The Effect of Promotion and Servicescape on Impulsive Buying Behavior with Shopping Emotion as Intervening Variables for Consumers Store of ...
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International Journal of Research and Review Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021 Website: Research Paper E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237 The Effect of Promotion and Servicescape on Impulsive Buying Behavior with Shopping Emotion as Intervening Variables for Consumers Store of Fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia Ari Prabowo1, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis2, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring2 1 Postgraduate Students, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia 2 Postgraduate Lecturer, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Corresponding Author: Ari Prabowo ABSTRACT significant effect on shopping emotion. The promotion has a positive and significant effect Along with the increasingly rapid business on impulsive buying behavior. Servicescape has development in today's era, companies are a positive and significant effect on impulsive required to have an effective strategy to create buying behavior. Shopping emotion has a an outstanding market share for their consumers, positive and significant effect on impulsive especially in modern shopping centers, which buying behavior. The promotion has a positive are commonly called malls. The companies or and significant effect on impulsive buying brands must maintain stability to face changes in behavior through shopping emotion. Also, attitudes and consumer shopping styles. Based servicescape has a positive and significant on the survey, the H&M Brand is still the impact on impulsive buying behavior through favorite market for consumers in Medan. This shopping emotion. case is indicated by the highest percentage of 48% of consumers who think that the H&M Keywords: Promotion, Servicescape, Shopping brand is the most popular in Medan, above Zara Emotion, Impulsive Buying Behavior and Uniqlo. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of promotion and 1.0 INTRODUCTION servicescape on impulsive buying behavior Along with the rapid development of through shopping emotion to consumers of business today, companies must have an H&M stores at Sun Plaza Medan. This research effective strategy to create an outstanding type is associated with the types of data used: market share for their consumers, especially primary and secondary data obtained from questionnaires and literature studies. The in modern shopping malls, commonly called population in this study are all consumers store malls. Companies or brands must maintain H&M at Sun Plaza Medan an unknown number. stability in the face of changing attitudes The samples in this study were 175 respondents. and consumer spending styles. The mall has The sampling method uses a nonprobability a dual function to shop for daily necessities sampling method with an accidental sampling and as a filler of leisure time, eliminate technique. The data analysis method used is boredom, or eat, drink, and explore the new path analysis that was performed through SPSS. atmosphere for people in the present era. The results showed that promotion has a Consumer behavior has changed their positive and significant effect on shopping shopping patterns due to modern trade emotion. Servicescape has a positive and facilities, including malls, department International Journal of Research and Review ( 235 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, are promotional activities or informing a minimarkets, factory outlets, distribution product—giving a discount price, displaying outlets, and fast food. products in a store, and the state of the It is possible that it dramatically shopping environment services both inside influences consumer behavior underlies and outside the store. Impulsive buying is a their shopping emotion is more increase result of stimulus exposure. The purchase is with the mall's situation. This case allows decided on the spot simultaneously. It is a the occurrence of purchasing activities to result of the consumer's emotional fulfill the needs and wants to possess by experience or cognitive reaction (Tinne, consumers. Shopping is one of the main 2010). things that everyone does to meet their Consumers are influential to various needs. Many shopping centers, especially in promotional activities related to a product Medan City, become a unique opportunity while they are shopping at the mall. This for each brand and outlet to sell the best sense is an essential point for companies, quality products at attractive prices to suit outlets, and a brand. Consumer spending consumers' situation in Medan. motivation was initially based on rational Consumer shopping behavior may motives, but other values affect consumer change over time due to high shopping spending motives, especially during the emotions is supported by environmental promotion, namely emotional value. conditions. This case causes consumers who The promotion aims to increase buy a product more leads to their behavior. short-term sales volume