Tennent's Premiership Minimum Operating Standards June 2018

Page created by Luis Parks
Tennent's Premiership Minimum Operating Standards June 2018
Tennent’s Premiership
Minimum Operating Standards
June 2018

Foreword					3

Part 1.   Club Minimum Operating Standards		                                       5

Part 2.   Associated Funding:			                                                   8

          2.1.    Tennent’s Premiership Player Improvement & Medical Investment

          2.2.    Travel Support

          2.3.    Club Sustainability Fund

          2.4.    Rugby Development Officer Funding

          2.5.    Mitsubishi Motors Conference Participation Funding

          2.6.    Professional Player Reward Scheme

          2.7.    Club Accident Insurance Scheme

          2.8.    Club Ticket Commission

          2.9.    Group Offer

          2.10.   Referee Expenses

Part 3.   Club Minimum Operating Standards Terms and Conditions 2018/19		          16

Part 4.   Appendices (including Acceptance form)		                                 22

2   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Dear Club Secretary,

Tennent’s Premiership Minimum Operating Standards 2018/19

To support the delivery of Agenda 3 – Scottish Rugby’s plan to work together with clubs, schools and the wider
community to create a bright future for club rugby at all levels in Scotland – Scottish Rugby is introducing
Minimum Operating Standards and the Club Sustainability Award from September 2018.

The new arrangement replaces funding previously provided via the Club Participation Agreement.

To be able to participate in rugby in Scotland and to be eligible for funding, your Club must meet the Minimum
Operating Standards and accept and comply with the terms and conditions attached to those standards.

The purpose of this document is to set out the Scottish Rugby funding available to your Club on the basis you
meet the Minimum Operating Standards and accept and comply with the terms and conditions.

This also encompasses funding around travel, player insurance, pro-player rewards, referee expenses and club
ticket commission.

We are doing this to help clubs develop in a more sustainable way, by;

         •   Separating the core elements of your activities (which are the minimum standards) from the
             additional elements (the Club Sustainability Award);

         •   Introducing funding that reflects what you’re doing (so if your Club is doing more to develop
             rugby opportunities in your local community there is more support available); and

         •   Setting defined levels through bronze, silver and gold criteria, for clubs to achieve and provide
             incentives for clubs to reach those levels.

At the end of 2017, we circulated guidance on how to apply for the Club Sustainability Award and those clubs
who wished to apply for the award have submitted the relevant paperwork for the forthcoming season.

The application process for both Minimum Operating Standards and the Club Sustainability Award is designed
to be straightforward as we appreciate your time as volunteers is limited.

If your Club meets the Minimum Operating Standards and wishes to accept the relevant terms and conditions,
please have the Acceptance Form set out in the appendices to this document signed by your Club’s president
and secretary.

Then return it to Rebecca Finnie by email: clubadmin@sru.org.uk or by post at Rugby Development, Scottish
Rugby, BT Murrayfield, Edinburgh, EH12 5PJ, no later than 10 August 2018.

3   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
By signing and returning the Acceptance Form, your Club will be making a declaration that you meet the
Minimum Operating Standards and will enter into a legally binding contract with Scottish Rugby, based on the
relevant terms and conditions.

If your Club is unsure of the meaning or effect of any of the terms included in this document, it should seek
independent advice.

Good luck for the season ahead. We look forward to working with you.

Should you have any queries regarding the attached information, please contact me or Rebecca Finnie.

Best Regards,

Director of Rugby Development

4   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Part 1: Club Minimum Operating Standards & Funding

The Minimum Operating Standards represent essential compliance and operational standards that your Club
should already be meeting (or have established) to operate in a safe and responsible way in accordance
with good governance principles. These should already be familiar to you.

If your Club meets the Minimum Operating Standards set out below and accepts and complies with the
Minimum Operating Standards Terms and Conditions (set out in Part 3 of this document), it will be eligible to:

       •    participate in Scottish Rugby’s league and cup competitions;

       •    receive £1,500 from Scottish Rugby in Season 2018/19 (payable in May 2019)*; and

       •    receive other Scottish Rugby funding as set out in Part 2 of this document below.

*If your Club has not applied for (or has not been successful in its application for) a Club Sustainability Award.

The Minimum Operating Standards are as follows (where a defined term is used below then the relevant
definition in the Minimum Operating Standards Terms and Conditions shall apply):

 Category                           Criteria
 Player Welfare                     RugbyRight: All active club coaches and match officials must be qualified as
                                    RugbyRight by 31 October 2018. Any person who wishes to start coaching
                                    or refereeing after 31 October 2018 must be qualified as RugbyRight before
                                    undertaking any coaching or refereeing activity.
                                    Medical/First Aid: Wherever rugby matches are played or training is conducted
                                    there must be:
                                       •    appropriate first aid cover and equipment provided (determined by an
                                            appropriate risk assessment);
                                       •    access to a telephone to ensure emergency services can be called
                                            immediately and;
                                       •    clear vehicular access for an ambulance or other emergency vehicle.
                                    Please note that it is Scottish Rugby’s intention to introduce the minimum standard
                                    that a qualified first aider must be present at all rugby matches from Season 2020/21.
                                    Are You Ready to Play Rugby? policies: Comply with Scottish Rugby’s Are You
                                    Ready to Play Rugby? policies.
                                    Serious Injury Reporting: Promptly complete and submit a Serious Injury Report to
                                    Scottish Rugby if any player has a rugby injury or related illness and as a result:
                                           1.   Attends hospital or is seen by a medical practitioner
                                           2.   Has a suspected or confirmed concussion
                                           3.   Requires time away from the game*
                                    *According to World Rugby ‘Time loss injury was defined as the inability to participate fully in training or
                                    match play after an injury that occurred during either rugby training or game according to a recent IRB
                                    injury definition consensus statement’

                                    Concussion: Comply with Scottish Rugby’s Concussion policy.
 Child Protection                   Child Protection Policy: All clubs with youth players or participants, or who
                                    undertake youth activity, or who maintain a youth section must:
 (for the purposes of this
                                       •    sign up to and apply the Scottish Rugby Policy on Child Protection and
 section, “youth” means
                                            Welfare; and
 a person aged 18 or
 under)                                •    operate and maintain a Child Protection and Welfare Policy in respect of the
                                            Club that is easily accessible to all Club members.

