Page created by Lillian Daniels



                                         Week Ending: 7th February 2020

 Comments on any of these matters should be forwarded IN WRITING (including fax and email) to arrive before the expiry date shown
                                                  in the second to last column

                                                  Head of Planning and Building
                                                          Beech Hurst
                                                          Weyhill Road
                                                    ANDOVER        SP10 3AJ

          In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1985, any representations
                                             received may be open to public inspection.

                       You may view applications and submit comments on-line – go to www.testvalley.gov.uk
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                        LOCATION                 APPLICANT           CASE OFFICER/    PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                              PUBLICITY      APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                 EXPIRY DATE

20/00250/FULLN      Erection of conservatory at    12 May Tree Road, Andover,   Mrs L Sturt And Mrs J   Katherine Bundy
03.02.2020          rear                           SP10 3DZ,                    Squire Sturt            25.02.2020

20/00268/TPON       (T2) Beech - Crown lift over   Porters Close, Andover,      Sovereign Housing       Mr Rory Gogan
04.02.2020          car park to 4 metres from      Hampshire, SP10 3TA                                  27.02.2020
ANDOVER TOWN        ground level (T4) Norway
(HARROWAY)          Maple - Crown lift over
                    highway to 5 metres from
                    ground level, clear lamp
                    column to allow 0.5m
                    clearance (T8) Lime - Crown
                    lift over parking area to 4
                    metres from ground level
                    (T9) Sycamore - Prune to
                    clear streetlamp to allow
                    0.5m clearance

20/00314/TPON       T1 - Willow - re-reduce to     90 Charlton Road, Andover,   Mr Mayne                Mr Rory Gogan
07.02.2020          previous pruning points -      SP10 3JY,                                            06.03.2020
ANDOVER TOWN        around 3m down from tip of
(HARROWAY)          canopy. Retain weeping

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                         LOCATION                  APPLICANT         CASE OFFICER/      PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                              PUBLICITY        APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                 EXPIRY DATE

20/00274/FULLN      Demolition of conservatory      49 Barnfield Rise, Andover,   Mr And Mrs Stanford   Alexandra Jeffery
05.02.2020          and erection of single storey   SP10 2UQ,                                           27.02.2020
ANDOVER TOWN        rear kitchen extension.

20/00279/FULLN      Two storey side and rear        5 The Avenue, Andover,        Mrs Joanne Burrell    Mrs Donna Dodd
06.02.2020          extension to provide dining     Hampshire, SP10 3EL                                 02.03.2020
ANDOVER TOWN        room and extended living
(MILLWAY)           room with bedroom and
                    bathroom accommodation
                    over (Amended scheme)

20/00329/FULLN      Single storey rear extension    The Dovecot, Biddesden        Mr And Mrs D          Alexandra Jeffery
07.02.2020          to provide additional living    Bottom Road, Redenham,        Fitzpatrick           05.03.2020
APPLESHAW           space, and conversion of        Andover Hampshire SP11 9AN
                    garage to form two storey

20/00117/LBWN       Replacement of timber           20 Marlborough Street,        Mr Richard Eves       Alexandra Jeffery
04.02.2020          dormer window                   Andover, Hampshire, SP10                            06.03.2020
ANDOVER TOWN                                        1DG

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                        LOCATION                   APPLICANT          CASE OFFICER/     PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                               PUBLICITY       APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                  EXPIRY DATE

20/00257/FULLN      Erection of free standing      Clare House, Andover Central   Andover Central Club   Mr Luke Benjamin
03.02.2020          main entrance canopy           Club , East Street, Andover,                          06.03.2020
ANDOVER TOWN                                       SP10 1EP

20/00332/VARN       Variation of Condition 2     2-5 Amesbury Road, Weyhill, Mr James Harwood            Mrs Samantha
07.02.2020          (Approved Plans) of Planning Andover, Hampshire SP11 8EA                             Owen
AMPORT              Permission 17/01569/FULLN                                                            04.03.2020
                    (Demolition of two bungalows
                    with erection of two
                    replacement 2 storey
                    dwellings; erection of two
                    new detached 2 storey
                    dwellings with detached
                    garages; alterations to
                    existing remaining
                    bungalows to form 2 storey
                    dwellings and a new access)
                    Alterations to the design of
                    Plot 3

