Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018

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Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top
      Tech Companies to GM
Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS
                   September 2018
Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….p1

Which Companies to Target ……………………………………………………………………………………………….p2

Top 21 Companies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….p3

Type of Information Researched………………………………………………………………………………………….p4

Other Tech Targeting Campaigns……………………………………………………………………………………….p7

Planning Stages and Deadlines…..……………………………………………………………………………………….p9


Company Profiles: GAFAM……………………………….………………………………………………………………….p10

Company Profiles: NATU…………………………….……………………………………………………………………….p31

Company Profiles: BAT…………………………….…………………………………………………………………………..p48

Company Profiles: Forbes 2018 List………………………………..…………………………………………………..p61
Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Executive Summary

This paper sets out a plan for building more strategic relationships between Greater              The new opportunities could come from innovation driven projects that address a company’s
Manchester (GM) and the worlds largest tech companies. The aim is that closer collaboration       focus, areas of interest and their challenges. It could also come via market opportunities by
will ultimately lead to increased levels of partnerships, investment and job creation.            partnering with GM and its various institutions on areas such as ‘digitisation and delivery of
                                                                                                  public services’. These opportunities will be positioned with the inward investment pitch but
MIDAS have selected 21 companies that in 2018, were either the largest tech firms by market       help GM stand out from our competitor locations by being more tailored to company needs.
capitalisation, major brands or the key employers/job creators within their sector. In order to   This Top 21 campaign will run in parallel (and compliment) other tech targeting campaigns
develop a more strategic approach we need to get a better understanding of these                  such as the CDT Sub-Sector Campaign; NexGen Campaign and Emerging Tech/Data City
companies in terms of their goals, challenges and areas of focus. This will enable us develop a   Project. At the end of this we want this activity to have achieved the following:
more tailored solution that addresses their areas of interest. This paper contains in-depth
analysis of 21 companies on topics including: Operational Footprint, Recent News                  1.   Increased levels of investment and job creation from the target tech companies. (Aim to
Announcements, R&D focus as well as Key Contacts to target.                                            secure investment from further 5 of these companies within 2 years).

The list includes companies already in GM as well as target firms. Existing employers present     2.   Increased collaboration between Greater Manchester’s academic and research
strong potential for re-investment and so may be more likely prospects in the short-medium             institutions and these tech companies in innovation led-projects/student placement.
term. Other companies may have invested in London in recent years, taking out long leases
and so will be making those sites the primary focus for UK growth. However, as they scale and     3.   Increased collaboration between Greater Manchester’s local authorities and these
want to spread their risk they may consider new locations so will be more medium-long term             companies, leading to smarter and more efficient ways of delivering public services.
targets, nevertheless both groups will be proactively targeted. Its also hoped this paper (with
stakeholder feedback) will strengthen our proposition, allowing us to create new opportunities    4.   Contributed and helped drive forward GMCA’s plans with the Local Industrial Strategy.
for companies. Also, by adopting a more strategic ‘Team Manchester’ approach, collective               Also, this should play a key role in the Mayors digital agenda and ambition to position
networks can be pooled making engagement with target companies easier.                                 GM as one of the smartest and Top Digital Cities by 2020.

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Which Companies to Target

Top 21 Tech Companies                                                                                Tech Companies appearing in Forbes 2018 List

By comparing the list of the worlds largest companies (by market cap) in 2006 and 10 years           This includes companies such as: Huawei; Samsung; Oracle; IBM; Cisco; HP; Intel; Dell. (Twitter
later (see Figure 1.0) it is evident it has changed significantly with only two companies still in   which doesn’t appear in this list has been added given its profile).
the Top 10 (ExxonMobil and JP Morgan Chase). The most valuable companies in 2016 based
purely on market cap were Apple, Alphabet/Google, Amazon and Facebook, which all                     The GAFAM; NATU and Forbes list’s provides 21 companies to target as a starting point.
appeared in the Top 6 of firms. In addition, there are also other well established tech              Collectively, these firms are the tech industry's largest employers/job creators as well as the
companies and fast growing younger firms and all of these will be the focus of this campaign.        biggest spenders on R&D and innovation.
More detail on these groups is covered below.
                                                                                                                                    Figure 1.0: Largest Companies by Mark-Cap 2006 Vs 2016 Source: Forbes

GAFAM: Acronym for the five most popular US tech stocks: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon
and Microsoft. The GAFAM companies have a joint market capitalisation of approx. $4.1 trillion
as of July 2018. These companies have evolved a great deal over the last 10 years.
Google is part of the wide ranging technology group Alphabet; Apple offers a wide range of
cloud based services in addition to iPhone and iPads; Facebook is an advertising and media
giant that’s been built around a social network; Amazon has developed from an online book
reseller to moving into multiple new industries such as Cloud Services, Food and Health.

NATU: The above tech giants are now being closely followed by new heirs to the throne;
Netflix; Airbnb; Tesla and Uber.

BAT: Acronym for the large Chinese tech companies; Baidu; Alibaba and Tencent.

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Top 21 Companies

                                                                                                                                                       Figure 1.1: Top Tech Targets and MIDAS lead
Top 21 List - ‘Team Manchester Approach’
In order to be more strategic in our approach with these companies we need to get into their                                        ** Existing GM Investor
DNA and better understand their focus, areas of interest and challenges. We need to look at
                                                                                                  **Google                                       Twitter
where they are spending on R&D, what technologies and partnerships are of interest, recent
                                                                                                  Apple                                          **Microsoft
news announcements, and build up a knowledge of their investment patterns and operational
footprint. We then need to determine what’s taking place in GM that will compliment               Facebook                                       **IBM

this/present as an opportunity for the client. This needs to be done in partnership with          **Amazon                                       **Dell
stakeholders so we better understand the GM offer, which can then be developed into a             Netflix                                        Samsung
tailored proposition. In addition, sharing our list of key targets with stakeholders will help    Uber                                           Huawei
identify who within the GM network has warm relationships with these companies. The profiles
                                                                                                  Airbnb                                         Baidu
on each of the Top 21 Companies has been complied through research from:
                                                                                                  HP / Hewlett Packard Enterprise                Alibaba

•   Annual Shareholder Reports / Company Papers                                                   Tencent                                        Intel

•   Company announcements and press articles linked to them                                       **Cisco                                        **Oracle
•   Company website information
•   Linkedin / FAME / Employer Register Data                                                      MIDAS Lead                                     MIDAS Lead

                                                                                                  Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative & Tech         Audrey Peers, Business Development Mgr.
The MIDAS CDT team will be responsible for driving engagement with the target companies            
                                                                                                  07738 027 186                                  07792 015 616
and act as overall lead. (See Figure 1.1 )with the exception of Tesla which will sit with David
Hilton, Sector lead for the Industrial/Advanced Manufacturing sectors.