5    Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Child Protection Officer: All clubs with youth players or participants, or who
                         undertake youth activity, or who maintain a youth section must:
                           •   appoint a Child Protection Officer in respect of the Club to be responsible for
                               all aspects of child protection and safeguarding within the Club (and must
                               ensure that such person’s contact details are clearly visible on the Club’s
                               website/social media pages); and
                           •   ensure that the Club’s Child Protection Officer: i) has completed intermediate
                               level child protection training every Season; ii) maintains complete and
                               accurate PVG Records in respect of the Club and its activities; and iii)
                               accurately completes and signs the Secondary Organisation Form for
                               Disclosure Scotland.
                         PVG Membership: All clubs with youth players or participants, or who undertake
                         youth activity, or who maintain a youth section must:
                           •   ensure that all persons undertaking or participating in any coaching of
                               rugby at youth level have satisfactorily completed the Protecting Vulnerable
                               Groups (PVG) application process, become a PVG scheme member and
                               provided an up to date PVG number to Scottish Rugby; and
                           •   ensure all persons undertaking or participating in any coaching of rugby at
                               Under-18 level and below have completed RugbyRight (the course includes
                               a Child Protection element accredited by NSPCC).
Sustainability &         Sustainability: Operate on a sustainable basis within its current means, both on and
Governance               off the field, with a strong infrastructure to enable the Club to develop and succeed.
                         Governance: Maintain good standards of governance, including maintaining an
                         open constitution, maintaining key office bearers, submitting annual accounts,
                         maintaining and operating in accordance with a defined code of conduct and
                         holding an Annual General Meeting.
Insurance,               Club Insurance: Maintain sufficient and appropriate insurance cover in respect of
Regulatory & Legal       the Club’s activities, including where applicable public liability and employer’s
                         liability insurance.
                         Scottish Rugby Club Accident Insurance: Comply with the insurer’s terms and
                         conditions and any relevant requirements of Scottish Rugby in respect of the
                         Scottish Rugby Club Accident Insurance Scheme (including returning a completed
                         proposal form in the format provided by Scottish Rugby by no later than the date
                         specified by Scottish Rugby).
                         Registration Requirements: Comply with any and all of Scottish Rugby’s
                         requirements in respect of SCRUMS or any other relevant Scottish Rugby registration
                         system and provide accurate and up-to-date information in respect of the same.
                         This must include registering (or procuring the registration) of all the Club’s players
                         at all levels of rugby (mini to adult, male and female), together with all the Club’s
                         coaches and other requested individuals, key contacts or office bearers.
                         Player Clearance: Ensure that all players who have been playing outside Scotland
                         (including in England, Wales or Ireland) are cleared by Scottish Rugby to play in
                         Scotland before they do so.
                         Material Benefits: Comply with HMRC rules and regulations regarding Player
                         Material Benefits and provide Scottish Rugby with details of any such payments.

6   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Laws & Regulations: Be and remain a member of the Union during the Season and
                         comply with and operate in accordance with:
                           •   the Bye-Laws;
                           •   Scottish Rugby Regulations;
                           •   World Rugby Regulations;
                           •   UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD) rules, policies, guidelines and procedures;
                           •   the Code of Conduct; and
                           •   any and all Applicable Laws.
                         Discipline Record: Maintain a disciplinary record to Scottish Rugby’s satisfaction.
Competition              In respect of League and Cup Competitions:
                           •   complete all fixtures to the reasonable satisfaction of Scottish Rugby;
                           •   participate in the relevant competitions in accordance with Scottish Rugby
                           •   be responsible for player transfers between clubs and dual registration
                               in accordance with relevant Scottish Rugby Regulations and the transfer
                               deadline for the Season;
                           •   ensure a copy of their teamsheet is submitted via SCRUMS no later than 48
                               hours after the relevant match kick-off time;
                           •   produce a home match programme displaying the Scottish Rugby logo in a
                               prominent position and which includes a full-page advert for any relevant
                               Competition sponsor in the format prescribed by Scottish Rugby;
                           •   announce Tennent’s League matches in any PA announcements at the
                               Club’s home ground as a Tennent’s Premiership League Fixture;
                           •   if provided by Scottish Rugby, display any Scottish Rugby and/or Scottish
                               Rugby sponsor advertising material prominently throughout the Club and
                               actively promote this through Club committees;
                           •   if provided, insert any Scottish Rugby and/or Scottish Rugby sponsor
                               promotional materials in the Club’s home match-day programmes.
                          In respect of Schools and Youth Competitions:
                           •   complete all fixtures to the reasonable satisfaction of Scottish Rugby;
                           •   participate in the relevant competitions in accordance with relevant Scottish
                               Rugby Regulations;
                           •   comply with the Schools & Youth results reporting procedure as notified to
                               clubs by Scottish Rugby from time to time;
                           •   if requested, provide Scottish Rugby with team sheets for Under-18, Under-16
                               and Under-15 conference matches within 48 hours of the request; and
                           •   attend conference ‘kick-off’ and review meetings as required by Scottish Rugby.
Marketing &              Follow any Scottish Rugby or Scottish Rugby sponsor marketing and branding
Branding                 guidelines.

7   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Part 2: Other Scottish Rugby Funding & Support

If your Club meets the Minimum Operating Standards and accepts and complies with the Minimum Operating
Standards Terms and Conditions then it may be eligible to receive other Scottish Rugby funding and support
as set out in the Part 2. This can be summarised as follows:

Funding Area                Amount                  Action required from club Payment date
Premiership – Prize         £37,500 to £42,500      See Section 1 of this Part 2.
Money, Player
Improvement & Medical
                            £4,000                  Meet applicable standards.       February 2018
                                                                                     Following course or
Director of Rugby           £4,000                  Meet applicable standards.       workshop

Claims for medical,                                                                  Payment at end of
                                                    Submit claims by 8 October
match analysis, nutrition                                                            October 2018, end of
                                                    2018, 10 December 2018, 11
& S&C                                                                                December 2018, end
                                                    February 2019,
                                                                                     of February 2019
                                                    8 April 2019.
                                                                                     and April 2019

                                                      Submit CSA application form by
                                                      24 June 2018. Accept and
Club Sustainability         Bronze - £3,500, Silver -                                50% in October 2018
                                                      comply with CSA terms and
Award                       £5,000, Gold - £10,000                                   & 50% in May 2019.
                                                      conditions and criteria for
                                                      relevant accreditation level.

