TELPAS Parent Resource: Designated Supports Available for STAAR, STAAR Spanish, and - TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY STUDENT ASSESSMENT DIVISION 2021 2022

Page created by Gloria Lawson
Parent Resource:

Designated Supports Available for STAAR, STAAR Spanish, and

                     TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY
                           2021 - 2022
This guide provides parents with a general overview of the designated supports that are available for use on the State of Texas Assessments of
Academic Readiness (STAAR), STAAR Spanish, and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Designated supports are
accommodations that change the way a student accesses an assessment without changing the content being assessed.

*To effectively use this guide, it is important that you know which academic committee currently serves the student.

RTI, Student Assistance Team, or other related                                                        Section 504 Committee (students with other
support (struggling learners)                                                                         health impairments, dyslexia)
    • Basic Transcribing                                                                                 • Basic Transcribing
    • Braille                                                                                            • Braille
    • Extra Time                                                                                         • Calculation Aids
    • Individualized Structured Reminders                                                                • Content and Language Supports
                                                                                                         • Extra Time
    • Large Print
                                                                                                         • Individualized Structured Reminders
    • Manipulating Test Materials
                                                                                                         • Large Print
    • Mathematics Manipulatives
                                                                                                         • Manipulating Test Materials
    • Oral/Signed Administration                                                                         • Mathematics Manipulatives
    • Supplemental Aids                                           Available                              • Oral/Signed Administration
                                                              Accommodations                             • Spelling Assistance
 Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD)                                                                  • Supplemental Aids
 Committee (special education students)
                                                                by Academic
    • Basic Transcribing                                         Committee
    • Braille                                                                                         Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
    • Calculation Aids                                                                                (LPAC) (English learners)
    • Content and Language Supports                                                                      • Content and Language Supports
    • Extra Time                                                                                         • Extra Time
    • Individualized Structured Reminders                                                                • Oral/Signed Administration
    • Large Print
    • Manipulating Test Materials
    • Mathematics Manipulatives
    • Oral/Signed Administration
    • Spelling Assistance                                                 *This guide should not be independently used to make assessment decisions for
    • Supplemental Aids                                                   students. For more information on other supports, or for a more detailed explanation
                                                                          of the designated supports listed below, please refer to the Accommodations
                                                                          Resources page located in the Assessment Section of the Texas Education Agency's
This guide contains columns with information for each designated support available to students. Below are descriptions of what each column includes.