20/00303/TREEN      Ash (1) - Reduce overall       Tollgate Cottage, Ibthorpe     Mr Graham Dibb         Mr Rory Gogan
07.02.2020          diameter to 6 metres by        Road, Hurstbourne Tarrant,                            02.03.2020
HURSTBOURNE         removing selected horizontal   Andover Hampshire SP11 0BH
TARRANT             branches, remove dead,
                    diseased and crossing

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                        LOCATION                      APPLICANT           CASE OFFICER/    PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                                   PUBLICITY      APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                      EXPIRY DATE

20/00032/FULLN      Installation swimming pool     The Cottage, Longparish,    Mr James And Mrs              Katherine Bundy   YES
03.02.2020          and plant room                 Andover, Hampshire SP11 6PB Sarah De Watteville           06.03.2020

20/00291/FULLN      Proposed single storey side    2 Hillside Cottages, Longstock    Mr And Mrs Raban        Mrs Donna Dodd
06.02.2020          extension to provide study,    Road, Longstock, Stockbridge                              06.03.2020
LONGSTOCK           W/C and shower room            Hampshire SO20 6DT

20/00292/FULLN      Increasing the height of two   Old Farmhouse , Longstock         John Lewis Properties   Katherine Bundy
06.02.2020          existing chimney stacks        Road, Longstock, Stockbridge      Ltd                     06.03.2020
LONGSTOCK                                          SO20 6EE

20/00293/LBWN       Increasing the height of two   Old Farmhouse , Longstock         John Lewis Properties   Katherine Bundy
06.02.2020          existing chimney stacks        Road, Longstock, Stockbridge      Ltd                     06.03.2020
LONGSTOCK                                          SO20 6EE

20/00266/TREEN      Fell three trees - Weeping     2 Manor Farm Cottages,            Mr K Dent               Mr Rory Gogan
04.02.2020          Willow, Victoria Plum and      Amport Road, Monxton,                                     26.02.2020
MONXTON             Damson                         Andover Hampshire SP11 8AJ

20/00260/TREEN      Yew - Reduce height by 4      Sunhill, Five Bells Lane, Nether   Timothy D'Oyly          Mr Rory Gogan
03.02.2020          metres, crown lift by 1 metre Wallop, Stockbridge Hampshire                              26.02.2020
NETHER WALLOP       and remove shortened lower SO20 8EN
                    branches that have died back

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                          LOCATION                    APPLICANT          CASE OFFICER/    PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                                  PUBLICITY      APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                     EXPIRY DATE

20/00251/OUTN       Outline planning application     Tsavo, Streetway Road,          Mrs Natalie Mansbridge Mrs Donna Dodd
05.02.2020          to build a dwelling              Palestine, Andover Hampshire                           27.02.2020
OVER WALLOP                                          SP11 7EG

20/00302/FULLN      Demolition of existing single    Whittington , Danebury Road,    Mr And Mrs A Kersley   Katherine Bundy
07.02.2020          storey rear extension,           Kentsboro, Middle Wallop                               29.02.2020
OVER WALLOP         erection of single storey rear   SO20 8DZ
                    extension to provide dining
                    room, utility, 2 bedrooms and
                    shower room, featuring
                    photo-voltaic panels and 4
                    roof windows, and new roof
                    to existing bay window

20/00206/RESN       Erection of building for         Plot 5 Andover Business Park,   Golf Car UK Ltd        Fay Eames         YES
04.02.2020          storage and distribution (B8     Pioneer Road, Andover,                                 06.03.2020
PENTON GRAFTON      use) (part details pursuant to   Hampshire
MONXTON             17/00043/OUTN Plot 5) Plot

20/00225/TREEN      Ash (T1) - Reduce trunk to       12A Etwall, Quarley, Andover,   Mr Michael Dalton      Mr Rory Gogan
05.02.2020          hedge height as per              Hampshire SP11 8QA                                     27.02.2020
QUARLEY             submitted photo

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./             PROPOSAL                          LOCATION                    APPLICANT      CASE OFFICER/      PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                               PUBLICITY        APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                  EXPIRY DATE

20/00278/TREEN      Magnolia T2 - Fell               Mulberry House , High Street,    Mrs Sheppard       Mr Rory Gogan
05.02.2020                                           Stockbridge, SO20 6EY                               26.02.2020

20/00280/TPON       Poplar T1 - Overall crown        Mulberry House, High Street,     Mrs Sheppard       Mr Rory Gogan
05.02.2020          reduction, removing up to 3m     Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20                         27.02.2020
STOCKBRIDGE         from extremities,raise crown     6EY
                    to give 6m clearance from
                    ground level.

