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Technological Forecasting & Social Change - WUR E-depot
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 167 (2021) 120677

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Multifaceted applicability of drones: A review
Matthew Ayamga a, *, Selorm Akaba b, Albert Apotele Nyaaba c
  Business Management and Organization Chair Group, and the Information Technology Chair Group, Wageningen University & Research, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW
Wageningen, the Netherlands
  Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, School of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana,
West Africa
  Youth Harvest Foundation, Box 656 Yikene, Bolgatanga, Ghana

A R T I C L E I N F O                                        A B S T R A C T

Keywords:                                                    Technology is playing its part in globalization and the drone technology is such a technology with a usage ever
Digital economies                                            increasing in a vast range of disciplines such as agriculture, health and military. Drones can provide real-time
Drones for agriculture                                       data on farms that enable farmers to make informed decisions regarding farm inputs usage. Also, they can be
Medical emergencies
                                                             used to aerially deliver medical supplies like blood, vaccines, drugs, and laboratory test samples during health
Security and surveillance
SWOT analysis
                                                             emergencies to remote areas in developing countries. Military drones also help in security and surveillance on the
                                                             enemies’ movements which then helps select for target killings. Though beneficial, drones can cause injuries and
                                                             damages to people and properties if the user is not trained and if there is a component failure during flight.
                                                             Drones could also be hijacked by an extremist and divert the payload for their self-interest. In this paper, the
                                                             Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis of the current developments of agricultural, medical,
                                                             and military drones are presented.

1. Introduction                                                                                     defibrillators for patients in cardiac arrest to save lives (Balasingam,
                                                                                                    2017) and during health emergencies. In the era of COVID-19 drones
    Drone technology provides enormous benefits and opportunities in a                              could deliver Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), test kits, vaccines,
vast range of disciplines. Drones support tasks such as surveying, hu­                              medication, and laboratory samples. It can help in easy social distance
manitarian work, disaster risk management, research, and trans­                                     inspection in public places in an automatic way (Ramadass et al., 2020).
portation (Ayamga et al., 2020). In agriculture, drones can provide                                 As a novel technology, drones provide tailor made solutions in a context
real-time imagery and sensor data from farm fields which cannot be                                  of extreme emergencies, undulating topography, and transportation
quickly accessed on foot or by a vehicle (Malveaux et al., 2014). Global                            infrastructure. Adoption of drones for delivering crucial and lifesaving
Positioning System (GPS) and customizable apps for smartphones and                                  medicines to all citizens in an economy could help achieve the aim of
tablets have provided improved flight durations, reliability, ease of use                           universal health coverage (McCall, 2019). A potential benefit from
and the ability to better utilize cameras and other sensors needed for                              drones in the transport sector is logistics and passenger transportation
applying drones in agriculture and natural resources (Hogan et al.,                                 (Kellermann et al., 2020).
2017). The use of drones is becoming so intimately interwoven within                                    The extension of drones from the military perspective into the
the fabrics of most sectors of developed and developing economies,                                  civilian context have also brought in regulatory hurdles that need to be
losing control of it would have potentially far-reaching if not calamitous                          overcome to utilise the full potential of the drone technology. Green­
implications.                                                                                       wood (2016) pointed out that, to realize drone’s full potential, regula­
    Common drone applications in medicine include but not limited to                                tory regimes are necessary, while keeping citizens’ safety and privacy
the provision of disaster assessments when other means of access are                                rights secure. Misuse (e.g., terrorism), privacy and military use are some
severely constrained; delivering aid packages, medicines, vaccines,                                 of the public concerns from the study of Clothier et al. (2015).
blood and other medical supplies to remote areas; providing safe                                        Notwithstanding these issues, Sylvester (2018) indicates that the
transport of disease test samples and test kits in areas with high conta­                           drone technology can give employment to the youth who could use
gion; and potential for providing rapid access to automated external                                drones to provide services to rural farmers. Against this background, this

