on race,
   “In practice, the impact of any such         thus the school was in its right to termi-     has granted certiorari in the Catholic         national origin and sex,” Davidson said.
broadened exemption would be espe-              nate her. A divided panel on the Ninth         school cases, it’s considering cases that         The next step in the case is for the
cially serious for LGBTQ workers, since         Circuit reversed the decision, prompting       will decide whether anti-LGBTQ dis-            scheduling of briefings and oral argu-
many religious employers view being in          the school to file a petition for certiorari   crimination is a form of sex discrimina-       ments. Although the Supreme Court
a same-sex relationship or undergoing           before the Supreme Court.                      tion, therefore illegal under Title VII of     elected to take up the litigation half-way
a gender transition as contrary to their           The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty,      the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The two cas-     through its term, it may well render the
doctrines and beliefs and thus grounds          the same non-profit behind high-profile        es alleging anti-gay discrimination are        decision before the term ends in June
for termination,” Minter said.                  litigation that sought exemptions under        Zarda v. Altitude Express and Bostock v.       2020. 				                               █

   On their face, the litigation has nothing    the Affordable Care Act before the Su-         Clayton County, and the one case alleging         Chris Johnson is Chief Political & White
to do with LGBTQ workers and instead            preme Court in the Hobby Lobby and             anti-trans discrimination is Harris Funer-     House Reporter for the Washington Blade.
is about former teachers alleging wrong-        Little Sisters of the Poor cases, is behind    al Homes v. EEOC.                              Johnson attends the daily White House press
ful discrimination on the basis of age and      both lawsuits.                                    It’s possible the Supreme Court could       briefings and is a member of the White House
disability.                                        “Parents trust Catholic schools to as-      rule for LGBTQ inclusion under Title VII,      Correspondents’ Association.

