Taylor Walton - COVID-19 Health & Safety Office Risk Assessment

Page created by Daniel Mckinney
Taylor Walton - COVID-19 Health & Safety Office Risk Assessment
Taylor Walton - COVID-19
Health & Safety Office Risk Assessment
6 July 2020

This Risk Assessment covers our three offices and has been conducted with regard to the Government guidance Working Safely
during Covid-19 in offices and contact centre – 11 May 2020 and as updated most recently on 3 July 2020:

Luton:        28-44 Alma Street, Luton, LU1 2PL
              Date of Assessment: 28 May 2020
              By: SMS

Harpenden: TW House, Station Approach, Harpenden, AL5 4SP
           Date of Assessment: 2 June 2020
           By: SMS

St Albans:    Thornycroft House, 107 Holywell Hill, St Albans, AL1 1HQ
              Date of Assessment: 29 May 2020
              By: SMS

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About Coronavirus:

Covid-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It is caused by a virus called Coronavirus. Symptoms can be
mild, moderate, severe or fatal. This Risk Assessment focuses on trying to minimise the risk to owners, employees, cleaning
contractors, visitors and clients of being affected by Covid-19 when in the office environment.

Since March 2020 the UK has been required to comply with lockdown measures aimed at reducing the speed of transmission of
Covid-19. Employees who can work from home have been directed to do so. This Risk Assessment has been prepared to record
the potential risks of exposure to Covid-19 and how the Firm proposes to minimise these risks in light of the easing of lockdown
measures and staff being allowed to attend the office for work. It is recognised that it will not be possible to eliminate the risk of
potential exposure to Covid-19, however, all staff are expected to follow specific safety procedures put in place to minimise the risk
of transmission. Any member of staff who does not comply with these safety measures may face disciplinary action.

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About our Luton office:

The Firm occupies three floors of Britannia House and two floors of Raglan House. Raglan House second floor is occupied by
another business. The office is purpose built and kitted out with standard office furniture, individual IT equipment and shared office
equipment i.e. printers, photocopiers/scanners. Staff have allocated desks. There is no regular ‘hot desking’ albeit staff from other
offices may utilise an unused desk if visiting the Luton office. Staff work either in open plan (Secretarial staff, Accounts and IT staff)
or in offices (fee earners and others). Some offices are multi-occupancy. Ordinarily there are 79 people based at the Luton office.

There are two separate sets of stairs leading from the ground floor to the first and second floors in Britannia House. Staff can walk
directly between Raglan and Britannia House on the first floor. There is one set of stairs leading from the split ground floor to the
first floor of Raglan House. A lift services the ground, first and second floor of Britannia House. A second lift, accessed from the
communal area, services Raglan House. Staff have access to four kitchens and seven toilet facilities. There is a central post room
and a stationery supplies cupboard on the first floor of Britannia House.

The main office Reception is located on the ground floor of Britannia House. Staff enter and exit the office either at the front
reception from Alma Street, from the rear car park from Inkerman Street either into Britannia House or Raglan House or from Alma
Street into Raglan House.

Visitors/contractors/cleaners enter the main reception either from Alma Street directly into Reception or from the rear car park into
Britannia House. Four client meetings rooms are located on the ground floor of Britannia House.

There is a bespoke cleaners’ cupboard housing all cleaning products and only accessed by our third party cleaning company.

The Firm's Health & Safety Policies are reviewed at least annually. The required Health & Safety Law at work poster is displayed.

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About our Harpenden Office:

This purpose built standalone office is kitted out with standard office furniture, individual IT equipment and shared office equipment
i.e. printers, photocopiers/scanners over three floors. Staff have allocated desks. There is no routine ‘hot desking’ although staff
may utilise an unused desk or meeting room if visiting from another office. Staff work either in open plan (Secretarial staff) or in
offices (fee earners). Some offices are multi-occupancy. Ordinarily there are 35 people based at the Harpenden office.

There is one set of stairs leading from the ground floor to the first and second floors and a lift. Staff have access to two kitchens
and four toilet facilities. On the first floor there is a central post room where stationery supplies are located.

The main office Reception is located on the ground floor accessed at street level. Staff enter and exit the office through the front
entrance from Station Approach or through the garage into the ground floor meeting room area.

