Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom

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Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
      350    HOURS

2022 course prospectus

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom

           Teacher Training

Yoga is an ancient and                 Becoming a
                                       yoga teacher
integrated system designed
to maximise health and                 There are many gifts of being
                                       a teacher of yoga. Facilitating a
individual potential.                  student’s journey toward wellbeing
At Yogic Wisdom we                     and wholeness is a fulfilling and
                                       enriching process for the teacher
teach the holistic approach            and at the same time deepens
of classical yoga which                personal awareness.
involves the body, breath,             Our graduates enjoy employment
mind and deeper aspects                in the following areas: schools,
                                       aged care facilities, corporate
of the self.                           environments, studios and gyms,
We offer Hatha Yoga                    community programs, NDIS support
                                       workers or creating their own
Teacher Training in the                successful business.
linage of Krishnamacharya
who is regarded as one
of the most influential
Yoga Teachers of the
20th Century.

    What sets his teaching apart from other yoga traditions is that…

“Yoga must be made to suit the individual,
   not the individual to suit the yoga.”
                      — T K R I S H N A M AC H A RYA
  which means that yoga is suitable for all bodies and all stages of life.

Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
                        O F YOGIC WISDO M
                        TEACHER TR AINING

      Yogic Wisdom is one                 Yogic Wisdom
                                          graduates will:
      of the few Yoga Teacher
                                          • g ain a deep understanding of
      Training programs available            the rich tradition of yoga as a
      in the Newcastle/Lake                  life-affirming science, philosophy
      Macquarie/Central Coast                and practice
      region that offers the full         • b ecome confident Yoga Teachers
                                             with an emphasis on course
      350 hour Diploma                       planning, teaching methodology,
      qualification.                         anatomy and physiology and
                                             business principles
      This course is suitable for:        • b e inspired both personally and
      • y oga students and                  professionally by this holistic system
        teachers seeking to                  of health and its far-reaching and
                                             universal relevance and application
        become a certified
                                          • a chieve a Diploma level qualification
        Diploma level Yoga                   to worldwide standards as a
        Teacher                              Level 1 Yoga Teacher and be eligible
      • s tudents looking to                for membership with Yoga Australia
        deepen their knowledge,           • a ccess continuing mentoring and
                                             educational opportunities
        experience and personal
                                          • o ngoing professional development
        practice.                            with Yoga Therapy Postgraduate

 Through this course I began to learn and grow in ways I’d never
   imagined, it was genuinely transformational. I met and was
taught by beautiful people who encouraged and inspired me – and
  who continue to do so. Initially I was concerned because I was
     overweight but I soon realised ‘yoga is for every BODY’.
                                     — DESLEY

Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
Course Overview

Yogic Wisdom Teacher             Course content                      Philosophy, lifestyle
                                                                     and ethics
Training students will           Students will learn how to
learn to practise and            practise, teach and understand      Explore the origins, history
                                 the benefits and precautions of     and evolution of yoga and
teach the different              yoga tools and techniques:          related philosophies from ancient
techniques and tools             • asana                             to modern times. Students will
of yoga in a balanced,           • pranayama                         study the Bhagavad Gita, the
safe and nurturing way.                                              Ramayana and an in-depth
                                 • meditation
                                                                     study of the Yoga Sutras.
Students will become             • bandha and kriyas
confident in modifying           • chanting                          Teaching methodology
and adapting the                 • relaxation                  Trainees will learn:
techniques to meet               • yoga for seniors, kids     • s kills of observation, instruction
individual needs.                   and pregnancy                 and communication

The course offers a              Anatomy and physiology • h ow to demonstrate the
                                                                  techniques and give
sound understanding              Students will learn about the    modifications for individual
of the history and               impact of the yoga postures      needs and various demographics
                                 and techniques on the body    • c lass sequencing and practice
philosophy of Hatha              and its various systems and      planning
Yoga. The Yogic Wisdom           develop a basic knowledge of
                                                               • b usiness skills and starting
Teacher Training                 how yoga practices affect the
                                                                  your yoga business
                                 major body systems including
program has been                 musculoskeletal, nervous,     • injury prevention
written and approved at          circulatory and respiratory.  • t he ethical and personal
the worldwide standard                                            qualities of a Yoga Teacher.
by Yoga Australia.

