Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape

Page created by John Hunter
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
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                                                                                   Photo: N. Ruhl, Osten
Titelfoto: Jürgen Petersen

                             Yacht and sport boat harbours
                              Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Discover the sport boat estuary area                                        a call is made over the VHF radio. But there is more than just the tides
of the Lower Elbe maritime landscape                                        flowing into the of the North Sea that makes negotiating the estuary
                                                                            even more exciting. There are also the ecological gems of the lands-
The maritime landscape of the Lower Elbe is the perfect sport boat          capes formed by the tides, such as the sandbars in the eastern part of
estuary, featuring plenty of attractive destinations in the Hamburg         the estuary where seals like to sunbathe and the unique fresh water
metropolitan area and reaching from the Hamburg Harbour all the             mudflats of the Elbe Marsh.
way out to the North Sea. Inwards towards the Elbe, the Lower Elbe
and its tributaries are lined with a wealth of marinas and sport boat
harbours. From the historic Ewer Harbour in the rural Kehdinger             On the Lower Elbe – to be sure
region to Europe’s largest sport boat harbour, the Wedel Marina with        Tide calendar:
its approximately 2,000 slips, every skipper will find the perfect place    The tide calendar for the German Bight issued by the Bundesamt
to drop anchor in the estuary.                                              für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Ministry for Maritime
The Skipper Guide features approximately fifty harbours and moo-            Navigation and Hydrography, or BSH) is indispensable on the Elbe
ring areas with numerous destinations close to the harbours along           Estuary. www.bsh.de
the Lower Elbe. With this information, the Skipper Guide offers a
                                                                            Information on waterway traffic:
wide variety of ideas for exploring the maritime landscape of the Lo-
                                                                            Water lovers on the Elbe whose boats are equipped with a VHF
wer Elbe by water as well as by land.You will of course need updated
                                                                            radio system are required to listen to the traffic information and as-
charts in order to navigate on board and make your approach to the
                                                                            sistance broadcasts: Cuxhaven Elbe-Traffic VHF 71; Brunsbüttel VHF
various harbours. The Skipper Guide also contains information con-
                                                                            68; Hamburg Port VHF 74.
cerning the facilities at each harbour, dining options, and terrific tips
for land excursions. Enchanting historic districts, maritime museums,       Safety on the water – a guide for water lovers:
nature experience stations, and much more are sure to make your             You can get this brochure issued by the Bundesministerium für Ver-
time on land memorable before it’s time to set sail for the next port       kehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen (Federal Ministry of Transport and
of call.                                                                    Housing) from the ‘Wasserschutzpolizei‘ (German Coast Guard)
Not only that, but the latest edition of the Skipper Guide also features    or the Maritimen Landschaft Unterelbe GbR (Lower Elbe Maritime
a collection of course offerings in the Lower Elbe region for beginners     Landscape Association).
and active sport boaters.                                                   Weather service:
                                                                            The Maritime Traffic Division of the Deutsche Wetterdienst (German
The Lower Elbe estuary moves with the                                       Weather Service, or DWD) as well as the Bundesamt für Seeschiff-
rhythm of the tides                                                         fahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Ministry for Maritime Navigation
                                                                            and Hydrography, or BSH) provide up-to-date important nautical in-
Lower Elbe. Some see the tides as a sporty challenge, while others          formation their website. www.dwd.de, www.bsh.de
prefer to give in to the rhythm of the ebb and flow.
There is a tidal range of about three meters between high and low
tides, while the flow speed reaches between two and four knots,
sometimes more. The tributaries of the Elbe River are protected by
storm surge barriers, gates that open at set times, on a signal, or when
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Friedrichskoog                                                                                                                                                           YACHT AND SPORT BOAT HARBOURS IN
                                                                                                                                           B5                                                                                                                                THE LOWER ELBE MARITIME LANDSCAPE
                                     nach Helgoland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A 23                                                                                   Tourist information

                                                                                                                                           St. Michaelisdonn



                                                                                                                                                                                                Wilster AU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Docking Areas, Excursion boat

                                                                                                                                                 CHEN                                                         LS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                TE                                                                                                                                                 Lighthouse

                  Neuwerk                                                                                                                                                                                         IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wilster       ISC                                                     6                                                                                      Car ferry, Person ferry
                                                                                                                                                               Brunsbüttel                                             HE                                                                               Itzehoe
                                    Cuxhaven                                                                                        2                                                                             4                                                                                                                                                Brunsbüttel Tourismus, Friedrichskoog Tourismus
                                                62                                                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5                         E                                                                                          Holstein Tourismus e.V.
                                                     63                                                                                                                                                       Beidenfleth


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hamburg Tourismus GmbH


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wewelsfleth                                                                                                      Tourismusverband Landkreis Stade-Elbe e.V.
                      WU AND


                                                                          60                                                                                                                                                                  8
                                                                                                                                                        Balje                           Freiburg             49

                                                                                                    59                                                                                                                                 7                                                                                  A 23



                                                              Altenbruch                                                                                                                                                                      Borsfleth


                                                                                                                         Hadelner Kanal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Horst                                    Bremervörde Tourismus
                                                 A 27

                                                                                              Otterndorf                                        Neuhaus         51Geversdorf
                                                                                                                                                                            Wischhafen                                                             11                                                                                                              March 2021

                                                                                                        Medem                                                                                                        48                                 10
                                                                                                                                                                52 Oberndorf


                                                                               Neuenkirchen                                               Wingst

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                                                                                                                                                                      54 55         Osten                                                            46
                                                                                                                                          Hemmoor                                                                   Drochtersen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                hen                                        Uetersen


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     16                     17    18

                                                                                                                                                                                         Großenwörden                                   Abbenfleth                              43                                       Pinnau

1    Friedrichskoog Harbour                     22      Hamburg Marina/Wedel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Stadersand                                          Haseldorf

                                                                                                                                     Lamstedt                                                                                                                                                                                               Pinneberg

2    Neufeld Harbour                            23      Mühlenberg Marina

                                                                                                                                                                                        57         Himmelpforten                                                                     41                  19                                                                                            HAMBURG

3    Brunsbüttel Historic Harbour               24      City Sporthafen Hamburg                                                                                                58                                                                                             40
4    Kasenort Marina                            25      Hafen Holstenkaten Harbour                                                                                                                                                                                          42
5    Langes Rack Marina                         26      Harburg Marina                                                                                                                                                                                                                        L140
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              34          20
6    Heiligenstedten Yacht Marina               27      Organization of Harburg Sailers Marina                                                                                                                                                                        39
                                                                                                                                                                                              Oldendorf                                                                                                                            22
7    Borsfleth/Störloch Yacht Club              28      Peter Knief Boatyard                                                                                                                                                                                                            Grünendeich 35        21
8    Wewelsfleth Marina                         29      Heuer Boatyard, Finkenwerder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              36 Steinkirchen Hanskalbsand
9    Floating Docks Beidenfleth                 30      Rüsch Marina, Finkenwerder                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      24

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           AL               33                     30

10   Glückstadt Outer Harbour                   31      Buxtehude Municipal Harbour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    wing                                                                                                                                                 29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A 26

11   Glückstadt Inner Harbour                   32      BWV Hansa Marina and Floating Dockyard                                                                                          B74                  Sch                                                                                                             TE                  Jork      Cranz K39
                                                33      Neuenschleuse Marina                                                                                                                                                                                                Horneburg                                                  SL

12   Kollmar Marina
                                                34      Grünendeich Marina
                                                                                                   43   Abbenfleth Marina                          B71                    38                                                                                                                                                                  AN                                           A7

13   Krückau Estuary Docking Harbour                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       B4
                                                                                                   44                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A 26
                                                                                                        Gauensiek Harbour                                                                                                                                                                                          B73
14   Elmshorn Docking Harbour                   35      Sportbootanlage TuS Jork                                                                                     37
                                                                                                   45   Ruthenstrom Marina                                                                                                                                                                                                             32                                                                         A1