10        █    01.03.20
Trial by
                                                                                              don’t watch or care about the show (and       have to ignore the soundbite or headline
                                                                                              many of us don’t, and you don’t need to       and dig a bit deeper.
                                                                                              approve of these kind of shows to follow         Closest to Ms. Locken’s heart has been
                                                                                              my thoughts here). Ms. Locken is em-          her work with Legacy Counseling and
                                                                                              broiled in a scandal due to a comment         Founders Cottage. But who was she
                                                                                              she made on air. She called a fellow cast-    helping there? Her rich, stylish, white
                                                                                              mate a “chirpy Mexican.” And boy did          gay friends? Nope. LeeAnne focused on
                                                                                              she get it.                                   minorities of all colors. And it wasn’t just
Don’t make judgements                                                           I had nev-       The charges of racism and calls for her    service and fundraising galas. She was
based just on soundbytes                                                        er met; the   removal from the show came fast and fu-       there — listening, loving, hugging and
                                                                                Amazon        rious. And they came from all quarters:       caring on each and every one of the cli-
and headlines
                                                                                reviews of    fans of the show, non-watchers, people        ents and beneficiaries.
                                                                                my novel      that simply read a headline, fellow cast         Those that work with her on her mis-
WILL KOLB | Guest Columnist                                                     were de-      members or friends and fans of fellow         sion don’t see racism in her heart. They
                                                                                stroyed       cast members.                                 don’t see it in her actions. And perhaps
                      here can be no doubt                                      by people        Yet there is a backstory. The cast mem-    while they flinched for her as she spilled
                      that the internet has                                     that nev-     ber called a “chirpy Mexican” is Kary         out something that at the time seemed
                      changed the way                                           er bought     Brittingham, the newest of the cast mem-      like a funny line but in retrospect is re-
                      we live. In my case,                                      the book,     bers of Real Housewives of Dallas. On nu-     grettable, those in the know are quite
                      I rarely get lost driv-                                   and even      merous occasions, on air, she has called      sure the intent and the heart are not what
                      ing anymore; I have                                       folks    at   herself the “tough Mexican.” But no           those so quick to try her by internet are
                      whole albums of sel-                                      my place      matter. In a heated discussion, LeeAnne       determined to brand her: a racist. Simply
                      fies to select when                                       of employ-    let slip her “chirpy Mexican” comment.        put, she is not.
I need to post something for an ego             ment were getting emails from anony-          Now, was that politically incorrect in this      But the internet is determined — the
boost from strangers; I stay connected to       mous strangers.                               day in age? Yes. Did she need to apolo-       actions, the heart, the love being wiped
friends across the globe, and anything I          Most of these people didn’t know me.        gize? Yes. Did she? Yes.                      away by people who care to know the
want to know is at my fingertips.               They had read something that someone             But was it racist? No, in my opinion.      headline and not the story.
   In addition — by choice — my opin-           insisted was true. They didn’t ask my         And even if you think repeating what a           The Housewives shows by their very
ions, thoughts and every move can be            side. They didn’t evaluate my actions or      woman has called herself multiple times,      definition are designed for drama. Each
cataloged in a continuous online diary          character. They just knew. Because they       Mexican, is racist, the question then be-     has the same formula: Find a group of
that people can either ignore or follow,        read it on the internet.                      comes what was the intent and what            women; let one rise to the top and be-
as they choose.                                   It took years for that to die down.         have been the actions of the person ac-       come the alpha (in the Dallas case, it’s
   But along with this comes a darker             Which brings me to two cases in the         cused of being racist?                        always been LeeAnne), and then let the
side, something I think of as trial by in-      news at the end of 2019. The first is re-        Is LeeAnne Locken a racist? If you         others squabble and fight and kick at
ternet. And we are reveling in it as a so-      garding our own Real Housewife of Dal-        follow any of the sites on social media       the pedestal until they can bring down
ciety.                                          las, LeeAnne Locken. Now in case you          devoted to the show or the network, the       the Queen Bee and assume the top spot
   As we read less and ignore long-form                                                       outlook is glum. She simply must be a         themselves.
journalism, we’ve been reduced to reac-                                                       racist. After all, she said it, didn’t she?      Rinse and repeat.
tionaries of hearsay and headlines — a                                                           So, a lot of people’s verdict is to de-       And by the reactions of the other
giant online community that has an                                                            stroy Ms. Locken as quickly as possible.      Housewives, they think they finally have
opinion about everything, regardless of                                                       And to my shock, many of those peo-           the weapon to do it. And while accept-
how much we know; a ferocious cabal                                                           ple gunning for LeeAnne are part of the       able that none condoned the comment,
of critics without credentials. Hidden                                                        LGBT community.                               not even one defended the heart of their
behind screens, bogus screennames and                                                            But those choosing to react to a heated    castmate. They just went for the jugular,
cartoons as profile pictures, we gleefully                                                    conversation on air with all the pressures    all the while knowing her record of ser-
comment away on anything and every-                                                           that go along with a definitive judgement     vice to minorities. And considering the
thing.                                                                                        of racism might also wish to investigate      skeletons in these women’s closets, that
   From celebrity scandals to nonfactual                                                      Ms. Locken’s actual actions.                  surprises me a bit. I know a few of the
news, everyone has a voice now. Some-                                                            Those in the LGBTQ Dallas charity and      ladies and racism, homophobia, hypoc-
one is angry at someone and posts it                                                          social services community are quite fa-       risy and pettiness are not something that
online? Within minutes the likes and                                                          miliar with LeeAnne. Long, long before        hasn’t played a part in more than one
vicious comments pour in from those                                                           it was fashionable or of any interest to      of their lives. So far, they haven’t been
knowing, at best, one side of the story                                                       heterosexual women to be involved, Lee-       caught.
and, at worst, nothing at all.                                                                Anne was charging ahead on the front-            That’s why it surprises me to see ket-
   I went though this sort of trial a few                                                     lines in defense of her LGBTQ friends.        tles so anxious to point at a pot, even
years back. After starting a large network                                                    She didn’t just talk the talk, she walked     when this indictment is mislabeled from
of online groups, I discovered that by                                                        the walk. From headlining to chairing to      making an insensitive and politically in-
putting yourself out there, you not only                                                      hosting, Ms. Locken was there.                correct remark to deliberate and blatant
attract fans, you get haters. A small group                                                      After her Real Housewives gig started,     racism.
of those charmers ignited an online at-                                                       she didn’t retreat; she got even more in-        In all fairness I know LeeAnne Locken.
tack campaign. Before I knew it, I was                                                        volved. And what does that have to do         She’s brash. She’s outspoken. Occasional-
                                                                           LeeAnne Locken
getting hate mail and texts from people                                                       with racism you ask? Well, again, we’d
                                                                                                                                                                   INTERNET, Next Page

