YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College

Page created by Jimmie Mills
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
BOTANY DOWNS   Secondary College
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
         3    Information for Parents and Students                        Year 10 Compulsory Subjects

         4    School Contacts                                             15    English (10ENG)                      & Health & Physical Ed (10HPE)

         5    BDSC Junior School Curriculum                               16    Mathematics and Statistics (10MAT)   & Mathematics - Accelerated (MAX1)

         6    BDSC Subject Structure                                      17    Science (10SCI)                      & Science - Accelerated (SCX1)

         7    BDSC subject flow diagram - ENGLISH                         18    Social Studies (10SOS)

         8    BDSC subject flow diagram - HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION   Year 10 Optional Subjects

         9    BDSC subject flow diagram - LANGUAGES                       19    Ancient Civilisations (10ANC)        & Art (10ART)

         10   BDSC subject flow diagram - MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS      20    Business Pathways (10BUP)            & Dance (10DAN)
                                                                                Design and Visual Communication
         11   BDSC subject flow diagram - SCIENCE                         21                                         & Digital Technologies (10DIT)
         12   BDSC subject flow diagram - SOCIAL SCIENCES                 22    Digital Art (10DRT)                  & Drama (10DRA)
                                                                                                                         English as an Additional Language
         13   BDSC subject flow diagram - TECHNOLOGY                      23    Electronics (10ELE)                  &

         14   BDSC subject flow diagram - VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS      24    Food Technology (10TEF)              & French (10FRE)

                                                                          25    Investigative Geography (10IGO)      & Japanese (10JAP)

                                                                          26    Maori (10MAO)                        & Media Studies (10MED)

                                                                          27    Multi Materials Technology (10TEM)   & Music (10MUS)

                                                                          28    Outdoor Leadership (10ODL)           & Physical Education (10PED)

                                                                          29    Spanish (10SPH)                      & Textiles Technology (10TET)
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
          1.   SIX of the subjects studied in Year 9 continue in Year 10.                  5.   This booklet contains a schedule of proposed subjects at all levels.
               These subjects are:        English                                               Choosing a subject in Year 10 does NOT commit the student to take it
                                          Mathematics and Statistics                            in Year 11.
                                          Health and Physical Education
                                          Science                                          6.   If students require guidance they should seek this as soon as possible
                                          Social Studies                                        from the following people:
                                          Tutor Mentoring
                                                                                                      Careers Advisor                 Senior Leadership Team
          2.   The other subjects studied this year become optional in Year 10.                       Subject teacher                 Whanau Tutor / Mentor
               Students are required to choose THREE option subjects for Year 10. The
               option courses will be for the whole of the Year 10 school year.            7.   Students must make their option choices during Week 5 of Term 3.
                                                                                                Option selection must be completed online by Monday 27 August (Week
          3.   Consider carefully these two questions:                                          6). Late selection of options may mean that students will not receive
               (a) What is the highest level you hope to reach at school?                       their first choice of options.
               (b) What subjects are you likely to take at that level?
                                                                                           8.   Course costs listed for each subject include resources, activities and
               Then work backwards to the lower levels to choose your Year 10                   trips that are highly recommended as being conducive to optimal
               subjects. Remember that ability, interest and future usefulness are              student learning. Please refer to each individual course descriptor for
               important reasons for your choices. All students should read the Levels          the compulsory items required for that course.
               1-3 2019 Information Book as well as the preamble in each of the senior
               option booklets. Scan the prerequisites for the senior subjects that you    9.   Note:
               may wish to study in the future. All option booklets as well as the              You cannot take both 10DRT (Digital Art) and 10ART (Visual Art)
               Auckland University Undergraduate prospectus can be accessed on
               Office 365 or the BDSC website. It is important to note that many Visual

               and Performing Art, Technology and Languages courses require
               students to have taken the course in the previous year. Students must
               plan their courses to ensure that they meet all the prerequisites. If you
               are considering future university study then you should become familiar
               with all university requirements e.g. university entrance, literacy,
               numeracy, approved subjects and Table A/Table B subjects. Careful
               planning now will prevent future problems in accessing courses.

          4.   Although every effort will be made to provide the subjects chosen, no
               guarantee can be given that all will be possible. Because of the need to
               have classes of a certain size, some students may be asked to change
               options. Similarly if not enough students choose a particular option it
               may be cancelled.
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
                                                                             SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM
                                                                          Principal    K. Brinsden
                                                                   Deputy Principal    K. Holmes
                                                                   Deputy Principal    M. Hart
                                                                   Deputy Principal    C. Williams
                                                                   Deputy Principal    M. Andrew
                                                                   Deputy Principal    C. Van Kralingen

                                                                            HEADS OF LEARNING AREAS
                                                                            English    K. Pinnell
                                                      Health and Physical Education    J. Saville

              Botany Downs Secondary College                            Languages      M. Lodge
                 575 Chapel Road, Howick                 Mathematics and Statistics    I. Bennet
                      Auckland 1706
                                                                           Science     L. Kumar

