"Teaching, Learning, Caring" - 2021-2022 Parent/Student Handbook Ruby F. Carver Elementary School

Page created by Anne Flores
"Teaching, Learning, Caring" - 2021-2022 Parent/Student Handbook Ruby F. Carver Elementary School
Ruby F. Carver Elementary School

  Parent/Student Handbook

“Teaching, Learning,

Table of Contents

History/School Colors/Mascot/Office Hours -----------------------------------                          3
School Phone Number/Fax Number/Website                                 -------------------------       3
Philosophy/Carver Habits                    -----------------------------------------------------      4
Student Hours             -----------------------------------------------------------------------      5
Academic Achievement/Report Cards/Honor Roll/Awards                                      --------      6
Access to Records -----------------------------------------------------------------------              7
Attendance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------           7
Cafeteria/Lunch Prices/Cafeteria Rule                         ------------------------------------     8
Change of Address/Telephone Number                            ------------------------------------     11
Communication             ------------------------------------------------------------------------     11
Conduct/School Rules               ---------------------------------------------------------------     12
Curriculum ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------          13
Dress Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------          13
Emergency School Closing--------------------------------------------------------------                 15
Emergency Drills          --------------------------------------------------------------------------   15
Field Trips      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------     15
Health Services           -------------------------------------------------------------------------    16
Homework ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------            17
Library          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------     18
Lost and Found            ------------------------------------------------------------------------     19
Parties-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       19
Playground Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------              20
Promotion and Retention                     -----------------------------------------------------      20
Telephones ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------           20
Textbooks        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    21
Transportation/Walkers/Bus/Car/Bicycle                        -------------------------------------    21
Visitors         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------     23
Volunteers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------           23

Ruby F. Carver Elementary School
                                     1801 Lauderdale Drive
                                     Henrico, Virginia 23238

History of our school:
Ruby F. Carver Elementary School was one of the first all-electric schools to be built in
Henrico County. Construction was completed in September 1967 with the program of
dedication held on Sunday, April 28, 1968 at 3:00 P.M. We held our 50th Anniversary
celebration on April 27, 2018!

When the school opened, it housed grades one through seven. Before the completion of
Byrd Middle School, there were as many as 350 seventh grade students at Carver. The
seventh grade was moved to middle school in 1971 and the sixth grade followed in 1980.
Kindergarten was added in 1973. The school now serves kindergarten through fifth grade.

The school was named after Ruby Fellows Carver, a highly respected teacher and wife of a
University of Richmond professor. Mrs. Carver was born in Rochester, New York on April 26,
1922 and taught in Rochester until 1939. She taught at Robert E. Lee School in Richmond for
one year and moved to the Henrico School System in 1942. In 1944, she moved from Ridge
School to Paradise. That is, she began a school in the basement of the home of Dr. Thomas
Patterson for whom Patterson Avenue was named. The home, which stands near Tuckahoe
Elementary School, was named Paradise. After the first year, the basement was divided into
two classrooms. After the second year, Tuckahoe Elementary was completed and opened.
Mrs. Carver taught at Tuckahoe until ill health forced her to leave in September of 1963. She
served children for 39 1/2 years. Her widower, Dr. Merton E. Carver, resided in Henrico County
until his death in 1994.

Our first principal was Bruno Pais. Mr. J. Wayne Traylor was principal from 1971 to 1982. Dr. T.
Alfred Parker took the position in 1982 and held it until his retirement in February 1988. Mrs.
Susan E. Brown then became principal in March 1988 and was here until June 1994. In July
1994, Mrs. Rosa S. Adkins started as our principal until June of 2000. Mr. Philip J. Cantone took
the position of principal in July 2000 and was here until February 2007. Dr Robert R. Siegel
became interim principal in February 2007. Mrs. Joanne Gutkin was appointed principal
effective July 2007. Our current principal is Dr. Eric Armbruster.

