Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare

Page created by Randy Reed
Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
Naval Special Warfare

Physical Training Guide

DISCLAIMER: Preparation for this training can be equally strenuous. You should consult a physician before you begin any strenuous exer-
cise program, such as the one described here, or any diet modification, especially if you have or suspect that you may have heart disease,
high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other adverse medical conditions. If you feel faint or dizzy at any time while performing any portion of
this training program, stop immediately and seek medical evaluation. The United States Government and any service member or civilian
employed by the United States Government disclaims any liability, personal or professional, resulting from the misapplication of any training
procedure, technique, or guidance described in this guide.
Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

                 Physical Training Guidelines
The Naval Special Warfare Physical Training Guide (NSW PTG)
exists to provide guidance regarding physical preparation for
NSW-NSO programs such as BUD/S or BCT. The PTG provides a
specific program for preparing for the Physical Screening Test
(PST) along with more general fitness advice to promote
endurance, strength, and resistance to injury once a candidate
has received a contract. This Physical Training Guide
Supplement provides additional guidance for developing a
strength program. Key points:
•     Keep it simple
•     Use proper technique (get coaching from qualified sources
      if necessary)
•     Develop the whole body, especially the parts known to be
      vulnerable to injury
This illustrated guide provides details regarding which areas of
the body should be targeted for training. There are examples of
exercises that target these areas, but recognize this is not meant
to be a definitive list and many other exercises may be used if
they target the proper areas. For more detailed discussion of
concepts such as sets, reps, frequency of training, split routines,
etc. – please consult

Another excellent resource that includes a wide variety of
exercises appropriate for this program is the Navy Operational
Fueling & Fitness System (NOFFS):

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

                                               Movement                          Resistance Sources (Examples)
How To Create a Workout:                       Categories
                                                                                    Body Weight                            Other (External)
                                                                                                                      bar, DB, KB, machine (also lateral
                                                    1 Push        ↑                   pike push-ups
                                                                                                                             or front raise w/ DB)
  Choose exercises for the upper body,               Overhead                                                                 pull-ups w/ vest,

   trunk, and lower body
                                                    2 Pull        ↓               pull-ups, rope climbs
                                                                                                                            lat pulldown machine
                                                      Chest                                                        bar, DB, KB, machine, push-ups w/ vest
  Choose exercises that create movement
                                                    3 Press       →            push-ups, clapping push-ups
                                                                                                                            (also incline/decline)

   in all three planes                              4    Row Pull ←          horizontal pull-ups (on dip bars)              bar, DB, KB, machine

  Choose exercises that create balance             5
                                                         Push     ↓                        dips
                                                                                                                       triceps pushdown or kickback,
                                                                                                                           weighted dips, ring dips
   (push-pull; right-left; front-back)                   Upward
                                                    6    Pull     ↑                      chin-ups                          upright row, curl, shrug
  Movements should be controlled
                                                    7    Cuff
                                                                                            n/a                            DB, cable, elastic band
    through a full Range of Motion
                                                    8    Mid/lower traps               arm haulers                         DB, cable, elastic band
   using proper technique                                                  sit-ups, crunches, reverse crunches,      inclined sit-up, BOSU, stability ball,
                                                    9 Flexion
  Emphasize negative (eccentric)
                                                                             knees-to-elbows, leg lever hold                       machine

                                                    10   Extension                Superman, front plank                    RDL, platform, machine
   contractions                                     11   Rotation
                                                                            leg wipers, Russian twist, scissors,
                                                                                                                   cable wood chopper, medicine ball toss
                                                                                    bird dog, scorpion
  Use multiple variations of each basic                                                                             single arm push or pull w/ DB or KB
                                                    12   Lateral                        side plank
                                                                                                                              (hold torso stable)
   movement (e.g., outward push,                                                                                    squat, leg press, dead lift, KB swing,
                                                    13   Hip Ext               vertical jumps, broad jumps
                                                                                                                                  box jump
   downward pull)
                                                                                   sit-ups, flutter kicks,
                                                    14   Hip Flex
  For the trunk, use a variety of static
                                                                                                                        elastic band, cable, machine
                                                                                  good morning darlings
                                                                             side plank, agility/COD, carioca,
   as well as dynamic exercises                     15   Hip ABD                                                        elastic band, cable, machine