                   Phone (09) 273-2310                              Social Sciences    N. Burridge
                                                                       Technology      D. Achary
                    Fax (09) 273-8551
                                                         Visual and Performing Arts    J. Hood, L. Treneman, T. Clapperton, A. Rakanui

               Email                                    WHÄNAU HOUSE LEADERS

                                                                     Blake Whänau      A. Taylor
               Web Site
                                                                   Britten Whänau      D. McGregor
                                                                 Discovery Whänau      N. Folks
                                                                Endeavour Whänau       K. Adams
                                                                     Koru Whänau       J. Clark
                                                                     Spirit Whänau     S. Jackson

                                                                                 STUDENT SERVICES
                                                               Guidance Counsellor     I. Thomson (Head of Guidance), R. Tucker & S. Domigan
                                                                   Careers Advisor     A. Brook
                                               Trade Academies/Vocational Pathways     K. Stewart
                                                                          Gateway      N. Shand-Marcusson
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
          YEAR 9                                                 YEAR 10
                     Core Compulsory Subjects                                         Core Compulsory Subjects
              English                                               English
              Languages (2 terms each)                              Mathematics and Statistics
                        French                                       Health and Physical Education
                        Japanese                                     Science
                        Maori (available as a semester option)       Social Studies
                        or EAL (4 terms)
              Mathematics and Statistics                               Optional Subjects (Students to select three options)
                                                                     Ancient Civilisations                    French
              Health and Physical Education
                                                                     Art - Visual                             Investigative Geography
              Science
                                                                     Business Pathways                        Japanese
              Social Studies
                                                                     Dance                                    Media Studies
              Technology (1 term each)
                                                                     Design and Visual Communication          Maori
                                                                     Digital Technologies                     Multi Materials Technology
                                                                     Digital Art                              Music
                                                                     Drama                                    Outdoor Leadership
                                                                     Electronics                              Physical Education
              Visual and Performing Arts (1 term each)

                                                                     English as an Additional Language        Spanish
                                                                     Food Technology                          Textiles Technology
                                                                                        Curriculum Enrichment
                        Music                                        Tutor Mentoring Curriculum

                       Curriculum Enrichment
              Tutor Mentoring Curriculum
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
                                  LANGUAGE (EAL) FLOWCHART 2019
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
YEAR 10 OPTION BOOK 2019 - BOTANY DOWNS Secondary College
          ENGLISH (10ENG)                                                                                HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION (10HPE)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                             COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                               Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    $20 - optional Education Perfect subscription                     Approximate Course Costs:    Nil

          Course Leads to:             Level 1 English                                                   Course Leads to:             1PED, 1HED, 1OED, 1ECE

          Teacher in charge of subject: Mrs McKenna                                                      Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Hainsworth

          HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Pinnell                                                        HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Saville

            The Botany Downs Secondary College English Learning Area shares the aims of the New            This course is based on the New Zealand Curriculum in which we look at four major
            Zealand English Curriculum, which wants students to:                                           strands:-
                  engage with and enjoy language in all its varieties and                                        Personal Health and Physical Development – in which students develop the
                  understand, respond to and use oral, written and visual language effectively in a               knowledge, understandings, skills, and attitudes that they need in order to
                   range of contexts.                                                                              maintain and enhance their personal well-being and physical development.
                                                                                                                  Movement Concepts and Motor Skills – in which students develop motor skills,
            English for Year 10 students is compulsory and aims to give students every opportunity of              knowledge and understanding about movement, an d positive attitudes towards
            working at the appropriate curriculum level while familiarising themselves with NCEA                   physical activity.
            marking schedules. Students will engage with a range of literary texts covering aspects of            Relationships with Other People – in which students develop understandings,
            human experience such as gender, ethnicity and cultural life. Where literacy support is a              skills, and attitudes that enhance their interactions and relationships with others.
            recommendation for some students, this will be an added option to the programme. This                 Healthy Communities and Environments – in which students contribute to healthy
            support is offered through a variety of means: with RTLB help, teacher aide support or                 communities and environments by taking responsible and critical action.
            through a structured (extra) programme. Junior students are encouraged to read widely.                PE lessons are taught using a wide variety of practical context based around the
                                                                                                                   following themes: Social responsibility, Biophysical skills and Socio-cultural
                                                                                                                  Health topics covered in year 10 are based on: ‘Fuelling our community’, Drug

                                                                                                                   Safety and Healthy relationships.
          MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS (10MAT)                                                                 MATHEMATICS - ACCELERATED (1MAX)
                                             COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                     COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                                   Fieldwork:                      Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    $20 (Year 10 Mathematics Homework Book - must be bought from Office   Approximate Course Costs:       Workbook-Nulake IAS & EAS series approx $35,-highly recommended
                                       Max) and $5.75 (course handbook)                                                                      FX9750GII Casio Graphic calculator is compulsory -approximately $120
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 Mathematics & Statistics                                      Course Leads to:                NCEA Level 2 Mathematics Accelerated (2MAX)
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Prasad                                                            Teacher in charge of subject:
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Bennet                                                             HOLA in charge of subject:      Ms Bennet