      School Colors:                   Blue and Gold
      Mascot:                          Cougar
      General Office Hours:            7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
      School Phone Number:             750-2640
      FAX:                             750-2648
      Website:                         http://carver.henricoschools.us/

The faculty and staff of Ruby F. Carver Elementary School provide a learning environment which
promotes the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development of our students. Through a
multidisciplinary approach, our educational program strives to provide students with opportunities for
growth in a warm, understanding, and positive environment.
Our program encourages responsible citizenship, in both our democratic society and in the global
community, with respect for all world cultures. Opportunities are provided to stimulate creativity,
foster inquiry, and promote curiosity. An atmosphere of mutual respect is maintained through
communication and the cooperative efforts of students, parents, faculty, and staff.
We wish to foster a lifetime love for learning so that our students can lead full, rewarding, and
productive lives. With the continued interest and support of our parents and community, our students
are being challenged to reach their fullest potential.

Carver’s Mission: Ruby F. Carver Elementary School, a diverse community of unique individuals,
ensures that each child will experience optimal academic, emotional, social, and physical success
while building a cooperative link between home and school. Our students will utilize 21st century skills
while becoming lifelong learners.

Henrico County’s Vision: Henrico County Public School will be the PREMIER school division in the
United States.

The 6 Carver Habits
       H      Homework              All assignments turned in when due.

       A      Attendance            Come to school and be on time every day.

       B      Behavior              Follow all rules. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

       I      Initiative            Know and follow daily procedures without being reminded.

       T      Traveling             Show good conduct for travel in the halls.

       S      Safety                Be safe at all times, every day and everywhere.
Student Hours

      7:20 - 7:40 A.M.    Student arrival
      7:40 A.M.           Tardy bell (all students should be in their classrooms)
      2:10 P.M.           Dismissal bell for buses, day cares, and car riders
                          Walkers are dismissed after buses leave the circle.

Students are not to arrive earlier than 7:20 A.M. under any circumstances as there is no
supervision until that time.

Students who arrive after 7:40 A.M. are late and must report to the office to get a tardy pass
to class. Parents are asked to walk their child to the office for safety reasons. Your child can
be dropped off at the car rider's circle until 7:40. For their safety, please do not drop children
off in the parking lot or the bus ramp at any time. All parents who would like to escort their
child to their classroom will be required to sign in with their license in our visitor management
system. **COVID Update: HCPS is not permitting visitors at this time. This is subject to change
with CDC guidelines.

Dismissal times for half days:

11:05 A.M.          Dismissal bell for day cares, and car riders
11:10 A.M.          Bus dismissal
11:15 A.M.          Dismissal bell for walkers
Your child will arrive home on these days 3 hours before they do on a normal day.

Dates of early dismissal for the 2021-2022 school year are:
    Wednesday, January 26, 2022
    Friday, April 1, 2022
    Friday, June 17, 2022

Academic Achievement

Report Cards - Report cards are issued every nine weeks to all children. The report card
needs to be signed and returned promptly to school. Your child’s final report card can be
kept at home.

                          Progress Reporting Guidelines for Elementary
                                      Elementary K-1                                                    Elementary 2-5 *
Grading Scale for:   Four Point Scale:
Language Arts                                                                 A = 90-100    Excellent
Mathematics          4 – Consistently: Student performance meets or
Science              exceeds standard/expectation and student                 B = 80-89     Very Good
Social Studies       consistently produces outstanding work.
                                                                              C = 70-79     Satisfactory
                     3 – Usually: Student performance usually meets
                     standard/expectation and student produces                D = 65-69     Marginal Progress
                     acceptable work.
                                                                              F = below 65 Failing
                     2 – Inconsistently: Student performance is
                     approaching standard/expectation and student
                     inconsistently produces acceptable work.

                     1 – Rarely: Student performance is below
                     standard/expectation and student frequently
                     requires re-teaching.

Participation        All report cards K-5 will utilize the participation standards below:
Reporting for
Resource:             Designation             Descriptor
                      S – Satisfactory        When present, student comes prepared and participates to the best of his/her ability.
    •    Arts         N – Needs               When present, student comes unprepared and does not participate. Two class periods of
    •    Music        Improvement             non-participation (noted in the online grade book) and documentation of a parental contact
    •    Physical                             will be required.

Honor Roll Guidelines

Students who earn all A's on their report card and E's or S's in all other areas.

Students who earn all A's and B's on their report card and E's or S's in all other areas.

