The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering

Page created by Nicholas Rice
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
The #1 health insurance for
        pet family members
        Pet Insurance
         Voluntary benefit offering

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Pet Economics
        For owners and employers

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Pet ownership is on a pup-ward trend, but most pets
        aren’t protected


        Pet ownership has
        steadily increased
                                                                75%                           67%                       2%
        for over 20 years                                      of U.S. employees        of pet owning households
                                                                   own a pet1                                      of pets are insured in
                                                                                         own more than one pet2          the U.S.3

                                         95% of pet owners say
                                         their pet is part of the                  94.2M
                                         family4                                   cats owned in the U.S.5         dogs owned in the U.S.5

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Pet Ownership by Generation2               U.S. Labor Force by Generation6

                                         4%                                                                             33%
                                         Builders 1924–1945                                                             Gen X

                                         Baby Boomers 1946–1964                                                        25%
                                                                                                                       Baby Boomers
 Millennials are the                     Gen X 1965–1980
 largest segment of the                                       31%
                                                                                           35%                         Gen Z
                                                                                        Millennials /
 workforce and own the                   Millennials / Gen Y 1981–1994                     Gen Y

 most pets                                    11%                                                                       2%
                                         Gen Z 1995–2012

                                                         Pet insurance is a top 5                   51% of pet owners are likely to
                                                         preferred work perk for                    purchase pet health insurance4

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Pet-o-nomics and the need for financial support

                                                                                                                       MORE THAN
         The cost of pet
         ownership is rising2                    70%                            $30.1B                                $11K
                                           increase in pet care costs        spent on veterinary care and      spent by average pet owner
                                              over the last decade              product sales in 2020             to save their pet’s life

        Pet insurance offers
        peace of mind2                           78%                                33%                                56%
                                         of people underestimate how         of Americans can’t cover an        of employees are stressed
                                         much owning a dog or cat costs   unexpected medical bill over $1000   about their financial situation
                                             in the first year alone

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Average cost of owning a pet over its lifetime8
             The cost of pet
             ownership is
                                                                                                 $42,545       High end
             increasing                                            High end
                                                                   Low End                       $27,074      Low End

                                                         Cat                                       Dog

                 98% of pet owners
                 underestimate the                         Owners will likely incur at least one $2,000 - $5,000 bill for
                 lifetime cost of a pet2                   emergency care at some point during pet’s lifetime9

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
In a pandemic world, pets are a bigger                             Owners say pets make their life better
   part of the family than ever before

   Ten years ago,                             Today, it’s almost

   71 million                                 85 million                        86%                       78%
   U.S. homes had a pet2                                                        Companionship             Less stress or

                                         During the pandemic,

                                         1 in 3
                                         pet parents welcomed a new             75%                       69%
                                         pet into their household11            Less monotony or           Sense of hope

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Pets have become a big part of working life

                                         Workers report that the most important benefits of working at home include:11

                                                  50%          More time with pets

                                                  48%          More casual dress

                                                  47%          No commuting costs

                                                  36%          More time with family

                                                                   3 out of 4 working pet pet parents are concerned about
                                                                   leaving their pets at home when they return to the

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Owners report more consideration of their pets’ health:12

          More time at home
          with pets means a
          stronger focus on                               84%                                  72%
          pet health                                      of pet owners feel more
                                                          attuned to their pet’s
                                                                                                said they’re taking better
                                                                                                care of their pet than ever
                                                          health                                before

                                                                                               MORE THAN

                                                          said they will be taking their
                                                                                                of respondents agree that
                                                          pet for a proper vet check-up         they want to reward their
                                                          as soon as they’re able               pet with quality care for
                                                                                                being there for them

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The #1 health insurance for pet family members Pet Insurance - Voluntary benefit offering
Almost 2/3 of pet parents say they are concerned about their
                                                             financial ability to care for their pet11
    COVID-19 challenges
    put pet ownership and
    pet care at risk                     Owners say the pandemic is making pet parenting harder due to:11

                                                            29%                                         28%
                                                            Lack of access to vets,                     Difficulty paying for pet
                                                            groomers, walkers                           expenses

                                         Owners say these pet resources would help them keep their furry family member:11

                                                            32%                                         30%
                                                            Short-term                                  More access to pet services
                                                            financial help                              like veterinary care

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Top pet parent return-to-work concerns

                                         of those working at home want
                                                                                         of those who expect to resume
                                         to bring pets when they return                  traveling want to bring pets with
                                         to work11                                       them11