Travel Support Scheme       Mileage based payment   Tennent’s League travel -        See Section 2 of this
                                                    None.                            Part 2.

                                                    Cup travel -

                                                    Travel to Scottish Islands -
                                                    application form.

                                                    Travel from Scottish Islands -
                                                    contact Laura Henderson.

Club Sustainability Fund    Up to £2,000 for Fast   See Section 3 of this Part 2.    To be agreed
                            Track, £10,000 for                                       between club and
                            Revenue and £50,000     Complete application at          Scottish Rugby.
                            for Capital projects.   advertised time.

                                                    Apply and comply with CSF
                                                    terms and conditions and
                                                    award criteria.

8   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Rugby Development          Club dependent             Sign, return and comply with    Following successful
Officer Funding                                       applicable Partnership and      return of Partnership
                                                      Investment Agreements as        & Investment
                                                      required.                       Agreement

Professional Player        maximum of £3,500 per      See Section 6 of this Part 2.   June 2019
Reward Scheme              player

Insurance premiums         £540 per adult team        See Section 7 of this Part 2.   N/A
(paid direct by Scottish
Rugby)                     £60 per age-group          Insurance Proposal Form to be
                           team (U18/mini/midi)       submitted by 15 September
                           £60 per adult restricted
                           fixtures team

Club Ticket Commission     Based on applicable %      None.                           June 2019
                           for each international

9   Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
2.1.       Tennent’s Premiership Player Improvement & Medical Investment

 Investment Area                  Total Amount across
 Player Improvement               £275,000
 Prize money                      £10,000
 Medical                          £100,000
 Total                            £385,000


 Area                             Total                          Per Club

 Prize Money                      £10,000                        £5,000, £3,000, £1,000, £1,000
 Coaching                         £40,000                        £4,000
 Directors of Rugby               £40,000                        £4,000
 Match Analysis Project           £45,000 (maximum)              £4,500 (maximum)
 Medical                          £100,000                       £10,000
 Nutrition, S&C, Match Analysis   £150,000                       £15,000
 Total                            £385,000                       £37,500 - £42,500

2.1.1.     Prize money for play-off teams

           The clubs who reach the end of season play-offs may receive the following additional funding:

           •   £5,000 to the winner of the 2018/19 Tennent’s Premiership Grand Final;

           •   £3,000 to the runner-up in the 2018/19 Tennent’s Premiership Grand Final; and

           •   £1,000 to each of the clubs who lose in the first round of the 2018/19 Tennent’s Premiership
               Grand Final play-offs.

2.1.2.     Premiership Player Improvement Fund

           Up to £27,500 is available to help clubs improve standards of play and develop a more professional
           infrastructure. A full breakdown of this funding is set out above. This funding has been allocated
           to “Coaching & Directors of Rugby”, “Match Analysis” and “Nutrition and Strength & Conditioning”.
           Clubs may claim this funding if they meet the standards set out in this paragraph and the relevant
           Appendices to this document.

           Clubs may draw down this funding if they submit written claims to Scottish Rugby in advance of the
           following dates:

           •   8 October 2018

           •   10 December 2018

           •   11 February 2019

           •   8 April 2019

10 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Clubs submitting an eligible claim may receive the relevant payment by the end of the month in
         which the claim was submitted. If clubs submit claims after the above dates, Scottish Rugby cannot
         guarantee that such claims will be processed until the next claim period. Clubs must submit claims
         against expenditure using the form prescribed by Scottish Rugby and provide copies of all related
         expenditure e.g. invoices, payroll documentation or any other information that may be reasonably
         requested by Scottish Rugby. The template claim forms will be circulated at the start of the season.

         Coaching & Directors of Rugby – up to £8,000 may be available towards the rugby positions of Head
         Coach and Director of Rugby, subject to the club meeting the standards set out in Appendix 1 of this

         Match Analysis – each club may be provided with a managed programme of filming and tagging to
         facilitate a consistent standard of match footage and the analysis of team, unit, player and referee
         performances (along with an analysis platform to host this content). A value associated with this
         support of up to £4,500 per club will be deducted at source from each club’s funding. Each club must
         provide a named contact to liaise with the Scottish Rugby camera operators each time they arrive at
         the club ground. Clubs that incur other expenditure in this area e.g. purchasing specific equipment
         such as laptops etc. may also be entitled to re-claim these costs.

         Nutrition – Each club may draw down funding in accordance with the standards set out in Appendix 2
         of this document.

         Strength & Conditioning – Each club may draw down funding in accordance with the standards set
         out in Appendix 3 of this document.

2.1.3.   Premiership Medical Investment

         Up to £10,000 to contribute towards medical and physiotherapy support. Clubs may claim this funding
         if they meet the Medical and Physiotherapy Standards and Professional Player Medical Protocols set
         out in this paragraph and Appendix 4 of this document.

         Clubs may draw down this funding if they submit written claims to Scottish Rugby in advance of the
         following dates:

         •   8 October 2018

         •   10 December 2018

         •   11 February 2019

         •   8 April 2019

         Clubs submitting an eligible claim may receive the relevant payment by the end of the month in
         which the claim was submitted. If clubs submit claims after the above dates, Scottish Rugby cannot
         guarantee that such claims will be processed until the next claim period. Clubs must submit claims
         against expenditure using the form prescribed by Scottish Rugby and provide copies of all related
         expenditure e.g. invoices, payroll documentation or any other information that may be reasonably
         requested by Scottish Rugby. The template claim forms will be circulated at the start of the season.

11 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
2.2.       Travel Support

Long Journeys

If a club or school is required to fulfil a Tennent’s League, Tennent’s National and Tennent’s Regional
Reserve Leagues, Tennent’s Regional Reserve fixtures, Cup, National Youth Cup, Schools & Youth Conference
Competitions (Tier 1-3), Youth Regional League (Tier 4), Scottish Schools’ Cup, or Girls’ Cup or Conference match
with a return journey in excess of 200, 400 or 600 miles, Scottish Rugby may make a travel contribution in
respect of each of these journeys (excluding visits to the Scottish Islands which are covered below) as follows:

       •   Return journey of 200 or more miles - £300 per journey

       •   Return journey of 400 or more miles - £450 per journey

       •   Return journey of 600 or more miles - £600 per journey

Youth & School Multiple Team Travel on same day.