    * Corresponding author.
      E-mail addresses: (M. Ayamga), (S. Akaba), (A.A. Nyaaba).
Received 7 February 2021; Accepted 14 February 2021
Available online 19 February 2021
0040-1625/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Technological Forecasting & Social Change - WUR E-depot
M. Ayamga et al.                                                                                              Technological Forecasting & Social Change 167 (2021) 120677

review seeks to present the current developments of using drones in                  Channel, 2020). According to Laksham (2019), the success of drones in
agriculture, medical field, and the military. To achieve this aim, we first          the fields of ecology and environment alludes the believe that they can
presented a brief theoretical background on drones and in these sectors              also be used in the field of Public Health as medical couriers. The
and then the review took a SWOT analysis approach.                                   motivation for medical drones has to do with the fact that they can
                                                                                     provide precision delivery with an efficient cost perspective than con­
2. Theoretical background                                                            ventional delivery systems (Kitonsa and Kruglikov, 2018). In emergency
                                                                                     medicine, evidence showed that the use of drones proves to be safe and
     A drone or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) according to the                    feasible for delivering an automated external defibrillator (AED) for
definition by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, 2011) is              out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) in areas identified using GIS
an aircraft operated without a human pilot on-board. Another term,                   (Geographic Information System) models (Claesson et al., 2016).
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) is defined as been made up of com­
ponents such as a drone, the controller (ground-based), and the                      2.3. Military drones
communication system between the two (the drone and the controller).
ICAO (2015) defined the terms; (i) Remotely Piloted Aircraft System                      The drone technology history is one that can be traced far back to
(RPAS) - which is a remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot           World War I and II, and the development has changed over these periods
station(s), the required command and control links, and any other                    to how modern Western War is wage (Kindervater, 2016). In the mili­
components as specified in the type design and (ii) Remotely Piloted                 tary, drones have the potential to reduce costs and risks to personnel as
Aircraft (RPA) - an unmanned aircraft piloted from a remote pilot                    they are/or can be used in lethal surveillance and targeted killings
station.                                                                             compared to using manned aircraft (Bousquet, 2018; Hunt, 2017).
     All these terms are referring to a drone which is remotely controlled           Drones used in lethal surveillance are directly linked to targeted killings
by an operator on the ground or pre-programmed to fly specific routes                with merging mechanisms for making decisions on life and death
(Nelson and Gorichanaz, 2019). Hogan et al. (2017) and Wallace et al.                (Kindervater, 2016).
(2018) define two types of drones: (i) a fixed-wing – which generates                    Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in military drones which
lifts as it moves enabling it to sustain velocity through the air and (ii) the       has made such drones able to differentiate between civilians and the
rotor which is highly manoeuvrable and can hover and rotate with a                   targets (De Swarte et al., 2019). The discourse is on the ability of the AI
flight controller. These two types of drones have their advantages and               machines to be able to execute tasks with ethical considerations. Cum­
disadvantages when it comes to flight range (endurance), battery ca­                 mings (2017) states that “The debate, which has many dimensions and
pacity and payload (Ayamga et al., 2021).                                            stakeholders, concerns whether artificially intelligent machines should be
                                                                                     allowed to execute such military missions, especially if there is a possibility