        When they return to work, pet parents are worried about…11

              74%                                        75%                     78%
             Leaving pets                        Anxiety due to returning to   Pet anxiety or
                home                               work without their pet        confusion

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
       Insurance 101

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Pet insurance has a paw-sitive                                   Survey of employees from companies that offer pet
   impact on employees and                                          insurance vs. companies that don’t1
                                                                        Offered                                    Not offered

                                                                                       Would recommend their job

                                         32%                         88%                       / employer
                                                                                                to others          51%
                                         Boost in attraction,                                ENGAGEMENT

                                         engagement and retention
                                         from offering pet health
                                         insurance as a voluntary
                                                                     91%                   Feel their work is
                                                                                            rewarding and

                                                                     72%                 Would decline another
                                                                                               job offer           44%

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Pet-friendly companies that offer pet insurance are more
    likely to attract, engage, and retain employees

                                                                  Pet insurance
                                                                                  Not offered1
  Feel fully engaged with their work                                  91%             65%
  Feel their work is rewarding and exciting                           83%             46%

  Rarely miss a day of work for well-being and/or recuperation        85%             77%

  Would recommend their place of employment to others                 88%             51%

  Plan to stay at the company for next 12 months                      88%             73%
  Would decline a job offer with another company at similar pay       72%             44%
  Feel the company supports their physical health and wellness        91%             59%
  Feel the company supports their mental well-being                   89%             53%

  Report a positive working relationship with their supervisor        52%             14%
  Report a positive working relationship with co-workers              53%             19%

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
        Is pet insurance worth it?
         Yes, especially when you need it most.

                                                                                         88%                          56%                          77%
                                                                                   of Americans with a pet         of Americans that          of Americans with pet
                                         1/5 of American pet owners report        insurance policy think pet   do not have pet insurance   insurance say it has come in
                                         going into over                            insurance is worth the       were not aware of it18       handy for emergency
                                                                                            cost18                                                 expenses18

                                         in debt due to pet care costs, causing
                                         delays in getting married, having
                                         children, or paying other bills.

                                         With insurance, an $8,000 vet bill for
                                         your dog’s cancer treatment doesn’t
                                         have to put the rest of your life on

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Pet insurance paid off for Max, a 6-year-old Labrador retriever

                                                                          Max’s veterinary visits over one year:19

                                                      February                                                       July                                          November
                                                   Tooth extraction
                                                                                                               ACL rupture                                     Foreign body ingestion
          His total                                 (non-wellness)                                                                                                                            Total Savings
          12-month                                       $772                                                   $4,964                                                $2,826
          premium                                    veterinary bill                                         veterinary bill                                       veterinary bill       $7,480.80       - $546.12
                                                                                                                                                                                         reimbursement   annual premium
                                                      -$250                                             -$0 deductible                                             -$0 deductible
          $ 546.12                               annual deductible                                  (met on previous claim)                                    (met on previous claim)

                                                        x90%                                                    x90%                                                   x90%
                                                    reimbursement                                           reimbursement                                          reimbursement          $6,937.68
                                                    $469.80                                                 $4,467.60                                                $2,543.40
                                               reimbursement total                                     reimbursement total                                      reimbursement total

                                         Max’s story is used for illustrative purposes and based off of actual pet insurance claims from Nationwide members.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Pet insurance is one of the most-utilized
                                         voluntary benefits
                                         Voluntary benefit opportunities per year (in millions)

                                         Veterinary visits20
                                         (Pet insurance)

                                         Impaired eyesight21
                                         (Vision insurance)

                                         Student loan borrowers22
                                         (Student loan repayment)

                                         Identity thefts23
                                         (ID theft protection)                 15.4

                                         Critical illnesses24
                                         (Critical care insurance)       3.2

                                                                     0          50          100   150   200   250     300   350   400   450

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
My Pet
       Protection Plans
       Everything you need to know

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
My Pet Protection plans offer comprehensive coverage
                                             for dogs and cats

                                                     Cost and Discounts                                                                      Coverage                                  Benefits
                                               • Exclusive to employees, with                                     • Covers medical, accidents, injuries                  • Cash back on eligible vet bills after
                                                 preferred pricing                                                  illnesses, hereditary, surgeries, and more             $250 annual deductible is met
                                               • Pricing is based on species                                      • Use any vet, anywhere: no networks, no               • Choice of reimbursement:
                                                 and state                                                          pre-approvals                                          50%, 70% and 90% options
                                               • Multi-pet discounts available                                    • Additional wellness options available:               • $7,500 benefit which renews each
                                                                                                                    spay/neuter, dental cleaning, exams,                   year in full
                                                                                                                    vaccinations, and more