       •   Return journey of 200 or more miles, 1-2 teams - £300 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 200 or more miles, 3-4 teams - £600 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 200 or more miles, 5 teams - £900 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 400 or more miles, 1-2 teams - £450 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 400 or more miles, 3-4 teams - £900 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 400 or more miles, 5 teams - £1,350 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 600 or more miles, 1-2 teams - £600 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 600 or more miles, 3-4 teams - £1,200 per journey (in total)

       •   Return journey of 600 or more miles, 5 teams - £1,800 per journey (in total)

Travel to Scottish Islands

If a club or school is required to fulfil a Tennent’s League, Tennent’s National and Tennent’s Regional
Reserve Leagues, Tennent’s Regional Reserve fixtures, Cup, National Youth Cup, Schools & Youth Conference
Competitions (Tier 1-3), Youth Regional League (Tier 4), Scottish Schools’ Cup, or Girls’ Cup or Conference match
with a return journey to one of the Scottish Islands, Scottish Rugby may make a maximum travel contribution
in respect of each journey as follows:

       Travelling to Stornoway, Orkney and Shetland:

       •   Adult competitions – £2,750 per return journey

       •   Youth and school competitions - U18 teams - £2,000 per return journey (due to adult ferry tariff for
           players aged over 16) and U16 teams and below - £1,200 per return journey (Shetland £2,750 per
           return journey).

       •   Multiple U16 teams - £1,800 per return journey (2 teams) in total
           		                 - £2,800 per return journey (3 teams) in total

       Travelling to Arran, Bute, Cowal and Mull:

       •   Adult competitions – £375 per return journey

       •   Youth and school competitions – £200 per return journey

12 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Stornoway, Shetland & Orkney Rugby Clubs – Travel Subsidy

To support the participation in male league fixtures, Scottish Rugby will make an upfront travel subsidy
payment in October 2018 to support the three clubs who have considerable travel challenges based on their
island location. For cup fixtures and travel for other teams such as women’s or youth and any school teams
please claim for each specific journey if competing in the Cup, National Youth Cup, Youth Regional League,
Scottish Schools’ Cup, or Girls’ Cup match.


Long Journey Travel Payments for male Tennent’s Premiership, National or Regional fixtures may be made
by BACS transfer to an account nominated by each club by the end of October 2018. Please note the change
of Women’s Tennent’s Premiership payment to May 2019 due to the introduction of a split league format.
Long Journey Travel Payments in respect of all other fixtures will be made following the end of the relevant
competition in May 2019 to the same account. Mileages will be calculated based on information from the AA.
The AA route planner can be found at theaa.com/route-planner/index.jsp.

For clubs participating in club youth conferences with multiple teams travelling, a cumulative approach to
individual team travel will be adopted. Payments will be made at the end of the conference programme in
January 2019.

Island Travel Payments will be made on receipt of a claim form and appropriate receipts. The Island Travel
claim form is available to download here: scottishrugby.org/club-competitions-forms-downloads.

2.3.        Club Sustainability Fund
The Club Sustainability Fund (CSF) is designed to help clubs become more sustainable by offering awards from
three strands. Clubs can receive one award from the CSF each season (subject to a successful application).

The three strands are:

       1.   Club Sustainability Fund - FastTrack for small facility improvements and maintenance projects. Clubs
            may apply for 50% of project costs up to £2,000.

       2.   Club Sustainability Fund - Revenue for seed funding for Business Development Manager posts to help
            clubs generate more income and improve the customer service to their members. Up to £10,000 is

       3.   Club Sustainability Fund - Capital for larger facility projects. Clubs can apply for funding up to £50,000.

For further information on the three strands of the CSF please                      see   the   CSF   webpage    here:

2.4. Rugby Development Officer Funding
Scottish Rugby supports clubs to develop rugby in their local community by investing in partnerships for Club
Development Officers and Community Coaches. Please speak to your relevant regional Rugby Development
staff for more information.

2.5. Mitsubishi Motors Conference Participation Funding
Boys’ Conferences – Galant, Lancer, Shogun & Warrior
£500 may be paid per youth team that fully participates in the Galant, Lancer, Shogun and Warrior Youth
Conference competitions in accordance with this Agreement. The maximum amount payable to any club will
be £2500 (which is equivalent to 5 teams participating in all conference games).

13 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Girls’ Conference – Mirage
£500 may be paid per youth team that fully participates in the Mirage Girls’ Youth Conference competitions
in accordance with this Agreement. The maximum amount payable to any club will be £1000 (which is
equivalent to 2 teams participating in all conference games).

Payment of conference participation funding will be made to qualifying clubs in May 2019.

2.6. Professional Player Reward Scheme
When a player signs their first professional playing contract with Scottish Rugby (Glasgow Warriors, Edinburgh
Rugby, Scotland 7s or BT Sport Stage 3 Academy Player) the club(s) that the relevant player nominates as
playing a role in their development may receive the following sums to be divided between those clubs up to
a maximum of £3,500 per player:

     •   BT Sport Stage 3 Academy Player - £100 per year for up to five years preceding the relevant
         professional contract;

     •   Scotland 7s - £300 per year for up to 5 years preceding the relevant professional contract; and

     •   Edinburgh Rugby or Glasgow Warriors - £500 per year for up to seven years preceding the relevant
         professional contract.

The amounts stated above are cumulative, i.e. the total payable for any player through their career with
Scottish Rugby is £3,500, and not £500 plus £1,500 plus £3,500 (if a player has also been awarded an Academy
and 7s contracts prior to being awarded a professional contract with Edinburgh Rugby or Glasgow Warriors).

2.7. Club Accident Insurance Scheme
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the application process and insurer’s terms and conditions being
followed, Scottish Rugby will cover the full cost of the premiums for catastrophic injury insurance cover
provided under the Club Accident Insurance Scheme.

