

                              Sharmigaa Ragunathan

                A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements
                            for the degree of Master of Arts
         Graduate Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
                       Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
                                  University of Toronto

                   © Copyright by Sharmigaa Ragunathan (2021)

                                     Master of Arts 2021
                                   Sharmigaa Ragunathan
                  Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
                          Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
                                    University of Toronto


This study investigated the role of development, phoneme position and first language (L1)

typology on second language (L2) spelling in grade two English Language Learners (ELLs)

coming from two typologically different home languages: alphabetic (Portuguese and Spanish,

N=83) and logographic (Chinese, N=81). The participants completed real and pseudoword

spelling, word reading and various cognitive tasks. Common to both groups was the observation

that (1) consonantal elements in the onset position were spelled more accurately than in the coda

position; and (2) singletons were spelled most accurately but they struggled with consonant

clusters and digraphs. Furthermore, L1 typology, dual-route model of spelling and home literacy

practices jointly explained how the logographic group made more errors on consonantal elements

absent in their L1 when spelling pseudowords, but spelled real words more accurately compared

to the alphabetic group. Educational and clinical implications of assessing ELLs’ spelling skills

in early grades are discussed.



       I would like to first thank my supportive and insightful supervisor, Dr. Esther Geva, for

believing in my potential for the past two years. My thesis would not have been possible without

her guidance and advice. Her expertise in the development of literacy and language skills of

second language learners was an asset to my thesis.

       I would like to acknowledge some individuals for their assistance throughout my thesis

journey. First, I appreciate the hard work and dedication of my fellow Research Assistants,

Abishana Ilanges, Andriea A. Swampillai, Anita Mazumdar-Moscato, Ayda Ferdossifard, Danlin

Kris Song, Jiao Fu, Maryen Lieu, Naziha Ullah, Qiutong Zhou, Sayantha Baskaran, and Ufuoma

Deborah Ajari, during the data entry and coding phase. Second, I am grateful for Dr. Olesya

Falunchuk’s expertise in research methods and data analysis when consulting to her about data

analysis. Third, I would like to thank Dr. Yoonjung Kang, my undergraduate research advisor,

for her time and feedback during the initial stages of my thesis with her specialization in


       Most importantly, I would like to thank my family and friends for cheering me on and

supporting me with my thesis journey with their words of encouragements for the past two years.

A special shoutout to my mother and sister for motivating me and believing in me.


                                  Table of Contents

Abstract                                                                              ii
Acknowledgments                                                                       iii
List of tables                                                                        vi
List of appendices                                                                    vii

Introduction                                                                          1

Literature Review                                                                     1

       Developmental Aspects of Spelling                                              1
       A Comparison of English and Targeted Languages’ Linguistics Features           3
       L2 Spelling                                                                    6
       Word Position and L2 Spelling                                                  8
       Oral Language and L2 Spelling                                                  9
       The Present Study                                                              10

Methods                                                                               11

       Participants                                                                   11
       Materials                                                                      13
               Cognitive Processing                                                   13
               Phonological Processing                                                14
               Decoding                                                               14
               English Proficiency                                                    15
               Spelling                                                               15
               Pseudoword Spelling Scoring System                                     16

Results                                                                               18

       Overview                                                                       18
       Accurate representation of singletons, consonant clusters, and digraphs in     19
       the onset and coda positions by the alphabetic and logographic groups
       Was there a main and interaction effect for language group, word position      19
       and consonantal elements observed?
       Did spelling error types vary as a function of home language?                  21
       Comparison of the Alphabetic and Logographic Groups on Cognitive               23
       Processing, Phonological Processing, Decoding, Vocabulary Knowledge,
       and Spelling Skills
       Was there a main and interaction effect between language group and spelling?   25


Discussion                                                                   25
       General Trends of L2 Spelling among the Alphabetic and Logographic    25
       Considering Jointly L2 Spelling from the Perspective of L1 Typology   26
       Difference, Dual-Route Model and Home Literacy Practices
       Limitations and Future Directions for Research                        30
       Implications                                                          31

References                                                                   33


                                 List of Tables
Table 1.   Representation of Consonantal Elements in Onset and Coda of       19
           Pseudoword Spelling: Descriptive Statistics and MANOVA by
           Language Group

Table 2.   The Role of Language Group, Consonantal Element and Word          20
           Position in Pseudoword Spelling: Repeated Measure ANOVA
           Summary Table

Table 3.   Spelling Errors as a Function of Element and Word Position:       22
           Descriptive Statistics and Multivariate ANOVA by Language Group

Table 4.   Comparison of Cognitive Processing, Phonological Processing,      24
           Decoding, English Proficiency and Spelling Skills: Descriptive
           Statistics and MANOVA by Language Group

Table 5.   The Effect of Language Group and Spelling Task Type on L2         25
           Spelling: Repeated Measure ANOVA Summary Table


                           List of Appendices
Appendix A.     English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese Comparison of   43
                Phonological Features

Appendix B.     Real Word Spelling List                                  44

Appendix C.     Pseudoword Spelling List                                 44

Appendix D.     Spelling Error Coding System                             45

Appendix E.     Examples of Spelling Errors Made by the Alphabetic and   49
                Logographic Groups

THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                        1

       Spelling is a foundational writing skill that helps to convey messages and ideas (Cook,

1992; Al-Sobhi, Rashid, Abdullah & Darmi, 2017). Spelling is complex in nature as it involves a

number of component skills such as phonology (sound), orthography (writing system) and

morphology (form of words) (Staden, 2010; Treiman & Bourassa, 2000). Research has

demonstrated the contribution of spelling to literacy skills such as reading and writing (Lindner,

2019). For instance, spelling accuracy predicts reading development among both monolingual

and bilingual children (Caravolas, Hulme & Snowling, 2001; Ehri, 2000; Lindner, 2019).

Treiman (1999) noted that spelling can improve one’s ability to decode novel and unfamiliar

words, thus resulting in positive gains in children’s reading ability. Furthermore, children who

struggle with spelling face a cognitive load in writing tasks. As a result, poor spelling skills

impede other aspects of writing such as writing fluency, grammar and the content of writing

(Ehri, 2000).

       While there is ample research demonstrating the impact of spelling on various literacy

skills, less is known on spelling development of English Language Learners (ELLs) compared to

what is known about spelling skills of English monolingual speakers (EL1s) (Geva & Lafrance,

2011; Treiman, 1993). Spelling is often used as an additional measure of literacy rather than

being the main variable of interest (Lesaux, Rupp & Siegel, 2007). Therefore, it is important to

gain additional insight into this essential writing component in ELLs.

