The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association

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The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association

                                                  IN ASSOCIATION WITH

The England Women's Fanzine from
the Football Supporters' Association   FREELIONESSESWWC2019             1
The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association
‘Some peop
                                                     say that
                                                  to She Kick
                                                    Maga zine
                                                  makes you
                                                 THIS happy!


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The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association

                             Free Lionesses has been put together by fans, for fans. Our fans’ embassy service
                             has been assisting supporters of the men’s national team for more than two
                             decades, and we’re delighted to be in France at our first women’s tournament
                             following Phil Neville and his team, hopefully all the way to Lyon on 7th July.
Over the coming pages you’ll find plenty of advice and information to help you make the most of your
trip, whether you’re just here for one game or going to every match along the way.
For more in-depth information, which will be updated throughout the run-up to the tournament, head
to our website –
We look forward to welcoming you to one of our fans embassies.
Deborah Dilworth Editor Free Lionesses

                                                         SHE KICKS ARE DELIGHTED TO HAVE
                                                         WORKED WITH THE FSA AND THE FA TO
                                                         PUT TOGETHER THIS FIRST EVER EDITION OF
                                                         ‘FREE LIONESSES’
                                                                     Travelling to watch the England women’s

                                                                     side has always been a privilege and a
                                                                     true joy. The team play with passion and
PHIL NEVILLE, ENGLAND                                                pride on the field and those that put in
                                                                     the miles and smiles, to roar their support
WOMEN’S HEAD COACH:                                                  - that’s the players’ MADBAPs (as they
                                                                     were once known, meaning Mums and
“Everywhere I go, at matches or just                                 Dads, Boyfriends and Partners), teamies/
walking down the street, people are                                  friends and every England fan - are all part
telling me their plans for heading                                   of a growing family. The information and
across the Channel and how they can’t                                support that the FSA’s Fan Embassies and
wait to cheer the team on in person.                                 The FA’s Fan Hubs will provide for travelling
 “I want to thank you all. We will never                             supporters is a much-welcomed addition
take your support for granted and we                                 and something that we at She Kicks are
are grateful for the time, effort and                                proud to have backed from the outset.
money you invest in cheering us on.                                  This will be the sixth FIFA Women’s World
 “This summer we want to show we                                     Cup that I personally have attended, and
can more than compete with the elite                                 the fourth following England. In the past,
teams on the biggest stage of all, but                               it felt amazing just to see a team from
you’ve proved already that England                                   England on the world stage - now we are
fans are the very best in the world.”                                heading to France with a real chance of
                                                                     winning it. Applaud every kick, appreciate
                     EMERGENCY?                                      a fantastic country and its people, raise a
                                                                     few ‘sherbets’, have fun, make new friends
                     CALL THE FSA FOR                                and lasting memories, be respectful, look
                     SUPPORT/ADVICE:                                 after each other and... #DARETOSHINE!

  +44 7858959681                                                     Jen O’Neill
                                                                     Editor, She Kicks -
                                                                     the magazine for women’s football

                                                                                FREELIONESSESWWC2019          3
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WHAT’S INSIDE                                                                                   STAY UP
WHO ARE THE FSA?                                                    PAGE 5                      TO DATE
ENGLAND’S OPPONENTS                                                 PAGE 6                     By the very nature of the printed
                                                                                               word, this fanzine had to be
LIONESSES SQUAD PROFILES                                            PAGE 8                     completed some time in advance
                                                                                               of the tournament in order to
GETTING TO KNOW OUR HOSTS                                           PAGE 10                    make it into your hands before
                                                                                               the opening game.
ESSENTIAL WORDS & PHRASES                                           PAGE 14                    All was correct at the time of
                                                                                               going to print.
GOING TO THE GAME                                                   PAGE 16                    For the most in-depth and up-

CITY GUIDE: NICE                                                    PAGE 20
                                                                                               to-date information, head to bit.
                                                                                               ly/freelionesses, including more

CITY GUIDE: LE HAVRE                                                PAGE 23
                                                                                               official information from FIFA,
                                                                                               ideas for those travelling with

CITY GUIDE: LYON                                                    PAGE 26
                                                                                               kids, accessibility information for
                                                                                               disabled fans and much more.

ROAD TO THE FINAL                                                   PAGE 28
                                                                                               For news on the ground and daily
                                                                                               updates from the tournament,

DO NOT BRING: PROHIBITED ITEMS                                      PAGE 30
                                                                                               follow our fans’ embassy updates
                                                                                               on Twitter @FreeLionesses.

Free Lionesses has been produced by the Football Supporters’ Association (FSA), the national membership-based organisation
for football fans, in partnership with The FA. We have tried our best to ensure the accuracy of all the information provided in this
fanzine, but can accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience suffered by anyone relying on its contents.
None of the financial support we receive impacts on anything that we put into the fanzine. Consequently, none of our partners or
supporters can be held responsible in any way for the contents of, nor the views expressed in, this fanzine.

Design by ShandMedia

The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association
If you haven’t heard of the FSA then that’s not a big       concept of a fans’ embassy, which we are running here
surprise – we’re only just settling in to our new name.     at France 2019. We have since exported the idea to fans
You may be familiar with either (or both) of the Football   in countries across Europe as a model of how football
Supporters’ Federation or Supporters Direct, however,       fans are stakeholders to be engaged with, and not a
the two national supporter groups merged in late 2018       problem to be managed at major tournaments.
to form the FSA, joining our resources to do even more      Together we’re stronger
on behalf of football supporters.
                                                            We work in close collaboration with our friends at Level
The Football Supporters’ Association, to give us our        Playing Field, who represent disabled football fans, and
full name, is the national supporters’ organisation         also work alongside anti-discrimination charity Kick It
for all football fans, representing more than 500,000       Out in our Fans for Diversity campaign – helping make
individual fans and members of more than 300 local          clubs more reflective of the communities that surround
supporters’ organisations from every club in the            them, and opening the door to people who previously
professional structure in the men’s game, and an            thought that football wasn’t a world for them. We’ve
increasing number of women’s football fans, too.            done this through a range of initiatives and events,
Our Work                                                    along with helping with the creation of supporter
We are the leading advocates of cheaper ticket pricing,     groups for typically under-represented communities,
better supporter engagement, the choice to stand at         including dozens of LGBT+ fans’ groups in the Premier
football, good governance and fan empowerment in its        League and EFL in the past few years.
many forms.                                                 We are also founder-members of Football Supporters
As the national organisation for fans, we have regular      Europe – the European-wide representative body who
meetings with the Premier League, the EFL and The           are the officially recognised fans’ body who deal with
FA, to take supporters’ concerns right to the top table.    UEFA on issues that affect fans across the continent.
We are also secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary
                                                            Get Involved
Football Supporters Group, meaning we get to bend the
                                                            But it’s not all about us. In fact, it’s not about us at
ears of MPs who follow football, aiming to strengthen
                                                            all, but about you, the football supporter. The FSA
the voice of football fans within Parliament. We’ve even
got two fan representatives on the FA Council.              welcomes approaches from fans who wish to campaign
                                                            on issues that matter to them.
We also help hundreds of individual fans every year
- we take up specific cases that are raised with us by      Our fans’ embassy team will be at each game
members or affiliated organisations, and we encourage       throughout this tournament and would be happy to fill
the participation of all supporters in this process. We     you in further on the ways in which you can get involved
receive emails and calls on a regular basis from fans       – whether that’s by helping you set up a new supporters
who feel they’ve been badly treated by clubs, stewards      group at your WSL or Championship club, campaigning
or police, or whose concerns and complaints are falling     on the issues that are affecting you and your fellow
on deaf ears.                                               fans, or getting involved in helping out in future Free
                                                            Lionesses work with the national team.
Our caseworker and volunteers work with supporters
to help them resolve their problems and get the best        We have a campaigns budget which can be accessed by
outcome for all concerned. We can even point them           members to pay for materials and other costs towards
in the right direction for legal advice, should it be       work within the women’s game, and it’s an area that, off
necessary, and work with Police forces throughout           the back of a hopefully successful tournament, we’ll be
England and Wales to improve matchday policing,             looking to build on further. We’d love to have you along
acting as a critical voice when standards of policing and   to help us ensure that fans of the women’s game have
stewarding fall below an acceptable level.                  their voices heard too.
We’ve supported fans of the England men’s national          So if you’d like to get involved or have a skill that you
team at tournaments since the 90s, pioneering the           believe could be put to use, come and speak to us.