Award Ceremonies - There will be award assemblies at the end of the school year for
                                   grades 3, 4, and 5. Awards will be presented for accomplishments
                                   worthy of special recognition, i.e. academic achievement, SCA,
                                   outstanding attendance, etc.

Access to Records

Either natural parent, regardless of who has custody, may have access to cumulative and
confidential student records even if the other parent objects, unless there is a court order
prohibiting the parent's access to school records. Either natural parent may also ask for a
conference to discuss a child's progress, but only a custodial parent may make decisions
about a child's educational program. Stepparents, grandparents, or other relatives may not
review a student's records without the written consent of the parent or legal guardian. In
Virginia, a court order is required for a person to become a legal guardian or to receive
custody of a child.

To ensure success, students are expected to attend school on time each day. The regular
school day is from 7:40 A.M. to 2:10 P.M. Students should not arrive prior to 7:20 A.M. as there
is no supervision until that time. Children who arrive after 7:40 A.M. are tardy and need to
report to the office for a late pass before going to class.

We are required to notify the home of every child who is absent every day. It would be most
helpful to the attendance staff if parents would call the school office before 8:30 A.M. to
report an absence (750-2640). We can also accept a note in advance stating that your child
will be out of school for medical appointments or other excused reasons. If the attendance
staff was not able to reach you on the day of the absence, please send a note stating the
reason for the absence with your child when he/she returns to school. If we do not receive
your note stating the reason for the absence, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.

Excessive absences can affect a child's academic progress due to the student's inability to
compensate fully for classroom instruction that was missed. Students who demonstrate
attendance/tardiness problems will be referred to the appropriate personnel for further
investigation. Any student who misses 15 consecutive days of school will be automatically
withdrawn from the school rolls. If you are moving, please notify the office several days in
advance so proper paperwork can be filled out.

Dismissal prior to the 2:10 P.M. release time requires that the parent come to the office and
sign the early dismissal log. If an early dismissal is required for an appointment, the child will
be called from the classroom. For normal parent pick up, students will come to the office at
dismissal. Only unexpected changes to transportation will generate a call to the classroom
to avoid disrupting classroom instruction. Parents should not go directly to the classroom for
their child. If there is any change in transportation or if someone other than the parent will
pick up the child, the parent or guardian must put that request in writing. Without a written
note, the school will dismiss your child using his/her "usual" plan. If you need to change your
child’s transportation after your child is already in school for the day, you must call the office
before 1:30 to ensure your child will receive the information about dismissal changes. Due to
dismissal procedures, please do not come into the office for dismissal after 2:00 p.m. After
this time, there will be no early dismissal from the office unless there is a medical
appointment for family emergency. If you are picking up your child daily, please utilize the
car pick up area. A window placard can be provided to you in the main office.

When a student is absent, it is the student's responsibility to make up work that is missed.
Each student must check with the teacher(s) to determine what assignments need to be
done. If you would like your child's homework to be sent home with another child or to be
sent to the office for pick up after school, please notify the school office by 10:00 A.M. For
extended absences, 24 hours-notice is requested for assignments.

Please remember that anyone picking up your child must have a photo id.

A student may receive an attendance award at the end of the year for 4 or less excused
absences and no more than 4 excused tardies.


The school cafeteria uses a student account procedure. Each student will be issued a lunch
account number. This number will be entered by the student on a keypad or scanned when

the student reaches the end of the lunch line. All items that the student purchases will be
recorded on his/her account.

Each student may bring money every day to pay for lunch purchases, but it is
recommended that a student deposit money into his/her lunch account. Prepayments are
preferred on Mondays but can be made any day of the week. Please make sure you put
your child's account number on any payments made. A slip of paper with your child's
account balance will be sent home each week. However, you can keep up with your child's
account through myschoolbucks.com. On this website, you can check your child's account
balance, add money to your child's account, see what your child is purchasing, set
restrictions on your child's account, and more. Please check your child's account to ensure
your child has a lunch or lunch money. The cafeteria will charge lunches up to a certain
amount. If the balance is not paid, your child will be given a cheese sandwich for lunch. You
may call the cafeteria manager with any questions.