                      “You have to practice
                  in such a way that day to day
               the breath gets longer and longer.”
        – F RO M T K R I S H N A M AC H A RYA’ S CO M P O S I T I O N , TH E YO GA R A HASYA

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Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom

                     Teaching Faculty

             Kym Lakshmi McDonald |                    PRINCIPAL TEACHER

             Post Graduate Diploma of Yoga Therapy
             Senior Level Yoga Teacher with Yoga Australia
             Certificate IV in Ayurveda
              President and Board Member Yoga Australia 2015 to 2021
             During her 17-year journey with yoga and other healing modalities, Kym was drawn to Krishnamacharya’s
             holistic approach, moving beyond just the physical body to heal and help the whole person. With this in
             mind, Kym founded Yogic Wisdom and the Karma Yoga Foundation where she and the faculty combine
             the art and science of Yoga Therapy and yoga to share the wise ancient teachings of yoga.

  What draws me to Kym is her integrity. She’s a teacher who holds
   herself to high standards and she has high expectation for her
students. She doesn’t teach for numbers or sales, its about spreading
  yoga into the community. For her it’s a calling, not an occupation.
                                             — ALEXANDRIA JOY

            Geraldine Coren Geraldine has been practising Yoga since 1997 and teaching since 2000. Initially
            training with the Sydney Yoga Centre, she was then mentored in the tradition of Krishnamacharya by
            Michael de Manincor at The Yoga Institute and studied with Krishnamacharya’s son, TKV Desikachar, and
            his family. Geraldine has senior qualifications as Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist.

            Annie Phelps Annie has 35 years’ experience as a practicing physiotherapist, giving her a deep
            practical knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Her studies in the Krishnamacharya lineage of yoga and
            Yoga Therapy have deepened and extended her application of this knowledge. It has also proven that
            there is nothing yoga cannot touch and revive, be it physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual. Annie has
            qualifications as a Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist and a Bachelor of Physiotherapy.

            Jo Rawlings Yoga is a way of life for Jo and she’s been exploring yoga and its' different lineages for over
            10 years. She’s found the practice of the Krishnmacharya lineage the most profound and says ‘it felt like
            coming home’. Her study of Yoga Therapy, combined with her 30 years as a practicing pharmacist, gives her
            an extensive knowledge of the human body, disease states and the tools that can be used to help students
            along a path of healing and growth. Jo has qualifications as a Yoga Teacher, a Yoga Therapist and has a
            Bachelor of Pharmacy.

Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
Course Delivery

Practicum                          During the weekend intensives,        Additional Information
                                   trainees will attend a morning
Yogic Wisdom Yoga Teacher                                                •V  iniyoga Flash Cards and the
                                   yoga class to deepen the
Training is delivered between                                              Heart of Yoga book are included
                                   understanding of the asanas
the end of January through to                                              in the training fees.
                                   and yogic practices which are
the beginning of December.                                               •A  minimum of 80% attendance
                                   the focus for that module.
It includes nine, monthly                                                  is required in order to be eligible
                                   These learnings will be further
weekend intensives and online                                              for graduation.
                                   supported with a mix of online
interactive learning where                                               •T  hree Day Graduation Retreat is
                                   interactive forums and face to face
students work through course                                               additional to course fees and is
                                   teaching sessions. The majority of
content face to face with the                                              estimated to be around $440.
                                   course assessment work is done
teachers. All intensives
                                   during teaching hours.                • Individual mentoring is not
and online classes are delivered
in terms excluding NSW School                                              included in the fees but is
                                   Students will also practice
and Public Holidays.                                                       offered at a reduced rate of
                                   teaching classes to their peers
                                                                           $80 per hour for teacher
                                   and learn the steps involved in
                                   establishing of a successful
                                   yoga business.                        •A  comprehensive training
                                                                           manual is providided.