Visitors/contractors/cleaners enter the office through the front entrance from Station Approach. Three client meetings rooms are
located on the ground floor.

There is a bespoke cleaners’ cupboard housing all cleaning products and only accessed by the third party cleaning company.

The Firm's Health & Safety Policies are reviewed at least annually. The required Health & Safety Law at work poster is displayed.

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About our St Albans Office:

This standalone office is kitted out with standard office furniture, individual IT equipment and shared office equipment i.e. printers,
photocopiers/scanners over two floors. Staff have allocated desks. There is no routine ‘hot desking’ although staff may utilise an
unused desk or meeting room if visiting from another office. Staff work either in open plan (Secretarial staff, Family Department
and Commercial Real Estate Department) or in offices (other fee earners). Some offices are multi-occupancy. Ordinarily there are
38 people based at the St Albans office.

There is one set of stairs leading from the ground floor to the first floor and a lift. On the ground floor staff have access to a staff
room with kitchen facilities and a drink making station on the first floor. Staff have access to four toilet facilities. On the first floor
there is a post area and stationery supplies.

The main office Reception is located on the ground floor accessed at street level from Holywell Hill. Staff enter and exit the office
through the front entrance from Holywell Hill. There is an emergency exit at the back of the building on the ground floor into the car

Visitors/contractors/cleaners enter the office through the front entrance from Holywell Hill. On the ground floor there are three client
meetings rooms.

There is a bespoke cleaners’ cupboard housing all cleaning products and only accessed by the third party cleaning company.

The Firm's Health & Safety Policies are reviewed at least annually. The required Health & Safety Law at work poster is displayed.

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Scope of Risk Assessment

This risk assessment considers the following hazards;

   •   the transmission/spread of Covid-19 and
   •   the wider impact of the outbreak of Covid-19 on our working and personal lives.

The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or
sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. It is understood that Covid-19 germs can remain on hard surfaces
for many hours and can therefore be transmitted by touching the surface and then touching the nose or mouth.

Measures to reduce transmission include; frequent thorough handwashing with soap and water or frequent use of an alcohol-based
hand gel, catching a sneeze or cough in a tissue that is immediately disposed of or in the crook of the arm and maintaining social
distancing (currently of a minimum of 2m).

Those who may be harmed include:
      Visitors to our premises
      Postal Service/Drivers/Couriers/
      Vulnerable groups – Elderly, pregnant workers or visitors, those with existing underlying health conditions
      Anyone else who physically comes in contact with our people in relation to our business.
                                                             Page 6 of 26
Action by   Action by     Done
                                                     Additional Controls
Controls Required                                                                                              who?        when?

Hand Washing/Sanitising

Hand washing facilities with soap and water in       Hand sanitising and handwashing posters displayed         SMS/DJN     IN EFFECT     CONTINUING
place; toilets and kitchens. Hands should be dried   to remind staff to wash their hands on a regular
thoroughly using electronic hand-dryer or            basis for 20 seconds with water and soap and the
disposable paper towels.                             importance of proper drying.

Frequent and stringent hand washing to take place.   Staff to wash hands/apply hand gel sanitiser on           ALL STAFF   IN EFFECT     CONTINUING
Staff continue to be directed to hand washing        their arrival to the office and to apply gel sanitiser
guidance.                                            on leaving the office.

Gel sanitisers to be used regularly.                 Gel sanitisers located on the entry to the office, on     RP          IN EFFECT
                                                     reception and near shared equipment i.e.

                                                     Staff must use the sanitiser every time before and        ALL STAFF   WITH          CONTINUING
                                                     after using any shared equipment.                                     IMMEDIATE
                                                     Staff reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in             DJN         SENDING OUT   CONTINUING
                                                     tissues – Follow Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid               REMINDER
                                                     touching their face particularly nose or mouth with                   EMAILS
                                                     unclean hands. Staff must ensure they have their
                                                     own personal supply of tissues with them.