                                                                                  side hops (1- or 2-leg)
                                                                                                                    machine, squat, leg press, weighted
  Be sure to include exercises for the             16   Knee Ext             vertical jumps, squats, lunges
                                                                                                                        lunge, box jump, dead lift
                                                                               bridges, manual resistance
   vulnerable or underdeveloped areas               17   Knee Flex                (provided by partner)
                                                                                                                        machine, elastic band, cable

  Mix up the order of exercises (but               18   Ankle Ext             vertical jumps, broad jumps             weighted heel raise, box jump
                                                                                                                           elastic band, machine,
   alternate push-pull)                             19   Ankle Flex                     heel walks
                                                                                                                            weighted heel walk
                                                    20 Foot ABD/ADD        balance, agility/COD, 1-leg side hops             elastic band, cable

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

Problem Areas: Weak & Underdeveloped
Rotator cuff, mid/lower traps, rhomboids, posterior &
medial glutes, hamstrings, tibialis anterior, torso rotators

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

Physical Training Guide - Naval Special Warfare
NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

NSW Physical Training Guide Supplement v.1 June 2015

T   he Naval Special Warfare
               Physical Training Guide
                                          This guide provides infor-
                                      mation about the type of train-
           is designed to assist anyone
                                      ing required to properly pre-
                                                                                  sit-ups as they are necessary
                                                                                  for success at BUD/S. Cross-
                                                                                  training such as cycling,
           who wants to improve his fit-
                                      pare for the rigors of BUD/S,               rowing and hiking is useful to
           ness in order to take and pass
                                      and it offers a tailorable 26-              rehabilitate an injury, to add
           the Physical Screening Testweek training plan that should              variety or to supplement your
           (PST) and succeed at Basic help a person with average                  basic training.
           Underwater Demolition/SEAL fitness prepare for training                    Work to improve your
           (BUD/S).                   and avoid injury.                           weakest areas. If you are a
                                               Most of your cardio-               solid runner but a weak swim-
                                           vascular exercise should               mer, don’t spend all your time
      General Training Guidelines          focus on running and                   running just because you are
        Your workouts should be            swimming, and your                     good at it. Move out of your
                                           strength and calisthenics              comfort zone, and spend
      • Planned and organized
                                           training should be done                enough time in the water to
      • Gradual, steady and continual
                                           to develop the necessary               become a solid swimmer as
      • Consistent
                                           muscular strength and                  well.
      • Specific
                                           endurance for maximum
      • Balanced
                                           pull-ups, push-ups and

                                •    1 Long Slow Distance workout for both running and swimming
                                •    1 Continuous High Intensity workout for both running and swimming
     Weekly                     •    1 Interval workout for both running and swimming
     Workout                    •    4-5 Calisthenics Routines
                                •    4-6 Strength Training Sessions – 2-3 each for upper and lower body
     Summary                    •    4-5 Core Exercise Routines
                                •    Daily Flexibility Routines
                                •    Specific injury prevention exercises as needed

                      Long Slow Distance (LSD)                  tween phrases. If you can’t speak, you are
                                                                working too hard, and if you can speak con-
               The intensity of LSD work is low to moder-       tinually, you are not working hard enough. For
           ate, so your pace should feel relatively easy        LSD workouts, focus more on duration than

           and relaxed. These workouts build endurance          intensity. If you are exceptionally fit, you might
           and provide relative recovery between more           perform 40-90 minutes of continuous move-
           intense sessions. To determine the appropri-         ment in one session. A practical goal to pre-
           ate intensity, use the Talk Test. You should be      pare for BUD/S is to build up to comfortably
           able to talk comfortably in short sentences or       running 5-6 miles or swimming 1-1.25 miles
           phrases while training, drawing breath be-           without stopping.

                  Continuous High Intensity (CHI)
                                                               you could hold for that duration. The work-
               These sessions typically involve moving         out should be very demanding but not totally
           for 15-20 minutes without stopping at a pace        exhausting. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 be-
           approximately 90-95% of the maximal pace            ing the greatest effort possible, the workout