                                                                                                                                                        01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   11
INTERNET, From Previous Page                                                      P
                                                ly she opens her mouth and words just fall     into thinking all their heterosexuals were   H
                                                out. Sometimes she regrets those words.        going to run away from Hallmark? Of
                                                But I am very clear on one thing: She          course. Did they buckle? Sure did.           a
                                                isn’t a racist. I’ve never heard her once         But within 24 hours the corpora-          L
                                                say anything negative about any racial
                                                group. And if calling someone a Mexi-
                                                                                               tion had reversed the decision, made a
                                                                                               lengthy apology and promptly reinstat-
                                                can makes her a racist instead of some-        ed the ads.                                  A
                                                one just using a word that may be im-             But didn’t the gay community threat-      D
                                                proper in a politically correct era, I hate    en to boycott the network, you ask? Ab-      P
                                                to say it, but I don’t know anyone white       solutely. But were we watching them          C
                                                over 40 that while having their every          anyway? Doubtful. The Hallmark de-
                                                moment recorded or filmed wouldn’t             mographic is basically 1950s-longing         L
                                                get caught in some similar transgression.      families with 2.5 kids anxious to watch a    H
                                                We have all said something insensitive.        lonely secretary find a man before Santa     T
                                                We have all said something that can be         forgets to come to her house.                B

 Get your
                                                viewed as politically incorrect. But we           But isn’t that just about money then?     I
                                                weren’t all being filmed or recorded. And      Well of course it is. It’s almost always
                                                luckily, we weren’t judged on the internet     about money. Just ask any of our saint-      a
 business                                       without a real way to show our true selves.
                                                Before you read a headline and simply
                                                                                               ed LGBTQ celebs who come out after
                                                                                               already making their millions or when

 in shape
                                                judge her a racist, go to an event that        their career was on the downslide. It’s      N
                                                LeeAnne is headlining. Watch her close-        the money.                                   R

 with the                                                                                                                                   a
                                                ly. Watch her eyes as she’s speaking to           All networks play to their demograph-
                                                anyone of any color, creed, orientation        ic. From Fox News pandering to the           K
                                                or social status. I have. And I’m a fair       Trumpdalytes to Logo giving us a daily
                                                judge of character. Her eyes are attached
                                                to her heart, and all I’ve ever seen pour-
                                                                                               dose of RuPaul, networks play for those
                                                                                               who watch. A boycott from the LGBTQ
                                                ing out towards anyone not on a show           community would not have truly hurt          B
                                                where she’s paid to be embroiled in dra-       Hallmark. They did the right thing after     I
                                                ma, is love, kindness, compassion and          24 hours because they did the right thing.   B
arriving JAN. 24, 2020!