                                                                                    FREELIONESSESWWC2019                5
The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association


Our neighbours, our friends. The Scottish WNT are
embarking on their first trip to a World Cup, but the
Scots didn’t make qualification to their first World Cup
easy. Of the seven victories in qualification, four of them
involved battling back from a losing position.
It is a team that the Lionesses players know well, and
many FAWSL and FAWC fans will see some familiar
faces lining up for Scotland in the first group-stage
game, including Jen Beattie (Man City), Kim Little
    (Arsenal), Caroline Weir (Man City), Erin Cuthbert
       (Chelsea) and Jane Ross (West Ham). Head coach
         Shelley Kerr is a former SWNT captain and
          made the record books in the UK for being the
           first female coach to manage a men’s team –
           Stirling University FC – from 2014-2017.
           Despite being their first appearance on the
             highest stage, this will be no easy encounter.
                Scotland possess a team of fantastic
                players with an eye on making their mark
                on the tournament from the outset.

                DID YOU KNOW?
                Arsenal’s Kim Little is the
                current Scotland squad’s leading
                goalscorer with 53 goals in 132
                                                                            PLAYER TO WATC
                                                                             Erin Cuthb   H
                                                                            really com t. Has
                                                                                        e of age
                                                                            at Chelsea
                                                 DID YOU KNOW?                           an
                                                                            showed fin d has
                                                                           in 2018-19. form
                                                 Jodie Taylor scored a                   The
                                                                           former Ran
                                                 hat-trick when England                 gers and
                                                                           Glasgow C
                                                 last played Scotland,    nominated star was
                                                 during Euro 2017.        PFA Player r both
                                                                          Player of th d Young
                                                                                      e Year.

The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association


     Argentina haven’t been at the World Cup since 2007, and their third-placed
     finish at the Copa América Femenina in 2018 meant that in order to get to France
     this summer they had to contest an intercontinental play-off against Panama,
     several months later. Following increased support from the Argentina Football
     Federation, they won 4-0 at home in Buenos Aires and drew 1-1 in the away leg,
     to seal their spot in the finals. After a 12-year absence, La Albiceleste will be
     doing everything they can to earn their first ever win or draw at the World Cup.                   PLAYER TO WATC
     PREVIOUS WORLD CUP APPEARANCES: 2                                                                  Estefanía B
                                                                                                       the captain ini is
                                                                                                       skilful playe d a
                                                                                                       experience r with
                                           DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                                                    in Chile,
                                                                                                       USA and S
                                                                                                      her belt. W n under
                                           The last time England faced Argentina was at the           powerful sh h a
                                           2007 World Cup in China. Goals from Fara Williams,                      ot, the
                                           Vicky Exley, Kelly Smith (2) and Jill Scott secured a     the ability has
                                                                                                                 to cause
                                           6-1 win for the Lionesses in their final group game.      England a
                                                                                                     or two.

                                                     Japan have consistently achieved on the world’s biggest stage.
                                                     Nimble, technically strong and full of talent. Fairytale winners of
                                                     the tournament in 2011, their team has reached the final in the last
PLAYER TO WhiAT  CH                                  two editions, including knocking England out, in heart-breaking
              . Part                                 fashion, at the semi-final stage in 2015.
Mana Iwabuc squad
                 ng                                  In the SheBelieves Cup in March this year, however, England more
of the winni ck for
in 2011 and                                          than proved their worth against an exceptional, although somewhat
                    ld Cup.
her third Wor ed for                                 understrength side, with a resounding 3-0 victory. Let’s hope that
 She first feat am at                                history repeats itself in the group stages this summer.
 the national
 th  e ag  e of  15
                    . The tiny
                                                     BEST ACHIEVEMENT: 2011 WINNERS, 2015 RUNNERS-UP
  fo rw
              r IN AC    Kobe
                                                     PREVIOUS WORLD CUP APPEARANCES: 7
          es sa  bu  t  w
   at Bayern M She’s
                                                                                DID YOU KNOW?
   for four year s for the
    netted 61 go or team.
    Japanese se e, quick                                                        England and Japan were drawn in Group
    Her experie
                         nce on             FIFA                                B for the 2011 World Cup. Goals from
     feet and bala rned                   RANKING:

                    ve   ea                                                     Rachel Yankey and Ellen White helped
     th e ba  ll ha
                        tion as                                                 the Lionesses win the group, with a 2-0
      her a reputa                                                              triumph over the eventual champions.
                         ry best
      one of the ve nese
               ro ng   Ja pa
      of a st

                                                                                         FREELIONESSESWWC2019         7
The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association
                           Squad # Club Team
Karen Bardsley             1		   Man City
Mary Earps                 21    Wolfsburg
Carly Telford              13    Chelsea
Millie Bright      6             Chelsea
Lucy Bronze        2		           Lyon
Rachel Daly        17            Houston Dash
Alex Greenwood 3		               Man Utd
Steph Houghton (c) 5             Man City
Abbie McManus      15            Man City
Demi Stokes        12            Man City
Leah Williamson 14               Arsenal


Karen Carney               20    Chelsea
Jade Moore                 16    Reading
Jill Scott                 8     Man City
Lucy Staniforth            23    Birmingham City
Georgia Stanway            19    Man City
Keira Walsh                4		   Man City
Toni Duggan                11    Barcelona
Fran Kirby                 10    Chelsea
Beth Mead                  22    Arsenal
Nikita Parris              7		   LYON
Jodie Taylor               9     Seattle Reign
Ellen White                18    Birmingham City
The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association