                                              Physical Training Guide Page 2
should feel like 8-9. If you are at a low fitness             desired intensity of 90-95% of maximal pace.
level, one repetition of 15-20 minutes is suf-                A reasonable recovery period is approxi-
ficient. As your fitness improves, 2-3 repeti-                mately half of the work time. During this time,
tions may be required. When performing more                   keep moving at a low intensity – slow jog,
than one repetition, allow sufficient recovery                brisk walk or easy stroke. Do not come to a
between repetitions so you can maintain the                   complete stop.
                       Interval (INT)
                                                               a 1.5-mile run in 10:30 – 1/4 mile base pace
    These sessions alternate short, intense                    of 1:45 – your interval training pace should
work intervals with periods of recovery. The                   be about 1:41. If you completed a 500-yard
format consists of running 1/4-mile intervals                  swim in 10:30 – 100-yard base pace of 2:06 –
or swimming 100-yard intervals, allowing a                     intervals should be approximately 2:04.
recovery period of 2-2 1/2 times the amount                        Begin your interval workouts with 4 in-
of time it takes to perform the work interval.                 tervls per session, and build progressively
Your intensity or pace should be slightly fast-                toward completing 10 intervals. Do not run
er than the pace of your most recent 1.5-mile                  or swim more than 10 intervals during an
run or 500-yard swim. For running, your 1/4-                   interval session. When you can complete
mile interval pace should initially be about                   10 intervals in the prescribed times, work
4 seconds faster than your base pace, and                      on gradually performing the intervals a little
for swimming, your 100-yard interval pace                      faster each week. Work on consistency,
should initially be 2 seconds faster than your                 trying to keep little variation between your
base. For example, if you recently completed                   fastest and slowest interval and pacing

                          Run                                                        Swim
  If your current             Then your workout is              If your current            Then your workout is
      pace is                                                       pace is
                    1/4-mile repeat time      recovery time                       100-yard repeat time      recovery time

    8:00-8:30             1:16-1:21             2:32-3:23         8:00-8:30            1:34-1:40               3:08-4:10

    8:30-9:00             1:21-1:26             2:42-3:35         8:30-9:00            1:40-1:46               3:20-4:25

    9:00-9:30             1:26-1:31             2:52-3:48         9:00-9:30            1:46-1:52               3:32-4:40

    9:30-10:00            1:31-1:36             3:02-4:00         9:30-10:00           1:52-1:58               3:44-4:55

   10:00-10:30            1:36-1:41             3:12-4:13        10:00-10:30           1:58-2:04               3:56-5:10

   10:30-11:00            1:41-1:46             3:22-4:25        10:30-11:00           2:04-2:10               4:08-5:25

   11:00-11:30            1:46-1:51             3:32-4:38        11:00-11:30           2:10-2:16               4:20-5:40

   11:30-12:00            1:51-1:56             3:42-4:50        11:30-12:00           2:16-2:22               4:32-5:55

   12:00-12:30            1:56-2:01             3:52-5:03        12:00-12:30           2:22-2:28               4:44-6:10

   12:30-13:00            2:01-2:06             4:02-5:15        12:30-13:00           2:28-2:34               4:56-6:25

   13:00-13:30            2:06-2:11             4:12-5:28        13:00-13:30           2:34-2:40               5:08-6:40

   13:30-14:00            2:11-2:16             4:22-5:40        13:30-14:00           2:40-2:46               5:20-6:55

   14:00-14:30            2:16-2:21             4:32-5:53        14:00-14:30           2:46-2:52               5:32-7:10

   14:30-15:00            2:21-2:26             4:42-6:05        14:30-15:00           2:52-2:58               5:44-7:25

   15:00-15:30            2:26-2:31             4:52-6:18        15:00-15:30           2:58-3:04               5:56-7:40

   15:30-16:00            2:31-2:36             5:02-6:30        15:30-16:00           3:04-3-10               6:08-7:55

                                                                                                          Table 1 Interval Paces

   Table 1 provides appropriate paces and recovery times for interval workouts.

                                           Physical Training Guide Page 3
yourself to be fastest at the end of the work-         Allow enough recovery time to maintain the
out. Every 4th or 5th week, it may be benefi-       proper work intensity, without taking excessive
cial to increase your intensity using shorter,      time or wasting time. To promote faster, more
more frequent intervals. For example, 16-20 x       complete recovery, use some active recovery,
220-yard running intervals or 16-20 x 50-yard       such as brisk walking, easy stroking or slow jog-
swimming intervals.                                 ging for part of the time between intervals.