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Type of Information Researched

                                                                                                         Six Degrees of Separation / Greater Manchester Connections
Key Contacts: Each of the contacts identified will receive an approach from MIDAS over the
next 3 months, with the CEO receiving a letter from the Mayor/senior civic leadership team.
                                                                                                         The LinkedIn URL’s of target contacts have been included. This provides not only a list for
This letter will outline GM’s wish to build a strategic dialogue with the company in terms of
                                                                                                         MIDAS but one stakeholders can analyse to identify known persons directly or through mutual
future collaboration. Running parallel to this, MIDAS will be contacting other key contacts with
                                                                                                         connections, creating the potential for warmer introductions. In addition, where possible we’ve
the aim of securing a meeting/initial call. Ten contacts at each company have been identified
                                                                                                         researched the background of the contacts to see if they have any affiliation with GM and
(see Figure 1.2 below) providing multiple people to approach and where necessary new
                                                                                                         there are some surprising results. For example, Nicola Mendelsohn, Facebooks EMEA Head of
contacts will be added. The aim is that by the end of December 2018 all of these contacts will
                                                                                                         Operations attended Manchester School for Girls and so is likely from GM/a link we should
have had an initial approach from MIDAS/GM.
                                                                                                         look to leverage.
                                                Figure 1.2: Example of Top Tech Target Contact Profile

                                                                                                         Using Linkedin, its also possible to identify GM university alumni from target companies. We
                                                                                                         can leverage this, working with the universities direct and MIDAS Sector Marketing Team to
                                                                                                         push relevant content (via Linkedin) to senior target contacts, thereby building up greater
                                                                                                         awareness of GM’s key messages and updates.
                                                                                                         For example, Facebook has 54 alumni from the
                                                                                                         University of
                                                                                                         Manchester and
                                                                                                         we’ll do this with
                                                                                                         all GM universities

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Type of Information Researched: Areas of Interest/R&D

                                                                                                                  4. Project Baseline – a huge longitudinal study
One of the company topics we look into is their areas of interest/R&D spending which will help
                                                                                                                  This was announced in April 2017 and its scope makes it the most interesting project that Verily has worked
us develop more relevant bespoke propositions. For example Google are investing in Artificial                     on. 10,000 volunteers will be monitored over four years, building a whole range of datasets using in-clinic
                                                                                                                  testing and continuous data collection via a Baseline app and the Study Watch. The study is predicted to
Intelligence and Health. Alphabet subsidiaries Verily Life Sciences and DeepMind Health have                      take a decade to complete (due to the time needed to find enough participants) and cost more than $100m,
                                                                                                                  with the ultimate aim of finding predictors of conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Participants will
announced some of the most exciting digital and tech projects in healthcare of late. Below are                    undergo x-rays, heart scans, genome sequencing and blood tests, alongside the continuous tracking of
                                                                                                                  activity data and sleep patterns (using an electric loop placed under a mattress). With such a variety of data,
six examples of how Alphabet/Google is innovating in healthcare.                                                  Verily is ‘creating an infrastructure that can process multi-dimensional health data – much of which has never
                                                                                                                  been combined for an individual.

1. Streams – a secure clinical app                                                                                5. An eye-scanning algorithm to diagnose eye disease

The Streams app was built by DeepMind Health and digital product studio to provide real-time information          One emerging area of medical research is the use of machine learning to assist with diagnosis, as well as
to clinicians, enabling them to more easily prioritise patient care in hospitals. Patient alerts will provide     some practical parts of medicine (such as the careful segmentation process during radiology). DeepMind
doctors and nurses with the data they need and the app will allow clinicians to communicate about next            Health is innovating in these areas and received publicity for its work in ophthalmology. Since 2016,
actions. This will free clinicians from juggling multiple pager, desktop-based, and paper systems and help        DeepMind has worked with Moorfields Eye Hospital London in training computers to assist with screening
redirect more time away from admin towards patient care. Streams has been in use at the Royal Free                for diabetic retinopathy (DR). The algorithm was trained using 128,000 retinal images that had already been
London hospital since 2016 and helping to treat patients with acute kidney injury.                                classified by ophthalmologists. In testing, the algorithm then matched or exceeded the performance of
                                                                                                                  experts, not only in identifying DR but also in grading its severity.
2. Verifiable Data Audit – a ‘blockchain’ system to track health records
                                                                                                                  6. Miniaturized continuous glucose monitors (CGMs)
Some critics of the Streams App have said Google’s five year partnership with the NHS gives it too much
access to NHS data without appropriate oversight. That’s where DeepMind’s next big project comes in.              Verily is working with Dexcom to develop CGM’s for those with Type 2 diabetes. The monitors are predicted
DeepMind Health is working to bring scrutiny to the use of medical data. Verifiable Data Audit is a               to be ready by 2020, and will help to make continuous monitoring less expensive and less disruptive, using
blockchain-style system that will give partner hospitals an additional real-time mechanism to check how data      wireless connectivity and precluding the need for measurement with the traditional finger stick. Fewer than
is being processed. Where authorisation and patient consent is needed, the system will show who is                one in 5 people with Type 2 diabetes use continuous glucose monitors. This new technology may make the
accessing data. As with blockchain, the system will not allow for any data record to be erased, with third        practice affordable and convenient for more.
parties able to verify if data is uncompromised. However, the system will not be as complex or expensive as
blockchain, nor will it be decentralized, as it will rely on hospitals and national bodies to act as verifiers.

3. The Study Watch – an everyday wearable

Verily Life Sciences, has developed a health tracking watch which differs from wearables on the market. It is
designed for everyday use in medical studies, ensuring study participants don’t neglect to wear it. The
watch’s software can be updated wirelessly and a processor encrypts the data collected, which includes:
Heart rate; Electrocardiograms; Movement data; Electrical conductance of the skin and Ambient light and
sound. The Watch is being used in several of Verily’s studies which aim to collect a wide variety of data. One
such study began in 2017 June at Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands. 650 volunteers used the
watches, as well as having brain scans and blood tests.