            This course prepares students for NCEA Level 1 Mathematics. The course is determined               This 1MAX course is a NCEA level 1 Mathematics course. Students are selected into this
            by the National syllabus and includes the following topic areas: numbers and percentages,          programme based on their Year 9 Mathematics results. This course provides students an
            area and volume, geometry, measurement, trigonometry, graphing, algebraic                          opportunity to gain 23 NCEA Level 1 Mathematics and Statistics credits.
            manipulation, statistics, probability, solving equations, vectors, constructions and               The standards covered in this course are:
            transformations. Year 10 Mathematics covers levels 4, 5 and 6 of the NZ Mathematics
            Curriculum. The course aims to develop skills gained in Years 7, 8 and 9.                          AS91038: Investigate a situation involving elements of chance (3 credits)
                                                                                                               AS91035: Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry (4 credits)
            The Year 10 Mathematics & Statistics goals are to help students see the value and                  AS91027: Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems (4 credits)
            usefulness of mathematics and statistics in every day life; develop their ability to think         AS91028: Investigate relationship between tables, equations or graphs (4 credits)
            logically, creativity, critically, strategically and provide them with the mathematical and        AS91031: Apply geometric reasoning in solving problems (4 credits)
            statistical skills needed for work. All of this course will be assessed by end of topic tests.     AS91037 :Demonstrate understanding of chance and data (4 credits)
            There will also be a Mid Year and end of year school exam, which will determine students
            placement in Year 11 Mathematics courses. Students have a chance to do one Internal
            NCEA Level 1 achievement standard.

            There are 2 Year 10 Mathematics courses: 10MAT and 10MNU (Mathematics with

            Numeracy). 10MNU will cater for students with additional needs in Mathematics.
            Placement into these courses will be at the decision of the Head of Mathematics.
          SCIENCE (10SCI)                                                                                    SCIENCE - ACCELERATED (SCX1)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                 COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                                   Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    $20.00 (for Education perfect online resources)                       Approximate Course Costs:    $20.00 (for Education perfect online resources)
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 Science                                                       Course Leads to:             NCEA Level 2: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Wang                                                              Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Kumar
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Kumar                                                              HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Kumar

            Science aims to develop understanding of the world around us. Science uses critical               The Year 10 accelerate class will be given the opportunity to do Level 1 Science course while they
            thinking and other important skills that are important to all citizens, not just our future       are in Year 10. This group of students are our more able students and the idea is to accelerate
            scientists and technologists. We live in a complex world. Understanding how technology is         them as this will help keep them engaged and motivated in this subject.
            developed and how science and technology affects our lives is very important. Topics              All students will have the opportunity to do this course again in Year 11 if they so wish. If a
            studied: Diversity, Forces and Motion, Chemical reactivity, Electricity, Investigation skills.    student is successful in achieving the Level 1 Science course in Year 10, they will be required
                                                                                                              to do the Level 1 Supplementary Science course or one Level 2 Science subject (Biology,
            Year 10 knowledge expands on what is learned in Year 9, and develops complete skills to           Chemistry, Physics) of their choice in Year 11. Alternatively they may choose to select both of
            cope with Year 11.                                                                                these courses.
                                                                                                              All students will however be capped at one accelerated Science in Level 2. This means they
            Depending on student achievement levels, and choice, this course leads to either one of           will have to do at least one science course at Level 1 or Level 2 when they are in Year 11 next
            the two compulsory Science courses: Year 11 Science or Year 11 Alternative Science.               year. The intention is that these students will either diversify the range of subjects they are
            Students who meet the pre-requisites can also choose to do the Year 11 Science                    taking at Year 13 or focus on a Scholarship programme. Students are reminded that there will
                                                                                                              be no additional study periods at Year 13 and that they will be doing 5 subjects regardless of
            Supplementary course (which is a further four hours of Science on top of the compulsory
                                                                                                              what was achieved in Year 12.
            four hours).
                                                                                                              The students will be required to pay the NCEA exam entry fee for 2017 by the required date if
                                                                                                              they wish to sit the exam at the end of the year and to have the results published. This fee is
            Achievement in Year 10 determines course options in Year 11.
                                                                                                              only required to be paid ONCE so if a student is in the accelerated Maths class and has paid

                                                                                                              this already, there will be no further payment to be made to NZQA in 2017.
                                                                                                              Level 1 Science course aims to develop understanding of the living, chemical and physical
                                                                                                              aspects of the world around us. It is a vital component of a sound general education for the
                                                                                                              modern world. This course is a general science course that provides good background
                                                                                                              towards preparing for study in Year 12 (NCEA Level 2), Biology, Chemistry, Physics and
                                                                                                              Electronics. Topics studied in this course: Biology - genetics; Chemistry—acids and bases;
                                                                                                              Physics - mechanics. The emphasis in the course is learning through practical experience, a
                                                                                                              sound investigative basis and applying scientific concepts to relevant contexts. The relevance
                                                                                                              of scientific concepts to understanding technology and relating these to society is also

                                                                                                              Internal Assessments include:
                                                                                                              Physics 1.1 Carry out a practical investigation, with direction, that leads to a linear
                                                                                                              mathematical relationship (4 credits)
                                                                                                              Biology 1.2 Report on a biological issue (3 credits)
                                                                                                              External Assessments include:
                                                                                                              Science 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics (4 credits)
                                                                                                              Science 1.5 Demonstrate an understanding of chemical ideas relating to acids and bases (4
                                                                                                              Science 1.9 Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation (4 credits)
          SOCIAL STUDIES (10SOS)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    Nil
          Course Leads to:             Any Level 1 subject in Social Sciences
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mrs Burridge
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mrs Burridge

            Social Studies education aims to teach students about the world in which they live and
            how to be informed, critical, active and responsible citizens of that world.

