Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive

Page created by Kirk Fitzgerald
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or

          the Crisis

          Hong Kong
          Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive

Welcome to our latest edition of the Digital Society
Index study. Started in 2018, this is a multi-year
research our network run to track how people over
the world are responding to the digitisation of
economies and industries. It explores themes
such as trust, infrastructure, personal data and

Today, in the midst of a global pandemic that is
disrupting almost all facets of how we live and
work, this research sheds new light on how we are
using technology differently and what this could
mean for brands in the longer term.

Our survey ran between March to April 2020,
analysing the view of 32,000 people across 22
markets. A total of 1,017 people in Hong Kong
were surveyed. This market deep dive is built on
the key findings from Hong Kong.

The global research paper covers all surveyed
markets - download. This study serves as a
reference point for how well we are in realising a
balanced, sustainable growth from the digital
economy      and   how    people    are adopting
technology to their lives. It is intended to
stimulate debate and action, framing our future in a
digital economy that works for all.

Best Regards,

                 Pauline Chu
                 CEO, Dentsu Aegis Network
                 Hong Kong

2.                                          Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
Hong Kong Deep Dive

     The COVID-19 crisis is calling us to re-evaluate our relationship with digital technologies
     as we embark upon a mass social experiment to live online. Consumption of digital media
     has rocketed in recent months, sparked by a desire to use technology to satisfy the
     fundamental human needs of staying healthy, staying connected, and creating joys in life.

           We connect to transact more                            We connect to experience more
           People are using technology to                         People are using technology to
           facilitate daily life:                                 expand life experiences

           •   84% Do shopping online                             •     73% Listen to music via a
                                                                        streaming service
           •   81% Use an app to do banking
               or manage money                                    •     66% Watch TV via a streaming
           •   59% Use an app to take a taxi
                                                                  •     61% Play computer game or e-
           •   51% Use voice-assisted
                                                                  •     Use educational apps, join online
                                                                        courses and webinars etc. to
                                                                        learn new skills and knowledge

           We connect to care more                                Could the COVID-19 crisis lead us to
           People are using technology to                         a more positive personal
           improve their sense of well-                           relationship with digital
           being:                                                 technologies? Or will the techlash
           •   Use social media, discussion                       return with a vengeance? Is there an
               forums etc. to feel more                           opportunity for brands to reset and
               engaged with friends, family,                      rethink how they use technology to
               and the world around them                          build better relationships with
                                                                  consumers? This study sheds light
           •   Use health apps and wearable                       on how digital technologies are
               fitness devices to look after                      reshaping societies and human
               their health                                       needs.

           •   Plan to use technology to aid
               physical health prediction

           •   Plan to use technology to
               measure health on a daily basis

3.                                             Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
Life goes online                                        Fast forward to today, COVID-19 is
                                                        accelerating digital adoption as life goes
Hong Kong has been leading the digital                  online, without much of a choice. This
transformation, being recognised as the                 pandemic has led to new consumer
third most advanced city in the APAC                    behaviours and responses. We are now far
region1. We made it to the top 10                       more likely to engage with more digital
digital elites according to the IMD                     products and services than we did before,
World Digital Competitiveness Ranking                   with e-commerce topping the list (see
2019, moving up from 11th to 8th                        Figure 1).
place2. Our residents are increasingly
tech-savvy and welcome technology to
play a bigger role in their lives3.
However, the relationship between                               Figure 1: Likelihood of taking the
people and technology vary depending                            following actions compared to last year
on the subject. Despite advanced
digital infrastructure and governance,
there are certain digital spaces Hong                                         84%
Kongers just do not want to get into.                                         Do my shopping online
According to FIS 2019 Retail Global
Payment Report, only 4% of overall                                            81%
retail spending was done online4. The                                         Use an app to do my banking or
biggest concern was around payment                                            manage my money
security, which had led to little appetite
for e-commerce.5                                                               73%
                                                                               Listen to music via a
                                                                               streaming service

                                                                               Watch TV via a
                                                                               streaming service

                                                                               Use an app to take a taxi

                                                                   Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

                                                        The Asian Digital Transformation Index 2018
                                                        IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2019
                                                        Google Smarter Digital City 3.0
                                                        FIS 2019 Retail Global Payments Report
                                                        SCMP 2018

4.                                           Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
Our study suggests Hong Kongers are far more accepting and willing
                            to manage their day-to-day transactions with digital technology. We
                            are 17% more likely to shop online compared to the global average and
                            24% more likely compared to the APAC markets surveyed (see Figure
                            2). This is a huge step forward as we were previously hesitant to shop
                            and pay online due to security concerns.

