Science and Math Freshmen Registration Information Workshop - Carole Duffis, Coordinator of Academic Advising Sonia Santos, Academic Advisor Tim ...

Page created by Manuel Fields
Science and Math Freshmen
Registration Information Workshop
   Carole Duffis, Coordinator of Academic Advising
           Sonia Santos, Academic Advisor
          Tim Kalliomaa, Academic Advisor
          Tanya Piloyan, Academic Advisor
           John Quitiquit, Student Assistant
•   Introductions of panelists
•   Your video and microphone are disabled.
•   To ask a question, please use the Q + A feature; they will be answered towards the end.
•   We will prioritize questions re: CNSM as we have limited answers to CSULB questions.
•   We are recording this info session for our records.
•   You will receive a copy of this PPT in the days following this session.
    related emails as that is our primary avenue of communication.
• Difference between Academic Advising and Registration Appointment vs.
• Items that need to be completed before Course Registration
• Communication you will receive regarding Course Registration
• What to expect during your Academic Advising and Registration
• Next Steps
• Q&A
STEM Placement, Academic Advising,
       and Registration

Step    Task                                 Time to Complete
1       Math and Chem Placement              NOW to 14 days
        (ALEKS PPL and CHEM ALEKS)           before SOAR

2       Virtual Academic Advising Course     May 28 to 14 days
        (D2L)                                before SOAR
3       Academic Advising and Registration   7 days before SOAR
        Appointment (Zoom / on-on-one)
3       SOAR Orientation Workshop (Zoom /    SOAR date
Finish Math and Chem            Virtual academic SOAR
                                          Placement                       advising and       Workshop
                                          (4 more days for D2L advising   class registration
   Difference between Advising            course)
   and Registration
   Appointment vs. SOAR                   3-June                          10-June

                                          4-June                          11-June          18-June

                                          5-June                          12-June          19-June
• Course Registration & SOAR are on
  separate days                           6-July                          13-July          20-July

• Advising and Registration Appointment   7-July                          14-July          21-July
  takes place 1 week prior to the SOAR    8-July                          15-July          22-July
                                          9-July                          16-July          23-July
• All dates can be found on the CNSM
                                          10-July                         17-July          24-July
  Guidance for Freshmen Page:      13-July                         20-July          27-July

                                          14-July                         21-July          28-July

                                          15-July                         22-July          29-July
Before Your Advising and
 Registration Appointment
• Complete the SOAR Survey       June 1st

• Complete ALEKS PPL for         1 week prior to your
  Math & Chemistry (if needed)   registration appointment

• Complete SOAR and Advising 1 week prior to your
  Course on Beach Board      registration appointment
                             (Available on May 28th)
3 Days Before Your Advising and
    Registration Appointment
Student will receive two emails from CNSM Advising

•   Email #1: Course Recommendations and Registration

•   Email #2: Registration and Advising Appointment Sign Up
3 Days before your Advising and
      Registration Appointment
•    Email #1: Course Recommendations and Registration Information
     • Students will receive a PDF of their Recommended Fall 2020
     • Students will also receive information regarding how to read their
        schedule and how to register for courses in their student center.
     • Please review your courses and click the acknowledgment that
        the recommendation has been received ASAP

    You need to take courses as recommended to ensure
    good academic standing as a CNSM pre-major!
Your advising course
recommendations will be
                           How to Use the Class Schedule Planner
pre-loaded to your class   [PDF]
schedule planner.
3 Days Before Your Advising and
     Registration Appointment
    Student will receive two emails from CNSM Advising

