Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School

Page created by Claude Watson
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
● Respect ● Responsibility ● Relationships ● Resilience
                                               Working together to be the best that we can be

                                                   Hollydale News
                       Hollydale Newsletter: 25th September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your continued co-operation and support with ensuring children have been able to return safely and happily
to Hollydale School. The children have really settled into their classes and it has been a pleasure to see them in school so
happy and confident. Our attendance for the beginning of the year has been improving – thank you. As we continue to live
in these uncertain times, we fully understand that there may be some anxieties amongst families around the recent
increase in Coronavirus cases across the country. Please be mindful that everyone at school is working tirelessly to ensure
children are kept as safe as possible so they can access school education, and if children are sent home; we are following
government guidance and we need your support.
Please do not send your child in to school if they have any of the symptoms of Covid-19. I would like to direct you to the
following NHS link, which provides you with details of the steps you should take if your child has symptoms of Covid-19, or
if in fact, you are uncertain of what you should do, or are unsure of any symptoms. This sits along the procedures that we
are following in school.
Parental Documents
This week we sent out a number of documents for you to read, agree, sign and return. I am aware it was a lot of
information, if you have any questions, do please ask. We are sending home paper copies today for you to return next
Home Learning
We have been looking into how we will support children who are at home self-isolating to not lose out on their education
but in a way that is also manageable for our teachers. Please look at the class pages on the school website for links to
support remote home learning: https://hollydale.continio.co.uk/curriculum/
This term we have issued 23 laptops to pupils due to the generous funding received from the Newcomen Collett
Breakfast and After School Club
Please inform the school office via telephone or email, if any contact numbers have changed. It is very important we have
the correct phone numbers on our system in case of emergencies and to keep parents updated of Coronavirus
School Organisation
In order to comply with Covid-19 guidance, we have adjusted some of our daily routines and organisation.
School Uniform – Children will be required to wear clean school uniform.
Pencil Cases - Children should not bring any pencil cases, pens, pencils etc into school. They will have their own pack in
PE Kit - This must be worn to school with black trainers on the allocated day of your child’s PE lesson.
Water Bottles – These must be bought to school DAILY. They must be brought home at the end of the school day for
Jeans for Genes and Macmillan Cancer Support
Thank you to all of our families for supporting these charities. We raised £70 for Jeans for Genes and £90 for Macmillan
Cancer Research.
My youngest daughter Hannah is now 16 and is in sixth form college working hard. We still go to Dulwich Park every
Sunday and this weekend we will be going to collect conkers and leaves for our nature table! I hope you too have an
exciting and restful weekend with your family.
Take care and stay safe,
Ms Reema Reid- Headteacher
                                                   Thought of the Week
  “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go
                                       through it or work around it. Michael Jordan

                  Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk           Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk                   @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Attendance & Punctuality                                      Attendance and Punctuality
            Whole school attendance

      Class      Attendance      Punctuality –
                                  Number of

      Cherry         93%                2
                                                                      How quickly another week has flown by!
       Elm           92%                3                     This year we are aiming for an attendance target of 97%.

       Oak           92%                2                                  Please note the following:
                                                                  100% Attendance - 0 Days Missed - Excellent
      Cedar          91%                1                       95% Attendance - 9 Days of Absence, 1 Week and 4
                                                                      Days of Learning Missed - Satisfactory
                                                               90% Attendance - 19 Days of Absence, 3 Weeks and 4
      Birch          99%                2
                                                                         Days of Learning Missed - Poor
      Hazel          96%                3                      85% Attendance - 28 Days of Absence, 5 Weeks and 3
                                                                       Days of Learning Missed - Very Poor
      Willow         93%                4                      80% Attendance - 38 Days of Absence, 7 Weeks and 3
                                                                     Days of Learning Missed - Unacceptable

                                               Instrumental Tuition Y2-6

   If you would like your child to learn the piano or the guitar please contact the school office for more information.
                                                   Termly fees: £120
                                                 Guitar: £10 per lesson
                                                 Piano: £10 per lesson

                                                  Parent Consultations
  We will be operating our parent consultations differently this term, to reflect the current situation and restrictions
  we are facing. This term all parent consultations will take place via a 10 minute telephone conversation. I will write
                                          to you next week with more details.