                                     Literature Review
Developmental Aspects of Spelling

       English has the following three consonantal elements: (1) singletons: a single phoneme

that is represented by a single letter (e.g., the phoneme /n/ in neck); (2) consonant clusters: a
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                         2

group of two or more consonants (e.g. s and t together form the consonant cluster st as seen in

the word stop); and (3) digraphs: one phoneme that is represented by two letters (e.g., the

phoneme th or /θ/ in thick); Both monolingual and bilingual children appear to have more

difficulties with spelling consonant clusters and digraphs compared to singletons as they learn

how to spell in the early grades (Goswami, 1992; Groff, 1986). For instance, Wade-Woolley and

Siegel (1997) demonstrated that consonant clusters were equally difficult for EL1 and ELL

children coming from various home language backgrounds. Furthermore, Russak and Kahn-

Horwitz (2015) demonstrated that fifth grade Hebrew English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

learners who were poor spellers struggled with representing consonant clusters. However, these

children’s representation of consonant clusters improved by the eighth grade. Russak and Kahn-

Horwitz (2015) explained that representing two consecutive phonemes with two separate

graphemes is initially challenging for children but that this challenge gradually disappears.

       Wang and Geva (2003b) demonstrated that digraphs (e.g., [θ], sh ([ʃ]), ck) were

developmentally challenging in grade two for both EL1 and ELL children with Cantonese as

their first language (L1). They explained that digraphs involve learning and recalling that two

specific letters represent a single phoneme (e.g., the letters t and h in combination represent the

[θ] phoneme) (Wang & Geva, 2003b). At the same time, it is worth noting that Cantonese as L1

children had more difficulties representing the [θ], [ʃ], and ck digraphs in a spelling dictation task

compared to EL1s because the phonemes represented by these digraphs are absent in the Chinese

language. As their proficiency in English increased over time, their representation of these

digraphs became more accurate and their performance was similar to their L1 counterparts. Thus,

segmentation and representation of both of these multi-lettered blends are a challenge for young

monolingual and bilingual children from a young age (Groff, 1986; Werfel & Schule, 2012).
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                      3

With increased exposure to consonant clusters and digraphs as part of learning to read and write

in English (either as L1 or as second language, or L2), they begin to remember them as chunks

rather than individual letters, and as a result they would be able to accurately represent them

(Groff, 1986).

A Comparison of English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese Phonological Features

       The objective of this thesis is to understand how features of the L1 (spoken and written)

may contribute to spelling errors committed by young ELLs. Therefore, this section provides a

comparison of English and the following targeted languages in this study: Portuguese, Spanish

and Chinese. This section is summarized in Appendix A.

       According to the Orthographic Depth Hypothesis, languages vary in terms of the degree

of “depth” of orthography (Katz & Frost, 1992). English, Spanish and Portuguese are associated

with alphabetic writing system whereby graphemes (letters) are mapped onto phonemes

(sounds), thus they are phonological in nature (Caravolas & Samara, 2015). These three

languages are also associated with the same alphabet (Simpson, Mousikou, Montoya, & Defior,

2013). Spanish and Portuguese have a consistent, “shallow” one-to-one grapheme-phoneme

correspondence spelling system. English orthography on the other hand has a “deep” inconsistent

grapheme-phoneme mapping. In English (1) a grapheme can stand for more than one phoneme

(e.g., c à /k/, /s/); and (2) a phoneme can be represented by more than one grapheme (e.g., /k/ à

c, ck, k). (Defior, Martos & Luz, 2002). Unlike the three languages described above, Chinese is a

“logographic” orthography where a character represents a meaning unit and each character is a

single morpheme and a single syllable (e.g., 月 à moon; 木 à tree) (Caravolas & Samara,

2015; Ehrich & Meuter, 2009; Wang & Geva, 2003a). In other words, Chinese is a “deep”

orthography. Recognizing Chinese characters involves visual and rote-memorization (Katz &
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                                   4

Frost, 1992), whereas reading words in Portuguese, Spanish and to a large extent also English

can be achieved by mapping systematically letters to phonemes.

        Even English Spanish and Portuguese orthography that utilize the Latin alphabet vary in

their phonological features. Specifically, English has 21 singletons (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p,

q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z). Spanish has 15 singleton consonants (b, d, f, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, p, s, t, v, w, z)

while Portuguese has 17 singleton consonants (b, c, ç, d, f, g, j, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z) (Defior,

Martos, & Cary, 2002). Chinese has 17 singletons (f, h, j, k, kh, l, m, n, ŋ, p, ph, s, t, th, w, ts, tsh)

(Chang, 2001; Holm & Dodd, 1999). However, it is worth noting that some dialects of Chinese

do not have /n/, therefore they may have difficulties distinguishing /n/ from /l/ (night vs. light)

(Chang, 2001). Unlike English, Spanish and Portuguese, Chinese does not possess voiced

singleton stops (b, d, g) and fricatives (z, v) (Lin & Johnson, 2010).

        English has digraphs and some of the common ones include ch, [ʃ], and [θ] (Horwitz,

Schwartz & Share, 2011). Spanish and Portuguese have very few digraphs (e.g., Spanish- ch, ll,

rr, qu; Portuguese- gu, lh, nh, qu, rr, ss) (Defior, Martos, & Cary, 2002). Spanish doesn’t have

the [ʃ] phoneme, but it is a variant of ch in some dialects of Spanish (Hualde, Olarrea & Escobar,

2007). Spanish doesn’t have the [θ] phoneme, but c is pronounced as [θ] when c is followed by

certain vowels (Defior, Martos, & Cary, 2002). Portuguese also does not have the [ʃ] phoneme,

but the letters s and z are pronounced as [ʃ] depending on the context in which these letters occur

in words (Mesquita, Carvalhais, Limpo, & Castro, 2020). The phoneme [θ] does not exist in

Portuguese (Diena-Khayyat, 2000). Obviously, Chinese, which is not an alphabetic orthography,

has no digraphs (Wang & Geva, 2003a).