by creating Consumers purchase a good due to they appropriate sales promotion activities to want, and they do not need the goods. encourage impulsive buying. Most Nowadays, consumers who purchase are consumers do shopping activities to meet affected by their needs and also enjoy the their needs, but some want to fulfill their lifestyle. Consumers who were previously wants. According to Priansa (2017), only interested in shopping for goods every promotion consists of various promotional day in the traditional market have changed activities that include trade shows, contests, the shopping style in modern malls. samples, displays, and demonstrations at the Peter and Olson (2013) explain that point of purchase. consumer behavior will involve consumer Accordingly, the promotion has a interaction and exchange's dynamic nature. significant effect on impulsive buying It will require a marketer to develop a behavior (Bagus & Ardani, 2016; Elisabeth marketing strategy to compete with a & Japarianto, 2015; Hidayat & Erika, 2017; changing shopping style pattern that makes Sari & Suryani, 2016). On the other hand, the consumers. Recently, research has found the study found that promotion has a that consumers may impulsively buy, and it negative impact on impulsive buying would not become influential by their behavior (Jauhari, 2017). family, friends, ads, and advertising models. While the authors employ a pre- However, the mood, state, and emotions all survey and a brief interview on consumer combine to form a comprehensive consumer shopping behavior, we found the problems behavior capable of reflecting aspects and that occurred at the H&M Store in Sun knowledge in decision making (Priansa, Plaza Medan were related to the promotion. 2017). Consumers believe that the minimum The factors that cause a person who frequency of giving a discount is much is motivated to impulsive buying are higher than its competitors like Uniqlo, internal and external. The internal factor in a where almost all products are delivered a person is the mood that is influenced by the discount. Lack of product promotion by the emotional state when shopping. The H&M brand on Instagram, Twitter, and external factors that affect impulsive buying other social media that is not a negative International Journal of Research and Review ( 236 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. value in consumers' view on H&M. They products that were not previously planned still have a positive value regarding quality after arriving. Impulse buying behavior motives of highly tailored goods to tends to dominate consumers' buying consumer tastes. behavior at this time (Naen-tiana and The promotion and sales should Setiawan, 2014). make as much as possible online to increase Shopping emotion is a feeling H&M sales during the Covid-19 pandemic. uncontrolled, but it can affect a person's The number of fashion brand stores in behavior or habits, needs, and desires that Medan City makes consumers more cannot be fulfilled lead to negative interactive in choosing the available items emotional feelings. However, if a person's according to their desires and tastes. In this needs are met as a whole, it means that the case, the company should consider person will form positive emotions. The achieving the ideal strategy to attract positive emotions that are formed can consumers, such as looking for discounts by increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. stores in the mall and direct to the store at Promotion media also plays a crucial role in an affordable price and good quality. shaping consumer emotions. As evidenced Consumers may take a valuable benefit of by Rahmat Hidayat's research, Risa Erika the product's quality at low prices. In this (2016) states that promotion has a positive sense, physical environmental conditions effect on shopping emotion. This case such as in-store design, symbols, and means that promotions affect shopping facilities motivate consumers' emotions and emotion, so implementing sales by setting comfort level to buy. attractive prices or discounts will increase In shopping activities, consumers are the desire to buy goods/products. initially motivated by rational motives for their benefits (utilitarian value). H1: Promotion directly affects shopping Nevertheless, consumers are influenced by Emotion in the Consumer Store Brand other values in shopping that is emotional as Fashion H&M at Sun Plaza Medan. hedonic values. A person's mood or emotions, or psychological at the time of The relationship between servicescape purchase, can significantly impact what they and shopping emotion buy or evaluate their purchase (Solomon, The store's environmental service 2015). atmosphere is a whole that is conveyed by Ying-Ping Liang (2012) states that the physical layout, decoration, and consumers will make unknowing purchases, surroundings. An environmental service will and it will estimate two-thirds of purchasing cover a shopping environment that realizes decisions are developed while looking at only one product, but it can also increase the goods. This case causes consumers to value of the total number of products. change their shopping