            Contexts are drawn from the past, present and future and from places within and beyond
            New Zealand across Year 9 and 10. The Year 10 course focuses on global issues.

            Topics covered in Y10 are:
                   Water! Water! Everywhere? (Access to water)
                   The Pursuit of Happiness (Human Rights)
                   Cool Karma Cola (Fair Trade)
                   eWaste (Sustainability)
                   Earth on the Move (Natural Disasters)

            In addition to the content covered, mapping, graphing, interpreting and research skills will
            be taught and tested.

            At the end of each topic there will be an assessment to generate a grade for reporting
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          ANCIENT CIVILISATIONS (10ANC)                                                                        ART (10ART)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                   COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                                     Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    Nil                                                                     Approximate Course Costs:    $40
          Course Leads to:             Any literacy based subjects                                             Course Leads to:             Level 1 Art or Level 1 Digital Art (with HOD approval)
          Teacher in charge of subject: Miss Douglas                                                           Teacher in charge of subject: Miss Clapperton
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mrs Burridge                                                            HOLA in charge of subject:   Miss Clapperton

            This course will offer students the opportunity to study the cultures of some of the
            world’s ancient civilisations. These include: the Ancient Chinese, the Ancient Romans and            The Year 10 Visual Art course will allow the students to experience and experiment with a
                                                                                                                 variety of media, techniques and tools for particular art-making purposes. The students
            the Ancient Egyptians., and possibly the Vikings. These civilisations provide some of the
            most interesting opportunities for students to explore and learn about ancient cultures.             will generate, develop and refine visual ideas in a body of work in response to different
                                                                                                                 motivations. Students will have the opportunity to identify and analyse the processes,
            This course will be an integrated studies course involving aspects of history, classical
            studies, geography, economics, art and literature focusing on specific aspects of each of            procedures, and art-making traditions of other artists and to relate their findings to their
                                                                                                                 own and their peer’s artworks. Each student completes a Ukulele/Skateboard unit which
            the civilizations. It will also include ICT , with sites dedicated to student learning on these
            topics needing to be accessed, and selected activities needing ICT knowledge. Within                 is displayed in the end of year Art Exhibition. Students are able to keep their completed
                                                                                                                 painted item at the end of the course.
            these topics will be the opportunity to look at how archaeologists find and interpret
            evidence. Key themes include the rise and fall of ancient civilisations, religion, society, art,
            culture, and technology.                                                                             It is important to note that this course is a prerequisite if students are intending to take
                                                                                                                 Visual Art in Year 11. So you must take Year 10 Art if you wish to take Year 11 Art the
                                                                                                                 following year.

                                                                                                                 Note: Year 11 Visual Art is a prerequisite for Year 12 Visual Art (Year 12 Photography and
                                                                                                                 Year 12 Design with HOLA approval). If you wish to take any of these Year 12 courses, you
                                                                                                                 will need to take Year 10 Visual Art.

                                                                                                                 Note: you can not take both ART and DIGITAL ART as options
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          BUSINESS PATHWAYS (10BUP)                                                                   DANCE (10DAN)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                          COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   MIT (Dragons Den)                                              Fieldwork:
          Approximate Course Costs:    $10 for trip                                                   Approximate Course Costs:    $30 (Beats –Y10 dance production, workshops, theatre trips)
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 ACC, ECO, BUS                                          Course Leads to:             Level 1 Dance
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Sharma                                                     Teacher in charge of subject: Aroha Rakanui
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mrs Burridge                                                   HOLA in charge of subject:   Aroha Rakanui

            Year 10 Business Pathways aims to teach students essential thinking, decision making
            investigative and statistical skills as they relate to Accounting, Business, Economics,     This programme is designed to give students an understanding of dance, and is
                                                                                                        preparation for Level 1 NCEA. Students will learn a variety of dance techniques and
            Personal Finance and Law. These skills are of primary importance to our young people as
            New Zealand is a country built on small businesses.                                         choreographic skills. As well as attending regular dance performances the students are
                                                                                                        required to attend workshops with dance professionals and work with guest tutors
            Over the year students will be introduced to the financial language of Accounting,
            Budgeting, Economics, Marketing, starting a Business. This course provides the pathways     throughout the year. The students will learn a variety of genre’s and styles of dance such
                                                                                                        as: ballet, hip hop, contemporary, Jazz, traditional and ethnic dance forms, Latin
            for Level 1 NCEA Accounting, Business Enterprise, Economics, Finance and also future
            business pathways.                                                                          American, ballroom dance, as well as choreographic techniques to compose dance works.
                                                                                                        Students are required to work independently and in groups as well as perform their work
                                                                                                        on stage, before an audience. Students are to bring PE gear and a water bottle to class as
            Students who do Year 10 Business Pathways also take part in Dragons Den competition and
            also be part of Money week.                                                                 well as their 2B5 dance journal.
                                                                                                        It is compulsory for all students to perform in the annual dance performance of BEATS in
                                                                                                        Term 4. This production is a night of live assessment of all performance based
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                              COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                               Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    $10                                                               Approximate Course Costs:    Nil
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 DVC                                                       Course Leads to:             Level 1 DIT
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Jowers-Wilding                                                Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Patchigalla
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Achary                                                         HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Achary