Money that is put into a lunch account can be used to purchase meals and a la carte items.
If you wish to restrict your child's account to only allow certain purchases, please write a note
to the cafeteria with specific directions. Unless the cafeteria receives notification, your child
will be able to purchase both meals and a la carte items. Please let your child know your
wishes to avoid confusion.

Free and reduced lunches are available to certain students in accordance with the
National School Lunch Program. Parents who feel they qualify need to fill out an application
and submit it to the office. Each request will be evaluated in terms of the eligibility standards
and parents will be notified of the resulting decision. Parents must apply each year for this
program. Students in this program are never identified on the computer screen when
purchasing their lunch.

Lunches from home should contain everything needed for a child to enjoy it - napkin, spoon,
fork, straw, etc. Students should bring or buy a drink each day. We ask that you not send fast
food or carbonated drinks for lunch. Parents are always welcome to eat lunch in the
cafeteria with their child. Parents who prepay for student meals should monitor these funds

since the School Food Service DOES NOT MAKE REFUNDS at the end of the year or when
students leave the County. However, there are other options:

• For a student in elementary or middle school who returns to the same school, their fund
balance remains in their account to start the school year.

• If a student transfers schools within the County, the Cafeteria Manager in the former school
must be notified in order to transfer the account balance to the new school.

• If a student leaves the County, the balance in their account may be transferred to another
student in the County's elementary or middles schools. A letter must be sent to the school
with your specific request.

                                   MEAL PRICES for 2021-2022

National School Lunch Program:          Student Lunch (all levels)       $2.90
                                        Reduced Price Lunch              $0.40

Federal Breakfast Program:              Student Breakfast (all levels)   $1.50
                                        Reduced Price Breakfast          $0.30

Adult Lunch:                            $3.60
Adult Breakfast:                        $1.80
(Adult meal prices set by USDA)

                                        Low-Fat or Non-Fat Milk:         $0.65

• Stay in your seat and sit properly.                • Use good manners.
• Raise your hand if you need help.                  • Enjoy your lunch.
• Speak quietly and kindly to classmates sitting nearby.

Change of Address/Telephone Number

Whenever your home address and/or telephone number at home or work change, it is
extremely important that you notify the school! We need to keep informed of the best
possible ways to reach you, especially if your child should become ill at school. If your
address has changed, please call the office, as we will need an address verification form
filled out and documents confirming residency. The office will notify your child's teacher of
any changes.


Parents are encouraged to communicate with your child's teacher in order to have the best
year possible. Please write the teacher a note or call for a conference whenever necessary.
Every effort should be made to confer and work with your child's teacher prior to assistance
and involvement by the administration, as the teacher is the key to your child's educational

Teachers are unable to have conferences during the hours that students are in school.
Appointments should be scheduled in advance at a mutually agreeable time. If you call the
school, we will deliver a message to the teacher.

Parent visitation days are scheduled throughout the school year. These dates are indicated
on the "Henrico County Public Schools Calendar" that is given to all parents. The principal is
available to meet with you at any time to discuss your child and/or your great ideas and

Notices are sent home in communication folders purchased by the PTA. Most information
from Henrico County, Carver Elementary, our PTA, and your child's teacher is sent home on
Mondays. However, it is necessary sometimes to send information home on other days of the
week. Please check your child's folder daily.


Essential to an instruction program is an atmosphere that is orderly and safe. To ensure a
learning environment in which your child can make the greatest progress, discipline must be
maintained. The school and the parents must work together to accomplish this desirable

Please refer to the Henrico County Public Schools Code of Conduct for more detailed
information concerning student behavior and expectations.

When children fail to observe rules of good conduct, we have a responsibility to deal with
that behavior in a firm, fair, and consistent way.

Teachers work with children and parents to achieve good classroom discipline and refer
children to the office only when administrative assistance is necessary. An offense deemed
extremely serious may warrant immediate suspension. The same procedure will be followed
in dealing with misbehavior on the school bus.

Please note:
   • Buying, selling, or trading of anything amongst students is strictly prohibited. Please
        discuss this with your child. This rule includes food items.

   • Students should not bring any toys to school. Exceptions can be made if there are
        special activities which are teacher approved.