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Type of Information Researched: Headcount Growth
                                                                                                         2) Employer Register - This data on UK headcount of the tech companies can be used to
                                                                                                         make certain inferences rather than absolutes about growth projections. Many multinational
As part of our analysis of the Top Tech companies, we’ve carried out research into their                 tech firms tend to have large and often complicated corporate structures with many of the
headcount growth trajectory as well as provided a breakdown of key functions. This helps us              below companies having an Irish partner company of the same name that often reports ten
understand whether the company is in growth mode or contracting, but both can provide                    times the turnover and yet a fraction of the employment. There may be some cross over
opportunities for GM as the latter can create consolidation projects. Having a good                      between UK and Irish employee numbers. The table below compares 2013-2018 data on UK
understanding of the key functions within the companies helps us identify the type of skills             employee headcount. Those highlighted in green have seen significant growth over the last
they’re looking for and GM’s strengths/weaknesses in these areas. Having insight into a                  5yrs, therefore should be a key priority as they’re more likely to outgrow space they’ve taken if
company’s staff growth trajectory (along with knowledge of their operational footprint/lease             they continue at the current trajectory
commitments), enables us to extrapolate when they may have future requirements for new                                          Figure 1.4: Top Tech Companies UK Headcount : Source Employer Register:/FAME
                                                                                                                                       UK Employment               UK Employment              5 year
office space. In this study we have looked at two sources of data: 1) Linkedin and 2) Employer                  Company
                                                                                                                                       Number (2013)               Number (2018)            Change +/-
Register/FAME. It should be noted that the different sources sometimes give different data sets                  Google                      1,613                      3,280                 +103%
                                                                                                                  Apple                      4,452                      4,911                 +10%
around employee numbers. This could be due to a number of factors, one being how perm
                                                                                                                Facebook                       90                        960                  +967%
and contract employees are recorded by companies and third parties.                                              Amazon                      4,191                     19,749                 +371%
                                                                                                                  Netflix                       -                         14                     -
1) Linkedin – tracks changes in staff headcount over 2 years (in this case Sep 16-Sept 18).                        Uber                         -                        199                     -
                                                                                                                  Airbnb                        -                         49                     -
Important to note, this is across the whole business, not just the UK operations. It also provides              HP / HPE                     4,308                      2,871                  -33%
a breakdown of functions within the company and changes over 6/12 months.                                        Tencent                        -                          -                     -
                                                                                                                   Cisco                      203                       3,178                +1,466%
                                                            Figure 1.3: Linkedin Company Employee Data            Twitter                       -                        187                     -
                                                                                                                Microsoft                    2,852                      3,046                  +7%
                                                                                                                    IBM                     16,026                     13,212                  -18%
                                                                                                                    Dell                     2,052                      1,704                  -17%
                                                                                                                Samsung                      1,005                      1,129                 +12%
                                                                                                                 Huawei                       768                       1,061                   38%
                                                                                                                 Alibaba                        5                         20                   300%
                                                                                                                   Intel                      947                        872                    -8%
                                                                                                                  Oracle                     4,680                      4,622                   -1%

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
Other Tech Targeting Campaigns

Whilst this paper focuses on the Top 21 Tech Companies (and in-depth analysis on each is           Figure 1.5: Sample of target companies within the CDT subsectors.
covered from p10 onwards), in addition, we’ve also started to list the key companies to target
                                                                                                    Cyber Security               eCommerce                     Software / A.I /
in each of the CDT sub-sectors, known as ‘CDT Sub-Sector Campaign’. An overview of these
campaigns are listed below. Lists of key contacts at these companies will also be collated and
                                                                                                    CyberArk                     Groupon                       Salesforce
approached by MIDAS.
                                                                                                    FireEye                      ASOS                          SAP

CDT Sub-Sector Campaign: Here we’ve identified the largest and fastest growing companies            Checkpoint Software          JD.COM                        VMware

in each of the CDT subsectors (See Figure 1.5 and p7). A spreadsheet is being created to            Symantec                     Priceline Group               Intuit
record and track progress against targets. Key contacts at these companies will be sourced          DarkTrace                    Deliveroo                     SAS
through LinkedIn and other databases MIDAS subscribes to, they’ll then receive an approach
                                                                                                    Trend Micro                  eBay                          Sage
from MIDAS to establish a relationship and hopefully identify new projects.
                                                                                                    Fortinet                     FlipKart                      Hitachi

                                                                                                    Proofpoint                   Otto                          Fiserv
NextGen Campaign: This targets young, high-growth profitable companies in MIDAS’s key
target sectors and markets. The aim is to establish early relationships with companies who          Imperva                      Rakuten                       Darktrace

could be the next Amazon or Google and therefore the large future job creators.                     AVG Technologies             Trip Advisor                  Ubisoft

                                                                                                    Herjavec Group               Delivery Hero                 Sony
Emerging Tech Campaign: This aims to target non-tech companies going through digital
                                                                                                    Mimecast                     Walgreens Boots               Nintendo
transformation and thus evolving their business model, affecting the type of talent they recruit
                                                                                                    KnowBe4                      Costco                        Sega
and way they deliver services to clients. This process can create expansion, consolidation or
                                                                                                    Sophos                       Etsey                         Activsion
relocation projects. MIDAS/GMCA have commissioned DataCity to carry out research which
will provide a list of target companies as well help inform and develop the GM proposition.         DarkTrace                    Zalando                       Rockstar

Targeting Plan for Attracting the Top Tech Companies to GM - Andrew Toolan, Head of Creative Digital and Tech, MIDAS September 2018
CDT Sub-Sector Targeting Companies
                                                      These companies have been
                                                      identified by GP Bullhound, a
                                                      Manchester-based investment

                          Source: GP Bullhound 2018   banking firm that specialise in
                                                      the tech sector as Europe's
                                                      largest tech companies by

                                                      These companies will also be
                                                      targeted via Linkedin, direct
                                                      mails and through events and
                                                      lead generation activity MIDAS
                                                      will be carrying out.

                                                      MIDAS will also use similar
                                                      reports focussed on GM’s other
                                                      priority markets such as USA;
                                                      India and China

                                                      These projects may provide
                                                      more opportunities in the short
                                                      medium term as they are in high
                                                      growth mode.

Planning Stages and Deadlines

                 • Share and agree company target list with GM stakeholders
       Stage 1   • Deadline for Completion: 7th November 2018

               • Bespoke Proposition Development
       Stage 2 • Deadline for Completion: Ongoing (Will have better intelligence after DataCity report which is expected by January 2019)

                 • MIDAS Outbound Campaign (Linkedin / Email / MM Activity )
       Stage 3   • Deadline for Completion: Ongoing (All key contacts to be contacted by Dec 31st 2018)

              • Linkedin Activity delivering sponsored content to senior alumni contacts at target companies
      Stage 4 • Deadline for Completion: Ongoing but initial push by 14th December 2018

               • Mayoral Letter to Company CEO’s
       Stage 5 • Deadline for Completion: Dec 14 2018

                 • 121 Meetings in London or companies UK HQ
       Stage 6   • Deadline for Completion: Ongoing but March 31st 2019 all companies to have been met/conference call taken place