                                                an assurance that she finds herself no         They have a track record that shows that     R
                                                better or worse … just another human.          within their company.
                                                Which brings me finally to the second             And yet the trial by internet is deter-   c
                                                news item: Hallmark and the pulling of         mined. Everywhere you saw our com-
                                                the lesbian wedding kiss advertisement         munity certain that the company hates        f
                                                from their network. Here is yet another        us despite their record. Nothing they        R
                                                trial by internet. We read the headline,       said, no apology was good enough.            a
                                                and it was off with Hallmark’s orna-              The internet has taught us to react, to   A
                                                ment-shaped head.                              simply agree with whatever headline          N
                                                   The headline was all we needed. Ho-         suits us. Humans tend to see what they       F
                                                mophobic, horrible company was the             want to see and hear what they want to       F
                          Reserve               verdict. BOYCOTT!                              hear. I’m certainly not immune. But be-
                                                   Yet those that went a little deeper dis-    fore I decide someone or something is
                          YOUR                  covered a few things. First, we discov-
                                                ered that the company has a 100 percent
                                                                                               racist, homophobic, guilty of #MeToo
                                                                                               moves, etc., I always dig deeper. I read
                          space by              inclusivity rating from Human Rights           more, and I mull it over. Life-destroying
                                                Campaign. Their LGBTQ employees                judgments are far more complex than a
                          JAN. 20               have benefits and protections. The com-        simple headline. They are more deserv-
                          for the               pany has frequently fought for tolerance
                                                and human rights. They have a full line
                                                                                               ing of consideration than a reaction to a
                                                                                               shared meme or post.
                          best                  of LGBTQ-themed products.                         And I almost never comment online.
                          placement                Now don’t get me wrong, pulling
                                                the ad WAS homophobic, pandering to
                                                                                               Frankly, I presume someone so certain
                                                                                               has already made up their mind, and I
                          Contact               a very low hate group determined that
                                                their families have the only values that
                                                                                               won’t be able to convince them other-
                                                                                               wise in a comment.
                          us at:                matter.                                           Having been through a trial by inter-
                                                   But again, it’s about actions and intent.   net myself, I try to remember that once
        214.754.8710                               Did some executive feel the heat from
                                                a right-wing conservative so-called
                                                                                               a judgement is passed, the accused has
                                                                                               no way to counter the avalanche that the             Christian group and scare the network          internet becomes. 		                    █

  12    █   01.03.20
Phone 214-754-8710 Fax 214-969-7271

1825 Market Center Blvd., Ste. 240, Dallas, Texas 75207
                                                                Ditching the gender guessing game
Hours: Weekdays 9 a.m.–5 p.m. •

Leo Cusimano Publisher 114  █


                                                                     was pleased to see recently that Mer-                                    wife and          Where did gendering people as a
Tammye Nash Managing Editor 113      █

Arnold Wayne Jones Executive Editor Life+Style 129          █
                                                                     riam-Webster (the dictionary people)                                     I are both     greeting come from? The service indus-
David Taffet Senior Staff Writer 125  █                              had chosen “they” as their “Word of                                      transgen-      try especially is rife with gender-based
Philip Burton Proofreader                                       The Year” for 2019. This particular usage                                     der.           assumptions. Why? If you get it wrong,
Contributors: Chris Azzopardi, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block,       is as a gender-neutral singular pronoun,                                        I    can     you are all but guaranteeing a bad expe-
J. Denton Bricker, Alicia Chang, D’Anne Witowski, Lawrence
                                                                often used by those who identify as non-                                      only imag-     rience. As a trans woman, it would ruin
Ferber, Hardy Haberman, Scott Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark
Lowry, Joey Moreno, Cassie Nova, Josh Robbins, Mikey Rox,       binary. It’s hard enough for those of us                                      ine how a      my night. It would also ruin your tip and
Howard Lewis Russell, James Russell,                            who are transgender to get those around                                       nonbinary      all but guarantee I won’t be back.
Terri Schlichenmeyer, Leslie McMurray, Mathew Shaw,             us to get the pronouns right; for those                                       custom-           To me it seems as ridiculous as guess-
Brandi Amara Skyy, Mark Stokes, Jef Tingley, Casey Williams     who identify as nonbinary, it must be a                                       er would       ing someone’s religion by how they look,
Photographers: Chuck Marcelo, Cassie Quinn
Intern: John McClanahan
                                                                nightmare.                                                                    fare.          sound or dress: “Hello Catholic. Welcome
                                                                   Even having to explain the concept of                                        Why is       to Snarky’s. Oh, you’re Episcopalian? I’m
advertising                                                     nonbinary pronouns to, say, a grocery                                         this even      so sorry.” “Excuse me, could you show
Chad Mantooth Advertising Director 131        █

Nicholas Gonzalez Advertising Account Rep. 115         █
                                                                store checker who is trying to be polite                                      necessary?     me to the little Lutherans’ room?”
Stephen Mobley MarketPlace Sales 123          █                 and respectful but just wants to move the
National Advertising Representative                             line along is hard. Do you just take the
Rivendell Media Inc. 908-232-2021                               “sir” or “ma’am” and get on with your
art                                                             day?
                                                                   I’ve been thinking about that a lot late-
Kevin Thomas Art Director 119   █