15   Elmshorn Marina                            36      Steinkirchen Floating Dock Facility                                                                                    Bremervörde                                                                                                                                                  31                                                               25
                                                                                                   46   Assel Harbour                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 28 26
16   Pinnau Estuary Docking Harbour             37      Bremervörde Marina                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   B73
                                                                                                   47   Barnkrug Harbour
17   Klosterdeich Dyke Marina                   38      Bootsanleger Bootsclub Elm/Oste
                                                                                                   48   WYC Floating Dockyard Lower Elbe           52    SG Oberndorf Docks                           56     Municipality Osten Boat Dock                                   60       Altenbruch Harbour
18   Uetersen Stichhafen                        39      Stade Municipal Harbour
                                                                                                   49   SV Freiburg Boat Slips                     53    Oberndorf Docks                              57     IG Hechthausen Boat Dock                                       61       SV Cuxhaven Marina
19   Haseldorf Harbour                          40      SC Diamant Marina
                                                                                                   50   Neuhaus / Historic Harbour                 54    Hemmoor Boat Dock /                          58     Holiday park Hechthausen Boat Dock                             62       Amerikahafen Marina
20   Hetlinger Schanze Yacht Marina             41      Stader Sand Docking Area                        Neuhaus Marina                                   Schwarzenhütten                                                                                                                                                                                                           A 261

21                                              42      Harbour of the Stade Motor Boat            51   Geversdorf Boat Dock                       55    Floating Dock Facility WSC Osten             59     Otterndorf Harbour                                             63       City-Marina Cuxhaven
     Schulau Yacht Marina

     *Harbour descriptions follows                                                      04                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    05
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
www.seehundstation-friedrichskoog.de                   Excursion destinations
                                                                                                         The 2.2 km Trischen Dam at the tip of the              The Dutch windmill ‘Immanuel’ along the Püt-
                                                                                                         small peninsula belonging to Friedrichskoog is         tenweg path in Marner Neuenkoogsdeich.
                                                                                                         a very popular vantage point. The swimming             Anyone who can should hop on a bicycle. A
                                                                                                         beach at the tip of the Friedrichskoog penin-          network of biking paths marked by clear sig-
                                                                                                         sula is monitored by lifeguards and has beach          nage offers a wealth of destinations. Five ki-
                                                                                                         chairs, a designated nude beach section, and a         lometres away in Marne, you can switch to a
                                                                                                         designated dog beach section. Maritime event           pedal-powered cart outfitted with a sail and,
                                                                                                         highlight: Friedrichskoog Crab Market                  when the conditions are right, allow your-
                                                                                                         www.friedrichskoog.de                                  self to be swept along to St Michaelisdonn.
                                                                                                         Neufeld                                                If that sounds a bit too strenuous for you, feel
                                                                                                         Neufeld Harbour                                        free to relax in the Marne swimming pool. Just
Schleswig-Holstein                                                                                       Under normal conditions, the tideway to the            a little bit further along, the Kaiser Wilhelm
                                                                                                         harbour can generally be navigated successful-         Koog swimming area beckons.

FrieDrichskoog                                                                                           ly by ships with draughts of 1.50 m starting at
                                                                                                         half-tide before and after high tide. From the         Brunsbüttel
Friedrichskoog Harbour                              from the chairman Björn Feil by calling 04854        well-marked entry point, a desludged tideway
The former port of Friedrichskoog has been          904430 or 0171 7992267.                                                                                     Brunsbüttel Historic Harbour
                                                                                                         extends over the mudflats and grasslands to
closed since 2015.The previous barrage, which       www.sbc-friedrichskoog.de                            the idyllic natural harbour. The harbour, which        Set amongst the reeds and poplar trees, the
connected it with the Elbe and the North Sea,                                                            is operated by the Neufeld Yacht Club, has             natural, tide-dependent yacht marina in the
was converted into a pumping station which is       Excursion destinations                               plenty of guest slips with water and power             HISTORIC MARINA area is found at the in-
no longer passable for water vehicles.              On the south side of the harbour, you will find      hookups. A guest grill with tables and seating         tersection of the Elbe and Kiel Canals. Run by
However, the Sportbootclub Friedrichskoog           the world’s largest whale, with a large indoor       as well as shower and WC facilities are availa-        the Brunsbüttel Sailing Club, this marina has
e.V. still operates its emergency landing stage.    playground in its stomach. ‘Willi the Whale’ is      ble. www.neufeld-sbc.de                                undergone comprehensive modernisation
Coming from the sea, it is located on the star-     130 m long and 20 m wide. He offers a wide                                                                  and is a great place to stay overnight before
board side of the old harbour tidal channel         array of recreational opportunities for child-                                                              or after passing through the Kiel Canal. Un-
directly in front of the pumping station. Guests    ren and adults. www.wal-friedrichskoog.de                                                                   der normal weather conditions, it is possible
as well as boat owners of the SBC Friedrichs-                                                                                                                   to negotiate the marina between three hours
                                                    The National Park Centre ‘Schutzstation
koog can moor there.                                                                                                                                            before high tide and two hours after high tide
                                                    Wattenmeer’ (Wattenmeer Conservation
Because of tides, shoals, non-existent bumps                                                                                                                    in vessels with draughts of up to 2 m. When
                                                    Station) in Friedrichskoog, which also hou-
and the already difficult area, we advise                                                                                                                       there is an easterly wind, the time frame is a
                                                    ses an information centre, can be found at
the club only experienced skippers with boats                                                                                                                   bit tighter. The marina offers approximately 95
                                                    the ‘Südseite Hafen’ (Southside Harbour).
suitable for tidal flats and correspondingly                                                                                                                    slips for sailing boats and motorboats in the
shallow draught for steering.                                                                                                                                   summer. Guest slips are located in front of the
The Sportbootclub Friedrichskoog will be            The Seal Centre Friedrichskoog is the only                                                                  pumping station on the western side of the
happy to provide further information in the         centre in Schleswig-Holstein authorised to                                                                  marina and in spaces marked with green signs.
clubhouse at the old harbour during ope-            accept abandoned, sick, or injured seals. Here,                                                             The bathroom facilities are located behind the
ning hours (usually from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs         the animals can be monitored in large pools                                                                 dyke (to the right of the pumping station at
and from 18.00 to 20.00 hours, otherwise as         very similar to their natural habitat. It is espe-                                                          the bottom of the stairs). Water and power
required) by calling 04854 1872 or directly         cially interesting to visit during feeding time.                                                            hookups are available, and there are waste dis-