        English has complex syllable patterns (e.g., CV, VC, CVC, CVCC, CCVC, CCV, CCVCC,

CCCVCC). The CCC stands for three-lettered consonant clusters, CC stands for two-lettered
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                          5

consonant clusters and digraphs and C stands for singletons. Portuguese and Spanish syllables

can consist of CV, VC, CVC, CCVC structures (Lahoz, 2012; Madureira, 2020). Both Spanish

and Portuguese allow the following consonant clusters in the word-initial, or onset position: bl,

br, cl, cr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, tl, and tr (Madureira, 2020; Zaretsky, 2020). Furthermore, both

languages do not permit consonant clusters that consist of s + C (e.g., sp and st). These cluster

combinations are present in the English language. Spanish and Portuguese use vowel epenthesis

to separate the cluster to separate syllables (e.g., stop à es’top). Chinese, on the other hand, has

a simple syllable CV and CVC structure whereby singletons only represent consonants (Lin &

Johnson, 2010). Chinese does not permit consonant clusters in either onset or word-final (i.e.,

coda) positions. When Chinese speakers speak English, they either insert vowels to break down

the consonant cluster to separate phonemes (e.g., spoon à si’poon) or drop one of the

consonants to simplify the structure (e.g., play à pay, lay; nest à nes, net) (Chang, 2001). Each

of these four language groups allow certain singletons in the coda position. English allows all

singletons except for j, q and v in the word final position. Spanish only allows the following

singletons in the word final position: l, d, n and s (Zaretsky, 2020). Portuguese allows the

following singletons in word final position: 1, n, r and s (Cardoso, 2011). Chinese allows n and ŋ

at the end of words (Yip, 2014).

        It is clear from this brief overview that phonological differences between one’s L1 and

L2 might affect specific L2 spelling components. In other words, Portuguese, Spanish and

Chinese ELLs may struggle with representing accurately in spelling specific elements of English

words that are absent in their L1. The following section elaborates on this notion.
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                         6

       L2 Spelling

       Learning to spell in L2 is affected by the phonological and orthographic features of one’s

L1. According to Lado's (1957) contrastive hypothesis, individuals rely on the knowledge they

have acquired in their L1 when they learn the L2 through transfer of the principle underlying

spelling. Transfer can be positive when features of the L1 are relevant to the L2 learning due to

overlap in L1 and L2 features. Transfer can be negative when the L1 and L2 features are

different from each other and therefore are associated with specific difficulties in L2 learning

(Lado, 1970; Chung, Chen & Geva, 2019).

       Research has addressed the process of transfer in the development of spelling among L2

learners coming from different ELL groups (e.g., Chinese: Wang & Geva, 2003a; Arabic: Allaith

& Joshi, 2011; Spanish: Fashola, Drum, Mayer & Kang, 1996 and Zaretsky, 2020; Welsh:

James, Scholfield, Garrett & Griffiths, 1993; Persian: Arab-Moghaddam & Sénéchal 2001). For

instance, Wang and Geva (2003a) found that Chinese ELL children made phonological errors or

imprecise phonological representation of phonemes absent in their L1 such as digraphs

[θ] and [ʃ] in a spelling dictation task by replacing [θ] with s, f, or z, and by replacing [ʃ] with s.

Likewise, Arabic ELL participants in Allaith and Joshi (2011)’s study made phonological errors

in English spelling words that involved replacing the phonemes /p/ and /v/ with /b/ and /f/

respectively as /p/ and /v/ are absent in their L1. In these studies, the phonological errors are

better explained by “negative transfer” whereby the children replaced phonemes absent in their

language with a closely matched phoneme in their L1 (Allaith and Joshi, 2011; Wang & Geva,

2003a). The spelling errors of Spanish ELL children in both Durgunoğlu (2002) and Fashola et al

(1996)’s studies reflected a phonological “sounding out” strategy given that Spanish is an

alphabetic language. A recent study (Zaretsky, 2020) investigated English spelling acquisition of
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                        7

Spanish ELLs with varying word reading levels using a nonword spelling test. As noted in other

studies, the spelling errors that children made reflected negative transfer of their L1 phonology

and orthography. For example, Spanish as L1 readers misrepresented consonants that are not

available in Spanish (e.g., j in place of y; full for thull) and vowels (e.g., snop for snup). Spanish

nonreaders misrepresented digraphs (e.g., sheck for shesk), and both Spanish readers and

nonreaders applied vowel epenthesis in consonant clusters (e.g., yarba for yarb).

       In addition to negative transfer, L2 (and L1) spelling could be affected by strategies

present in one’s L1 and it is explained by the dual-route model of spelling where spelling is

accomplished by one of the two routes: lexical and phonological route (Grainger & Ziegler,

2011; Treiman, 2017). The lexical route, also known as the semantic route, involves the retrieval

of whole words from memory (Castles, Holmes & Wong, 1997; Treiman, 2017). The nonlexical

or phonological route involves the conversion of phonemes to graphemes through a sounding out

strategy (Castles, Holmes & Wong, 1997; Treiman, 2017). Wang and Geva (2003b) compared

the English spelling performance of EL1 and Chinese ELL children using two spelling dictation

tasks: (1) real word spelling that contained 16 highly frequent English words; and (2)

phonological pseudoword spelling that contained 16 nonwords that resembled English word

structures. Wang and Geva (2003b) found that Chinese children performed better on the real

word spelling task compared to the English children, as the Chinese children were able to rely on

visual lexical route present in their L1 when retrieving real words. However, the Chinese

children struggled with the pseudoword spelling task as it required a phonological “sounding

out” strategy that is absent in their L1 (Wang & Geva, 2003b). In another relevant study that

demonstrates the effects of L1 orthography on L2 spelling, Dixon, Zhao and Joshi (2010)

compared the nature of real-word spelling errors of ELL children who came from Chinese,
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                          8

Malay or Tamil as L1 background. These three groups represent orthographically different

groups, as Chinese is logographic while the orthographies of Malay and Tamil are alphabetic and

syllabic, respectively. Chinese children made significantly more real-word substitution errors

(e.g., he à here, his, has; green à teen) while the Malay and Tamil children made significantly

more phonological errors (e.g., he à ki- consonant substitution; green à grnn- vowel is omitted

but consonants presented in the same order).

Word Position and L2 Spelling

       English hierarchical syllable structure is widely accepted by many linguistics and

psycholinguists (Treiman, 1993; Treiman & Kessler, 1995). It consists of two major

subunits: onset and rime. The onset is the “initial consonant portion of the syllable”. The rime is

a phonological unit that consists of a nucleus (i.e., vowel- V) and a “coda”, that is the final-

consonant portion of the syllable (Treiman, 1993). Consonantal elements, in both the onset and

coda positions, include singletons (e.g., rich, broom- C), consonant clusters (e.g., stop, fist- CC)

and digraphs (e.g., thin, wish- CC).