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Whilst there will be sanitising gel located at several                                                            ALL STAFF         WITH          CONTINUING
points in the office, staff should carry their own                                                                                  IMMEDIATE
sanitising gel with them when moving around the                                                                                     EFFECT
office and keep their own supply accessible at their

Staff must wash their hands/apply gel sanitiser                                                                   ALL STAFF         WITH          CONTINUING
before and after eating and before and after using                                                                                  IMMEDIATE
facilities in the kitchens.                                                                                                         EFFECT

Social Distancing - General

Managing the number of staff in our offices in order     Implementing a planned and a gradual return to the       SMS/DJN           SINCE MARCH   CONTINUING
to ensure that occupied workstations are a               office for more members of staff. Initially for a                          2020
minimum of 2 metres from each other or where 2m          prioritised group of staff; e.g. those struggling with   MANAGEMENT TEAM
cannot be achieved, 1 metre with risk mitigation.        working from home or who are vulnerable at home          HEADS OF
                                                         (mentally or physically), secretarial staff and fee      DEPARTMENT
                                                         earning staff who can work more comfortably and
                                                         productively from the office given work volume or
                                                         necessity. Staff may be asked to attend the office
                                                         on fixed days to minimise the number of different
                                                         people they come into contact with.

Managing the number of staff in our offices to take      A gradual return to the office as considered safe        SMS/DJN           SINCE MARCH   GRADUAL
account of maintaining a 2 metre distance (1 metre       and necessary for business purposes to incorporate                         2020
with risk mitigation) from each other when taking        a mix of regular planned office attendance and           MANAGEMENT TEAM
account of reasonable and practical movement             working from home. A gradual increase of those           HEADS OF
around the floor and office generally                    working in the office over several months, will allow    DEPARTMENT
                                                         the Firm to assess the realistic safe capacity each
                                                         office can accommodate on any given day. Some

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staff may continue to work from home wholly or in
                                                       part for many months.

Once in the office, staff should minimise their        Staff should not engage in group face-to-face            ALL STAFF   WITH        CONTINUING
movement around the office to what is necessary to     discussions unless clear 2 metre minimum social                      IMMEDIATE
get their work done. Face-to-face conversations        distancing can be preserved.                                         EFFECT
should be minimal, short and a minimum of 2 metre
distance. Staff should make use of other
communication methods i.e. phone, email that are
not required face-to-face.

Staff supporting each other to ensure social                                                                    ALL STAFF   IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
distancing is adhered to. Staff should use common
sense and avoid passing within 2 metres of each
other when moving around the office (or plus 1
metre). Staff should observe others’ movements
and where possible wait in larger floor space areas
to allow others to pass. Where it is not possible to
maintain 2 metres, staff should move swiftly passed
their colleague.

Social Distancing – Detailed Measures
Entry & Exit:                                          Luton: Staff to enter the office from Alma Street into   ALL STAFF   WITH        CONTINUING
                                                       Britannia House or Raglan House, or from the rear                    IMMEDIATE
                                                       car park. Staff to exit during the day onto Alma                     EFFECT
                                                       Street or at the end of the day also to the rear car
                                                       park. Fire escape exits should not be used for
                                                       security reasons.

                                                       Harpenden & St Albans – staff to arrive and exit
                                                       through the front entrance and to observe social
                                                                                 Page 9 of 26
distances if others are arriving or leaving at the
                            same time.

                            To avoid staff arriving as a group at the start of the   SMS WITH STAFF   AS REQUIRED    CONTINUING
                            day and difficulties with social distancing around
                            office entrances on arrival and at lunchtime and the
                            end of the day, consider as appropriate and as
                            necessary staggering work start and finish times
                            and lunch breaks.

Stairs:                     Luton Britannia House - to avoid staff crossing each     DJN              15 JUNE 2020
                            other where it is not possible to avoid being closer
                            than 1 meter, single direction of travel for each of
                            the two flights of stairs. Provide clear signs to
                            advise staff.

                            Luton Raglan House - make use of larger floor
                            space on landings as passing points/wait for others
                            before using the stairs.

                            Harpenden & St Albans – staff will be using a single
                            staircase and therefore must be observant if others
                            are using the stairs and therefore wait until social
                            distancing can be observed. Staff should make use
                            of larger floor area on landings to wait for staff to
                            pass. There should be no passing on the stairs.