Shawn Weston Graphic Designer 132     █                         ly. I have been enjoying some time off
multimedia                                                      from work over the holidays, and I spent
                                                                time out running errands and picking up
Stephen Mobley Social Media Director              █
Brian Kennedy Video Producer                                    last-minute things for Christmas. This
Israel Luna Video Producer/DVtv host                            means a lot more interaction with clerks.
Brad Pritchett DVtv Host                                        I have also been more tuned in to just
Brandi Amara Skyy DVtv Host
Regina Lyn
                                                                how pervasive identifying someone else
                                                                by gender is.
circulation                                                        I got my nails done over the weekend
Linda Depriter Circulation Director 120   █

                                                                (one of life’s little pleasures), and al-
founders                                                        though I’m a regular there, each time I
Robert Moore Don Ritz
                                                                come in I’m given a mini clipboard with        I get that we want to be polite, but guess-      Gender identity is considered legally
affiliations/memberships                                        a form asking for what services I want.        ing at someone’s gender identity as a         protected medical information, so why is
Associated Press - Associate Member                             This form also has my name on it. Still,       show of respect is pretty high risk for a     it relevant at Target?
National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association                I’m only referred to as “ma’am.” Not that      pretty low reward. If you guess wrong,           I recently came across a restaurant
Certified LGBT Business Enterprise
Founding Member - North Texas GLBT Chamber
                                                                I have any problem with it; it’s music to      I’m going to remember you. I also won’t       in Toronto called “Hey Lucy’s” that
Founding Member - National LGBT Media Association               my ears. But why is it even necessary?         even feel safe coming back to your store.     has instructed staff to greet guests in a
                                                                   It’s everywhere!                               It’s another risk to guess someone’s       non-gendered manner. It’s a work in
                                                                   My wife Katie and I like to play golf, so   relationship status. For instance, when       progress, but “Hey ladies” doesn’t fly.
                                                                I was at a golf shop looking at something      a clerk asks, “Is this for your husband,”     Their attitude is, “If you don’t know,
                                                                I wanted to get her. The sales associate       there are any number of uncomfortable         don’t assume.” A customer shouldn’t
                                                                stepped up and said, “Yes ma’am, how           possible answers: “No, my husband just        have to share their gender identity in or-
                                                                can I help you?” I described what I was        passed away on Thanksgiving. This is          der to be served a meal.
                                                                looking for, and as he showed it to me, he     for my son.” “No, my husband cheated             A gender-neutral approach can not
 © 2019 Voice Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
 Reprint rights are available only by written consent of the
                                                                asked, “Is this for your husband?”             on me, and we were divorced just last         only be more respectful but also more
 publisher or managing editor.                                     That’s a lot of assumptions for a short     week. This is for me.” “Yes; I’m hoping       profitable, too.
 Dallas Voice is published every Friday. Additional copies
 may be purchased for $1 each, payable in advance at            conversation with a stranger. Not only         that playing more golf will distract him         American Airlines realizes that as well,
 the Dallas Voice office. Dallas Voice may be distributed
 only by Dallas Voice authorized independent contractors
                                                                did he make a guess as to my gender            from his porn habit.”                         having just last week added nonbinary
 or distributors. No person may, without prior written
 permission of Voice Publishing, take more than one copy of
                                                                identity, but he went on to take a guess          Who it’s for? Nunya. If I volunteer        gender options when purchasing tickets.
 each Dallas Voice weekly issue.                                as to my relationship status. He was only      that information, then let’s talk. But ask-   Maybe it’s time to ditch gender guessing
 Subscriptions via First Class Mail are available: Three
 months (13 consecutive issues), $65. Six months (26            50 right; that won’t even get you an invi-     ing can be risky.                             and ask only if you really need to know,
 consecutive issues), $85. One year (52 consecutive issues),
 $130. Contact Dallas Voice at 214-754-8710 x123.
                                                                tation the Gator Bowl.                            Maybe ask if this is for me? Women         like if you’re my doctor.
 Paid advertising copy represents the claim(s) of the              There was a nice, awkward silence           play golf, you know. If I volunteer that         Leslie McMurray, a transgender woman,
 advertiser. Bring inappropriate claims to the attention
 of the publisher. Dallas Voice reserves the right to enforce   when I corrected him: “No, it’s for my         information, then you can ask questions       is a former radio DJ who lives and works in
 its own judgments regarding the suitability of advertising
 copy, illustrations and/or photographs.                        wife.” I imagine I would have really sent      about swing speed or handicap to make         Dallas. Read more of her blogs at lesliemi-
 Unsolicited manuscripts are accepted by email only.            him into a spin if I’d told him that my        sure this is the right fit.         
 To obtain a copy of our guidelines for contributors,
 send a request by email to