2.1. Agricultural drones                                                             that any human life could be at stake” (p. 2). There is a growing interest in
                                                                                     drone technology across critical scholarships and security studies that
    In recent years, the agricultural sector has seen some innovative                seeks to place the drone within a wider set of practices (Kindervater,
technologies that support farm management strategies in enhancing                    2016).
efficiency through the precision application of farm inputs. One of such
innovations is the drone technology which has gained popularity (Kim                 3. Methodology
et al., 2018) and has been widely used in precision agriculture (Zhang
and Kovacs, 2012).                                                                       Articles and related literature were searched through Scopus,
    According to Hedley (2015), several optical sensors are linked to a              PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Google to carry out the
GPS so that the position of the readings is recorded and can be accurately           SWOT analysis of drones in the specified domains. Also, we adopted the
mapped to inform variable rate fertiliser or growth regulation applica­              snowball technique (Jalali and Wohlin, 2012) in identifying other
tion; and are available to farmers to actively monitor the development of            relevant literature, and cross references were done. For each aspect of
growing crops such as cereals, brassica, maize and ryegrass. Depending               the analysis (the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), we
on the crop analysis to be made on a farm, cameras such as red, green,               defined appropriate keywords in our search and optimized the keywords
and blue (RGB), multispectral, hyperspectral, thermal cameras, and                   iteratively depending on the database.
low-cost consumer-grade cameras are fitted on a drone to capture
near-infrared (NIR) pictures (Haghighattalab et al., 2016). Drones use               4. SWOT analysis
together with other Information Communication Technologies (ICTs)
are opening a new phase in the agriculture domain where we have                          SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
digital agriculture, smart agriculture, e-agriculture, and precision agri­           Threats. This review from this section would analyse drones according
culture (El Bilali et al., 2019). From the Internet of Things (IoT) we now           to their SWOT in the agriculture, medical and military domains.
have Internet of Drones (IoD) which provides generic services for
various drone applications, such as package delivery, traffic surveil­               4.1. Strengths
lance, search, and rescue, and more (Gharibi et al., 2016).
                                                                                     4.1.1. Agricultural drones
2.2. Medical drones                                                                      Agricultural drones are providing real-time data that enables farmers
                                                                                     to make informed decisions regarding the use of farm inputs. Micro-
    Aerial delivery of medical supplies by drones to health facilities in            drones have the potential to further improve and enrich the data
remote communities with bad road infrastructure and undulating                       collected by operating close to the crops, enabling the collection of
topography has been successfully carried out in some African countries               higher Spatio-temporal resolution data (Anthony et al., 2014). Drone
like Rwanda and Ghana. Ling and Draghic (2019) point out that, drones                imagery can be used to give an accurate estimate of loss. The study of
are providing faster response times, reduced transportation costs, and               Michez et al. (2016) describes a drone as a potential tool for estimating
improved medical services to remote and or underserved environments.                 more accurately the wildlife damage to crops and subsequently, the
In the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, the United States (US) has approved                compensation costs for that.
Zipline and other companies to deliver medical and food suppliers in                     According to Stehr (2015), drones have better image resolution than
some states, through which the drone delivery market is expected to                  aerial images of a field from satellite or manned aircraft, and they have
make substantial gains (NASDAQ OMX’s News Release Distribution                       the advantage of being able to monitor a field every week throughout

