Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) 2020-2021

Page created by Jesus Carter
Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) 2020-2021
Master’s degree programmes

Teaching and
Regulations (OER)
Accountancy and Control | Actuarial Science and
Mathematical Finance | Business Administration |
Business Economics | Econometrics | Economics |
Finance | Fiscal Economics

student.uva.nl/eco | coursecatalogue.uva.nl

Table of contents
    Section A: Faculty section                                              6    B3: Master’s Programme in Business Administration

    1. General provisions                                                    6   1. General provisions                                          34
    2. Previous education and admission                                      7   2. Programme content                                           34
    3.	Assessment and Examination                                           10   3.	Admission criteria                                          37
    4.	Study supervision and study progress                                 14   4.	Curriculum structure                                        38
    5. Hardship clause                                                      15   5. Transitional arrangements                                   45
    6.	Effective date                                                       15   6.	Effective date                                              45

    Section B: Programme-specific section                                  16   B4: Master’s Programme in Business Economics

                                                                                  1. General provisions                                          46
    B1: Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control                            2. Programme content                                           46
                                                                                  3.	Admission criteria                                          48
    1. General provisions                                                   16
                                                                                  4.	Curriculum structure                                        49
    2. Programme content                                                    16
                                                                                  5. Transitional arrangements                                   53
    3.	Admission criteria                                                   18
                                                                                  6.	Effective date                                              53
    4.	Curriculum structure                                                 19
    5. Transitional arrangements                                            22
    6.	Effective date                                                       25   B5: Master’s Programme in Econometrics

                                                                                  1. General provisions                                          54
    B2: Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance        2. Programme content                                           54
                                                                                  3.	Admission criteria                                          55
    1. General provisions                                                   26
                                                                                  4.	Curriculum structure                                        56
    2. Programme content                                                    26
                                                                                  5. Transitional arrangements                                   61
    3.	Admission criteria                                                   28
                                                                                  6.	Effective date                                              61
    4.	Curriculum structure                                                 28
    5. Transitional arrangements                                            32
    6.	Effective date                                                       33

2                                                                                                                                      Table of contents   3
B6: Master’s Programme in Economics
                                                       These Teaching and Examination Regulations are based on the model-OER dated 3 July
    1. General provisions                        62   2018 and the addendum to the model-OER arising from the Covid-19 situation. The
    2. Programme content                         62   greatest possible care has been taken on the content of these Teaching and Examination
    3.	Admission criteria                        63   Regulations. However, interim changes may be made as a result of changes in the law,
    4.	Curriculum structure                      64   changes in UvA regulations or government regulations related to Covid-19 measures, for
    5. Transitional arrangements                 70   instance. Where this is the case, this will be made known through suitable channels as
    6.	Effective date                            70   quickly as possible.

                                                       In situations of force majeur related to Covid-19 where it is not reasonably possible to
    B7: Master’s Programme in Finance                 provide teaching and examinations in the form stated in this OER – in conjunction with
                                                       the Course Catalogue/module guide – there may be a temporary switch to an alternative
    1. General provisions                        71   form of teaching, examination and inspection, under the condition that the predetermined
    2. Programme content                         71   learning objectives continue to apply in full after such changes. These changes are
    3.	Admission criteria                        73   to be assessed by the Examinations Board and where appropriate, the rights of the
    4.	Curriculum structure                      74   representative advisory bodies must be respected.
    5. Transitional arrangements                 81
    6.	Effective date                            82   Disclaimer: This translation is provided for information purposes only. In the event of a
                                                       difference of interpretation, the original Dutch version of this document is binding.

    B8: Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics

    1. General provisions                        83
    2. Programme content                         83
    3.	Admission criteria                        84
    4.	Curriculum structure                      85
    5. Transitional arrangements                 87
    6.	Effective date                            87

    Appendix I                                   88
    Appendix II                                  89

4                                                                                                                                            Table of contents   5
Section A: Faculty section                                                                               i.   academic year          the period beginning on 1 September and ending on 31 August of the
                                                                                                                                         following calendar year
                                                                                                             j.   study programme        the totality and cohesion of the course components, teaching activities/
                                                                                                                                         methods, contact hours, testing and examination methods and
    1. General provisions                                                                                                                recommended literature
                                                                                                             k. examination              an assessment of the student’s knowledge, understanding and skills
    Article 1.1 Applicability of the Regulations                                                                  (tentamen)             relating to a course component. An examination may consist of one or
    1. These regulations apply to the teaching and examinations for the Master’s degree programmes                                       more partial examinations and a final examination
         (hereinafter also referred to as: the degree programme) offered by the UvA Economics and            l.   Admissions Board       the committee that assesses on behalf of the dean whether a candidate
         Business (hereinafter also referred to as: ‘EB’).                                                                               meets the requirements to be admitted to the master’s programme of
    2. These Regulations consist of a Faculty section (A) and a Programme-specific section (B).                                          his choice
         Together, Sections A and B form the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the programme.         m. University (UvA)         the University of Amsterdam
    3. These Regulations apply to anyone enrolled in the programme, irrespective of the academic             n. WHW                      the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act, (Wet op het hoger
         year in which the student was first enrolled in the programme.                                                                  onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek).
    4. Section B of these Teaching and Examination Regulations may contain additional general                The other terms have the meanings ascribed to them by the WHW.
         provisions for the relevant degree programme.