            Using drawing, modelling and presentation skills, students develop solutions to a range of     Digital Technologies is a taster course for students who might be interested in computer
            challenging design problems. They should ultimately become competent in applying a             programming, computer science, multimedia, web development and digital
            variety of design and visual communication techniques through graphics practice. This          infrastructure. This course is suitable to students who are creative, logical and problem-
            forms the foundation for NCEA level one Design and Visual communication course to              solvers. They move beyond being users and consumers of digital technologies to become
            follow in Year 11.                                                                             creators of new technologies for authentic users. Students will learn computer science
                                                                                                           concepts and how to program a Robot, Micro:bit and the basics for developing websites,
            Design and visual Communication is a portfolio based course with no formal examination.        multimedia and what is inside a PC. It leads on to Digital Technologies courses in Year 11-
                                                                                                           12. These classes are going to be held in a normal classroom and students will need to use
            It is strongly advised that students who are intending to take Design and Visual               their own laptops. Details on the minimum specifications are listed below. All students
            Communication at Level 1, to choose Year 10DVC as an option.                                   that take this course must commit to providing a laptop that meets these requirements
                                                                                                           and also to bringing it fully charged to class each lesson. The Teacher reserves the right to
                                                                                                           move the student to another Year 10 subject at any time through the year if the student
                                                                                                           cannot fulfil these requirements.

                                                                                                           It is strongly advised that students who are intending to take Digital Technologies at Level 1,
                                                                                                           to choose Year 10DIT as an option.

                                                                                                           Minimum Specifications for Laptop
                                                                                                           Windows: intel Premium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor (2 GHz or faster), Microsoft
                                                                                                           Windows 10, 2GB of RAM, 5GB of available hard-disk space, 1024x768 display (or higher),
                                                                                                           wireless connectivity.

                                                                                                           Mac: 2GB RAM, multi core processor, Mac OS X v10.8 or higher, 5GB of available hard-
                                                                                                           disk space., wireless connectivity.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          DIGITAL ART (10DRT)                                                                               DRAMA & THEATRE STUDIES (10DRA)
                                               COURSE INFORMATION                                                                               COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                                  Fieldwork:
          Approximate Course Costs:    $20                                                                  Approximate Course Costs:    $30 (approximate cost of theatre trips, resources)
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 Digital Art                                                  Course Leads to:             Level 1 Drama
          Teacher in charge of subject: Miss Clapperton                                                     Teacher in charge of subject: Ms Hood
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Miss Clapperton                                                      HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Hood

            Digital Art focuses on experiencing a variety of digital and practical media, techniques and
            tools for art-making in the fields of Photography, Design and Animation. It leads on to           Drama is creative, collaborative, confidence building and a fun, expressive way to learn
                                                                                                              and develop knowledge. It leads on to the NCEA level 1 Drama and is a course that is
            Level 1 Digital Art but is not an essential prerequisite for entry into these courses. Places
            will be granted in this course at the discretion of the Head of Art.                              accepted by Tertiary institutions.
                                                                                                              Taking Drama and Theatre Studies develops students ability to work with others, think
            Students can use a laptop for this course but will need it to be high functioning. Students       creatively and apply this thinking in practical ways, find solutions to practical and technical
                                                                                                              problems, to present themselves with confidence in a public setting. It encourages
            also are required to have purchased a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5 or higher for their
            laptops.                                                                                          leadership skills and opportunities to be empathetic to others.
                                                                                                              In the Year 10 course, you will expand your study of dramatic techniques, elements, and
                                                                                                              conventions in process and performance. You will study a range of Theatrical styles and
            Information regarding purchasing the required programmes directly from Adobe or via
            the school can be obtained from the HOD of Art ( or will be           texts which may include Shakespeare, Melodrama , devised and scripted drama. You will
                                                                                                              initiate ideas to create drama, and work individually and collectively to develop skills that
            sent to all students (in Term 4) who choose this option.
                                                                                                              will aid both verbal and non-verbal communication. You will work as designers and
                                                                                                              creators, learning how to present your designs to a director. You will be introduced to
            Note: you can not take both 10ART and 10DRT (DIGITAL ART) as options
                                                                                                              lighting design and use. You will be given the opportunity to attend a professional drama

