The Comorbidity Between Epilepsy and Psychiatric Disorders: Assessing the Integration of Neuropsychiatric Care

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                                                Impulse: The Premier Journal for Undergraduate Publications in the Neurosciences

The Comorbidity Between Epilepsy and Psychiatric Disorders:
Assessing the Integration of Neuropsychiatric Care
Erin E. Reasoner, Elizabeth I. Flandreau
Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan 49401

Psychiatric symptoms are extremely pervasive in epilepsy patient populations and represent a
significant burden on quality of life for people with epilepsy (PWE). Despite growing awareness
of this reality, mental illness (MI) in PWE continues to be under-diagnosed and under-treated.
Recent developments in our understanding of the bidirectional relationship between seizures and
psychopathology inform an increased need for collaboration of healthcare providers from
neurology and psychiatry disciplines. This article highlights present institutional barriers to
diagnosis and treatment of PWE with comorbid MI (PWE/MI), including poor interdisciplinary
communication, limited opportunities for cross-specialty training, and the arbitrary theoretical
divide between neurology and psychiatry, which distinguishes their approach to managing
complex brain disorders. We discuss recent progress towards improving quality of care, both
through advancements in our understanding of the common risk factors for epilepsy and MI and
through practical interventions, such as increased behavioral health screenings. While these
developments have demonstrated a positive impact on patient outcomes, there remains a clear need
for system-wide change.

Abbreviations: PWE/MI – people with epilepsy and comorbid mental illness; PWE – people with
epilepsy; EEG – electroencephalogram; AEDs – anti-epileptic drugs; PNES – psychogenic non-
epileptic seizures; MI – mental illness; ADHD – attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

Keywords: epilepsy, psychiatric comorbidities, psychiatric complications, treatment-resistant
epilepsy, patient-centered, education, interdisciplinary collaboration, management, neurology,


         Epilepsy is the fourth most common                    al., 2021). Psychiatric symptoms can present as
neurological disorder in the United States,                    interictal (independent from seizure activity),
affecting 3.4 million individuals nationally (Hirtz            peri-ictal (temporally related to seizure
et al., 2007). One in three people with epilepsy               occurrence),     or    iatrogenic   (linked    to
(PWE) will also be diagnosed with a psychiatric                pharmacological treatments) (Kanner, 2016a).
disorder at some point during their lifetime                   The existence of peri-ictal and iatrogenic
(Tellez-Zenteno et al., 2007).                                 psychiatric symptoms suggests overlapping
         The relationship between psychiatric                  neurobiological etiology for psychiatric and
symptoms and epilepsy takes many forms. Mood                   epileptic symptoms.
and anxiety disorders are the most reported                             Comorbidity between seizure and
psychiatric comorbidities in PWE (Lu et al.,                   psychiatric disorders has a compounding impact
2021). However, psychosis, attention deficit-                  on health outcomes.           Psychiatric illness
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and substance                   significantly increases risk of pharmacoresistant
use disorders are also reported at higher rates in             epilepsy, recurring seizures, and early mortality
PWE, compared to the general population (Lu et                 in PWE (Petrovski et al., 2010; Hesdorffer et al.,
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2012; Fazel et al., 2013; Nogueira et al., 2017).               example of this is a phenomenon of “forced
Furthermore, multiple studies have demonstrated                 normalization”, described by Landolt in 1953.
that psychiatric symptoms are a stronger                        While observing treatment of PWE, Landolt
predictor of quality of life than seizure-related               reported       that      normalization     of
variables (Johnson et al., 2004; Taylor et al.,                 electroencephalogram (EEG) readings was
2011).                                                          frequently followed by onset of novel chronic
          In part due to the extraordinary                      psychosis.