                     GEORGIA STANWAY
                     The 2019 PFA Young Player of the Year, Stanway’s career started at Blackburn
                     Rovers. Her commitment to the game, like many young elite female players, was
                     in evidence from the start – the Barrow-based youngster completing a 150-mile
                     round trip three times a week to train with the Blackburn squad.
                     Her talent shone as she progressed rapidly at Rovers and gained a contract with
                     Man City. Golden Boot joint-winner at the U20 World Cup last summer, she scored
                     on her senior team debut against Austria in November 2018. Player of the Match in
                     the 2019 Women’s FA Cup Final, we predict a successful tournament for a rising

                         BETH MEAD
                           Having been the inspiration for the newly-coined phrase ‘the crot
                            (cross-shot),’ Mead has had a prolific season both domestically and
                                She was a major part of the FAWSL title winners Arsenal, and
                                 also played a key part in England successfully winning the
                                   SheBelieves Cup in the United States back in the spring.
                                         Mead has been making headlines all season, and we
                                          think that just might continue into the summer.

                                   KAREN BARDSLEY
                                   Going into her seventh major tournament and her third World Cup,
                                   Bardsley offers vast experience and is the ultimate ‘big game’
                                   player. Making her senior debut in 2005, she has been a
                                   constant presence in the England set-up ever since. She
                                   began her football career playing in the USA and had a
                                   short spell in Sweden before moving to England.

The fierce right-back has several accolades to her name (PFA Players’ Player
of the Year in 2014 and 2017, The FA’s Player of the Year in 2015, as well as the
BBC Women’s Footballer of the Year in 2018).
Domestically, she has played for a number of teams, most notably helping both
Man City and Liverpool to WSL title triumphs. Versatile and determined, she
possesses a powerful combination of intelligence and strength. In March 2019,
Phil Neville labelled the Lyon-based Lioness as the ‘best player in the world’.

         England’s top scorer in qualifying, Parris won the Football Writers’
         Association Player of the Year award for her performances in 2018-19. The
         former Everton striker will leave her club of five years, Man City, to follow in
         the footsteps of Lucy Bronze and Izzy Christiansen by joining Lyon.
         Lyon are Europe’s most successful side and it is testament to Parris’
         ability that she has been given a contract with the French giants. It’s a
         loss to City and English domestic football, but her experience with the
         European elite will aid the Lionesses. The speedy, livewire forward is
         definitely one of England’s most potent weapons.
The England Women's Fanzine from the Football Supporters' Association - FREELIONESSESWWC2019 - Football Association

Getting to know
our hosts

Language       The French, unsurprisingly, speak French. The
               Academie Francaise has been the linguistic
               guardian of the country since the 1600s, but
               despite its desires more and more words are
               being adopted from English and other cultures,
particularly in the worlds of tourism, business and
technology. You can enjoy ‘un sandwich’ on ‘le weekend’, for
There are strong regional dialects, so you’ll probably notice
a great difference in how someone from Brittany speaks
when compared with a Parisian or someone from Marseille,
making comprehension a little tricky.
The younger the person you come across, the greater the
chance that they’ll speak at least some English, but don’t
assume that you’ll be able to get by without any native
lingo. It’d be worth your while learning a handful of common
phrases (or dusting off that old French GCSE) just in case.

Climate       The climate is broadly temperate and in line with what you could expect from a British summer,
               particularly in the north and northeast, but the size of France means there are some big
               Those of you following the Lionesses from Nice to Le Havre are more than likely to notice a few
               degrees’ difference between the two, but average temperatures for June and July are likely to
 range from the mid-teens to the low-to-mid-twenties Celsius, with the Mediterranean and south the hottest
 areas of the country.

While we’re sure that many of you will be familiar with France from
various summer holidays or school trips from days of yore, we thought it
a good idea to provide some general information about the hosts of this
year’s Women’s World Cup, along with some safety and security advice.
Some of what follows may seem obvious, but there’s always the chance
you pick up a nugget or two of useful information. For more, see our
website at

                                                                 Police        You’ll come across two main types
                                                                               of police on your travels - the
                                                                               Police Nationale in major cities,
                                                                               and the Gendarmerie in the
                                                                 Since the 2015 terror attacks in Paris, it is much
                                                                 more common to see armed police and even
                                                                 the army on patrol at major transport hubs and
                                                                 monuments, particularly in the capital.
                                                                 In an emergency you can call the police on 112
                                                                 (a pan-European emergency number where you
                                                                 should be connected to an English-speaking
                                                                 operator). Other emergency numbers are 15 for
                                                                 an ambulance and 18 for the fire service.

                                                                              FREELIONESSESWWC2019               11

                                               Documents   You don’t need a visa to enter France if you have an EU
                                                           Passport, and while it isn’t a requirement to carry ID we’d
                                                           recommend that you keep some form of photo ID on you in
                                                           case of checks by the French police.
                                                           If your hotel/accommodation offers a safe, we’d
                                               recommend storing your important documents in there rather than
                                               having them all on your person when out and about. You can get a
                                               replacement passport at the British Embassy, but it’s not something
                                               we’d recommend if you can avoid it!

      Food and Drink France is known the world over for
                     its gastronomy. Top of the list for
                     most people are its cheeses and
                     wines, but each region has its own
                     specialities, from cassoulet to
      quiche, fondue to boeuf bourguignon, and we’d
      encourage you to try the local food wherever
      you head.
      When eating out, taxes and service charges
      are usually included in restaurant bills, so
      there isn’t a need to tip as much as in other
      countries. The bill will usually say something
      like ‘prix service compris’ to indicate that
      service is included - if you’ve been particularly
      well looked after, a couple of Euros on top
      would be acceptable.
      A lot of restaurants/brasseries will offer a ‘prix
      fixe’ menu at a set price (usually with a choice
      of two or three options), or you can order from
      the more expensive ‘a la carte’ menu. By law,
      a restaurant is obliged to serve you bread with
      your meal, and you can always ask for ‘une
      carafe d’eau’ if you want some tap water.

MONEY         France use the Euro and at the time of writing, the
              exchange rate was broadly hovering around €1.15 to the
              ATMs are as plentiful in French cities as they are at
              home, and almost all will accept the majority of UK
credit/debit cards. Chip and PIN verification is common, although
some older machines (particularly those used for public transport)
will only accept French Cartes Bancaires, so we’d recommend
keeping a small amount of change on you to pay for trams or metros.
Visa and Mastercard (and their debit variations) are widely accepted,
but other cards such as American Express are less widespread.
We’d advise you to check with your bank beforehand what they
charge for overseas transactions and cash withdrawals - some
accounts offer free banking while others will charge a fee each
time you swipe your card or take out some cash. If the charges are
particularly punitive, it may be worth your while to take out more
cash in fewer visits to the cashpoint, or exchange some money
before you go.