                                                                                                                                                                        01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   13
Culture                              LIFE+STYLE
                                         From memorable exhibition to ice cream
                                      vandalism, the stuff we talked about in 2019
                                                                                                    year in review
                                                                                           hours a day, writing in journals, was the most
                                      ARNOLD WAYNE JONES | Executive Editor                provocative art exhibition of the year.
                                                              Garrett Smith. Bruce Wood Dance com-
                                                                                           missions a new dance from the international

                                              he culture at large — across the U.S. and    choreographer, and it becomes one of the best
                                              especially right here at home — was          original works since the company’s founder
                                              filled with excitement, strangeness and      died.
                                      meme-able things to get us talking about. Not          Blue Bell licking. The prankish vandalism
                                      politics per se, and not movies or theater (we       of the Texas ice cream maker, already reeling
                                      have separate categories for that), but sports,      from adulteration controversies, disgusts more
                                      art and the community as a whole. Some things        than it creates a meme, and further damaged
                                      were inescapable, for good or bad; all defined       the brand.
                                      the year.                                              Ryan Russell, a three-year veteran of the
                                                                                           NFL (one season with the Dallas Cowboys),
                                         Lil Nas X. Totally unsigned, he released the      comes out, one of only a few current or former
                                      best selling single of all-time — a self-produced    pro football players to do so.
                                      song that set him
                                      back all of $35.
                                      Countless remix-
                                      es. Straddling hip-
                                      hop and country
                                      charts to create a
                                      pop hybrid unlike
                                      any we’ve ever
                                      seen, especially
                                      from a black artist
                                      … and a teenager,
                                      at that. Chalks up
                                      Grammy nomi-
                                      nations. Then he
                                      comes out as gay
                                      and says “fuck it”
                                      to all the haters.
                                      2019 was, like it or
                                      not, the year of Lil
                                      Nas X. And I like
                                      it — I like it a lot.
                                         Dior at the
                                      DMA. The exhibit, the first of its kind in the          Bowen Yang becomes Saturday Night Live’s
                                      U.S., was the ticket of the museum world … not       first regular Asian cast member. Plus he’s
                                      just in Dallas, but all over. Fashion as art never   gay — very, very gay — and hilarious as hell,
                                      had a more comprehensive and respectful              writing and performing in some of the best bits
                                      gallery treatment.                                   this season. Meanwhile, queer black playwright
                                         Bon Appetit names Dallas Restaurant City          Jeremy O. Harris lights up stages with his “col-
                                      of the Year. The rest of the foodie world finally    orful” appeal (from his fashion-forward Insta to
                                      knows what we have known for a long time:            his controversial hit Slave Play).
                                      That Dallas’ restaurant scene is thriving (maybe        Botham Jean’s killer Amber Guyger is found
                                      too much!), diverse and delightful. We do more       guilty but sentenced to only 10 years (eligible
                                      than tacos and steaks … though of course, no-        for parole in five). Days later, Joshua Brown,
                                      body does those better. (Not mentioned by the        a key witness against Guyger, is murdered
                                      Bon Appetit article? Past Dallas Voice contrib-      on Cedar Springs Road with two gunshots
                                      utor Jose Ralat was hired by Texas Monthly as        fired from an automobile. Conspiracy theories
                                      the nation’s first official “taco editor.”)          proliferate.
                                         Elmgreen and Dragset at the Nasher                   Tornado alley. On Oct. 20, a devastating tor-
                                      Sculpture Center. The exhibit by these gay           nado rips across North Dallas, flattening homes
                                      Scandinavian conceptual artists, including an        and businesses including Marek+Richard and
                                      installation where three people sit, for eight       North Haven Gardens. 			                        █