                                                        Variations Use caution with any push-up
    During BUD/S and for the PST, you will          variation, since placing the hands in any po-
be required to perform numerous push-ups,           sition other than beneath the shoulders may
sit-ups and pull-ups. You should prepare            create painful stress on the elbows.
specifically for these exercises. Using proper      • Include wide, narrow (triceps) and dive
technique, perform sets of push-ups, sit-ups            bomber
and pull-ups 4-5 times per week, resting 1-2        • Lift one foot off the floor
minutes between sets. Though the PST re-            • Place feet on a raised surface slightly
quires the exercises to be performed as rapidly         higher than the hands
as possible, you should perform most of your
training exercises in a slow and controlled         Sit-up
manner. The negative or downward portion            • Begin by lying flat on floor with knees bent
should take at least twice as long as the posi-         and heels approximately 10 inches from
tive or upward portion. Approximately once per          buttocks.
week, perform a max set (maximal number of          • Arms should be folded across the chest
consecutive repetitions) to assess your prog-           with hands touching the upper chest or
ress.                                                   shoulders. The feet may be stabilized if
    Here are descriptions of each exercise as           desired.
they must be performed during the PST. While        • Curl the body up, touching the elbows
training, you may occasionally do alternate             to the thighs just below the knees, keep-
versions for variety and additional fitness ad-         ing the hands in contact with the chest or
aptations.                                              shoulders.
                                                    • After touching elbows to thighs, lie back till
Push-up                                                 the shoulder blades touch the floor.
• Begin in the up or front-leaning rest posi-           Variations
  tion, with feet together and palms on floor       • With fingers placed loosely behind neck
  directly beneath or slightly wider than               (don’t pull on neck), curl the trunk up and
  shoulders.                                            rotate so the right elbow contacts the left
• Back, buttocks and legs should remain                 knee; lower trunk to floor and bring left
  straight from head to heels at all times.             elbow up to right knee; continue alternating
  Palms and toes remain in contact with the             rotations from right to left.
  floor.                                            • Keeping shoulders on the floor and knees
• Lower the entire body as a single unit by             bent, alternate drawing each knee up to
  bending the elbows until the arms form                the opposite elbow. Return each leg so the
  right angles, then return to the starting             foot rests on the floor while the other knee
  position by extending the elbows, raising             is drawn up.
  the body as a single unit until the arms are      • With arms across chest or fingers behind
  straight.                                             neck, keeping the knees bent, lift the legs

                                  Physical Training Guide Page 4
and hips off the floor drawing the knees to-                   above the top of the bar.
    wards the shoulders. After the abdominals                •     Legs may be crossed or uncrossed as
    have been fully contracted, lower the hips                     desired, but no kipping or jerking motions
    and legs until the feet touch the floor.                       allowed.
                                                             •     Lower the body in a controlled fashion until
   Note: for all abdominal exercises, keep the                     arms and shoulders are fully extended.
pelvis neutral and the lower back pressed to                       Variations
the floor to avoid putting stress on the lumbar              •     Narrow or wide grip
spine.                                                       •     Supinated grip with palms toward the body
                                                                   to more completely isolate the biceps
Pull-up                                                      •     Hang from bar with hands adjacent and
• Begin suspended from the bar in a dead                           on opposite sides of the bar, palms facing
   hang with arms and shoulders fully ex-                          inward in opposite directions, and alter-
   tended, palms shoulder width apart and                          nately pull the right and left shoulders up to
   pronated (overhand grip, facing away).                          the bar (also called the mountain climber or
• Pull body up until chin is even with or                          commando pull-up)

            Push-ups & Sit-ups                                                 Pull-ups
   If your              Then your workout is                     If your              Then your workout is

   max is        Sets          Reps              Total           max is        Sets             Reps                  Total

     15         3-4             10-12                 30-48

                                                                                       Table 2 Push-up, Sit-up, Pull-up Progression

Table 2 provides specific training recommendations to improve your maximum number of push-
ups, sit-ups and pull-ups.

        Strength Training/Weight Lifting
                                                 set to provide additional training stimulus, but
    Muscular strength is necessary to enhance in most cases one set is sufficient to produce
performance on the PST and increase the like- significant increases in strength. Perform a
lihood of success at BUD/S. It is important to   single set using a weight that cannot be lifted
gain strength properly to avoid injury.          more than 8-12 times giving maximal effort
    There are many different training protocols  and using proper technique. Generally perform
for building strength and numerous methods of 8-12 exercises per session.
providing adequate resistance, including free        Move from one exercise to the next quickly,
weights, machines and body weight. For the       only resting the amount of time it takes to set
purposes of this training, generally perform a   up the proper weight at the next station. This
single set of 8-12 repetitions (occasionally 4-6 promotes overall intensity and some cardio-
reps or 15-20 reps) of various exercises that    respiratory adaptations. Use a split routine
target major muscle groups.                      of upper body and lower body exercises on
    You can occasionally perform a second        alternate days.