•    Email #2: Registration and Advising Appointment Sign Up
     • Students will have the opportunity to meet with an advisor or
       peer mentor via Zoom on their registration appointment day.
     • Students will sign up for a 30-minute time slot to ask
       questions regarding placement, class schedule or
       registration help.
     • It is recommended that students try adding courses on
       their own before attending their advising appointment.
Day of Advising and
     Registration Appointment
•   Registration Hold on student account is lifted by 8am.
•   Students will enter the waiting room of the Advising Zoom Room at their appointment
•   Students will be admitted into the Advising Zoom Room one at a time and greeted by a
    Peer Mentor.
•   Student will be asked what kind of assistance is needed. (Questions about placement,
    need help finding a General Education Courses etc.)
•   Student will be assigned to a breakroom with an advisor or peer mentor and receive one-
    on-one advising and help complete their Fall 2020 schedule.
•   Student are expected to have schedules completed by end of the day.
•   Registration Hold returns to student account by 5pm.
Info Session                                      Date
                                   Shark Buddy Info Session and Peer Mentor Panel    26-May
                                   Freshmen Registration Q&A                         27-May
                                   Shark Buddy Info Session and Peer Mentor Panel    28-May
                                   Biological Sciences Panel                         2-Jun

Info Sessions
                                   Chemistry & Biochemistry Panel                    3-Jun
                                   Mathematics & Statistics Panel                    4-Jun
                                   Health Professions Advising Office Info Session   15-Jun
                                   Freshmen Registration Q&A                         23-Jun
                                   Health Professions Advising Office Info Session   23-Jun
                                   Biological Sciences Panel                         24-Jun
                                   Chemistry & Biochemistry Panel                    25-Jun
                                   Freshman Registration Q&A                         25-Jun
                                   Freshmen Registration Q&A                         29-Jun
                                   Mathematics & Statistics Panel                    30-Jun
                                   Geological Sciences Panel                         1-Jul
                                   Physics & Astronomy Panel                         2-Jul
                                   Health Professions Advising Office Info Session   21-Jul
                                   Health Professions Advising Office Info Session   29-Jul
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
                                                           California State University, Long Beach

Webinars held on May 21 and May 27, 2020.

•   How would we go about changing our SOAR date? If we can, when should we do it by?
        o   You can change your SOAR date by contacting SOAR directly: You need to
            do this as soon as possible.

•   What if I already completed my SOAR survey but I want to switch my SOAR date?
        o   Please consult the SOAR program:

•   Will the SOAR workshops be on-campus or will it be via Zoom?
        o   The workshops will be online. You can find more info on the SOAR website.

ALEKS Placement
•   If I receive an AP score high enough, do I still need to take the math placement test?
        o   You are not required to take the ALEKS placement exam if you have the appropriate AP
            score to qualify you for the appropriate math or chemistry course. However, if you will not
            have received your AP scores before your registration period, you will need to take it to
            ensure proper placement.

•   As a pre-chemistry major, where can I find the Chemistry ALEKS?
        o   If you have a June SOAR date, your Chemistry ALEKS was sent to you. If you have a July date,
            this will be emailed to you in early June. If you cannot locate this email, please email the
            Chemistry ALEKS team:

•   If we are planning on switching majors out of CNSM, do we still have to take ALEKS placement?
        o   You may have to take a placement exam depending on your major; each college has their
            own required placement exams. Please consult your new major’s academic advising office.
•   I never took AP Calculus so I'm scared to take the ALEKS. Will it be that difficult if I didn't take an AP
    math class?
        o   Math ALEKS will not be difficult without experience in AP Calculus. ALEKS will begin with a
            knowledge assessment but that will be followed by a learning module which will help to
            teach you the concepts needed for calculus placement.

•   The ALEKS PPL is for students with majors other than biology, chemistry, and geology right?
        o   Math ALEKS (ALEKS PPL) is for all CNSM majors. Chemistry ALEKS is specific to students
            majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Geology.

•   If we receive a 90+ in the second math placement exam, do we need to complete the other two
        o   You will need to continue through the ALEKS program until you have earned 90% on one of
            the modules or until you have finished all four modules if you do not receive a score of 90.