                                                                        What’s not covered?
                                                                        Pre-existing conditions, boarding, and grooming

                                         Some policy exclusions may apply. Wellness, routine and preventive care covered with My Pet Protection with Wellness® policy.
                                         Discount on base plans only and may vary by state.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
My Pet Protection plans offer up to 90% reimbursement on eligible vet expenses

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ear infections
                                             Kidney                                                                                                                 Stomach                                          $199.00
                                             disease                                                                                                                issues                                           average cost
                                                                                                         allergies                                                                                                   $19.90
                                             $631.00                                                                                                                $316.00                                          member net cost
                                             average cost                                                $201.00                                                    average cost
                                             $63.10                                                      average cost
                                             member net cost                                             $20.10                                                     member net cost
                                                                                                         member net cost

                                                                           Stomach                                                                                                                      Urinary tract                                        allergies
                        Diabetes                                           issues                                                                                                                       infections                                           $293.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             average cost
                        $1,003.00                                          $381.00                                                                                                                      $336.00                                              $29.30
                        average cost                                       average cost                                                                                                                 average cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             member net cost
                        $100.30                                            $38.10                                                                                                                       $33.60
                        member net cost                                    member net cost                                                                                                              member net cost

                                                 Urinary tract                                                                                                                                                                         Arthritis
                                                 infections                                                                                                                                                                            $350.00
                                                 $531.00                                                                                                                                                                               average cost
                                                 average cost                                                                                                                                                                          $35.00
                                                 $53.10                                                                                                                                                                                member net cost
                                                 member net cost

    Examples based on actual pet insurance claims from Nationwide members. Claims were reimbursed according to the plan in which the member was enrolled at the time. Amounts shown here reflect how reimbursement would be calculated with the My Pet Protection plans with a 90% reimbursement and a
    $250 annual deductible already met on prior claims. Nationwide does not determine the amount a veterinarian may charge; that amount will vary by region and veterinary practice.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Choose your My Pet Protection plan and level of reimbursement
                                                              My Pet Protection with
                                                                                       My Pet Protection                                   Choose from three levels of coverage

     Accidents, including poisonings and allergic reactions             ●                     ●
     Injuries including cuts, sprains, and
     broken bones                                                       ●                     ●
                                                                                                                            50%                                        70%                                        90%
     Common illnesses, including ear infections, vomiting                                                                   reimbursement                              reimbursement                             reimbursement
     and diarrhea                                                       ●                     ●
     Serious/chronic illnesses, including cancer and
     diabetes                                                           ●                     ●
     Hereditary and congenital conditions                               ●                     ●
     Surgeries and hospitalizations                                     ●                     ●
     X-rays, MRIs and CT scans                                          ●                     ●
     Prescription medications and
     therapeutic diets                                                  ●                     ●
     Wellness exams                                                     ●
     Vaccinations                                                       ●
     Spay/neuter                                                        ●
     Flea and tick prevention                                           ●
     Heartworm testing and prevention                                   ●
                                                                                                           Some exclusions may apply. Certain coverages may be excluded due to pre-existing conditions. See policy documents for a
     Routine blood tests                                                ●                                  complete list of exclusions.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Choose your My Protection plan level of reimbursement
                                                                 Upgrade to My Pet Protection with Wellness for more coverage:
     Reimbursement after $250 annual
                                               50%   70%   90%

     Accidents, including allergic reactions
     and poisonings
                                               ●     ●     ●

     Injuries, including cuts and broken                          Wellness                   Shots and                         Spay and/                        Routine                          Parasite               Microchip
                                               ●     ●     ●
                                                                  exams                      vaccinations                      or neuter                        blood tests                      prevention             implants

     Common illnesses, including ear
                                               ●     ●     ●

     Serious/chronic illnesses, including
                                               ●     ●     ●

     Hereditary and congenital conditions      ●     ●     ●

     Hospitalizations, including
     x-rays and surgeries
                                               ●     ●     ●

     Prescription medications and Rx
                                               ●     ●     ●

                                                                 Some exclusions may apply. Certain coverages may be excluded due to pre-existing conditions. See policy documents for a complete list of exclusions.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
My Pet Protection policies include benefits above
                                         and beyond medical care
                                               Boarding or         Up to $500 for boarding if you or your family member is hurt or sick
                                               kennel benefit      and can’t take care of your pet

                                               Long-term lost or   Up to $500 for a pet who has been lost or stolen for
                                               stolen benefit      over 60 days