Moving around the office:   To minimise risk to those seated in open plan areas      RP               15 JUNE 2020
                            from regularly passing members of staff and staff
                            crossing each other within 2 metres,
                            Luton: on the first and second floor of Britannia
                            House mark directional one-way routes, no-passing

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areas, ‘no through walkways’ - staff should make
                use of larger floor space as ‘waiting/passing areas’.
                Harpenden & St Albans – mark ‘no through
                walkways’ - staff should make use of larger floor
                space as ‘waiting/passing areas’.
                Mark out clear 2m distancing lines for office            RP                 15 JUNE 2020
                hotspots i.e. photocopier, printers. Staff should
                avoid any congregation and should observe when
                they would have clear access avoiding others or
                wait in larger floor areas.

                Minimal movement of staff between branches.              STAFF WHO IN THE   WITH           CONTINUING
                                                                         PAST FREQUENTLY    IMMEDIATE
                                                                         MOVED BETWEEN      EFFECT
Workstations:   Assess the ‘safety’ of every current workstation –       SMS                28 MAY 2020    COMPLETE
                considering passing areas, proximity to other
                workstations and direction of seating. Avoiding
                using desks immediately opposite, on any given
                day utilising safe patterns of desks in open plan
                areas - diagonal, back to back. Avoiding direct
                face-to-face working.

                Office rooms will be single occupancy unless a
                room can comfortably accommodate multiple
                occupants maintaining social distancing when
                seated and reasonable distancing when moving to
                items needed in the shared office space and when
                entering and exiting the office.

                Where necessary and possible consider moderate
                repositioning of workstation or other office furniture                                     AS REQUIRED
                to create safer space.

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Where it is not possible to observe social distancing   SMS WITH     AS REQUIRED   CONTINUING
                                                  and staff are at risk from regular passing              INDIVIDUAL
                                                  colleagues, allocate staff to a safer workstation.      CONCERNED

Social Distancing – Communal Areas
General:                                          Staff must not to congregate in or around               ALL STAFF    WITH          CONTINUING
                                                  communal areas. Staff should purposefully                            IMMEDIATE
                                                  complete their task and move out of the area                         EFFECT

Post room                                         No more than 2 people in the post room (Luton) at       ALL STAFF    WITH          CONTINUING
                                                  any one time/No more than 1 person in the post                       IMMEDIATE
                                                  room (Harpenden) at any one time/no more than 1                      EFFECT
                                                  person in the post area (St Albans) at any one time.

Kitchens – may be used for general handwashing,   Staff must wash their hands/sanitise on entry to and    ALL STAFF    WITH          CONTINUING
making drinks, use of microwave and fridge        on leaving the kitchen.                                              IMMEDIATE
provided the following is observed-               No more than 1 person in any kitchen (Luton) at                      EFFECT
                                                  any one time/No more than 1 person in any kitchen
                                                  (Harpenden) at any one time/No more than 2
                                                  people in the staff room/kitchen (St Albans) at any
                                                  one time – Food should not be consumed in the
                                                  staff room (St Albans). Staff must only prepare
                                                  their own individual drink using their personal
                                                  cup/glass. Fridges may be used to store prepared
                                                  food. Microwaves may be used to heat prepared
                                                  food. No food may be prepared in the office. Food
                                                  should be consumed using personal cutlery. All
                                                  items must be personally washed and left on your
                                                  desk. There will be no use of communal tea towels.
                                                  A limited supply of kitchen roll will be available to
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dry items washed in the kitchen. Staff must
           wash/sanitise their hands before and after
           consuming food.

Toilets:   Luton - Where there is more than one cubicle (first     ALL STAFF   WITH        CONTINUING
           and second floor Britannia House and first floor                    IMMEDIATE
           Raglan House), only 1 person must enter the facility                EFFECT
           at any one time. Please close pan lid before
           flushing. Display the ‘engaged’ notice to the
           outside toilet door and turn to ‘vacant’ on exiting.
           Hands should be sanitised before entering and after
           exiting (in addition to handwashing after toilet use)

Doors:     Door handles and door push plates are a frequently      ALL STAFF   WITH        CONTINUING
           touched surface by many and therefore pose a risk.                  IMMEDIATE
           Doors may be propped open to minimise risk.                         EFFECT
           However it is imperative and a legal requirement
           that fire doors remain closed. Other internal doors
           that are not fire doors and where this does not pose
           a security issue may be propped open during office
           hours. Otherwise, to minimise risk, staff should
           sanitise their hands regularly ideally before and
           after touching any door and avoid touching their

Lift:      Lifts are unventilated small closed spaces. They        ALL STAFF   WITH        CONTINUING
           are to be only used by 1 person at any one time.                    IMMEDIATE
           Ideally hands should be sanitised before and after                  EFFECT
           pressing the lift call button.