       Some studies examined the effect of the position of the consonantal element position on

spelling. Lewkowicz (1986) found that the position of phonemes in words affects spelling

performance. Studies focusing on spelling development demonstrate that both EL1 and ELL

children represent the onset in words more accurately than the coda (for EL1s see Stage &

Wagner, 1993; for Taiwanese ELLs see Hong & Chen, 2009). Importantly, Yeung and Qiao

(2019) observed this pattern among both typically developing and at-risk EL1 and ELLs with

Chinese as L1 kindergarten children. According to Treiman (1993), the suprasegmental feature

of stress within the syllable could account for these differences. Elements in the stressed position

of the word are more salient than the ones in the unstressed (final) position (Treiman et al, 1993).
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                          9

For example, when pronouncing the word cat, the /k/ is more emphasized than the/æt/. In

English, the syllable structure is stress-timed based, as it is made up of both stressed and

unstressed elements (Holliman et al, 2010). Typically, stress is more salient in the onset position

of a single syllabled word (Mehta, Ding, Ness & Chen, 2018). Furthermore, phonemes in the

onset position require least processing in comparison with later appearing segments of the

syllable (i.e., coda) (e.g., in the word cat, /k/ is more likely to be recalled easily compared to /t/).

This is known as the serial position effect (Stage and Wagner, 1992). Taken together, regardless

of language status (EL1 or ELL), children are more likely to represent accurately onset than coda

elements in one-syllable words because of its saliency.

Oral Language and L2 Spelling

        Conclusions pertaining to the role of oral language proficiency and L2 spelling are

mixed. For instance, Wade-Woolley and Siegel (1997) found that L2 oral language (assessed

with oral cloze and syntactic judgment) did not contribute to the spelling performance of 79 ESL

children’s spelling accuracy coming from different L1 backgrounds (i.e., Cantonese, Mandarin,

Tamil, Gujarati, Urdu and Punjabi). On the other hand, Marinova-Todd and Hall (2013)

compared the role of L2 oral language proficiency in L2 English spelling skills of first grade

Tagalog and Cantonese bilingual children using pseudoword spelling. Tagalog is a shallow

alphabetic language while Cantonese is a deep logographic language. The authors found that L2

oral language proficiency has a stronger association with L2 spelling in the Tagalog language

group compared to the Chinese language group, despite similarities in their English proficiency.

Marinova-Todd and Hall (2013) concluded that “oral language proficiency seems to be a

stronger predictor of literacy ability in bilingual populations whose L1 is an alphabetic language

with shallow orthography”.
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                      10

The Present Study

       The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of phoneme position

associated with three different consonantal elements (i.e., singletons, consonant clusters,

digraphs) on L2 spelling accuracy in Grade 2 ELLs coming from two distinct orthographic

groups: alphabetic (Portuguese and Spanish) and logographic (Chinese). This objective addresses

some limitations in previous studies. First, although research has shown that ELLs represent

phonemes more accurately in the onset than in coda position, ELL studies have focused

primarily on spelling words that contain only singletons in word-initial and word-final positions.

It is not clear whether such findings can be generalized to consonant clusters and digraphs.

Furthermore, previous studies demonstrated that EL1 children acquired and represented both

singleton and consonant clusters more accurately in the onset position than in the coda position

(e.g., Werfel & Schule, 2012; Levelt, Schiller & Levelt, 2000). However, it is crucial to examine

whether these findings can be extended to ELLs. Second, there are limited studies that compared

simultaneously the developing spelling skills of ELLs coming from typologically different

language backgrounds (Figueredo, 2006). Addressing these questions should be helpful from a

theoretical and applied perspectives. The focus was on comparing spelling patterns and spelling

error patterns across typologically different home languages such as the logographic Chinese and

alphabetic, Latin-based, languages such as Spanish and Portuguese by using a pseudoword

spelling task. To rule out group differences on cognitive-linguistics skills, the alphabetic and

logographic groups were compared on cognitive processing (e.g., nonverbal ability, rapid letter

naming), phonological processing (e.g., word and nonword segmentation, and auditory

discrimination), decoding (e.g., word reading and pseudoword reading) and English proficiency

skills (e.g., vocabulary knowledge).
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                     11

       Based on previous literature, it was hypothesized that:

               (1) both the alphabetic and logographic groups would represent singletons,

       consonant clusters and digraphs more accurately in the onset position of CCVC and

       CVCC syllables than in the coda position;

               (2) both the alphabetic and logographic groups would represent singletons most

       accurately, followed by consonant clusters, with digraphs being the most difficult; and

               (3) The L2 spelling performance of the alphabetic and logographic groups would

       reflect their L1 structural features. More specifically, it was expected that the alphabetic

       group would perform better than the logographic group on the pseudoword spelling task

       due their relative advantage in accessing the phonological route (i.e., segmentation and

       sounding out of alphabets in words) present in their L1. It was expected that the

       logographic group would perform more poorly than the alphabetic groups due to: (1) the

       absence of the phonological route in their L1 writing system, given that Chinese words

       are learned through a lexical, whole word strategy; (2) systematic exposure to Chinese

       orthography at home through TV and attendance in heritage Chinese classes.


       Data for the study come from a large longitudinal study that assessed cognitive,

linguistics and cognitive skills of ELLs coming from three home language backgrounds (i.e.,

Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese). They were recruited from 22 elementary schools in Southern

Ontario, Canada. The study consisted of two cohorts. The first cohort consisted of children who

were followed from senior kindergarten (age 5-6) to grade 4 (age 9-10), and the second cohort
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                         12

consisted of children who were recruited 2 years later and were followed from grade 1 (age 6-7)

to grade 4. The focus of the present study is on grade 2 spelling data across both cohorts

(N=187). 16 of the participants dropped out between grades 1 and 2. This drop was associated

with home relocation. In addition, six students had missing scores on at least one measure due to

being absent during testing and one student did not complete the pseudoword spelling task. To

determine whether attrition was at random, Little’s MCAR test was conducted. Analyses

revealed that the attrited students did not differ statistically from the remaining participants on

L1, gender, age, school, or any of the cognitive processing, phonological processing, decoding,

English proficiency, and spelling (real-word and pseudoword) measures administered when they

were in grade 2: Little’s MCAR test: Chi Square=74.330, p=.402. Given that the six students

completed the pseudoword spelling task, missing scores were calculated through imputation.