This is subject to the indicative premiums per team applicable in respect of the Season as follows:

Playing Level                      Insurance Premium
Senior team                                £540
Restricted fixtures (max 5
Youth teams (under-18)                     £60
Midi teams (under-16/under-15)             £60
Mini teams (primary school age)            £60

By way of example only, if a club runs a total of 15 teams (two senior men’s teams, women’s 1st XV, a men’s
3rd XV playing fewer than five fixtures, a full complement of boys’ and girls’ midi and mini teams) Scottish
Rugby will pay an insurance premium of £2,340 in respect of that club.

All clubs are encouraged to consider taking out the additional Temporary Disablement cover and to recommend
that their players consider taking out personal cover appropriate to their individual circumstances. The
compulsory cover provided by Scottish Rugby covers catastrophic injuries only. It does not cover loss of
income through temporary injuries.

All clubs are required to return a completed proposal form in the format provided by Scottish Rugby by no later
than 15 September 2018 indicating the number of teams they require cover for. Cover can only be provided if
the correct information is provided timeously, otherwise the Club will run the risk of being uninsured.

14 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
2.8. Club Ticket Commission
Club ticket commission may be available to each club buying tickets to Scotland international matches during
the Autumn Tests and Six Nations at the following rates:

Scotland Season Pass – 10%

Autumn Tests 2018

v Fiji – 10 November 2018, 2.30pm, BT Murrayfield | 25% club commission

v South Africa – 17 November 2018, 5.20pm, BT Murrayfield | 20% club commission

v Argentina – 24 November 2018, 2.30pm, BT Murrayfield | 25% club commission

Six Nations 2019

v Italy – 2 February 2019, 2.15pm, BT Murrayfield | 10% club commission

v Ireland – 9 February 2019, 2.15pm, BT Murrayfield | 5% club commission

v Wales – 9 March 2019, 2.15pm, BT Murrayfield | 5% club commission

2.9. Group Offer
Clubs are eligible for our group ticket offer for all six home Scotland matches this season. For groups of 10 or
more children, discounted tickets are available, with the first two adult chaperones attending for free. Each
club is able to make one application for this offer per home match at BT Murrayfield. For pricing details and
booking deadlines visit www.scottishrugby.org/youthgroups

2.10. Referee Expenses
Scottish Rugby will continue to pay the expenses of match officials allocated to each club’s matches by the
Scottish Rugby match official department, or by one of the Scottish Rugby referee societies.

15 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Part 3. Minimum Operating Standards Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions & Interpretation
1.1 In this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply unless the context requires otherwise:

   “Acceptance Form” means the Acceptance Form set out in Appendix 5;

   “Agreement” means the terms and conditions set out in this Part 3, the preceding Parts 1 and 2 and any
   appendices - in Part 4 of this document (all as may be amended from time to time in accordance with
   these terms and conditions);

   “Applicable Laws” means any and all applicable laws, legislation, bye-laws, regulations, or court orders/
   rules of court which in any way affect or impinge upon this Agreement or its subject matter from time
   to time, including those related to health and safety (including the guidance notes and codes of practice
   issued by the Health and Safety Executive), safeguarding and child protection, immigration, taxation and
   financial matters (including HMRC rules and regulations), alcohol licensing, anti-bribery or anti-corruption
   (including the Bribery Act 2010 and any replacement thereto) and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (and any
   replacement thereto);

   “Bye-Laws” means the bye-laws of the Union as applicable from time to time;

   “Club” means the club or entity signing and returning the Acceptance Form;

   “Code of Conduct” means the code of conduct issued by Scottish Rugby from time to time;

   “Competition” means any league, cup or other competitions operated or administered by Scottish Rugby
   or the Union, or under the auspices of Scottish Rugby or the Union, from time to time;

    “Confidential Information” means information that is designated as ‘confidential’ or which by its nature is
    clearly confidential. Confidential Information includes (without limitation) the terms of the Agreement and
    any information concerning the business processes, procedures, personal data, business affairs, financial
    affairs and finances of either Party, in any form or format;

    “Data Protection Legislation” means any law applicable relating to the processing, privacy and use of
    personal data, including: (i) the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications
    (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, SI 2003/2426 (both as amended), and any laws or regulations
    implementing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive) or Directive 2002/581EC; (ii) the General Data
    Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and/or any corresponding or equivalent national laws or regulations;
    and/or (iii) any judicial or administrative implementation of any of the above, any guidance, guidelines,
    codes of practice, codes of conduct or approved certification mechanisms issued by the Information
    Commissioner’s Office, or other regulatory or supervisory authority responsible for administering Data
    Protection Legislation;

    “Material Benefit” means money, consideration, gifts or any other benefits whatsoever contracted,
    promised or given to a person or at his direction, but does not include reimbursement of proper expenses
    incurred for reasonable travel, accommodation, subsistence or other expenses incurred in relation to
    playing the game, together with any other definition or interpretation of “material benefit” as may be
    applied by HMRC from time to time;

    “Minimum Operating Standards” means the minimum operating standards set out in Part 1 of this
    Agreement above, together with any other minimum standards and requirements issued by Scottish
    Rugby from time to time;

    “Funding” means the monies, benefits and other support that may be payable or made available to the
    Club in terms of this Agreement (all as more particularly set out in Parts 1 and 2 of this Agreement above);

    “Party” means each of Scottish Rugby and the Club (together the “Parties”);

16 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
“SCRUMS” means the Scottish Rugby player and participant registration system known as SCRUMS;

       “Scottish Rugby” means Scottish Rugby Union Limited, a company incorporated in Scotland with registered
       number SC132061 and having its registered office at BT Murrayfield, Edinburgh EH12 5PJ;

       “Scottish Rugby Regulations” means Scottish Rugby’s or the Union’s directives, resolutions, regulations and
       policies from time to time in force, including the Domestic Regulations, National Competition Rules and
       Regulations, the Code of Conduct, the Discipline Rules and the decisions and directions of the Discipline

       “Season” means the 2018/19 rugby union season in Scotland;

       “Union” means the unincorporated association of members known as the Scottish Rugby Union;

       “World Rugby” means the global governing body of the sport of rugby union and any successor thereto;

       “World Rugby Regulations” means World Rugby’s directives, resolutions, regulations and policies from
       time to time in force, including those relating to the playing of rugby union, anti-doping, betting and anti-
       corruption, international clearance, match and tour approvals and player status and contracts.