                                                                                                              Drama is a practical course that requires co-operative group work and for you to devise,
                                                                                                              rehearse, perform and learn lines for scripted work. You will be expected to see the
                                                                                                              senior/school production in order to review it with a critical eye. You will require a black
                                                                                                              long sleeved top, black relaxed (track) pants and black lace up canvas shoes to be worn
                                                                                                              for assessments and any performance opportunities.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          ELECTRONICS (10ELE)                                                                   ENGLISH as an ADDITIONAL LANG (10ENP)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                    COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                      Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:     $57.50, Project Materials (estimated)                   Approximate Course Costs:    Nil
          Course Leads to:                                                                      Course Leads to:             Level 1 ENS/ENP
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Jeet                                                 Teacher in charge of subject: Mrs Narain
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Kumar                                                 HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Pinnell

            This course is designed to give students a good grounding in the basic principles     English as an Additional Language is primarily for those students whose first language is
            of electronics. The course will enable students to obtain hands-on experiences        not English and who need extra support to cope with literacy across the curriculum and to
            since most of the course will involve working with different electronic               develop English language skills. Students will be regularly monitored in EAL classes to
                                                                                                  assess their progress in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
            components and building simple projects. The students will also be introduced
            to programming chips. This course gives interested students the opportunity to
                                                                                                  There are 2 classes of English as an Additional Language, 10ENS and 10ENP. Only 10ENP is
            take part in competitions such as Science Fair, Robotics Challenge and                listed as an option in the online selection process. Please select this one. Once students
            Brightsparks.                                                                         are accepted for 10ENP they will be placed into either the 10ENS class or 10ENP class
                                                                                                  dependant on their strengths and weaknesses determined by the Head of the Learning
            The topics covered are: Basic Electricity, Study of Components, Making                Area.
            prototype, Making PCB, Soldering, Project work developing electronic products,
            Picaxe programming.

            NOTE: From 2019 this subject does not lead into Level 1, 2 or 3 Electronics, but
            could provide support for Level 1 Sciences and Level 2 and 3 Physics.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          FOOD TECHNOLOGY (10TEF)                                                                           FRENCH (10FRE)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                                  Fieldwork:                    Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    $80                                                                  Approximate Course Costs:     Highly recommended: $20 Education Perfect website ; Workbook (Studio
                                                                                                                                          1B $12)
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 TEF/FAH
                                                                                                            Course Leads to:              Level 1 French
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mrs Thomson
                                                                                                            Teacher in charge of subject: Mrs Killip
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Achary
                                                                                                            HOLA in charge of subject:    Mrs Killip

            This is a practical and theory course progressing on from Year 9 and looks at the exciting
            and creative facets of food technology, including basic nutrition, product development,           Year 10 French is a one-year course, developing all 4 language skills of listening, reading,
                                                                                                              writing and speaking to enable students to communicate and cope in a real-life situation.
            safe food handling, bread-making, investigating kitchen machines and being highly
            creative and original with foods. Those who may be passionate about cooking and                   Students will be able to engage with new ways of thinking, questioning and interpreting
                                                                                                              their world using a wide range of resources (games, ICT) which will make the lessons fun
            designing food products, becoming a chef, or food technologist, while developing culinary
            skills and will benefit from learning the basics of food development. This is an exciting and     and interactive. The aim is for them to understand how languages work, help them to
                                                                                                              communicate more effectively in a new language but also in their own language(s). The
            dynamic Year 10 programme. It offers a very good introduction to the many opportunities
            in the food industry, leading onto Food Technology at Level 1, 2 and 3 or Hospitality at          course will cover theme-based vocabulary and sentence structures from Level 2 and 3 of
                                                                                                              the curriculum with topics that are engaging and current and talk about their routine, at
            Level 1, 2 and 3. There is a weekly practical component where course costs will be
                                                                                                              home and at school, talking also about their favourite activities and their future plans.
                                                                                                              Students will also become familiar with NCEA style assessments and will be given the
                                                                                                              opportunity to use their language skills with native speakers.
            Course Costs:
            Basic ingredients will be supplied, however students will be requested to bring some
                                                                                                              It is important to note that this course is a prerequisite if students are intending to take
            foods for practical lessons, when their ingredient choices are outside the food
            department’s pantry basics list. A fee is charged to cover basic ingredient supplies ($80) -      French in Level 1.
            [$20 per term]
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          INVESTIGATIVE GEOGRAPHY (10IGO)                                                                                JAPANESE (10JAP)
                                               COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                            COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   A one day trip into Auckland City, local field work and a two day field trip to   Fieldwork:                   Nil
                                                                                                                         Approximate Course Costs:    Highly recommended: $20 subscription Education Perfect website ; Course
          Approximate Course Costs:    $18.00 for transport for the Auckland field trip (estimated) and $110.00 for
                                                                                                                                                      Book $23
                                       the two day Waitomo field trip (estimated).
                                                                                                                         Course Leads to:             Level 1 Japanese
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 Geography
                                                                                                                         Teacher in charge of subject: Ms Lodge
          Teacher in charge of subject: Miss Brodie
                                                                                                                         HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Lodge
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mrs Burridge