back to general map                            06                                                                                                          07
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
                                                                                                          Kasenort Marina                                          Excursion destinations
                                                                                                          The Wilster Sailing Club operates two mari-              Today, the Palais Doos (Doos Palace) is home
                                                                                                          nas. Guests are welcome to moor their boats              to the Wilster Public Library. The historic hall
                                                                                                          in either one. The first marina is located in            of mirrors in the ‘New City Hall’ is definitely
                                                                                                          Kasenort. This small natural marina, with 15             worth a visit, but can only be viewed upon
                                                                                                          boat slips (floating docks) right next to the            request and is usually only open to groups do-
                                                                                                          Kasenort lock, tends to dry up. 3 guest boat             ing a tour of the town. You can also take a re-
                                                                                                          slips: One guest boat can be moored to the               freshing dip in the Elbe at the Brokdorf Beach,
                                                                                                          side of the floating dock, while others must             which is especially nice at high tide. Slipping
                                                                                                          moor their boats with at least two lines and             into the cool waters of the lavishly appointed
                                                                                                          one line moored to the opposite bank with                Brokdorf Leisure Pool is also an attractive op-
                                                                                                          an anchoring chain.The ground consists of soft           tion. www.brokdorf-elbe.de
                                                                                                          sludge. It is not possible to approach the ma-
                                                                                                          rina from approximately one hour before to
                                                                                                          one hour after low tide. Please pay attention
posal facilities. The marina master’s offices are on    the lock system and the Kiel Canal. www.wsv.
                                                                                                          to the currents when approaching. Maximum
the east bank. There are four bicycles next to the      de/wsa-bb/atrium
                                                                                                          boat length 11 m, maximum draught 1.50
building, which guests can borrow for short trips.      Brunsbüttel tour guides offer lock tours from     m. Places for shopping 2 km away in Wilster.
Two covered grill grill stations are set up on the      April until October. www.schleusenmeile-          www.sv-wilster.de
eastern side of the marina. There are stores within     brunsbuettel.de
walking distance where visitors can purchase sup-       The interactive maritime playground near the      Langes Rack Marina
plies (approximately 600–800 m away). www.svb-          lock gets both youngsters and those in their
bru.de                                                                                                    The ‘Langes Rack’ Marina is also run by the
                                                        ‘Golden Years’ alike in on the action. In the
                                                                                                          Wilster Sailing Club and operates without
                                                        Brunsbüttel town historic district, take advan-
Brunsbüttel Marina                                                                                        regard to the tides. Visitors are welcome to
                                                        tage of the opportunity to stroll past beauti-
                                                                                                          use the boat slips marked in green (there are
On the inner banks, behind the lock in the Kiel         fully restored gabled houses. The Heimatmu-
                                                                                                          almost always two or three slips free). Power
Canal is the small Brunsbüttel Marina. This mari-       seum Brunsbüttel (Brunsbüttel Local History                                                                Wilstermarsch is the perfect place for a bike
                                                                                                          and water hookups at the dock. High-voltage
na is a port of transit and offers all of the most      Museum) houses a wealth of exciting exhibiti-                                                              ride. Route suggestions can be downloaded at
                                                                                                          power lines along the way into the Stör limit
important facilities for guests, including bathrooms.   on pieces. www.museum-brunsbuettel.de                                                                      www.wilstermarsch-service.de. You can visit
                                                                                                          mast height. Boats up to 18 m long can dock in
A direct power supply is available at the slips on      The Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum (City Gallery                                                                the outside of Wilster‘s landmark Schöpfmüh-
                                                                                                          the marina at the outer docks. Docking in the
the land side. The town centre of Brunsbüttel, with     at the Elbe Forum) offers changing exhibitions                                                             le Honigfleth windmill, and tours are available
                                                                                                          tidal waters on the inside of the dock should
its extensive selection of shops, is within view. The   and cultural events. www.elbeforum.de                                                                      with an appointment.
                                                                                                          be left up to experienced skippers.The marina
Brunsbüttel WSA (Waterways and Shipping Of-                                                                                                                        www.foerderverein-bockmuehle.de
                                                        At the Freibad Ulitzhörn outdoor swimming         has bathrooms (without showers). A grill area
fice) operates the marina. www.nok-wsa.de
                                                        pool, dream boats pass right by the edge of       with shelter is available on-site. There is shop-
                                                        the pool. It will soon be possible to stay the    ping 5 km away in Wilster. www.sv-wilster.de
Excursion destinations
                                                        night at the Hüttendorf, which is part of the
The imposing technical structure of the Brunsbüt-       pool. www.freizeitbad-brunsbuettel.de
tel canal lock has long attracted visitors. Located
                                                        Additional information can be found at
directly at the gates of the canal lock, the ‘Atrium’
lock museum provides visitors with information on

back to general map                             08                                                                                                            09
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Borsfleth (störloch) and Wewelsfleth
                                                                                                            Borsfleth/Störloch Yacht Club                        up on supplies. Bicycles can be borrowed
                                                                                                                                                                 from the harbourmaster.
                                                                                                            Behind the Stör Lock (VHF Channel 09/Stör
                                                                                                            Lock) is the Störloch with Hafen von Borsfleth
                                                                                                            marina, an idyllically located yacht marina with
                                                                                                                                                                 Wewelsfleth Marina
                                                                                                            about 100 boat slips. The marina, which is ope-
                                                                                                            rated by the Borsfleth Yacht Club, is accessible     Wewelsfleth Marina offers sufficient space
                                                                                                            at both high and low tides. The water depth          at its swimming docks for guests to dock
                                                                                                            differs with the tide: 1.80 m to 4.80 m. Pow-        their boats. The shipyard offers resources for
                                                                                                            er and water hookups as well as bathrooms            ship repair and there is also a large crane.
                                                                                                            are available. Borsfleth is about a thirty-minute    Bathrooms are available, as is petrol service.
                                                                                                            walk away and has shops where you can stock          Power and water hookups are available at

                                                     Motor boats can dock further up the Stör in the
                                                     shallower slips. Plenty of places to obtain supplies
Itzehoe                                              in Heiligenstedten: Boat equipment stores, fuel-
Heiligenstedten Yacht Marina                         ling stations, petrol filling stations, home impro-
(wet dock marina)                                    vement centres, bakeries, and more are within
                                                     easy walking distance, with even more stores in
The association marina of the Itzehoe Sailing
                                                     Itzehoe (bus connection).
Club (SVI) is located on the right bank of the
Stör, approximately 400 m behind the draw-
bridge in Heiligenstedten. Guests are welcome.
                                                     Excursion destinations
The marina is the last yacht marina on the Stör
accessible with a fully raised mast (maximum         Kreismuseum Prinzeßhof (Prinzeßhof Regional
mast height: 18 m). The drawbridge in Heili-         Museum) www.kreismuseum-prinzesshof.de
genstedten will open at the sound signal of 2        Information on the history and cultural back-
long tones or when you make a call to 04821-         ground of the Steinburg region in the 19th and
84325. Since the Stör waterway is highly depen-      20th centuries. Wenzel Hablik Museum www.
dent on the tide, the marina is protected by a       wenzel-hablik.de
dock gate. The dock gate can usually be opened       Works by Itzehoe artists. The Schwimmzent-
one hour before high tide in Itzehoe and even        rum Itzehoe swimming centre is located not far
sooner at high water levels. Boats can be no         from the city centre in a little forested area.The
more than 3.85 m wide. It is possible to tie up      area surrounding Itzehoe is perfect for bicyc-
at the waiting dock in front of the gate in order    le rides and hiking. You can pick up the biking
to wait for high tide. There are bathroom in the     and hiking map ‘Radfahren und Wandern im
clubhouse, as well as power and water hookups.       Kreis Steinburg’ (Bike Rides and Hikes in the
The SVI marina also includes the two docks on        Steinburg Region) from the tourist information
the opposite side of the Stör, where boats are       centre. www.itzehoe.de/tourismus. Additional
also welcome to dock – one in front of and one       event tips can be found at www.meinitzehoe.
behind the Stör drawbridge. These two docks          de.
are located in the deepest waters for sail boats.

back to general map                             10                                                                                                          11
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Glückstadt                                           cilities as well as the harbourmaster’s offices
                                                                                                                                                                 are located on the northern side of the inner
                                                                                                            Glückstadt Outer Harbour
                                                                                                                                                                 harbour in the ‘Alte Mühle’ clubhouse.
                                                                                                            The harbour is generally not dependent on the        www.sv-glueckstadt.de
                                                                                                            tides. It can be navigated at any water level and
                                                                                                            under any weather conditions. Boat slips are         Glückstadt Inner Harbour
                                                                                                            available at the Glückstadt Sailing Club floating
                                                                                                                                                                 Also operated by the Glückstadt Sailing Club,
                                                                                                            docks (with power and water) as well as along
                                                                                                                                                                 the inner harbour runs summer operations
                                                                                                            the opposite waiting dock north of the lock
                                                                                                                                                                 and can be reached from the outer harbour
                                                                                                            entrance. The floating docks are suitable for
                                                                                                                                                                 by passing through a lock gate after calling
                                                                                                            yachts up to 13 m in length, while larger ships
                                                                                                                                                                 ahead one day in advance. This is opened 2.5
                                                                                                            must dock at the long floating dock north of
                                                                                                                                                                 to 2 hours before high tide for about 2 hours,
                                                                                                            the lock entrance (waiting dock). From time to
                                                                                                                                                                 depending on water levels. Expected hours
                                                                                                            time there may be strong currents toward the
                                                                                                                                                                 of operation for the lock gate are posted
                                                                                                            north west, since the Rhin drains out at the
                                                                                                                                                                 in the announcement box on the lock gate
                                                                                                            facility’s location through sluices and pumps. A
                                                                                                                                                                 building. Heavy winds may limit the hours
                                                                                                            yellow flashing light above the outlets turns on
                                                                                                                                                                 of operation. The inner harbour is close to
                                                                                                            when it is pumping.There are water and power
                                                                                                                                                                 the city centre and offers calm boat slips.
                                                                                                            hookups at the facility, while the bathroom fa-
the marina and directly at some of the boat              Floating Docks Beidenfleth
slips. There are also places to purchase sup-            Located 11 km behind the Stör lock is the
plies near the marina. The marina is operated            floating dock harbour of the Beidenfleth Sai-
by the Municipality of Wewelsfleth in collabo-           ling Club. Boats can dock lengthwise along the
ration with the Wewelsfleth Yacht Club. Con-             extensive floating docks. Guests are welcome
tact (phone): Harbourmaster 0171-3483531,                to dock their boats. There are bathroom fa-
or Municipality of Wewelsfleth 04823-948222.             cilities. Power and water hookups at the har-
                                                         bour. Shops for purchasing supplies near the
Excursion destinations                                   harbour. www.bsv-beidenfleth.de
Be sure to take full advantage of the marina
bicycles in Borsfleth. Discover the little villa-        Excursion destinations
ges nearby and their historic charm. A host of           One of the last of its kind, the motorised cable
restored half-timbered houses are considered             ferry ‘Else’ connects the two banks of the Stör.
cultural monuments and also make for brea-               www.stoerfaehre-else.de It is the only way to
thtaking photo motifs. You can even visit the            cross the Stör between the 12 km drawbridge
Stör lock near Wewelsfleth by making an ap-              upstream in Heiligenstedten and the Stör lock
pointment (04124-97044).                                 located 10 km downstream in Wewelsfleth.
                                                         The ‘Hoffnung’ windmill and St Nicolai Church
                                                         are two unmistakable landmarks of Beiden-