                                       Physical Training Guide Page 5
To the right is a list of exercises you might        Upper Body Exercises
incorporate into your strength program. This                   Lat pull-downs, shoulder (military) press, bi-
list is not definitive, and individuals may cre-          ceps curl, bench press or incline press, seated
ate personalized routines based on equipment              row pull, deltoid lateral raise (raise arms paral-
availability and individual preferences. Alter-           lel to the ground but no higher), upright row,
nate a variety of exercises that involve pushing          triceps extension or dips.
(extension) with pulling (flexion) and target sev-
eral major muscle groups. Avoid exercises that            Lower Body Exercises
require high levels of skill unless you are under              Lunges, leg curl, back hyperextension, dead
the supervision of a qualified coach.                     lifts, leg press or squats, and heel raises.

                   Core Exercises

    It is important to develop the strength and           Plank
endurance of core muscles in the abdominal                • Lie face down on floor with legs straight and
and spinal regions. This will improve overall                feet together, place forearms on floor with el-
body balance and alignment, improve stability                bows directly below shoulders, then raise body
and reduce injury. Sit-ups and push-ups, which               off the floor so weight is supported by toes
should be performed regularly in preparation                 and forearms.
for BUD/S, are important core exercises. Addi-            • Hold body in this position by statically con-
tional core exercises include the bridge, plank,             tracting the core muscles, maintaining a
and bird dog.                                                straight line from heels to shoulders.
Bridge                                                    • Lift each arm and leg off the floor one at a time
• Lie on back with knees bent and feet about ten             in turn, holding each position for several sec-
   inches from buttocks.                                     onds before moving to the next position. Make
• Keep arms at sides or folded across the chest              sure the torso remains stable.
   and keep the pelvis neutral.                           • Hold one arm and the opposite leg off the floor
• Raise the hips off the floor, creating a straight          simultaneously.
   line between the knees, hips and shoulders.
• Lift the right foot off the floor and extend the        Side Plank
   leg until it is straight and creates a line from the   • Lie on one side supporting body weight on one
   shoulder through the hip, knee and foot.                  forearm with elbow below shoulder and resting
• Meanwhile, support the body’s weight by                    the other arm along the side of the body.
   statically contracting the glutes and hamstring        • Don’t let the hips sag towards the floor. Hold
   of the left leg. Make sure to keep the pelvis             the spine and legs in a straight line by statically
   neutral and horizontal; don’t let it dip toward           contracting the core muscles.
   the unsupported side.                                  • Hold for desired length of time and switch to
• Hold the contraction for 3-4 seconds before                the other side.
   lowering the pelvis to the floor with both                Variations
   feet near the buttocks in the original starting        • Maintain core contraction while lifting the top
   position.                                                 leg off the floor by abducting the hip.
• Lift the left foot off the floor and extend the leg     • Raise the body higher off the floor by ex-
   while supporting the body’s weight with the               tending the support arm completely straight
   right leg in the same manner for 3-4 seconds.             and supporting the weight with one hand,
• Continue to alternate between legs.                        meanwhile extending the opposite arm

                                       Physical Training Guide Page 6
straight above the body.                                        hand and foot. Continue to alternate lifting op-
                                                                    posite hands and feet.
Bird Dog
• Begin on hands and knees, with hands directly                Wipers
   below shoulders and head & neck aligned with                • Lie on your back with legs extended straight
   back.                                                         and together, and arms outstretched away
• Raise the right arm until it is fully extended and             from the body.
   parallel to the floor. Simultaneously raise the left        • Lift the legs together till they are perpendicu-
   leg until it is fully extended. The arm, leg and              lar to the ground (hips flexed to 90 degrees).
   back should all be in the same horizontal plane.              Keeping the hips flexed to 90 degrees, rotate
• Keep the torso stable; do not let the hip drop                 the lower torso and pelvis to one side so the
   on the unsupported side.                                      legs contact the ground.
• Hold for 3-4 seconds, then lower the upraised                • Rotate the lower torso and pelvis through a
   arm and leg to the starting position, and raise               180 degree arc till the legs contact the ground
   the opposite arm and leg to the same extend-                  on the other side. Swing the legs back and
   ed positions.                                                 forth through a 180 degree arc (like a wind-
                                                                 shield wiper). Each arc counts as one rep.
Superman                                                       • Keep the upper back, both arms and shoul-
• Lie face down on floor with legs straight, feet                der blades in contact with the ground at all
  together and arms straight and extended over-                  times.
• Keeping arms and legs straight, lift both hands              Note: Effective core training is as much about
  and both feet several inches off the floor and               learning to activate the lesser-used muscles as it is
  hold for 3-4 seconds.                                        about increasing their strength. You should activate
• Relax for 1-2 seconds and repeat.                            the transverse abdominis during each session. You
  Variations                                                   can feel this muscle when you cough, and one
• Keeping arms and legs straight, lift one hand                technique to activate it during core exercises is to
  and the opposite foot several inches off the                 cough before performing a core exercise and to
  floor and hold for 3-4 seconds. Return to start-             make sure you feel this muscle contracting during
  ing position and simultaneously lift the other               the exercise.