14   █   01.03.20
                                                      The best of fiction and
                                                          nonfiction in 2019

So many books, so little time. That’s what they say, and in
2019, it was the truth. Here are the can’t-miss, shouldn’t-skip
books of the past 12 months

Fiction                                    erally takes on a life of its own and the
                                           lengths the man goes to perpetuate it.
   If the subject of death can be taken
                                           Clever, witty, perfect.
lightly, there’s no better way than in
How Not to Die Alone by Richard Rop-         Lovers of Mark Twain’s adventure
er. It’s the story of a man who works in   books will relish This Tender Land by
London as a finder: when someone dies,     William Kent Krueger, the story of two
the people in his office are tasked with   boys who run away from an Indian
locating the survivors of the deceased.    Training School in 1932 and head down
That’s not the funny part; the humor
comes in a blurted statement that lit-                            █
                                                                      READINGS Page 20

                                                                                         01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   15
Music                        LIFE+STYLE
                                                                                          Our critics weigh in on the best
                                                                                                      albums of the 2019
                                                                                                                                      year in review


                                                   CHRIS AZZOPARDI’S

             e all have different tastes,                                                 ways, Lambert also turned the page         Sound & Fury was spectacularly insane.
             and when it comes to music,             BEST ALBUMS                          on what a country music artist could       I was enveloped by it. I was scared by
             sometimes we don’t even             10. Miranda Lambert, Wildcard.           sound like, experimenting with a punch     it. I couldn’t stop listening to it. It rides
make sense within ourselves. Case in          After flooding a sublime double-disc        of classic-rock on “Track Record” and      in tame enough with “Ronin,” before
point: Two of our critics picked their        album with her post-divorce feelings        a charged psychedelic-rock edge on         blasting into action and never letting
top alums of the year, and only one disc      (hey, divorce is hard!), Miranda Lambert    “Mess With My Head.” Then there’s          up, each track fusing into the next, a big
appeared on both lists (and in differ-        got her groove back and then finally        Lambert, the observer, on the nod to       “fuck you” to … well, to a lot. Including
ent spots). But considering how much          decided that life is “pretty bitchin,’” a   her country roots, “Dark Bars,” which      nosy music journalists. It bombards you
music is out there nowadays — from            sentiment she shares on Wildcard. Yeah,     will make you feel like even when you      with a constant procession of heavy,
traditional platforms to SoundCloud,          I’m a turner, she sings on the stand-       actually are drinkig, you’re never truly   loud feelings that whips through you
YouTube and just hangin’ out in clubs         out “Bluebird,” casually cool, earning      drinking alone. And the rest? Pretty       at a fast and furious pace, and if you’ve
— it’s a wonder we can agree at all.          your own optimistic tears. I turn pages     bitchin’, too.                             never walked into a fire after getting
So listen up! And continue to listen          all the time. Don’t like where I’m at, 34     9. Sturgill Simpson, Sound & Fury.       into a car accident, well, at least now
throughout 2020. 		                       █   was bad, so I just turned to 35. In many    Country-rocker Sturgill Simpson’s                                       █
                                                                                                                                                                      MUSIC Page 18