   • Animals are not permitted in school unless administrative permission has been given. All
        animals must be secured in a cage for safety and health concerns.

                                CARVER SCHOOL RULES
                          • Follow directions the first time they are given.
                      • Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

• Be honest and responsible.
                       • Respect school property and the property of others.

Carver Elementary offers a strong academic program. The curriculum incorporates Henrico
County's Essentials of the Curriculum which meet and exceed the Standards of Learning that
are set forth by the State Department of Education. Core academic areas include
mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies.

Other areas of the curriculum include guidance, family life, art, music, physical education,
library, and technology. Exceptional education services, English as a Second Language, and
the Advanced Essentials of the Curriculum are used to accommodate students who have
been identified with special needs.

Dress Code
The way students dress impacts attitude and achievement in school. It is suggested that
children always wear tennis shoes or rubber- soled shoes and that they always have a
sweater or jacket with them at school. Tennis shoes are required for participation in P.E.
activities, as safety is always a primary concern. We need to work together to stress good
grooming and appropriate dress. **Masks are required. This is subject to change per CDC

Students may NOT wear the following items on school grounds unless otherwise stated:
      1. Hoods, hats, or head coverings of any kind inside the school building, unless
         required for religious or medical reasons.
      2. Bandanas, do-rags, or headscarves, hair picks, wave caps, large combs, brushes,
         or rollers.
      3. Sunglasses inside the building, unless prescribed by a physician.
      4. Dresses, skirts, shorts, athletic shorts, or other similar clothing that is shorter than four
         inches above the knee, even when worn with leggings or tights.

5. Messages on clothing, chains, jewelry, or personal belongings that pertain to drugs,
   alcohol, tobacco, sex, gangs, vulgarity, or that could reasonably cause a
   substantial disruption to the learning environment.
6. Spiked jewelry, chains, or items that could cause student injury.
7. Beachwear (which includes bating suits and trunks) or sleepwear.
8. Clothing that reveals undergarments.
9. Cut-off jeans and cut-off sweat pants or torn, ripped, or slashed clothing that
   reveals undergarments or body parts excluded by other parts of this code.
10. Bedroom slippers, shoes with wheels (also known as “Wheelies”) or shoes that light
   up and/or blink as they may cause a distraction during the school day.
11. Clothing that reveals the midriff while sitting or standing.
12. Clothing that is excessively tight or skimpy, including biker pants and clothing with
   plunging necklines.
13. Clothing that is see-through, revealing, or resembles undergarments.
14. Tube tops, halter-tops, halter-top dresses, strapless dresses, or tops or dresses with
   spaghetti straps (female tops must be at least two inches wide at the shoulder).
15. High heels or flip flops (Elementary students are encouraged to wear athletic shoes
   or closed toe shoes with a rubber sole and must wear such shoes for Physical
   Education and recess.) Shoes with flashing mechanisms on the back as they are a
   distraction to the classroom.
16. Coats inside the school building during the school day as determined by the
   administrative staff depending on the school design and administrative ability to
   provide storage for coats.
17. Students must wear clothes as designed (buttoned, zippered, etc.) Students must
   wear pants on the hips, secured above the buttocks. Students may NOT:
   1. Drape towels, shirts, or shorts around their neck.
   2. Roll down waistbands on shorts, pants, or skirts.
   3. Wear clothing in any manner that reveals undergarments at any time.
   4. Wear athletic jerseys without wearing a t-shirt beneath the jersey.

Emergency School Closing

The decision to close schools for the day, dismiss schools early, or to delay the opening of
schools is made by the Superintendent of Henrico County Schools. Once the decision is
made, it is posted on HCPS's website, www.henrico.k12.va.us, and announced by local radio
and television stations. Please do not call the school for this information. We need to keep
our phone lines open to process emergency information. If the opening of school is
delayed, do not drop children off at the regular opening time. There is no adult supervision
available and the building may not yet be open. Parents should plan for unexpected but
necessary early closings. Please discuss this plan with your children. When school closes early,
both children and teachers need to know where the children are to go if they are not going
home as usual. The "Transportation for Emergency Closing" form that you fill out at the
beginning of each year is the form your child's teacher will use to determine where to send
you child on such days. It is essential that we have current contact information. Please fill out
a new form when you want to change your child's transportation for emergency closings.