                                             Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond

     Below is a link to the Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond partnership. See, Hear, Respond is a partnership to help
  children, young people and families cope with the Covid-19 crisis. It is a new service funded by the Department for
    Education. With your help, the See, Hear, Respond Partnership will quickly identify and support children, young
                     people and families who are struggling to cope with the impacts of coronavirus.

                Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk          Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk               @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Record of Achievement

                                 Rewards Assembly Chart
 W/C 21.09.20                   Reward Week for Science
        Class             Name of            Reason for             Name of             Reason for
                           Child              reward                 child               reward
                          Eghosa Kenzo         Always being          Kevin Nguyen    Helping his peers when
    Cherry YR                                curious and asking                     ordering the life cycle of a
                                                 questions                                     frog

                           Tawfiq Miles           Carefully         Anabel Charen    Carefully labelling the
       Elm Y1                                 identifying which                     parts of the human body
                                               senses you were
                                             using on our sense

                          Kevin Nguyen         For helping his        Christian      For writing an excellent
       Oak Y2                                team to organise         Lawrence      summary of the life cycle
                                             pictures of the life                         of a butterfly
                                               cycle of a frog

                         Harlow Keenan-          For fantastic        Eva Gabriel   For fantastic participation
     Cedar Y3                Appiah          participation in our                   in our science experiment
                                             science experiment

                           Nati Ziemak          For a detailed      Annabel Itunu   For carefully labelling the
      Birch Y4                               explanation about        Akinbile        different parts of the
                                            the different types                      human digestive system
                                            of human teeth and
                                               their functions

                           Mya Dormer        For being able to       Charlie Ford   For being able to suggest
     Hazel Y5                                 discuss why it is                     some of the components
                                            important to keep a                     that are needed to carry
                                              home insulated                              out a fair test

                              Janaeh               Excellent        Ikram Mohamed   Excellent understanding of
    Willow Y6               Crawford-         understanding of                         the components of a
                             Charlery        the components of                       circuit and their symbols
                                              a circuit and their

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk       Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk          @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Our Autumn Nature Table

                                                     Harvest Festival

     This year, as in previous years, we are making a harvest collection for Southbank Foodbank. Please donate the
following items: tins of meat, fish or fruit, sweets, biscuits or chocolate, jams, tea and coffee. Please send the items to
   school with your child by Friday 10th October; there will be a box in each classroom for the items to be placed in.
                                                Thank you for your support.

                 Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk          Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk                 @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Hollydale’s Highlights
 This term seems to be moving at an incredible pace, I can’t believe we are at the end of week 4. I have been super
impressed at how well the children have been adapting to our ‘new normal’ and with the work being produced by all
                                                   year groups.

                                          YR Cherry Class - Self-Portraits

                               Y1 Elm Class have been learning about George Crum

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk       Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk              @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Y2 Oak Class have written verses in the style of Louis Armstrong about God’s creations inspired by his song What a
                                                  Wonderful World

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk       Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk             @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Y3 Cedar Class have been learning about Dr Harold Moody

  Y4 Birch Class have been carefully labelling the different parts of the digestive system and understanding their
 functions in Science and in English they have been creating their own story maps for the Iron Man by Ted Hughes

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk       Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk              @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Y5 Hazel Class have been studying the text Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk     Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk             @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale News - Hollydale Primary School
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Y6 Willow Class been exploring famous illustrators and recreating their line drawings. Do you
                             recognise any of these children’s favourites?

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Macmillan Cancer Research Green Day

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk      Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk         @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk    Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk           @HollydaleSchool
Head Boy/Girl Job Description

Main purpose of the job:

   1. To support the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in promoting and
         representing the school.
   2. To support their fellow pupils and be a role model

Main responsibilities and tasks:

          • Represent the school
          • Show visitors round
          • Meet with school council

                                 Head Boy/Girl Person Specification


   • Experience of being an excellent role model for others
   • Experience of talking to other’s confidently or giving speeches

Knowledge, skills and abilities:

   •   Can say the school rules
   •   Understands right from wrong
   •   Ability to communicate to large groups confidently
   •   Ability to recognise and respond to others’ achievements

               Hollydale Primary School, Hollydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 2AR Tel: 020 7639 2562
Email: admin@hollydaleprimary.co.uk     Web: www.hollydale.southwark.sch.uk          @HollydaleSchool
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