                                                                                                                           Year 10 Japanese is a one-year course, developing all 4 language skills of
                                              Location, location, location. Why is location so important?
                                                                                                                           listening, reading, writing and speaking to enable students to communicate and
                                              What are the factor s that affect where urban areas are
                                                                                                                           cope in a real-life situation. The course will cover theme-based vocabulary and
                                              situated? An in-depth case study of Auckland (one of the
                                              world’s most liveable cities) is used to investigate this,                   sentence structures from Level 2 and 3 of the curriculum (e.g. ordering food,
                                              including a field trip. We will also look at factors affecting               daily routine, travel, and hobbies). Students will become familiarised with NCEA
                                              the livability of Auckland.                                                  style assessments and will be given the opportunity to use their language skills
                                                                                                                           with native-speakers. The learning will be enhanced with cultural activities,
                                          The geography of disease is investigated. What factors                           access to outside competitions and the use of ICT.
                                          assist the spread of diseases both today and in the past;
            why did cholera occur and spread in nineteenth century London and Auckland? Where                              It is important to note that this course is a prerequisite if students are
            are contagious and non-communicable diseases prevalent today and why? What are the
                                                                                                                           intending to take Japanese in Level 1.
            consequences of these diseases for people and their families?

            Adventure landscapes and fizzy rock looks at the formation of limestone landscapes, how
            they have been used in the past by people and how they are used by people today.

            Field work and practical work will be important in this course, involving team work and
            navigation in our urban environment with an introduction to using GPS and GIS
            technology. A two day field trip to Waitomo will be offered.

            This introductory course is designed to get students thinking
            about the world we live in, how some of the natural and
            cultural features in it are formed and how we interact with
            them. In the process, students learn a number of
            geographic skills. It is an academic course with a practical
            emphasis. A positive and enthusiastic attitude is required.

            Students do not have to take this option in order to study
            Geography at Level 1.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          MAORI (10MAO)                                                                         MEDIA STUDIES (10MED)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                    COURSE INFORMATION
                                                                                                Fieldwork:                   TBC
          Fieldwork:                   N/A.
                                                                                                Approximate Course Costs:    Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    N/A
                                                                                                Course Leads to:             Level 1 Media Studies
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 Te Reo Maori
                                                                                                Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Greenstreet
          Teacher in charge of subject: Ms Lodge
                                                                                                HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Pinnell
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Lodge
                                                                                                  Year 10 Media Studies introduces all the concepts required in later levels of Media Studies
            This course encourages students to develop a deeper understanding of the              and leads to the 3-year NCEA Media Studies course, in which students build on the skills
            world around them. Students will discuss whanau relationships in Te Reo. They         and concepts, culminating with Scholarship Media Studies at the end of Year 13. It allows
                                                                                                  students to begin examining the role media plays in their lives and the importance it has
            will also communicate about their belongings as well as their likes and dislikes.
                                                                                                  for society.
            Students would also be expected to communicate in Te Reo about day to day
            life including themes such as time, weather and seasons. They should also             During the year, students will cover close reading skills, the study of a film genre,
            develop the skills to communicate about physical characteristics and feelings.        research, and coverage of news stories where students produce their own stories. They
            This course provides a platform for future studies at NCEA level. Provisioning of     will also examine animation in a wide sense, something that touches all people in this day
            this course will be reliant on the availability of teachers and the number of         and age. Students will also get practical experience in using several different media
            students who select this course. The usual mode of delivery for this course is        technologies which include camera, sound and editing software. Towards the end of the
            through Te Kura (The New Zealand Correspondence School) with the support of           year, they show case their skills by working in small groups and producing and editing a
            a Maori language specialist within the school where this is possible.                 short film which could be in any genre (this could include music videos, TV commercials,

                                                                                                  This course is an excellent pathway for students who may want to experience
                                                                                                  communication, social media, production technologies, journalism, and is crucial in

                                                                                                  developing critical thinking skills. It leads itself to lots of career opportunities in the future
                                                                                                  after finishing school.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          MULTI MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY (10TEM)                                                    MUSIC (10MUS)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                    COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Nil                                                      Fieldwork:                   Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    $50                                                      Approximate Course Costs:    $23 (Trip to orchestra/opera) estimated
          Course Leads to:             Level 1 TEM                                              Course Leads to:             Level 1 Music
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Jowers-Wilding                                       Teacher in charge of subject: Ms Treneman
          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Achary                                                HOLA in charge of subject:   Ms Treneman

                                                                                                  The Year 10 Music course will cover units which allow students’ to develop their aural,
            This course builds on the skills and knowledge students have gained in Year 9.        performing, composition and music appreciation skills. The unit topics are selected from:
            Students in Year 10 are presented with a range of challenging and authentic           Musicals and Popular Music, A Night at the Movies, Twentieth Century Composers,
            projects aimed at developing their technological literacy, increasing their range     History of Music, Reggae and Blues. Assessment tasks will involve a range of activities
            of workshop skills and expanding their understanding of the different material        including composing music, using computer music writing programs, and performing solo
            properties and processes associated with wood, metal and plastic.                     and as part of a small group. It is essential that students taking this course learn an
                                                                                                  instrument, either privately or through the itinerant music programme in school.
             Students are encouraged to think creatively, using their problem solving skills
            to develop successful design solutions and quality outcomes. The course is
            intended to provide students with a sound background for senior NCEA
            Technology courses.