patterns, resulting in Servicescape will also create the store's purchase activities and focus on satisfaction image to positively image consumers' minds post buying the desired product. on the existing brand/store. Servicescape is a store adapted well by regular maintenance LITERATURE REVIEW for their consumers as essential things that The relationship between promotion and consumers should remember when shopping emotion shopping. It is hoped that consumers will The retail businesses try to increase feel comfortable, and the shopping sales by influencing consumer emotions by experience can create consumer services. creating a comfortable shop atmosphere Emotions can trigger a consumer to accompanied by attractive promotions, make a purchase. The environment around interest in shopping, products that have been the store has a close relationship with the planned to be purchased, and purchase other Shopping Еmotion that consumers perceive, International Journal of Research and Review ( 237 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. which means that servicescape will create a of the sales increase comes from consumers positive or even negative impression and who make impulse buying. image for consumers who will also be This case is evidenced by research distracted by their buyers. conducted by (Nagadeepa et al., 2015) that Servicescape is closely related to promotional techniques play an essential consumers' physical appearance and role in consumers' impulsive purchasing experience (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011). decisions. As research was conducted by Research results developed the relationship Laura Elisabeth Tjantoko and Edwin between Servicescape and Shopping Japarianto (2015), there is a positive Еmotion from Adawiyah (2018). These influence, where the higher the promotion, results show that even though servicescape the more impulse buying increases. has characteristics and layouts that match the type, it will increase Roxy consumers' H3: Promotion directly affects impulsive shopping emotion in Banyuwangi. buying behavior in the H&M Fashion Brand Store Consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. H2: Servicescape directly affects shopping Emotion in the Consumer Store Brand H6: Indirectly, the promotion affects Fashion H&M at Sun Plaza Medan. impulsive buying behavior through Shopping Emotion to H&M Fashion Brand The relationship between promotion and Store Consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. impulsive buying behavior Consumer behavior in modern retail The relationship between servicescape stores in impulse buying behavior is and impulsive buying behavior commonly called marketers with unplanned A right service environment is one purchases. Impulse buying can be defined as of the critical factors in creating satisfaction part of a condition called "unplanned for consumers in shopping. In this case, a purchase" or unplanned purchases (Purwa & useful service can be seen from the shop Yasa, 2014). According to (Utami 2010), environment's state and the existing Impulsive buying is caused by the influence workers/employees' condition. An excellent of stimuli in shopping places to remind environmental assessment in consumers' consumers how retailers create new needs eyes provides essential experiences and due to displays and promotions. Producers identities in consumers' minds, such as a or marketers also seem to understand comfortable state, a clean environment, impulsive buying, as seen by the increasing symbols, and an exciting thing. That can be number of shops or shopping centers or a personal impression of consumers in other producers and marketers who provide shopping. This case also encourages many offers for (potential) consumers, consumers' condition when shopping is not including through promotional programs controlled in deciding to spend impulsively (Mulyono, 2012). Therefore, Consumers on a product it sees for the first time. often make impulsive purchases because According to Rossiter and Bellman (2012), they are attracted to companies' promotions, a retail outlet's internal retail atmosphere is such as discounts, lottery coupons, and direct by consumers in two emotional prizes. The majority of consumers who dimensions: pleasure and arousal. Both make impulsive purchases buy emotions have a significant influence on spontaneously, do not think about the consumers' willingness essential and time in consequences and are influenced by stores. emotional conditions. Promotion is a Furthermore, buy more. That way, marketing strategy that companies often the physical appearance (servicescape) is apply to increase sales, which is where most attractive, and the existing make visitors excited or can stimulate visitors' emotions to International Journal of Research and Review ( 238 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. make purchases. Consumers can make RESEARCH METHODS purchases without rational considerations, This research was conducted to test and consumers feel the goods need to be the proposed hypothesis using a research purchased. Shopping emotions, promotions, method that has been designed to obtain and the