16    █   01.03.20
01.03.20   █   dallasvoice   17
want, with a wink.
                                                                                       6. Sharon Van Etten, Remind Me
                                                                                   Tomorrow. I couldn’t shake Sharon Van
                                                                                   Etten’s emotionally piercing fifth album,
                                                                                   but it was “Seventeen” that made me
                                                                                   want to roll down the windows, pop
                                                                                   open my moon roof, and then, Perks
                                                                                   of Being a Wallflower-style, cruise the
                                                                                   interstate. Sung to her 17-year-old self,
                                                                                   it is the centerpiece of Van Etten’s latest
                                                                                   work and also a downright masterpiece,
                                                                                   with its Springsteenian lyrics capturing
                                                                                   a mood relatable to anyone who man-
                                                                                   aged to survive that year: “I see you so
                                                                                   uncomfortably alone, I wish I could show
                                                                                   you how much you’ve grown.” If your 17
                                                                                   was anything like Van Etten’s 17 (or my
                                                                                   17), you’ll lament a time that seems so far
                                                                                   gone now, but yet, through Van Etten’s
                                                                    Tanya Tucker   wistful lens, not so distant at all.
                                                                                      5. Tanya Tucker, While I’m Livin’.
                                          MUSIC Page 16
                                                                                   You get the impression Tanya Tucker,
                                      you can say you feel like you have.          pictured, might not have made another
                                         8. The Highwomen, The Highwomen.          album after her last, released in 2009,
                                      Having Brandi Carlile, Natalie Hemby,        if it weren’t for Brandi Carlile, one of
                                      Maren Morris and Amanda Shires join          the most talented singer-songwriters
                                      forces for these songs about women,          of our time and now a true gay saint
                                      written by women and sung by women           for getting a country legend back in the
                                      is perfectly in tune with the times. With    saddle. Produced and co-written by
                                      women’s stories and experiences taking       Carlile, Shooter Jennings and Carlile’s
                                      center stage in a broader sense, the lead-   longtime collaborators, twins Phil and
                                      ing ladies assembled as a powerful and       Tim Hanseroth, Tucker’s resurgence
                                      necessary collective, The Highwomen,         takes a few notes from Carlile’s own
                                      to show the male-dominated country           sincerely real methodology, delivered
                                      music genre just what women can do.          by way of Tucker’s sincerely real (see:
                                      Their smart, witty and emotional self-ti-    ragged, husky) voice. These are classic
                                      tled debut explores love, family and         country songs that cut deep, and that’s
                                      politics with a keen sense of their place    palpable on Tucker’s version of “The
                                      in the world. “Redesigning Women” al-        House That Built Me,” which moving-
                                      ready sounds like a modern-day classic,      ly compliments Miranda Lambert’s
                                      and the rousing story-driven title track     original cut. Lambert longed for home
                                      honors persecuted women. Through             as a child who’d grown up and moved
                                      and through, the quartet demonstrates        away; with a few lyrical tweaks, Tucker
                                      what I’ve always known to be true:           is the longing mother whose children
                                      Women do it better than men.                 are grown and gone. There’s even more
                                         7. Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next. Bop      feeling packed into “Bring My Flowers
                                      on bop on bop. Before Thank U, Next, I       Now,” a heartbreakingly vulnerable
                                      was half-sold on Ariana Grande, but I’ve     piano elegy that’s like looking at a life
                                      finally come around to the pop star after    through the rear-view mirror.
                                      this fusion of pop and hip-hop, stacked         4. Bon Iver, i, i. I once listened to Jus-
                                      with moods and hooks and enough vocal        tin Vernon, the songwriter and frontman
                                      flutters to give a clipped bird its wings.   of the group Bon Iver, play underneath
                                      It’s the first time I’ve truly thought of    a blanket of stars. My body on scraps
                                      Grande as a tastemaker … and also a          of grass, I just let him take me away. I
                                      human being. The proof is evident in         approached listening to i, i in a similar
                                      what I found to be her warmest song to       way, which is to say, I didn’t overthink
                                      date, “thank u, next,” which reshapes a      his enigmatic verses and baffling non
                                      cheeky kiss-off into a message of authen-    sequiturs. Based on the spiritual connec-
                                      ticity, positivity and self-love. And when   tion I feel — feel, since this is music that
                                      Grande wasn’t giving you reasons to love     speaks to you in weird, discordant tones
                                      yourself, she was — with “7 rings,” a sa-    — I’m finally coming to the realization
                                      tirical take on millennial greed — making    that maybe understanding any of this
                                      you feel like you deserve anything you       isn’t the point anyway. By the end of i,

18   █   01.03.20
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