                                               Advertising and     Up to $500 for advertising or offering a reward for a lost
                                                                   or stolen pet
                                               reward benefit

                                                                   Up to $1,000 for a pet who has passed due to injury or illness,
                                               Mortality benefit
                                                                   • Euthanasia
                                                                   • Cremation and burial expenses
                                                                   • The price you paid for your pet

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Nationwide offers superior coverage at an
                                           affordable price
                                                 Nationwide MPP 90% Pricing                                      Average Competitor Price Range

                                                                          Seattle                                                  Chicago                                 New York
     My Pet Protection
     pricing is based off of species
                                                                                     Average                                                                                       Average
     and state                                           My Pet                                                    My Pet                Average Competitor     My Pet
                                           Age                                      Competitor                                                                                    Competitor
                                                       Protection                                                Protection                    Range          Protection
                                                                                      Range                                                                                         Range

                                            2                                    $54.04 - $78.99                                           $50.22 - $61.02                      $71.00 - $83.30

     Competitor pricing                     4                                    $54.04 - $94.19                                           $68.33 - $72.62                      $80.00 - $92.92
     varies based on several factors and
     can be more than 4x as much for a      6          $41.78                   $56.77 - $125.12
                                                                                                                 $50.40                    $97.62 - $113.98
                                                                                                                                                              $52.60           $100.00 - $135.20
     12-year-old dog
                                            8                                   $86.86 - $181.50                                          $139.28 - $167.36                    $129.00 - $198.51

                                            10                                 $125.40 - $260.07                                          $199.27 - $242.58                    $178.00 - $287.74

                                            12                                 $190.82 - $343.74                                          $285.29 - $302.03                    $197.00 - $358.26

                                                   Monthly insurance rates for a Labrador Retriever.
                                                   Sample pricing based on actual competitor data with prices reflecting 90% reimbursement model.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Nationwide is the only insurer to cover
    avian and exotic pets
      Plan details

      One low annual deductible,                         Choose 50%, 70% or 90% reimbursement on
      not per incident                                   eligible veterinary expenses

      Coverage highlights

      Veterinary exams, including specialty and          Prescribed holistic and
      emergency visits                                   alternative care

                                                         Illnesses and disease caused by external and
      Hospitalizations and surgeries
                                                         internal parasites

      Injuries and illnesses, including cancer and       Preventive care, such as vaccinations/titers and   Covers:
      hereditary/congenital conditions                   wellness bloodwork
                                                                                                            Amphibians    Geckos        Mice
                                                                                                            Birds         Gerbils       Rats
      Diagnostic testing, including radiographs, MRIs,   No waiting period for hereditary and congenital    Chameleons    Guinea pigs   Rabbits
      CT scans and ultrasounds                           conditions                                         Chinchillas   Hamsters      Snakes
                                                                                                            Ferrets       Iguanas       Tortoises
                                                                                                                          Lizards       Turtles
      Policy enrollment through Nationwide call center at 877-738-7874

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Nationwide offers more coverage options at
   straightforward rates
   Access the services you need without premium increases for aging pets

                                                                                                                                Plans for                           Telehealth
                                         Exclusive plan for                          Age-related                                                                                                    Built-in wellness
                                                                                                                               avian and                              service
                                         voluntary benefits                         premium rates                                                                                                   coverage option*
                                                                                                                               exotic pets                            for pet

                                                                                                                                                                   Yes, 24/7
         Nationwide                                    Yes                                     No                                     Yes                                                                 Yes

                                                                                                                                                                   Additional cost
             Trupanion                                  No                                      Yes                                    No                                                                  No
                                                                                                                                                                     per month

       Pets First/MetLife                               No                                      Yes                                    No                                   No                             No

                 Figo                                   No                                      Yes                                    No                                   No                             No

             Pets Best                                  No                                      Yes                                    No                                  Yes                             No

               ASPCA                                    No                                      Yes                                    No                                   No                             No

   *Nationwide wellness coverage is built into reimbursement product option. Competitors wellness options are considered add-ons or riders and limit reimbursement to a pre-set benefit schedule.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Receive 24/7 veterinary advice
    with the

                             Available to all members ($150 value)
                             vethelpline is included in every Nationwide pet insurance

                             Unlimited 24/7 access to call, email or online
                             From general questions to identifying urgent care needs,
                             someone is always available.