       The final sample consisted of 164 participants. They were grouped based on their L1

orthography: 83 alphabetic (Portuguese, N=22; Spanish, N=61) and 81 logographic (Chinese, N=

81). The Portuguese and Spanish groups were merged because both languages have an alphabetic

orthography and are Romance languages, thus they have similar phonology, syntax and

vocabulary. To statistically justify the alphabetic group merging, Box’s M test was used to

determine whether the covariance matrices are equal by using all measures. The test was not

significant: Box’s M= 93.030; p= .247; there were no significant differences in the covariance

matrices among the Portuguese and Spanish groups. The mean age of testing was 92.84 months

(SD=3.998 months) for the alphabetic group and 91.98 months (SD=4.162 months) for the

logographic group. Gender was evenly distributed across both groups. All participants had

attended a school in Ontario since kindergarten. The logographic group came from a higher

socio-economic status (SES) background conceptualized in terms of parental education level,
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                                    13

compared to the alphabetic group. Parents of children in the logographic group attained a

university degree while parents of children in the alphabetic group completed high school (Grant,

Gottardo & Geva, 2011; Jean, 2011). At home, the logographic group spent more time reading

books and watching television shows in their L1, as well as reading English books compared to

the alphabetic group while both groups spent about the same amount of time watching English

television shows.1 Moreover, attendance in L1 heritage classes was more prevalent in the

logographic group.


           The measures described in this section were used to establish group equivalence. The

spelling measures were administered as a group while other measures were done individually.

           Cognitive Processing

           Nonverbal Reasoning. The Matrix Analogy Test (MAT) (Naglieri, 1989) assessed

nonverbal ability. The MAT design consists of 64 abstract designs of the standard progressive

matrix type. Participants were shown a picture of a missing piece and were asked to choose one

of five options that completes the pattern. The reported reliability, as measured by Cronbach’s

alpha, is .94 for children aged 8 (Naglieri, 1985).

           Rapid Automatized Letter Naming. Rapid automatized naming (RAN) of letters

(Wagner, Torgesen & Rashotte, 1999) measures the speed (in seconds) and accuracy of

children’s retrieval of 5 letters that appear ten times in random order. Cronbach’s alpha is .72 for

8-year-old English speaking children (Wagner, Torgesen & Rashotte, 1999)2.

 Note, questions about heritage languages and time spent reading and watching television in English and the
participants’ L1 at home were asked in a demographic questionnaire given to the participants’ parent or guardian to
complete (in their home language). However, not all of the parents and guardians completed the questionnaires.
    Note, the Cronbach alpha of RAN was calculated with the English-speaking children by the authors of CTOPP.
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                                14

        Phonological Processing

        Word Segmentation. The Word Segmentation subtest of the Comprehension Test of

Phonological Processing (CTOPP) (Wagner, Torgesen & Rashotte, 1999) assesses the ability to

separate words to individual phonemes. Participants were asked to say one sound at a time after

hearing each word. The Cronbach’s alpha is .98 and .89 for the alphabetic and logographic

groups, respectively.

        Nonword Segmentation. The Nonword Segmentation subtest of CTOPP (Wagner,

Torgesen & Rashotte, 1999) assesses the ability to separate nonwords to individual phonemes.

Participants were asked to say one sound at a time after hearing each nonword. The reliability, as

measured by Cronbach’s alpha, is .89 and .90 for the alphabetic and logographic groups,


        Auditory Discrimination. The auditory discrimination task assesses the ability to decide

whether two nonwords varying in one phoneme are the same or not (e.g., bish-biss; nush-nush).

Participants heard 34 recorded pairs and were asked to indicate for each pair whether the

nonwords pairs were the same or different. The sound varied either in the word-initial or word

final-position. Sixteen nonword pairs were” the same” and 18 nonword pairs were “different”.

One point was given for each correctly identified pair. The Cronbach’s alpha is .71 and .61 for

the alphabetic and logographic groups, respectively.


        Word reading. The Word Identification subtest of Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-

Revised (WRMT-R) (Woodcock, 1987) assesses the ability to read words. The reported reliability

ranged from .85 to .95 for English-speaking children (Woodcock, 1987)3.

Note, the Cronbach’s alpha for Word Reading was calculated with the English-speaking children by the authors of
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                                 15

        Pseudoword Reading. The Word Attack subtest of WRMT-R (Woodcock, 1987) assesses

the ability to apply appropriate grapheme-phoneme correspondences to read nonwords that

resemble English word structures. The reported reliability, as measured by Cronbach’s alpha, is

.91 for English-speaking children (Woodcock, 1987)4.

        English Proficiency

        Vocabulary Knowledge. Vocabulary knowledge was measured using the Peabody Picture

Vocabulary Test Third Edition – Form B (PPVT III; Dunn & Dunn, 1997). Children listened to a

word spoken by the task administrator and pointed to one of four picture which corresponded to

that word. The words become increasingly less common. The PPVT-R is considered to be a

reliable and valid test of receptive vocabulary with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .95 for

children aged 7 (Dunn & Dunn, 1997).


        Real Word Spelling. The real-word spelling dictation task assessed knowledge of English

words. The spelling list consisted of 16 highly frequent words in the English. The participants

heard the word in isolation, then in a sentence, and again in isolation. One point was awarded

for each correctly spelled word. The Cronbach’s alpha is .89 and .93 for the alphabetic and

logographic groups, respectively. The items are listed in Appendix B.

        Pseudoword Spelling. The pseudoword spelling task consisted of 16 one-syllable

nonwords that resembled English word structure. Half of the pseudowords had a consonant-

vowel-consonant-consonant (CVCC) word structure, and the other half had a consonant-

consonant-vowel-consonant (CCVC) word structure. The items and pronunciations are listed in

Appendix C.

 Note, the Cronbach’s alpha for Pseudoword Reading was calculated with the English-speaking children by the
authors of WRMT-R.
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                    16

Pseudoword Spelling Scoring System

       Existing studies typically analyze children’s spelling performance holistically, as correct

and incorrect production of the whole word (Masterson & Apel, 2010). However, this approach

does not capture children’s subtle growth in spelling accuracy of specific linguistics elements in

words (Masterson & Apel, 2010; Tangel & Blachman, 1992). Therefore, this study assessed

pseudoword spelling performance by adding total accurate representation of different linguistics

elements across all nonwords in the dictation task. Specifically, both the onset and coda of each

pseudoword were scored separately, with a score of 1 for correct and 0 for incorrect. To get a

correct score, the right consonantal element must be written in the correct word position, as

dictated in the spelling task. Total spelling performance scores was obtained by adding the

accurately represented onset and coda across 16 pseudowords, with a maximum score of 32. The

reliability, as measured by Cronbach’s alpha, are .93 and .90 for the alphabetic and logographic

groups, respectively.