comorbidity across psychiatric and seizure
disorders, there is growing recognition of                        “There’s this terrible irony where sometimes if
epilepsy as a neuropsychiatric condition (Kanner,                 you normalize somebody’s EEG, their
2016b). It is crucial that our approach to care-                  psychiatric symptoms get worse. Sometimes
management addresses the interdependency of                       the side effects of the anti-epileptic
seizures and psychiatric symptoms in PWE. The                     medications are really bad and sometimes
present paper explores the challenges of                          people with brain disease just have really tough
diagnosing and treating PWE and comorbid                          symptoms.”
mental illness (PWE/MI) from a patient-centered                   - Gerald Scott Winder, MD. (Psychiatrist at
perspective.                                                          Michigan Medicine)
          To provide a holistic assessment of                           Subsequent observations of forced
current epilepsy care management, we conducted                  normalization are increasingly rare and have
unstructured, qualitative interviews with epilepsy              largely been attributed to certain anti-epileptic
care providers during the summer of 2020. All                   drugs (AED) (Clemens, 2005; Weber et al., 2012;
interviews were conducted virtually. Pre-written                Topkan et al., 2016). However, even with modern
questions were individualized to the expertise of               treatments, withdrawing medications does not
each provider. Relevant quotes were selected                    consistently resolve symptoms, suggesting a
after a review of the literature had been                       degree of innate biological antagonism between
completed. These anecdotes and experience are                   the pathology of seizures and psychopathologies
quoted throughout this review to provide context                (Calle López et al., 2019).
to the literature.
                                                                  “Does this mean that seizures have some kind
 “If you think about neurological conditions –                    of weird treatment effect on improving
 they are brain-based things, but so are                          psychiatric symptoms? If so, does the reverse
 psychiatric conditions. We separate them                         hold true that if people have well-controlled
 academically, but they do have quite a bit of                    seizures, are they at higher risk for depression?
 overlap.”                                                        I definitely think there’s that dynamic there
 - Hannah Wadsworth, PhD.                                         and it’s really interesting.”
     (Neuropsychologist at the University of                      - Nicolas Beimer, MD. (Epileptologist at
     Iowa Hospital and Clinic)                                        Michigan Medicine)
                                                                         For many patients there appears to be a
Shared Etiology of Seizures and                                 direct correlation between psychiatric symptoms
Psychiatric Symptoms                                            and seizures. For example, current or past
                                                                diagnosis of depression predicts new-onset
                                                                epilepsy and failure to achieve seizure-freedom
        The association between mental health
                                                                (Josephson et al., 2017). Furthermore, a large-
and epilepsy has been a matter of speculation for
                                                                scale comparison of data from FDA clinical trials
centuries (Kanner, 2000). Epilepsy is typically
                                                                found that treatment with antidepressants was
diagnosed via electroencephalogram (EEG),
                                                                associated with lower seizure incidence in later
which is used to detect abnormalities in
                                                                years (Josephson et al., 2017). History of
spontaneous intercranial electrical activity
                                                                depression, psychosis, or personality disorders is
(Miller et al, 2014). Historically, both clinicians
                                                                also implicated in post-operative seizure
and scientists posited that treating epilepsy could
                                                                reoccurrence in PWE treated with surgical
aggravate behavioral symptoms. The primary
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interventions (Kanner et al., 2009; de Araújo                  400 different symptom combinations that satisfy
Filho et al., 2012; Koch Stoecker et al., 2017).               diagnostic criteria for Major Depressive Disorder
         The relationship between psychiatric and              (MDD) alone and nearly 300 million possible
epileptic symptoms appears to be bidirectional,                symptom combinations to diagnose comorbid
with an elevated incidence of psychiatric                      MDD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
diagnoses reported both before and after epilepsy              (Young et al., 2014). This immense diversity in
diagnosis (Hesdorffer et al., 2012). Among                     behavioral symptomology complicates both the
PWE/MI, resistance to AEDs predicts increased                  initial diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder and
severity of psychiatric symptoms (Petrovski et                 subsequent care management of psychiatric
al., 2010). Similarly, one study associated                    symptoms.
pharmacoresistance among epileptic rats with
heightened anxiety, hyperexcitability, and                      “It’s an open secret that sometimes we aren’t
cognitive deficits (Gastens et al., 2008).                      very good at treating psychiatric patients.