•   Where can I find the placement tests? I have not received an email and I am confused where to find
    the tests.
        o   Visit the Summer Guidance website and follow the links to math and chemistry placement.
            They will tell you how to find the info and have email addresses listed so you can reach out
            for more assistance.

•   What happens if you do not complete all four assessments for the Math ALEKS and did not get a
    90% or higher?
        o   If you view our math placement website, it will give you information about where you will
            be placed.

Other Placement Tests
•   For the DSP survey, I was recommended to take English 100A classes. If I take this, will this delay the
    time it takes for me to graduate?
        o   ENGL 100A should not delay your graduation. This course will give you practice researching,
            writing and revising college-level texts.

•   How far in advance should the CLEP exams for Calculus and Chemistry be taken?
        o   Take the exams as soon as possible so that you are aware of what credit you may have
            earned before registering. To determine what scores you need for college credit, please visit
            the CSULB catalog – passing CLEP scores.

•   When will the DSP be given to us?
        o   If you have not received an email regarding DSP, please the Directed Self Placement website
            and access the survey at the bottom of the home page.

•   Do we have to take the DSP before SOAR?
        o   Yes, you do as this will help the advisors with placement.
•   Do Honors students get priority registration?
        o   Yes, however, priority registration will not apply to Fall 2020. Students currently enrolled in
            the Honors Program will receive priority registration for the Spring 2021 semester.

•   I am in the University Honors Program. How will this affect my registration process?
        o   Your registration process will be the same regardless. The only difference is that you will
            have one or two courses assigned that are specifically reserved for Honors students - this
            will be notated on your recommended schedule!

•   I didn't know about the Honors program until after I applied. Is there still a chance to join it?
        o   You can certainly still apply for the program! The University Honors Program website
            contains helpful information on the courses offered and program application requirements.

Information Sessions
•   Where can we find answers to Q&A questions that go unanswered during these info sessions?
        o   You will find copies of the presentation slides and the Q+A responses on Info Sessions
            website approximately one week following the date of the information session

•   What is a Shark Buddy?
        o   We will be partnering incoming freshmen with a current CNSM student to have up to 4 30-
            minute Zoom sessions. This will allow the incoming student to speak with a current student
            about any number of topics. More info will be in the CNSM Peer Mentor Panel Info Session.

•   When will registration for the Shark Buddies Summer Peer Mentoring program open?
        o   The week of June 1. We will send you an email when it opens.

•   How do we sign up for Academic and Registration appointment?
        o   Included in the email that contains the recommended courses will be a link to sign up for an
            Academic Advising appointment. Please be sure to enroll in classes before you attend your

•   Will the Academic Advising appointment go over a four-year plan or just fall classes?
        o   This meeting will focus on the fall classes though there might be minor information on the
            four-year plan. The four-year plan can be addresses in an advising appointment during the
            academic year.
•   Will our recommended courses also be influenced by the career pathway/occupation that we want
    to pursue?
        o   Yes, especially for Pre-Health. Our General Education course requirements are based on a
            number of factors including your career goals.

•   So we can officially start registering for classes 3 days before our appointment?
        o   No. You will receive your recommended courses three days before your advising
            appointment so you can begin to view available times and dates. You will register the day of
            your appointment. Visit our Summer Guidance website for a full timeline.

•   After our registration hold closes at 5 pm, can it re-open if we need to change our schedule after
        o   Typically, you will not be able to change your schedule after you register for courses. There
            will be some exceptions made for AP scores, transfer credit, etc, however this opportunity is
            not guaranteed. Please reach out the CNSM Academic Advising Center (cnsm-
   with your specific questions.

•   Will we get emails to help guide us through each step of the process?
        o   Yes. We will communicate with you extensively via your primary email address.

•   Can we talk to an academic advisor outside of the registration date?
        o   While we cannot meet with you in the summer before your freshmen year, you can email
            the CNSM Academic Advising Center ( and receive guidance
            through email.