Figure 2: Hong Kong compared with global and APAC in terms of the likelihood of
engaging in digital activities in the next 12 months

                                             Do my shopping online
               Use an app to do my banking or manage my money
                                          Use an app to take a taxi
                            Listen to music via a streaming service
                                   Watch TV via a streaming service

     Difference in % compared to the global avg                         Difference in % compared to the APAC avg

*Global averages of all 22 markets surveyed, APAC averages of 6 markets surveyed
Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

A recent Ipsos study on the impact of COVID-19 on Hong Kong consumers confirms a
similar digital shift. According to their research, 48% of Hong Kong adults declared
spending more time browsing on online shopping platforms and 36% declared they have
purchased more groceries online or used more mobile payments.6
This trend is also true across our surveyed age groups (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: The likelihood of engaging in digital activities compared to last year
Hong Kong Age Breakdown
    86          88            85            85                                                 85          84
                                                         78                                                             80           78

                 Do my shopping online (% likely)                              Use an app to do my banking or manage my money (% likely)

                Age 18-24                Age 25-34             Age 35-44                Age 45-54           Age 55-65

Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

    The Hong Kong Consumer & COVID-19 Study by Ipsos

5.                                                                Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
As outlined in the beginning, in times of crisis,
Technology is not killing our                                        people are understandably focusing on how
relationships after all                                              technology can deliver their needs to transact,
                                                                     to care and to experience. The ability to feel
                                                                     more engaged with friends, family and the
Within a context of increased online                                 world around them is ranked as the No. 1
consumption and improved confidence                                  impact from their use of technology, in the
in the digital space, personal use of                                context of social isolation and distancing. 94%
technology is seen as overwhelmingly                                 of the survey sample did not see any
positive in terms of its specific impacts                            relationships (with other people) deteriorate
on well-being. Out of a list of potential                            from their use of technology and 97% have not
impacts, with an even number of both                                 experienced bullying online. These results
positive and negative outcomes, the top                              indicate a positive role technology can play in
five choices in Hong Kong are (see                                   keeping us connected in ways we desire.
Figure 4).
                                                                     Some priorities vary by age. For example, those
                                                                     aged 18-24 prioritise using technology to learn
                                                                     new skills, to relax or gain new experiences and
                                                                     pleasure. They also cited that increased use of
Figure 4: Top 5 commonly cited
                                                                     technology resulted in physical issues (see
impacts of personal tech use on health
                                                                     Figure 5).
& well-being

                                                                     Figure 5: in what ways is personal use of tech
1    I feel more engaged with friends and
                                                                     impacting sense of well-being
     family and the world around me
                                                                     Hong Kong Age Breakdown

2    Using technology enables me to
                                                                     I suffer from                                     32%
     relax or experience pleasure                                    physical health                             23%
3	I’m learning new skills/new                                                                               20%
   knowledge (e.g. using educational                                                                      16%
   apps, joining online courses and
   webinars, etc.)
                                                                     I’m learning                                            40%
                                                                     new skills/new                                 28%
4	I suffer from physical health issues                              knowledge
   (e.g. repetitive strain injuries, eyesight
   problems, bad posture, etc.)

5	I’m monitoring and looking after my
   health (e.g. checking health apps                                 Using technology                                     37%
                                                                     enables me
   and using wearable fitness                                        to relax/or
                                                                     experience                               22%
   devices)                                                          pleasure
Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index survey 2020
                                                                       Age 18-24              Age 25-34                Age 35-44
                                                                       Age 45-54              Age 55-65

                                                                           Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index survey 2020

    6.                                                           Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
Well-being or Wealth-being?

Looking beyond technology usage, there is a broad spectrum of factors that can
potentially impact our sense of health and well-being (see Figure 6). Understandably,
physical health ranked at the top.