         While the multifactorial nature of                     Basically, the whole thing can be just trial and
neurologic and psychiatric health makes it                      error because the brain is so poorly understood
difficult to demonstrate a direct causal                        compared to other parts of the body.”
relationship between epilepsy and psychiatric                   - Dr. Scott Winder (Psychiatrist)
comorbidities, these examples strongly indicate                        Ambiguity surrounding mental illness
that treating psychiatric comorbidities also                   contributes to lengthy diagnostic delays, often
improves seizure outcomes for PWE/MI. The                      measured in years or decades from symptom
relationship between epilepsy and psychiatric                  onset (Wang et al., 2004; Berg et al., 2014). In a
conditions remains largely uninvestigated and                  report from Mojtabai and colleagues, patients
poorly understood. Further scientific inquiry into             cited structural barriers such as affordability,
the biological relationship between seizure                    physical accessibility, and shortages in treatment
activity and psychiatric symptom severity has                  providers as the most frequent causes of delay
significant potential for informing improvements               (2014). While many of these difficulties lie at a
in care, and thus, quality of life for PWE.                    systematic level outside the control of individual
                                                               treatment providers, they nonetheless create an
Challenges Diagnosing Psychiatric                              additional burden for people with mental illness.
                                                               This unfortunately sets up the many PWE/MI
Disorders in PWE
                                                               with an exponential burden in pursuing treatment
                                                               for both conditions.
Psychiatric Diagnosis as a Moving Target
         Diagnosis of psychiatric disorders uses a              “One of the unfortunate realities of our
classification system primarily based on self-                  healthcare system is that we have long waits.
reported symptoms (Clark et al., 2017). As our                  In Iowa we have a lot of people in rural areas
understanding of mental illness and behavioral                  that don’t have easy access to [mental health
health evolves, so too do the classifications in the            care]. It takes a lot of creative problem solving
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental                     and we do what we can to get them held over
Disorders (DSM).         Fluidity in psychiatric                until they can get the help they need.”
nosology accommodates a multimodal approach                     - Dr. Hannah Wadsworth
to treating psychological pathologies that exist on                 (Neuropsychologist)
a continuum (Allsopp et al., 2019); however, it
also results in a system that is extremely difficult           Institutional Divide Between Neurology and
to navigate.                                                   Psychiatry
         With each iteration of the DSM one of                          Presently, healthcare disciplines are
the primary challenges has been optimizing                     organized as silos in a fragmented system where
guidance for comorbid diagnoses (Pincus et al.,                individual specialists largely keep to themselves
2004). For instance, under the current                         (Tran et al., 2018). Although a recent push
classification system, the DSM-5, there are over               prioritizes integrated care and greater
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             The Comorbidity Between Epilepsy and Psychiatric Disorders: Assessing the Integration of Neuropsychiatric Care

collaboration across specialties (Allen et al.,                  “gold standard” for diagnosing PNES (Baslet et
2006), the historical barrier between psychiatry                 al., 2020).
and neurology lingers in hospitals and clinics.
Most epilepsy centers lack a psychiatrist, and                     “There are data suggesting that neurologists
while neuropsychologists are often included on                     are kind of mediocre in diagnosing [PNES] and
the care team for PWE, the focus is typically on                   there are also data that suggest psychiatrists
evaluating cognition and behavior, not mental                      don’t believe it’s a thing – how crazy is that?
health (Lopez et al., 2019). As a result, many                     So, all of this is to say that this population of
neurologists may be missing a crucial resource                     patients are poorly understood. They’re poorly
for informing care decisions, leaving PWE/MI                       taken care of, and the fault of that lies in both
with no clear path from their neurology clinic to                  specialties.”
