Lively Mark - St. Mark Village

Page created by Terry Reyes
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Lively Mark

  2655 NEBRASKA AVE | PALM HARBOR, FL 34684 | WWW.STMARKVILLAGE.ORG                     FEBRUARY 28, 2021

Doug’s COVID-19 Update                                   Good Bye and Good Luck
    As we complete our first twelve months of CO-            Good-byes are hard to make…after eight years
VID-19, learning to live with it has made us stronger.   of dedicated service to St. Mark Village, it’s hard
We work together helping each other and encourag-        to say goodbye to Lisa Laub, Director of Sales, and
ing each other. We will remain safe by keeping many      Karla Lindeen, Resident Services Director. Lisa has
of our new protocols in place but opening up in other    an exciting new opportunity awaiting her in North
ways that would allow us to feel more normal.            Carolina where her son and his family have recently
    Effective Monday, March 1, Guest Rooms will          moved. Karla is returning to her roots as a Case
be open once again. We encourage you to invite           Worker working directly with seniors in their homes.
your family and friends to visit you here at St. Mark    We will miss these two ladies and wish them the
Village by either spending the night with you in your    best in the future. We are better having known them.
apartment or in a Guest Room. Visitation will now        As true professionals, they leave us better than they
include dining in the Café and Dining Room. At this      found us. Please join us in saying ‘see you later’ to
time, Visitor’s Passes will still be required.           two of our true family members as we gather in their
    Seating on buses, in the Chapel, and in meeting      honor on Wednesday, March 10, from 2:00 p.m. to
spaces will increase to 50% capacity with everyone       3:30 p.m. in the Bishop Club Room. “Good-byes are
staying in masks. This will allow a better use of our    not forever, are not the end; it simply means I'll miss
vehicles and spaces.                                     you until we meet again.”
    Thanks for all you do to stay safe while enjoying
St. Mark Village. —Doug Fresh                            Transportation Services Clarification
                                                             Please call ext. 1138 to notify us as soon as you
Date Night—Make Your Reservations!                       know your transportation needs or at least 24 hours
    For your dining pleasure, on Friday, March 12th      in advance. If you are unable to notify us at least 24
make reservations to enjoy a Date Night with any         hours in advance, we will do the best we can to ac-
Resident from any floor. Reservations will be taken      commodate you, but you might have to wait. Publix
in person at the hostess stand in the Dining Room        trips are scheduled daily at 10:00 a.m. and Walmart
beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 6th.          trips are scheduled daily at 2:00 p.m. Transportation
Reservations will be taken first-come, first-served.     to Church is available on Sundays so please call by
Only one Resident from your party needs to be pres-      4:00 p.m. Thursday.
ent to make the reservation. You’ll have your choice
of 3:45 p.m. or 5:15 p.m. seating times.