                 • Host Senior Visitors in Manchester
       Stage 7   • Deadline for Completion: Ongoing but aim to bring individual companies or delegations to GM by September 2020

Appendix: Company Profiles

                             (Google; Apple; Facebook; Amazon; Microsoft)

Summary                                                                                                        Operational Footprint Intelligence

•   Business:           Internet related services and products (but increasingly moving to hardware)
                                                                                                               •   Number of locations: US (26) Europe (29) Asia Pacific (17) Latin America (6)
•   Founded:            1998
•   Global FTE:         93,639
                                                                                                               •   London: 4 Offices – Victoria (where most of the Sales team are based) Covent Garden (160,000 sq ft) Google
•   Global offices:     70 offices in 50 Countries
                                                                                                                   are building a new 870,000 sq ft super HQ in King Cross which opens in 2021. The 11 storey office (along with
•   CEO:                Sundair Pichai, CEO (Larry Page CEO of Alphabet)
                                                                                                                   the already open Building 6 Pancras Square and a third space) will create a campus capable of housing up to
•   HQ:                 1600 Amphitheatre, Mountview, Silicon Valley, CA 97043, USA
                                                                                                                   7,000 staff. Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind is already in Kings Cross along with their R&D Centre for Android.
•   Revenue:            $110bn (2017)
•   Products:           1) Web Based (Search Tools, Advertising; Communications & Publishing
                                                                                                               •   Dublin: This is the location for their registered EMEA HQ and opened in 2003 initially creating 200 jobs. Google
                        Services: 2) Developer Tools 3) Operating Systems 4) Desktop/Mobile Apps
                                                                                                                   now employ 7,000 people in Ireland across 7 locations. In 2018 they announced they were opening a new
                        5) Hardware
                                                                                                                   51,000 sq ft office which will house the Enterprise & Cloud teams servicing EMEA. It will also be home to
•   Alphabet subs:      Google; Calico; Capital G; Deep Mind; Chronicle; Google Fibre; GV; Jigsaw; Loon;
                                                                                                                   Google’s Advanced Solutions Lab as well as Marketing, Finance and key Engineering functions. Google also
                        Sidewalk Labs; Verily (Health Business) and Waymo
                                                                                                                   leased 52,900 sq ft of office space in Sandyford, Dublin.
•   Mission:            Organise the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful

                                                                                                               •   Manchester: Location of Google Digital Garage and a small sales function.
Key UK & Ireland Operations
                                                                                                12,000 staff   •   Other: R&D Centres: Sydney (Birthplace of Google Maps) London (Android Development).
                                                                                           (UK 3,280-5,000     •   European Data Centres: Belgium; Finland; Ireland; Netherlands.
                Manchester                                                                   Ireland 7,000)
                                                                                                               •   Hyderabad: In 2015 Google opened a key centre here, their largest outside the US with 13,000 staff.

                                                                                                               The strategic reasons for a new office are largely driven by the specific needs of our business in that area. The
           Dublin                                                                                              ability to attract talent is paramount for a knowledge-based company, and we aim for offices in vibrant and
          EMEA HQ                                                             London (4 offices)               creative neighbourhoods that inspire our employees. To do this, a building must be very well connected to the
                                                                                                               city’s mass transit system, both above and below ground. Plus safe and easy access to the city’s cycle routes,
                                                                                                               communal bike network and any other environmentally sustainable transport system. Within EMEA, where Google
                                                                                                               is predominantly a CBD employer, there is little emphasis on cars and parking as a decision driver”

                                                                                                                                                                                      Joe Borrett, Head of UK Real Estate, Google

Employee Distribution (Source: Linkedin Sept 2018)   Two-Year Employment Growth Trajectory (Source: Linkedin Sept 2018)


                                                     •   Majority of current functions are in Engineering and IT, closely followed by Sales and Marketing.

                                                     •   Number of new job openings for Engineering and IT positions is up 102% and 104%% from 12 months ago.

                                                     •   In two years, employee headcount has increased 19% across the entire business. With UK headcount now
                                                         approx. 5,000, if Google continue at this rate for the UK they will add circa 950 staff / year.

                                                     •   The current UK operations is future proofed for approx. 10/11,000 staff which means they may start to run out
                                                         of space in approx. 5 years and therefore need to look at new offices. UK Employment Register shows
                                                         headcount has increased 103% between 2013-18 (1,613-3,280). Taking this growth rate forward means they
                                                         will run out of space sooner.

Areas of Interest / R&D Investment / Challenges                                                                 Recent News

•   Quantum Computing; AI; Health; Medical Diagnostics; Driverless Cars; Drone Technology; Photo                •   Sept 2013: Launched Calico, R&D biotech company with the goal of combating ageing and associated diseases
    Analysis; Language Translation; Data Centre Efficiency; Google Home products.
                                                                                                                •   August 2015: Announced plans to reorganise business interests into one conglomerate called Alphabet. Google
•   Healthcare: Verily looking at Blockchain to track patient records; Health Monitor Watch; DeepMind is            is Alphabet's leading subsidiary. Sundar Pichai appointed Google CEO, Larry Page, Alphabet CEO.
    developing an algorithm to diagnose eye disease; Project Baseline (In-Clinic Testing) Glucose testing
    hardware; Streams is an App that is designed to help clinicians reduce admin time. Calico is a R&D          •   Jan 2016: Verily (Google Life Sciences) and MSD team up with the NHS on a ‘Long Term Conditions Early
    company whose mission is to harness advanced technologies to increase our understanding of ageing.              Intervention’ programme. Pilot will look at new approaches to improve healthcare. Project run in collaboration
                                                                                                                    with the NHS clinical commissioning group in Heywood, Middleton Rochdale, Greater Manchester.
•   Social impact of new technology in the workplace and society; AI and Ethics; Fairness in Society.
                                                                                                                •   Sept 2016: Alphabet Subsidiary Verily announces partnership with Sanofi to develop comprehensive Diabetes
•   Developing Digital Skills – In 2017, Google CEO announced the company would offer 5 hours of free               management platform.
    digital skills training to all UK residents to be rolled out, both online and in 100 locations around the
    country. It’s an expansion of the company’s Digital Garage initiative.                                      •   March 2018: Alphabets driverless car business “Waymo” announces long term partnership with Jaguar Land
                                                                                                                    Rover, starting with self-driving Jaguar I-Pace. Up to 20,000 vehicles will join Waymo’s fleet in the first two years
•   Recruitment: Google often talk about hiring ‘smart creatives’ - people who are curious, like the concept        of production
    of change, like tinkering with things and understanding how they work and trying to change them.
                                                                                                                •   August 2018: Google Building Smart City in Toronto. Coalition of Toronto government with Sidewalk Labs
•   In terms of challenges, Google is being criticised for its data collection practices and the spread of          (Google Co,) to reimagine Toronto’s derelict waterfront as “the world’s first neighbourhood built from the
    misinformation.                                                                                                 internet up.”