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Minimising use of Shared Items
Where possible staff are required to minimise using      Staff must use their own pen to sign-in each day         ALL STAFF         WITH          CONTINUING
shared items in the office unless this cannot be         (Luton)                                                                    IMMEDIATE
avoided i.e. photocopier. Of course general office       Staff must indicate (at a distance) to Reception their                     EFFECT
supplies can be used but should be retained on an        attendance each day who will sign staff in
individual’s desk and not shared.                        (Harpenden and St Albans)

Desks and IT equipment must not be shared.                                                                        ALL STAFF         WITH          CONTINUING
Where this cannot be avoided – desk and IT                                                                                          IMMEDIATE
equipment must be thoroughly cleaned before use                                                                                     EFFECT
by another user. Work only from an assigned
workstation and keep to this workstation until
advised otherwise.

Do not share pens/other equipment i.e. a calculator,                                                              ALL STAFF         WITH          CONTINUING
stapler – if you need to use a shared piece of                                                                                      IMIMEDIATE
equipment i.e. document binder, large stapler, staff                                                                                EFFECT
must sanitise hands before and after use and not
touch their face.

Third party cleaning company continuing cleaning         Regular contact with third party cleaning company        RP AND CLEANERS   SINCE MARCH   CONTINUING
and disinfecting routine paying particular attention     to ensure
to toilets, kitchens and equipment and surfaces that         • A high standard of cleaning is consistently
are touched regularly in areas of high use such as               maintained.
door handles, door push plates, light switches, stair        • Cleaning staff are following hygiene rules –
bannisters, lift call buttons, photocopier buttons and           hand sanitising and catching coughs and
cleaning desk surfaces using appropriate cleaning                sneezes in tissues immediately disposing of
products and methods.
                                                                                   Page 14 of 26
•   Cleaning company have taken measure to
                       protect their own staff and our staff when
                       carrying out their duties i.e. ensuring staff
                       are not working if display any suspected
                       Covid-19 symptoms, are not working if
                       should be shielding or work in other high
                       risk environments which could pose
                       themselves or our staff at an increased risk.

               Staff should use sanitising wipes to clean their own     ALL STAFF          WITH        CONTINUING
               desk surface and equipment regularly (at least once                         IMMEDIATE
               a week) i.e. phone handset, switchboard, keyboard,                          EFFECT
               mouse, calculator etc.

               Staff must leave desk surfaces completely clear of       ALL STAFF          WITH        CONTINUING
               papers etc. when leaving the office to enable                               IMMEDIATE
               cleaners can thoroughly clean the desk surface.                             EFFECT

               When visitors start attending our offices, cleaning to   RP WITH CLEANERS   WHEN
               include thoroughly cleaning and sanitising reception                        REQUIRED
               area and waiting area.

Ventilation:   Risk can be reduced with good ventilation.               ALL STAFF          WITH        CONTINUING
               Whenever possible and comfortable to do so                                  IMMEDIATE
               windows should be open. Where this is not                                   EFFECT
               possible it is safe to provide ventilation through air

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Personal Protective Equipment

Gloves:                         There are no roles in the Firm that ordinarily require   SMS AND          AS REQUIERD   CONTINUING
                                staff to wear gloves and therefore there is no           INDIVIUDALS                    AS REQUIRED
                                requirement to wear gloves. Those touching items         CONCERNED
                                coming into the office i.e. incoming post should
                                apply hand sanitiser or wash their hands thoroughly
                                after handling such items.

                                However, should any member of staff prefer to wear
                                gloves, a small supply will be provided. Such staff
                                members must make themselves known to SMS.
                                Staff choosing to use gloves will be directed to
                                follow instructions on how to remove gloves
                                carefully to reduce contamination and how to
                                dispose of them safely.