                                                   First things first
                                                   In France, they drive on the right,
                                                   and give way to traffic from the          SAFETY
                                                   right, unless otherwise indicated.
                                                   That’s pretty key. In all other           EQUIPMENT
                                                   respects, the rules of the road           It is required by
                                                   are broadly similar to the UK (all        French law that all
                                                   drivers and passengers must wear          cars are equipped
                                                   seatbelts, don’t use a horn at night      with the following:
                                                   in a built-up area, a red traffic         Reflective/hi-vis
                                                   light means stop, and so on).             jackets, to be used
                                                   It stands to reason that you must         in the case of

The British
                                                   have a valid driving licence, and         emergencies. These
                                                   you must be at least 18 years of          are to be kept within

                                                   age to drive. You should carry both       the car as they must
                                                   the paper and photocard portions          be worn if getting
                                                   of your driving licence, where            out of the car when
                                                   applicable, along with proof of           broken down
We hope that all of you experience the             ownership (V5C) and insurance.            A red warning triangle
safest and most fun tournament experience          Valid ID, such as a passport, is
imaginable. Our experience running fans’                                                     Headlamp beam
                                                   also required.
embassies at tournaments since the 90s means                                                 deflectors
that we’re only too aware that no matter how       The drink-drive limit for drivers
                                                                                             Motorcyclists must
sensible you are or how many precautions you       who have less than three years of
                                                                                             also carry hi-vis vests,
take, sometimes things don’t go to plan – that     driving experience is 0.02mg/ml
                                                                                             and are required by
can cover everything from a lost passport or       of blood. For all other drivers, the
                                                                                             law to wear a helmet.
illness to more serious incidents and accidents.   limit is 0.05mg/ml, which is still
                                                   below the UK’s limit of 0.08mg/ml.
Our fans’ embassy team will be on the ground
to assist however we can in the host cities        Motorway breakdown
around each match day, but in the worst cases,     Motorists who break down on the motorway should not
you’ll need to contact the British Embassy for     call their breakdown provider; they are instead required to
consular assistance.                               use the emergency phones that are stationed every 2km
                                                   along the motorway network. You will be towed to a safe
What can the British Embassy do?                   area from where you can contact your breakdown provider.
• Issue a replacement travel document              There is a charge for this, which is fixed by the government.
  (charges apply)

                                                   Travelling by train
• Provide advice and information on
  transferring money
• Contact your friends and family
• Put you in touch with legal assistance if        All intercity TGV trains require a reservation before allowing
  required                                         you to board, and the pricing structure works much like a
• Contact you within 24 hours of                   budget airline - the more the train fills up and the closer to
  hospitalisation or imprisonment                  departure you get, the more it’ll cost you. There are broadly
                                                   three types of fare for TGV services:
What can’t the British Embassy do?
                                                   Pro - Full-priced but flexible fares which are refundable/
• Pay your hotel, legal, medical or any other      changeable.
                                                   Loisir - Lower-cost fares which are usually refundable/
• Get you out of jail
                                                   changeable, within reason.
• Investigate a crime
• Give you legal advice                            Prems - The cheapest fares, sold only in advance. Typically
• Get you a ticket to the games                    they disappear a couple of weeks before departure, and are
                                                   non-refundable or transferable.
Stay up to date
                                                   You can make your reservation at the station, or online
For the latest travel advice and information,      through SNCF’s own English-language website
follow @FCOtravel on Twitter.            
The main British Embassy is located in             Local trains, such as the TER (Trains
Paris, and there are Consulates in Bordeaux,       Exprès Regionaux) which run routes
Marseille and Paris. Their addresses and           such as Grenoble to Lyon, and Paris’s
contact details, along with full advice for UK     RER suburban trains do not require
citizens while in France, can be found at          reservations, however. They work to                            fixed fares and can be used as and
                                                   when you like.

                                                     FREELIONESSESWWC2019               13

Essential Words
and Phrases
You’re likely to come across a passable level of English in all host cities, but
it’s not safe to assume that everyone you come across, particularly outside
the typical tourist industries, will be fluent.
Besides, we always like to encourage visiting fans to try a bit of the hosts’
lingo where possible. The effort is often appreciated, even if you are
responded to in English. Below you’ll find some useful words and phrases to
help you get by in France this summer.

Basics                                                         Food/Drink
Do you speak English?       Parlez-vous anglais?               The bill, please    l’addition, s’il vous plaît.
I don’t understand          Je ne comprends pas                How much is it?     C’est combien?
Please                      S’il vous plait                    I’m allergic to…    Je suis allergique à….
Thank You                   Merci                              Breakfast           Petit déjeuner
Yes/No                      Oui/Non                            Lunch               Déjeuner
Hello (good day)            Bonjour                            Dinner              Diner
Good evening                Bonsoir                            A Beer              Une bière
Goodbye                     Au revoir                          Red/white wine      Vin rouge/blanc
Have a nice day!            Bonne journée!                     Still/fizzy water   Eau naturelle/gazeuse
Excuse me                   Pardon                             Coffee/Tea          Café/Thé
Where is…?                  Où est….?                          Orange juice        Jus d’orange
I’m looking for…            Je cherche…                        Hot/cold            Chaud/froid
                                                               Large/small         Grand/petit
Getting Around                                                 Meat                Viande
I am lost                   Je suis perdu(e).                  Vegetables          Légumes
On the left/right           à gauche/à droite                  Chicken             Poulet
Straight Ahead              Tout droit                         Pork                Porc
Near                        Près de                            Veal                Veau
The junction                Le carrefour                       Chips               Frites
Is it far?                  C’est loin?                        Crisps              Chips
The road is closed.         La route est barrée.
Forbidden/banned            Interdit                           The Match
Boarding Pass               La carte d’embarquemente           Kick-off            Le coup d’envoi
My luggage hasn’t arrived   Mes bagages ne sont pas arrivés.   The team            L’équipe
Cancelled                   Annulé                             Referee             L’arbitre
Railway Station             La Gare                                                Le juge de touche/arbitre
Ticket Office               Le Guichet                         Linesman            assistant
A single/return             Un aller simple/aller-retour       A yellow/red card   Un carton jaune/rouge
Underground station         La station de metro                The coach           L’entraîneur
Bike                        Un vélo                            The captain         Le capitaine
To hire a car               Louer une voiture                  Half-time           La mi-temps
                                                               Goal                Un but
Accommodation                                                  Forward             L’avant-centre
I have booked a room.       J’ai réservé une chambre           Midfielder          Le milieu de terrain
I would like a room.        Je voudrais une chambre            Defender            Le défenseur
One/two/three nights        Une/deux/trois nuits               Goalkeeper          Le gardien de but
Is breakfast included?      Le petit-déjeuner est compris?     Free-kick           Un coup-franc
Bathroom                    La salle de bains                  England/English     L’Angleterre/Anglais
…… is not working.          …… ne fonctionne pas.