    Article 1.2 Definitions                                                                                  2. Previous education and admission
    The following definitions are used in these regulations:
    a. partial examination       examination that assesses part of the learning objectives of a              Article 2.1 Previous education
                                 component                                                                   1. In order to qualify for enrolment in a Master’s degree programme, a Bachelor’s degree obtained
    b. final examination         final examination of a component                                                 in academic higher education (WO) is required. The requirements that the Bachelor’s degree
    c.   EC (European Credit) a credit with a workload of 28 hours of study                                       must meet are specified in Section B.
    d. joint degree              a degree awarded by an institution together with one or more                2. In the event that a candidate does not have a Bachelor’s degree as referred to in paragraph 1,
                                 institutions in the Netherlands or abroad, after the student has                 the Admissions Board of the degree programme will assess suitability for admission to the
                                 completed a study programme (a degree programme, a major or                      programme on the basis of the requirements stipulated in Section B.
                                 a specific curriculum within a degree programme) for which the
                                 collaborating institutions are jointly responsible and for which a single
                                 joint degree certificate is issued
    e. oral examination          proof of knowledge, reasoning and skills of the student through oral
    f.   component               a unit of study of the programme within the meaning of the WHW,
                                 such as a course and an internship
    g. SIS                       the Student Information System
    h. course catalogue          the guide for the degree programme that provides further details of
                                 the provisions and other information specific to that programme. The
                                 course catalogue is available electronically at coursecatalogue.uva.nl
6                                                                                                                                                                                             Section A: Faculty section   7
Article 2.2 English language requirement                                                                Article 2.4 Admissions procedure
    1. Applicants to an English language EB Master’s programme must demonstrate sufficient                  1. The Dean will establish one or more Admissions Boards. The Dean will appoint its members
        command of the English language by means of one of the following:                                       after consultation with the programme directors of the relevant degree programmes. The
        •   possess a Bachelor’s diploma from a Dutch research university (wo) or Dutch university of           Admissions Board is responsible for admission to the programme.
            applied sciences (hbo)                                                                          2. With a view to admitting students to the programme, the Admissions Board assesses the
        •   possess a Bachelor’s diploma from a university located and accredited in Australia, Canada          candidate’s knowledge, understanding and skills. The Board may request experts within or
            (with the exception of Quebec), Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa, United                   outside the University to test certain types of knowledge, understanding and skills, in order
            Kingdom or United States of America                                                                 to supplement written evidence of the programme/programmes the student has already
        •   submit an Official Score Report of one of the following English proficiency tests with a test       completed. In its assessment, the Board includes knowledge of the language in which the
            date not more than 2 years before the start of the programme and with the respective                programme will be taught.
            minimum scores:                                                                                 3. Candidates receive either confirmation of admission or a negative decision. An appeal against a
            -   TOEFL-IBT                                                                                       negative decision can be lodged with the Examination Appeals Board within six weeks.
                >   Overall Score: 92 Points
                >   Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing: 22 points each                                   Article 2.5 Refusal or termination of enrolment (unsuitability/iudicium abeundi)
            -   IELTS (Academic version)                                                                    1. Based on the provisions of Section 7.42a of the WHW, the Dean or the Examinations Board
                >   Overall Score: 6.5 Points                                                                   may, in exceptional cases, ask the Executive Board to terminate or refuse a student’s enrolment
                >   Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing: 6.0 points each                                      in a programme, if that student’s actions or remarks show that he or she is unsuitable either for
            -   Cambridge English:                                                                              practising one or more of the professions for which the programme in question is preparing the
                170 points overall and in each sub-category on either a:                                        student or for the practical preparation for professional practice.
                >   Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or                                      2. If a student is suspected of being unsuitable as described in paragraph 1, the Examinations
                >   Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).                                      Board or the Dean will institute an inquiry, of which the student will be informed immediately.
                                                                                                                The Examinations Board or the Dean will not issue any recommendation without carefully
    Article 2.3 Registration and enrolment                                                                      considering the interests involved and giving the student the opportunity to be heard.
    1. An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the EB Admission
        Office by the following dates before the start of the academic year:
        •   1 April for students with a non-Dutch diploma
        •   1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
    2. Students are required to enrol via the online application system Embark. The application is
        completed when all required documents are submitted via the online application system before
        the deadline.
    3. After registering on time, the student must enrol before 1 September or, if applicable, before 1

8                                                                                                                                                                                             Section A: Faculty section   9
3. Assessment and Examination                                                                          Article 3.2 Type of examination
                                                                                                            1. The course catalogue stipulates the way in which a unit of study is concluded and the form any
     Article 3.1 Signing up for units and examinations                                                          examination will take.
     1. Students must be signed up in advance for each unit of study.                                       2. At least 60% of the examinations for a course should be based on individual assessments
                                                                                                                unless otherwise specified in part B.
                                                                                                            3. For partial examinations, a minimum score may be set for completing the course successfully.
               Students may only sign up for participation in a unit of study in                                The mark of the final examination for every course must always be at least 5.0 or 5.5) before
               the periods designated for that purpose, published at                                            the scores have been rounded off (see the course catalogue for the minimum scores for each
               student.uva.nl/eco/az > Course registration                                                      course). If a course only consists of centrally organised exams, the minimum of 5.0 for the final
                                                                                                                examination applies without a maximum of 5.5.
                                                                                                            4. A bonus may not exceed 0.5 points and will only be awarded if the final mark without bonus is
     2. Students who have signed up for a unit of study are also signed up for the examinations for             at least 5.5 or higher.
         that unit, including any partial examinations and resits.                                          5. For any course with written examinations, students are entitled to receive representative
     3. Students may sign up for a maximum of 42 ECs per semester and per Master’s programme.                   examination examples including answers. The examples must be representative in terms of
         This maximum applies to courses offered by EB. Students who wish to register for more ECs,             length, type of questions and content and must be posted on Canvas at least one week before
         may, provided they have studied nominally in the past three periods at the time of the regular         the examination.
         course registration, contact the student advisors to request exemption from this limit.
     4. Participation in courses and exams is only possible if the student fulfils the entry requirements   Article 3.3 Oral examinations
         of the course. This requirement will be checked no later than the third or fourth week of          1. An oral examination will be taken in the presence of a second examiner.
         lectures, when the marks of the required courses are registered. Part B of this document           2. The examiners make a video recording of the oral examination in which the questions are
         sets out the entry requirements. In the Course Catalogue is mentioned if the course can be             briefly summarised.
         followed by students without a registration for the programme                                      3. An oral examination is public unless the Examinations Board or examiner determines otherwise
     5. Some courses only allow students to participate if they attend the lectures/tutorials of that           in an exceptional case.
     6. Students that participate in a study trip that is approved by the Graduate School director, have    Article 3.4 Opportunities to sit examinations
         the right to alternative options to obtain a sufficient grade for their mandatory attendance       1. An opportunity will be offered to sit final examinations for courses within a degree programme
         while being on the approved study trip.                                                                twice in each academic year. A separate resit is not provided for partial examinations.
     7. Students who are enrolled in a Master’s degree programme may not take part in Bachelor’s            2. In the case of a resit, the results obtained from these partial examinations will be disregarded
         degree programmes. Students who have not fully completed their Bachelor’s programme but                and the full course material will be tested.
         who have been conditionally admitted to the Master’s programme as described in Article 2.1         3. Students may not retake an internship or resubmit a thesis if they have already been awarded a
         paragraph 3, may register for EB Bachelor’s courses that are part of the Bachelor’s programme          pass mark for this.
         they have yet to complete.                                                                         4. In the event of a resit or second examination for the same course, the most recent mark will
                                                                                                            5. The resit for an examination must not take place within ten working days of the announcement
                                                                                                                of the result of the original examination.