GM Offer / Proposition and Opportunities                                                                        GM Links

•   Ageing research                                                                                             •   Ruth Porat met Andy Burnham during 2017 visit to open Google Digital Garage

•   Jaguar land Rover Partnership with Waymo, Google’s autonomous vehicle business given JLR have their         •   Google already have small Sales and Marketing function in Manchester.
    innovation centre in Manchester.
                                                                                                                •   MSD/Verily/Rochdale NHS partnership – this should be leveraged for further collaboration/key contacts.
•   Health Innovation Manchester / Opportunities through healthcare devolution.
                                                                                                                •   DIT Account Manager is Mahesh Nandha
•   Access to Talent as they scale beyond London office.

Key Contacts

    Name            Position                                                                            Name          Position

Sundar Pichai       CEO                                                                               Joe Borrett     Head of Real Estate UK

                    Joined in 2004, originally from Chennai. Studied material science and                             Oversees real estate strategy and currently working on the new campus
                    semiconductor physics at Stanford University. Previously with Mckinsey and                        being built at King Cross St Pancras.
                    succeeded Larry Page as CEO when Google reorganised to Alphabet. He led
                    development of Google Chrome and overseas all new Google products,                      
                    including Ads, Android, Apps, Maps, Search and YouTube.

  Ruth Porat        Chief Financial Officer                                                         Theo Bertram      Pubic Policy Lead EMEA

                    Born in Sale, Manchester. Family moved to US when she was 6. Spent large                          Joined in 2011, previously with O2 and also served as a Special Advisor in
                    part of her career at Morgan Stanley. Joined Google in 2015. In addition to                       the Office to the Prime Minister. Based in London.
                    Finance, Ruth also runs Business Operations, People Ops, HR, Real Estate and
                    Workplace Services. Came to Manchester in 2017 to open the Digital Garage.              

 Ronan Harris       UK & Ireland Managing Director                                                  Daniel Alegre     President Global Partnerships

                    Joined Google in 2005. Graduate from University of Dublin, worked in several                      Joined in 2007. Also served as Director of the Sleep Number Corp. since
                    start-ups and as an Engineer for Mitsubishi Chemicals in Japan. Has a passion                     2013. Was President of Asia Pacific and Japan at Google Inc. He is based
                    for supporting SME’s. Based in London.                                                            in San Francisco.


Matthew Brittin     President EMEA                                                                  Julian Chappuis   Global Technology Lead

                    Joined in 2007. Passionate about Digital Skills. Also Non Exec Director at                        Joined in 2018, technologist previously worked with Nestle in Switzerland
                    Sainsburys, Trustee at Climate Group. Keen Sports enthusiast/Cyclist and                          but is now based in London.
                    Rowed for GB in 1986 Olympics. Based in London.


Benjamin Fried      Chief Information Officer                                                       Alina Dimofte     Public Policy and UK Government Relations Manager

                    Joined 2008. Computer Science graduate from Columbia University then                              Joined in 2017, initially in communications as had previously experience
                    worked at Morgan Stanley for 13 years, rising to the role of IT Managing                          working with PR companies. Based in London.
                    Director. Based in New York.

Summary                                                                                                        Operational Footprint Intelligence

•   Business:         Consumer electronics, software and online services                                       •   Apple owned 13.4m sq ft and leased 23m sq ft of office space as of 2017. Total future lease payments were
•   Founded:          1976                                                                                         $9.5bn as of 2017. Company retail stores and offices typically have leases not exceeding 10 years and contain
•   Global FTE:       123,000 (2017)                                                                               multi-year renewal options.
•   Global offices:   500+ Retail Stores and Offices                                                           •   US: New Apple HQ ‘Apple Park’ can house 12,000 people and is more than 260,000 sq metres.
•   CEO:              Tim Cook                                                                                 •   London: The new Battersea office (550,000 sq ft) opens in 2021. There will be 1,400 staff in this to start but
•   HQ:               Apple Park, 10600 North Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, Silicon Valley, CA 95014                   room for 3,000 employees. Apple are consolidating from eight sites across London into one location and
•   Revenue:          $229bn (2017)                                                                                occupy all six floors of the PowerStation. All Apples central functions such as Finance and HR will move here. A
•   Products:         Mac; iPhone; Apple Watch; iPad; Apple TV; Homepod; iOS; Garageband; Final Cut                new tube station next to the site will also open. Apple has approx. 2,530 staff in London which includes circa
•   Services:         Apple Pay; Apple Store; iTunes; App Store; Apple Music, iCloud; Mac Store; iBook’s           1,100 working across their retail stores. Apples' biggest London office currently is Hanover Street in Mayfair
•   Subsidiaries:     Beats Electronics; Shazam; Braeburn Capital; Apple Energy; Beddit; Texture; Anobit           near its flagship Regent Street Store but Apple have 7 other sites across Greater London, a key one being
•   Mission:          Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X,               above their Covent Garden Store.
                      iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with    •   St Albans: R&D Centre working on silicon products. Established in 2017, leasing a 22,500 sq ft office to develop
                      its iPods and iTunes online store                                                            new graphics technology as it moves away from their supplier Imagination Technology (also in St Albans).
                                                                                                               •   Cambridge: Opened in 2015, R&D Centre working on Siri – located here due to Apple’s acquisition of a
Key UK & Ireland Operations                                                                                        Cambridge University Spin out (VocalIQ) which uses AI to develop a system that would allow humans and
                                                                                                7,400 Staff
                                                                                                                   computers to communicate more naturally. 30 staff are based here, including former VocalIQ staff. Apple have
                                                                (1,400 UK HQ but 4,911 incl 38 retail stores
                                                                                             6,000 Ireland)        another similar R&D centre in Boston, USA that also works with MIT researchers to look at applications for A.I
           Dublin                                                                                              •   Cork: European HQ with 6,000 people (plus plans to add another 1,000 staff in 2018). Site opened in 1980 with
                                                                  St Albans (R&D)                                  60 staff as a manufacturing site but these functions later moved to China. 1,000 AppleCare employees are

                                                                                 Cambridge (R&D)                   based here as well as Retail Operations, Government functions; PR; Enterprise Sales; Logistics; Testing, The Mac
     Cork (EMEA HQ)
                                                                                                                   Assembly Plant with 360 staff. Components come from China and workers here assemble them in Cork for
                                                                                                                   EMEA markets, hence why they are not manufactured in China/lower shipping costs. 65% of employees are

                                                                              London                               assigned to quality testing.