M. Ayamga et al.                                                                                           Technological Forecasting & Social Change 167 (2021) 120677

the growing season than satellite which has a week or two delays before             4.2.2. Medical drones
the images are available. The use of drone technology in agriculture is                 Akin agricultural drones, medical drones are subject to loss of jobs
currently helping agricultural businesses meet the changing and                     for delivery personnel of medical supplies to health facilities and during
growing demands of the future, whereby drones helps to increase effi­               health emergencies by road. However, this could also mean employing
ciency in certain aspects of the farming process, from crop monitoring to           new workers and training them to operate the drones to handle the
planting, livestock management, crop spraying, irrigation mapping, and              deliveries (Laksham, 2019).
more (Africa Surveyors News, 2020). Drones have different features that                 In developing countries especially in Africa, medical drones have
make them unique to be applied in agriculture, specifically how they                been successfully implemented and integrated into the medical delivery
assist farmers in maximizing their harvest by detecting problems early              systems, but there are contentions about the initial cost involved in
and managing the crops by using specific cameras to detect pests and                rolling out drones for delivery in the medical domain (Haidari et al.,
water shortages (Reinecke and Prinsloo, 2017).                                      2016; Pulver et al., 2016; Robakowska et al., 2019). The evolution of
                                                                                    drones in recent years has become increasingly efficient for many fields
4.1.2. Medical drones                                                               especially in the medical field, yet drones are constraint by some tech­
    The use of drones during Covid-19 pandemic helped to reduce the                 nical characteristics. In terms of payload, current drones can carry
virus infections spread as they are used to deliver automated external              packages of reduced weights and size (Euchi, 2020). There is a school of
defibrillators (AEDs) and personal protective equipment (gloves, face­              thought that though drones demonstrate effectiveness and reliability, it
masks, etc.) to emergency scenes and health facilities in some countries            does not account for patient psychology. Hence exposing patients to an
(van Veelen et al., 2020). At times, doctors require blood samples to               environment where drones are flying about can compromise their safety
complete medical diagnosis. Under such circumstances, the drone is the              and security (Balasingam, 2017).
option as it can deliver faster than the usual transportation by road                   Again, regulation is a hurdle in acquiring legal permission to fly a
which could take longer time (Sachan, 2016). In Africa, drones have                 medical or agricultural drone with the aviation authorities (Laksham,
come to bridge the transportation gap during health in emergencies such             2019; Sachan, 2016). Solving the regulatory challenge could be by
as anaemia caused by malaria or pregnancy-related complications (Ling               developing enabling drone policy frameworks that can be adopted to
and Draghic, 2019). Example of drones helping saving lives in Africa is             expedite individual countries’ developing drone regulations (Ayamga
the used of Zipline’s drone to deliver blood to health facilities in Rwanda         et al., 2020).
(Ackerman and Strickland, 2018). In developing countries, drones along
with mobile technology, are enabling these countries to leapfrog ahead              4.2.3. Military drones
with healthcare delivery to remote locations even with an unreliable                    In like manner, the military concept of weaponizing drones for lethal
road infrastructure (Scott and Scott, 2017).                                        operations has been extended to civilian use by individuals with bad
                                                                                    intentions to achieve their malicious objectives (Yaacoub and Salman,
4.1.3. Military drones                                                              2020). It has been reported that, some of the unacceptable uses of drones
    The move towards drones in the military is driven by cost, less risk of         in flying drugs, mobile phones, blades, knives etc. into prisons has in­