20/00285/FULLN      Demolition of rear extension,    The Homestead, High Street,      Mrs B Wrangham     Alexandra Jeffery   YES
05.02.2020          erection of single storey rear   Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20                         06.03.2020
STOCKBRIDGE         sitting room extension and       6HF
                    provision of replacement

20/00195/FULLS      Erection of replacement          Green Haze , 25 Straight Mile,   Mr R Atwal         Mr Nathan Glasgow   YES
07.02.2020          dwelling and garage,             Ampfield, SO51 9BB                                  06.03.2020
AMPFIELD            following demolition of
                    existing (part retrospective)

20/00275/TPOS       T1 Birch - Fell                  Brackenhurst , Straight Mile,    Mrs Jackie Jacks   Mr Rory Gogan       YES
05.02.2020                                           Ampfield, SO51 9BA                                  26.02.2020

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./             PROPOSAL                        LOCATION                  APPLICANT           CASE OFFICER/   PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                                PUBLICITY     APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                   EXPIRY DATE

20/00287/TPOS       G1 - X6 Conifer - Reduce to   Brackenhurst , Straight Mile,   Mrs Jackie Jacks        Mr Rory Gogan    YES
06.02.2020          previous topping height by up Ampfield, SO51 9BA                                      27.02.2020
AMPFIELD            to 3m

20/00295/TPOS       Beech 1 - Remove lower           Rosings, Straight Mile,      Mrs Carolyn Watkinson   Mr Rory Gogan    YES
06.02.2020          limbs, Beech 2 Cut back          Ampfield, Romsey Hampshire                           28.02.2020
AMPFIELD            branches                         SO51 9BA
                    telephone line, Silver Birch -

20/00307/FULLS      Alteration to utility space to   Monks Barn , Knapp Lane,     Mr And Mrs Massey       Katie Andrew
07.02.2020          rear of garage to provide        Ampfield, SO51 9BT                                   06.03.2020
AMPFIELD            ancillary games room and

20/00308/LBWS       Alterations to a utility space   Monks Barn , Knapp Lane,     Mr And Mrs Massey       Katie Andrew
07.02.2020          to the rear of the existing      Ampfield, SO51 9BT                                   06.03.2020
AMPFIELD            garage to include removal of
                    the asbestos roof, new plain
                    clay tile roof and structure,
                    existing single brick walls to
                    be insulated, new window,
                    rooflight, door and
                    weatherboard cladding, new
                    insulated floor to provide a
                    games room and mezzanine
                    ancillary to the house.

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                          LOCATION                    APPLICANT           CASE OFFICER/     PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                                   PUBLICITY       APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                      EXPIRY DATE

20/00080/FULLS      Two storey side/rear             2 Pittleworth Farm Cottages ,   Mr And Mrs Fernandze- Mrs Sacha Coen
05.02.2020          extension to provide             Pittleworth, Houghton, SO20     Llorente              06.03.2020
BOSSINGTON          extended kitchen/diner with      6NA
                    bedroom over

20/00207/FULLS      Erection of part single, part  Chilworth Golf Club, Chilworth,   Mitchells And Butlers   Mr Graham Melton   YES
07.02.2020          two storey restaurant building Southampton, Hampshire            PLC And Manor Golf      06.03.2020
CHILWORTH           (Class A3) and replace the     SO16 7JP                          Company Ltd
                    golf clubhouse and driving
                    range together with
                    associated parking and

20/00249/CLPS       Certificate of proposed lawful   Foxgloves, East Dean Road,      Mr And Mrs Sadler       Mrs Sacha Coen
03.02.2020          development - Erection of        Lockerley, Romsey Hampshire                             28.02.2020
EAST DEAN           porch, alter front window,       SO51 0JQ
                    removed side window and
                    door, new side window and
                    new french doors

20/00259/TREES      T1 Silver Birch - Reduce         Birch Cottage, The Cross,       Mr Andrew Causer        Mr Rory Gogan      YES
03.02.2020          height by 2m and rebalance       Kings Somborne, Stockbridge                             25.02.2020
KINGS SOMBORNE      remaining crown by upto 1m       Hampshire SO20 6NY

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                         LOCATION                     APPLICANT         CASE OFFICER/    PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                                 PUBLICITY      APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                    EXPIRY DATE