Figure 6: Key factors driving people’s sense of health & well-being – Hong Kong
Which, if any, of the following do you think is the most important to your sense of
well-being? (% ranking in top 3)

                                     Physical Health                                                                                    78%
                       Wealth and financial stability                                                                      62%
         Relationships with your friends and family                                                                  57%
                                      Mental Health                                                       41%
           Personal development/self-fulfilment                                               30%
                Quality of the natural environment                              13%
          Feeling included or part of a community                           10%
                                     New experiences                       8%

    Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

    The second most important driver of health and well-being is wealth and financial
    stability, sitting at 62%, followed by relationships with family and friends (57%). It is
    the highest amongst the 22 markets surveyed (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Wealth and Financial stability cited as the most important factor driving
people’s sense of health & Wellbeing - Global

           58% 57% 57%                                                                                                              Global
                       54% 53%
                                            49% 46%                                                                                 ave
                                                    44% 44%                                                                         43%
                                                                     40% 39% 38% 38%
                                                                                     38% 37% 36%
                                                                                                                32% 31% 31% 30%

    HK     HU     ME      JP    SA     SG   RU    CN    NZ   AT      DE    IT     ES   OZ    US     FIN    UK   PL    DK     FR   NO     BR

Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

This reflects how concern is shifting from the initial health impacts of the virus to its
economic impacts. Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact Study has revealed a similar
discovery. People are worried about insufficient funds for retirement, pressure from
mortgages and other expenses such as education costs.7

    Cigna: Hong Kongers suffering poor health and wellbeing during COVID-19

7.                                                                    Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove? - Connecting beyond the Crisis Hong Kong Deep Dive
Techlash or Techlove?

Our network has been studying the impact of
digital technologies on society for the last three
years and our evidence shows some consistent
pattern of concern around the world - 57% of
people today believe the pace of technology
change is too fast, a level that has been consistent
since 2018 (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: % agreeing that the pace of tech change
is too fast (2018 – 2020)

      57%                       57%                       57%

      2018                      2019                     2020

Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2018 – 2020

In Hong Kong, this is felt more acutely, sitting at
73%, 13% ahead of the APAC average and 16%
ahead of the global average (see Figure 9).

Figure 9: % agreeing the pace of tech change is
too fast (2020)

       HK                       APAC                     Global

*Global averages of all 22 markets surveyed, APAC averages of 6 markets surveyed
Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

 8.                                                                   Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Despite this concern, Hong Kongers seem                                   Figure 11: % not agreeing I will take
to be enjoying the benefits of                                            periods of rest from using technology
technological advancement. More than                                      (e.g. computers, smartphones)
half (55%) of them are feeling optimistic                                 Hong Kong Age Breakdown
that digital technology will help solve the
world’s most pressing challenges. 75% of
them do not see the need to take periods                                                                                            82%
of rest from using technology, while other                                                        avg
surveyed markets in the APAC region felt                                    73%

stronger about this need (see Figure 10).                                                 66%

This also aligns with a finding that only
10% of our survey sample cited that the
use of technology is causing them mental

Figure 10: % not agreeing I will take
periods of rest from using technology
(e.g. computers, smartphones)



                                                                            Age:          Age:           Age:         Age:          Age:
                                                                           18-24         25-34          35-44        45-54         55-65

                                                                          Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

                                                       51%                We have also noticed people in Hong
                                                                          Kong aged 25 to 44 are 22% more likely
                                                                          to take periods of rest from using
                                                                          technology than people aged 45 to 65
                                                          38%             (see Figure 11).
                35%     35%

     HK         CN       SG          JP        AUS         NZ

      Markets                 APAC Avg               Global Avg

*Global averages of all 22 markets surveyed,
APAC averages of 6 markets surveyed

Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

9.                                                                Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Figure 12: % likely to use technology to                                       Figure 14: % agreeing digital
   predict what will happen to my physical                                        technologies have made society more
   health in the future                                                           unequal between rich and poor
           62%                                                                                 61%
                                                                                                                                 49%        49%
                              51%                                                                                     44%

            HK                APAC                 Global
                                                                                    HK         CN          SG         JP         AUS        NZ

   *Global averages of all 22 markets surveyed,
   APAC averages of 6 markets surveyed
   Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020                 Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