treatment under a psychiatrist’s care.                             - Dr. Scott Winder (Psychiatrist)

 “There are a lot of challenges – insurance                                Despite the widespread use of video EEG
 challenges,       geographic    challenges,                     across tertiary epilepsy centers, the average
 communication challenges – between mental                       diagnostic delay for PNES is estimated around
 health and epilepsy providers.”                                 seven to eight years from seizure onset (Reuber
 - Dr. Nicholas Beimer (Epileptologist)                          et al., 2002; Kerr et al., 2016). Obstacles to timely
                                                                 PNES treatment include stigma and insufficient
                                                                 pathways for interdisciplinary care (LaFrance et
Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures                               al., 2013; Smith, 2014; Baslet et al., 2015). Upon
(PNES): A Case-Study of Collaborative                            diagnosis of PNES, the patient is typically
Care                                                             transitioned to a behavioral health provider
         Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures                      (Baslet et al., 2015; Benbadis, 2019). Yet,
(PNES) is a psychosomatic condition that                         psychiatrists report low confidence in the
presents identical to epilepsy (Johnsen and Ding,                reliability of PNES diagnosis by vEEG (Harden
2020). However, psychogenic seizures are not                     et al., 2003). This may reflect a deficit of
associated with epileptiform brain activity.                     knowledge on epilepsy and PNES among
Instead, PNES is triggered by psychological                      psychiatrists or a strained working relationship
stress or emotional cues. Effectively diagnosing                 between neurology and psychiatry. Regardless,
and treating PNES demands that neurology and                     the discordance in specialist recommendations
psychiatry services coordinate. Examining                        leads to deficient care management, which,
clinical management of PNES can provide                          beyond causing further delays, often becomes
insight into the current status of integrated care.              distressing for the patient and family.
                                                                           PWE/MI share the same providers and
 “[Treating PNES] takes time and it’s slow                       utilize the same services as individuals with
 moving. I think part of the stigma that                         PNES. Thus, they are burdened with similar
 surrounds somatic conditions is related to the                  treatment delays and challenges in integrating
 difficulty providers have with finding the time                 care management. There remains a clear need to
 needed      [to    treat   these     conditions                 bridge the divide between neurology and
 appropriately].”                                                psychiatry, both as academic disciplines and
 - Dr. Hannah Wadsworth                                          physical places for patient care.
                                                                   “I think there’s always challenges talking
         When patients with PNES first begin                       between doctors. Sometimes a psychiatrist
experiencing seizures they are typically seen by a                 doesn’t really care what a neurologist says, or
neurologist. Inevitably, AEDs prove ineffective                    a neurologist doesn’t really care what a
and patients are referred to a tertiary epilepsy unit              psychiatrist says and the minute you start going
for differential diagnosis. Video EEG (vEEG)                       off in your own jargon the other person turns
allows physicians to detect the presence or                        off.”
absence of epileptiform activity during a seizure                  - Dr. Scott Winder (Psychiatrist)
behavior. This method is widely regarded as the
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Improving Behavioral Health Screenings in                     were diagnosed with clinical depression
Epileptic Populations                                         increased from under 3% to over 25% (Friedman
        Despite known comorbidity between                     et al., 2009). This reality – that almost a quarter
epilepsy and MI, standardized screening for                   of PWE who were regularly seeing a physician
psychiatric conditions in PWE has been                        for seizure maintenance had undiagnosed
practically non-existent (Kanner, 2003; Hanssen-              depression – demonstrates a striking benefit to
Bauer et al., 2007). In a 2000 survey of 67                   implementation of widespread, standardized
American neurologists, only 10% reported                      screening.
screening PWE for depression (Gilliam et al.,                  “It’s very frequent that patients come in with
2004). Most physicians indicated this was due to               the concern, but not the diagnosis yet.”
a perceived lack of evidence directly linking                  - Danielle Nolan, MD. (Pediatric
treatment of depression symptoms with improved                      Epileptologist at Beaumont Hospitals)
quality of life for epilepsy patients.