physical environment (servicescape) accurate results. This type of research, have played an essential role in unplanned according to the level of explanation, is purchases made by consumers (impulse causal associative. This research was buying). conducted on the H & M Fashion Brand Store consumers at Sun Plaza Medan, H4: Serviescape directly affects impulsive starting from January 2020 to October 2020. buying behavior in the H&M Fashion Brand This study's population were all H & M Store Consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. Fashion Brand store consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. The sampling method uses a non- H7: Indirectly, servicescape affects probability sampling method with accidental impulsive buying behavior through sampling techniques, namely anyone who shopping emotion at the H&M Fashion meets the researcher. It is seen that the Brand Store at Sun Plaza Medan. consumer is making an impulsive purchase. (Hair et al., 2014) recommends that the The relationship between shopping number of samples is the number of emotion and impulsive buying behavior indicators multiplied by 5. In this study, the Shopping еmotion and impulsive complete statement was 35, so the number buying have a strong relationship. The of samples taken in the study was 175. By emotion of a person will affect the distributing questionnaires, namely: Store purchasing decisions and how many will he Brand Fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, buy. If emotions and moods are getting they were totaling 175 respondents. One better, consumers' possibilities tend to keep way to get primary data is through playing inside the store so much. According interviews and distributing questionnaires. to (Mancruf 2010), who claimed that the People who answer statements are called atmosphere describes the moment of truth, respondents (Situmorang, 2017). Data which is a situation where consumers feel analysis techniques in a study use two and explain. Consumers who feel statistical approaches, comfortable in the store tend to look for more than many people in the store and call Validity and Reliability for impulse buying from a large number of Validity and reliability tests were stores. The relationship of shopping activity carried out outside the research sample. with impulse buying is proven by the Respondents for the validity and reliability research carried out by now (2016), test were carried out on consumers of the evidenced by the value of a high channel H&M Store at Mall Center Point, with a coefficient (β) of 0.307. These results show total of 30 respondents outside the study that shopping emotion has a positive and sample. The validity test results for significant impact on unplanned shopping. promotion, servicescape, shopping emotion, and impulsive buying behavior variables H5: Shopping emotion directly affects show that the correlation coefficient is more impulsive buying behavior in the H&M significant than 0.30. Therefore, all of these Fashion Brand Store Consumers at Sun statements are declared valid. Plaza Medan. International Journal of Research and Review ( 239 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Table 1. Validity Tests X1 Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted P1.1 26,9000 23,472 .484 .879 P1.2 27.1667 21,316 .828 .841 P1.3 26,9000 22,921 .677 .858 P1.4 27.1333 22,257 .674 .858 P1.5 27.0000 24,000 .466 .879 P1.6 27.0667 20,961 .867 .837 P1.7 26,9000 22,576 .684 .857 P1.8 27.0000 24,207 .467 .879 X2 Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted P2.1 31.0000 31,379 .429 .893 P2.2 30,8333 27,937 .668 .876 P2.3 30.8667 29,154 .498 .891 P2.4 31.1333 27,154 .789 .865 P2.5 30.8667 28,257 .724 .872 P2.6 31.1000 27,886 .676 .875 P2.7 30.9667 29,482 .507 .889 P2.8 31.0333 26,171 .898 .856 P2.9 30.8667 28,671 .636 .878 Z Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted Z.1 31.1667 22,764 .473 .829 Z.2 31.1000 23,128 .443 .832 Z.3 31.0000 22,138 .489 .828 Z.4 31.0333 19,964 .722 .800 Z.5 30,9333 21,720 .686 .808 Z.6 31.1000 21,610 .654 .810 Z.7 30,9333 23,444 .403 .836 Z.8 31.1000 21,403 .577 .818 Z.9 31.1000 22,438 .504 .826 Y Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Item Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted Y.1 27.8667 35,775 .581 .914 Y.2 27,4000 34,593 .828 .895 Y.3 27,9333 33,926 .641 .910 Y.4 27,5333 33,637 .867 .890 Y.5 27,7000 33,803 .631 .912 Y.6 27.5667 33,220 .927 .886 Y.7 27,6333 36,723 .556 .915 Y.8 27.5667 33,978 .813 .895 Table 2. Reliability Tests reliability test results of all variables are Variable Cronbach Alpha value Promotion X1 0.877 reliable. Servicescape X2 0.890 Shopping Emotion Z 0.838 Impulsive Buying Behavior Y 0.913 RESULTS In the study, the sample used was In the table above, we can see that 175 consumers who shop impulsively at the Cronbach's alpha value for all research H&M Sun Plaza Medan store. The variables is> 0.60; it can be said that the characteristics of the respondents described below. Table 3. Characteristics of the respondents Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Men 75 42.9 42.9 42.9 Women 100 57.1 57.1 100.0 Total 175 100.0 100.0 Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 18-24 Years 76 43.4 43.4 43.4 25-31 years 63 36.0 36.0 79.4 32-38 years 31 17.7 17.7 97.1 39-45 years 4 2.3 2.3 99.4 > 45 Years 1 .6 .6 100.0 Total 175 100.0 100.0 International Journal of Research and Review ( 240 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Table 3 Continued Level of education Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid S1 67 38.3 38.3 38.3 S2 21 12.0 12.0 50.3 S3 3 1.7 1.7 52.0 High school 84 48.0 48.0 100.0 Total 175 100.0 100.0 Income Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1000000-2000000 47 26.9 26.9 26.9 2000005-3000000 73 41.7 41.7 68.6 3000005-4000000 34 19.4 19.4 88.0 4000005-5000000 11 6.3 6.3 94.3 > 5000005 10 5.7 5.7 100.0 Total 175 100.0 100.0 Time to Visit in a Month Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1-2 Times 147 84.0 84.0 84.0 3-4 times 23 13.1 13.1 97.1 > 4 times 5 2.9 2.9 100.0 Total 175 100.0 100.0 Path Analyze Substructural Regression Model I & II Substructure I research model as follows: Z = 2.169+ 0.821 X1 + 0.204 X2 Substructure II research model as follows: Y = 1.191 + 0.551 X1 + 0.214 X2 + 0.222 Z Simultaneous Test Results (Test F) Table 4. F-Test Results (Substructural I & II) Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 3650,994 2 1825,497 155,469 .000a Residual 2019,600 172 11,742 Total 5670,594 174 Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 3401,713 3 1133,904 163,265 .000a Residual 1187,625 171 6,945 Total 4589,337 174 Based on the table above, it can be means that promotion, servicescape, and seen that the F-test produces F-count shopping emotion positively and 163,265 while F-table 2.42 (nk-1 at k = 175- significantly affect impulsive buying 4-1 at 4) with a significant level of 0.000 behavior. smaller than alpha 0.05 (5%). This case Partial Test Result (t-test) Table 5. Partial Test (Substructural I & II) Substructural t-test I Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 2,169 2,043 1,062 .290 Promotion .821 .068 .693 12,152 .000 Servicescape .204 .071 .163 2,855 .005 Substructural t-test II Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1,191 1,577 .756 .451 Promotion .551 .071 .518 7,787 .000 Servicescape .214 .056 .190 3,809 .000 Shopping Emotion .222 .059 .247 3,786 .000 Structural Model Testing Results results are obtained to answer the following Direct Influence hypotheses: Based on the results of data The direct effect of the promotion (X1) processing, the conclusions of the research variable on shopping emotion (Z) can be formulated as follows: X1 Z = 0.693 International Journal of Research and Review ( 241 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The direct effect of the servicescape (X2) X1ZY = (ρ1) (ρ5) = (0.693) (0.247) = variable on shopping emotion (Z) can be 0.171 formulated as follows: X2 Z = 0.163 Servicescape (X2) indirectly affects The direct effect of the promotion (X1) impulsive buying behavior (Y) through variable on impulsive buying behavior (Y) shopping emotion (Z) can be formulated as can be formulated as follows: X1Y = follows: X2ZY = (ρ2) (ρ5) = (0.163) 0.518 (0.247) = 0.040 The direct effect of the servicescape (X2) variable on impulsive buying behavior (Y) Total Effect can be formulated as follows: X2 Y = The total effect of promotion (X1) on 0.190 impulsive buying behavior (Y) via shopping The direct effect of the shopping emotion emotion (Z) can be formulated as follows: (Z) variable on impulsive buying behavior X1 ZY = (ρ3) + (ρ1 x ρ5) = 0,518 + (Y) can be formulated as follows: Z Y 0.171 = 0.689 = 0.247 Total influence of servicescape (X2) on impulsive buying behavior (Y) via shopping 4.5.2 Indirect Effects emotion (Z) can be formulated as follows: Promotion (X1) indirectly affects impulsive X2ZY = (ρ4) + (ρ2 x ρ5) = 0,190 + buying behavior (Y) through Shopping 0.040 = 0.230 Emotion (Z) can be formulated as follows: Coefficient of Determination Test Table 6. Coefficient of Determination Test Results (Substructural I & II) Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 , 802a , 644 .640 3,426 2 , 861a .741 .737 2,635 Based on the table above, DISCUSSION substructure I shows the amount of Adjusted The effect of promotion on shopping R Square 0.640, which can be called the emotion. coefficient of determination, which means The need continues to increase 64%. This case shows that the Promotion causes consumer spending to increase and Servicescape variables on Shopping (Kurniawan & Kunto, 2013). Consumer Emotion have a strong relationship. And the behavior that often occurs today, especially rest is (100% - 64.0% = 36.0%.) Explained when in the mall, is the high emotional level by the influence of other factors or variables of consumers to visit, have a look, and buy outside the model that were not studied. existing products. The emotional state will Based on the table above, create two dominants: feeling happy and substructure II shows the amount of arousing desire (Kurniawan & Kunto, Adjusted R Square of 0.741, which can be 2013). called the coefficient of determination, Lovelock & Wirtz (2011) states that which means 73.7%. This case shows that promotion aims to motivate consumers to the