                                                                                  Close to half of the people surveyed
   As Hong Kongers are welcoming
                                                                                  across the APAC region believe that
   technology to play a bigger role in their
                                                                                  digital technologies are worsening the
   lives, more than half (55%) of the people
                                                                                  inequality gap between rich and poor.
   surveyed plan to use technology to
                                                                                  This sentiment is felt less in Hong Kong
   measure health aspects on a daily basis.
                                                                                  (42%), the lowest percentage in the
   In particular, around 62% will use
                                                                                  region (see Figure 14).
   technology for physical health prediction
   (see Figure 12).
                                                                                  Yet, Hong Kongers have less confidence
                                                                                  in emerging technology creating career
   In terms of digital marketing, Hong
                                                                                  opportunities for them in the next 5 to 10
   Kongers feel less disturbed when being
                                                                                  years, with less than a third (32%) of
   shown personalised ads online
                                                                                  people surveyed believing this (see Figure
   (33%) - lower than the APAC and the
                                                                                  15). China, on the other hand, is much
   global average. (see figure 13).
                                                                                  more optimistic (69%).

   Figure 13: % who find it intrusive when                                         Figure 15: % agreeing emerging digital
   being shown personalised ads online                                             technologies will create career
                                                                                   opportunities in the next 5 to 10 years
                                                                    44%                          69%
avg 41%                       40%                     41%
avg 40%
           33%                            32%

                                                                                      32%                               32%        30%

           HK         CN       SG          JP         AUS           NZ                 HK         CN         SG            JP      AUS           NZ

            Markets                 APAC Avg                Global Avg                Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

     *Global averages of all 22 markets surveyed
     APAC averages of 6 markets surveyed
     Source: Dentsu Aegis Network Digital Society Index Survey 2020

      .                                                                  Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive

No matter which sector you are in,
brands are now expected to play an
integral role in helping people to
transact, to care, and to experience.

The rapid change of Hong Kong                     New Business Model
consumer mindsets and behaviours                  New Revenue Streams
caused by the pandemic can be
threatening to some businesses, but               Though Hong Kongers find that technology
also creates a lot of new opportunities           changes too fast, the fact that they keep
for others.                                       up with the pace indicates that they
                                                  understand the value of technological
                                                  acceleration. Brands should look closely at
                                                  their existing consumer journey to identify
                                                  new business opportunities. Simply adding
                                                  value isn’t enough, these new opportunities
                                                  should remove the pain points (big or
                                                  small) brought about by COVID-19,
                                                  through the use of technology.
                                                  Not only will this help differentiate your
                                                  brand, but it can also transform your
                                                  business and grow new revenue streams
                                                  while other brands remain stuck.

                                                  Solve The Problem - Be Available and Be

                                                  Foodpanda, one of Hong Kong's top food
                                                  delivery platforms has officially launched
                                                  their on-demand grocery delivery service
                                                  (Pandamart) right as the COVID-19
                                                  outbreak began.8 Collaborating with
                                                  around 1,000 shops and selling over
                                                  14,000 items, aimed to redefine the way
                                                  Hong Kongers shop for groceries”.
                                                  Delivering anything at any time to
                                                  customers, Pandamart filled a growing
                                                  need of both their current and new
                                                  customers for greater convenience and
                                                  variety beyond food.

                                                      Foodpanda launches 15-minute grocery-delivery service

11.                                       Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Challenging the Convention – Be Agile, Be
                                                           Flexible and Be On-Demand

                                                           As more people in Hong Kong go online to
                                                           learn, after thousands of tuition centres
                                                           closed due to social distancing, new forms of
                                                           learning have accelerated. Instead of a set
                                                           fee for a set class location and time, new
                                                           instant learning virtual platforms like
                                                           Snapask are offering flexible hours and pay-
                                                           per-use. Students can now access different
                                                           teachers, submitting a photo of their
                                                           question online for instant response anytime,
                                                           anywhere. On top of this, by leveraging AI
                                                           and big data to provide personalised
                                                           learning solutions, it improves both the
                                                           students’ and tutors’ productivity (efficiency
                                                           and effectiveness) and thus stabilises tutors’
                                                           incomes and increase career opportunities
                                                           for fresh graduates and tutors. During the
                                                           past few months, usage of Snapask and the
                                                           number of questions asked on its platform
                                                           spiked by 40%.9