20/00271/FULLS      Insert window                   28 Tottehale Close, North        Mr Philip Kilburn     Katie Andrew
05.02.2020                                          Baddesley, Southampton,                                29.02.2020
NORTH                                               Hampshire SO52 9NQ

20/00248/FULLS      Change of use of Units E1       Land At Adanac Park , Nursling   Mr Harry Hutchinson   Mr Paul Goodman   YES
07.02.2020          and E2 from B1(c) Light         Street, Nursling, SO16 0TA                             27.02.2020
NURSLING AND        industrial to B1(c) Light
ROWNHAMS            industrial and D2 Leisure, to
                    provide climbing centre

20/00290/FULLS      Replace two rooflights in       Cala, 21 Horns Drove,            Mr Newton-Jones       Katie Andrew      YES
06.02.2020          room above garage with          Rownhams, Southampton                                  04.03.2019
NURSLING AND        dormer windows                  Hampshire SO16 8AH

19/03013/TPOS       G1 - Oaks - Reduce              Oak Corner, Crampmoor Lane,      Mrs Barbie Plastow    Mr Rory Gogan
05.02.2020          overhanging branches away       Crampmoor, Romsey                                      27.02.2020
ROMSEY EXTRA        from building to give 3m        Hampshire SO51 9AJ
                    clearance, remove any dead
                    or dying branches, reduce
                    end weight on heavily
                    weighted branches

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                          LOCATION                  APPLICANT          CASE OFFICER/      PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                                PUBLICITY        APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                                   EXPIRY DATE

20/00261/FULLS      Single storey rear extension     34 Horseshoe Drive, Romsey,   Mr P And Mrs E Slade   Katie Andrew
07.02.2020          to form garden room and          SO51 7TP,                                            06.03.2020
ROMSEY TOWN         addition of two rooflights to

20/00286/TREES      T1 - Silver Birch - Reduce       The Olive Tree, 11 Latimer    Mrs Sara Barnes        Mr Rory Gogan
03.02.2020          height to 6m, crown reduce       Street, Romsey, Hampshire                            27.02.2020
ROMSEY TOWN         by 3m away from house, lift      SO51 8DF
                    crown to 3m from ground

20/00277/VARS       Vary condition 2 of              64 Mill Lane, Romsey,         Mr Tim Lincoln         Mr Nathan Glasgow   YES
05.02.2020          18/00146/FULLS (Erection of      Hampshire, SO51 8EQ                                  28.02.2020
ROMSEY TOWN         three bay garage with
                    storage over) to substitute
                    drawing numbered 7879 /
                    P05 with 7879 / P05a to
                    allow additional rooflights

19/03066/OUTS       Outline application for one      The Old Church School ,       Mr S Cogdell           Mr Graham Melton
05.02.2020          dwelling with access and         Salisbury Road, Sherfield                            06.03.2020
SHERFIELD           layout                           English, SO51 6FQ

20/00010/FULLS      Demolition of conservatory,      11 Tolefrey Gardens,          Mr Graham Shankland    Mrs Sacha Coen
07.02.2020          erection of single storey rear   Chandlers Ford, SO53 4HG,                            03.03.2020
VALLEY PARK         extension to provide
                    kitchen/diner, and first floor
                    rear bedroom extension

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
APPLICATION NO./            PROPOSAL                        LOCATION               APPLICANT         CASE OFFICER/     PREVIOUS
 REGISTRATION                                                                                          PUBLICITY       APPLICA-
     DATE                                                                                             EXPIRY DATE

20/00179/FULLS      Erection of shed (part         Garden House, Dean Road,    Mr Rodney Hicks      Katie Andrew       YES
05.02.2020          retrospective)                 West Tytherley, Salisbury                        06.03.2020
WEST TYTHERLEY                                     Hampshire SP5 1NR

20/00238/FULLS      Convert garage to kitchen,     Trotwood, 21 School Road,   Mr Damian Westlake   Katie Andrew       YES
04.02.2020          and replace garage door with   West Wellow, Romsey                              06.03.2020
WELLOW              window                         Hampshire SO51 6AR

20/00289/VARS       Removal of Conditions 6, 7     Gardeners Farm , Flowers    Mr Andrew Jewell     Mr Graham Melton   YES
06.02.2020          and 8 of 17/01951/FULLS        Lane, Plaitford, SO51 6HH                        28.02.2020
WELLOW              (Conversion of barn to
                    holiday accommodation) to
                    allow full residential use

Week Ending: 7th February 2020
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