10                                                                                                                                                                                            Section A: Faculty section   11
6. Bachelor’s and Master’s students of EB may take an extra resit in August provided the following    4. Together with the result of an examination, students’ attention will also be drawn to their right
         conditions are met:                                                                                   to inspect the assessed work and have a post-examination discussion.
         •   the course is offered by EB                                                                   5. A student may lodge an appeal against the way in which the result was reached with the
         •   the student has successfully completed all other courses of the programme                         Examination Appeals Board within six weeks of the announcement of the result.
         •   the thesis must be completed no later than the first opportunity of academic year
             2020-2021                                                                                     Article 3.7 Right of inspection and post-examination discussion
         •   the student has used both exam opportunities in the current academic year                     1. Within twenty-five working days after the date upon which a written examination was
         •   a mark of at least 5.0 has been obtained for one of the abovementioned examinations.              held, the student may, on request, inspect his or her assessed work and the questions and
                                                                                                               assignments set, as well as the standards applied for marking.
     Article 3.5 Marks                                                                                     2. An opportunity will be offered to receive interim (collective) feedback on partial examinations
     1. Final marks are given on a scale from 1 to 10. Only whole or half marks (.0 or .5), with the           at least one week before the final examination for the course in question is held.
         exception of the mark 5.5, may be awarded. Marks from (and including) 4.75 to (excluding)         3. The place and time referred to in the previous sentence will be announced at the time of the
         5.5 will be rounded up to 5. Marks from (and including) 5.5 to (and excluding) 6.25 will be           examination or on the course’s Canvas page. There must be at least five working days between
         rounded up to 6.                                                                                      this announcement and the time of the inspection.
     2. The final assessment of a course is considered to be a pass if a mark of 6.0 or higher is          4. If the student was unable to attend at the place and time referred to in paragraph 2 due to
         obtained.                                                                                             personal circumstances, as mentioned in the Rules and Guidelines of the Examinations Board
     3. Marks of partial examinations and final exams will not be rounded off.                                 article 8.2, an alternative option will be offered.
     4. If the mark for the final assessment is lower than 5.0, the final mark will be the weighted
         average with a maximum of 5.0. For a number of courses, the minimum mark for the final            Article 3.8 Exemption
         assessment is higher than 5.0. This is indicated in the description of assessment in the course   1. At the written request of the student, the Examinations Board may exempt the student from
         description for the course in question.                                                               taking one or more examination components, if the student has passed a course component
     5. Should the degree classification or judicium for a particular course not be expressed as a mark,       of a university Master’s degree programme that is equivalent in both content and level. This
         then the result will be ‘all requirements met’ (AVV) or ‘unsatisfactory’ (NAV).                       exemption does not apply to the Master’s thesis.
     6. Students who do not attend an examination for which they are signed up will receive the result     2. The maximum extent of the exemptions from meeting the requirements of the Master’s final
         NA: ‘niet aanwezig’ (‘non-attendance’).                                                               examination is stated in Article 4.5 of Section B.
                                                                                                           3. This possibility for an exemption does not apply to compulsory courses of the curriculum, when
     Article 3.6 Determining and announcing results                                                            the replacing course is passed during the regular registration at EB.
     1. The examiner determines the result (=mark) of a written examination or thesis as soon as
         possible, but at the latest within fifteen working days. The examiner submits the final marks     Article 3.9 Validity period for results
         to the relevant Programme Administration and the Programme Administration will then               1. Passed Master’s courses have a guaranteed validity period of three years. The Examinations
         immediately ensure that the results are registered within three working days following the            Board will extend the validity period of passed courses as long as the courses are still part of the
         submission of the marks by the examiner.                                                              curriculum and their substance has not changed.
     2. Centrally organised partial examinations are subject to a marking period of ten working days.      2. Contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1, the validity period of a partial examination is limited
         The results will be uploaded on Canvas, whereby each student will only be identified by their         to the date of the first final examination that is offered for the course. If a partial examination is
         student number.                                                                                       a practical exercise, the validity period may be limited to the resit that is offered for the course,
     3. The examiner determines the result (= mark) of an oral examination as soon as the examination          as long as the student still has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the course.
         has finished, and informs the student accordingly.
12                                                                                                                                                                                              Section A: Faculty section   13
Article 3.10 Master’s final examination                                                                         Article 4.2 Adaptations for students with a disability
     1. The Examinations Board determines the results and date of the final examination after it has                 1. A student with a disability may qualify for special adaptations with regard to teaching, practical
         established that the student has passed all the units of study belonging to the programme.                      training and examinations if the student has a statement of the student counsellor. This
     2. A degree certificate can only be awarded after the Executive Board has declared that the student                 reference must in part be based on a recent statement from a physician or psychologist.
         has satisfied all the procedural requirements, including the payment of tuition fees.                       2. The Dean decides on the adaptations concerning the organisation and logistics of teaching.
     3. Students who have successfully completed their Master’s examination will be awarded a Master                     The Examinations Board will rule on requests for adaptations with regard to examinations.
         of Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.                                             3. If the disability justifies an extension to the time in which the examination may be sat, the
     4. The Examinations Board may award a degree classification (judicium). If the student has shown                    student counsellor will issue a statement testifying to this entitlement to an extension. If a
         exceptional competence, the Examinations Board may decide to add the qualification cum laude                    disability justifies other measures being taken, the student counsellor can provide a statement
         to his or her degree certificate.                                                                               on the necessary measures.
     5. The Examinations Board grants a degree certificate as proof that the student has passed his
         or her final examination. The Examinations Board adds a supplement to the degree certificate
         providing information on the nature and content of the degree programme completed.                          5. Hardship clause
     6. Individuals who have successfully completed at least one component of the programme and
         who cannot be awarded a degree certificate, on request, receive a statement to be issued by                 In instances not regulated by the Teaching and Examination Regulations or in the event of
         the relevant Examinations Board stating at least the examinations that have been successfully               significant unfairness or unreasonableness, the Dean responsible for the degree programme will
         completed together with the units of study they involved, the number of EC obtained and the                 decide, unless the matter concerned is the responsibility of the Examinations Board.
         way in which the examinations were taken.