                             Expert advice from a trained veterinary
                             All vets are based in the U.S. and have years of clinical

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Digital perks                                                                                 Just a few…
                                                                                                                                         of the discounted products available through affiliate partners
                                                                    Digital cards
    members receive                                                 Cards for pet birthdays and
                                                                    other life events
    perks and savings
    access to pet toys,
    accessories, treats
    and more                                                        Seasonal Infographics
                                                                    Pet facts and tips in fun

                                                                                      The Companion
                                                                                      Online magazine with
                                                                                      pet tips, articles and

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Examples and discount % shown here are subject to change

                                         Nationwide hereby disclaims any and all liability for any product or service offered herein and Nationwide makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to any product or service offered. Your participation in any of the promotions
                                         is strictly voluntary and is solely between you and the offerer of the product or service. Nothing herein shall be deemed to be an approval, endorsement or recommendation of product or service. Although Nationwide tries to ensure that all
                                         information, whether in relation to the products, services, offerings or otherwise (“Information”) is correct, Nationwide does not guarantee the accuracy of the Information and makes no representations or warranties as to the
                                         completeness or accuracy of the Information. You agree that Nationwide shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any business dealings you have with the offerer of any product or service.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Enroll in pet insurance in just four steps

              1 Go online                        2 Answer two                 3 Choose                       4   Enter payment
                                                    questions                      a product
           Go to your company’s                   Answer just two             Select your desired plan and   Enter your employee ID for
           custom landing page or                 questions to determine      add any additional pets.       payroll deduction or payment
           search for your company on             pricing:                                                   information to complete your
  to                                                                             purchase.
                                                  • Pet species
           start a quote.                         • Zip code

                       Enrollment available by           Benefit enrollment            Each pet issued an           Multiple-pet
                       phone at 877-738-7874             open year-round               individual policy            discount available

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
My Pet Protection offers coverage options for every budget

                                                                   Web experience:
           1        Choose product
                    reimbursement level.

           2        Check the box for optional
                    wellness coverage.

           3        See per-paycheck or
                    monthly pricing based on
                    your employer’s payment
                    options.                     $21.00/paycheck      $16.80/paycheck   $12.60/paycheck

           4        Select your plan.

           5        Add up to four additional
                    pets and earn a multi-pet

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Access Nationwide policy benefits in just three steps

                            1                                2                                  3
                Pay your vet                     Submit your claim                   Get reimbursed
                Pay for your pet’s               Send your vet bill and claim form   Reimbursements for eligible fees
                treatment at the time of         via email or online submission      via direct deposit or check

        Additional                         Member Care: 800-540-2016                 Pet Account Access Page: Get forms, claim
        member                             Mon-Fri 5 am–7pm PT &                     status and view claim history at
        resources                          Sat 7am–3:30pm PT               

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Do-it-yourself mobile portal makes
   managing your policy fast and easy                                Snap. Send. Simple!
   (fur real!)                                                       Submit mobile claims:

                                                                         Snap a photo using your mobile

    Manage your policy with self-serve options:                  1       device or upload an existing

   •       Adjust payment settings from payroll to direct bill
                                                                                Enter claim information and

           (if employer offers a non-payroll billing option)
           Edit account settings and pet information
                                                                      2         submit your claim at

   •       Find important policy details
   •       Upload and submit claims at
                                                                     3       After 48 hours, begin
                                                                             tracking your claim*

                                                                             *Claim status is available after 48 hours of submission. Please allow up to 72 hours for mailed/faxed claims.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Partnering with

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Offer the best deal on pet insurance with
                                                                                               All payroll structures accommodated
    payroll deduction                                                                          including 12, 24, 26 and 52 pay cycles

                                                Payroll                     Direct
                                               Deduction                     Bill
                                                                                               Payroll deduction converts 3.3 times
                                                                                               better than direct bill
                                         Automatic deduction from    Bank account or credit
                                                paycheck                     card

                                              Enter work ID               Enter card or
                                                 or SSN             bank account information

            Upfront                                                      First 2 months
             Cost                                                         of premium

         Processing                                                        $2 per pet
            Fee                                                            per month

                                              Split between
              Billing                                                Total amount monthly

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Nationwide® Pet Rx ExpressSM
                                                                                     How it works
    Get Rx pet meds for less at                                                      Using Nationwide Pet Rx Express is simple and convenient.

    •       Members save time and money when filling their
            pet prescription medications at any of Walmart’s
            4,700 pharmacies across the country                                        1             Nationwide pet insurance members can sign up at

    •       Members enjoy the convenience of having the
            pharmacy submit claims directly on their behalf                                                      After allowing 24 hours from sign-up,
                                                                                                  2              members can bring their pet prescriptions to
                                                                                                                 any in-store Walmart pharmacy.
    •       Optional program available to all Nationwide pet
            insurance members with active plans

    •       No cost to sign up for and use                                                      3             At checkout, members provide their pet insurance
                                                                                                              information and pay for the prescription.