losing personnel and reduction of military budget (McLean, 2014). This              crease investments by the UK police and prison service (Johnson et al.,
makes sense in that, drone pilots cannot be shot down, captured, or                 2017). Though drones have their technical shortcomings, the consider­
tortured (Warrior, 2015). Security of every nation is at the heart of               able use of drones in both civilian and military is mimicked and reversed
governments and could mean, spending millions of US dollars in                      for malicious use (terrorist and criminal) (Yaacoub and Salman, 2020).
securing a nation’s security is paramount. Land-border security is
currently an important aspect where drones are used to help check                   4.3. Opportunities
illegal activities and more (Shishkov et al., 2017; Yaacoub and Salman,
2020).                                                                              4.3.1. Agricultural drones
    It is the military demand for drone use that has led to the spread of              Agriculture is the fastest-growing field where drones are employed
the drone technology into civilian context specially in the sectors of              (Watkins et al., 2020). By providing products and services (Beninger and
agriculture, medical, and transportation (Vacca and Onishi, 2017). The              Robson, 2020), drone technology promises to foster innovations that
concept of delivering precision-guided weapons with drones in the                   will disrupt existing industries (Giones and Brem, 2017). Engaging the
military has also been adopted or extended to support humanitarian                  youth in agriculture is one of the promising opportunities that drone
missions such as earthquakes and other natural disasters like flood                 technology has provided, where youth could engage in drone service
(Mendoza et al., 2021; Yaacoub and Salman, 2020).                                   provisions to farmers in rural areas (Sylvester, 2018). The adoption of
                                                                                    drones (smart technologies) by farmers promises to bring about preci­
4.2. Weaknesses                                                                     sion agriculture (PA) where resources are used efficiently to help
                                                                                    improve productivity. This PA is a modern approach for agricultural
4.2.1. Agricultural drones                                                          management that exploits cutting-edge technologies to monitor and
   Flying a drone is a skill and regulators requires trained and certified          optimize agricultural production processes (Trivelli et al., 2019).
individuals to operate a drone. Using agricultural drones is not an
exemption and would therefore mean loss of jobs for manual labourers                4.3.2. Medical drones
for some farmers. However, this could also mean, employing new                          The healthcare sector is another promising opportunity for aerial
workers and training them to operate the drones (Laksham, 2019).                    delivery of medical supplies by drones during health emergencies by
   Another weakness of a drone is the payload and the range of flights.             reducing response time and are cost-effective compared to conventional
The payload of a drone varies between 2 and 4 kg, and a drone’s com­                transport systems (Fakhrulddin et al., 2019; Ling and Draghic, 2019;
ponents during flights can fail to result in a crash that may harm people           Laksham, 2019; Scott and Scott, 2017). Recent studies (Boutilier et al.,
or damage property (Clarke and Moses, 2014; Scott and Scott, 2017).                 2017; Poljak and Šterbenc, 2020; Sanfridsson et al., 2019) have shown
Mitigating this weakness requires many improvements are made on                     how drones are used to deliver medical supplies like blood, vaccines,
drones to integrate improved battery technology, GPS and customizable               laboratory test samples, human kidney, AEDs, anti-venom against snake
apps for smartphones and tablets which in turns would improve flight                bites, etc., and food to medical facilities. Drones can offer many op­
durations, reliability, ease of use and the ability to better utilize cameras       portunities. Not only can they ensure minimized human interaction to
and other sensors needed for applications in agriculture and natural                reduce the spread of the virus, but they can also be used to reach
resources (Hogan et al., 2017).                                                     otherwise inaccessible areas. China, been the first country to face the