                                                                      In recent years, the field of psychiatry
 “The typical time elapsed between one                        has made considerable improvements in
 [neuropsychological] evaluation and another is               behavioral health screening and awareness
 a year or more. So, it can be really challenging             (Dawood et al., 2018). In contrast with the 2000
 because essentially, we only have them four to               survey, over 60% of neurologists who responded
 five hours one day of the year. The majority of              to a 2016 survey reported routinely assessing
 that time is spent testing their cognition and               PWE for depression symptoms and close to 50%
 then getting basic information about their                   reported routinely assessing PWE for anxiety
 mental health.”                                              (Bermeo-Ovalle, 2019). An additional 15% of
 - Dr. Hannah Wadsworth                                       neurologist respondents conducted annual
     (Neuropsychologist)                                      psychiatric assessments in PWE (Bermeo-
        Subsequent research has demonstrated                  Ovalle, 2019). While voluntary response rates
the impact of psychological health and                        can be inherently biased, mainstream attitudes
psychiatric treatment on epilepsy pathology                   towards the neurologist’s role in patient
(Ribot and Kanner, 2019) and quality of life for              behavioral health have clearly shifted.
PWE/MI (Boylan et al., 2004; Kwon and Park,
2011). However, despite the existence of these                Challenges Treating Psychiatric
data, there remain challenges in the systematic
application of screening practices.
                                                              Disorders in PWE
        To improve detection rates, multiple
groups have developed rapid screening tools for               Managing the Transition from Neurology to
common psychiatric comorbidities in PWE                       Behavioral Health
(Gilliam et al., 2004; Mbewe et al., 2013;                     “There’s definitely a lack of psychologists and
Micoulaud-Franchi et al., 2016). For instance, a               psychiatric providers nationwide. You can get
2009 study assessed the application of rapid and               them in, but there’s a long waiting list. Even
systematic mental health screening for epilepsy                with our neuropsychologist, who only works
patients in Texas’ largest public hospital                     with these patients, there’s a waiting list of
(Friedman et al., 2009). In comparing diagnostic               about 3-4 months to see her. I also utilize peer-
rates before and after implementation of a                     to-peer support groups, but I wish there were
validated depression screening tool, Friedman                  other groups I could refer my patients to.”
and      colleagues      observed       significant            - Dr. Danielle Nolan (Epileptologist)
improvements in the timeliness of psychiatric
diagnoses and referrals. Prior to this, providers                     After diagnosis of comorbid epilepsy and
were referring patients for psychiatric assessment            psychiatric illness, collaborative relationships
only based on patient complaints and casual                   across disciplines remain critical to navigating
clinical observations. With standardized                      pharmacological treatment for both conditions.
screening in place, the proportion of PWE who                 However, access to psychiatry services remains
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limited by the current nationwide shortage of                    survey, just under 60% of epileptologists reported
behavioral health professionals. The present                     that they were comfortable prescribing
demand for psychiatric care in the United States                 antidepressants and only 33% were willing to
greatly surpasses the number of practicing                       prescribe an anxiolytic (Bermeo-Ovalle, 2019).
psychiatrists, and this deficit is only projected to             Similarly, Mula and colleagues found that close
worsen in the coming years (U.S. Department of                   to 50% of epilepsy care providers expressed
Health and Human Services, Health Resources                      aversion to prescribing antidepressants or anti-
and Services Administration, National et al.,                    psychotics to PWE/MI (2017). One possible
2018). In urban areas, reported wait times for                   explanation is the artificial division of perceived
psychiatry are up to three months (Malowney et                   responsibilities created by our medical
al., 2014) and over half of rural counties in the                establishment (Weller et al., 2014). While most
United States lack any prescribing behavioral                    neurologists are qualified to prescribe an anti-
health providers (Andrilla et al., 2018).                        depressant or anxiolytic regime before referring
                                                                 to psychiatry, many still feel this responsibility
 “Are we present enough in epilepsy? No. But                     falls outside of their professional silo (Sekhar and
 we are spread so thin. We are often challenged                  Vyas, 2013).
 just taking proper care of patients with
 schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in the                         “We live in an accountable, and sometimes
 community, let alone in more niche                                litigious society, where doctors get sued time.
 environments.”                                                    All it takes is for a doctor to be a little too far
 - Dr. Scott Winder (Psychiatrist)                                 outside of her scope of practice, too far out on
                                                                   the branch and the branch snaps. Then what?”
