Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children

Page created by Franklin Jenkins
Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children
Thanks to our Methodist supporters
                                                                               September 2018

Dear friends,
We are delighted to send you another newsletter packed            New CEO Julie
with interesting news and fundraising ideas, especially           Bentley joins
for Christmas.                                                    Action for Children
It has been a wonderful year for Action for Children.                           We are
We are excited to tell you that our new Chief Executive,                        delighted
Julie Bentley, is now in post. Please remember her in your                      to welcome
prayers as she settles into her role.                                           our new
Next year, we celebrate our 150th birthday! There is excitement                 Chief
in the air as we prepare to mark it with our staff and            Executive, Julie Bentley,
supporters. Over the next couple of months, we will share our     who joined Action for
celebration plans. Nevertheless, hundreds of churches marked      Children on 1 August.
Action for Children Sunday this year with joyful gladness and     Julie has been CEO of a
immense generosity. Thank you so much.                            few charities, for the past
Even though your churches have raised so much money               six years at Girlguiding, the
throughout the year, we know that many are planning to            largest charity for girls and
hold a special service to raise even more to support our work.    young women in the UK.
We are truly grateful for your untiring commitment.               Prior to that she was CEO
                                                                  for five years at FPA (Family
So, with help from ROOTS for Churches, we have produced           Planning Association) and
the enclosed worship booklet. We hope it helps churches           was also CEO at The Suzy
plan a Christmas service that all ages will thoroughly enjoy.     Lamplugh Trust.
Also, we hope that the reflections on the Christmas story will
give you insight into the lives of some of the children and       Prior to becoming a
families that you help us support.                                CEO, Julie was a director
                                                                  working for organisations
Remember that your local community fundraiser is at hand          supporting people with
to support you with advice and provide anything you may           drugs and alcohol addiction
need. Their information is on the attached contact sheet and      and started her career as
 on our website here:       a youth worker, training in
    fundraisers-contact-list.pdf.                                 Essex where she ran a range
     We wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas,                  of youth provision, before
     and a wonderful New Year.                                    taking up a post in London,
                                                                  setting up and running a
      Thanks and God bless you.
                                                                  young people’s drugs project
                                                                  in south east London in the
                                                                  early 90s. Julie also spent
                                                                  six years as a trustee of the
                                                                  housing and homelessness
            Karis Kolawole               Jessica Taylor           charity Shelter.
            Head of Faith                Head of Community              continues on next page
            Partnerships                 Fundraising & Retail
Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children
Is writing your Will                                                       continues from next page

still on your ‘to do’ list?                                                Julie says ‘I am
                                       Did you know that you can           passionate about children
                                       have your Will written free         and young people
                                       of charge?                          reaching their potential
                                                                           and young people have
                                       At Action for Children, we know     always featured heavily
                                       how important it is to provide      in my career. That is
                                       your loved ones with the safety     why I wanted to work
                                       and security they deserve.          with Action for Children,
                                       That’s why we are offering a        which I have long admired
You may not have sat down              free online Will writing service    for the fantastic work
and considered writing your            through our partners, Farewill      they do supporting those
Will. However, having a Will is        and The Goodwill Partnership.       children and families
a chance for you:                      This can take place in the          who most need it. It is
                                       comfort of your own home,           clear that Action for
   —— to protect your friends
                                       in the evening or on the            Children makes a real and
      and family
                                       weekend – whenever suits            meaningful difference to
   —— to make your wishes known        you best. Or, if you prefer,        the lives of those they
   —— to support the causes            you can have your Will              support and that as a
      closest to your heart            written online. You don’t           result their life chances,
A gift in your Will not only creates   have to leave a gift in your        quality of life and
an incredible lasting legacy, it       Will to Action for Children to      wellbeing are improved.
also has financial benefits: the       use our offer. However, if you      I wanted to be part of a
value of whatever you leave is         choose to do so, it will be         charity that does that.’
deducted from your estate before       immensely appreciated.
Inheritance Tax is worked out.
For more information on how to access this offer, please
visit Alternatively,
call 0300 123 2112 or email

 available                                                                We were very proud to
                                                                          open our first pop‑up shop
 now!                                                                     in Castle Mall, Norwich on
                                                                          9th August called 1869 after
 Some of you may have
                                                                          the year we were founded.
 already seen our Christmas card brochure—it’s been available
                                                                          The shop is stocked entirely
 since July! We have enclosed a copy in this mailing. There
                                                                          with new clothing donated
 are a wonderful selection of cards available.
                                                                          by high street retailers and
 Cards from the brochure can be can be ordered online,                    is the first in a series of pop-
 by phone or by post. Full details are in the brochure.                   ups currently being planned.
 Additional contemporary designs are available from
                                                                          Another way we are working
                                                                          with clothing to generate
 Last year our Giant Christmas Card proved to be very popular.            income is via our new
 It’s the perfect alternative to writing lots of Christmas cards and      Clothes Aid collection bags.
 giving them out in church. This way you can make a donation to           Look out for one of our new
 Action for Children and put your message inside the card which           bags coming through your
 is displayed in church. Available from your local Fundraiser.            door very soon!
Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children
Community Fundraising Events November 2018 to March 2019