1.2 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

       1.2.1.          words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;

       1.2.2.          words importing any gender include all other genders;

       1.2.3.          words importing natural persons include corporations; and

       1.2.4.          any use of the word “including” shall not be limited by the words that follow.

1.3.          Headings used in this Agreement shall not affect its construction or interpretation.

2. Agreement
2.1 This Agreement shall apply in respect of the Season, subject to its terms.

2.2 The Club agrees to work collaboratively and in good faith with Scottish Rugby to discharge the Club’s
    obligations in accordance with this Agreement.

2.3 This Agreement is personal to the Club. The Club shall not be entitled to transfer or assign any of its rights
    or obligations under this Agreement to anybody else unless otherwise agreed in writing by Scottish Rugby.

3. Funding & Participation
3.1. The Club shall be entitled to receive the Funding and to participate in Competitions, provided that:

       3.1.1.		        the Club meets and complies with the Minimum Operating Standards;

       3.1.2.          the Club has complied with and remains compliant with this Agreement and any criteria
           		          associated with any Funding;

       3.1.3.          Scottish Rugby has received all reports and information it has asked for from the Club; and

       3.1.4.          the Club has issued Scottish Rugby with all invoices and claim forms that Scottish Rugby
           		          has requested in respect of the Funding and Scottish Rugby does not dispute the amount
           		          or amounts stated on the same.

3.2. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Funding will be paid directly to the Club by BACS transfer to
     the Club’s nominated bank account in accordance with any payments dates set out in this Agreement, or
     otherwise on a date or dates to be determined by Scottish Rugby.

17 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
4. General Club Obligations
4.1. The Club must:

    4.1.1.        sign and return the Acceptance Form by no later than the deadline stated by Scottish Rugby;

    4.1.2.        only apply or use the Funding for the purposes set out in the Agreement;

    4.1.3.        not act, or fail to act, in any way which may, in the reasonable opinion of Scottish Rugby,
        		        be prejudicial to the goodwill, image or reputation of Scottish Rugby, the Union or the sport
        		        of rugby union;

    4.1.4.        promptly provide Scottish Rugby with any information, documentation or materials that
        		        Scottish Rugby may reasonably request from the Club from time to time in respect of the
        		        Funding, the Club’s participation in Competitions, or the subject matter of this Agreement;

    4.1.5.        act in accordance with all reasonable requests made to the Club by Scottish Rugby
        		        regarding the Funding, the Club’s participation in Competitions, or this Agreement.

4.2. On request by Scottish Rugby, the Club must provide Scottish Rugby with details of all Material Benefits
     that the Club (or anyone associated with the Club) provided or is providing to its players, coaches, staff or
     club officials.

5. Impact of Breach of this Agreement
   Laws and regulations

5.1. If, in the reasonable opinion of Scottish Rugby, the Club has breached or is in breach of this Agreement
     then Scottish Rugby may, at its sole option and discretion, either:

    5.1.1.        reduce the amount of the Funding and/or any amounts paid or payable to the Club under
        		        the Club Sustainability Award;

    5.1.2.        withdraw or withhold the Funding and/or any amounts paid or payable to the Club under
        		        the Club Sustainability Award (or any part of the same yet to be paid or made available
        		        to the Club), with no further obligation to pay any other amounts, regardless of the

    5.1.3.        withdraw or suspend the Club from any Competition;

    5.1.4.        require that any part of the Funding or Club Sustainability Award amounts already paid or
        		        made available to the Club (plus interest) is either: i) repaid to Scottish Rugby within
        		        30 days; or ii) set off against any future Scottish Rugby monies, benefits or other support
        		        otherwise available or payable to the Club;

    5.1.5.        terminate this Agreement in accordance with Clause 9.1. below; and/or

    5.1.6.        apply any right, recourse, remedy or sanction otherwise available to Scottish Rugby under
        		        the Scottish Rugby Regulations.

5.2. Notwithstanding Clause 5.1 above, any breach of this Agreement may also jeopardise the Club’s chances of
     participating in future Competitions or obtaining any additional future monies, funding, benefits or support
     from Scottish Rugby.

18 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
6. Confidentiality & Announcements
6.1. Subject to Clauses 6.2 and 6.3 below, the receiving Party shall keep confidential all Confidential Information
     received from the disclosing Party in relation to this Agreement and shall not use such Confidential
     Information for any purpose other than the performance of its obligations or exercise of its rights under
     this Agreement.

6.2. The Confidential Information of the disclosing Party may be disclosed by the receiving Party to the receiving
     Party’s professional advisers, employees and officers on a need to know basis (provided that such persons
     are aware of and comply with Clause 6.1), or if a receiving Party is required to do so under Applicable Laws.

6.3. The terms of and obligations imposed by this Clause 6 will survive the termination or expiry of this
     Agreement, but will not apply to any Confidential Information which:

    6.3.1.        is or becomes public knowledge other than by breach of this Clause 6;

    6.3.2.        is in the possession of the receiving Party before the date of receipt from the disclosing

    6.3.3.        is received from a third-party who lawfully acquired it and who is under no obligation
        		        restricting its disclosure;

    6.3.4.        is independently developed without access to the Confidential Information; or

    6.3.5.        is required to be disclosed by court order of a competent jurisdiction, or by applicable law,
        		        or by any applicable regulatory body.

6.4. The Club shall not make any public or media announcement relating to this Agreement or its subject
     matter without the prior written consent of Scottish Rugby (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld
     or delayed). Scottish Rugby shall be entitled to publicly advertise, promote or announce in any format or
     media (without the need to obtain any prior consent from the Club) the fact that this Agreement had been
     entered into, or that any payments under this Agreement have been paid or made available.

7. Data Protection
7.1. For the purposes of this Clause 7 the terms “ controller”, “personal data”, “special category personal data”,
     “data subjects” and “processing” shall have the meaning given to those terms in the Data Protection Act

7.2. Neither Party shall act or omit to act in any way which is inconsistent with Data Protection Legislation Act
     2018 and each Party shall comply with Data Protection Legislation regarding this Agreement.

7.3. Neither Party shall do, or cause or permit to be done, anything which would cause or otherwise result in
     a breach of Data Protection Legislation by the other Party.

7.4. To the extent that the performance of a Party’s obligations under this Agreement involves or necessitates
     the processing of personal data or special category personal data, the processing Party shall act only on
     instructions and directions from the Party who is the controller and shall comply promptly with all such
     instructions or directions received from time to time.