                                                                         Lively Mark
    Please note: all four (4) tops and three (3) tops                        THE
need a reservation, whether you are changing your
time or not. Please do not come down earlier than                     For the Residents of St. Mark Village
your assigned seating time, we will not be able to                             Doug Fresh, CEO
seat tables early.                                                           Jeff Gorddard, COO
                                                                         Matt Fresh, IL Administrator
    Regular Dining Service will also be available in                          Editor: Ellen Wade
the Dining Room at your assigned seating time for                    Layout and Design: Marlene Di Maria
                                                                       Layout and Design: Tina Glandis
the week.
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
The New
                                                                                                    Masks should be
                                                                                               worn at all times out-
                                                                                               side your apartment
                                                                                               except when you are
                                                                                               seated in the Din-
                                                                                               ing Room or Village
                                                                                                    Please be ad-
                                                                                               vised, when you are
                                                                                               attending any activ-
                                                                                               ity in the Chapel,
                                                                                               the pews are marked
                                                                                               with social distanc-
       “I’m John N. Huy, my team and I are dedicated to helping you get out of                 ing decals in the
   pain and get back to feeling great again.                                                   pews to designate
       Call us and tell us about your health issues and set up a consultation to dis-          where to sit.
   cuss the treatment that will best get you back to optimum health.                                Visit https://bay-
       As your doctor, I promise to sit down with you, face to face, and be attentive,
   present, focused and actually listen.” —Dr. John N. Huy, D.C., DACBN                        for valuable infor-
       Tarpon Total Health Care provides the finest quality care, combining skill              mation including
   and expertise that span the entire health and wellness spectrum. Dr. John Huy,              an online screening
   D.C. is committed to relieving your pain, helping you maintain optimal health               tool; patient educa-
   and ultimately, enhancing your quality of life.                                             tion; and updates on
                                                                                               the virus.
                                                                                                    Thank you for all
Midweek Movie                                                you do to make St. Mark Village so special. Change
    The Midweek Movie for Wednesday, March 3,                is hard but we need to change to become all that we
                                                             can be.
is A Long Way Off starring Robert Davi, Edie Mc-
Clurg, John Diehl, Jason Burkey, Dave Blamy, Zoe
                                                             Alterations and Sewing Services
Myers, and Johanna Jowett.
    Young Jacob is tired of living on the family farm,            Come to the Hobby Room on Tuesday, March 2,
submitting to the rules of his father. One day he            (please note change in day of service) between
demands an early inheritance and is shocked when              10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. if you have any items that
his father agrees—contingent on first sitting through        need alterations. Mickey Stewart will hem pants and
an intensive session of life trainers in the area of         blouses for $10 and put zippers in for $15. Payment
Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. Jacob’s got it all:              is required on the day of service. Cash payments
money, ladies, prestige. But then—he loses it all and        are preferred, but credit cards and checks are also
just when he thinks he’s hit bottom the bottom drops         accepted. Mickey may ask you to put on the gar-
some more.                                                   ment after she pins it. Then, she will take it home to
    This 2013 Drama/Romance is 1 hour and                    mend it and bring it back in two weeks. Mickey will
45 minutes long and will be shown at 11:00 a.m. and          let you know on the day of service exactly what the
6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Rated PG for thematic ele-          charge is for each alteration and when she will return
ments, some suggestive content and smoking.                  the finished items.

The Lively Mark / February 28, 2021                                                                              Page 2
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Experiencing COVID-19 Symptoms?                           March’s Floor Meetings
    In our continuing efforts to reduce the possibility       The March Floor Meetings will all be held on
of spreading the Coronavirus, we ask that any Resi-       Monday, March 1, and Tuesday, March 2, in the
dent experiencing the following symptoms stay in
                                                          Chapel. Each meeting will last 30 minutes with a 15
their apartment and self isolate:
                                                          minute break in between. There will not be any guest
     •    Headache                                        speakers at our March Floor Meetings.
     •    Diarrhea                                           Monday, March 1st:
     •    Fever                                              •   1st Floor at 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

     •    Chills                                             •   2nd Floor at 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
                                                             •   3rd Floor at 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
     •    Cough
                                                             Tuesday, March 2nd:
     •    Shortness of breath
                                                             •   4th Floor at 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
     •    Sore Throat                                        •   6th Floor at 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
     •    Muscle Pain                                        •   5th Floor at 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
     •    Repeated shaking w/chills                       Proposed Amendments to
     •    New loss of taste or smell.                     ILRA Constitution and By-Laws
    Residents in common areas exhibiting these                Two proposed Amendments to our Constitution
symptoms will be asked to return to their apartment.      and By-Laws were distributed to all Residents on
Notify your doctor of your symptoms as well as Kar-       Jan. 26th.
la Lindeen, Resident Services Director at ext. 1118.          Voting on these changes will be held on Monday,
Arrangements will be made to provide contactless          March 1, and Tuesday, March 2, at the Floor Meet-
services to meet your needs while you are restricting
                                                          ings in the Chapel. If you cannot be present at your
your activities to your apartment. Resident Services
                                                          allotted time, but wish to vote, an absentee ballot may
will provide detailed information on this. Thank you
for your cooperation.                                     be obtained from the Administration Office.
                                                                                    —Kathy Y., Acting Secretary
Armchair Travel                                                              Independent Living Resident Assoc.
     Sit back, relax, and travel to Ireland on Monday,
March 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel.
     The “Emerald Isle” is a place where myth and
legend coexist with a booming legacy of invigorated
economic strength. From Belfast to Galway to Dub-
lin explores timeless country glens, abundant fishing
ports, the famous golf courses of counties Kerry and
Cork, and more all the way to Tipperary. This 2007            A thoughtful act or a kind word may
travelogue is 2 hours long and will be shown at              pass in a moment, but the warmth and care
6:30 p.m. in the Chapel.                                          behind it stay in the heart forever.
                                                                               —Author Unknown
Resident Safety Meeting
    The next Resident Safety Meeting will be held on
Friday, March 5, at 10:00 a.m. in the Banquet Room
(please note room change). All Residents are welcome.