Employee Distribution (Source: Linkedin Sept 2018)   Two-Year Employment Growth Trajectory (Source: Linkedin Sept 2018)


                                                     •   Engineering is a key growth function, up 9% from the previous 12 months. Apple have recruited less roles in IT
                                                         (down 9%) and Sales (down 38% ) compared to 12 months ago.

                                                     •   Apple have increased headcount across the business by 5% over 2 years. The new HQ will initially hold 1,400
                                                         staff but has room for 3,000. At current growth rates the office space should suffice for the foreseeable future.

                                                     •   If they continue to grow at 5% they’ll add 70 staff every 2 years, therefore it could be a couple of decades
                                                         before this is at capacity. This doesn’t take into account future acquisitions or an increase in growth rates.

                                                     •   UK Employment Register shows headcount has increased 10% between 2013-18 (4,452-4,911).

Areas of Interest / R&D Investment / Challenges                                                               Recent News

•   R&D spend in 2017 was $11.6bn                                                                             •   May 2016: Apple invested $1 billion in Didi, a Chinese ride-sharing company that competes with Uber.

•   Project Titan (Driverless Cars)                                                                           •   Sept 2016: Apple to move to new London HQ in Battersea Power Station, 1,400 staff from 8 London sites.
•   Immersive Technologies (AR/VR) and Media/TV
                                                                                                              •   Oct: 2017: Apple Hires Jay Hunt as its European Creative Director from C4, signalling their ambitions in TV.
•   5G Technology (to support AR products which require lots of data/good digital infrastructure) Also
    interested in the use of AR in Smart Cities. For example, communicating information to the public like    •   Feb: 18: Apple pushes forward with healthcare ambitions. Apple is preparing to launch a network of medical
                                                                                                                  clinics for its employees and their families, in what could be a way for the tech company to test out its broader
    directions, superimposing AR on street views, arrows pointing to the nearest station etc. It could also       ambitions in healthcare.
    provide information on planning/where a new building will be/what it would look like.
                                                                                                              •   April 2018: Apple is now powered globally by 100% renewable energy As part of its commitment to combat
•   Dark Data/unstructured data                                                                                   climate change and create a healthier environment, Apple announced its global facilities are powered with
•   Health: Wearables; Glucose sensor, Apple Watch                                                                100% clean energy. This achievement includes retail stores, offices, data centers and co-located facilities in 43
•   MIDAS Apple contact Sam Sharples expressed interested in public services partnerships with Tech Co's
•   Apple currently has 25 operational renewable energy projects                                              •   June 2018: Apple has decided to work with Volkswagen for some of its self-driving car efforts. The plan, is to
                                                                                                                  turn some of Volkswagen’s T6 Transporter vans into autonomous shuttles for employees. Apple’s lengthy talks
          “Simply put, we believe augmented reality is going to change the way we use technology forever,”        pertaining to partnerships with manufacturers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz have also ended.
                                                                                  Tim Cook, CEO Apple 2018

GM Offer / Proposition and Opportunities                                                                      GM Links

•   Health Innovation / Diabetes research                                                                     •   AT / TN Spoken with Sam Sharples, UK Head of Government Affairs August 2018

•   AR / VR / Immersive Technologies                                                                          •   Steve Wozniak visited Manchester 2015

•   Energy projects / Heat Networks / Low Carbon Agenda                                                       •   88 Alumni from the Manchester Metropolitan University

•   Graphene / Advanced Materials and Semi-conductors                                                         •   50 Alumni from the University of Salford

•   Battery technology                                                                                        •   13 Alumni from the University of Bolton

•   Media – Apple signalled ambitions in TV                                                                   •   DIT Account Manager is Mahesh Nandha

•   MediaCity / Vodafone 5G pilot project                                                                     •   Previous work with city on Project ‘Tomorrow’

Key Contacts

    Name             Position                                                                                Name             Position
   Tim Cook          Chief Executive Officer                                                            John Giannandrea      Chief of Machine Learning and AI Strategy

                     Before being named CEO in 2011, Tim was Apple’s Chief Operating Officer                                  Graduate from University of Strathclyde and joined in 2018 overseeing the
                     and responsible for all of the company’s worldwide sales and operations,                                 A.I strategy across the company and development of Core ML and Siri
                     including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities,                               technologies. He previously led the A.I research team at Google.
                     and service and support in all markets and countries.

  Jeff Williams      Chief Operating Officer                                                             Deirdre O’Brien      Vice President. People

                     Since 2010 has overseen Apple’s entire supply chain, service and support,                                Joined in 1988, responsible all HR functions including talent development
                     and the social responsibility initiatives. Also oversees the development of                              and analytics, recruiting, benefits, pay compensation and business
                     Apple Watch and is driving Apple’s health initiatives including ResearchKit,                             support; Deirdre will also oversee Apple University.
                     aimed at simplifying medical and health research. Played a key role in the
                     launch of iPhone, and has led worldwide operations for all products.                           

Angela Ahrendts      Senior Vice President, Retail                                                     Peter Engrob Nielsen   Country Manager UK & Ireland

                     Joined in 2014, responsible for strategy, real estate & development and                                  Joined in 2004 and has held a variety of Country Manager roles in Russia
                     operations of Apple’s physical stores, Apple’s online store and contact                                  and Denmark before being appointed UK Country Manager in May 2018.
                     centers. Based in Cupertino.

   Jonny Ive         Chief Design Officer                                                                  Sam Sharps         Head of Government Affairs, UK & Ireland at Apple

                     Joined in 1996 and responsible for design at Apple, including the look and                               Joined 2015 and took on current role in April 2018. Previously was with
                     feel of Apple hardware, user interface, packaging, major architectural projects                          Portland Communications and the Department of Culture Media and
                     such as Apple Park and Apple’s retail stores, as well as new ideas and future                            Sport and Department for Business Innovation and Skills. He is based
                     initiatives. Originally from London and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at                              London.
                     Newcastle Polytechnic. Lives in San Francisco.                                                 

 Luca Maestri        Chief Financial Officer                                                               John Hatch         Managing Director, North of UK and Sweden

                     Joined in 2013, previously spent 20 years with General Motors where he                                   Joined in 2013 as Switzerland lead, took on current role in 2015.
                     established GM’s regional Asia Pacific operations, including manufacturing                               Based in Manchester.
                     investments in China and Thailand.
Summary                                                                                                       Operational Footprint Intelligence

•   Business:          Social Media and Networking Service                                                    •   US: Own and lease approx. 3m sq ft of office buildings for their corporate headquarters plus 130 acres of land

•   Founded:           2004                                                                                       could accommodate future growth. They also have 5m sq ft of leased office space globally.