                     For further information please contact Kym McDonald:
            info@yogicwisdom.com.au | www.yogicwisdom.com.au | 0410 545 502
    The Base Health, AWABAKAL COUNTRY, 3 Tudor Street, Newcastle West, NSW 2302

                    Information Evenings will be held
                     at the Yogic Wisdom Studio on:
                            Wednesday 29 September 2021, 6:30 – 8 pm
                            Wednesday 10 November 2021, 6:30 – 8 pm

Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
Course Calendar

2022                                 Onsite Intensive               Topics

TERM 1                               29 & 30 January                Asana: Part 1-3
29 January – 5 April                 26 & 27 February               Anatomy: Part 1-4
                                     26 & 27 March                  Yoga History
TERM 2                               30 April & 1 May               Pranayama
26 April – 28 June                   28 & 29 May                    Yoga Sutras
                                     25 & 26 June                   Chanting
TERM 3                               6 & 7 August                   Bhagavad-Gita
19 July – 20 September               10 & 11 September
                                                                    Bandahs & Kryias
TERM 4                               15 & 16 October                Yoga Nidra & Relaxation
11 October – 6 November              4,5,6 November (Retreat)       Sequencing & Practice Planning
                                                                    Yoga for Seniors
G R A D U AT I O N @ Y O G I C W I S D O M                          Yoga for Children
Friday 2 December 2022                                              Yoga for Pregnancy & Post Natal
6:00 – 7:30 pm                                                      Starting Your Own Business
                                                                    Business Ethics
The weekend intensives run from 7:30am to 3pm Saturday and          Practicum – Assistant Teaching
Sunday. Classes take place online on Tuesdays only. Students will
receive a detailed calendar with their course work.                 1:1 Revision and Mentoring
                                                                    Retreat and Final Assessment

 Studying Yoga Teacher Training was the beginning of an amazing and
 expansive journey for me. Yogic Wisdom’s course explores the roots of
traditional yoga and helped me establish a daily practice. By taking this
course, not only will you be a fully qualified and confident yoga teacher –
                     you will be investing in yourself.
                                                  — RENEE

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Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
Yogic Wisdom Teacher Training is                               The Base culture is driven by
held at the Base Health, 3 Tudor                               compassion with the belief that
Street, Newcastle West, NSW                                    mental health is everyone’s
2302                                                           business and that everyone can
                                                               contribute to positive change.
About The Base
                                                               Yogic Wisdom is excited to be
The Base Health and Community
                                                               delivering the training within this
is an innovative integrated health
                                                               positive support environment. The
service and community that seeks
                                                               Base has a café, outdoor seated
to build strong collaborative
                                                               areas, yoga hall and board room
networks to revolutionising health
                                                               which will be fully available for the
care and help communities connect
                                                               Yogic Wisdom students.
and thrive.


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                            1 H O UR          F RE E

                            1 H O UR          PA ID

                          2 H O U RS          F RE E

                           A L L DAY          F RE E
Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
The Yogic Wisdom community is a gathering
of likeminded people who come together with a
     spirit of generosity and supportiveness.
                    — LESLIE

Teacher Training 350 HOURS - 2022 course prospectus - Yogic Wisdom
Application Form

                                                 To secure your position in the

          2022 Yogic Wisdom Diploma of Yoga Teacher Training
                                   you are required to fill in the application form
                                 and submit with a non-refundable deposit of $500.

Fee options (tick preferred option)                                                                                                 Total

                                                                                                         $500 deposit + $5187       $5687
   Early bird (due by 30/10/2021)
                                                                                                         $500 deposit + $5550       $6050
   Full payment (due by 17/12/2021)
   Instalment plan $500 deposit plus $480 x12 monthly instalments

   I understand that I have committed to 12 monthly payments all paid within the            Signature
    12 month timeframe 2022. If for any reason I defer any part of the training I am still
    liable for the course fees in 2022 calendar year.

                                                                                                                      Note: all fees include GST
Name                                                                                                                DOB

Phone                                                   Mobile

Please, provide a summary of your Yoga background.

Why would you like to become a Yoga Teacher?

Direct deposit                      Payment and refund policy
BANK      St George Bank             Course fees (except the non-refundable deposit) will be refunded if you withdraw from the
NAME      Yogic Wisdom               course up to one month prior to the course commencement. A refund of 50% of course fees
                                     will be considered if you withdraw up to two weeks prior to the start date, subject to if your
BSB       112 879
                                     place in the course can be filled. All other payments are non-refundable after the course
ACCT      438 119 591
                                     commencement date.
Credit Card                          In circumstances such as personal difficulties and illness, payment may be transferred to the
Payment can be arranged              next Yoga Teacher Training program or services offered at Yogic Wisdom.

                info@yogicwisdom.com.au | www.yogicwisdom.com.au | 0410 545 502
        The Base Health, AWABAKAL COUNTRY, 3 Tudor Street, Newcastle West, NSW 2302
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