                                                                                                              Walmart pharmacy will automatically submit claims to
                                                                                                              Nationwide for processing, and members will be
                                                                                                              reimbursed for eligible expenses.*

                                                               *Reimbursement or co-insurance is based on coverage detailed in policy. See Nationwide Pet Rx Express Terms of Service. Certain coverages maybe
                                                               excluded due to pre-existing conditions. See policy documents for a complete list of exclusions.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Payroll deduction makes paying                                                                   Setting up payroll deduction:

    premiums effortless
                                                                                                              1                           2                            3
     Payroll deduction timeline:
                                                                                                     Complete the group          Set up your account:        Begin offering pet insurance:
                                                                                                     application: mark payroll   choose to receive billing   your group account
                                                                                                     deduction, eligible         transactions via            coordinator manages your
                            Month 1      Employee enrolls in policy
                                                                                                     employees, and              electronic files            account and answers any
                                                                                                     employee IDs                or invoices                 questions

                                         Nationwide issues employee’s policy
                                         •   Enrolled 1st-15th: policy active the upcoming month
                                         •   Enrolled 16th-31st: policy active the following month
                            Month 2
                                         Nationwide notifies employer of deductions

                                         Employer deducts premium from employee’s

                            Month 3      Employer sends deductions to Nationwide

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Easily integrate Nationwide plans into partner
                                         benefit platforms

                                              Nationwide Data                                           New Quote Application
         Integration options                Integration Platform                                        Programming Interface
         that make it easy to              • Shorter setup time                                         • Displays real-time rates for pet products

         offer pet insurance               • End-to-end process transparency
                                           • Higher participation rate due to an
                                                                                                        • Includes effective date logic
                                                                                                        • No discount logic build required
         from Nationwide                      improved user experience                                  • No need to store or maintain rates

                                           Enrollment Platform Partners
                                           • Benefitfocus                  • Workforce Junction
                                           • Mercer                        • American Benefits Consulting
                                           • Aon                           • Selerix
                                           • Corestream

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Easily integrate Nationwide plans into partner benefit platforms

                   Standardized               Secure data             Enhanced       Notification alerts for
               process for inbound       transfer via STFP using   error/exception      file processing
                  and outbound               PGP encryption           handling              updates
                  data exchange

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The Nationwide claims team is dedicated to providing
        the best member experience

                  Pet Claims Dept                              The majority                  Staff includes a
                  processes about                              of claims are             veterinarian and former
                 220,000 claims per                         processed in under            veterinary technicians
                    month, with                                                                    with

                 2.64M                                            10                       1,500+
                    processed in 2020                               days              combined years of vet experience

                                         Staff services multiple time zones for continuous service

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Build your benefits package with
        high-demand, easy-to-understand offerings

                                Build up         57% of job seekers say that benefits are one of the
                                your benefits    top factors they scrutinize before accepting a job
                                package          offer.25

                                Make benefits    From paid parental leave, to tuition reimbursement, to pet
                                                 insurance—be sure that your employees know about all of the
                                easy to
                                                 benefits that are available to them and understand how to use
                                understand       them.

                                Create a         41% of employees say their top complaint about their
                                communications   employer’s benefits program is that communication is
                                strategy         too infrequent26

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Ensure employee satisfaction by properly
        communicating benefit information

                             Make           Communicate frequently                 Incentivize
                             a plan             and widely                    employee participation

             Nationwide does all of the     Nationwide pet insurance is     Nationwide offers pet-friendly
              work to help you create     offered year-round, and we can     participation and incentive
                 and implement a            help you communicate and        campaigns year-round to help
                 consistent benefit       educate benefits information to        educate and engage
              communications plan.        employees throughout the year.             employees.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Easily share insurance information with employees using Nationwide tools
                                                                                    Print Resources

                                         FAQ sheets                                                   Customizable product flyers
                                         FAQ sheets that can be                                       Product flyers that can be customized with
                                         customized with company URL                                  company URL and logo
                                         and logo

                                                        Customizable postcards                                 Open enrollment kit
                                                        and mailings                                           (Digital version also offered)
                                                        Postcards and mailings that can be                     Benefit information for
                                                        customized with company URL and logo                   open enrollment season

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Easily share insurance information with employees using Nationwide tools
                                                                             Digital Resources

                                          Videos                                        Emails                           Incentive campaigns and promotions
                      Explanations for pet insurance plans and                   Easy-to-share seasonal                        Benefit education program with
                                 policy questions                               pet tips and infographics                        a chance to win pet prizes