7.5. Each Party will each take technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful
    processing of personal data processed by it on behalf of any other Party and against accidental loss or
    destruction of, or damage to, personal data as are necessary to comply with Data Protection Legislation.

7.6. The Club acknowledges and agrees that the personal data or special category personal data provided
     to Scottish Rugby under the Agreement will be processed, used and shared in accordance with Scottish
     Rugby’s Privacy Policy (which is available at scottishrugby.org/domestic-rugby/privacy-policy).

7.7. The Club warrants, represents and undertakes to Scottish Rugby that it has made all relevant data subjects
     aware of the processing activities set out in Clause 7.6. and that it has obtained all necessary consents
     from relevant data subjects which may be required in respect of the same.

19 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
8. Warranties & Liability
8.1. The Club warrants, represents and undertakes to Scottish Rugby that:

    8.1.1.         it has and will have at all times the full authority and capacity to enter into and perform
        		         this Agreement;

    8.1.2.         each individual signing the Acceptance Form has been fully empowered to do so and that
        		         all necessary action to authorise such signature has been taken;

    8.1.3.         any and all information submitted to Scottish Rugby regarding this Agreement is accurate
        		         and truthful and that the Club has not acted fraudulently in any way regarding this
        		         Agreement; and

    8.1.4.         it will procure, as necessary, the performance by its officers, employees, agents, suppliers
        		         and representatives of all such actions as are required to complete and satisfy its
        		         obligations in terms of this Agreement.

8.2 The Club will indemnify Scottish Rugby at all times and keep Scottish Rugby indemnified against any
    and all losses, claims, damages, costs, charges, expenses (including legal expenses), liabilities, demands,
    proceedings and actions incurred by Scottish Rugby which arise out of or in connection with, directly or
    indirectly and whether in whole or part, the Club’s performance under this Agreement.

8.3 Scottish Rugby shall not be liable to the Club for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damages,
    whether caused by breach of contract or delict/tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or
    arising in any other way.

8.4. Scottish Rugby’s maximum liability to the Club under this Agreement will be limited to the monetary value
     of the Funding actually paid to the Club in the Season.

8.5. Nothing in the Agreement shall exclude or in any way limit the liability of either Party for death or personal
     injury due to that Party’s negligence or any other liability to the extent the same cannot be excluded or
     limited as a matter of law.

9. Termination
9.1. Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to it under this Agreement, Scottish Rugby
     shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by notice in writing to the Club if, in the reasonable
     opinion of Scottish Rugby, the Club is in breach or has breached this Agreement.

9.2. Termination or expiry of this Agreement for whatever reason will not affect the accrued rights of Scottish
     Rugby arising out of this Agreement as at the date of termination (including, without limitation, the right to
     recover damages).

9.3. Any provision of this Agreement which is, expressly or by implication, intended to survive termination or
     completion of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

20 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
10. General
10.1. Any waiver by Scottish Rugby of any rights or remedies under this Agreement will only be effective if
      such waiver is in writing and has been signed by an authorised representative of Scottish Rugby.

10.2. Scottish Rugby may amend the Agreement from time to time, provided that it provides the Club with
      written notice of the same. The Club may not amend this Agreement at any time unless it obtains the
      prior written approval of Scottish Rugby to the amendment. Scottish Rugby does not have to agree to
      any request to amend this Agreement.

10.3. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction and
       can be deleted without altering the essence of the Agreement, the unlawful provision will be severed
       and the remaining provisions will remain and be interpreted so as to give full force and effect to the

10.4. The Parties are independent contracting parties. Nothing in the Agreement will be construed as creating
      a partnership, agency or joint venture between the Parties. Neither Party will hold itself out as being
      entitled to bind the other Party in any way or to make any representation on behalf of the other Party.

10.5. The Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or regarding it or its subject matter or formation
      is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of Scotland. The Parties irrevocably
      agree that the Scottish Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute or claim that arises
      in respect of this Agreement, its subject matter or formation.

21 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Part 4: Appendices
Appendix 1: Player Improvement Fund – Tennent’s Premiership 2018/19
Coaching & Director of Rugby

Scottish Rugby may provide funding of up to £4,000 for each of the positions of Head Coach and
Director of Rugby.

Area                             Premiership Standards             Notes
Coaching Audit                   Clubs    to   complete      audit Scottish Rugby will circulate information
                                 detailing coaches, qualifications on the audit process at the start of the
                                 and expenditure.                  season.
Coaching Qualifications          •   Club Head Coach – will have Subsidised course fees:
                                     or be currently undertaking
                                     UKCC Level 3                 Level 3: £240 - £360 (applications now
                                                                  closed for 2018/19 course)
                                 •   Assistant Coaches – will
                                     have     or  be   currently Level 2: £80 (detail available here - http://
                                     undertaking UKCC Level 2 www.scottishrugby.org/coaches)
                                     (or preferably UKCC Level 3)

                                 •   2nd XV Coach to have or be
                                     currently undertaking UKCC
                                     Level 2
Coaching - Continual             The Head Coach and other Club
Professional Development (CPD)   coaches will attend regular
                                 CPD    workshops     delivered
                                 by the Scottish Rugby coach
                                 development department. The
                                 head coach and assistants must
                                 attend a min. of 1 pro-coach
                                 masterclass CPD workshop
                                 (dates to be advertised in
                                 August 2018)
Pre-season Briefing              Club Head Coach and Director
                                 of Rugby to attend briefing on
                                 the evening of Wednesday 15
                                 August 2018 at BT Murrayfield.
Director of Rugby Course         Club Director of Rugby (or        2018-19 Director of Rugby course dates:
                                 club committee person with
                                 equivalent responsibility) to     Day 1 – Sunday 25 November 2018
                                 have attended the Director of     Day 2 – Sunday 27 January 2019
                                 Rugby course held by Scottish
                                                                   Application form - https://dor-2018-19.
                                 DORs from Tennent’s
                                                                   Refresher Workshop
                                 Premiership clubs need to
                                                                   A refresher workshop for those DORs
                                 attend a refresher workshop (if
                                                                   who have already completed the DOR
                                 they’ve already attended the
                                                                   course will take place on the evening
                                 full 2-day course in a previous
                                                                   of Wednesday 7 November 2018 at
                                 season), or otherwise must
                                                                   BT Murrayfield - https://goo.gl/dw7Q29
                                 attend the 2-day full course.
                                                                   and the evening of Wednesday 14
                                                                   November 2018 at Scotstoun - https://

22 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Appendix 2: Nutrition Standards & Support

Funding may be drawn against successful applications in the area of nutrition. There is a 3-level system for
nutrition in order to ensure that the funds are appropriately utilised. Upon satisfying the criteria at Level 1
the Club can request funding and support for Level 2 and upon satisfying the criteria of level 2 the Club can
request funding for Level 3. Level 1 criteria includes Club catering and resource availability. Level 2 criteria
involves access to a qualified sports nutritionist. Level 3 criteria involves nutritional supplementation and
player monitoring.