       The second approach focused on examining the accuracy of representing the three

consonantal elements in onset and coda positions to investigate the effect of word position on L2

spelling. The scores were divided into six groups: singleton onset, singleton coda, consonant

cluster onset, consonant cluster coda, digraph onset, and digraph coda. The maximum score for

single consonant groups was eight and both consonant cluster and digraph groups were four. For

instance, digraph onset score is obtained by adding accurate representation in the following four

pseudowords that have a digraph in the onset position, (theg, thop, shen and sheb); (See

pseudowords in Appendix C).

       Lastly, a more sophisticated and detailed coding system was used to classify the spelling

errors made in the onset and coda for each of the pseudowords separately. This coding system
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                       17

was informed by previous studies (Al-Sobhi, Rashid, Abdullah & Darmi, 2017; Bebout, 1985;

Nolan, 2007; Protopapas, Fakou, Styliani, Skaloumbakas and Mouzaki, 2013; Treiman and

Bourassa, 2000).The errors are coded to one of the following major orthographic categories:

omission of elements, letter strings, consonant doubling, single letter representation (e.g.,

singleton-phoneme substitution; consonant cluster and digraph reduction to a single letter),

representation of two letters other than intended consonant cluster and digraph letters, position

misplacement, and correct. The letter strings, consonant doubling, single letter representation,

representation of two letters other than intended consonant cluster and digraph letters and

position misplacement categories have phonological error subcategories that involve

representing phonemes either related or unrelated to the intended singleton, consonant cluster

and digraph. The research assistants were provided with a list of phonologically related elements

to the intended singleton, consonant cluster and digraph. The error types were assigned to their

numerical code, ranging from 1 to 54, based on the consonantal elements. The detailed coding

scheme is found in Appendix D. The interrater reliability for the error coding system was

established between the author and two research assistants for the onset and coda positions for all

16 words separately using Cohen’s kappa. The reliability coding errors types in the onset

position of all 16 words were between .87 and 1.00. The reliability coding for the coda position

of all 16 words ranged from .86 and 1.00. Disagreements were primarily due to rating whether

the incorrect phoneme was related to the intended element or not (e.g., single letter-random

substitution vs. single letter-nonrandom substitution) and orthographic categories (e.g., omission

vs. misposition of elements, as well as string of letters vs. two letter representation and string of

letters vs. vowel insertion for both consonant cluster and digraphs).
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                   18


The Effect of Phoneme Position on L2 Spelling Accuracy in the Alphabetic and

Logographic Groups


       The objective of this study was to compare the effect of phoneme position (i.e., onset and

coda) on three different consonantal elements (i.e., singletons, consonant clusters and digraphs)

on L2 spelling accuracy. To investigate the first and second hypothesis (i.e., the developmental

aspect and positional effect of L2 spelling), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was

conducted with language group (i.e., alphabetic, logographic) as the between-subject variable to

compare the means of accurate representation scores of the three consonantal elements in both

onset and coda positions that are presented in Table 1. In addition, Table 2 focuses on the main

and interaction effects of language group, consonantal element and word position using repeated

measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). To investigate the third hypothesis (i.e., the

typological difference and L1 dual-route model to spelling), MANOVA was conducted with

language group (i.e., alphabetic, logographic) as between-subject variables to compare means of

spelling errors that were significantly different between the alphabetic and logographic groups in

Table 3 as well as the means of cognitive processing, phonological processing, decoding, English

proficiency and spelling skills in Table 4. Raw scores of nonverbal reasoning, RAN, word

segmentation, nonword segmentation, word reading, pseudoword reading, and vocabulary

knowledge were used because standardized norms of these measures were established for

English as L1 monolingual samples and may not be reliable for ELL children. The raw scores of

real and pseudoword spelling were converted to z-scores to investigate the main and interaction
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                     19

effects between spelling task type (i.e., real and pseudoword spelling) and language group on L2

spelling using repeated measures ANOVA as presented in Table 5.

Accurate representation of singletons, consonant clusters, and digraphs in onset and coda

positions by the alphabetic and logographic groups

         As can be seen in Table 1, the alphabetic group represented the following two elements

significantly more accurately than the logographic group: consonant cluster onset (F (1,162) =

4.421, p < .05, η2=.027), and digraph onset (F (1,162) = 5.957, p < .01, η2=.035). However, the

alphabetic and logographic groups’ scores on singleton onset were not statistically different from

each other (F (1, 162) = .948, p > .05, η2=.006). Likewise, the alphabetic and logographic

groups’ accurate representation of all three elements in codas did not differ: singleton (F (1, 162)

= 1.883, p > .05, η2=.011), consonant cluster (F (1, 162) = 2.919, p > .05, η2=.018), and digraph

F (1, 162) = 2.175, p > .05, η2=.013).

Table 1. Representation of Consonantal Elements in Onset and Coda of Pseudoword Spelling:

Descriptive Statistics and MANOVA by Language Group

                                 Alphabetic       Logographic
                                  (N=83)            (N=81)
 Consonantal Element and        M       SD         M        SD     F (Language     Partial η2
 Position                                                             Group)
 Singleton Onset (/8)           6.93     1.800    6.67     1.628       .948          .006
 Singleton Coda (/8)            5.18     2.354    4.68     2.328      1.883          .011
 Consonant Cluster Onset (/4)   3.29     1.255    2.83     1.547      4.421*         .027
 Consonant Cluster Coda (/4)    2.90     1.411    2.52     1.476      2.919          .018
 Digraph Onset (/4)             2.88     1.392    2.35     1.433      5.857*         .035
 Digraph Coda (/4)              2.55     1.532    2.22     1.342      2.175          .013
Note. * p < .05

Was there a main and interaction effect for language group, word position and consonantal

elements observed?