         Another hurdle to treating psychiatric                    - Dr. Scott Winder (Psychiatrist)
symptoms in PWE/MI is a disconnect between
patients’ and neurologists’ preferred approach to                        Creating a space for behavioral health
treatment. Even when psychiatric prescribers are                 providers in both epilepsy centers and general
accessible, patients may not always want a                       neurology clinics would provide both patients
referral. In a recent survey of 63 PWE, patients                 and neurologists with an additional resource for
reported a 5:1 ratio preference for medication                   informing referrals and care management.
management by their current neurologist over a
psychiatric referral (Munger Clary and Croxton,                    “It really helps that we are in the same building
2021). It is unclear whether this preference is                    and I can just walk down the hall to talk to [our
mostly informed by practical concerns,                             neurologist].”
stigmatization of psychiatry, or something else                    - Dr. Angela DeBastos (Neuropsychologist)
entirely. If stigma informs this preference
(Anderson et al., 2015), involvement of
psychiatric providers in the care team could help                Co-Management of Anti-Epileptic Drugs
patients feel more comfortable with mental health                (AEDs) and Psychotropic Medication
services.                                                                The hesitancy to prescribe psychotropic
                                                                 medications to PWE/MI can also be attributed to
 “I think a lot of times the parents feel more                   the widespread concerns about lowering seizure
 comfortable with the neurologists managing                      threshold. The effects of psychotropics in PWE
 [psychiatric] medications because [the                          and their interactions with AEDs are still not fully
 neurologist] knows the anti-seizure drugs best                  understood (Kanner, 2016a). Most AEDs have
 and how to match those medications.”                            some risk of adverse behavioral side effects
 - Angela DeBastos, PhD.             (Pediatric                  (Chen et al., 2016) and, likewise, many
     Neuropsychologist       at      Beaumont                    psychotropic medications present a risk for
     Hospitals)                                                  neurologic complications (Haddad and Dursun,
        In contrast to patient preferences, a large
proportion of neurologists remain reluctant to
prescribe psychotropic medications. In one
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 “[Knowing a patient has a comorbid                            are challenging to evaluate separately from
 psychiatric condition] does cause me to tailor                seizure activity. For instance, post-ictal anxiety
 my seizure medication choices. I might lean                   and depression symptoms commonly seen in
 towards a Depakote in a male or a Lamictal in                 epilepsy frequently fall short of meeting criteria
 a female to help co-manage the epilepsy and                   for a separate psychiatric diagnosis. However,
 the psychiatric concerns.”                                    they are often correlated with interictal symptoms
 - Dr. Danielle Nolan (Epileptologist)                         that would warrant a DSM diagnosis (Kanner et
                                                               al., 2004).
          Though a select number of medications –
including some atypical antidepressants and                     “We spend so much time in training in learning
certain anti-psychotics – are associated with                   how do a good job at diagnosing and treating
increased seizure frequency, safety and benefit                 people with epilepsy that although we are also
for PWE/MI has been demonstrated with the                       trained to recognize when a patient may be
large majority of psychotropic drugs (Pisani et                 depressed or anxious, I don’t know that many
al., 2002; Habibi et al., 2016). Furthermore, both              or most neurologists are equipped to directly
animal and human studies have provided                          treat these comorbidities.”