     Article 3.11 Transitional arrangement                                                                           6. Effective date
     A transitional arrangement shall be made by the Examinations Board for students who have
     successfully completed one or more courses, but not yet the final examinations on the date that this            This regulation comes into force as of 1 September 2020
     Teaching and Examination Regulation comes into force, and whose interests may be damaged by this.
                                                                                                                     Advice and consent from the Programme Committees,
     Article 3.12 Fraud and plagiarism
     Electronic detection programs can be used to identify plagiarism in texts. Upon handing in the text,            •   Economics and Business Economics & Fiscal Economics (OC-EBE&FE), date: 11 March 2020
     the student gives implicit permission for the inclusion of the text in the database of the relevant             •   Business Administration (OC-BA), date: 10 June 2020
     detection program.                                                                                              •   Actuarial Science and Econometrics (OC-AE), date: 8 June 2020
                                                                                                                     •   Advice of the Works Council (OR), date: 11 June 2020
                                                                                                                     •   Advice of and approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR), date: 18 September 2020
     4. Study supervision and study progress
                                                                                                                     Adopted by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on: 18 September 2020.
     Article 4.1 Administration of study progress and academic student counselling
     1. The Dean of the Faculty is responsible for the correct registration of the students’ study results in SIS.
     2. Student counselling (e.g. lectures, thesis supervision and practical exercises) takes place within
         the study units and is described in the Course Catalogue. Students can also contact the study
         advisors (see: student.uva.nl/eco/az > Study Advisers).
14                                                                                                                                                                                                      Section A: Faculty section   15
Section B: P rogramme-specific section                                                                 literature. Detailed knowledge at a high academic level is combined with practical examples and
                                                                                                             applications. Thus, students learn both how to generate information (e.g., calculating performance
                                                                                                             measures following under different accounting standards), and why organisations choose a specific
                                                                                                             way of generating this information.
      B1:  Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
                                                                                                             The programme offers two tracks: an accountancy track and a control track. Students are required
                                                                                                             to select one of these tracks and must pass all of its courses. Students are also allowed to follow
     1. General provisions                                                                                   both tracks. Both tracks will be mentioned on the degree if the student passed all courses for both
     Article 1.1 Programme characteristics                                                                   1. The accountancy track deepens and expands graduates’ knowledge of how technology and
     1. a. T he Master Accountancy and Control CROHO number 60900 is offered full-time and part-                international regulations shape financial information, and their understanding of the role of
           time in English.                                                                                      accounting from the perspective of auditors, managers, and investors.
         b.The part-time programme has a nominal study period of 1,5 years.                                 2. The control track deepens and expands graduates’ knowledge of how organisations translate
     2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.                                                                   their strategy into financial plans and investment decisions, and their understanding of how
                                                                                                                 technology, economics and psychology influence financial decision making.
     Article 1.2 Enrolment
     The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September. Students may also       Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
     enroll on 1 February. In that case the study programme cannot be fully completed within one year        After completion of the programme, students have:
     and the workload will not be spread evenly throughout the academic year.                                Knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                             •   a thorough knowledge of the areas of management control, financial reporting, accountability
                                                                                                                 and corporate governance processes, data analytics, and judgment and decision making
     2. Programme content                                                                                    •   Track Accountancy: a thorough knowledge of the area of accountancy, including:
                                                                                                                 -     various financial reporting standards
     Article 2.1 Aim of the programme                                                                            -     the way in which external auditors can verify the reliability of financial and non-financial
     Objective                                                                                                         reporting
     The programme is aimed at developing an academic level of professional and intellectual ability in          -     empirical research in financial accounting.
     the field of Accountancy and Control. Students will acquire knowledge of the relevant scientific        •   Track Control: a thorough knowledge of the area of control, including:
     literature and receive training in the methods and skills to apply this knowledge. Students are             -     goals, uses and techniques of quantitative decision making in organisations
     therefore trained for professions that apply this knowledge at an academic level.                           -     corporate financial management decisions
                                                                                                                 -     empirical research in management accounting.
     The programme provides knowledge and insights into both national and international Accountancy
     and Control issues. The focus is on generating and evaluating (financial) information for               Applying knowledge and understanding
     stakeholders that are external and internal to an organisation, using this information in managing      •   the ability to use financial and non-financial information in reporting on organisational
     and controlling an organisation, and assuring the quality of this information. Upon completion              performance, decision-making and control
     of the programme, the graduate is able to analyse issues in Accountancy and Control based on            •   the ability to conduct research at an academic level.
     theoretical concepts, to critically evaluate solutions proposed for addressing problems in theory and
     practice, and to develop alternative solutions grounded in theory and the state-of-the art academic
16                                                                                                                                                                   Section B1: Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control   17
Making judgements                                                                                          3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
     •   insights in the impact of social and political processes on organisations’ accounting choices, as          application on the following criteria:
         well as the role of ethics, professionalism and codes of conduct                                           •    motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter
     •   the ability to critically evaluate and discuss empirical research in the area of the specialisation.       •    being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
                                                                                                                         instructor at a previous institution
     Communication                                                                                                  •    grade point average
     •   the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team based             •    GMAT / GRE score.
         on a professional and multidisciplinary attitude                                                       4. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
     •   the ability to effectively interact with an international team in the chosen professional field and
         to manage challenges from diverse perspectives
     •   the ability to clearly communicate and professionally present (orally and in writing) information      4. Curriculum structure
         for a (non-) expert audience.
                                                                                                                Article 4.1 Components
     Lifelong learning skills                                                                                   The programme consists of:
     •   acquired academic and professional skills that enables the student to think critically and to          a. compulsory courses, including the Master’s thesis
         analyse situations in their chosen professional field through analytical thinking skills.              b. track-specific courses

                                                                                                                Article 4.2 Curriculum
     3. Admission criteria                                                                                      Master’s programme in Accountancy and Control – track Accountancy
                                                                                                                                   FIRST SEMESTER                                     SECOND SEMESTER
     1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following                       Period 1           Period 2         Period 3        Period 4            Period 5            Period 6
         knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
                                                                                                                  International                                         Financial          Judgment
         •   Intermediate financial accounting                                                                                       Accountability
                                                                                                                     Financial                                         Statement           & Decision
                                                                                                                                        & Risk
                                                                                                                    Reporting                                          Analysis &          Making in
         •   Intermediate management accounting                                                                                      Management
                                                                                                                    Standards                                          Valuation           Accounting
                                                                                                                                        (5 EC)
         •   Intermediate finance                                                                                     (5 EC)                             Research        (5 EC)              (5 EC)          Master’s Thesis
         •   Qualitative and quantitative research methods including mathematical methods.                                                               Seminar                                             Accountancy &
                                                                                                                                                      Accountancy &                       Business Lab:         Control
     2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board. Students holding a Bachelor’s degree in                 Incentives &       Accounting                        Auditing
                                                                                                                                                      Control (5 EC)                      Accountancy           (12 EC)
                                                                                                                  Control (5 EC)       Research                          (5 EC)
         Economics and Business specialisation Accountancy and Control, Business Administration                                                                                              (3 EC)
                                                                                                                                         (5 EC)
         specialisation Accountancy and Control or Economics and Business Economics specialisation
                                                                                                                    Data Analytics & Professional
         Accounting and Control of the University of Amsterdam are unconditionally eligible for                            Skills (5 EC)

         admission to the programme.