         As Table 3 shows, a main effect of language was demonstrated whereby the alphabetic

group significantly outperformed the logographic group on spelling representation of all
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                      20

    consonantal elements (i.e., singletons, consonant clusters, digraphs) (F (1, 162) = 4.537, p < .05,

    η2=.027). There was also a main effect for word position whereby the participants represented

    elements in the onset position more accurately compared to the same types of elements in the

    coda position (F (1, 162) = 107.164, p < .01, η2=.398). In addition, there was a main effect for

    consonantal element as the participants represented singletons more accurately followed by

    consonant clusters and digraphs (F (1, 162) = 297.210, p < .01, η2=.822). In terms of

    interactions, an interaction effect between consonantal element type and word position was

    noted. Specifically, regardless of home language, students represented all three consonantal

    elements more accurately in the onset position compared to coda position (F (1, 162) =

    88.550, p < .01, η2=.353). The interaction of language, consonantal element and position was not

    significant (F (1, 162) = 1.60, p > .05, η2=.000). The interaction between language group and

    consonantal element was also not significant (F (1, 162) = .044, p > .05, η2=.000), neither was

    the interaction of language group by word position (F (1, 162) = 007, p > .05, η2=.000).

    Table 2. The Role of Language Group, Consonantal Element and Word Position in Pseudoword

    Spelling: Repeated Measures ANOVA Summary Table

Source                             df    F                 Partial η2
Language group                     1     4.537*            .027

Consonantal Element                1     297.210**         .822

Word position                      1     107.164**         .398

Language group x Consonantal       1     .044              .000
Element                                                    .

Language Group x Word              1     .007              .000

Word Position x Consonantal        1     88.550**          .353

Language Group x Word              1     1.606             .010
Position x Consonantal Element
    Notes. * p < .05; ** p < .01
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                        21

Did spelling error types vary as a function of home language?

       The logographic group made more errors compared to the alphabetic group. As seen in

Table 3, the logographic group were more likely to replace a singleton with another singleton

that is phonologically related more frequently than the alphabetic group in singleton onset (e.g.,

vist à fist, bist, thist; nesh à lesh) (F (1, 162) = 5.284, p < .05, η2=.034) and singleton coda

(e.g., spiv à spif, spib; thop à tob) (F (1, 162) =5.725, p < .05, η2=.034). The logographic

group were also more likely to represent the intended singleton with a string of letters that

included the intended singleton and/or letters that is related to the intended singleton in the coda

position (e.g., spiv à saifps, savxf) (F (1, 162) =9.661, p < .01, η2=.034=.056). Furthermore, the

logographic group reduced consonant clusters to a single intended consonant (i.e., consonant

cluster reduced to one of the intended letters of the cluster) more frequently than the alphabetic

group. This was noted in both onset (e.g., stiv à siv, tiv) (F (1, 162) = 8.762, p < .05, η2=.026)

and coda positions (e.g., visp à vis, vip) (F (1, 162) =4.505, p < .05, η2=.027). The logographic

group also made more errors where they replaced two letters that are related to the intended

consonant cluster in onset (e.g., stiv à sdv) (F (1, 162) =9.999, p < .01, η2=.058) and coda (e.g.,

visp à visb) positions (F (1, 162) =5.066, p < .05, η2=.030). The logographic group also reduced

more frequently digraphs to the first letter (e.g., sh à s; th à t). This error involving digraph

reduction to the first letter of digraph occurred significantly more frequently in the logographic

group than in the alphabetic group in the onset position (e.g., theg à teg; shen à sen) (F (1,

162) = 8.227, p < .01, η2=.048). As for digraphs in coda position, the logographic group made

significantly more errors compared to the alphabetic group in the following categories: doubling

of consonants using letters related to intended (e.g., geth à geff, gess) (F (1, 162) = 6.037, p <

.05, η2=.036) and substitution of a digraph with a single letter plus insertion of a vowel (e.g.,
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                        22

      poth à pofe, pove) F (1, 162) =15.566, p < .01, η2=.088. In sum, the logographic group made

      errors on consonantal elements that are absent in their L1. The alphabetic group, on the other

      hand, made more errors involving a vowel insertion along with the intended digraph (e.g.,

      nesh à neshe) than the logographic group (F (1, 162) = 5.760, p < .05, η2=.034). Examples of

      spelling errors made by the logographic and alphabetic groups are found in Appendix E.

      Table 3. Spelling Errors as a Function of Element and Word Position in Pseudoword Spelling:

      Descriptive Statistics and MANOVA by Language Group5

                                                       Alphabetic    Logographic
                                                         N=83           N=81

Element      Orthographic        Phonological          M      SD     M      SD     F (Language   Partial
and          Error Category      Error                                                Group)       η2
Position                         Subcategory
Singleton    Single Phoneme      Intended              .49   .802    .85   1.163     4.569*       .034
Onset        Representation      singleton is
             (Phoneme            substituted with
             Substitution)       a phonologically
                                 related phoneme
Singleton    String of letters   String of letters,    .16   .455    .47    .792    9.661**       .056
coda                             including
                                 intended and/or
                                 letters related to

             Single Phoneme      Intended              .48   .942    .90   1.281     5.725*       .034
             Representation      singleton is
             (Phoneme            substituted with
             Substitution)       a phonologically
                                 related phoneme
Consonant    Single Phoneme      Consonant            .34    .801    .64   1.207     4.311*       .026
Cluster      Representation      cluster is
onset        (Consonant          reduced to one
             Cluster             of the intended
             Reduction)          letters

             Two Letter          Representation       .00     .000   .23    .676     9.999**      .058
             Representation      of two letters
                                 and both letters
                                 are related to the
                                 letters from the
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                                     23

Consonant    Single Phoneme         Consonant             .14    .521   .37     .813        4.505*         .027
Cluster      Representation         cluster is
coda         (Consonant             reduced to one
             Cluster                of the intended
             Reduction)             letters

             Two Letter             Representation         .02   .154   .15      .477        5.066*        .030
             Representation         of two letters
                                    and both letters
                                    are related to the
                                    letters from the

Digraph      Single Phoneme         Digraph               .24    .691   .62     .969       8.227**         .048
onset        Representation         reduction:
             (Digraph               digraph got
             Reduction)             reduced to the
                                    first letter (i.e.,
                                    th à t; sh à s)
Digraph      Consonant              Consonant             .00    .00    .12     .458        6.037*         .036
Coda         doubling               doubling of
             containing             letter that is
             incorrect letter       phonologically
                                    related to

             Vowel insertion        Singleton other       .02    .154   .32     .327       15.556**        .088
                                    than intended
                                    element with a
                                    vowel inserted

                                    consonantal           .17    .581   .01     .111        5.670*         .034
                                    element with
                                    vowel inserted
     Notes. * p < .05, ** p < .01

     Comparison of the Alphabetic and Logographic Groups on Cognitive, Phonological,

     Decoding, English Proficiency and Spelling Skills

              Results of this section are presented in Table 4. The logographic group’s performance on

     cognitive skills was superior compared to the alphabetic group overall. That is, the logographic

      Note, Table 5 only reports the descriptive statistics and MANOVA results for spelling errors that were significantly
     different between the alphabetic and logographic groups. Please see Appendix D for the detailed spelling error
     coding system.
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                    24

       group performed significantly better than the alphabetic group on nonverbal reasoning (F (1,

       162) = 21.801, p < .01, η2=.119) and RAN seconds (F (1, 162) =8.756, p < .01, η2=.047=.051).