back to general map                                 12                                                                                                      13
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
The SVG boxes on the north side below the           Excursion destinations
old mill and the boat slips in the back part        The historic district of Glückstadt is definitely
of the harbour‘s south side can be utilised.        worth touring. Christian IV of Denmark had
Glückstadt Yacht Shipyard operates the south-       the city designed in the Renaissance style from
western side of the harbour. There is sufficient    the get-go. At the centre of the star-shaped
depth throughout the harbour, but it is only        layout is the marketplace paved in cobblesto-
possible to approach every 12 hours. Power          nes.
and water hookups are available in the boxes        The Brockdorff-Palais (Brockdorff Palace) built
on the north side as well as on the south side.     in 1631/1632 now houses a museum. Am Ha-
There is a derrick (rated for loads up to 500       fen Street is now home to numerous historic
kg) directly east of the lock on the north side     buildings such as the old salt storage building,
of the inner harbour. At the head of the har-       the royal bridgehouse, and the Wiebeke Kruse
bour, Bistro & Café Nettchen offers its guests      Tower that Christian IV built for his beloved.
fresh, local products – with Glückstädt pickled     The Provianthaus from 1705 (Am Proviant-
herring taking pride of place – and a beautiful     graben 1) now serves as an art and cultural
view of the harbour.                                centre.
www.sv-glueckstadt.de                               www.provianthaus-glueckstadt.de
                                                    Glückstadt harbour is a boarding harbour for
                                                    the ‘Tidenkieker’ boat tour. In this flat-botto-
                                                    med boat, guests can explore the fascinating
                                                    tidal landscape of the Lower Elbe.
                                                    Riding the ‘RIGMORE von Glückstadt’, the ol-
                                                    dest seaworthy sailing boat in Germany, has
                                                    long ceased to be a secret tip. Anyone wanting
                                                    to charter this floating historical monument
                                                    can find the schedule for traditional public ri-
                                                    des at www.rigmor.de.
                                                    Every year, Glückstädt Herring Week is the
                                                    unchallenged highlight of the maritime events
                                                    calendar. www.glueckstadt-tourismus.de

back to general map                            14                                                       15
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Krückau Estuary
Krückau Estuary Docking Harbour                      ensemble of steamer bridges and a wealth of         train station is just 20 minutes away (tram
The docking harbour of the W.Y.K. Elmshorn           thatched-roof houses. You will notice that the      connection to Hamburg).
is located in the Krückau Estuary. It has floa-      wooden sea buoys (1699) look like oversized         www.segler-verein-elmshorn.de
ting docks with stern posts, so the ships won’t      sugarloaves when you visit them. The ‘Dörp-
wash up on dry land. Guests are welcomed             stuuv’ in Kollmar is home to the permanent          Excursion destinations
with open arms. The area is perfect for exten-       exhibition ‘Storm Surges and Coastal Protec-        Elmshorn is the home harbour of the ‘GLO-
ded bike tours, and the club loans out bicycles      tion’.                                              RIA’, an example of a historic German flat-
free of charge. There is a playground and grill                                                          keeled ship propelled by sails and referred to
station. Bathroom facilities, showers, and a hy-                                                         as an ‘ewer’. The former freight ewer, rigged
giene room are available in the clubhouse. The                                                           up as a single-mast ewer with a gaff sail confi-
premises have one slip with a hoist and two                                                              guration, takes groups of up to 21 passengers
derricks. The lock gates to the harbour are                                                              on traditional ship rides. Reserve a spot on a
opened approximately two hours before high                                                               public ride at www.ewer-gloria.de. At the tou-
tide, depending on the tidal conditions. The                                                             rist information centre in the gatehouse, you
maximum clearance width for moving through                                                               can pick up a flyer that leads visitors on an
is 5 m. In the summer, a harbour service team                                                            informative journey through the city centre to
monitors the opening of the gates over the                                                               see all the historic sites. The Elmshorn Water
weekend. A waiting dock connected by land                                                                Tower has been open to the public for a few
to the lock is located on the starboard side.                                                            years now and is worth a visit. Tours are of-
www.1ter-yachthafen-krueckau-muendung.de                                                                 fered. There is a sculpture garden extending
                                                                                                         from the Wedenkampbrücke to Berliner Stra-
Excursion destinations                                                                                   ße. Works by well-known artists are featured.
If you follow the Krückau out, you will come         Elmshorn                                            The Industriemuseum (Industrial Museum) in
upon the only manually operated ferry in                                                                 Elmshorn shows the way everyday life and
                                                     Elmshorn Marina                                     work were transformed during the Industrial
Schleswig-Holstein, the Wriggfähre. Kronsnest
www.faehre-kronsnest.de The little ‘Spöken-          The Elmshorn Yacht Club (SVE) is located di-        Revolution.You can book city tours for groups
kieker’ museum next to the ferry‘s launch site       rectly next to the city centre. The marina is ti-   here as well.
houses changing exhibitions. Anyone with a           de-dependent. Boat slips are suitable for boats     www.industriemuseum-elmshorn.de
bicycle at their disposal should be sure to visit    with a draught of up to 1.40 m, a width of up       Maritime event highlight: Harbour Festival and
Seestermühe. The little village tucked behind        to 3.50 m, and a length of up to 11 m. Guests       ‘Florawochen’ Celebration Additional infor-
the dykes of the Elbe and Krückau offers a           are welcome. There are hookups for power,           mation and events can be found at
backdrop unlike anywhere else in the mar-            water, and lighting at the boat slips, and there    www.vbv-elmshorn.de.
shes. The many old thatched-roof cottages,           are also waste disposal facilities. A derrick and
the Seestermühe Manor, the village museum,           a slip big enough to accommodate up to 10 t
and the beautiful gardens are all worth a visit.     are also available. In the clubhouse, kitchen as
Village tours can be booked through the Elb-         well as bathroom facilities are available. There
marschenhaus (Elbe Marsh House).                     is a supermarket with a bakery right next to
www.elbmarschenhaus.de                               the marina. You can also catch a bus to Ueter-
Further down the Elbe, Kollmar beckons. The          sen, Wedel, and Seestermühe. The Elmshorner
Kollmar Harbour awaits with a picturesque            city centre is a 15-minute walk away, and the