evidence to suggest a possible anti-epileptic                   - Dr. Nicholas Beimer (Epileptologist)
effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
(SSRI) antidepressants in conjunction with AED                          Deficits in self-perceived knowledge of
treatment in PWE/MI (Kanner, 2016c; Ribot et                   behavioral health among epileptologists
al., 2017). Similarly, several anti-convulsants –              highlights a need for cross-training. A 2017
including gabapentin, valproate, carbamazepine,                survey administered by the International League
topiramate, and lamotrigine – have demonstrated                Against Epilepsy (ILAE) found that up to 50% of
therapeutic potential in treating both seizures and            clinicians who treated PWE reported having poor
psychiatric symptoms (Nadkarni and Devinsky,                   or very poor knowledge of psychiatric
2005; Sepić-Grahovac et al., 2011; Prabhavalkar                complications (Mula et al., 2017). Specifically,
et al., 2015).                                                 less than 50% of neurologists felt well-informed
          There is currently little standardized               regarding anxiety, disorders, mood disorders, or
guidance available to neurologists to help guide               comorbid psychoses. There remains a deficit in
treatment with psychotropics. While there is an                the literature regarding psychiatrist’s comfort
apparent need for more controlled trials                       with neurological comorbidities, however few
demonstrating safety and efficacy of these                     psychiatry residencies offer significant training in
medications in PWE, findings thus far have been                the management of neuropsychiatric disorders
largely positive and support co-treatment of                   such as epilepsy (Shalev and Jacoby, 2019). This
seizures and psychiatric illness. This represents              division in training makes it difficult for
yet another area of care where increased                       providers to address the intersection of comorbid
interdisciplinary      collaboration       between             conditions       when       treating      PWE/MI.
psychiatry and neurology would be of great                     Interdisciplinary fellowship training programs,
benefit to both patients and providers.                        such as those in behavioral neurology,
                                                               neuropsychiatry, and psychosomatic medicine,
                                                               provide an avenue to better understand reciprocal
The Future of Neuropsychiatric                                 interactions between biology and behavior
Care                                                           (Arciniegas and Kaufer, 2006). These
                                                               subspecialties serve an important role in breaking
                                                               down silos. Still, few physicians choose to pursue
         The divide between neurology and
                                                               this degree of specialization and many argue that
psychiatry begins with minimal cross-discipline
                                                               the diversity in training contributed by the
training. As previously mentioned, diagnostic
                                                               separation of neurology and psychiatry benefits
standards for psychiatric disorders are complex
                                                               the patient care team (Perez et al., 2018).
and difficult to navigate, even for experts in the
field. For neurologists without specific training in
this area, psychiatric and behavioral symptoms
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             The Comorbidity Between Epilepsy and Psychiatric Disorders: Assessing the Integration of Neuropsychiatric Care

 “It’s a hard sell to get people to do a fellowship              demands time, energy, and a degree of health
 and it’s a hard sell to get psychiatrists to do a               literacy that is uncommon in the general
 fellowship like [psychosomatic medicine].”                      population.
 - Dr. Scott Winder (Psychiatrist)                                        E. E. Reasoner has first-hand experience
                                                                 with many of these challenges from my own
         As an alternative to completely merging                 family’s efforts to coordinate care for my sister.
two fields, physicians from both circles have                    Although we have compassionate and
sought to emulate aspects of neuropsychiatric                    knowledgeable physicians dedicated to my
fellowships,      including       multidisciplinary              sister’s care, too many unanswered questions
mentorship, transdiagnostic procedures, and                      remain. As a result, we are always left wondering
development of a shared clinical language during                 if there is more that we could do to improve her
residency (Selwa et al., 2006; Kanner, 2014;                     health outcomes and quality of life.