promotion, servicescape, and shopping buy, meaning that consumer behavior in emotion variables to impulsive buying buying involves consumer emotions. behavior have a strong relationship. And the Cummins & Mullin (2004) revealed that one rest is (100% - 73.7% = 26.3%.) Explained of the promotion goals is to create interest by the influence of other factors or variables and divert attention to the price. This outside the model that were not studied. interest will generate passion or enthusiasm for consumers to buy a product and keep buying at the outlet in question. Promotion International Journal of Research and Review ( 242 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. of value creates interest and results in an company, fashion, fun, and action are increased emotional level of consumers in essential. H & M, one of the best fashion shopping and creating impulsive buying brands currently globally and in Indonesia, behavior. Promotion is one element that has based on data from the distribution of an essential role in marketing. The questionnaires, researchers assess that H&M promotion is a form of direct persuasion currently has the most extensive through various incentive tools to encourage segmentation among adolescents aged 18- the purchase of a particular product or 24. service quickly and increase the number of Promotions carried out by the H&M goods purchased by consumers (Tjiptono, Sun Plaza Store are currently carried out in 2012). various ways, starting from providing the The results showed that promotion latest product promotions, providing directly and significantly affected shopping discounted prices, and providing attractive emotion at the H&M Consumer Store at Sun promos every week and month. The Plaza Medan. It can be seen that the analysis problem now is that the covid-19 virus path analyzes substructural 1 through the t- pandemic has also impacted the reduced test shows the coefficient of the promotion number of consumers who buy and look at variable on shopping emotion. The t-value products. With this, H&M maximizes the of promotion is 12.152, and the significant effective promotion process through social value for promotion is 0.000
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. essential role in unplanned purchases made adrenal glands (endocrine), and sensory by consumers (impulse buying) (Bitner & nerves. Red also improves blood circulation Gremler, 2006). and reactivity of the blood itself. Red is also The store environment has a close the most potent color for stimulating and relationship with the shopping еmotion that increasing physical energy, strengthening consumers perceive, which means that motivation, increasing circulation, and servicescape will create a positive or even sexuality. Red also evokes emotions and negative impression and image for creates a feeling of excitement or intensity. consumers who will also be distracted by Psychology of color or through the their buyers. color of a brand can build a compelling The results showed that servicescape visual identity, form a strong relationship directly and significantly affected shopping with the target market, and position itself emotion at the H&M Consumer Store at Sun with competitors in the market (Situmorang Plaza Medan. It can be seen that the analysis & Mulyono, 2019). The next is the layout of path analysis (substructural I through the t- goods and products arranged as much as test shows the coefficient of the promotion possible by H & M to make it easier for variable on shopping emotion. The t-value consumers to shop and provide meaningful of servicescape is 2.855, and the significant experiences to consumers when walking to value for servicescape is 0.005
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. of stimuli in shopping places to remind attachment to a brand or company is to consumers how retailers create new needs provide experience and effective strategies due to displays and promotions. Producers in it. or marketers also seem to understand One of which is created in terms of impulsive buying, as seen by the increasing existing promotions for the H & M store at number of shops or shopping centers or Sun Plaza has provided ideas and strategies. other producers and marketers who provide Such as giving discounts on each product, many offers for (potential) consumers, providing information via online media, and including through promotional programs providing promos or interesting articles that (Mulyono, 2012). Therefore, consumers can attract consumers outside the store to often make impulsive purchases because stop by and shop. The ideal promotional they are attracted by the company's activity that must be carried out with promotions, such as discounts, lottery consumer interest in marketed products is to coupons, and prizes. The majority of create consumers' experiences who see, use, consumers who make impulsive purchases buy the H&M products in the store. It is buy spontaneously, do not think about the starting from interest because of the consequences and are influenced by excellent quality of materials, affordable emotional conditions. prices, full employee service, and support The results showed that promotion from existing facilities in the shopping directly and significantly influenced the room, which causes impulsive buying impulsive buying behavior at the H&M behavior from existing consumers. Store Consumer at Sun Plaza Medan. It can Promotion is a marketing strategy often be seen that the path analyses (substructural applied by companies to increase sales. II) through the t-test shows the coefficient Most of the sales increase comes from of the promotion variable on the impulsive consumers who make impulse buying buying behavior. The t-count value of the because consumers who shop today are promotion is 7,787, and the significant value more modernized by circumstances, for promotion is 0,000