•   If we indicated on the SOAR survey that we are switching our major outside of CNSM, will the list of
    recommended courses reflect that change?
        o   If you indicated a major change on your SOAR survey outside of CNSM, you soon will be
            transferred to that new college. That college will contact you regarding your recommended
            courses. Not all registration processes are the same in each college so make sure to speak
            with them directly.

•   Would I be able to change my major in the future if I have already submitted my SOAR survey?
        o   Please contact the SOAR office or the CNSM Academic Advising Center (cnsm-
   to make this change.

•   Is it possible for us to switch to the Nursing major?
        o   Typically, you can switch into majors outside of CNSM. However, it is not possible to switch
            to Pre-Nursing. Instead, you will need to switch to Undeclared and work with them to
            determine if it’s possible.

•   What if I want to change my major within CNSM?
        o   Please email the CNSM Academic Advising Center ( so they can
            assist you.
AP Scores
•   Current AP exams are happening now and scores won't be in until mid-July. How do we move
    forward if our registration date is before the test scores are expected?
        o   You will need to let us know on the SOAR survey an estimate what you think you have
            received; we will work around those expected grades. If you do not earn a score equivalent
            to your estimate, we will review your registered courses and make the necessary changes.

•   What score would allow us to get college credit for the AP test or IB test?
        o   Please consult the Freshmen Test and Transfer Credit table.

•   If we choose to enroll in our recommended courses will we have options on what professor to take?
    Will we automatically be placed in whichever class is available?
        o   First, it is strongly encouraged that you do enroll in the recommended courses. These are
            set for you in agreement with your degree pathway and will make sure that you are making
            satisfactory progress in your degree. Second, you may have some choice regarding professor
            but it is more important to get enrolled in the course instead of picking a specific instructor.

•   Can we take courses at community college at the same time as we are taking classes at CSULB?
        o   Yes, you can, but we do not recommend it. You are welcome to look into it for the summer
            after your first year but we recommend you focus on CSULB courses. Please consult an
            Academic Advisor to confirm that your courses will transfer.

•   Will all lab classes be online?
        o   There are very few lab courses that will be offered online and they are all for our upper-
            division students. The CNSM courses that freshmen are eligible for will be solely offered via
            remote instruction.

•   What will the classes look like in this remote format - will we have a designated time that we
    “attend” the class or are they recorded and we watch them when we want?
        o   Each professor will provide a different format for their course. The professor should be
            communicating with you prior to the beginning of the Fall semester to tell you what is
            expected of you. Regardless, you should set aside some regular time in your schedule for
            each course so that you can maintain strong time management habits.

•   When will classes officially begin?
        o   The first day of classes is Monday, August 24. Please view the academic calendar.

•   How do I change my primary email?
o   You can change your email with the university by navigating to Single Sign On and clicking on
            the “MyCSULB” chiclet. Follow the prompts to change your contact information.

•   Where can we buy CSULB gear?
        o   The CSULB Bookstore – 49er Shops – is your best bet.

•   Where can we find a list of the classes we can take?
        o   Please consult the schedule of classes for a list of available classes.

•   Where do we go to sign into our CSULB email? I tried using Gmail but it does not work.
        o   You will be sent an email but you will not have access until just before Fall classes begin.

•   Where/When do we submit our IEP or 504 plans for priority registration?
        o   You will likely not have priority registration for your first semester, but, if you register with
            the Bob Murphy Access Center, you will be eligible for the Spring 2021 semester.

•   I never applied for on-campus housing but I still want to live at CSULB in the fall due to family
    circumstances; should I apply or should I just wait until Spring?
        o   Definitely contact the University Housing for information about the application and

•   Does CNSM have research programs?
        o   Our college offers many opportunities to get involved in research. You can look into a
            research training program which typically provides funding for research participation and
            structured professional development. You can also volunteer in a research lab. We will have
            info sessions on Undergraduate Research later in the summer.
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