The Lively Mark / February 28, 2021                                                                         Page 3
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Men’s Breakfast Club       Team Member Anniversaries
                            The Men’s Breakfast Club         At the beginning of each month we will list our
                        will meet on Tuesday, March      Team Member’s Anniversaries. We thank the follow-
                        2, at 8:00 a.m. in the Banquet   ing members of the St. Mark Village Team for their
                        Room. This week’s guest          fine work and dedication:
                        speaker will be Resident Jim
                        B. Jim and his wife, Barbara,    Rebecca Rabideaux-Stahl, Plant Operations       22
                        have been Residents of St.       Elsa Diaz, Plant Operations								             11
                        Mark for the past ten years.
                        They consider St. Mark their     Melnesha Bell, Health Care								              10
                        “Happy Place” and they are       Marina Capili, Health Care									               8
living their retirement dream at St. Mark Village. Jim
                                                         Katherine Cardenas, Health Care			   		7
will be sharing his photo presentation of the many
wonderful activities, within the building and outside    Michael Doerr, Culinary Services				7
community, that the Residents enjoyed before the         Lauren Eberhardt, Health Care								             7
COVID-19 lock down. Even with the lock down for
the past year, Ellen Wade, with help from other Staff    Baya Hani, Culinary Services									             7
and Residents continued activities to help everyone      Dee Isguzar, Development									                 7
get through this trying time. We are so blessed to be
                                                         Lianne Ramsey, Finance									                   7
at St. Mark.
    All men are invited to enjoy Jim’s talk and a        Danielle Rivers, Plant Operations				7
delicious breakfast. The cost of our breakfast is $4.    Nelson Rodriguez, Plant Operations			7
If you plan to attend, please sign up on the bulletin
board to secure your place, as seating is limited to     Keisha Pabon Vazquez, Culinary Services		         6
24. Please wear your face mask and be prepared to        Diana Ziemba, Health Care									                6
observe social distancing. —Larry L.                     Georgette Branvil, Health Care							             5
Trivial Pursuit in the Chapel                            Michelle Brooks, Health Care								              5
    Test your knowledge and join us in the Chapel        Lisa Browder, Health Care									                5
to play Trivial Pursuit on Monday, March 1, at 1:30      Matt Fresh, Administrative Services			5
p.m. The more questions you answer correctly, the        Gina Oscar, Health Care									                  5
more points you score for your team.
                                                         Lydia Georgatos, Culinary Services			3
                                                         Gretchen Danielson, Culinary Services		 2
  ‘Just Ask Jeff’                                        Dylan Fresh, Information Technologies		 2
       Come join Jeff Gorddard, our Chief Operat-        Justin Jorgenson, Health Care			1
  ing Officer, on Thursday, March 4, for conversa-       Brenda Cruz-Perez, Culinary Services		 1
  tion and camaraderie as we meet for a “Just Ask        Deena Mason, Health Care				1
  Jeff” discussion from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in
  the Bishop Club Room. This meeting is currently        Krista Lyerly, Health Care				1
  full as we are limited to 25 people due to social      Natalie Price, Health Care				1
  distancing. Residents with reservations should         Jamie McAdams, Health Care			1
  come with their questions and comments and
                                                         Rosemarie Montague, Resident Services		           1
  Jeff will answer and discuss them.
                                                         Dawn Frechette, Health Care				1