                                For those wearing gloves, regular reminders that
                                gloves are not a risk prevention method in place of
                                regular hand washing/sanitising and not touching
                                their face. A gloved hand can still transmit Covid-
                                19 to themselves or to others if the glove is not
                                clean and the user touches their face or other

Face Coverings/Masks:           It is not necessary that staff wear face                 SMS/RP           WITH          CONTINUING
                                coverings/masks when in the office. However,             RECEPTIONISTS    IMMEDIATE
                                should a member of staff prefer to do so then they       OTHER STAFF AS   EFFECT
                                are welcome to prepare and use their own face            ADVISED
                                covering/mask. A small number of face masks can
                                be provided to those who request them from RP.

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Staff members who have to use public transport to
                          get to work must advise SMS. Current government
                          advice is that face coverings/masks should be worn
                          on public transport.

                          Staff who attend public places as part of their duties
                          i.e. the Post Office are required to wear a face
                          covering/mask particularly where social distancing
                          cannot be maintained.

                          All those using a face covering/mask are directed to
                          the following instructions on how to use these

                          Face coverings/masks must not be considered in
                          place of regular handwashing/sanitising, not
                          touching face and social distancing.

Desk screens:             Workstations in open plan areas of the office are
                          already divided with front facing desk screens. This
                          allows opposite desks in open plan to be occupied
                          at the same time. A small number of additional
                          desks may be made safer with the addition of a
                          screen. In the interim, such desks have been
                          marked to be unoccupied or made safe with
                          modifications to room layout/desk orientation.

Reception desk screens:   Our reception desks already have a raised front to        RP   ORDERED       EXPECTED
                          provide distancing. However, in order to provide               EARLY APRIL   END JULY 2020
                          additional protection to our visitors and Reception            2020
                          staff, whilst requiring visitors to observe the 2 metre
                                                       Page 17 of 26
social distancing rule on entering our office, a
                              screen will be placed on the front reception desk. A
                              screen will also be placed between our
                              receptionists where social distancing is not possible
                              and our switchboard cannot be located elsewhere.

Meeting room table screens:   In order to protect our visitors and our staff, in      RP               ORDERED       EXPECTED
                              addition to observing social distancing in our                           EARLY APRIL   END JULY 2020
                              meeting rooms with marked safe seating                                   2020
                              arrangements, table top screens will be placed
                              between parties.


Public transport:             Identify those members of staff who have to use         SMS/DJN WITH     WITH          CONTINUING
                              public transport to get to and from work. Where         RELAVANT STAFF   IMMEDIATE
                              continuing to work from home is not possible and/or                      EFFECT
                              working in the office is necessary/preferable, then
                              avoiding travel at busy times. Staff are required to
                              wear a face covering/mask whilst travelling on
                              public transport. The face covering/mask must be
                              safely removed and disposed of/safely stored
                              before entering the office. Hand sanitiser must be
                              applied immediately on removing the face
                              covering/mask. Staff are directed to guidance on
                              the safe use of face coverings/masks.

Cars/Firm Van:                Staff should not share vehicles where the required
                              distancing cannot be achieved (unless for short
                              distances of under 15mins, wearing a face
                              covering/mask and car windows should be open.)
                              Follow guidance for safe use of face covering/mask
                                                        Page 18 of 26

Bikes and walking:                                        If possible staff are encouraged to walk or cycle to
                                                          work. It is appreciated that this will only be feasible
                                                          for a few members of staff.

Reporting potential Covid-19 symptoms
All potential cases of Covid-19 must be reported          If advised that a member of staff or public has           ALL STAFF   IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
immediately to SMS or DJN. The member of staff            developed Covid-19 and were recently on our
should immediately isolate themselves by going to         premises additional cleaning will be adopted and
an empty office/meeting room to report their              appropriate action will be taken to protect others;
symptoms.                                                 this may include requesting others to self-isolate as
                                                          a precautionary measure.
The potential symptoms of Covid-19 are;

•a high temperature – this means feeling hot to
touch on the chest or back and/or

•a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a
lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing
episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it
may be worse than usual) and/or

•a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this
means noticing being unable to smell or taste
anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

Any member of staff experiencing any potential
Covid-19 symptoms will be sent home and advised
                                                                                    Page 19 of 26
to follow the stay at home self-isolation guidance.
The member of staff should avoid touching anything
in the office and avoid using public transport to get

SMS/DJN/Heads of Department will maintain
contact with staff members during this time.