back to general map                             16                                                                                                        17
Yacht and sport boat harbours Lower Elbe Maritime Landscape
Pinnau Estuary                                                                                           Uetersen
Pinnau Estuary Docking Harbour                           nearest baker is located on the other side of   Klosterdeich Dyke Marina                             Excursion destinations
Entry approximately two hours before high                the Pinnau lock towards Haseldorf.              Klosterdeich Dyke Marina, run by the Ueter-          Rosenstadt Uetersen is 1.5 km from the Klos-
tide, gate 4 m wide. The water depth of the              www.seglervereinigung-pinnau.de                 sen Marine Sports Club, is located behind the        terdeich Harbour and accessible by bus, foot,
harbour run by the Pinnau Sailing Club is bet-                                                           Pinnau Dyke on Deichstraße. Guests are wel-          or bike. The ‘Rosarium’, a rose garden of ap-
ween 2.5 m at the entrance to 2 m at the                 Excursion destinations                          come. The marina has water slips, free-floating      proximately 70,000 m2, is always open. Not
back floating dock facility. Boats can dock at           Make good use of the bicycles. Tours through    slips, two boat storage facilities, and a multip-    far from the garden, the neoclassical manor of
two floating docks with two offshoots on the             the Seestermüher and Haseldorf Marshes          urpose clubhouse. Power and water hookups            the Langes Tannen Museum houses a collec-
side. The facility offers space for 70 ships, and        offer a fantastic opportunity to relax and      at the harbour. Next to the slip track with          tion of objects from the everyday life of the
10 guest slips are available. The floating docks         bike on a flat course while experiencing the    winch, a derrick is available. Modern bathroom       common people of the 19th and 20th cen-
have electricity (230 V, 16 A). There are three          cosy marsh villages and untouched nature.       facilities with showers are also available. Bikes    tury on permanent display. The Stadt- und
places to stow drinking water. The harbour               The swing bridge over the Pinnau near the       to borrow, distance to Uetersen is 1.5 km.           Heimatgeschichtliche Museum (City and Re-
has a concrete slip track (maximum 10 t). An             Neuendeich Dyke dates from the year 1887        www.wsv-uetersen.de                                  gional History Museum) in the factory buil-
electric winch, two tractors, and a mast crane           has been declared a cultural monument. The                                                           ding of the former Uetersen Gasworks offers
are available. The clubhouse has kitchen and             Deekenhörn Recreational Area is located         Uetersen Stichhafen                                  insight into life in the 18th to 20th centuries.
bathroom facilities. There is a grilling area on         upstream on the Elbe near Hohenhorst, at an     Also run by the Uetersen Water Sports Club,          Topics featured in the exhibition include trade,
the terrace. The SVP waiting dock is located             idyllic spot between two ponds.                 the Stichhafen is located at the heart of Ue-        handicrafts, whaling, seafaring, and shipyards.
300 m upstream on the northern bank of the               www.haseldorfer-marsch.de,                      tersen (maximum 1.6 m draught). Guests are           Additional information can be found at www.
Pinnau. Up to four ships can wait there for the          www.holstein-tourismus.de                       welcome. In addition to the boat storage faci-       uetersen.de. In Uetersen/Oberglinde: Fully
next high tide. Dropping anchor and spending                                                             lities and outdoor boat storage spots, there is      equipped natural outdoor pool.
the night is not allowed here. It is possible to                                                         also a slip track with winch. Modern bathroom        www.naturbad-oberglinde.de
reach the marina from here by walking over                                                               facilities as well as power and water hookups
the old summer dyke. Bicycles are stored in                                                              are available here as well. All supply shops are
the slip track engine house, and guests are                                                              within walking distance. www.wsv-uetersen.de
welcome to borrow them free of charge. The

back to general map                                 18                                                                                                   19
Haseldorf And Hetlingen
Haseldorf Harbour                                     to run through the marina at low tide. The         180 different old fruit species are cultivated         international standards, as well as an attrac-
Natural sluice harbour that does sometimes            nearest dining establishment is in Hetlingen (3    here. The fruit garden is freely accessible, and       tive ‘Maritime Mile’ surrounding the marina
dry up, with floating docks on the south eas-         km), with shops and stores located 6 km away       the Elbe Marsh House offers guided tours. In           grounds. Additional information: www.wedel.
tern side. The harbour run by the Haseldorf           in Holm. Guest boat parking upon request. A        the historic cooper village from 1764, crafts-         de/tourismus-freizeit/elbe-maritimes/
Yacht Club is tide-dependent and can be suc-          container with bathroom facilities, old railway    men present the old craft of the cooper, who           schulauer-hafen.html.
cessfully negotiated approximately two hours          car that serves as a clubhouse, a grilling area,   made barrel hoops out of wood harvested
after low tide up to about two hours following        and a children’s playground are available at the   from the meadows. Appointments can be set              Excursion destinations
high tide; easterly winds may lower the water         marina. Slip track can be used upon request.       up at the Elbe Marsh House upon request.               The Elbhöhen hiking trail starts east of the
levels considerably at times. Guests are wel-         By land it is only possible to reach the marina    The Snake’s Head Flower Festival in April is           Schulau Fährhaus (the Schulau ferryhouse).
                                                                                                         a highlight of the Hetlinger community events.         The Lühe Schulau Ferry starts from the jetty.
                                                                                                         Every year, the snake‘s heads bloom and at-            www.luehe-schulau-faehre.de
                                                                                                         tract up to 5,000 nature lovers to Hetlingen.
                                                                                                                                                                It is an easy way to reach the Altes Land on
                                                                                                         On top of all the glorious blossoms, there is
                                                                                                                                                                the other side of the Elbe. From April to Oc-
                                                                                                         also additional information on the beautiful
                                                                                                                                                                tober, the Halunder Jet transports guests to
                                                                                                         blossoms, entertainment, food, and drink. Ad-
                                                                                                                                                                Germany’s only open sea island, Helgoland.
                                                                                                         ditional tips and scheduling:
                                                                                                                                                                Spending time in the Schulau Fährhaus at the
                                                                                                                                                                Ship Greeting Station ‘Willkomm Höft’ (Wel-
                                                                                                                                                                come Point) is always an exciting way to pass
                                                                                                                                                                the time. www.schulauer-faehrhaus.de
                                                                                                         Schulau Yacht Marina                                   There are good public transport connections
                                                                                                         The Schulau Marina first came into operation           to the City of Wedel and the Hanseatic City of
                                                                                                         in 2016. Following extensive renovations, skip-        Hamburg within walking distance.
                                                                                                         pers are now greeted with a marina meeting

comed with open arms and can use the slips            on foot or with a bicycle. Those travelling in
marked in green upon agreement with the               a car can get as close as 800 m to the club
harbourmaster. Bicycles are available to bor-         premises. www.wsv-hetlingen.de
row. Water and power hookups are available.
Bathroom facilities are in the clubhouse, and a       Excursion destinations
grilling area is open for use. Stores and over-       Haseldorf Palace Park, with its ponds and an-
night accommodations available about 1 km             cient trees is freely accessible. Across from
away in Haseldorf. www.wsc-haseldorf.de               the Palace Park is the Elbmarschenhaus (Elbe
                                                      Marsh House). Its exhibitions and the large
Hetlinger Schanze Yacht Marina                        interactive outdoor park offer playful insights
Floating dock facility of the Hetlingen Yacht         into the natural and cultural landscapes of the
Club surrounded by sandy beaches (no swim-            marshes. Here guests can get tips for excursi-
ming allowed). This little marina has a narrow        ons in the area. www.elbmarschenhaus.de
entrance. Since large ships tend to leave be-         Elbe Marsh House’s fruit garden borders di-
hind a powerful wake, small breakers can tend         rectly on the Haseldorf Marina. Approximately