To help ensure you have a great time at this summer’s FIFA Women’s
World Cup, The Lionesses Supporters Club have provided some useful
information regarding stadium access and what to do before, during
and after each match.

Match days   Stadium turnstiles will open two hours
                                                             Prohibited items Bottles, carafes or cans of any kind (made
             before kick-off. We recommend that you                           from plastic, glass or other material) are
             allow yourself plenty of time to get to the                      prohibited from entering the stadium.
             ground and get through security checks                           Liquids of any kind (except for medical
             and bag searches.                                                purposes), fireworks, flares, umbrellas and
Please be aware that during the FIFA Women’s World           megaphones are forbidden from entering the stadium
Cup France 2019, public transport will be extra busy, so     Smoking and vaping inside the stadium are strictly
please allow plenty of time to travel to venues.             prohibited; however there will be designated outdoor
Licensed food and drink refreshments will be available       smoking areas at certain grounds. Please be courteous
at the stadiums and fan zones. All stadiums and fan          to your fellow England fans by refraining from smoking
zones reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who is     or vaping inside the ground or in fan zones.
intoxicated and/or disorderly.                               It is illegal to bring drones into the stadium or fly them

Stadium access
                                                             above the stadiums. Any cameras with lenses over
                                                             200mm are also prohibited.
                                                             To view the full list of restricted items visit
                                                             FIFA’s website:
               Upon arrival at the stadium, all supporters   stadiumregulations
               must present their ticket to gain entry –

               this includes children and babies. Small
               bags and rucksacks no larger than
               25cmx25cmx25cm are permitted, however
these will be checked by security prior to entry and any                    Once you have received your tickets,
prohibited items will be confiscated. Supporters are                        please look after them carefully, as
advised to leave any luggage or large bags at their hotel                   replacements for lost or stolen physical
or in their car/bus as these will not be allowed to enter                   tickets will not be issued. If you have your
the stadium.                                                                tickets stolen whilst out in France, please
England fans are welcome to bring any flags into             report the incident to local police in the first instance to
the stadium to show their support for the Lionesses.         obtain a crime reference number.
However, these cannot be larger than 2 metres by             If you purchased e-tickets directly from FIFA, you can
1.5 metres and must be made from non-flammable               download it again from your ticketing account on the
material. Flag poles and flags displaying political,         FIFA website and print another copy. Please be aware
offensive or discriminatory messages or symbols are          that if you print multiple copies of the same ticket, only
strictly prohibited.                                         one copy will allow entry into the stadium.
If you leave the stadium at any time during the match,       Ticket holders under the age of 16 must be accompanied
please be aware that you will not be able to re-enter,       by an adult aged 18 or over. The accompanying adult
even if you retain your match ticket.                        must also hold a valid match ticket.


                                   Le Havre





Supporters will not be able to enter the stadium with      SAT holders will receive one additional ticket for a
ticket confirmation emails or screenshots/photos of        companion to assist and accompany them during the
tickets. Tickets bought through any unofficial means       match.
will not be valid.                                         All the host stadiums at the Women’s World Cup fall in

Special Access tickets
                                                           line with FIFA specifications, so they should be entirely
                                                           accessible for disabled supporters.
                                                           A limited number of parking spaces are available to SAT
            Special Access Tickets (SATs) are a            holders, for more information please email
            dedicated allocation of tickets for  
            disabled supporters and fans with limited
            mobility. There are two types of SATs –
            wheelchair accessible and easy access
(ambulant) accessible.

                                                                                FREELIONESSESWWC2019             17

Fan Hub       Throughout the tournament, the FA’s
              Lionesses Supporters Club will be hosting a
              fan hub in each city England compete in. The
              fan hubs are open to all England supporters
              following the Lionesses this summer.
The purpose of the fan hubs is to provide support and
advice to travelling fans in France and give Lionesses
Supporters Club members the opportunity to mingle and
enjoy the tournament atmosphere.
England v Scotland, 9th June, Nice – The Waka Bar, 57
Quai des États-Unis, 06300 Nice, France. – 12pm-4pm
England v Argentina, 14th June, Le Havre – Le Trappiste
Bar, 23 Rue Racine, 76600 Le Havre, France – 2pm-7pm
Japan v England, 19th June, Nice - The Waka Bar, 57 Quai
des États-Unis, 06300 Nice, France – 12pm-6pm.

Knock-out matches Fan zones
               Should England progress to each knock-out                       FIFA have committed to providing a fan
               round, supporters who have purchased                            zone in Nice and Le Havre where
               ‘Follow My Team’ (FMT) tickets directly from                    supporters can gather to watch Women’s
               The FA will need to collect their tickets in                    World Cup matches free of charge on the
               person in each host city. Full details will be                  big screens. The size of these varies
sent to ticket buyers on a match-by-match basis.                however; they will be equipped with fast food stalls and
If England progress in the tournament, The FA will work         information from tournament sponsors and potentially
with FIFA to obtain an allocation of tickets for each           football activities.
knock-out match England reach. If you have not already
secured tickets for the knockout rounds but wish to             NICE:
receive further information during the tournament,              Downtown Nice: Jardin Albert 1er
please keep an eye on the Lionesses Supporters Club             Open: June 7, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19, 22, 27, 29 and
website:                   July 2, 3, 6 & 7
seniors/lionesses-supporters-club or join up now to             From 2PM to 8PM
receive email alerts.
If you purchase subsequent knockout match tickets               LE HAVRE
from The FA, please bear in mind that the lead booker           At the beach: Esplanade de La Plage
must collect their ticket(s) in person in the host city.        Open: June 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27 & 28
Full details will be sent to ticket buyers.                     From 10AM to 6PM

Fans’ EmbassY  The FSA will be operating a fans’ embassy at each               England v Scotland,
               Lionesses fixture throughout the tournament.                    8th June, Nice – The Waka Bar, 57 Quai des
               Be sure to check out our website (         États-Unis, 06300 Nice, France. – 10am-6pm
               and Twitter feed (@FreeLionesses) for the latest details        9th June, Nice – The Waka Bar, 57 Quai des
               closer to the kick-off of the tournament. We’ll be in Nice      États-Unis, 06300 Nice, France. – 10am-4pm
and Le Havre, and at every knockout game along the way.                        England v Argentina,
The fans’ embassy is here to help with those little problems or issues,        13th June, Le Havre – Le Trappiste Bar, 23 Rue
or to give advice and assistance wherever we can. We’re a ‘by fans,            Racine, 76600 Le Havre, France – 10am-6pm
for fans’ service, so you know that the information you’re getting is          14th June, Le Havre – Le Trappiste Bar, 23 Rue
what you’ll need to know.                                                      Racine, 76600 Le Havre, France – 10am-7pm
We’ll have checked out each host city, and work alongside The FA               Japan v England,
and local organisers to get the best possible information across, and          18th June, Nice - The Waka Bar, 57 Quai des
to point you in the direction of the services you need.                        États-Unis, 06300 Nice, France - 10am-6pm
This fanzine forms part of that service, but if we don’t know the answer       19th June, Nice - The Waka Bar, 57 Quai des
to your question, then chances are we know the people who do.                  États-Unis, 06300 Nice, France – 10am-6pm.