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. impulsive buying behavior; thus, the The results showed that servicescape hypothesis is accepted. Based on these directly and significantly influenced results, it can be concluded that Hypothesis impulsive buying behavior at H&M Store 4 (four) in this study is tested and can be Consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. This case accepted positive direction indicates that can be seen through the analysis path to servicescape will improve impulsive buying analyze substructural II through t-test. The behavior simultaneously equal to 0.214 shopping emotion variable's coefficient on units. impulsive buying behavior shows that the t- The results of this study support the count value of shopping emotion is 3,786 research of Waruan & Poluan (2016), the significant value for shopping emotion is Cakraningrat & Ardani (2016), Fahd (2015), 0,000
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The results showed the effect of as giving discounts, good product promoting impulsive buying behavior knowledge processes from employees, through shopping emotion at H&M Store attractive booth displays, and goods. -new Consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. items with the best quality and are priced at This case shows that the analysis a price that is not too expensive. shows that the promotion variable indirectly and significantly affects the impulsive The effect of servicescape on impulsive buying behavior is 0.171, with a significant buying behavior through shopping value of 0.000
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. this case, when consumers have felt a in consumers of the H&M Fashion Brand relaxed attitude in the existing service store at Sun Plaza Medan. environment, it will also create a purchase The conclusions above can be decision process for these goods. Shopping identified in the research results that the emotions owned by consumers, of course, problems faced in promotion and differ, there are positive and negative servicescape on impulsive buying behavior emotions, but with the excellent physical through shopping emotion for consumers of services owned by the store, the activity of the H&M Fashion Brand store at Sun Plaza purchasing goods/products by consumers Medan. Then the following suggestions are will undoubtedly feel more comfortable, of submitted: course with a physical condition that reflects It is recommended for Sun Plaza an experience when consumers come Medan H&M Store to maintain promotion shopping to be the first attraction for given (ex: discounts, product displays, shopping such as a modern store concept, online promotions). Furthermore, the H&M Store Sun Plaza Medan pays attention to CONCLUSION & SUGGESTIONS information from explaining the products Based on the analysis and discussion offered are not following reality. The H&M of promotion and servicescape on impulsive Store's solution to increase shopping buying behavior with shopping emotion as emotion and impulsive buying behavior an intervening variable at the H&M Store from consumers is to provide attractive Consumer at Sun Plaza Medan, some promotions every day. Such as giving conclusions and suggestions l can be taken discounts, providing the best promo design as follows: words and templates whose goal is that The promotion directly affects consumers who come can see and be shopping emotion in consumers of the interested can visit the store and finally H&M Fashion Brand store at Sun Plaza decide to make a purchase. The H&M Sun Medan. Servicescape directly affects Plaza store must be more interactive in shopping emotion in consumers of the conducting promotions and providing the H&M Fashion Brand store at Sun Plaza latest information through online media Medan. The promotion directly affects such as Instagram and Facebook. impulsive buying behavior in consumers of It is recommended for Sun Plaza the H&M Fashion Brand store at Sun Plaza Medan H&M Store to maintain lighting that Medan. Servicescape directly affects can increase attractiveness when shopping Impulsive Buying Behavior in consumers of by consumers. Furthermore, it is also the H&M Fashion Brand store at Sun Plaza suggested that the H&M Store Sun Plaza Medan. Shopping emotion directly affects Medan pay attention to Fragrance aromas impulsive buying behavior in consumers of that are served to consumers. Solutions that the H&M Fashion Brand store at Sun Plaza can be done