back to general map                              20                                                                                                        21
mosphere with a new view or perspective
                                                                                                          Hamburg                                                 revealed at every turn. Anyone who scales
                                                                                                                                                                  the 88-metre-tall Süllberg will be rewarded
                                                                                                          Blankenese                                              with a gorgeous view of the Elbe and the
                                                                                                                                                                  ships moving in and out. Tram or bus lines
                                                                                                          Mühlenberg Marina
                                                                                                                                                                  can take you directly into the Hamburg city
                                                                                                          Der Mühlenberg Marina                                   centre. Additional information and events.
                                                                                                          The marina is run by the Mühlenberg Skiff               www.hamburg-tourism.de,
                                                                                                          Marina Society and is located in Hamburg-               www.metropolregion-hamburg.de
                                                                                                          Blankenese below the Hirschpark. It has 245
                                                                                                          slips for yachts, skiffs, and open motorboats.
                                                                                                          Dry parking slots are also available on land for
                                                                                                          skiffs. Guest slips are available. If the marina
                                                                                                          dries up, keel boats generally remain upright
                                                                                                          in the soft mud. Stalls can be tied up outdoors
                                                                                                          in coordination with the harbourmaster. Slips
                                                                                                          are available for boats with a maximum total
Wedel                                                                                                     length of 9 m and maximum weight of 1500
Hamburg Marina/Wedel                                                                                      kg. Motorboats must be open. There is one
With a floating dock featuring around 2000           Excursion destinations                               slip facility available. A derrick is available for
boat slips, the Hamburg Marian in Wedel is           Public transport will take you to the local at-      use free of charge. Bathroom facilities (show-
one of the largest tide-independent marinas          tractions in the City of Wedel and the Hansea-       er, toilet) are available. Tram or bus lines can
in Northern Europe. The marina is designed           tic City of Hamburg. Information on numerous         take you directly into the Hamburg city centre.
to be barrier-free. Bordered by approximately        tourist destinations and events can be found         www.jgm-elbe.de
80,000 m² of floodplain forest, the marina also      at www.wedel.de, www.wedelmarketing.de
serves as a local recreational area for Wedel        A lido with playground – and a beach club in         Excursion destinations
and the area surrounding Hamburg. Two lit            the summer – beckon in the immediate vici-           The Hirschpark is without a doubt one of the
entrances lead into the marina, which never          nity of the marina. Deichstraße is the starting      most engaging parks on the Elbchaussee. Fal-
dries up. Guest slips are marked in green. The       point for an educational planet-themed wal-          low deer and grand centuries-old trees grace
top speed limit in the marina is 5.5 km/h. The-      king path. Information boards along the trail        this green jewel on the Elbe. Located in the
re are three derricks, one 15 t crane, one slip      highlight interesting information about the pla-     first part of the Hirschpark is a cottage desi-
track, various dockyards, and a petrol station       nets of the Solar System. Remnants of the old        gned by Christian Frederick Hansen. French-
on-site. All slips have hookups for power and        maritime handicraft of rope-making can still be      style gardens were established nearby. In the
fresh water. There are disposal facilities in the    found in Wedel: Today, the Reepschlägerhaus          third part of the park, the grand Lindenallee
marina for oil or contaminated bilge water,          (Ropemaker’s House) is a cosy tea house and          (Linden Alley) makes an impression with its
as well as modern bathroom facilities and a          cultural centre. www.reepschlaegerhaus.de            carefully maintained flowerbeds, rhododend-
marina restaurant. A grilling area and playg-        In addition to information about the city’s mari-    rons, and azaleas.
round are available for use. Sufficient parking      time and regional history, the Heimatmuseum-         Almost 5,000 steps greet visitors in the well-
spaces available for personal vehicles. Wedel is     Wedel (Local History Museum) also harbours           known ‘Stair District’ of Blankenese. The laby-
a 30-minute walk away. Public transport and          reminders of this handicraft steeped in tradition.   rinthine alleys and small villas on the hillside
an extensive network of shops can be found           www.museuminfonet.de/museum-wedel/                   bordering the Elbe create an enchanting at-
within 2 km. www.hamburger-yachthafen.de

back to general map                             22                                                                                                           23
Hamburg                                              Wilhelmsburg
City Sporthafen Hamburg                              Holstenkaten Harbour                                 Excursion destinations
The City Sporthafen is a guest marina with           This harbour run by the Reiherstieg Sailor’s         The nearby Heuckenlock nature preserve is
80 to 120 slips for vessels up to about 50 m         Club is located on the northern side of the          the only one of its kind in Europe. Nature lo-
in length. The yachts can have a draught of          Southern Elbe – at kilometre 613.7 – in the          vers will find it to be a veritable treasure trove,
between 2.50 m and 4 m. There are generally          Holstenkaten Marina. The marina is in a quiet        with its great diversity of plant life (over 700
free spots available for yachts up to 20 m in        and protected location bordering directly on         species) as well as its wealth of bird species
length. The marina is protected against swells       the Heuckenlock natural preserve. Due to             for whom the tall reeds (up to 5 m) serve as
(be aware of the currents) and has modern            its shallow depth, it is best to approach the        perfect breeding grounds and a plentiful sour-
bathroom facilities with showers. There is a         marina up to one hour before or after low            ce of food. At low tide, you are likely to run
power hookup at every slip, a petrol station         tide. Guests are welcome to dock their boats         across tidal channels in the Heuckenlock that
near the harbour, petrol supply, and WLAN.
Access to the marina by land is closed at night,
though guests can obtain a key from the har-
bourmaster. Guests at the City Sporthafen are
welcome to dine on the lightship.

Excursion destinations
The Speicherstadt, St Pauli Piers, Fish Market,
Old Elbe Tunnel, St Michael’s Church, Por-
tuguese District, and the new part of the city
– Hafen City, with its ‘Sandtorhafen’ museum
harbour – are all in close proximity to the
harbour. Stiftung Hamburg Maritim (Hamburg
Maritime Foundation) posts opportunities for
visitors to ride along on traditional ships at
www.stiftung-hamburg-maritim.de. Of course,
the Hanseatic City still has a lot more for you      (sailors as well as those with a motor boat).        refill quickly at high tide.
to experience and discover. Near the harbour,        The Sailor’s Club has WLAN. Bathroom faci-           Directly across from the Heuckenlock on
you will have access to public transport that        lities with showers are available in the club-       the other side of the Southern Elbe is the
will take you through the metropolis to a wide       house. You will also have a grill pavilion with      Schweenssand nature preserve. Heuckenlock
array of different landmarks, cultural offerings,    a view of the harbour at your disposal. There        and Schweenssand, while large areas, constitu-
and parks. Information, events, etc.:                are power and water hookups and shopping             te only what is left of the formerly much more
www.metropolregion-hamburg.de,                       in the nearby shopping centre, approximately         extensive grassy freshwater marshland subject
www.hamburg-tourism.de.                              10–15 minutes away by foot. There is also a          to the ebb and flow of the tides.
                                                     dockyard, sailmaker, ship chandler, police sta-
                                                     tion, post office, and motor workshop. The
                                                     Sailor’s Club also has slips available on the Lo-
                                                     wer Elbe. www.svr-hamburg.de