The Lively Mark / February 28, 2021                                                                    Page 4
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Let Resident Services Ease Your Stress
    Our Resident Services Director, Karla Lindeen,         Irish Café
can assist you and ease stress by helping you orga-            Erin Go Bragh! Come celebrate
nize your tax papers. For more information please          St. Patrick’s Day at the Irish Café on
call Karla at ext. 1706.                                   Wednesday, March 17, from 11:30 a.m. until
                                                           1:30 p.m. in the Café. Come and enjoy some
Resident Medical Deduction                                 tasty Irish Stew, Scones, Irish Jam Cookies, and
    For those Residents with an Admissions Agree-          Irish Cream Coffee amongst friends. Wear your
ment (Continuing Care Agreement) who itemize their         green and share in the Luck O’ the Irish, good
deductions on schedule A of IRS Form 1040, the de-         food, and fun—and that’s no blarney!
ductible amount for monies paid to St. Mark Village            To ensure enough Irish goodies, we ask
during the year is being computed by our accounting        that you please sign-up on the bulletin board by
firm. If you need this information, a letter outlining     Monday, March 15. Couples, please remember to
this deduction will be available in the Administration     sign up on two different lines so the food count is
Office late February or early March. We will notify        accurate. There will be three seatings,
you when this information is available.                    11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; 12:15 p.m. to
Resident Birthdays and Anniversaries                       12:45 p.m.; and 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Six to
                                                           eight Volunteers are needed to help serve food
Birthdays                                                  and drinks at this event—if interested, please call
Ruth B.									February 29                                the Hobby Room at extension 1743.
Eileen H.								March 1
Glenda B.								March 2
Catherine M.						March 4
Dorothy C.							March 6
Elizabeth G.							March 6
Hope and George C.			 March 1

Ladies Luncheon
                                                         News from the Greeting Card Corner
    The next Ladies Luncheon will take place on
                                                              A huge thank you is extended to Resident, Da-
Thursday, March 4, at 11:45 a.m. in the Banquet
                                                         vid E. for his generosity in donating ten boxes of his
Room. The cost for a delicious lunch will be $5
payable at the door. This month’s guest speaker is       lovely cards with glorious pictures of birds taken
Tim Young who will present a program entitled, “The      with Dave’s marvelous camera.
History of Honeymoon Island and More”. Seating is             A nice variety of St. Patrick’s Day cards are
limited to 20 Residents.                                 now available in our Card Shop located in our great
    If interested, please sign-up using the Activity     Library. The Greeting Card Corner is open every
Sign-Ups Lottery System beginning Monday, Feb-           Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:00 p.m. until
ruary 22. Please see the Activity Sign Ups Lottery       3:00 p.m. Our wonderful Volunteers look forward to
System instructions located next to the Front Desk       assisting you.
Screening Station for details. If you have any ques-          A sincere Thank You to Katherine S., my As-
tions about this event or if your name is drawn and      sistant Card Shop Manager, for her help checking in
you are unable to attend, please call Leona F. at ext.   a very large order of greeting cards that arrived this
8247.                                                    week. —Glenna B., Card Shop Manager

The Lively Mark / February 28, 2021                                                                        Page 5
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Cornament Winners and
       Dinner Seating Schedule                           Team Corn Hole League Sign-Ups
  Sunday, February 28th                                      Team #1: Ginni and Larry L. are the winners of
  • 1st Seating at 1:00 p.m.                             the Cornhole Play-offs—way to go cornstars!
     Floors 1, 2, 3                                          The new season will start on Monday, March 8,
                                                         and the League will resume playing at 10:30 a.m. in
  • 2nd Seating at 2:30 p.m.
                                                         the South Hall. The League will play every Monday
     Floors 4, 5, 6
                                                         from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the South Hall. Re-
  Mon., March 1st - Sat., March 6th                      member social distancing—only scheduled cornhole
  • 1st Seating at 3:45 p.m.                             players should attend as we cannot have more than
     Floors 1, 2, 3                                      ten players gathering at any given time.
  • 2nd Seating at 5:15 p.m.
     Floors 4, 5, 6
                                                         Socially Distanced Organ Music
                                                              Dick R. will play organ music on Tuesday, March
                                                         2, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Elevator Lobby.
St. Mark Village Logo Shirts
                                                         Please wear your mask and be prepared to social
     Bobby from Mart Apparel will be here on Tues-       distance while attending this event.
day, March 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the
South Hall. He will bring a selection of shirts with        Far away there in the sunshine are my
our St. Mark Village logo embroidered on them. You          highest aspirations. I may not reach them,
can put in your order that day for a shirt and he will      but I can look up and see their beauty,
fulfill your order within a reasonable time frame and       believe in them, and try to follow where
deliver them back to you. Come check out the mate-          they lead. —Louisa May Alcott
rial and shirt choices. All Residents who ordered
shirts, or hats he will bring your order that day and    Bible Study Cancelled
make sure your order is correct and your shirt fits.
                                                             Please note the Bible Study on Tuesday, March 2,
BINGO Callers Needed                                     and Tuesday, March 9, has been cancelled. Please join
                                                         the Bible Study group when they resume on Tuesday,
    Looking for something to do? If you answered
                                                         March 16, at 10:30 a.m. in the Bishop Club Room.
yes, then being a BINGO Caller may be for you! Your
duties include working a laptop—you will be given        The Sanders of SMV
instructions and shown how to use it. You will choose
the games played from a game library. There are also         Come to the Hobby Room on Wednesday,
openings for BINGO players on Tuesday nights. The        March 3, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to help sand
most games you would call would be two times in any      toys for The Toy Makers of East Lake. Please wear
month. If interested, call Ellen at ext. 1743.           your mask and be prepared to social distance while
                                                         attending this activity.
                                                         Spring Cleaning
                       Stay tuned to channel                 The first day of Spring is a little over a month
                       732 (you must punch this          away. YOU know what that means…time for some
                       number in on the remote           Spring Cleaning! This, of course, is in addition to
                       to access) for additional         your weekly cleaning and would be a deep cleaning
                                                         service. Concierge Services Department is here to
                       information during
                                                         assist you with this seldom enjoyed, but often much
                       a fire alarm.
                                                         needed, activity. It is our experience that a studio
                                                         or a standard one-bedroom apartment can be deep
                                                         cleaned in two hours, which means your charge
                                                         would be $46. Please call extension 1713 to schedule
                                                         an appointment.