A Win-Win Strategy – Begin by Focusing on Doing Good For the Ones in Need

Every year, international companies launch their management trainee programmes in Hong
Kong to hunt for the best of the best. Despite the pandemic and the ensuing economic
uncertainty, 63% 10 of employers in Hong Kong are proceeding with their plans to hire for
critical roles. Yet, campus recruitments have been postponed. A local start-up, OnGrad,
accelerated their transformation into HR x education technology by launching Hong Kong’s
first AI-driven career learning community to help employers and graduates through this
challenging time. Leveraging emerging technology such as AI to optimise user profile
evaluation processes and removing unconscious biases, users are offered recommendations
for employer-provided courses, internship programmes, and volunteering opportunities to
better acquire requisite knowledge, skills, and experience. This community has successfully
attracted 10% of Hong Kong university graduates in a year and has gained support from key
employers like Deloitte and Microsoft.11

     Technode Global May 2020
     Covid-19: employer pulse survey, Randstad Hong
     Kong HKTDC 08 June 2020

12.                                                   Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Brand Commerce - Closing the Gap Between Inspiration and
Commerce With Personalisation
Points of communications for brand                   Home" video hub which included a 12-
inspiration are opportunities to convert.            part workout series led by top fitness
There is no time to wait or waste for                coaches.12 It aimed to encourage Hong
both consumers and brands.                           Kongers to sustain a healthy lifestyle by
Personalisation and staying relevant                 staying active even at home and to
contextually is more crucial than ever.              create family bonding moments.
Brands should leverage technologies to
                                                     Another example is fitness app Bravera,
help consumers to manage their well-
                                                     which rewarded users by converting their
being and wealth with inspiration. As
                                                     walking and running data into points that
Hong Kongers are less disturbed by
                                                     could be redeemed for gifts.13
personalised online ads, brands should
                                                     Ultimately, customers were motivated
take this opportunity to collect
                                                     and rewarded for their effort in achieving
customer data to better understand
                                                     a healthier lifestyle.
their consumers, and better target and
personalise products and services to
build relationships in a timely manner.              Wealth after Health

Inspirations That Address Their Top                  Hong Kong ranks No. 1 in the APAC
Concern – Holistic Well-being                        region when it comes to worries about
                                                     wealth and financial stability. There are
Knowing that physical (78%), wealth                  concerns over financial freedom in
(62%), relationship (57%) and mental                 retirement as well as pressure from
(41%) needs are considered as the most               mortgage and education payments, rent,
important to one’s sense of well-being,              etc. Many financial institutions (not
brands should consider how their image               limited to J.P. Morgan14, Standard
and products can inspire consumers and               Chartered Bank15, HSBC16) offer online
help them to achieve their needs the                 education tools, investment tips, and
moment they arise.                                   insights to guide consumers through the
                                                     pandemic’s economic impact. A majority
Stay Fit. Stay T.O.M (Top Of Mind)                   of these are delivered through live
                                                     webinars, online videos, and social
ManulifeMOVE launched the "Move at                   media.

     Manulife Website
     Bravera Website
     J.P. Morgan Website
     Standard Chartered Bank Website
     HSBC Website

13.                                         Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
Stay Joyful. Stay T.O.M

37% of people in Hong Kong agree that
using technology enables them to relax
or experience pleasure. In addition to the
increased usage of music and video
streaming services, 61% of Hong
Kongers are likely to play games online
in the next 12 months. While the popular
Animal Crossing game achieved
significant success in helping Hong
Kongers stay entertained at home, it has                                        Hone Kong Landmark mall launched its
also created huge opportunities for                                             new online shopping concierge that
cross-brand collaboration. Following                                            enables "members only" to browse and
Santosa’s virtual wedding, Sunkist has                                          purchase using the mobile app.17 The live
created a California citrus grove                                               chat function, via WhatsApp, allowed
simulation for the Animal Crossing                                              customers to directly communicate with
community with scavenger hunts and                                              in-store sales assistants as well as place
secret prizes to brighten up their day.17                                       an order and pay online.