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5-11 the opportunity to have fun,
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                                  FREELIONESSESWWC2019   19
 The gateway to the French
 Riviera, a favourite haunt for
 expats and people searching
 for winter (and summer) sun,
                                    Eating and Drinking
                                                  It won’t surprise you to learn that seafood plays a
 Queen Victoria was very                          big part in the local cuisine, and the restaurants
 fond of the city and visited                     that line the Promenade des Anglais offer up some
 regularly in the late-1800s.                     of the freshest catches on a daily basis. Salade
 That goes some way to                            Niçoise (a tuna salad) is a local speciality, along
                                    with Pan Bagnat (a tuna sandwich).
 explain why there’s a statue
                                    Prices in Nice aren’t always friendly on the budget-conscious,
 of the English monarch in          and that’s not just restricted to those places in prime seafront
 the city, and the English          locations, but there’s usually a set menu of the day, which
 connections go back even           means that two-course meals at lunch and a glass of wine/beer
 further, to the construction       shouldn’t set you back more than €10-15.
 of the main seafront walkway       Apparently Fennochio’s in Place Rosetti has world-famous ice
 - the funds for which were         cream, so a trip here on a sunny day would seem like a must.
 donated by an English              In terms of watering holes, there are a few familiar locations
                                    - Ma Nolan’s offers a taste of home (next to the Opera house)
 barrister in 1820, leading to it   with domestic and imported beers, and reasonable pub grub.
 being named the Promenade          McMahon’s, next to the Vieux Nice tramstop is another of the
 des Anglais.                       city’s expat haunts.
 With England playing two           The Nice Tourist Office website has a comprehensive list of all
 group games here, we expect        the bars, pubs and restaurants in the city, with brief descriptions
                                    and key info such as opening hours.
 many to make the southern
 French city their base.
 Whether you’re up for an
 active couple of days down
 by the seaside or just lying
 on the beach and soaking up
 some sunshine, Nice and the
 rest of the Cote d’Azur has
 something to offer everyone.

Getting Around

                                                                                     SHINYA ICHINOHE
                                 Most of the city centre, particularly
                                 the Vielle Ville (old town) is coverable
                                 on foot. There are tram and bus
                                 networks, but these are largely
                                 designed for commuters and getting
                  people to/from the suburbs. The networks run until
                  about 8pm (bus) and 1am (tram).
                  The main bus network in Nice is run by Lignes
                  d’Azur, while there is a local network called TAM
                  (Transport Alpes-Maritimes) which runs services
                  along the coast if you’re exploring the riviera. These

                  two systems overlap in Nice, but fortunately the
                  pricing system is the same - €1.50 for a journey -
                  and the Lignes d’Azur tickets are also accepted on
                  TAM services with the city.
                  Your tickets are valid for a connecting service within
                  an oddly specific timeframe of 74 minutes (this is only
                  true when changing routes - to make a return journey
                  along the same route you need to buy a new ticket).

                                                                        GEORGE REX
                  There are ‘multi’ tickets available where you can
                  buy 10 journeys for €10, which is handy for those
                  travelling in groups. You need to validate the ticket
                  as many times as there are passengers if travelling
                  on a group multi-ticket. For more details, visit
                  The tram system connects the bus station, train
                  station, downtown and some outlying suburbs.
                  The tickets are also €1.50 per journey, and should
                  be bought from the machines at the stations. It is
                  probably the most convenient way to reach the old
                  town from the train station, with two stops - Opéra and
                  Cathédrale - only 5 minutes or so from Gare Thiers.
                  For those that like to travel more privately, it’s
                  worth noting that taxis can be very expensive in
                  and around Nice (for example, the starting rate for
                  a trip to/from the city centre to the airport is €32),
                  so opting for an Uber is likely to be a much more
                  economical choice.
                  Nice also has a bike rental system called Velo Bleu
                  - on similar lines to London’s ‘Boris Bikes’. A daily
                  rate of €1 is applied (with a credit card taken as
                  deposit in case you run off with your bike) and the
                  first 30 minutes of any journey is free. Should you
                  plan to travel for longer, simply dock the bike and
                  take out another one immediately to re-start the
                  clock. There are stations all over the city - for more
                  details, visit

                                      FREELIONESSESWWC2019             21

                                                  The Stadium   The Stade de Nice (or Allianz Riviera depending on which
                                                                competition you’re in) opened in September 2013. It was a
                                                                much-needed new home for OGC Nice, replacing the pokey
                                                                Stade du Ray which only holds 18,000 and having been built
                                                                in 1927 was beginning to show its age. The ground is located
                                                  next to the Var river, around 10km west of Nice city centre – so make sure
                                                  you plan your match-day travel in advance.
                                                  FIFA are providing free shuttle buses from the centre of Nice to the
                                                  stadium, or you can take the TER train from Gare de Nice-Ville down to Gare
                                                  Nice Saint-Augustin and grab a bus or taxi from there (it’s a 5km walk
                                                  otherwise). The number 95 bus also takes you straight to Stade de Nice on
                                                  match-days from Hôpital St Roch in the city centre in around 50 minutes.

                                                                                                      JIM MCDOUGALL

                                                                                                                      Office du Tourisme

            Things to see and do
                                                                                                                      et des Congres
                                                                                                                      Promenade des
                           While a walk along the prom      called La Promenade du Pallion. Part of                   Opening hours:
                           is one of the main               the city’s tramline runs parallel to this                 Monday to Saturday,
                           attractions of Nice, if you’re   alongside the Boulevard Jean Jaures, so                   9am to 6pm. Closed
                           thinking of lounging around      combined with the seafront, it’s a handy                  on Sundays.
                           on soft, sandy beaches you       frame of reference for getting around.                    http://en.nice
            better think again. The main public             The old town features some of the               
            beaches in Nice are much more stony,            city’s oldest churches, including the                     Telephone - +33 (0)8
            pebbly affairs - think more Brighton than       Cathédrale Sainte-Réparate, the Église                    92 70 74 07
            Bondi. That said, they’re a pleasant place      de l’Annonciation de Nice and the Église
            to while away an afternoon in the                                                                         The Tourist Office
                                                            Saint Jacques-le-Majeur. The Town Hall,                   has a searchable
            sunshine, and the main seafront at              Opera House and Palais de Justice are all
            Promenade des Anglais and Quai des                                                                        database of the city’s
                                                            located less than a stone’s throw from the                accommodation,
            Etats Unis should be on everyone’s hitlist.     seafront, along from the flower and fruit
            If you’re after sandier beaches, head                                                                     which will show you
                                                            market at Cours Saleya.                                   what’s available in
            further down the coast towards Cannes
            and Antibes.                                    For the art fans among you, there’s                       your budget -
                                                            the MAMAC (Museum of Modern and                           http://en.nice
            The best view of the town and Baie des          Contemporary Art), as well as the Musée         
            Anges can be had from the Colline du            des Beaux Arts featuring more traditional                 accommodation
            Chateau (Castle Hill). It’s 90m above           artworks. There also the Musée Matisse,
            sea level and worth a look - don’t worry                                                                  If you’re unable to
                                                            featuring a collection of paintings,                      find anything in Nice
            about the climb, though, as there’s a lift      drawings and sculptures meaning that
            that’ll take you most of the way there.                                                                   for the time you’re
                                                            culture vultures can get their fill.                      visiting, however,
            The ruined remains of an old castle are
            located in the park atop the hill, and it’s a   There’s also the French Riviera Pass                      there are plenty of
            pleasant spot to watch the world go by.         (available in 24, 48 and 72-hour versions)                options along the
                                                            for those who want to take advantage of                   Cote d’Azur, including
            The town is broadly split into two areas        potential discounts to museum entry and                   Saint-Tropez, Cannes,
            - the older settlement of Cimiez which is       public transport, including the Musée                     Antibes and even
            up the hill, and Vieux Nice, the winding        Océanographique de Monaco, the Musée                      Monte Carlo. You
            streets of the old town located down at         Matisse and access to other activities.                   could equally nip
            sea level.                                      You can check out the full list of benefits               across the border in
            The old town is separated from the newer        at                       to Italy, to the likes of
            settlement by a strip of public park            (in English).                                             Sanremo, at a push.