The Lively Mark / February 28, 2021                                                                      Page 6
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Lost & Found                                                  Movie Review
      The following items were found and turned
  in to the Administration Office last week.                Think Like A Dog                                         o o
        Earring; clip-on, brown, wood design
                                                            Sat. 2/27; Sun. 2/28*		            6:30 p.m.
        Earring; pierced, dangle, blue & green              Saturday Matinee, 2/27*		          1:00 p.m.
        Glasses; metal frames
                                                            Please note: The Friday, February 26, Village
     If you believe one of these items may be               Movie has been cancelled due to the Birthday and
  yours, please stop by the office to identify it.          Anniversary Celebration at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
                                                            Director: Gil Junger.
                                                            Cast: Gabriel Bateman, Megan Fox, Josh Du-
                  Calendar of Events                        A 12-year-old tech prodigy’s science experiment
                                                            goes awry and he forges a telepathic connec-
Sunday, February 28, 2021                                   tion with his best friend, his dog. The duo join
10:00 Worship Service - Chapel                              forces and use their unique perspectives on life to
      Second Sunday in Lent                                 comically overcome complications of family and
      Mark 8:31-38                                          school. Comedy. 2020; 1 hour, 31 minutes.
      The passion prediction                                Rated PG for rude and suggestive material.
      —Pr. Bill Magee                                                   *Closed caption programming if available.
 6:30 Village Movie - Chapel                                          Star ratings (4 star scale) from

Monday, March 1, 2021
 9:00     Mindful Meditation & Breathing-Wellness Ctr
                                                           Tuesday, March 2, 2021                      (concluded from previous
                                                           10:30   Needlers & Hookers til 12-3 Flr Lng    rd
 9:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732
                                                           10:45   6th Floor Meeting until 11:15 - Chapel
10:00     1st Floor Meeting until 10:30 - Chapel
                                                           11:00   Chair Aerobics - Wellness Center
10:00     Stretch & Balance - Wellness Center
                                                           11:30   5th Floor Meeting until 12:00 - Chapel
10:45     2nd Floor Meeting until 11:15 - Chapel            1:00   Wellness Checks with the Resident Nurse til 2
11:00     Sit & Be Fit - Wellness Center                    1:00   Wii Bowling - 3rd & 6th Floor Lounges
11:30     3rd Floor Meeting until 12:00 - Chapel            1:30   Move With Melanie - Channel 732
 1:00     Greeting Card Corner until 3 - Library            2:00   Gentle Yoga - Wellness Center
 1:00     Wellness Checks with the Resident Nurse til 2     6:30   Dominoes - 5th Floor Lounge
 1:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732                   6:30   Organ Music by Dick R. - Elevator Lby
 1:30     Trivial Pursuit - Chapel                          7:00   Better Than Ever BINGO - Bishop Club Rm
 3:30     Vespers/Prayer Group - Chapel
                                                           Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Tuesday, March 2, 2021                                      9:30   Move With Melanie - Channel 732
 7:00     BayCare Lab Services until 8 - 2nd FL Wellness   10:00   Balanced & Strong - Wellness Center
 8:00     Men’s Breakfast Club - Banquet Room              11:00   Chair Pilates - Wellness Center
 9:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732                  11:00   Midweek Movie Matinee - Chapel
10:00     Alterations & Sewing Services - Hobby Rm          1:00   Foot Fitness - Wellness Center
10:00     4th Floor Meeting until 10:30 - Chapel            1:00   Greeting Card Corner until 3 - Library
10:00     Sit & Be Fit - Wellness Center                    1:00   The Sanders of SMV - Hobby Room