                                         Webinars                                 Resource Center                                       Virtual booth
                10-15 minute presentations on pet insurance and   Features plan information, customer testimonials and   Interactive exhibit with literature, videos and
                                   pet tips                                               more                                                more

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The “HR Pet Press”
     e-newsletter delivers industry
     insights to your inbox

     The quarterly email covers:

                      Industry news

                      Engagement and participation tips

                      Employees treats

                      Real-life claims

                                Sign up today to receive

     Image is for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the email.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
The “My Pet Insider” is an
     e-newsletter that delivers essential
     pet owner information to employees

      The quarterly email covers:

                       Wellness news

                       Pet parent tips

                       Videos and infographics

                       Real-life claims

                       Pet holidays

             Sign up your employees today to receive
                      directly to their inbox
     Image is for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the email.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Onboarding members are supported from application to active policy

                                                                                         Membership                                                 Welcome/
                   Application received                   Application approved                                         Coverage begins
                                                                                         overview                                                claims overview

                   Confirms policy purchase and           Confirms the application has   Shares member perks like   Confirmation that the      Educates members on
                   reinforces that coverage has           been processed                 the vethelpline®.          policy is active and can   how to submit a pet
                   not yet begun.                         and approved.                                             be used.                   insurance claim.

                  Sent immediately after                  1 day after policy             6 days after policy        Policy effective date.     3 days after policy
                  enrollment.                             issuance.                      issuance.                                             effective date.

            Email communications are subject to change.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Six reasons employers love Nationwide pet insurance

             All pets welcome                                Easy to understand                                    Exclusive plans
             Only insurer with medical and wellness plans    Accident, illness and preventive plans accepted by    Preferred pricing and multi-pet
             for dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets.          veterinarians everywhere.                             discounts only available to employees.

            Anytime enrollment                               Engagement support                                    Zero cost
            Employees can protect the health of their pets   Dedicated representative and free marketing support   Adds tremendous value to benefit
            anytime throughout the year.                     to easily communicate and educate employees.          packages without adding a single cost.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
39 years of protecting pets with pet insurance

                         1982                                         1985                                     1998                                      1999

           Veterinary Pet Insurance (today                    VPI is first to sell pet health      VPI is the first pet health insurance   VPI partners with employers to offer
          known as Nationwide) issues the                 insurance in all 50 states in the U.S.     provider to offer wellness care       pet insurance as a voluntary benefit.
         first pet health insurance policy in                                                               coverage for pets.
              the U.S. to T.V.’s “Lassie.”

                                         2000                                2008                               2020                                    2021

                  VPI became the first pet insurance               VPI became a wholly-owned        Nationwide earns Human-Animal           Nationwide partners with Walmart
                company to offer coverage for avian and             subsidiary of Nationwide.             Bond Certification                to offer Nationwide Pet Rx Express.
                             exotic pets.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Nationwide protects people,                                                       Strong & stable protection27

     businesses and futures with
     extraordinary care
     Established success27

                       Nation’s first and largest      $49.3 billion                                                     Top industry ratings
                       provider of pet health          in total sales/direct written
                       insurance                       premium
                                                                                       Recognized & committed service27

                       73 solutions                    Mutual structure allows us
                       give us the most diversified
                       portfolio around
                                                       to invest for the long haul
                                                                                                   #1                          8th                        94

                                                       Close to                           insurer of pets, farms and     largest auto and home            as a leader
                                                                                             ranchers, and small                 insurer          in insurance and financial
                        The only U.S. insurer of pet   1 million                                  businesses                                               services
                        birds and exotic animals
                                                       Pets insured
                                                                                                                       Breadth of relationships

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Nation’s first and largest     Close to 1 million       Founded by and accepted by
                                          provider of pet health        pets insured and          veterinarians everywhere
    The nation’s most                           insurance                   protected

    experienced pet health
    insurance company                                     More than half of Fortune 500 companies and more than 8,000
                                                          organizations across the U.S. offer Nationwide pet insurance

                                                          Nearly one fourth of Nationwide’s pet associates are veterinary

                                                                       Human-Animal Bond certified company

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
                                             In summary…

                                                         Pets need                      Pet owners need help                Healthy pets make happy
         Healthier pets, happier                      high-quality care                    paying for care                        employees

         employees                            Over 75% of U.S. employees are pet
                                             owners and almost all owners consider
                                                                                       1/3 of Americans can’t cover
                                                                                      an unexpected pet medical bill
                                                                                                                             Owning a pet improves physical
                                                                                                                               health, mental health, and
                                               their pet to be a family member.1               over $1000.2                           productivity.