back to general map                             24                                                   25
From Hamburg to the North Sea
Its many different types of harbours make         and much more.                                   tours, and tourist attractions from the indivi-
the maritime landscape of the Lower Elbe an       The picturesque landscape of the Lower           dual harbours.
ideal playground for water sports that simply     Elbe is an attractive place for excursions       We hope you have a relaxing stay and a good
beckons for a visit.                              around the surrounding area, with a bicycle,     trip, and we look forward to
Its offerings include the historic ewer harbour   for example.                                     seeing you again. Ahoy!
in the Kehdinger District; the city harbours      The harbours and marinas listed in this Skip-
in Bremervörde, Buxtehude, and Stade; the         per Guide offer guest slips with supply and
Schleusenmeile Brunsbüttel lock mile; and         disposal hookup infrastructures. You can get
the largest tide-independent marina in Euro-      even more information on service offerings,
pe, the Wedel Marina, which offers 2,000 slips    shopping, sightseeing, doctors, chemists, bike
                           Harburg Marina                                        light: ‘Leinen Los’ (Anchors Away) Harbour               Finkenwerder Kutterscholle) is a famous fish
                           Call VHF Channel 13 or phone number 040-              Festival: www.harburger-hafenfest.de,                    dish. In fishing and seafaring villages, you can
                           428471351 to have the Harburg lock opened             www. kulturwerkstatt-harburg.de.                         enjoy it in historic restaurants. Am Neßdeich
                           (operates 24 hours a day). A total of 70 ships                                                                 6 is the birthplace of author Gorch Fock (the
                           can dock in the tide-free dockyard with a wa-                                                                  best-known pen name of Johann Wilhelm Ki-
                           ter depth of 5.60 m of the Harburg Yacht Cen-                                                                  nau), and the ‘Gorch Fock House’ is open to
                           tre all year round. Guests who will be docking        Rüsch Marina                                             the public.
                           their boats are encouraged to register. There         The marina in the Rüsch Canal offers spaces
                           are water and power hookups. Modern ba-               for ships up to 15 m long and does not de-
                           throom facilities, washing machine, bicycles, a       pend on the tides. Guests are welcome to
                           playground, a grill, and WLAN are all available.      dock their boats. There is a slip facility, and a
                           There is a petrol station in the vicinity of the      crane can also be made available. Small ship
                           marina. There are also shops on-site. Various         repairs can be performed on-site by the adjoi-
                           providers offering boat-related services can          ning Feltz-Werft. There are bathroom facilities
                           be found at the harbour. Extensive shopping           with showers, washing machines, dryers, and
                           and leisure options, as well as public transport      internet access available.
                           (bus, tramway and long-distance train), are all       www.marinaruesch.de
                           within walking distance.
                           www.yachtzentrum-harburg.de                           Heuer Boatyard
                                                                                 The Heuer Boatyard harbour is located on the
                           Peter Knief Boatyard                                  Rüsch Canal in the Finkenwerder.There are 150
                           The boatyard in the Hamburg Inner Harbour             summer slips available at the floating dock.The
                           offers guest slips in its marina in addition to the   slips are equipped with power hook-ups, and
                                                                                                                                          If you decide to take a dip in the outdoor pool
                           usual services. www.bootswerft-peterknief.de          there is a central area with fresh water supply
                                                                                                                                          at Gorch Fock Park, don’t be surprised if you
                                                                                 and sewage disposal. There is a slip facility and
                                                                                                                                          see a few enormous container ships floating
                           Excursion destinations                                crane.There is a bathroom area on the premi-
                                                                                                                                          practically right at the edge of the pool. The
                           An atmosphere of urban change domina-                 ses of the boatyard for customers and guests.
                                                                                                                                          ocean liners of the HVV operate regularly on
                           tes the Harburg Harbour. The harbour area             www.bootswerftheuer.de
                                                                                                                                          the other side of the Elbe, travelling from Fin-
                           is managed by young companies. Old silos,                                                                      kenwerder to Hamburg. Teufelsbrück (Devil’s
                           warehouses, and office complexes are being            Excursion destinations
                                                                                                                                          Bridge), Blankenese, Museumshafen Ovelgön-
                           repurposed for intriguing new uses and, from          The Finkenwerde Cutter Harbour is home to                ne Museum Harbour, the Fish Market, St Pauli
                           an architectural perspective, are being recon-        the open-sea cutter LANDRATH KÜSTER.                     Piers, and Hafencity are all destinations with
                           figured in exciting new ways. The restaurant          Today, the ‘Freunden des Hochseekutters                  easy reach.
                           industry established itself here long ago – in-       Landrath Küster e.V.’ (‘Friends of the Landrath
                           novative ideas continue to attract ever more          Küster’) maintain and operate the historic cut-
                           guests to the ‘Channel Hamburg’. Just take a          ter. Its members organise public trips regularly.
                           tour of discovery through the harbour area            www.hf231.de
                           and see for yourself. Hamburg city centre is          If you’re getting hungry: Finkenwerder Schol-
                           also just a short tram ride away with the tram-       le (also called Finkenwerder Speckscholle or
                           way (Harburg-Rathaus Station). Event high-

back to general map   28                                                                                                             29
Lower Saxony

BWV Hansa Marina and Floating Dockyard                    MARGARETA at anchor. The old Buxtehude             guests ask the harbourmaster or mem-            the Alte Land. Route, schedule, and prices:
The fixed facilities of the Hansa on der Este             Hanseatic Harbour is a tide-dependent pier         bers of the Altländer Yacht Club which slip     www.elbe-radwanderbus.de.
Butehude Water Sport Club have up to 35                   for passenger ships and launches, making it the    would be best. Bicycles can be borrowed         Jork should definitely be a stop on your
places for boats. These spaces are especially             starting point for a wealth of tours around the    from the harbourmaster free of charge.          tour. Traditionally dressed guides lead vi-
suitable for sailing yachts, flat-bottomed sail           Este and Elbe rivers. A variety of tours are of-   The ‘Möwennest’ cafe and restaurant at          sitors through the idyllic town centre,
boats, and flat motor boats. Free slips are               fered around the introspective historic district   the harbour has freely accessible, modern       dominated by the historic Gräfenhof City
marked in green and with a date. Ask the har-             of the city. Information and event calendar:       bathroom facilities. Farm shops and res-        Building, the current city building. Hid-
bourmaster when in doubt. The guest area at               www.buxtehude.de                                   taurants are a few minutes away on foot.        den in the St Matthias Church is an Arp
the front of the Buxtehude Marina can ac-                 A free City Guide with city map and landmarks      The historic town centre of Jork is 3 km        Schnitger organ. The Altes Land Museum
commodate 8–10 boats with a length of up to               awaits you at the city information centre.         away. The Altländer Yacht Club operates         in Jork recounts the region‘s histor y, in
10 m and a maximum draught of 1.3 m. Large                                                                   the harbour.                                    par ticular details about fruit agriculture,
sailing boats, launches, and passenger ships can                                                             www.ayc-jork.de                                 seafaring, and local handicrafts. Most of
dock at the pier (maximum length 25 m, width                                                                                                                 all, the Alte Land always has a ver y busy
5.5 m, draught 1.5 m). Ships with a draught               Neuenschleuse Marina                               Excursion destinations                          event calendar, especially during the busy
exceeding 80 cm should be capable of weat-                The Neuenschleuse Marina is tide-depen-            The best way to explore the Alte Land           season. Highlights: Cherr y Week with a
hering low tides. Bathrooms and hookups for               dent and has about 120 slips for boats of          is by bike. The Neuenschleuse Marina is         cherr y market, blossom festival, and Viking
water and power are available.                            various sizes up to a maximum draught of           the perfect star ting point for adventures      festival. Visitors can get tips for discover y
www.bwvhansa.de                                           about 1.80 m. Ever y slip has power and            through the largest continuous fruit cul-       tours through the Alte Land at Tourismus-
                                                          water hookups. Guest slips are marked              tivation area in Nor thern Europe. From         verein Altes Land e.V. (www.tourismus-
Excursion destinations                                    in green. Due to the hard ground below,            mid-April until the beginning of October,       altesland.de) and at the House of the
In the middle of the historic city centre, you’ll         some slips are not suitable for keel ships         the Elbe Radwanderbus Bicycle Tour Bus          Maritime Landscape of the Lower Elbe in
run across the Fleth, the oldest artificially con-        with a deep draught when an easterly               stops at the Neuenschleuse Harbour sta-         Grünendeich. www.maritime-elbe.de
structed inner harbour dock in Northern Eu-               wind is blowing. It is recommended that            tion and picks up cyclists as well as hikers
rope. It is here you will find the historic ewer                                                             to take them along on its drive through