                    (continued next column)                                  (continued on page 8)
The Lively Mark / February 28, 2021                                                                                      Page 7
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
Wednesday, March 3, 2021(concluded from pg 7)
 1:00 Wellness Checks w/Resident Nurse til 2                                OUR MISSION:
 1:30 Move With Melanie - Channel 732                         To enrich the lives of the Residents we serve by
                                                              creating an environment that fulfills their every
 6:30 Midweek Movie - Chapel                                           need—body, mind, and spirit.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
 9:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732
10:00     Sit & Be Fit - Wellness Center                  Book Review
11:00     Balanced & Strong - Wellness Center                 Gene Coppola, Director of the
11:45     Ladies Luncheon - Banquet Room                  Palm Harbor Library, will present a
12:45     Sunday Choir Chorus Practice - Chapel           Book Review via Zoom on Friday,
 1:00     Pinochle - 3rd Floor Lounge                     March 12, at 1:30 p.m. in the Cha-
 1:00     Wellness Checks with the Resident Nurse til 2   pel. He will review the book “The
                                                          Turn of the Screw” by Henry James.
 1:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732
                                                          Guests at a holiday party share
 2:00     Hand & Finger Fitness - Wellness Center
                                                          stories of phantoms and ghosts of
 2:00     Just Ask Jeff-Reservations Required-BCRm        Christmases past.
 7:00     Better Than Ever BINGO - Bishop Club Rm
Friday, March 5, 2021                                          T HE P EOPLE O F S T. M ARK V ILLAGE
 9:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732
10:00     Balanced & Strong - Wellness Center
10:00     Craft Class - Hobby Room                              A W ARM W ELCOME I S E XTENDED T O:
10:00     Resident Safety Meeting - Banquet Room          Michele B.; Norma F.; Louise G.; Janet M.; and Rick
11:00     Chair Tai Chi - Wellness Center                 and Sandra S.
 1:00     Greeting Card Corner until 3 - Library
 1:00     Wellness Checks with the Resident Nurse til 2
 1:30     Move With Melanie - Channel 732
                                                          Care Center:
 6:30     Village Movie - Chapel
                                                          Pauline C.
 6:30     Canasta - 5th Floor Lounge
                                                          Patricia G.
Saturday, March 6, 2021                                   James R.
10:00     Fun Chorus Practice - Chapel
                                                          In The Hospital:
 1:00     Village Movie Matinee - Chapel
                                                          Catherine M.
 6:30     Open Bridge - 2nd Floor Lounge
                                                          Wanda S.
 6:30     Village Movie - Chapel                          Betty S.
                                                          Returned to Apartment:
      Upcoming Events                                     Sally D.
                                                          Linda W.
  Mar. 8		    New Cornhole Season Begins-10:30a           Tranfers:
  Mar. 8		    Armchair Travel-6:30p                       Perl (Bill) S.
  Mar. 9		    Mart Apparel-10a-12p
  Mar. 10     Gathering for Lisa Laub & Karla 						      A Fond Farewell To:
  						      Lindeen-2-3:30p                             Joseph C.
  Mar. 12     Book Review-1:30p
  Mar. 12     Date Night (Reservations Required)                                   Sympathy is extended to the
  Mar. 17     Irish Café-11:30a-1:30p                                              family and friends of Lucille
  Mar. 19     Wii Bowling Play-off Game-1p                                         “Becky” S.

The Lively Mark /February 28, 2021                                                                                Page 8
Lively Mark - St. Mark Village Lively Mark - St. Mark Village
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