          Contact your Nationwide
          representative to start offering             Pet insurance                  My Pet Protection offers                       Nationwide
          pet insurance today.                           pays off                       unmatched service                            makes it easy
          For more information visit:            Pet insurance is the most-used        Owners enjoy comprehensive             From set-up, to billing, to claims
                                                voluntary benefit, saving owners     coverage, plan options, affordable   submission and processing, Nationwide
              money and helping employers            and transparent rates, and        puts customer service first, with nearly
                                                    attract and retain talent.           additional member perks.          a century of experience to back it up.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
       Asked Questions

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Frequently asked                                     When is the policy renewal period?
      questions:                                           The renewal period starts 60 days before the
                                                           current 12-month term expires. The expiration
      HR professionals                                     date can be found in the policy packet mailed to
                                                           employees at each new term.

      How can an employee adjust their
      Employees may make changes during their              What happens to an employee’s policy if they
      policy renewal period by calling 800-540-2016.       are no longer with
      All changes are subject to underwriting              the company?
                                                           If the employee pays policy premiums via direct bill,
                                                           no action is required and the policy will automatically
                                                           remain active. However, the premium may change at
      Do employees need to re-enroll for this              policy renewal, as group pricing may no longer apply.
      benefit every year?
                                                           If the employee pays policy premiums via payroll
      Once enrolled, policies renew automatically          deduction, he or she will be notified and asked to
      each year.                                           update billing information in order to keep their policy

      Will pre-existing conditions
      be covered?
      Unfortunately, no. Like all pet insurers, we don’t
      cover pre-existing conditions on any of our

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
Thank You

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
      1.    Human Animal Bond Research Institute, “Nationwide/HABRI Study.”
      2.    American Pet Products Association, “2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey.”
      3.    North American Pet Health Insurance Association, “2020 NAPHIA State of the Industry Report.”
      4.    Human Animal Bond Research Institute, “2016 Pet Owners Survey.”
      5.    American Pet Products Association, “2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey.”
      6.    Pew Research Center, “Millennials are the largest generation in the U.S. labor force.”
      7.    CNBC, “More millennials are demanding these workplace perks.”
      8.    CNBC, “Owning a pet can cost you $42,000, or 7 times as much as you expect.”
      9.    Money Under 30, “The Annual Cost of Pet Ownership: Can you Afford a Furry Friend?”
      10.   Emergency Vets USA, “Average Cost of Emergency Vet Visits.”
      11.   Mars Petcare, “Pets in a Pandemic: Better Cities for Pets 2020 Report.”
      12.   Banfield Pet Hospital, “New Survey Reveals Effects Stay-at-Home Order May Have on Pets and their Owners.”
      13.   SWNS Digital, “Study finds that having pets around is helping most Americans get through the pandemic.”
      14.   CNN Health, “Want to live longer? Get a dog.”
      15.   American Heart Association, “16 Science-Backed Reasons Adopting a Dog Could Be Good for Your Heart.”
      16.   Human Animal Bond Research Institute, “The Health Care Cost Savings of Pet Ownership.”
      17.   Human Animal Bond Research Institute, “Can Pets Help You Live Longer?”
      18.   LendEDU, “How Much Do Americans Spend on Their Pets?”
      19.   Nationwide Claims Data
      20.   American Pet Products Association, “2018-2019 APPA National Pet Owners Survey.”
      21.   All About Vision, “Why people wear glasses may surprise you.”
      22.   Forbes, “Student Loan Debt In 2017: A $1.3 Trillion Crisis.”
      23.   Javelin, “2020 Identity Fraud Study: Genesis of the Identity Fraud Crisis.”
      24.   Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, “Costs & Consequences.”
      25.   Glassdoor, “50 HR and Recruiting Statistics for 2017.”
      26.   Health Advocate, “Striking a Healthy Balance: What Employees Really Want Out Of Workplace Benefits Communication.”
      27.   Nationwide, “Annual Report 2019.”

      Products underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (CA), Columbus, OH, an A.M. Best A+ rated company (2020); National Casualty Company (all other states), Columbus, OH, an A.M. Best A+ rated company (2020).
      Agency of Record: DVM Insurance Agency. All are subsidiaries of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review and approval. Products and discounts not available to all persons in all
      states. Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance contracts,
      policies or declaration pages, which are controlling. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and Nationwide is on your side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2021 Nationwide.

©2021 Nationwide. All rights reserved.
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