Level and Criteria Overview

                                                   LEVEL 1: BASICS
                                                  Post-training catering              Nutrition education resources
            Coaching Audit
                                                     once per week                               available

                                           LEVEL 2: INDIVIDUALISATION

                 Access to a qualified nutritionist / dietician with a specialism in sports nutrition*

                                         LEVEL 3: ADVANCED NUTRITION
                                                                     Routine monitoring of body composition
       Controlled access to nutritional supplements
                                                                              and player welfare

Level 1 – Basics

   •     Post-match Catering: Basic catering must be provided to each team following a 1st XV game. The
         catering should be designed with the players’ needs in mind and at minimum consist of a carbohydrate
         dish (e.g. rice, pasta, potatoes), protein dish (e.g. beef, fish, chicken), vegetables, salad and fluids. Scottish
         Rugby can provide guidance on menu development.

   •     Post-training Catering: Basic catering must be provided to the 1st XV team at least once per week
         following training. The catering should be designed with the players’ needs in mind and at minimum
         consist of a mixed carbohydrate and protein dish, vegetables / salad / fruit and fluids. Scottish Rugby
         can provide guidance on menu development.

   •     Nutrition Education Resources: Basic nutrition education resources must be freely available at the
         Club. Resources such as posters and handouts should be available covering information from general
         sports nutrition advice to Club specific strategies. Scottish Rugby can provide some education material
         and signpost towards relevant material.

23 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Level 2 – Individualisation

   •   Access to a qualified nutritionist / dietician with a specialism* in sports nutrition: Each club must have
       access to a qualified nutritionist and/or dietician who has a recognised specialism in sports nutrition*.
       The utilisation of this individual will be determined by the Club with the exception of two criteria that
       must be met:

       1.   The link between the Club and practitioner must be formalised and the coaching and playing staff
            made aware that the service is available.

       2.   The practitioner must be made aware of the Club’s key nutrition and supplementation strategies
            and have the opportunity to challenge and amend them as desired.

* A specialism is defined by SENr registration, AfN registration with specialism in Sport and Exercise Nutrition
and/or BDA registration with membership of Sports Nutrition Specialist Group. Scottish Rugby can advise on
and help clubs identify suitable practitioners.

Level 3 – Advanced Nutrition

   •   Controlled access to nutritional supplements: The Club can access funding for the use of nutritional
       supplements. Funds will only be provided to purchase products which are part of the Informed
       Sport supplement testing programme www.informed-sport.com in order to minimise the chances of
       inadvertent doping. Scottish Rugby can provide guidance on the selection of nutritional supplements.

   •   Routine monitoring of body composition and player welfare: Clubs can access funding to set up
       body composition and player welfare monitoring systems. For example, regular body composition
       assessment, hydration status assessment and blood profiling of relevant nutrition markers. Scottish
       Rugby can provide guidance on how these systems can be set up.


   •   All clubs can access funding against the activities in Level 1.

   •   In order to access funding against Level 2 actions, the Club must provide evidence that all actions in
       Level 1 are routinely occurring to a satisfactory standard.

   •   In order to access funding against Level 3 actions, the Club must provide evidence that the action in
       Level 2 has been completed to a satisfactory standard.

If clubs have satisfied the criteria across all levels (or provide suitable justification as to why certain actions are
unnecessary at their club) then they can suggest areas of nutrition against which they can access funds. The
application will be considered by Scottish Rugby on an individual basis.

24 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
Appendix 3: Monitoring by Scottish Rugby

Area               Requirement        Essential                Desirable                 Provision
Strength &         Minimum of 1       •   World Rugby          •   UKSCA                 •   Provide Strength
Conditioning       x Strength &           Strength &               Accreditation             & Conditioning
Coaching           Conditioning           Conditioning                                       Programmes for
                   Coach for Senior       Level 1              •   World Rugby First         Senior Squad
                   Squad                                           Aid in Rugby
                                      •   World Rugby                                    •   Monitor Strength
                                          Strength &           •   World Rugby               & Conditioning
                                          Conditioning             Educator                  player
                                          Level 2                                            development
                                                                                             through S&C

                                                                                         •   Ensure physical
                                                                                             & recovery
                                                                                             protocols are
                                                                                             put in place
                                                                                             to maximise
                                                                                             performance and
                                                                                             enhance recovery
Strength &         All Senior squad   •   Olympic bars,        •   Please contact        •   Club facility must
Conditioning       players must           collars & plates         Scottish Rugby’s          have minimum
Facility           have access            (22.5cm radius)          Strength &                standards /
                   to a Strength                                   Conditioning              gym etiquette
                   & Conditioning     •   Squat rack or            Coach                     put in place to
                   facility               stands                   Development               ensure upkeep &
                   (preferably a                                   Officer for further       maintenance of
                                      •   Lifting station or
                   club facility)                                  information               equipment
                                                                   on additional
                                                                   equipment             •   Facility should
                                      •   Chin up bar
                                                                                             provide adequate
                                      •   Exercise bench                                     space, equipment
                                                                                             and weight for
                                                                                             groups of players
                                                                                             to train together

Monitoring by Scottish Rugby:

   •   Clubs must share testing information and data with Scottish Rugby’s Strength & Conditioning Coach
       Development Officer

   •   Club Strength & Conditioning Coach must attend relevant coaching courses and CPD opportunities

25 Scottish Rugby Minimum Operating Standards June 2018 | Tennent’s Premiership
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