M. Ayamga et al.                                                                                               Technological Forecasting & Social Change 167 (2021) 120677

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    Conception and design of study: MA; literature review: MA, SA and                 Drones–An Analysis of the Applicability of International Humanitarian Law
AAN; Drafting the manuscript: MA, SA and AAN; revising the manu­                      (Master’s Thesis).
                                                                                 ICAO, Doc. 2015. 10019, “Manual on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)” 2015.
script critically for important intellectual content; MA, SA and AAN. All   
authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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Michez, A., Morelle, K., Lehaire, F., Widar, J., Authelet, M., Vermeulen, C., Lejeune, P.,
                                                                                                   Matthew Ayamga (MSc) is a PhD candidate at the Business Management and Organiza­
     2016. Use of unmanned aerial system to assess wildlife (Sus scrofa) damage to crops
                                                                                                   tion (BMO) Chair Group and the Information Technology Chair Group of Wageningen
     (Zea mays). J. Unmann. Veh. Syst. 4 (4), 266–275.
                                                                                                   University and Research in the Netherlands. He holds MSc degree in Management, Eco­
NASDAQ OMX’s News Release Distribution Channel (2020). ‘Drone package delivery
                                                                                                   nomics and Consumer studies from the Information Technology Group at Wageningen
     market to hit USD 7,388.2 million by 2027; diverse entities such as amazon and
                                                                                                   University and Research, The Netherlands. Matthew received his BSc degree in Actuarial
     FedEx to explore wider delivery applications of drones, states fortune business
                                                                                                   Science from the University for Development Students in Ghana. From 2015 to 2017, he
     insights™: top companies covered in the drone package delivery market are
                                                                                                   worked as a market and research officer for Dumong’s System; a software development
     DroneScan (south africa), cheetah logistics technology (US), flytrex (israel), flirtey
                                                                                                   company in Ghana. He can be reached through E-mail: or
     (US), matternet, inc. (US), boeing (US), amazon inc. (US), wing aviation LLC (US),
                                                                                         , Phone: +31 622724914
     workhorse group inc. (US), drone delivery canada corp. (canada), zipline (US), DHL
     international GmbH (germany), united parcel service of america, inc. (US), FedEx
     (US), and more players profiled’. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezpro            Selorm Akaba (PhD) is a lecturer in Digital Agri-food Systems and Agricultural Economics                at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. He has his PhD and MPhil in Agricultural Eco­
     view/2465400967/se-2?accountid=27871.                                                         nomics, and BSc in Agriculture, all from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. He holds an
Nelson, J., Gorichanaz, T., 2019. Trust as an ethical value in emerging technology                 Advanced Certificate in Peace and Development Studies from Cuttington University,
     governance: the case of drone regulation. Technol. Soc. 59, 101131           Liberia, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management from Maastricht School of
     10.1016/j.techsoc.2019.04.007.                                                                Management in The Netherlands. He is a trained drone pilot and coordinates Unmanned
Poljak, M., Šterbenc, A., 2020. Use of drones in clinical microbiology and infectious             Aerial Systems for Sustainable Agriculture Projects. He was co-principal investigator for
     diseases: current status, challenges and barriers. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 26 (4),           socio-economic and efficacy study on using drones for controlling fall armyworm. He is
     425–430.                                                                                      currently the lead consultant for capacity building project on Improving Productivity and
Pulver, A., Wei, R., Mann, C., 2016. Locating AED enabled medical drones to enhance                Biosafety of Vegetable Farmer Associations at Baifikrom-Mankesim Irrigation Scheme,
     cardiac arrest response times. Prehosp. Emerg. Care 20 (3), 378–389.                          Central Region, Ghana. His current research focuses on Food and Nutrition Security, UAS
Ramadass, L., Arunachalam, S., Sagayasree, Z., 2020. Applying deep learning algorithm              and Digital Sensors for transforming Agri-Food Systems, Agriculture and Food Systems
     to maintain social distance in public place through drone technology. Int. J. Perv.           Sustainability, Adaptive Capacity and Climate Change, and Rural and Agricultural
     Comput. Commun.                                                                               Development. He can be reached on Phone: +233 505 401 918 or +233 54 993 4948;
Reinecke, M., Prinsloo, T., 2017. The influence of drone monitoring on crop health and             Email:
     harvest size. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation
     Computing Applications (NextComp). IEEE, pp. 5–10.
                                                                                                   Albert Apotele Nyaaba (M. Phil) is a public health and development practitioner. He is
... Robakowska, M., Ślęzak, D., Tyrańska-Fobke, A., Nowak, J., Robakowski, P.,
                                                                                                   currently implementing child protection project funded by Global Affairs Canada through
     Żuratyński, P., Nadolny, K., 2019. Operational and financial considerations of using
                                                                                                   UNICEF with Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana, a Non-Governmental Organization, NGO
     drones for medical support of mass events in Poland Disaster Med. Public Health
                                                                                                   as the project officer. He is largely engaged in intervention design, project implementation,
     Prep. 13 (3), 527–532.
                                                                                                   proposal writing and research work. He holds M.Phil. in Population and Health from
Sachan, D., 2016. The age of drones: what might it mean for health? Lancet 387 (10030),
                                                                                                   University of Cape Coast in Ghana, Dip in Education from University of Education Win­
                                                                                                   neba and, Bsc. Community Nutrition from University for Development Studies in Ghana.
... Sanfridsson, J., Sparrevik, J., Hollenberg, J., Nordberg, P., Djärv, T., Ringh, M.,
                                                                                                   He is also a certified Project management professional. He can be reached through
     Claesson, A., 2019. Drone delivery of an automated external defibrillator–a mixed
                                                                                          and +233245992602.
     method simulation study of bystander experience Scand. J. Trauma Resusc. Emerg.
     Med. 27 (1), 1–9.

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