 Exercise                                                        Week
                               1-6               7-11                12-16             17-21                        22-26

         Bridge             2 x 20 reps        2 x 25 reps         3 x 20 reps       3 x 25 reps                  3 x 30 reps
                           (alternating)      (alternating)       (alternating)     (alternating)                (alternating)

         Plank             2 x 30 sec         2 x 45 sec          3 x 40 sec        3 x 50 sec                   3 x 60 sec

  Side Plank (each side)   2 x 30 sec         2 x 40 sec          2 x 45 sec        2 x 50 sec                   2 x 60 sec

        Bird Dog            2 x 20 reps        2 x 25 reps         3 x 20 reps       3 x 25 reps                  3 x 30 reps
                           (alternating)      (alternating)       (alternating)     (alternating)                (alternating)

       Superman            2 x 10 reps         3 x 8 reps         2 x 12 reps       3 x 10 reps                  3 x 12 reps

         Wipers            2 x 20 reps        2 x 25 reps         3 x 20 reps       3 x 25 reps                  3 x 30 reps

                                                                                                    Table 3 Core exercise Progression

Table 3 is an example of how training might be structured. Work up to being able to complete the
sets and reps listed in each time period.

                                           Physical Training Guide Page 7
                                                                              or enhancing flexibility. Perform stretching ex-
   Flexibility requirements vary depending on                                 ercises after running and swimming workouts,
the activity and the person, but you should                                   while muscle and connective tissue tempera-
devote some time to stretching to maintaining                                 ture is still elevated.

                                        26-week training program
    Table 4 shows how to combine all the workouts contained in this guide into a 26-week train-
ing program. This schedule of cardio and strength activities and distance targets for running and
swimming over a 26 week period will help prepare you for BUD/S and the PST.

           Monday                    Tuesday               Wednesday               Thursday                  Friday                   Saturday
       Cardio     Strength    Cardio     Strength       Cardio     Strength      Cardio     Strength     Cardio    Strength    Cardio       Strength

       Run LSD    Upper/     Swim CHI   Lower/Push-     Run INT   Core/ Push-   Swim LSD   Core/ Push-   Run CHI   Upper/     Swim INT     Lower/Push-
        (miles)    Core        (min)      Sit-Pull                  Sit-Pull     (yards)     Sit-Pull     (min)     Core       (reps)        Sit-Pull

 1        3          X          15          X              4          X          1,000         X           15         X           4             X

 2       3.25        X          15          X              4          X          1,100         X           15         X           4             X

 3       3.5         X          16          X              5          X          1,200         X           16         X           5             X

 4       3.75        X          16          X              5          X          1,300         X           16         X           5             X

 5        4          X          17          X              6          X          1,400         X           17         X           6             X

 6       4.25        X          17          X              6          X          1,500         X           17         X           6             X

 7       4.5         X          18          X              7          X          1,600         X           18         X           7             X

 8       4.75        X          18          X              7          X          1,700         X           18         X           7             X

 9        5          X          19          X              8          X          1,800         X           19         X           8             X

 10      5.25        X          19          X              8          X          1,900         X           19         X           8             X

 11      5.5         X          20          X              9          X          2,000         X           20         X           9             X

 12      5.75        X          20          X              9          X          2,100         X           20         X           9             X

 13       6          X        2 x 12        X             10          X          2,200         X         2 x 12       X           10            X

 14      6.25        X        2 x 12        X             10          X          2,300         X         2 x 12       X           10            X

 15      6.5         X        2 x 12        X             10          X          2,400         X         2 x 12       X           10            X

 16      6.75        X        2 x 14        X             10          X          2,500         X         2 x 14       X           10            X