  Support                    Description              Eligibility                                      Examples
  This column includes the   This column provides a This column provides the eligibility criteria that  This column includes specific examples of how the
  name of the designated                             the student must meet in order to be able to use
                             description of what a                                                      designated support should be used during testing.
  support and lists the                              the designated support.
                             test administrator is
  assessments it can be
                             allowed to do, or the                                                      For some designated supports, only the specific
  used on. Clicking on the                           Eligibility will be determined and documented by
                             process/materials                                                          given examples may be provided to the student. For
  link will open the                                 the appropriate committee.
  applicable policy          allowed during testing.                                                    the remaining designated supports, the examples
  document.                                                                                             are suggestions of what could be provided to
                                                     When determining eligibility, it is important to
                                                     know if the student has routinely and effectively
                                                     used the support in class. Routinely does not
                                                     mean the student uses the support every day, it
                                                     means the student has used the support often
                                                     enough during class and testing that he or she is
                                                     able to use it independently. In addition, the
                                                     support has been proven to be effective in
                                                     meeting the student’s needs.
Support               Description                          Eligibility                                   Examples
Basic Transcribing    Allows a test administrator to       Available for students who already            The test administrator may carry out Basic
                      transfer student answers onto an     routinely and effectively use Basic           Transcribing to transfer student responses onto
Available for:        answer document or into the          Transcribing in class*                        the test booklet, answer document, or into the
   • STAAR            online system for a student who                                                    online testing platform only when the student:
    • STAAR Spanish   is not able to do so on their own                                                  1. Writes or circles responses in the test booklet
    •     TELPAS                                                                                         2. Points to responses in the test booklet of on
                                                                                                             the computer screen
                                                                                                         3. Dictates or signs responses for multiple-choice
                                                                                                             and griddable questions
                                                                                                         4. Writes responses on another workspace (e.g.,
                                                                                                             scratch paper, dry erase board) or types
                                                                                                             responses on a word processor
                                                                                                         5. Uses speech-to-text available as an online
                                                                                                             embedded support on STAAR or STAAR
                                                                                                             Spanish with a writing component
                                                                                                         6. Uses speech-to-text software, applications, or
                                                                                                         7. Dictates or signs information to be written in
                                                                                                             the margins of the test booklet or in the notes
                                                                                                             tool for online tests (does NOT apply to math
                                                                                                             calculation or responses to the written
Braille               Provides braille test materials to   Available for students who routinely and      The student may ONLY use:
                      a student with a Visual              effectively use braille materials in class*   1. Contracted and uncontracted braille test
Available for:        Impairment                                                                             materials in Unified English Braille (UEB) in all
    • STAAR           (VI) who is unable to access                                                           grades and subjects
                      printed test materials                                                             2. Online screen reader support for refreshable
                                                                                                             braille displays in reading, writing, and social
                                                                                                             studies assessments
Support                     Description                         Eligibility                                   Examples
Mathematics                 Allows for the use of objects or    Available for students who routinely and      The student may ONLY use:
Manipulatives               pictures of objects for a student   effectively use math manipulatives in         1. Real or play money
                            to move and touch in order to       class*                                        2. Clocks with or without numbers shown on
Available for:              visualize abstract concepts                                                           clock face; the clocks should NOT have gears
   • STAAR                                                                                                    3. Base-ten blocks
    • STAAR                                                                                                   4. Different types of counters
        Spanish                                                                                               5. Algebra tiles without words, labels, pictures,
                                                                                                                  acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or
                                                                                                              6. Fraction pieces without labels
                                                                                                              7. Geometric figures that are grade – or course-
                                                                                                                  appropriate; either three-dimensional form or
                                                                                                                  two dimensional form (but not in both forms),
                                                                                                                  without words, labels, colors used as labels,
                                                                                                                  pictures, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers,
                                                                                                                  symbols, or variables
Individualized Structured   Allows a test administrator to      Available for students who routinely and      The student MAY use but is not limited to:
Reminders                   provide (beyond what is required    effectively rely on structured reminders in   1. Paperclips or sticky notes to divide the test
                            or allowed for other students) a    class*                                            into sections
Available for:              student with reminders to stay                                                    2. More-frequent or less-frequent reminders of
   • STAAR                  on task during testing                                                                time left to test
    • STAAR                                                                                                   3. Structured reminders that are part of a
        Spanish                                                                                                   behavior plan
    • TELPAS                                                                                                  4. Personal time or clock
                                                                                                              5. Index cards that have reminders to continue
Manipulating Test           Allows the test administrator to    Available for students who routinely and      The test administrator MAY follow student
Materials                   physically manipulate test          effectively use this accommodation during     directions to:
                            materials, online tools, and        class*                                        1. Turn test booklet pages
Available for:              equipment for a student who is                                                    2. Position the ruler
   • STAAR                  unable to do so on their own                                                      3. Use technology (e.g., using the mouse to
    • STAAR                                                                                                       navigate the pages and use the tools in an
        Spanish                                                                                                   online administration)
    • TELPAS                                                                                                  4. Highlight
                                                                                                              5. Position mathematics manipulatives
Support                Description                          Eligibility                                   Examples
Supplemental Aids      Allows a student to use certain      Available for students who routinely and      ONLY paper-based supplemental aids that follow
                       allowable paper-based resources      effectively use supplemental aids in class*   the guidelines described in the Supplemental Aids
Available for:         that help in recalling information                                                 policy document are allowed on the state
   • STAAR                                                                                                assessment. Examples of allowable and non-
    • STAAR Spanish                                                                                       allowable supplemental aids are available in the
                                                                                                          2019-2020 Accommodations Allowable
                                                                                                          Supplemental Aids training PowerPoint® on TEA’s
                                                                                                          Accommodation Resources webpage.
Large Print            Provides a student with enlarged     Available for students who routinely and      The state provides large-print test materials.
                       test materials when he or she is     effectively use supplemental aids in class*   Available font sizes can be found in the TEA
Available for:         unable to effectively access test                                                  Accommodation Resources webpage.
   • STAAR             materials in standard print size
    • STAAR Spanish
    • TELPAS Reading
Support               Description                         Eligibility                                    Examples
Extra Time            Allows a student to have extra      Available for students who routinely and       NA
                      time (until the end of the school   effectively use extra time in class* and are
Available for:        day) to complete a state            unable to use any accessibility features or
   • STAAR            assessment                          other accommodations to address this
    • STAAR Spanish                                       need, and meets one of the following
                                                          • The student is a current English learner