18                                                                                                                                                                     Section B1: Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control   19
Master’s programme in Accountancy and Control – track Control                                                           Track Accountancy
                        FIRST SEMESTER                                             SECOND SEMESTER
                                                                                                                             6314M0038        Financial Accounting Research (5 EC)                   2
         Period 1           Period 2            Period 3              Period 4           Period 5             Period 6
                                                                                                                             6314M0406        Auditing (5 EC)                                        4
       International                                                   Financial        Judgment
                         Accountability                                                                                      6314M0408        Business Lab: Accountancy (3 EC)                       5
          Financial                                                   Statement         & Decision
                            & Risk
         Reporting                                                    Analysis &        Making in                            Track Control
         Standards                                                    Valuation         Accounting
                            (5 EC)
           (5 EC)                               Research                (5 EC)            (5 EC)          Master’s Thesis    6314M0404        Strategic Value Management (EC)                        2
                                                Seminar                                                   Accountancy &
                                                                   Corporate                                                 6314M0035        Corporate Financial Management (5 EC)                  4
                         Strategic Value     Accountancy &                                                   Control
        Incentives &                                                Financial          Business Lab:
                          Management         Control (5 EC)                                                  (12 EC)
       Control (5 EC)                                             Management           Control (3 EC)                        6314M0409        Business Lab: Control (3 EC)                           5
                              (5 EC)
                                                                     (5 EC)

         Data Analytics & Professional
                Skills (5 EC)                                                                                               Article 4.4 Electives
                                                                                                                            Electives are no part of this master’s programme.

       Compulsory course          Elective course       Track course                                                        Article 4.5 Exemptions
                                                                                                                            It is not possible to obtain credits through exemptions.
     In addition to Part A, article 3.2, for both Business Labs Control & Accountancy, an exception on
     the 60% individual assessment is made.                                                                                 Article 4.6 Practical training
                                                                                                                            1. Students who are registered for the MSc Accountancy and Control and who have finished 45
     4.3 Course list                                                                                                            EC of their curriculum may do an internship for 15 EC. It is a student’s responsibility to find an
     The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2020-2021.                                  internship.
      Course Code       Course Name                                                Period           Entry Requirement       2. The internship must be completed within 6 months after the nominal timeframe for

                                                                                   1-3 only         Research Seminar
                                                                                   parttime         Accountancy             3. The procedure and learning objectives of the internship are described in the Course Catalogue,
      6314M0410         Master’s Thesis Accountancy & Control (12 EC)
                                                                                   programme        & Control
                                                                                   4-6              (6314M0411)                 special conditions apply for non-EU students.

      6314M0403         Accountability & Risk Management (5 EC)                    2

                                                                                   1, 2
      6314M0402         Data Analytics & Professional Skills (5 EC)                fulltime
                                                                                   5 parttime

      6314M0405         Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation (5 EC)            4

      6314M0400         International Financial Reporting Standards (5 EC)         1

      6314M0401         Incentives & Control (5 EC)                                1

      6314M0407         Judgment & Decision Making in Accounting (5 EC)            5

                                                                                   3 fulltime
      6314M0411         Research Seminar Accountancy & Control (5 EC)
                                                                                   4 parttime

                                                                                                    See article 4.6
      6314M0271         Master internship Accountancy & Control (15 EC)
                                                                                                    Practical training
20                                                                                                                                                                                    Section B1: Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control   21
5. Transitional arrangements                                                                                    Old course                              New course / adjustment

                                                                                                                                                             Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation (Period 4, 6314M0405)
     5.1 New course(s)                                                                                               International Financial Reporting
                                                                                                                     Standards 2                             Students who passed the course Financial Statement Analysis
     Students who started before 1 September 2020 with the Master’s programme Accountancy &
                                                                                                                     (Period 5, 6314M0031)                   (6012B0410/6612ZD008Y) are allowed to replace this course with
     Control and have not yet passed the old course(s), must follow the new course(s) as mentioned in                                                        Corporate Financial Management (Period 4, 6314M0035)

     the table below.                                                                                                                                        Master's Thesis Accountancy & Control (Period 4-6, 6314M0410,
                                                                                                                                                             12 EC) (Parttime programme: also offered in period 1-3) and
                                                                                                                                                             Business Lab: Accountancy (Period 5, 6314M0408, 3 EC)
     1.Track Accountancy
                                                                                                                     Master’s Thesis Accountancy & Control
                                                                                                                                                             Only students who have passed one of the old courses Accounting
     If you have not yet passed the old course, you must take the new (changed) course.                              (Period 4-6, 6314M0330, 15 EC)
                                                                                                                                                             Research Seminar & Professional Skills (6314M0331) or Research
                                                                                                                                                             Seminar Accountancy & Control (6314M0041) can write an old
                                                                                                                                                             style Master’s Thesis Accountancy & Control (6314M0330) for
      Old course                                New course / adjustment
                                                                                                                                                             15 EC. The 15 EC thesis is possible until 31-08-2021.
      International Financial Reporting
                                                International Financial Reporting Standards
      Standards 1                                                                                                   *	Students that did not pass Sustainability Accountability & Ethics (6314M0037), but have passed
                                                (Period 1, 6314M0400)
      (Period 1, 6314M0030)
                                                                                                                        Internal Control & Risk Management (6314M0259) in 2019-2020, may follow the course
      Management Control (Period 1,
                                                Incentives and Control (Period 1, 6314M0401)                            Accountability & Risk Management (6314M0403). This is only possible in the academic year
      Financial Accounting Research
                                                No changes
      (Period 2, 6314M0038)                                                                                             Students that did not pass both courses Sustainability Accountability & Ethics (6314M0037)

      Sustainability Accountability & Ethics*   Judgment & Decision-Making in Accounting*                               and Internal Control & Risk Management (6314M0259) will need to follow both Accountability
      (Period 2, 6314M0037)                     (Period 5, 6314M0407)                                                   & Risk Management (6314M0403) and Judgment & Decision Making in Accounting
      Accounting Research Seminar &             Research Seminar Accountancy & Control                                  (6314M0407).
      Professional Skills** (Period 1, 2,       (Period 3, 6314M0411)
      6314M0331)                                (In parttime programme: period 1 and 4)
                                                                                                                    **	The course Accounting Research Seminar & Professional Skills (6314M0331) will be offered
      Accounting Information Systems            Data Analytics & Professional Skills (Period 1, 2, 6314M0402) (In
      (Period 3, 6314M0258)                     parttime programme: period 5)                                           once more only to students of the parttime programme. Parttime students who want to
                                                                                                                        write their Master’s Thesis Accountancy & Control starting November 2020 or starting March
      Assurance (Period 4, 6314M0036)           Auditing (Period 4, 6314M0406)
                                                                                                                        2021 are required to follow this course Accounting Research Seminar & Professional Skills
      Internal Control & Risk Management        Accountability & Risk Management
      (Period 4, 6314M0259)                     (Period 2, 6314M0403)                                                   (6314M0331).