Members Before Customers
                                                                                In addition to the launch of the free
                                                                                enhanced protection and "Non-Face-to-
                                                                                Face purchasing" arrangement, AIA
                                                                                launched a COVID-19 alert service on
                                                                                their AIA Connect mobile app for all
Understanding the importance of                                                 registered app users (both AIA and non-
consumer data to personalise brand                                              AIA customers).19 Utilising geo-fencing
experiences and ultimately drive sales,                                         technology and the Office of the
more brands are accepting members                                               Government Chief Information Officers’
even without purchases. This enables                                            API data and GPS, users would
brands to collect consumer data so that                                         immediately receive alerts from the app
they can immediately craft                                                      once they were within 200 meters of
communications and bespoke services to                                          buildings with probable or confirmed
achieve a great first impression.                                               cases.

   Sunkist Brings California Sunshine to the Virtual World of Animal Crossing
   Landmark mall releases live-chat concierge service through its mobile app
   AIA Website


                                                                     Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
4.Contactless and Cashless
                 End-to-End Experience

                 Businesses, even the ones with purchases
                 that are highly reliant on product trials,
                 are accelerating towards contactless
                 end-to-end digital experiences since
                 84% of people are likely to do shopping
                 online and 81% are likely to use apps to
                 do banking and manage money. While
                 many beauty brands are all busy building
                 and expanding their e-commerce
                 presence, Sephora is already providing
                 virtual try-on right on their product
                 page.20 Tesla not only was the first to
                 introduce online ordering, they also
                 introduced the Home Test Drive
                 Experience during the pandemic to
                 provide consumers with a safer test-
                 drive environment (without visiting the
                 showroom) and more convenience.21

                 Hong Kongers are agile and fast-paced.
                 There is a strong need for brands to
                 accelerate their transformation with a
                 strong consumer-centric mindset and
                 technology that taps into numerous
                 business opportunities that this
                 pandemic has created.

             Sephora Website
             Tesla Website

15.   Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive
6. The Hong Kong Consumer &
                                                  COVID-19 Study, Ipsos

                                                  7. Cigna: Hong Kongers suffering poor
                                                  health and wellbeing during COVID-19
1. The Asian Digital Transformation
Index 2018                                        8. Foodpanda launches 15-minute             grocery-delivery service
whitepaper.pdf                                    foodpanda-launches-15-minute-
2. IMD World Digital Competitiveness
Ranking                                           9. Battle mode for digital                    entertainment and education players,
competitiveness-center-rankings/world-            Technode Global May 2020
3. Google Smarter Digital City 3.0,               entertainment-and-education-
Google                                            summary/
misc/google_smarter_digital_city_3_               10. Covid-19: employer pulse survey,
whitepaper.pdf                                    Randstad Hong Kong
4. FIS 2019 Retail Global Payments                workforce-insights/workforce-
Report, FIS                                       trends/63-are-still-hiring-talent-             despite-anticipated-impact-of-
fast                                              covid-19/

5. Hong Kongers are the world’s most              11. Navigating Covid-19: A Human
reluctant online shoppers, but try                Resources Enabler, HKTDC 08 June
stopping the Chinese, SCMP                        2020    
business/article/3033093/hongkongers-             NDQ5NTQwODA5/hktdc-research/
are-worlds-most-reluctant-online-                 Navigating-Covid-19-Human-
shoppers-try                                      Resources-Enablers

                                         Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis – Hong Kong Deep Dive

12. Manulife Website

13. Bravera Website

14. J.P Morgan Website

15. Standard Chartered Bank Website

16. HSBC Website

17.Sunkist Brings California Sunshine to the
Virtual World of Animal Crossing

18. Landmark mall releases live-chat concierge
service through its mobile app

19.AIA Website

20. Sephora Website

21.Tesla Website

                                                   Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis
For more information on this
report please contact:

Joyce Zhang

Associate Director, Marketing and Communications

About Dentsu Aegis Network
Part of Dentsu Inc., Dentsu Aegis Network is made
up of ten global network brands—Carat, Dentsu,
dentsu X, iProspect, Isobar, mcgarrybowen, Merkle,
MKTG, Posterscope and Vizeum and supported by its
specialist/multimarket brands. Dentsu Aegis Network
is Innovating the Way Brands Are Built for its clients
through its best-in-class expertise and capabilities in
media, digital and creative communications services.

Offering a distinctive and innovative range of
products and services, Dentsu Aegis Network is
headquartered in London and operates in 145
countries worldwide with more than 47,000
dedicated specialists.
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