Emergency Drills
A fire drill is held once a week for the first four weeks of school and once a month thereafter
to ensure safe evacuation of the building should a fire or any emergency occur. The
students are to follow procedures explained by the teachers. We post the evacuation plan
by the exit door in each classroom. Emergency drills will be conducted on buses as well. In
addition, tornado and intruder drills will be conducted at least once each year.

Field Trips
Field trips are planned throughout the year as an integral part of the curriculum. You will
receive notification of these trips as they are planned. Written parental permission must be
on file in the school office before a child will be allowed to go on any field trip. Refunds will
not be made to students because fees collected are carefully calculated to pay for the bus
and any entrance fee for the trip destination. All chaperones must have a volunteer from on
file with the school office prior to being selected as a chaperone.

Health Services
A licensed nurse is on duty during school hours to administer First Aid for injuries which occur
at school. School personnel will only be able to give basic First Aid, as described in the
American Red Cross First Aid Guide.

For Prescription Medications:
Prescription medicines may be brought to the Clinic in original labeled containers with
complete instructions. Staff is not permitted to cut pills. If a pill needs to be cut, the parent
must do so before bringing the medication to the school. Along with the medication, the
Clinic will need:
       1.     A Physician's note containing the following:
                     a.     Name of person to receive medication
                     b.     Date of prescription
                     c.     Exact dosage
                     d.     Exact time dosage is to be given
                     e.     Doctor's signature

        2.    Parent's written request for the school staff to administer the medication prescribed by
              the physician, including a written release of liability. The form for this must be obtained
              from the clinic or school office.

For Non-Prescription Medications:
Such preparations as aspirins, Bufferin, Alka-Seltzer, Pepto-Bismol, cough drops, ear drops, throat
lozenges, eye washes, etc. are considered over-the-counter medications and are not to be given by
school personnel unless appropriate forms are completed, and the medications are presented to the
clinic in original, unopened containers. All medications must be transported to and from school by
the parent/guardian. The clinic attendant will inform you when medications are about to

expire. Parents must pick up remaining medications by the last day of school each year.

Under certain conditions during a short-term illness, a parent may come to the office and
administer required medication to his/her child.

In case of serious injuries or illness, every effort will be made to immediately contact the
parent or guardian. Your emergency contacts person will be called to pick up your child if
we cannot reach you, however, this person does not necessarily have authority to authorize
medical treatment. If the student requires treatment beyond First Aid and if the parent or
guardian cannot be reached, the student will be taken by rescue squad to the nearest
hospital for emergency treatment. REMEMBER TO KEEP PHONE NUMBERS UPDATED!

For the benefit of your sick child and all others here at school, we ask your cooperation in the
following ways:
1.    If the clinic attendant calls you to come and pick up your sick child, please do so as
soon as possible. We cannot let sick children remain with their class, and we do not have the
facilities to care for a sick child for an extended period.
2.    Do not send your child to school if he/she is already experiencing the following
symptoms which may be characteristic of a communicable disease:
"A communicable disease may be suspected when a combination of any two or more of
these symptoms is present: headache, watery eyes and nose, cough, elevated temperature,
skin eruptions, sore throat, vomiting, and diarrhea."
3.    If a child has experienced an elevated temperature (anything 100.4 or over), he/she
should not return to school within 24 hours (without medication) of their temperature
returning to normal.
4.    If your child has been diagnosed with a positive culture and has been placed on an
antibiotic, he/she should not return to school until 24 - 48 hours after the medication has
begun, or as directed by the child's physician.

Periodic screening tests for identification of possible problems involving hearing and vision will
be conducted by the clinic attendant. Specific grade levels will be involved on a routine
basis. Parents are notified and advised when referral to a physician is indicated by the
screening tests.