22                                                                                                                                                                         Section B1: Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control   23
2. Track Control                                                                                                 *	Students that did not pass Sustainability Accountability & Ethics (6314M0037), but have passed
     If you have not yet passed the old course, you must take the new (changed) course.                                   Internal Control & Risk Management (6314M0259) in 2019-2020, may follow the course
                                                                                                                          Accountability & Risk Management (6314M0403). This is only possible in the academic year
      Old course                                      New course / adjustment                                             2020-2021.
      International Financial Reporting Standards 1   International Financial Reporting Standards                         Students that did not pass both courses Sustainability Accountability & Ethics (6314M0037)
      (Period 1, 6314M0030)                           (Period 1, 6314M0400)                                               and Internal Control & Risk Management (6314M0259) will need to follow both Accountability
      Management Control (Period 1,
                                                      Incentives and Control (Period 1, 6314M0401)
                                                                                                                          & Risk Management (6314M0403) and Judgment & Decision Making in Accounting
      Management Control Research
                                                      Strategic Value Management (Period 2, 6314M0404)
      (Period 2, 6314M0033)
                                                                                                                      **	The course Accounting Research Seminar & Professional Skills (6314M0331) will be offered
      Sustainability Accountability & Ethics*         Judgment & Decision-Making in Accounting*
      (Period 2, 6314M0037)                           (Period 5, 6314M0407)                                               once more only to students of the parttime programme. Parttime students who want to
                                                                                                                          write their Master’s Thesis Accountancy & Control starting November 2020 or starting March
      Accounting Research Seminar & Professional      Research Seminar Accountancy & Control (Period 3,
      Skills** (Period 1, 2, 6314M0331)               6314M0411) (In parttime programme: period 1 and 4)                  2021 are required to follow this course Accounting Research Seminar & Professional Skills

      Accounting Information Systems                  Data Analytics & Professional Skills (Period 1, 2, 6314M0402)       (6314M0331).
      (Period 3, 6314M0258)                           (In parttime programme: period 5)

      Corporate Financial Management
                                                      No changes
      (Period 4, 6314M0035)
                                                                                                                      6. Effective date
      Internal Control & Risk Management
                                                      Accountability & Risk Management (Period 2, 6314M0403)
      (Period 4, 6314M0259)
                                                                                                                      This regulation comes into force as of 1 September 2020
                                                      Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation
                                                      (Period 4, 6314M0405)
                                                                                                                      •   Advice and consent from the Programme Committee Economics and Business Economics &
      Management Accounting (Period 5,
                                                      Students who passed the course Financial Statement
      6134M0330)                                                                                                          Fiscal Economics (OC-EBE&FE) on 11 March 2020
                                                      Analysis (6012B0410/6612ZD008Y) before 1 September
                                                      2019 may request permission to replace this course with         •   Advice of the Works Council (OR) on 11 June 2020
                                                      Auditing (Period 4, 6314M0406).
                                                                                                                      •   Advice of and approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 18 September 2020.
                                                      Master's Thesis Accountancy & Control (Period 4-6,
                                                      6314M0410, 12 EC) and Business Lab: Control (Period 5,
                                                      6314M0409, 3 EC)                                                Adopted by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 18 September 2020.

      Master’s Thesis Accountancy & Control           Only students who have passed one of the old courses
      (Period 4-6, 6314M0330, 15 EC)                  Accounting Research Seminar & Professional Skills
                                                      (6314M0331) or Research Seminar Accountancy & Control
                                                      (6314M0041) can write an old style Master’s Thesis
                                                      Accountancy & Control (6314M0330) for 15 EC.
                                                      The 15 EC thesis is possible until 31-08-2021.

24                                                                                                                                                                        Section B1: Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control   25
B2: Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and                                                     Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
                                                                                                            After completion of the programme, students have:
            Mathematical Finance
                                                                                                            Knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                            •   thorough knowledge of modern actuarial theory and financial mathematics, and their sub-
     1. General provisions                                                                                      fields of life insurance and pensions mathematics, non-life insurance mathematics, derivative
                                                                                                                pricing, and quantitative risk management
     Article 1.1 Programme characteristics                                                                  •   specialised knowledge in the fields listed above.
     1. The MSc Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance CROHO number 66411 is offered full-
         time in English.                                                                                   Applying knowledge and understanding
     2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.                                                              •   the ability to apply actuarial theories and financial mathematical methods in practical settings.

     Article 1.2 Enrolment                                                                                  Making judgements
     The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September. Students may also      •   the ability to understand the applicability, scope and limits of actuarial theories and financial
     enrol on 1 February, but in that case the study programme cannot be fully completed within one             mathematical methods in practical settings.
     year, or the workload will not be spread evenly throughout the Academic year.
                                                                                                            •   the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team based
     2. Programme content                                                                                       on a professional and multidisciplinary attitude
                                                                                                            •   the ability to effectively interact with an international team in the chosen professional field and
     Article 2.1 Aim of the programme                                                                           to manage challenges from diverse perspectives
     Objective                                                                                              •   the ability to clearly communicate and professionally present (orally and in writing) information
     The programme is aimed at developing an academic level of intellectual and professional ability.           for a (non-) expert audience.
     Students develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of the academic literature in the
     Actuarial Science & Mathematical Finance domain, and are trained in the methods and skills             Lifelong learning skills
     to apply this knowledge. They are hence educated for professions requiring academic levels of          •   acquired academic and professional skills that enables the student to think critically and to
     Actuarial Science & Mathematical Finance knowledge.                                                        analyse situations in their chosen professional field through analytical thinking skills.

     Actuarial Science & Mathematical Finance: Specialisations “General” and “Quantitative Risk
     Management”. The specialisation “Quantitative Risk Management” is identical to the specialisation
     “General” except that it requires two compulsory courses, aimed at a broader quantitative risk
     management expertise, instead of two restricted elective courses. For suitable candidates this study
     programme also provides an excellent grounding for a subsequent PhD programme.

26                                                                                                                                                   Section B2: Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance   27
3. Admission criteria                                                                                  Programme Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance: General
                                                                                                                               FIRST SEMESTER                                       SECOND SEMESTER
     1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following                   Period 1          Period 2         Period 3           Period 4             Period 5             Period 6
          knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
          •   probability and mathematical statistics (as in a mathematics degree)                                                Financial                                              Asset Liability
                                                                                                                  of the
                                                                                                                                Mathematics                           Restricted         Management
          •   linear algebra and calculus or analysis (as in a mathematics degree)                                              for Insurance                          elective          – Cases and
                                                                                                             and Economics
                                                                                                                                    (5 EC)                                                Skills (5 EC)
          •   preferably some actuarial science, econometrics, and financial mathematics.                     of Risk (5 EC)
     2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board. Students holding a Bachelor’s degree                 Non-Life
          in Actuarial Sciences of the University of Amsterdam are unconditionally eligible to the             Insurance:                         Restricted            Stochastic Calculus (5 EC)
                                                                                                                Statistical                        elective
          programme.                                                                                                              Restricted
     3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the             and Data
          application on the following criteria:                                                                  (5 EC)                                                   Master’s Thesis Actuarial Science and
                                                                                                                                                                           Mathematical Finance: General (15 EC)
          •   motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter and overall academic performance               Risk Management for Insurers and
          •   being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an            Pensions (5 EC)

              instructor at a previous institution
          •   grade point average
          •   GMAT / GRE score.                                                                             Programme Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance: Quantitative Risk Management
     4. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.                                FIRST SEMESTER                                       SECOND SEMESTER