            22       FREELIONESSESWWC2019
  Welcome to Normandy, and France’s second busiest port city of Le Havre. Founded back
  in 1517, you might be expecting something of an old-town feel to the place, but due to the
  destruction of the Second World War what’s left is a largely completely rebuilt city centre,
  which looks a lot more like a gridded American city than a medieval French one, particularly in
  the city’s downtown area.
  Auguste Perret’s redesign has led the city to being added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List, and
  there’s plenty to do on your visit here for England’s second group stage game against Argentina.
  Claude Monet’s 1872 ‘Impression, Sunrise’ depicted the city’s harbour, and gave its name to
  the impressionist school of architecture. Jean Paul Sartre taught here, and the head of the IMF
  Christine Lagarde grew up here. If you’re arriving from Nice, chances are the weather will be a
  good deal cooler and windier than you’ve experienced down on the riviera, but you’ll receive a
  warm welcome here nonetheless.


                                                                  FREELIONESSESWWC2019      23

Eating and Drinking Getting Around
              As you’d expect, seafood again features                      With a relatively compact ‘lower town’,
              strongly on the local menus, but there’s                     there’s not much need for public transport
              enough world cuisine and options to suit                     as the city is easily covered on foot.
              just about any palette and any budget.                       There is a tram network that links the
              With the city centre relatively compact                      downtown with the ‘upper town’, which
and easy to get around, you’ll have no trouble finding a    is largely residential and used by commuters, but it
spot to eat. The three main concentrations of eateries      may be a useful way to get across the city from west to
are along the promenade by the beach at the west end        east, with stops at the beach, St Roch square and the
of town, around the Volcan, the city’s iconic house of      Hotel de Ville in the main downtown area. Tickets cost
culture designed by Oscar Niemeyer, located in the          from €1.80 for a single one-hour journey, or €4.20 for a
heart of downtown, and the Quartier St Francois to the      day pass. There is also a bus service that runs around
southeast of town, around the harbour.                      downtown.


Things to see and do
              Its port and harbour aside, Le Havre is       Museum is housed in one of the few buildings that
              probably best known for the Volcano – its     survived the Battle of Normandy, along with the Maison
              cultural centre designed by noted Brazilian   de l’Armateur (the Shipowner’s House) – a five story
              architect Oscar Niemeyer. Located in the      townhouse located at the southern end of the city,
              centre of town, it provides a striking        showing the style of the city going back to the 1700s.
contrast with the buildings around it.                      There’s also the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum
The tower of St Joseph’s church, lined with stained         of Old Le Havre and the Museum of the Prior of Graville
glass windows, is another highlight, as is the tower of     for those culture vultures among you.
the town hall (Hotel de Ville), which you can climb for     If you’re looking for a little break, then there’s always
the best view of the city from on high. These were a        the beach or the harbour area for a quiet stroll, with the
major feature of Perret’s redesign of the city, but some    picturesque nearby town of Honfleur just 15km or so up
of the old buildings still remain – the Natural History     the coast for a little getaway.

The Stadium    Opened in 2012 and home to Ligue
               2’s Le Havre, the Stade Océane is
               one of the greenest stadiums in
               the world, powered by the solar
               panels on its roof. Its capacity of
25,181 makes it one of the smaller stadiums at
the tournament.
It is located around 5km west of the main city
centre, with the closest transport link being Le
Havre-Graville’s train station.

                                                     The tourist office
                                                     can be found at
                                                     186 Boulevard
                                                     Clemenceau, at the
                                                     western edge of
                                                     downtown, and is
                                                     open daily.
                                                     +33 (0)2 32 74 04 04

                                                     If you’re looking to
                                                     stay over, the Tourist
                                                     Office has an online
                                                     booking form with up-
                                                     to-date availability,
                                                     at https://www.

               FREELIONESSESWWC2019                                    25
 We’re optimistic sorts here at
 Free Lionesses, and so provide
 you this guide to Lyon, as host
 to both semi-finals and the
                                        Eating and Drinking
                                                      You’ll notice plenty of ‘bouchons’ throughout the
 final. Of course we’re going to                      city, where you’ll be able to eat and drink very well at
 end up here at some point…                           reasonable prices - two or three-course meals with a
                                                      glass of wine will typically come in under €20 a head.
 The city’s claim to being                            Good examples include Le Garet (rue de Garet) and
 gastronomical capital of               Daniel et Denise (rue de Crequi), which has an award-winning chef.
 France is perhaps better               If you’re on even more of a budget, there’s always Marché Saint-
 than any other. The capital of         Antoine Célestins on the bank of the Saône. Grab some fresh local
 Rhône-Alpes is home to some            produce at reasonable rates and have a picnic in one of the city’s
 4,000 restaurants, and 15              squares or parks.
 Michelin stars. There’s plenty         Beer lovers should head to Le Palais de la Biere (rue Terme) which
 of great food and wine on offer        has a phenomenal range of more than 300 different brews on offer.
                                        The local brewery Ninkasi has a number of bars dotted around the
 and thankfully not all of it will      city (
 cost a jambe and a bras.
 A centre for the French
 resistance during the war,
 you can still explore the
 ‘traboules’ (the network of
 secret merchants’ passages
 that operated as hiding places
 and escape routes from the
 Nazis). They work as a good
 metaphor for the city itself -
 while the tourist office offers a
 map, perhaps it’s more fun just
 walking the streets of Vieux
 Lyon and trying a door - you’ll
 never know what you’ll find

                                     Things to See/Do
                                                    The old town of Vieux Lyon is well worth an explore, and
                                                    while you can follow various walking tour guides and
                                                    trails, sometimes it’s just more fun to try and get lost in
                                                    amongst the backstreets - the old town is one of the
                                                    largest and best examples of renaissance-era
                                     architecture in Europe. While there, you should pay a visit to the St
                                     Jean Cathedral, which was constructed between 1180 and 1480, and
                                     features a spectacular astronomical clock.
                                     If you’re feeling fit then a walk up the hill to the west bank of the
                                     Saône to see the Fourvière Basilica is a must - for those who fancy
                                     things at a more leisurely pace, there’s the funicular from Vieux Lyon
                                     St Jean metro station.