•   Global FTE’s       30,275 (2018)                                                                          •   Current lease periods expire between 2018-2038. Operating lease expenses were $363m as of 2017.

•   Global offices:    30 countries                                                                           •   London: First opened in 2007 with 5 staff; Currently have offices in Fitzrovia (Rathbone Place 247,000sq ft) and

•   CEO:               Mark Zuckerberg                                                                            Regents Place (Brock Street 219,000 sq ft). The new Kings Cross office will see FB lease 610,000 sq ft across

•   HQ:                1601 Willow Rd; Menlo Park, California 94025                                               three offices and opens in 2021. The move will see FB double its current floorspace and have 6,000

•   Revenue:           $40.6bn                                                                                    workstations. Teams include Engineers and Developers that develop key FB products like ‘Workplace’ (started

•   Products:          Facebook; Instagram; Messenger; WhatsApp; Oculus VR; Watch                                 in 2015 designed for businesses and their staff) ‘Roomapp’ (a social hangout in Cyberspace) and Oculus VR.

•   Subsidiaries:      Instagram; WhatsApp; Oculus VR                                                             The team will use A.I to identify hate speech/what content should be blocked. Also, engineers will work on

•   Users:             2.2bn monthly active users (2018)                                                          integrating Oculus Go VR mobile headset into the FB platform. This is facebook's largest engineering team

•   Mission:           Give people the power to build community and bring the world closer                        outside the US. London is also the location of the ‘LDN Lab’, a new facebook incubator for start-ups.
                                                                                                              •   In 2016, Facebook signed a 15 year lease for their Fitzrovia office paying £16.9m/year with 30months rent free
                                                                                                                  from Great Portland Estates. This investment will create 1,500+ new UK jobs.
                                                                                                              •   Hyderabad: Opened in 2010 which was their fourth office in India that houses online advertising and developer

Key UK & Ireland Operations                                                                                       support teams. The centre also provides round the clock multi-lingual support to users/advertisers.
                                                                                             2,300 UK Staff   •   Data Centres: Located in Oregon; North Carolina; Sweden; Iowa; New Mexico; Singapore (opens 2022)
                                                                                                              •   Cambridge Massachusetts: Facebook announced they were opening a new office here which will be home to
                Dublin EMEA HQ
                                                                                                                  ‘facebook’s connectivity lab’ focussed on bringing internet access and technology to the 4bn people who don’t
                                                                                                                  have it.
                                                                                                              •   Dublin: Currently have 1,500 staff, facebook has been located in the Grand Canal area of Dublin for several
                                                                           London (3 offices)
             Cork                                                                                                 years and is now apparently looking for 700,000 sq ft for 5,000 staff. The slow pace of new build housing in
                                                                                                                  Dublin is a problem for a lot of the big tech companies trying to attract staff.
                                                                                                              •   Cork: Hardware Engineering teams; Oculus VR Research including development of LED displays and screens.

Employee Distribution (Source: Linkedin Sept 2018)   Two-Year Employment Growth Trajectory (Source: Linkedin, Sept 2018)


                                                     •   Key growth of functions include: HR, followed by Engineering and IT. They’ve also been recruiting significantly in
                                                         Project Management and Sales positions.

                                                     •   Facebook have increased headcount across the company by 67% over two years. If they continue to grow at
                                                         this rate they’ll add another 1,541 staff by 2020 (bringing the total UK headcount to 3,841). A growth of 67%
                                                         again would add another 2,573 staff bringing headcount to 6,414 by 2022.

                                                     •   In 2021, Facebook will move into a new 600,000 sq ft office that will house 2,300 staff but if the growth rate
                                                         continues they’ll be running out of space by 2022. Given the UK Employment Register shows headcount has
                                                         increased 967% between 2013-18 (90-960 staff), this means facebook will highly likely need new office space
                                                         much sooner.

Areas of Interest / R&D Investment or Challenges                                                                                                      Recent News

•   R&D: AR/VR; A.I (Languages; Chatbots Video and txt mining/analysis; Tools to improve mental health;                                               •   June: 2018: FB fined for its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

    5G Technology to deliver better engagement (they helped spear the Telecom Infrastructure Project).                                                •   July 2018: FB doubles office space in London despite Brexit uncertainty for tech firms. The company will have
                                                                                                                                                          space for 6,000 workers at the new Kings Cross site opening in 2021, which will be three times their current
•   Spent $7.8bn on R&D in 2017, a 32% jump on 2016, partly due to investing in new engineering and
                                                                                                                                                          workforce (set to reach 2,300 by the end of 2018). Facebooks Northern Europe MD Steve Hatch also reaffirms
    tech functions for their R&D centre ‘Building 8 Lab’. This is part of effort to push into hardware, a new                                             the company’s commitment to the UK despite Brexit.
    area for the business. Robotics expert Frank Dellaert is based here. Other rumours about work carried
                                                                                                                                                      •   July 18: Facebook ups A.I research with navigation tests. Facebook is teaching an AI system to navigate through
    out here research into Camera and AR Technology; Drones to increase internet coverage for remote                                                      areas of New York City through the context of its surroundings as part of a project to help the system
                                                                                                                                                          understand human language. The research will help make A.I more reactive to human users, which could have
    areas; Brain scanning technology for medical devices and prosthetics.                                                                                 implications for systems like smart networks.
•   Challenges:
                                                                                                                                                      •   Sept 18: FB is hiring Human Rights Director following the Rohingya abuses after UN investigators accused
     •    Must continue to retrain users and increase their level of engagement
                                                                                                                                                          Facebook’s platform of being used to incite racial hatred against Myanmar's Rohingya minority.
     •    Increasing scrutiny of social media’s role on mental health
     •    Revenue heavily dependent on advertising which is a risk
                                                                                                                                                      •   Sept 18: FB introducing a new tool that will help the company to fact-check photos and videos. It's part of the
     •    User growth and engagement is heavily dependant on use through mobile and 3 rd parties (which may change and impact them)                       firm's latest efforts to stop fake news and misinformation from spreading on its site.
     •    Actions by Governments to restrict facebook access (e.g. China)
     •    Brand damage: Facebooks role in the spread of Fake News; Cambridge Analytica Scandal and their role in the 2016 US election                 •   Sept 18: FB UK boss: “We want to give users more control and could do a much better job of helping users
     •    More competitors platforms that replicate FB capabilities (e.g. Google has integrated social functionality across search; video; Android)       control their experience on the site to address data and privacy concerns”.