 17       7          X        2 x 14        X             10          X          2,600         X         2 x 14       X           10            X

 18      7.25        X        2 x 14        X             10          X          2,700         X         2 x 14       X           10            X

 19      7.5         X        2 x 16        X             10          X          2,800         X         2 x 16       X           10            X

 20      7.75        X        2 x 16        X             10          X          2,900         X         2 x 16       X           10            X

 21       8          X        2 x 16        X             10          X          3,000         X         2 x 16       X           10            X

 22      8.25        X        2 x 18        X             10          X          3,100         X          2 x 18      X           10            X

 23      8.5         X        2 x 18        X             10          X          3,200         X          2 x 18      X           10            X

 24      8.75        X        2 x 18        X             10          X          3,300         X          2 x 18      X           10            X

 25       9          X        2 x 20        X             10          X          3,400         X          2 x 20      X           10            X

 26      9.25        X        2 x 20        X             10          X          3,500         X          2 x 20      X           10            X

                                                                                                                          Table 4 26-Week Training Program

Perform daily stretching/flexibility exercises following cardio training.

                                                      Physical Training Guide Page 8
Warm-up & Cool-Down
                                                         Gradually build intensity from an easy jog or
    The more intense your training session is,           stroke for several minutes. Then add 4-5 high-
the longer the warm-up and cool-down peri-               intensity bursts lasting from 15 to 30 seconds.
ods should be. Warm-ups for LSD sessions                 The warm-up should elevate your heart rate
may involve 5-10 minutes of easy jogging or              substantially, increase your breathing rate and
paddling while gradually building the intensity          activate a sweat response. A proper cool-
to a comfortable level for beginning the work-           down following LSD workouts may involve 2-3
out. As the workout begins, you may con-                 minutes of easy jogging or stroking followed
tinue to build intensity so that you comfort-            by 2-3 minutes of brisk walking. Time periods
ably finish the workout at a faster pace than            for CHI or INT cool-downs should be ex-
you started. For CHI and INT workouts, you               tended until you are breathing easily and your
should warm up for 10-15 minutes or more.                heart rate is close to its normal resting value.

                             Build Your Own Schedule
Weekly Schedule
    Table 5 shows how a weekly workout schedule can be organized to prepare for the PST
and BUD/S. An AM-PM training format such as lifting and core work in the morning and run-
ning or swimming plus stretching in the evening is best. It allows good recovery and a high
quality of work for each session. However, if necessary, all training can be performed in one
extended block of time. If performing several
activities in one session, perform your weak-
est activity first while you are still fresh. Avoid
over-exercising a body part with too many                 Y
                                                         ou can do some calisthenics and
                                                         core training on the same day as
                                                    strength training, but don’t exhaust your-
exercises or activities in the same day. Note
that the schedule does not place upper body         self with all routines on the same day. If
strength training and swimming or lower body        you are already doing higher LSD mile-
strength training and running on the same           age, you may begin at a later week in the
days.                                               program or add a second LSD session
    Since there is some overlap between the         (see Table 7). You should always begin
demands of weight lifting, calisthenics and         CHI and INT portions of the program at
core exercises, do not combine more than            Week 1.
two of these routines on a given day.

                   Monday     Tuesday        Wednesday Thursday               Friday               Saturday
      Run            LSD                           INT                           CHI

     Swim                       CHI                                    LSD                                INT

      Lift           Upper      Lower                                           Upper                    Lower

  Calisthenics                   X                  X                   X                                  X

     Core             X                             X                   X         X

   Flexibility        X          X                  X                   X         X                        X

                                                                                        Table 5 Weekly Training Schedule

                                      Physical Training Guide Page 9
Progression                                          load across the different training bands over
     Gradually build up your workload from a          26 weeks. If you are at a high level of fitness,
 safe, manageable level to the highest level of       you may choose to begin with a higher train-
 fitness possible in the time you have available      ing volume such as a 5-mile run (as indicated
 before you take the PST or attend BUD/S.             in Week 9) rather than a 3-mile run.
     Table 6 shows how to increase your work-

                              LSD                                   CHI                    INT
 Week          Run (miles)            Swim (yards)           Run/Swim (mintutes)      Run/Swim (reps)
    0           1.5 (timed)             500 (timed)

    1               3                     1,000                      15                        4

    2              3.25                   1,100                      15                        4

    3              3.5                    1,200                      16                        5