Those staff members under a shielding notice or                                                                 ALL STAFF            IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
self-isolating due to a potential Covid-19 case in the
household or told to self-isolate as part of the
government’s test and trace service must follow the
government guidance and must not attend our
office. Where possible those staff members may be
enabled to work from home.

SMS/DJN/Heads of Department will maintain
contact with staff members during this time.

Members of the public must not attend our offices if     Signs displayed before entering our offices.           VISITORS – limited   IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
experiencing any potential Covid-19 symptoms.            Visitors will be by appointment only and will be       currently to
                                                         asked to confirm they have no potential Covid-19       postal/courier
                                                         symptoms.                                              deliveries

Managing localised outbreaks

In order to manage a localised outbreak, all staff       Staff may be organised to attend the office on fixed
members must notify DJN/SMS in advance of their          days each week to limit the number of other staff
attendance at any office and must indicate their         they come into contact with and to reduce the
attendance in the office to their branch Receptionist    potential risk in the event of a local outbreak.
on arrival (or in Luton, staff must sign in). It is
important that SMS/DJN know who attended the
                                                                                  Page 20 of 26
office on any given day to manage a localised
outbreak and to assist the Test and Trace service
as may be necessary.

SMS is the single point of contact in the event of a     It is important to minimise alarm and to handle a
localised outbreak and will advise on the immediate      localised outbreak in a proportionate and
action. Action may include requiring staff to self-      responsible manner. If the Firm experiences more
isolate, closing an office and contacting local Public   than one case of Covid-19, SMS will contact the
Health teams.                                            local Public Heath England team to report the
                                                         incident. It will be important that SMS has an up-to-
                                                         date record of staff who attended the office on any
                                                         given day to assist the Test and Trace service and
                                                         to inform on the proportionate action to be taken.

Mental Health

                                                                                                                 HEADS OF          IN EFFECT      CONTINUING
Heads of Department to keep in touch with                                                                        DEPARTMENT/SMS/
everyone in their department; as a group and with                                                                DJN
individuals, especially where additional support may
be needed. Share issues of concern and assist in                                                                 ALL STAFF
providing pragmatic solutions. Seek support from
SMS/SJN where required.

People & Talent Team to raise awareness of               Providing pragmatic guidance and support.               SMS/DJN           INCREASED      CONTINUING
looking after mental wellbeing and guiding staff to      Sign-posing guidance to those who are particularly                        PROMINENCE –
supportive resources. Encouraging staff to raise         vulnerable e.g. those experiencing anxiety.             ALL STAFF         WITH
any concerns and seek additional support.                                                                                          IMMEDIATE
Supporting those who would cope better mentally          Advising staff of published Government guidance                           EFFECT
by working in the office.                                on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of
                                                         coronavirus (Covid-19)

                                                                                  Page 21 of 26
Working from Home

Staff are supported to continue to work from home.   Wherever possible during Covid-19 circumstances,       ALL STAFF          IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
                                                     working arrangements to suit individual preferences
                                                     and needs.
                                                     Organised attendance in the office.

Provide support to work from home or additional      Those who are ‘clinically vulnerable’ (those who       AS RELEVANT WITH   IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
safety measures to attend the office where           have specific underlying health conditions that        SMS/DJN/HEADS OF
necessary for those who are vulnerable.              make them extremely vulnerable to severe illness if    DEPARTMENT
                                                     they contract COVID-19.) have been advised to
                                                     take extra care when working out of the home.
                                                     Those who are ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ will
                                                     have received a letter telling them they are in this
                                                     group, or will have been told by their GP and are
                                                     strongly advised not to work outside the home.

                                                     Where attendance in the office is necessary,
                                                     additional safety measures will be considered and
                                                     put in place to provide additional support.

                                                     For detailed definition of ‘clinically vulnerable’
                                                     refer to Section 9:

                                                     For measures to protect the ‘clinically extremely
                                                     vulnerable’ :
                                                                              Page 22 of 26

Communication and Support

Keep staff apprised of current safety measures and   Consult on Risk Assessment.                          SMS/DJN – TO ALL     BY 19 JUNE    COMPLETE
of any changes.                                                                                           WORKING STAFF        2020

                                                     Publish Risk Assessment                              SMS – TO ALL STAFF   6 JULY 2020   COMPLETE
                                                                                                          (and on website)                   (asap after 6
                                                                                                                                             July 2020)
                                                     Display safety notices and communicate safety        SMS/DJN              IN EFFECT     CONTINUING
                                                     advisories – updated in accordance with latest       WITH SUPPORT OF
                                                     government measures.                                 HEADS OF