GM Offer / Proposition and Opportunities                                                                                                              GM Links / Discussions

                                                                                                                                                      •   Andrew Toolan met Steve Hatch, UK MD in 2016
•   Immersive technologies (AR/VR)
•   Social impact of technology – University of Manchester have conducted studies on the connections                                                  •   Facebook’s EMEA Head of Operations Nicola Mendelsohn went to Manchester School for Girls

    between social media use and mental health                                                                                                        •   88 Alumni from the Manchester Metropolitan University
•   Smart Cities
                                                                                                                                                      •   5 Alumni from the University of Salford
•   Access to tech talent: Diversifying risk, scaling outside London as may soon outgrow their offices
•   MediaCity / Vodafone 5G pilot project                                                                                                             •   1 Alumni from the University of Bolton

                                                                                                                                                      •   DIT Account Manager is Mahesh Nandha

Key Contacts DIT Account Manager

    Name            Position                                                                             Name           Position
Mark Zuckerberg     Chairman and Chief Executive                                                       Steve Hatch      UK and Ireland MD and VP Northern Europe

                    Mark founded the company in 2004 and is responsible for setting the overall                         Joined 2014 as UK and Ireland lead, promoted in 2016 as Northern
                    direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of                              Europe’s Regional Director. Also on the board of Trinity Mirror as a non-
                    facebook's service and development of its core technology and infrastructure.                       exec and the chair of CBI Tech Group Based in London. Email:

Sheryl Sandberg     Chief Operating Officer                                                           Rob Cookson       Head of Global Real Estate

                    Oversees the firm's business operations and was previously with Google and                          Joined in 2014. Previously with DTZ working in corporate real estate.
                    Chief of Staff for the US Treasury Department under President Clinton,. Was                         Director at Llewelyn Davies responsible for Urban Regen of Newcastle City
                    also with McKinsey & Company as a Management Consultant.                                            Centre. Email:


 Dave Wehner        Chief Financial Officer                                                         Nicola Mendelsohn   Vice President for EMEA Operations

                    Joined in 2012 and leads the finance, facilities and information technology                         Joined 2013, has particular focus on developing digital marketing
                    teams. Previously served as CFO of Zynga and MD at Allen & Company, an                              solutions + strengthening relationships with marketing and advertising
                    investment bank focused on Media and Technology. Based in San Francisco.                            communities. Also leads on developing resources for fast-developing
                                                                                                                        markets. Leeds University Grad / attended Manchester School for Girls
                                                                 London based.

Mike Schroepfer     Chief Technology Officer                                                          Leigh Thomas      Head of Ecosystems Partnerships

                    Leads the development of the technology strategies and made significant                             Joined in 2017 and is helping establish and build the partner ecosystem
                    breakthroughs in fields like A.I and VR. Previously with Mozilla where he led                       across EMEA.
                    the global and open product development process behind Firefox.
                    Based in San Francisco

   Chris Cox        Chief Product Officer                                                             Ranwa Sarkis      Director of Global Operations, Worldwide Workplace

                    Chris leads the FB family of apps: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and                               Joined in 2011, previously with Google and Booz Allen.
                    Messenger. After earning his bachelor’s degree in symbolic systems from
                    Stanford University, Cox joined Facebook in 2005
Summary                                                                                                          Operational Footprint Intelligence
•   Business:           Electronic commerce; Cloud Computing                                                     •   Have 12,000,000 sq ft of office space in North America and 7,466,00 sq ft of office globally
•   Global FTE:         566,000 (2017)                                                                           •   Operate 131,149,000 sq ft of fulfilment space in N America and 67,832,000 sq ft of fulfilment space globally
•   Global offices:     70 Offices in 50 Countries US (26) Europe (29) Asia Pacific (17) L America (6)           •   Own/lease corporate office fulfilment, sortation, delivery, warehouse operations, data centre, customer service ,
•   CEO:                Jeff Bezos                                                                                   physical stores and other facilities in N America, Europe and Asia
•   HQ:                 701 5th Ave, Seattle, Washington State 98104, USA                                        •   As of 2017, Amazon now have 465 Whole Food Market Stores in US and 7 Internationally
•   Revenue:            $117bn (2017)                                                                            •   UK: 6,500 corporate and R&D roles by end of 2018 – these teams look at cutting edge technology to create
•   Products/Services: Key Business Pillars are 1) AWS (most profitable) 2) Online Marketplace and                   innovations for customers. Roles include software engineers; data scientists; technical and programme
                        3) Amazon Prime. Others include: Amazon Appstore; Echo; Kindle; Video;                       managers; UX designers; Cloud Computing Specialists; Flight operations.
                        Comixology; Alexa; Firestick; Whole Foods; Amazon Go.                                    •   London: UK operations started in 1998, originally in Slough and have invested £6.4bn in UK since 2010.
•   Key subsidiaries:   40 including AWS; Whole Foods; Body Labs; Woot; Zappos; Twitch                               Currently 3 offices: Shoreditch, Holborn and Barbican. Houses software engineers and programmers working
•   Mission:            Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where            across Amazon video service to support product development for living room devices, web and mobile apps.
                        people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online                  Also has AWS team. In 2017 a new 600,000 sq ft HQ opened at Principle Place building, Shoreditch doubling
                                                                                                                     centre capacity from 450-900 tech staff plus corporate roles. 2018 Amazon said they’d create an additional
                                                                                                                     5,000 UK jobs bringing workforce to 24,000. Shoreditch also site of ‘Fashion Photography Studio’.
                                                                                                                 •   Cambridge: Team help to build and improve knowledge systems within Alexa, cloud based voice service used
Key UK & Ireland Operations                                       Edinburgh                                          on devices like Amazon Echo, Echo Dot; Amazon Tap; Fire TV Stick. Thy also work on Prime Air, delivery
                                                                                  19,000 Staff UK and Ireland
                                                                                        16 Fulfilment Centres        system to get packages to customers in 30mins using drones.
                Manchester                                                    6,500 Corporate and R&D roles
                                                                                                                 •   Edinburgh: First development (innovation) centre outside US, opened 2002. Houses developers, designers
                                                                                                 2,500 Ireland
                                                                                                                     Team builds algorithms that power Amazon’s search capabilities to personalise shopping experience.
                                                                                                                 •   Fulfilment Centres: 16 in UK including: Dunfermline; Doncaster; Leicester; Peterborough; Manchester; Bolton;
      Dublin (AWS)                                                   Cambridge (Development Centre)
                                                                                                                     Rugeley; Swansea; Coventry; Daventry; Milton Keynes; Tilbury; Hemel Hempstead; Dunstable; Gourack. People
                                                                                                                     are employed in a range of positions, from operations to engineers HR and IT roles to employees handling
                                                                                London (3 offices UK HQ &
                                                                                                                     customer orders. There are 40 fulfilment centres across EU (2018)
                                                                                   Development Team)
                                                                                                                 •   Dublin: 2 locations and contains AWS

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