Homework is designed to:
      • Develop responsibility
      • Help students develop independent work-study habits
      • Reinforce learning that has taken place at school
      • Relate school learning to out-of-school interest
• Bring the home and school closer together

We suggest that a specific time and area is designated for children to study in order to help
them develop good work habits. The completion of homework, when assigned, is an
expectation at Carver. The following times are listed as guidelines for study at home:
      Kindergarten:             No specific time allotment; opportunities for reading
                                readiness, enrichment, and language.
      Grades 1 & 2:             30 minutes per evening
      Grade 3:                  40 minutes per evening
      Grades 4 & 5:             60 minutes per evening

Usually, no written homework is assigned over a weekend. However, we do strongly
encourage that children read every night, including weekends.

Teachers allot appropriate time each afternoon before dismissal to organize and prepare
students for homework. To develop a strong sense of responsibility and accountability in
each child, it is requested that one not return to school for "forgotten" homework materials
after the school day ends.

If a child is sick, he/she will be allowed to make up work missed. The teacher will be happy to
gather materials; however, advanced notice must be given. As mentioned under
"Attendance,” if you would like your child's homework to be sent home with another child or
to be sent to the office for pick up after school, please notify the school before 10:00 A.M.
For extended absences, 24-hours notice is requested for assignments.


Our school library is an important part of the instructional program. Each student may visit
the library daily. Students are expected to be responsible in caring for and returning any
materials borrowed. No fines are collected for overdue books; however, a student cannot
check out books until past due materials are returned. When a book is lost or damaged, the
student will be expected to pay the replacement cost of the book (hardback books - $16.00,
paperback books - $5.00). Your cooperation in helping your child remember to return library
books on time is appreciated.

Lost and Found

Parents are encouraged to label their children's clothing. Labeling helps identify the clothing
should it become lost. A lost and found bin is located outside the custodial office. Items that
are not claimed will be donated to local charitable organizations.

According to Henrico County policy: Elementary schools will be allowed one social function
on school time during the school year -- this being immediately prior to the winter vacation.
Money collected for this purpose is not to exceed $1.00 per pupil. The party will be held
during the last part of the day and total time taken will be limited to one hour, including
cleaning time.

No gift shall be given to the teacher by the class or by the class and the room mother.
Money may not be solicited from students for the purpose of presenting a gift to a teacher
from a class.

Birthdays - Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless you are inviting your
child's entire class. No balloons, flowers, gorilla grams, etc. are to be sent or brought to
school. If you are providing birthday treats, please be mindful of the fact that some children
have life-threatening food allergies. Always check with your child's teacher before bringing
food into the classroom or to lunch. All treats must be store bought and include an
ingredient label (no homemade items). Birthdays are the only time treats can be provided
during the school day (except for the winter party.)

Playground Rules
These rules were created to keep our students safe at recess. Students will learn more about
each rule from their teacher.

      • Respect others and play fairly.
      • Enter and leave playground in a quiet and orderly manner.
      • Stay within the boundaries.
      • Respect the play area and the track.
      • Use equipment safely and appropriately.
      • Take responsibility for personal belongings and playground equipment.

Promotion and Retention
Academic performance will be the prime determiner in deciding as to whether a student
should be promoted or retained. Promotion or retention will be based on what will result in
the greatest good for the student, taking into consideration additional factors such as ability
level, attendance in conjunction with classroom performance, chronological age in relation
to the normal grade/age group, delayed/advanced physical development, maturity in
emotional and social development, and work and study habits.

Conversations about retention should start in January with your child's teacher. Decisions are
usually made by the end of May after considering all factors. A team approach for this
decision includes the teacher, parents, guidance counselor, and administrator.

The telephones in the office area are business phones and can be used by students only in
case of emergency. Elementary students are not permitted to have or use cellular
telephones on school grounds, on school buses, or at school-sponsored events.

Textbooks are provided without charge. At the time of transfer or at the end of the school
year, textbooks must be returned in acceptable condition. In the event of loss or abuse of
textbooks, replacement costs shall be assessed.

Riding the school bus is a privilege. Whether riding the bus daily or for a field trip, students are
always expected to obey the rules of the bus as stated in the Henrico County Code of
Conduct and follow their driver’s directions. Requests for children to ride a bus other than
their own are granted only if there is room on the bus and a written request from the parent
is received ahead of time.