            It is important to note that this course is a prerequisite if students are
            intending to take Materials Technology in Level 1.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP (10ODL)                                                                               PHYSICAL EDUCATION (10PED)
                                              COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                       COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                   Tramping , sailing, rock climbing, mountain biking, caving, crafting and    Fieldwork:                   Nil
                                       coaching                                                                    Approximate Course Costs:    Nil
          Approximate Course Costs:    Trips/Camps approx $300. Some off-site practical work in which there will
                                       be some transport cost (to be announced).                                   Course Leads to:             Level 1 Physical Education
          Course Leads to:             1OED and 1PED
          Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Hainsworth/Williams                                                     Teacher in charge of subject: Mr Hainsworth

          HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Saville                                                                  HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Saville

            Year 10 Outdoor Leadership has a semester focus on Outdoor Education, and a semester
            focus on Sports Leadership.                                                                              Year 10 Physical Education has been designed to give a greater foundation of
                                                                                                                     knowledge for students who are wishing go onto study NCEA Level 1-3 Physical
            Outdoor Education provides students with opportunities to develop personal and social                    Education. Please be aware the course contains a combination of both practical
            skills, to become active, safe and skilled in the outdoors, and to protect and care for the              and theoretical work with the emphasis on applying the theoretical concepts in
            environment. Through outdoor pursuits, students develop particular skills and attitudes in               the practical context. Physical Education leads to an understanding of how the
            a range of outdoor settings. It will include rock-climbing, orienteering, tramping,                      body works, how it responds to exercise, how it adapts and personal, social and
            mountain biking, caving and crafting. Students will also complete a sailing module and                   environmental responsibilities. The context of the theory is applied in a number
            undertake the NZ Coastguard Day Skipper Certificate. Students must be aware that some
                                                                                                                     of varying practical situations. Course content includes: Science in Sport –
            of the trips and assessments take place after school hours (exact dates will be given at the
            beginning of the course). Students undertaking this course are expected to catch up on
                                                                                                                     (Anatomy, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Performance Improvement);
            any other missed school work. Eighth unit standards will be undertaken in this course.                   Social influences on Physical Activity; Sport Fit – (Methods of training, Principles
                                                                                                                     of Training and Components of Training). Course Prerequisites: Open entry, but
            Sports Leadership offers students the opportunity to participate and get started in                      should have shown a high participation and effort in year 9 HPE.
            learning principles of coaching, leadership and officiating. Students will have real
            experiential learning when they lead a small group of students at Point View Primary

            School through four kiwi sports. Further to this they will also have real practical leadership
            experience when they lead a group within the class in a sport of their choice.

            During the year, students will get the opportunity to gain up to 10 Unit Standard credits.
YEAR 10 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (choose 3 options)
          SPANISH (10SPH)                                                                                   TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY (10TET)
                                               COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                COURSE INFORMATION
          Fieldwork:                    Nil
                                                                                                            Fieldwork:                   Students will visit fabric retailers. Other trips TBC.
          Approximate Course Costs:     Highly recommended: $20 subscription to Education Perfect website
                                                                                                            Approximate Course Costs:    $40.25 estimated
          Course Leads to:              Level 1 Spanish
                                                                                                            Course Leads to:             Level 1 Textiles
          Teacher in charge of subject: Miss Grall
                                                                                                            Teacher in charge of subject: Ms Lynskey
          HOLA in charge of subject:    Ms Lodge
                                                                                                            HOLA in charge of subject:   Mr Achary

            This is a one‐year course aimed at developing basic writing, listening, reading
                                                                                                              This course encourages students to gain an appreciation of Technology while
            and speaking skills in Spanish. It also aims to develop awareness of Spanish
                                                                                                              developing the creativity and skills to design and manufacture a variety of
            culture, the role of Spanish in the world and the culture of Latin American
                                                                                                              textiles products used in fashion, costume and interior design. As well as design
            countries who have Spanish as their main language. Students will become
                                                                                                              illustration skills, students will gain the necessary skills to use and adapt
            familiar with NCEA style assessments and will be given the opportunity to use
                                                                                                              commercial patterns, fit and adjust apparel, create fabric using a variety of
            their language skills with native speakers. The learning will be enhanced with
                                                                                                              techniques, as well as accurately use a plain sewer and overlocking sewing
            cultural activities, access to outside competitions and the use of ICT.
                                                                                                              machine to sew woven and knit fabrics. The course is intended to provide
                                                                                                              students with a sound background for senior NCEA Textiles Technology. Course
            It is important to note that this course is a prerequisite if students are                        cost covers only basic materials for trials and sampling. Students are
            intending to take Spanish at Level 1.                                                             encouraged to purchase their own fabric and patterns for their projects.
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