to increase shopping emotion Medan. Promotion indirectly affects and impulsive buying behavior from impulsive buying behavior through consumers, in this case, the H&M Sun Plaza shopping emotion. In other words, shopping Medan store's interior conditions, have met emotion can mediate the relationship the standards starting from the layout's between promoting impulsive buying cleanliness and others. However, many behavior in H&M Brand Fashion store things must be maximized, namely the consumers at Sun Plaza Medan. addition of chairs or benches For consumers Servicescape indirectly affects impulsive to take a short break when looking for goods buying behavior through shopping emotion. or products in the store. The H&M store In other words, shopping emotion can must give a little impression and experience mediate the relationship between of consumers who enter the store with servicescape and impulsive buying behavior fragrances' aroma because the fragrance is International Journal of Research and Review ( 248 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Ari Prabowo The effect of promotion and servicescape on impulsive buying behavior with shopping emotion as intervening variables for consumers store of fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. still not felt in the room. Hence, the room customer reviews, perceived quality, feels a little flat/bland, next store H & M. repurchase intention, or researching other It is recommended for Sun Plaza objects related to brand fashion. Others Medan H&M Store to maintain the sense of compared this research to add theoretical pleasure and happiness of consumers when insight and intellectual understanding in shopping at the store. Furthermore, it is also research about shopping emotion and suggested that the H&M Store Sun Plaza impulsive buying behavior to consumers. Medan pay attention to discounts given to consumers because it encourages consumers REFERENCES to make purchases. The solution that can be 1. Alma, Buchari. (2018). Manajemen done by increasing shopping emotion and Pemasaran & Pemasaran Jasa. Bandung: impulsive buying behavior from consumers ALFABETA is to improve consumers' emotional toward 2. Arianty, Jasin, dan Khodri. (2019). purchasing H&M stores. They must provide Manajemen Pemasaran Konsep dan maximum product discounts because, in this Praktek. Medan: Perdana Publishing. case, the product discounts carried out by 3. Arianty. (2016). Manajemen Pemasaran H&M are not as many as its competitors, Edisi Revisi. Medan: Perdana Publishing. namely Zara and Uniqlo. H&M Sun Plaza 4. Basu, Swastha DH., Irawan. (2012). Manajemen Pemasaran Modern Edisi ke- must anticipate this to get consumers to 2. Yogyakarta: Liberty Offset. apply daily, monthly, couple discounts, 5. Beatty, S. E., and Ferrell, M. E. (2009). month-end discounts, and early-month Impulse buying: Modeling its precursors. discounts as a strategy to attract consumers Journal of Retailing Vol. 74 No. 2. and create an emotional shopping attitude 6. Cakraningrat, dan Ardani (2016). from existing consumers. One important Pengaruh Promosi dan Store Atmosphere thing, the H&M Sun Plaza store must Terhadap Shopping Emotion dan provide a discount following the current Impulsive Buying Di Discovery Shopping state of consumers during the Covid-19 Mall. JURNAL. Bali: Universitas pandemic. Udayana. Impulsive buying behavior occurs 7. Ferdinda Manoppo, (2013), Kualitas because of several vital encouragements Pelayanan dan Servicescape Pengaruhnya from existing companies/brands. In this terhadap Kepuasan pelanggan pada Hotel case, based on the existing questionnaire, Grand Puri Manado, JurnalEmba Vol1, consumers argue that the discount given by No.4 Desember 2013, Hal 1341-1348. the H&M store is an essential factor for 8. Fitzsimmons, James A and Mona J. them in making spontaneous purchases. The Fitzsimmons. (2011). Service consumer questionnaire also argues that Management: Operations, Strategy, buying goods is done without thinking about Information Technology 7th edition. the consequences before and after buying. It McGraw-Hill. International Edition. is necessary to maximize the Sun Plaza 9. Ghozali, Imam. (2016). Aplikasi Analisis Medan H&M store in providing practical Multivariate dengan Program IBM SPSS strategies to attract consumers' hearts. One 23. Semarang: BPFE Universitas Diponegoro. of the effective methods that must be given 10. Gumilang, dan Nurcahya (2016). to generate impulsive purchases is to offer Pengaruh Price Discount dan Store new and quality products and provide Atmosphere Terhadap Emotional discounts on these products. Shopping dan Impulsive Buying Di Due to this study's limitations, it is Matahari Department Store Cabang hoped that the next researchers will be able Denpasar. JURNAL. Bali: Universitas to perfect this research by adding other Udayana. factors that are not examined in this study. 11. Hasan, Ali. (2014). Marketing dan Kasus- These include experiential marketing, Kasus Pilihan. Yogyakarta: Caps Penerbit. International Journal of Research and Review ( 249 Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
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