    4              3.75                   1,300                      16                        5

    5               4                     1,400                      17                        6

    6              4.25                   1,500                      17                        6

    7              4.5                    1,600                      18                        7

    8              4.75                   1,700                      18                        7

    9               5                     1,800                      19                        8

   10              5.2                    1,900                      19                        8

   11              5.5                    2,000                      20                        9

   12              5.75                   2,100                      20                        9

   13               6                     2,200                     2 x 12                    10

   14              6.25                   2,300                     2 x 12                    10

   15              6.5                    2,400                     2 x 12                    10

   16              6.75                   2,500                     2 x 14                    10

   17               7                     2,600                     2 x 14                    10

   18              7.25                   2,700                     2 x 14                    10

   19              7.5                    2,800                     2 x 16                    10

   20              7.75                   2,900                     2 x 16                    10

   21               8                     3,000                     2 x 16                    10

   22              8.25                   3,100                     2 x 18                    10

   23              8.5                    3,200                     2 x 18                    10

   24              8.75                   3,300                     2 x 18                    10

   25               9                     3,400                     2 x 20                    10

   26              9.25                   3,500                     2 x 20                    10

                                                                                         Table 6 Workout Progression

More Time to Prepare                                  sions per week as shown in Table 7. However,
    Beyond 26 weeks, do not increase INT or           beyond 9-10 miles of running per week and
CHI distances. Rather, focus on gradually and         3,500-4,000 yards of swimming per week, the
progressively increasing intensity for the set        improvements in fitness become proportion-
distances of these workouts. You can also             ately smaller relative to the time invested. If
increase your LSD work by performing longer           you perform large amounts of LSD work, be
sessions and/or increasing the number of ses-         sure to keep the pace relatively relaxed.

                                  Physical Training Guide Page 10
As your fitness improves, occasionally                      mental endurance. Continue to progressively
incorporate a longer session of activity (2-3                   increase your muscular strength and endur-
hours) such as hiking, canoeing, road cy-                       ance using the calisthenics, strength and
cling or mountain biking at a comfortable                       core routines already established.
but steady pace to improve physical and

               Monday         Tuesday            Wednesday Thursday                          Friday               Saturday
    Run           LSD                                    INT             LSD                     CHI
                 8 miles                            10 x 1/4 mile       4 miles             2 x 20 minutes

   Swim           LSD              CHI                                   LSD                                              INT
               1,500 yards    2 x 20 minutes                          3,000 yards                                   10 x 100 yards

    Lift         Upper            Lower                                                         Upper                   Lower

Calisthenics                        X                    X                X                                                X

   Core            X                                     X                X                        X

 Flexibility       X                X                    X                X                        X                       X

                                                                              Table 7 Weekly Training Schedule (Increased LSD Sessions)

Strong in one thing; weak in another                           while performing moderately or well in the
   If you have unbalanced fitness – you are                    other activity, should focus more attention
clearly slower in either running or swimming                   on the slower event. Table 8 is an example
– you should devote a greater percentage of                    of a schedule weighted toward improving
your training to improve the slower activity.                  a slower swimmer. A strong swimmer with
SEAL candidates with a swim time slower                        limited running ability would reverse the
than 10:35 or a run time slower than 10:38,                    schedule.

               Monday         Tuesday            Wednesday Thursday                          Friday               Saturday
    Run                            INT                                                           LSD

   Swim           LSD                                   CHI              LSD                                              INT

    Lift                          Upper                Lower                                    Upper                   Lower

Calisthenics       X                                     X                X                                                X

   Core            X                X                                     X                        X

 Flexibility       X                X                    X                X                        X                       X

                                                                                    Table 8 Weekly Training Schedule For A Slow Swimmer

   K    eep a record of your training. You will see your progress and have a history to show to a
        mentor or coach. A tangible record of your performances allows you to establish specific
   goals and can increase your motivation to train. Training records make it easier to avoid training
   mistakes or recognize potential problems before they become serious. Record basic informa-
   tion such as time and distance for running and swimming workouts (including individual times
   for each interval during interval workouts); number of reps of calisthenics and core exercises;
   and details of strength workouts (exercises, sets, reps, and amount of weight lifted). You may
   also choose to record more detailed information such as notes about your diet, the environment
   (temperature, humidity, wind), psychological state of mind (relaxed, anxious, energized, listless),
   amount of sleep, persistent soreness or any other variable that might affect your training.

                                     Physical Training Guide Page 11
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