       At the same time, the alphabetic group outperformed the logographic group on the following

       phonological skills: word segmentation (F (1, 162) =28.500, p < .01, η2=.150) and nonword

       segmentation (F (1, 162) = 22.240, p < .01, η2=.121). However, both the alphabetic and

       logographic groups performed similarly on the auditory discrimination task (F (1, 162) = .000,

       p > .05, η2=.000). While the logographic group outperformed the alphabetic group on word

       reading (F (1, 162) =7.643, p < .01, η2=.045) the alphabetic and logographic group did not differ

       significantly on pseudoword reading (F (1, 162) =.0.10, p > .05, η2=.000). When it came to

       vocabulary knowledge, the logographic group outperformed the alphabetic group (F (1, 162)

       =4.002, p < .05, η2=.024). In terms of spelling, the logographic group performed significantly

       better than the alphabetic group on real word spelling (F (1, 162) = 8.020, p < .01, η2=.047),

       however the alphabetic group outperformed the logographic group on pseudoword spelling (F (1,

       162) = 4.437, p < .05, η2=.027).

       Table 4. Comparison of Cognitive Processing, Phonological Processing, Decoding, English

       Proficiency and Spelling Skills: Descriptive Statistics and MANOVA by Language Group

                                  Alphabetic              Logographic
                                     N=83                   N=83
Measure                          M             SD       M               SD           F (Language)   Partial η2
Nonverbal Reasoning (/64)        22.33         8.844    29.93           11.823       21.801**       .119
RAN seconds                      49.988        17.103   43.02           12.644       8.756**        .051
Word Segmentation (/20)          9.76          4.327    6.17            4.274        28.500**       .150
Nonword Segmentation (/20)       9.23          4.642    5.94            4.282        22.240**       .121
Auditory Discrimination (/34)    28.37         3.484    28.37           3.132        .000           .000
Word Reading (/106)              47.60         17.016   54.38           14.230       7.643**        .045
Pseudoword Reading (/45)         20.41         10.402   20.58           11.884       .010           .000
Vocabulary Knowledge (/228)      95.51         18.451   101.57          20.327       4.002*         .024
Real Word Spelling (/16)         10.49         4.338    12.37           4.143        8.020**        .047
Pseudoword Spelling (/32)        23.73         7.657    21.26           7.214        4.537*         .027

       Notes. * p < .05; ** p < .01
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                     25

Was there a main and interaction effect of language group and spelling task type on L2


        As can be seen in Table 5, there was no main effect of both language group (F=.142, p >

.05, η2=.001) and spelling task type (F=.005, p > .05, η2=.000). However, the interaction of

language group by spelling task type was significant (F (1, 162) = 4.437, p < .05, η2=.027).

Specifically, the alphabetic group spelled pseudowords more accurately compared to the real

word spelling while the accuracy rates of spelling real words in the logographic group was

significantly higher than their spellings of pseudowords.

Table 5: The Effect of Language Group and Spelling Task Type on L2 Spelling: Repeated

Measures ANOVA Summary Table

 Source                df       F      Partial η2
 Language group        1      .142       .001
 Spelling Task Type    1      .005       .000
 Language Group x      1    31.205**     .162
 Spelling Task Type
Note. ** p < .01

General Trends of L2 Spelling among the Alphabetic and Logographic Groups

        The first hypothesis of this study focused on comparing the rates of accurate spelling

representations of singletons, consonant clusters and digraphs, regardless of word position. The

study showed that children in both alphabetic and logographic groups represent singletons most

accurately, followed by consonant clusters, and digraphs being most difficult for both groups. In

other words, regardless of home language, and in line with previous studies, young ELL children

are more likely to struggle with the representation of multi-letter elements, such as consonant

clusters and digraphs, compared to singletons.
THE EFFECT OF PHONEME POSITION ON L2 SPELLING                                                        26

        The second hypothesis of the study focused on the positional effect of spelling on the

representation of three consonantal elements (i.e., singletons, consonant clusters and digraphs) as

previous ELL studies only focused on singletons. This study demonstrated that children in both

the alphabetic and logographic groups represented singletons, consonant clusters and digraphs

more accurately in the onset position than the same elements in the coda position. This finding

supports previous findings regarding the role of stress emphasis and serial position effect on the

saliency of elements in the onset position of words. In this regard, again, it appears that the

overall, the ELL participants in this show performed similarly to what has been noted before

with regard to EL1 children (e.g., Werfel & Schule, 2012; Levelt, Schiller & Levelt, 2000).

Considering Jointly L2 Spelling from the Perspective of L1 Typological Difference, Dual-

Route Model, and Home Literacy Practices

        The third hypothesis aimed to investigate spelling elements in English where specific

linguistic elements of L1 might lead to differences that reflect typological differences between

the alphabetic and logographic groups. To understand whether the spelling errors made by the

alphabetic and logographic groups were uniquely associated with features of their L1, an error

analysis was carried out for singletons, consonant clusters and digraphs in both onset and coda

positions. The error analysis revealed that the logographic group made more spelling errors than

the alphabetic group in all consonantal element types in both onset and coda positions.

        In both singleton onset and coda, the logographic group had difficulties with representing

/v/ accurately as this phoneme is absent in their L1. As a result, the logographic group made

errors such as presenting phonemes that are phonologically related to v (e.g., vist

à fist, bist, thist; spiv à spif, spib), as well as representing v as a string of letters that consisted

of v and/or an element related to v in the coda position (e.g., spiv à savxf). Furthermore, the
You can also read