                                                                                                          TO ALL STAFF

                                                     Discussing individual concerns and making            SMS/DJN WITH         AS REQUIRED   CONTINUING
                                                     arrangements where possible to                       INDIVIUDAL STAFF
                                                     accommodate/alleviate concerns. This would           AS REQUIRED
                                                     include considering reasonable adjustments where
                                                     To support staff who are affected by Covid-19 or     SMS/DJN              IN EFFECT
                                                     have a family member affected especially in the      HEADS OF
                                                     case of severe illness or death.                     DEPARTMENT/
                                                                             Page 23 of 26
Recognise the importance of keeping in touch with       Use YUDU text alerts, email, Zoom, Microsoft           SMS/DJN          IN EFFECT    CONTINUING
staff both in groups and individually. To provide       Teams (in roll-out), phone calls to keep in touch      HEADS OF
channels to circulate information, raise concerns       with staff. Friday@5 initiatives, weekly quizzes,      DEPARTMENT
and also to keep positive staff morale.                 ‘virtual’ Team meetings
Invite input from staff to enhance.                                                                            TO INCLUDE ALL
                                                        Surveys to gather input from staff. Relay results to   STAFF

Meetings with Clients at our offices

Our offices are currently closed to clients and third   Our receptions are not open to clients or third                         IN EFFECT    CONTINUING
party visitors (save for Royal Mail and courier         parties.                                                                             UNTIL
deliveries).                                                                                                                                 FURTHER
                                                        Fee earners must ensure that clients are aware that                                  NOTICE
                                                        they will not be able to attend our offices to
                                                        complete ID checks or to meet with any of our staff
                                                        – ID checks must be completed using our new
                                                        procedures. Clients may leave documents by
                                                        posting them at our office. Documents for clients
                                                        must be posted – clients must not attend our offices
                                                        to collect documents.

Strictly by appointment only and only where a                                                                                   EFFECTIVE
physical face-to-face meeting is necessary. No                                                                                  DATE TO BE
handshaking. Virtual meetings/phone calls should                                                                                ADVISED
be the default. Unfortunately we will not be able to
accommodate unexpected visitors.

Only those who are essential to the meeting should
attend. We will not be able to provide

                                                                                 Page 24 of 26
Immediately prior to attending, Clients/visitors will
be asked to confirm that they are not displaying any
potential Covid-19 symptoms. Meetings will be held
only where social distancing can be maintained. All
attendees will be asked to hand sanitise before the
meeting. Avoid transmission by avoiding sharing
pens. Meeting screens will assist with reducing
potential risk (delivery of order expected end July).
Where possible rooms should be well ventilated.
Extra care must be taken with vulnerable clients.

Our fee earners visiting clients – only where                           DISCUSS WITH   IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
absolutely necessary. Parties must make use of                          HEAD OF
remote communication tools first. However it is                         DEPARTMENT
appreciated that this is not always possible given
that legal paperwork may require signing or other
circumstances may require a meeting. Please
ensure other alternative means have been
exhausted first before contemplating meeting. Any
meeting must be outside, parties must be
comfortable with meeting and observe strict social
distancing, avoid transmission by not sharing pens
– parties should consider confidentiality/sensitivity
issues with discussing legal matters in the open.

                                                        Page 25 of 26
Handling inbound and outbound

Deliveries should be left outside our office for      Allocated points in reception for the collation of   RECEPTION/DELIVE   IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
collection at a safe distance or at a point in the    outgoing post and for receiving incoming post –      RY & COURIERS
office where it can be made observing social          socially distanced from reception staff.
distancing. Staff should wash their hands/hand
sanitise after handing incoming and outgoing

Emergency evacuation of office

                                                                                                           ALL STAFF &        IN EFFECT   CONTINUING
In the event of an emergency requiring staff to                                                            VISITORS
evacuate the office e.g. fire, staff do not need to
observe social distancing. When safe to do so on
re-entry to the office staff should observe social
distancing and sanitise hands.



       For more information see:

       Government guidance – Working safely during Covid-19 in offices and contact centres - 3 May 2020
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