Perez et al., 2018). By cultivating a deeper                              The aim of this review was to identify the
understanding of the perspectives and practices                  source of existing hurdles to integrated care, why
carried out by the other discipline, physicians will             these hurdles remain in place, and to identify
hopefully become more comfortable exerting                       strategies to eliminate these hurdles. Prior to this
flexibility in their roles and collaborating on                  investigation, I was confident that health
patient care.                                                    professionals could make simple changes to
                                                                 improve patient outcomes; in my idealistic
                                                                 mindset a neurologist who suspects psychiatric
Reflections & Conclusions                                        symptoms in PWE should immediately work to
                                                                 resolve that distress. However, it became readily
        The growing body of literature on                        apparent that, while individual physicians can
diagnosing and treating PWE/MI is encouraging.                   facilitate positive change in access to quality
Yet, the current process of securing and                         care, the composition of the care team, cross-
maintaining mental health care in coordination                   discipline training, and the structure of our health
with neurology generates considerable stress for                 care system means that change is anything but
PWE / MI and their families. Patients are                        simple.
frequently misdiagnosed and urgent needs are                              Even as our understanding of
met with delays. Furthermore, PWE/MI are                         neurological and psychiatric disorders reveal
assaulted by both internal and external stigma –                 more similarities than distinctions, the structural
at times from their own well-intentioned care                    divide between medical specialties remains
providers.                                                       steadfast. That integrative care remains rare
                                                                 despite evidence and motivation on the part of
 “My hope would be that most physicians – no
                                                                 patients, families, and providers alike shows that
 matter what your specialty is if you’re involved
                                                                 change must begin at the structural level for real
 in direct patient care – would be capable of
                                                                 progress to be made. Red tape of institutional and
 diagnosing and managing psychiatric diseases
                                                                 insurance policies and the current shortage of
 like depression and anxiety. It’s important to
                                                                 behavioral health providers must be addressed.
 recognize early when people are doing well
                                                                 The disciplinary divide in medicine must be
 and then when they’re not. That’s the time to
                                                                 reframed to reflect the biological relationship
 be referring to [a mental health professional].”
                                                                 between neurological and psychiatric symptoms.
 -   Dr. Nicholas Beimer (Epileptologist)                        Importantly, many neurologists and psychiatrists
                                                                 are pushing for evidence-based structural
        Even when a patient’s case is seemingly                  changes through inter-professional advocacy,
well-managed by individual providers, treatment                  political lobbying, and pioneering research
recommendations for the patient’s epilepsy and                   studies.
comorbid psychiatric illness can be disjointed.                           As our understanding of the bidirectional
When neurology and psychiatry are operating                      link between epilepsy and mental illness unfolds,
independently, responsibility of connecting the                  it is essential that institutions embrace the
dots is left to patients and their families. This                integration of neuropsychiatric care to guide
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  future progress in patient outcomes and quality of              Association Committee on Research, J
  life.                                                           Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 33:27–42.
                                                               Baslet G, Dworetzky B, Perez1 DL, Oser M
                                                                  (2015)     Treatment      of     psychogenic
  Acknowledgements                                                nonepileptic seizures: Updated review and
                                                                  findings    from      a    mindfulness-based
  We would like to thank Drs. Nicholas Beimer,                    intervention case series, Clin EEG Neurosci
  Angela DeBastos, Danielle Nolan, Scott Winder,                  46:54–64.
  and Hannah Wadsworth for sharing their                       Beimer, NJ (May 26, 2020) Interview about
  experience in this topic and adding to the                     care management of patients with epilepsy
  dialogue. This article was the product of an                   and comorbid mental illnesses. Conducted
  Honors Senior Project through the Frederik
  Meijer Honors College at Grand Valley State
                                                                 via Zoom by Reasoner E.
                                                               Berg AT, Loddenkemper T, Baca CB (2014)
  University. Finally, the authors dedicate this
                                                                  Diagnostic delays in children with early onset
  work to the memory of Dr. Chelsea Boet, a
                                                                  epilepsy: Impact, reasons, and opportunities
  lifelong patient advocate without whom this
                                                                  to improve care, Epilepsia 55:123–132.
  paper would not exist.
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