Tourist                                   Getting Around
                                                                         Most of the historic centre can be
                                                                         covered on foot, with the longest
                                                                         routes in town not much more than
                                                                         20 minutes. The city is served by 4
                The tourist office is located on                         metro lines, whose main purpose
                Place Bellecour in the city centre.       is to connect the city centre to the suburbs for
                Opening hours: 9am to 6pm,                commuting, rather than covering a need for a large
                seven days a week.                        number of stations in the city centre.
                Telephone: +33 (0)4 72 77 69 69 -         The metro and tram network runs from around 5am
                            to midnight, and services are frequent and generally
                Reservations: +33 (0)4 72 77 72           reliable. Tickets are purchased from machines at
                50 -                 stations and tram stops, or from newspaper kiosks
                         (often marked with TCL).
                                                          The city also runs a bike scheme, similar to
                                                          London’s ‘Boris Bikes’, called Velo’v. Once you
                                                          have registered with a credit/debit card, you can
                                                          pick up a bike at one of more than 300 locations
                                                          throughout the city.

                                                          The Stadium   Olympique Lyonnais’ new
                                                                        59,000-seater ground was inaugurated
                                                                        in January 2016. Also known as Stade
                                                                        des Lumières or Stade de Lyon, it
                                                                        replaced Lyon’s ageing 40,000
                                                          capacity Stade de Gerland. The ground is right next
                                                          to the N346/E15 motorway and is about a ten to
                                                          15-minute walk from the Decines Grand Large stop
                                                          on Tram Line 3 to the east of the city. It’ll likely take
                                                          you at least half an hour to get out from the city
                                                          centre on the tram, so we’d recommend leaving
                                                          plenty of time for your journey on match day.

The Musée des Beaux Arts (Place des Terreaux)
                                                          Accommodation  The city is split into districts, and most
should be up the top of any art lover’s list - the
painters housed in their collection read like a who’s                    of the hotels fall into one of three -
who of European masters: Rembrandt, Rubens,                              Presqu’ile (the main city centre, the
Manet, Monet, Cézanne, Picasso and so on.                                ‘island’ between the two rivers),
                                                                         Croix-Rousse (the hill to the north of
For those intending on visiting several museums, the      the city) and Confluence (south of the main city
Lyon City Card may be of interest. Available from         centre, where the Rhône and Saône meet). The
the Tourist office, it costs €21 for one day, €31 for 2   tourist office offers an online booking portal for
days and €41 for 3 days. It includes unlimited use of     accommodation throughout the city - you can find
the public transport network, free or reduced entry       it at .
fee to all major museums and exhibitions and one
guided tour per day per person.

                                                                               FREELIONESSESWWC2019               27

                       A                                              B                                               C
       07 JUN 2019, 21:00                            08 JUN 2019, 15:00                             09 JUN 2019, 13:00
       PARC DES PRINCES                              ROAZHON PARK                                   STADE DU HAINAUT
       PARIS                                         RENNES                                         VALENCIENNES

            FRANCE                                           GERMANY                                       australia
            korea REP                                        CHINA PR                                      italy
       08 JUN 2019, 21:00                            08 JUN 2019, 18:00                             09 JUN 2019. 15:30
       STADE AUGUSTE-DELAUNE                         STADE OCÉANE                                   STADE DES ALPES
       REIMS                                         LE HAVRE                                       GRENOBLE

            NOrway                                           SPAIN                                         brazil
            nigeria                                          SOUTH AFrica                                  jamaica
       12 JUN 2019, 15:00                            12 JUN 2019, 18:00                             13 JUN 2019, 18:00
       STADE DES ALPES                               STADE DU HAINAUT                               STADE DE LA MOSSON
       GRENOBLE                                      VALENCIENNES                                   MONTPELLIER

            nigeria                                          GERMANY                                       australia
            korea REP                                        spain                                         brazil
       12 JUN 2019, 21:00                            13 JUN 2019, 21:00                             14 JUN 2019, 18:00
       STADE DE NICE                                 PARC DES PRINCES                               STADE AUGUSTE-DELAUNE
       NICE                                          PARIS                                          REIMS

            france                                           SOUTH AFrica                                  jamaica
            norway                                           CHINA PR                                      italy
       17 JUN 2019, 21:00                            17 JUN 2019, 18:00                             16 JUN 2019, 21:00
       ROAZHON PARK                                  STADE OCÉANE                                   STADE DES ALPES
       RENNES                                        LE HAVRE                                       GRENOBLE

            nigeria                                          CHINA PR                                      jamaica
            france                                           spain                                         australia
       17 JUN 2019, 21:00                            17 JUN 2019, 19:00                             18 JUN 2019, 21:00
       STADE AUGUSTE-DELAUNE                         STADE DE LA MOSSON                             STADE DU HAINAUT
       REIMS                                         MONTPELLIER                                    VALENCIENNES

            korea REP                                        SOUTH AFrica                                  Italy
            norway                                           germany                                       brazil
                   ROUND OF 16 (MATCH 37)                                                  ROUND OF 16 (MATCH 38)
                   22 JUN 2019, 21:00, STADE DE NICE, NICE                            22 JUN 2019, 17:30, STADE DES ALPES, GRENOBLE
      2A                                                             2C     1B                                                        ACD

                  ROUND OF 16 (MATCH 41)                                                  ROUND OF 16 (MATCH 42)
             24 JUN 2019, 19:00, STADE AUGUSTE-DELAUNE, REIMS                           24 JUN 2019, 21:00, PARC DES PRINCES, PARIS

      2B                                                             1F     2F                                                         2E

                   QUARTER FINAL 1 (45)                                                    QUARTER FINAL 2 (46)
                27 JUN 2019, 21:00, STADE OCÉANE, LE HAVRE                              28 JUN 2019, 21:00, PARC DES PRINCES, PARIS

      37                                                             39    40                                                          41

                                                             SEMI FINAL 1 (49)
                                                        02 JUL 2019, 21:00, STADE DE LYON, LYON
           45                                                                                                                         46

                                                 MATCH FOR THIRD PLACE (51)
                                                        06 JUL 2019, 17:00, STADE DE NICE, NICE
           RU                                                                                                                         RU
           49                                                                                                                         50

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