                                                          •   The student has an impairment in

                                                          •   The student is identified with dyslexia
                                                              or a related disorder

                                                          •   The student has documented evidence
                                                              of reading difficulties

                                                          •   The student needs long breaks because
                                                              he or she has a behavioral or emotional
                                                              condition that affects attention or

                                                          •   The student needs frequent or long
                                                              breaks because he or she has a physical
                                                              disability or medical condition that
                                                              requires a significant amount of time
                                                              for treatment or recovery

                                                          •   The student is identified with an autism
                                                              spectrum disorder and needs the
                                                              entire school day to complete testing
                                                              in order to maintain as much daily
                                                              structure and routine as possible
Support               Description                      Eligibility                                      Examples
Oral/Signed           Allows test material and         Available to students who routinely and          Several types of oral administration are available.
Administration        reference materials to be read   effectively use oral/signed support in           During an online administration, oral/signed
                      aloud or signed to a student     class*, and who also meet at least one of        administration can only be provided by using text-
Available for:                                         the following criteria:                          to-speech (TTS) or American Sign Language (ASL)
   • STAAR                                                                                              videos only.
    • STAAR Spanish                                    •   The student is a current English learner
                                                           and takes a STAAR test in English            Guidelines on how to provide an oral
                                                                                                        administration can be found in the
                                                       •   The student is identified with dyslexia      Accommodation Resources webpage.
                                                           or a related disorder

                                                       •    The student has documented evidence
                                                            of reading difficulties
Calculation Aids      Allows a student to use an       Available to students who routinely and          The student may ONLY use a/an:
                      alternative way to complete      effectively use calculation aids in class* and   1. Basic (i.e., four-function) handheld calculator
Available for:        computations                     meet one of the grade specific eligibility           or calculator application
   • STAAR                                             criteria.                                        2. Basic calculator available as an online
    • STAAR                                                                                                 embedded support on STAAR
        Spanish                                        Please visit the Calculation Aids policy         3. Abacus or Cranmer modified abacus
                                                       document to determine if student meets           4. 0-9 addition grid without special numbers
                                                       the grade specific eligibility criteria.             (e.g., even numbers) indicated
                                                                                                        5. Grade-appropriate multiplication grid without
                                                                                                            special numbers (e.g., perfect squares)
Support                     Description                         Eligibility                                     Examples
Spelling Assistance         Allows a student to use different   Available to students who routinely and         The student may ONLY use:
                            types of spelling assistance        effectively use spelling assistance in class*   1. Visual sound cards
Available for the written                                       and have a disability that prevents them        2. Frequently misspelled word list
composition on STAAR                                            from applying basic spelling rules or word      3. Spell-check function on a word processor or as
and STAAR Spanish                                               patterns to written responses.                      an online embedded support on STAAR
                                                                                                                4. Pocket spell-checker
                                                                                                                5. Word-prediction software
                                                                                                                6. Text-to-speech software or devices
                                                                                                                7. Speech-to-text software, applications, or
                                                                                                                8. Speech-to-text available as an online
                                                                                                                    embedded support on STAAR and STAAR
Content and Language        Allows for various types of         Available to students who routinely and         Content and Language supports are available only
Supports                    assistance (e.g., scaffolded        effectively use content and language            in an online administration as pop-ups, rollovers,
                            directions, assistance with         supports in class* and have a Section 504       prereading text, and supplementary materials.
Available for:              tracking, graphic organizers,       committee, ARD committee, or an LPAC for
    • STAAR                 simplified language, graphic        an English learner taking STAAR in English.     Please visit the Accommodations Resources page
    • STAAR Spanish         representations of vocabulary                                                       for more information on how to provide Content
                            and concepts) to support a                                                          and Language Supports during a paper
                            student’s understanding of                                                          administration.
                            selections, test questions, and
                            answer choices.
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