                                                                                                                Period 1          Period 2         Period 3           Period 4             Period 5             Period 6

     4. Curriculum structure                                                                                      of the
                                                                                                                                                                                         Asset Liability
                                                                                                              Mathematics                                           Econometrics
                                                                                                                                for Insurance                                            – Cases and
                                                                                                             and Economics                                             (5 EC)
                                                                                                                                    (5 EC)                                                Skills (5 EC)
     Article 4.1 Components                                                                                   of Risk (5 EC)
     The programme consists of:                                                                                 Non-Life
     a. compulsory courses, including the Master’s thesis                                                      Insurance:                         Restricted            Stochastic Calculus (5 EC)
                                                                                                                Statistical     Banking Risk       elective
     b. track-specific courses                                                                                 Techniques       Management
     c.   elective courses                                                                                      and Data           (5 EC)
                                                                                                                                                                           Master’s Thesis Actuarial Science and
                                                                                                                  (5 EC)
                                                                                                                                                                          Mathematical Finance: Quantitative Risk
     Article 4.2 Curriculum                                                                                    Risk Management for Insurers                                       Management (15 EC)
     The Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance offers two specialisations:               and Pensions (5 EC)

     1. Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance: General; and
     2. Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance: Quantitative Risk Management.
                                                                                                             Compulsory course         Elective course    Track course

28                                                                                                                                                  Section B2: Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance   29
Article 4.3 Course list                                                                              Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance –
     The following curriculum is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2020-2021.             specialisation Quantitative Risk Management:
                                                                                                           Course Code     Course Name                                              Period            Entry Requirement
     Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance – general specialisation:                                  Compulsory courses
      Course Code     Course Name                                            Period   Entry Requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                      20 EC completed
                                                                                                                           Master’s Thesis Actuarial Science and Mathematical       1-3
      Compulsory courses                                                                                   6414M0280                                                                                  of the Master`s
                                                                                                                           Finance: Quantitative Risk Management (15 EC)            4-6
                                                                                      20 EC completed
                      Master’s Thesis Actuarial Science and Mathematical     1-3                                           Asset Liability Management – Cases and Skills
      6414M0279                                                                       of the Master`s      6414M0307                                                                5
                      Finance: General (15 EC)                               4-6                                           (5 EC)

                      Asset Liability Management – Cases and Skills                                        6414M0007       Financial Econometrics (5 EC)                            4
      6414M0307                                                              5
                      (5 EC)
                                                                                                           6414M0309       Financial Mathematics for Insurance (5 EC)               2
      6414M0309       Financial Mathematics for Insurance (5 EC)             2
                                                                                                                           Non-Life Insurance : Statistical Techniques and Data
                                                                                                           6414M0327                                                                1
                      Non-Life Insurance : Statistical Techniques and Data                                                 Analytics (5 EC)
      6414M0327                                                              1
                      Analytics (5 EC)
                                                                                                           6414M0330       Risk Management for Insurers and Pensions (5 EC)         1, 2
      6414M0330       Risk Management for Insurers and Pensions (5 EC)       1, 2
                                                                                                           6414M0308       Banking Risk Management (5 EC)                           2
                      Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of
      6414M0328                                                              1                                             Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of
                      Risk (5 EC)                                                                          6414M0328                                                                1
      6414M0013       Stochastic Calculus (5 EC)                             4, 5
                                                                                                           6414M0013       Stochastic Calculus (5 EC)                               4, 5
      Restricted electives
                                                                                                           Restricted electives
      6414M0305       Actuarial Science of Pensions and Ageing (5 EC)        2
                                                                                                                           Retirement Savings and Investment Decisions
                                                                                                           6414M0329                                                                 4
                      Retirement Savings and Investment Decisions                                                          (5 EC)
      6414M0329                                                              4
                      (5 EC)
                                                                                                           6414M0360       Quantitative Models in Online Marketing (5 EC)            4, 5
      6414M0308       Banking Risk Management (5 EC)                         2
                                                                                                                           Advanced Mathematics and Economics of Risk
                                                                                                           6414M0306                                                                 3
      6414M0219       Machine Learning for Econometrics (5 EC)               2                                             (5 EC)

      6414M0360       Quantitative Models in Online Marketing (5 EC)         4, 5                          6414M0172       Experimental Economics (5 EC)                             3

                      Advanced Mathematics and Economics of Risk                                           6414M0155       Financial Institutions and Banking (5 EC)                 3
      6414M0306                                                              3
                      (5 EC)
                                                                                                           6414M0305       Actuarial Science of Pensions and Ageing (5 EC)           2
      6414M0172       Experimental Economics (5 EC)                          3

      6414M0155       Financial Institutions and Banking (5 EC)              3
                                                                                                          Article 4.4 Electives
                                                                                                          The restricted electives of this programme are mentioned in the course list in article 4.3 of this B
                                                                                                          part. In exceptional cases, in consultation with the Programme Director and subject to the approval
                                                                                                          of the Examinations Board, courses from other study programmes may also be included as an

30                                                                                                                                                  Section B2: Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance   31
Article 4.5 Exemptions                                                                                   Students who started with the master’s programme before 1 September 2020, and who have not
     A maximum of 15 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted                    yet passed one or more old 6/7 EC courses, are also allowed to take these courses again for 6/7 EC.
     exemptions.                                                                                              In that case they have to take the new 5 EC course, as well as an additional assignment for 1/2 EC.
                                                                                                              This rule only applies to the Academic Year 2020-2021. After this year, students will no longer be
                                                                                                              allowed within this programme to take 6 or 7 EC courses, only 5 EC courses will be offered.
     5. Transitional arrangements
                                                                                                              The courses Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of Risk and Stochastic Calculus have
     5.1 New course(s)                                                                                        become a compulsory part of the MSc programme. This does, however, not apply to students who
     Students who started before 1 September 2020 with the Master’s programme Actuarial Science               have started this programme prior to September 2020.
     and Mathematical Finance and have not yet passed the old course(s), must follow the new course(s)
     as mentioned in the table below.
                                                                                                              6. Effective date
      Old course                                        New course / adjustment

      Asset Liability Management – Cases (6414M0214)    Asset Liability Management – Cases and Skills         This regulation comes into force as of 1 September 2020
      (6 EC)                                            (6414M0307) (5 EC)

      Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques        Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques and Data   •   Advice and consent from the Programme Committee Actuarial Science and Econometrics
      (6414M0213) (6 EC)                                Analytics (6414M0327) (5 EC)
                                                                                                                  (OC-AE) on 8 June 2020
      Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of    Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of Risk   •   Advice of the Works Council (OR) on 11 June 2020
      Risk I (6414M0302) (3 EC)                         (6414M0328) (5 EC)
      and/or                                            This course cannot be combined with the course (s)    •   Advice of and approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 18 September 2020.
      Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of    Principles of the Mathematics and Economics of
      Risk II (6414M0303) (2 EC)                        Risk I or II, due to overlap
                                                                                                              Adopted by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on: 18 September 2020.
                                                        Advanced Mathematics and Economics of Risk
      Caput Insurance (6414M0218) (6 EC)
                                                        (6414M0306) (5 EC)

      Financial Mathematics for Insurance (6414M0211)   Financial Mathematics for Insurance (6414M0309)
      (6 EC)                                            (5 EC)

      Risk Management for Insurers and Pensions         Risk Management for Insurers and Pensions
      (6414M0212) (6 EC)                                (6414M0330) (5 EC)

      Banking Risk Management (6414M0271) (7 EC)        Banking Risk Management (6414M0308) (5 EC)

      Actuarial Science of Pensions and Ageing          Actuarial Science of Pensions and Ageing
      (6414M0300) (6 EC)                                (6414M0305) (5 EC)

      Retirement Savings and Investment Decisions       Retirement Savings and Investment Decisions
      (6414M0301) (6 EC)                                (6414M0329) (5 EC)

32                                                                                                                                                   Section B2: Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance   33
B3:  Master’s Programme in Business Administration                                                      In this degree programme, students can compile their own curriculum in various specialist fields,
                                                                                                               known as tracks. The exit qualifications should therefore partially be differentiated according to the
                                                                                                               following tracks:
     1. General provisions                                                                                     1. Strategy: Focuses on the main strategic issues that firms face in relation to how they interact
                                                                                                                   with their competitive and institutional environment and how they are organised internally.
     Article 1.1 Programme characteristics                                                                     2. International Business: Focuses on the ways in which organisations engage in international
     1. The MSc Business Administration CROHO number 60644 is offered full-time in English.                        business and how countries differ systematically in terms of resource endowments, market
     2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.                                                                     opportunities, culture and regulatory frameworks.
                                                                                                               3. Digital Marketing: Focuses on how the marketing function creates and captures customer
     Article 1.2 Enrolment                                                                                         value, with an emphasis on the impact of marketing analytics and digitisation of the business
     The intake date for each of the study programme tracks is 1 September. The tracks Digital                     environment on marketing processes.
     Marketing, Consumer Marketing, and International Business also allow an intake date on 1                  4. Consumer Marketing: Focuses on the consumer as the focal point in the function of marketing
     February.                                                                                                     and customer value creation, with an emphasis on consumer behavior, consumer psychology,
                                                                                                                   and consumer research as fundamental components driving marketing decisions.
                                                                                                               5. Leadership and Management: Focuses on the challenges organisations are facing in terms of
     2. Programme content                                                                                          managing individuals, teams and organisations and the balance between organisational and
                                                                                                                   employee interests.
     Article 2.1 Aim of the programme                                                                          6. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Focuses on the process of new social or commercial venture
     Objective                                                                                                     creation, corporate entrepreneurship and innovation management.
     Business Administration as a science is concerned with the interdisciplinary study of complex             7. Entrepreneurship and Management in the Creative Industries: Focuses on the specific
     organisational issues in their context. Education and research in Business Administration aim to              characteristics of core business concepts and theories in the context of the creative industries.
     develop knowledge of analysing and developing (processes in) organisations, making them more              8. Digital Business: Focuses on how firms undergo digital transformation, employ data, conduct
     effective and efficient. The Master’s programme in Business Administration is directed at developing          operational research and new product development in a digital environment.
     an academic level of thinking and working within this field. Next to being scientifically relevant, the
     acquired business knowledge is relevant for practical purposes, such as giving advice, operations         Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
     management and policy formulation. In the programme, students acquire knowledge of relevant               After completion of the programme, students have:
     and recent academic literature in the field of Business Administration and receive training in the        Knowledge and Understanding
     methods and skills required to apply this knowledge in research and analysis, as well as in dealing       •   knowledge and understanding of leading theories, models and debates in Business
     with real-life issues in a multidisciplinary and international context. The students are trained for          Administration, plus their specific areas and tracks within the program
     those professions in which business knowledge is required at an academic level.                           •   knowledge of business issues and challenges in an international and societal context
                                                                                                               •   thorough knowledge of current research and methodologies in one of the specialist fields.

34                                                                                                                                                                      Section B3: Master’s programme in Business Administration   35
Applying Knowledge and Understanding                                                                      3. Admission criteria
     •   the ability to independently develop and conduct research on an academic level in one of the
         specialist fields of Business Administration                                                          1. Applicants are required to have the following knowledge and skills on a third-year Bachelor-
     •   the ability to use academic research methods to analyse business and management issues                    level, equivalent to a UvA degree in Economics and Business:
     •   the ability to apply theories and frameworks to practical cases and managerial problems.                  •   knowledge of business related issues, theories and discussions in at least two of the
                                                                                                                       following fields: Strategy, International Business, Organisation, Marketing, Leadership,
     Making judgements                                                                                                 Entrepreneurship or Organisational Psychology
     •   the ability to create a well-balanced judgment relating to managerial questions and dilemmas,             •   the ability to critically reflect on theories and research
         supported by appropriate arguments                                                                        •   the ability to conduct qualitative and quantitative research.
     •   the sensitivity to deal with ethical dilemmas, social responsibility and sustainability as relevant   2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board. Students holding a Bachelor’s degree
         business issues.                                                                                          in Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam are unconditionally eligible for
                                                                                                                   admission to the programme.
     Communication                                                                                             3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 3.1.1, the Admissions Board will assess the
     •   the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team based            applications and select students on the following criteria:
         on a professional and multidisciplinary attitude                                                          •   motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter, overall academic performance and CV
     •   the ability to effectively interact with an international team in the chosen professional field and       •   being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
         to manage challenges from diverse perspectives                                                                instructor at a previous institution
     •   the ability to clearly communicate and professionally present (orally and in writing) information         •   grade point average
         for a (non-) expert audience.                                                                             •   GMAT / GRE score
                                                                                                                   •   status and quality of the previous institution.
     Lifelong learning skills                                                                                  4. The selection procedure as described in paragraph 3.1.3 is not applicable for students from
     •   acquired academic and professional skills that enables the student to think critically and to             selected programmes, including the Bachelor in Economics and Business of the University of
         analyse situations in their chosen professional field through analytical thinking skills.                 Amsterdam and the Premaster programme Business Administration.
                                                                                                               5. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.

36                                                                                                                                                                        Section B3: Master’s programme in Business Administration   37
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