REGION           DATE               EVENT                     FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT
Bath             17th March 2019    Bath Half Marathon        Shelagh Hillier 07930 341503
Berkshire        February 2019      Wokingham Half            Lily Haig 07803 583300
                 (exact dates       Marathon        
Bristol          1st December       Carols & Steam Avon       Clive & Joan Sutton Tel 0117 932 3978
                 2018               Valley Railway, Bitton,
                                    BS30 6HD 6.45pm

Cambridgeshire   March 2019         Saucony Cambridge         Holly Canham 07738502120
                 (exact date TCB)   Half Marathon   

Coventry         November 18th      Coventry 10K Charity      Hannah Leek 07889603816
                 2018               Fun Run         
Coventry         February 17th      The Starley Sportive      Hannah Leek 07889603816
                 2019               Road cycling - 28.6
                                    miles, 63.2 miles or
                                    85.5 miles
East Midlands    24th December      Carols on the             Toni Hudson 07843344625
                                    Square: Earls Barton,
                                    NN6 0NA
Guernsey         2019 Date TBC      Captured Event            Megan Dudziak 07702442843
Hampshire        27th January       Farnborough Half          Lily Haig 07803 583300
                 2019               Marathon        
Hampshire        February 2019      New Forest                Lily Haig 07803 583300
                 (exact dates       Challenge-      
                 TBC)               26 or 18 mile walk
Hampshire        March 2019         Spinnaker                 Lily Haig 07803 583300
                 (exact date TCB)   Tower Abseil    
Hertfordshire    November 18th      Hertfordshire             Kelly Sapwell 07921 491550
                 2018               Half Marathon   
Kent             April 7th & 8th    Spartan Super             Laura Hanratta 07525 731316
                 2019               (12km) & Sprint (5km)
                                    taking place in St
                                    Clere, Sevenoakes
                                    (sign up deadline
                                    is March 22nd)
London           December 6th       Santa in the City         David Springer 07889 604165
London           December 8th       London Santa Run          David Springer 07889 604165
Newport, Wales   3rd March 2019     Admiral City of           Nina Rice 02920 347060 / 0788 988 7053
                                    Newwport Half   

                                                                                     continues on next page
Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children
North West                 Thursday 6th              Liverpool Cathedral       Helen Noble 07872 675863
                            December                  Christmas Concert
                            7.00pm                    Liverpool Cathedral,
                                                      St James’ Mount,
                                                      Liverpool L1 7AZ
 North West                 Saturday 3rd              Nigel Ogden Organ         Helen Noble 07872 675863
                            November                  Concert, The Drive
                            (afternoon)               Methodist Church,
                                                      Lytham St Annes
                                                      FY8 1LH
 Scotland                   Sunday 4th      Yes Chef 2018: Hilton               Kirsty Martin-Steele: 0141 550 9023
                            November 2018 - Hotel, 1 William Street,  
                            6:30pm          Glasgow, G3 8HT

 Shropshire                 November 25th             Weston park - KickAss Hannah Leek 07889603816
                            2018                      Endurance    
                                                      10k flat / trail run
                                                      around the historic
                                                      ground of Weston Park.
 South East                 February 2019     Epsom Book Fair                   Megan Dudziak 07702442843
                            (exact dates TBC) - Held at Epsom         
                                              Methodist Church,
 South East                 14th October              Mud Monsters: East        Susan Dove: 07525 734104
                                                      Grinstead. 5km, 10km
                                                      and 20km muddy run
 South West                 Saturday 8th              Santa Slide at            Jamie Lee
                            December 2018             The Eden Project          Tel: (01752) 560 206
                                                      Dress up as Santa and
                                                      zip over the world-
                                                      famous biodomes at
                                                      The Eden Project.
 Stourbridge                December 22nd             Wollaston Bright          Hannah Leek 07889603816
                            2018                      Carol Singing   

 Surrey                     February 25th             Thorpe Park Half          Megan Dudziak 07702442843
                            2019                      Marathon        
 Surrey                     March 18th 2019           Hampton Court             Megan Dudziak 07702442843
                                                      Palace Half     
 Yorkshire                  Saturday 17th             Baildon Christmas         Cat Schroeter 07525 731909
                            November -                Fair: Baildon Methodist
                            10:00am                   Church, Newton
                                                      Way, Baildon, Shipley
                                                      BD17 5NR
 Yorkshire                  21st December             Northallerton Sing        Cat Schroeter 07525 731909
                                                      Carols: Northallerton
                                                      Methodist Church,
                                                      73 High St,
                                                      Northallerton DL7 8EG

 If you haven’t done so already, please let us know how you want us to keep in contact with you.
 If you opt out of all contact, then that includes hearing from your local Fundraiser!
 Local Fundraiser details are enclosed in this mailing.

Registered charity nos. 1097940/SC038092. Company no. 4764232. AfC 0683X
Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children Thanks to our Methodist supporters - Action for Children
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