Any changes in your child’s normal transportation pattern must be requested each time in
written form by the parent or guardian. This is to ensure your child’s safety. A reminder: We
cannot take dismissal changes over the phone.

Bus Riders - Bus transportation is provided for students who live outside of the walking zone.
Students will be assigned a regular bus at the start of school. Please have your student at the
correct bus stop five to ten minutes prior to their bus arriving in the morning. They are to wait
away from the road in an orderly manner and enter the bus quietly. Good behavior is a
necessity at the bus stops and on the bus. Please read the Department of Transportation
brochure for bus riders and discuss the rules with your child.

At times, it is necessary for the transportation department to substitute buses. Changes are
announced before the children leave the building.

Walkers - Walking zones are established by Henrico County in such a way that elementary
school students will not be required to walk more than three tenths of a mile. Walkers are
expected to come directly to school and to go directly home in the afternoons in an orderly

and safe manner. A crossing guard is on duty at Lauderdale and Havenwood every morning
and afternoon.

Car Riders - For your child's safety, please obey the following rules:

      •   Students coming to school by car must be dropped off at the back door nearest
          the horseshoe circle.
      •   Cars are not permitted to pass each other in the drop off/pick up zone.
      •   Parents are never to drop their student(s) in the parking lot or the bus ramp. The
          parking lot is for parking only. The bus ramp is always for buses only.
      •   Students must have access to car seating by entering and exiting on the
          passenger side. Students are not allowed to cross in front of or behind a car to get
          into their vehicle. This rule must be followed for safety reasons.
      •   Students are never to enter the building before 7:20am, as there is no one
          responsible for supervision until that time.
      •   The doors at the car rider circle will be locked at 7:40am so the adult supervisor
          can go to his/her classroom. Students arriving after 7:40am are tardy and need to
          be walked in through the front doors by a parent.
      •   Parents picking up students need to remain in their car and display the proper
          transportation card in the car windshield.
      •   If a student is not picked up at the car rider’s circle by 2:25pm, he/she will be taken
          to the office to be picked up by the parent.
      •   For safety reasons, no students will be dismissed to parents who park their cars and
          walk up to the Car Rider’s Circle.

Bicycle Riders - Only third, fourth, and fifth graders in the walking zone may ride bicycles to
and from school. Bicycle riders must have a "Bicycle Permission Form" signed by the parents
and student. This must be approved by the teacher and principal and kept on file by the
teacher. In addition:
     • Students who ride bicycles to school must walk them to the racks when they reach
       school grounds. In the afternoon, bicycles must be walked to the street before being

ridden. There will be no bicycle riding on the school grounds. This should be made
       clear to students on the first day of school.
      •Bicycle riders are responsible for abiding by bicycle safety rules, which includes
       wearing a safety helmet.
     • Bicycles must be secured with locks in the area for bicycle parking.
     • Bicycles must be properly registered and licensed with Henrico County.
     • Students who ride their bicycle to school must live in the walking zone.
     • Ruby F. Carver Elementary School will not be held responsible for any damages or
       losses incurred while the bicycle is on school property.
     • Permission to continue riding a bicycle can be withdrawn at any time if any safety
       regulations are violated.


Visitors are always welcome! All visitors, including parents, need to check in at the office
before going to a classroom or any other location at the school. All visits to classrooms
during instructional time should be coordinated in advance with the teacher or principal.
This is to guard instructional time and ensure that the teacher can pay full attention to the
students. All classroom volunteers are required to have a volunteer form on file in the office.
All visitors at lunchtime must be on the child’s school pick up list. If an additional visitor is
coming for lunch, we need to receive a letter signed by the parent in advance. All visitors
are required to sign in at the office using a photo id. **COVID Update: HCPS is not permitting
visitors and volunteers at this time. This is subject to change with CDC guidelines.

We encourage and thank all our volunteers who assist in numerous ways. All volunteers must
complete an application and return it to the office. All volunteers must sign in at the office
using a photo id and wear a name tag. Volunteer work in the classroom needs to be
coordinated with the teacher. Volunteering in the classroom should be done without
bringing younger children to school. **COVID Update: HCPS is not permitting visitors and
volunteers at this time. This is subject to change with CDC guidelines.
Thank You!

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