back to general map                                  30                                                                                                 31
Grünendeich Marina                                    register ahead of time over the phone. Chan-       operated by the Steinkirchen Harbour Asso-           a tour guide explain the peculiarities of the
The marina operated by the Lühe Water                 ging exhibitions and an interactive, walkable      ciation (HGS). Guest slips are marked with a         splendid houses. The Baroque aisleless church
Sports Club (WSC) and the Altländer Yacht             model of the Lower Elbe invite guests to stay      green sign. Guests docking at the harbour can        St Martini et Nicolai is home to a very special
Centre (AYZ) offers slips at floating docks that,     a while. www.maritime-elbe.de                      obtain a key to the pedestrian bridge. Pow-          treasure: An Arp Schnitger organ. A stroll to
with a constant water depth of 1.4 m to 2.2           Twielenfleth Lighthouse houses an exhibiti-        er and water hookups are available. No ba-           the Hogendiekbrücke Bridge (a Dutch-style
m, will never dry up.The long dock facility with      on of ship models from 1893 to the present         throom facilities. Shopping and restaurants are      drawbridge) is an absolute must for visitors
guest slips marked in green is protected by the       day that can be visited upon request (phone        located within walking distance in Steinkirchen.     to Steinkirchen. You can find the schedule for
Elbe islands. Shower, toilets, and hookups for        04141-76814). A visit to an outdoor pool is        Contact HGS:                                         tours given by tour guides in traditional Alt
power and water are available. Services at the        the perfect activity for a tour to Hollern-Twie-   hafengemeinschaft-steinkirchen@web.de                Land dress at the tourist information centre.
marina: Crane, slip facility, boat builder, engine    lenfleth. The outdoor pool is located directly                                                          www.tourismus-altesland.de
workshop, sailmaker, and fuelling station.            on the Elbe with a view of the ‘großen Pötte’.     Excursion destinations:
www.wsc-luehe.de, www.stade.city-map.de/de/           A ferry departing from the Lühe floating dock      Take the opportunity to stroll through the
altlaender-yachtzentrum                               connects the two banks of the Elbe. Wedel          old village centre of Steinkirchen and around
                                                      and the Ship Greeting Station are noteworthy       the market – if the opportunity arises, have
                                                      destinations on the other side of the Elbe that
                                                      can be easily reached with the ferry.

                                                      Steinkirchen Floating Dock Facility
                                                      Anyone wanting to dock in Steinkirchen is go-
                                                      ing to have to pass the Lühe lock gate on the
                                                      The lock gate’s drawbridge is always closed
                                                      and can be opened for passing ships. From
                                                      15 April to 30 September, the attendant is on
                                                      duty from three hours before high tide until
                                                      three hours after high tide, but only between
Excursion destinations:                               9 am and 8 pm. At any other time, it can be
Talk to experts for information on the mariti-        opened upon request after a phone call is
me offerings of Hamburg and the North Sea             made (phone 0170-4920272). Further along
at the House of the Maritime Landscape of             the Lühe are the old lock gate (now a road
the Lower Elbe. Captain Bruns regularly leads         bridge) and the ‘Hogendiekbrücke’ Bridge in
guests through the exhibition on the in-house         the middle of Steinkirchen. The clearance de-
captain’s bridge, and anyone wanting to disco-        pends on the tides, being 2.50 m at high tide
ver the endless expanses of the universe with         and 4 m at half-tide. At kilometre 4 along the
Captain Ohlrogge in the planetarium should            river is a new, 98-metre-long lock gate system

back to general map                              32                                                                                                      33
                           Stade Municipal Harbour                                   cinema, and a bowling alley right at the harbour.
                           The Stade Municipal Harbour located right                 There are sailmakers and equipment shops
                           at the gates of the historic city centre is fully         near the harbour. The nearby city centre offers
                           equipped with a harbourmaster’s office, ba-               additional shopping. The harbour is run by the
                           throom facilities, and derrick.The municipal har-         Stade Public Services.
                           bour has 160 m of floating docks where boats              www.stadtwerke-stade.de
                           can dock lengthwise. Guests are welcome. Ple-
                           ase register with the harbourmaster (04141-               SC Diamant Marina, Stade
                           404510) and pay the docking fee. Groups form              The Diamant Marina (SCD) is located 200 m
                           on the weekends. At low tide, there is hardly             in front of the industrial railway drawbridge in
                           any water for manoeuvring at low tide.You can             front of a sluice gate on the starboard side. It
                           reach the municipal harbour by following the              maintains 54 slips. Guests are welcome. The
                           Schwinge stream course, which joins the Elbe              harbour is tide-dependent and will dry up ap-
                           at Stadersand. A road drawbridge will have to             proximately two to two and a half hours before
                           open before you can enter the harbour. It can             and after low tide.There are bathroom facilities,
                           be opened between 6 am and 10 pm as traffic               hook-ups for power and water available at the
                           allows. There are waiting docks available. There          floating dock. Slip track and derrick are availab-
                           is a tourist information centre and entertain-            le.The harbour has two bicycles that it lends for
                           ment centre with bistros, a restaurant, a hotel, a        free. There are restaurants about 1.5 km away,

back to general map   34                                                        35
shopping about 2.5 km away, and the city cen-            be used, and there is also a football field and
tre is 3 km away.                                        playground for children. The harbourmaster or
www.sc-diamant.de                                        a representative is generally on-site in the after-
                                                         noons. www.myc-stade.com
Stader Sand Docking Area
                                                         Excursion destinations
The docking area of the Stade Sailing Club at
the Schwinge lock gate in Stadersand is tide-            The Hanseatic City of Stade, its picturesque his-
dependent and will partially dry up during ex-           toric city centre, and the oldest harbour on the
treme low tides. The boats are left in boxes on          Lower Elbe – the Hanseatic Harbour of Stade
the main dock or lengthwise along the docks              – are all worth a visit. With its exhibits on the
upstream. Docking options for guests should              city’s history, including prehistory, early history,
be discussed with the harbourmaster (04141-              and the Hanseatic Period, as well as its harbour-
7305). When there is heavy flow at the lock              related artefacts and changing exhibitions, the
gate, this can cause strong currents moving              museum in the Schwedenspeicher (Swedish
downstream. The association has about 100                Warehouse) is located right on the old Hanse-
slips, and guests are welcome. There is a boat           atic Harbour of Stade. www.museen-stade.de
lifting system, a mast crane, and a skiff slip (limi-    The municipal harbour is home to the historic
ted). The clubhouse is located above the dock,           coastal motor ship GREUNDIEK, which offers
and guests can register to use it. Additional in-        guests rides as a cultural ship and an ambassa-
formation on travelling to the Hanseatic cities          dor for the maritime landscape of the Lower
about 5 km away and the shopping located                 Elbe. www.greundiek.de
there can be found at the clubhouse. Power               Even the harbour crane in the municipal har-
and water hookups are located at the docks, as           bour is open to the public. Guests can scale the       abbenfleth
is a playground. There are bicycles that guests          maritime monument upon request.
and their children can borrow free of charge.            www.stader-hafenkran.de                                Abbenfleth Marina                                       Excursion destinations
www.seglerverein-stade.de                                                                                       Operated by the Abbenfleth Water Sports                 Grauerort Fortress, a fully preserved walled
                                                         City tours, canal boat tours, city festivals, boat
                                                         tours, and rides on historic ships or the Tiden-       Club, this marina is tide-dependent. It can             fortress, acts as a staging ground for open-air
Harbour of the Stade Motor Boat and
                                                         kieker (www.tidenkieker.de) are just a few of          be approached approximately three hours                 cultural events and can also be visited. Tours
Yacht Club
                                                         the many attractions that draw visitors to the         before and after high tide with draughts up             of the facility are offered at set times. A local
The harbour of the MYC Stade is located on               city. General and event information at                 to 1.65 m. The ground is soft, so even keel             railway also circles the area surrounding the
the right bank of the Schwinge toward the rail-          www.stade-tourismus.de.                                boats shouldn’t have a problem. Guests are              fortress grounds when it is open.
way bridge. It is not possible to approach the                                                                  welcome (floating docks). A lock gate (gene-            www.grauerort.com
harbour during low tide. Easterly winds can so-                                                                 rally folded up) protects the marina from high          The modern Bützfleth outdoor pool is about
metimes reduce the water level considerably.                                                                    and low tides. Power and water hookups at               2 km away from the harbour and beckons
Smaller boats can easily moor in the lower har-                                                                 the docks. Bathroom facilities are available in         with numerous attractions for swimming, play,
bour. It is recommended that ships over 10 m                                                                    the clubhouse. Up by the lock gate, there is            and relaxation. www.buetzflether-freibad.de
dock in the upper harbour. There are sufficient                                                                 a playground with grill station. Bicycles can be
slips for guests in both harbours. There are po-                                                                borrowed. There are stores within walking
wer and water hookups on the docks. Modern                                                                      distance (approximately 15 minutes away) in
bathroom facilities with showers are available.                                                                 Bützfleth. Bus connection to Stade.
The grilling station in front of the clubhouse can                                                              www.awsv.org

back to general map                                 36                                                                                                             37
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