Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal - Building a world-class experience economy - ENAT European Network for Accessible ...

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal - Building a world-class experience economy - ENAT European Network for Accessible ...
Tourism Sector Deal
Building a world-class
experience economy
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal - Building a world-class experience economy - ENAT European Network for Accessible ...
    The United Kingdom is rich                  We are introducing Tourism Zones,          The government will introduce two
    in cultural heritage; it offers             which will bring businesses and local      new T levels in Cultural Heritage and
    landscapes of outstanding                   organisations together to establish        Visitor Attractions, and Catering, to
    natural beauty as well as vibrant           a coordinated strategy for growth          help deliver the industry workers
                                                in their local visitor economy and         of the future, whilst industry will
    city life and urban attractions.
                                                to increase off-season visits. Small       deliver 30,000 apprenticeships
    From the one thousand years                 and medium enterprises (SMEs) in           per year by 2025 and will lead a
    of history of the Tower of                  these areas will receive targeted          mentoring programme aimed at
    London to the unique Giant’s                digital skills training and be offered     supporting 10,000 employees to
    Causeway clifftop experience in             practical guidance in management and       enhance their careers and ensure
    Northern Ireland, UK tourism                leadership through the Be the Business     they can progress within the sector.
    offers enduring memories and                programme to boost productivity.           We will also work together to ensure
    experiences for both domestic and           We are launching a new independent         that the UK becomes the most
    inbound visitors.                           Tourism Data Hub with input from some      accessible tourism destination in Europe
                                                of our biggest travel companies - online   by 2025, increasing the number of
    In 2018, the UK attracted 38 million        travel agents, booking platforms, and      international disabled visitors by a third.
    international visitors and this number      banking and credit card companies.
    is expected to grow by a quarter by                                                    The UK will continue to be Europe’s
                                                This will allow organisations, including   leading hub for hotel investment
    2025. Tourism is our calling card           SMEs, to make the most of the big
    to the world, and it has never been                                                    for the next decade with industry
                                                data revolution to understand visitor      committing to build over 130,000
    more important to ensure that Britain       activity and product preferences.
    continues to be a world-class destination                                              additional bedrooms by 2025, with the
    competing for global business.                                                         majority of these outside of London.
    This Sector Deal backs our small
    businesses, our entrepreneurs
    and our innovators. It sets out an
    ambitious agenda that will deliver
    the increases in productivity and
    investment that will benefit local
    economies right across the country.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal - Building a world-class experience economy - ENAT European Network for Accessible ...
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Alongside the Sector Deal, the
UK government is publishing an
International Business Events Action
Plan. The Action Plan outlines in
detail how the government will
support the business events industry
in attracting, growing and creating        Rt Hon Greg Clark MP
international business events to           Secretary of State for Business,
bring even greater numbers of              Energy and Industrial Strategy
business travellers to UK shores.
Together these measures will ensure
the tourism industry can continue
to grow and benefit every region of
the UK. This Sector Deal will ensure
visitors will continue to offer visitors
both now and in future the very best
experiences of our incredible country.     Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP
                                           Secretary of State for Digital,
                                           Culture, Media and Sport

                                           Steve Ridgway CBE
                                           Chairman of the British Tourist
                                           Authority Board and Tourism
                                           Industry Lead for the Sector Deal

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Executive Summary
The Tourism Sector Deal sets out how the government and
industry will work in partnership to boost productivity, develop
the skills of the UK workforce and support destinations to enhance
their visitor offer.
The government’s modern Industrial          With this predicted increase in visitors,
Strategy sets out a long-term               there needs to be investment in
plan to boost the productivity and          the infrastructure to accommodate
earning power of people throughout          and entertain them. 130,000 hotel
the UK. The tourism sector has              rooms will be built over the next five
the scale and geographical reach            years, representing the largest hotel
to deliver on this ambition.                investment anywhere in Europe. 75
                                            per cent of these new rooms will be
Increase in visitor numbers
                                            outside the capital, supporting the
In 2018 the UK attracted 38 million         government’s intention that the
international visitors, who added           benefits of tourism should be felt
£23bn to the economy1, making               across the whole of the UK.
tourism one of the country’s most           Significant investment will also be
important industries and the third          made in attractions by the private
largest service export. Current forecasts   and public sectors —including
predict the sector will deliver a 23 per    investment in both our natural and
cent increase in inbound visitors by        built heritage, museums and arts.
20252. Domestic tourism is also set to
                                            Investment will also be made in the
increase by an estimated 3 per cent
                                            people who work in the sector, so that
per annum until 20253. In 2018, British
                                            the growth in visitor numbers can,
residents took 119 million overnight
                                            in turn, create equivalent growth in
trips in the UK, totalling 372 million
                                            well-paid employment opportunities.
nights away and spending £24bn4.
                                            The industry will create 30,000
The Deal seeks to develop the               apprenticeship starts each year and
infrastructure necessary for this           a new mentoring scheme will help
influx of visitors. It also creates a       10,000 employees develop their careers
framework to position industry to take      in the sector. This will complement
advantage of new markets as well            a commitment by the government
as leveraging initiatives designed to       to ensure that our education system
deliver the Grand Challenges relating       supports the industry’s needs, including
to the data-driven economy, clean           the rollout of two new T level courses.
growth and an ageing society.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

This will ensure that visitors to
the UK are served by a highly
knowledgeable and skilled workforce.
                                          Visitors of the Future
                                          In recent years, competition around          Industrial Strategy
                                          the world has seen a race to build the
                                          best understanding of customers, both        Foundations
                                          in how they travel, but also how they
Resources will also be better used as     search, feel inspired and spend their
a result of this deal, as productivity    money. It is no longer simply a              A key ambition for the Industrial Strategy is to establish long-
in the sector is currently hampered
by the overreliance on the traditional
                                          case of looking backwards at                 term partnerships between industry and the government that
                                          trends to understand the future.             aim to transform productivity and boost earning power in sectors
July-September peak season. 38 per        To be globally competitive,
cent of holidays by inbound visitors      we need real-time data and so we will
                                                                                       across the UK.
take place in these three months5. This   develop a new Tourism Data Hub, which        This Sector Deal brings together a         This Deal puts small businesses at the
deal sets out how the UK will increase    will help Britain make the most of its       coalition of government, businesses        heart of the sector’s innovation by
the number of off-season visitors         tourism offer by understanding the           and trade associations who have            creating a Tourism Data Hub. This will
via two major interventions. Firstly,     motivation and movement of its visitors.     a shared ambition to improve the           enable the sharing of data from major
the government will create up to five     The Tourism Data Hub will be a               industry’s performance and help to         tourism businesses, which will allow the
new Tourism Zones to support areas        ground-breaking new way of helping the       fulfil its potential and deliver wide-     sector to understand consumer habits
wishing to improve their tourism offer,   sector to gain a better understanding of     reaching benefits. It reinforces the       and target them more effectively.
particularly focusing on those areas      its potential market. The UK also has the    five foundations of the Industrial
looking to boost off-season visits.       ambition to become the most accessible       Strategy: Ideas, People, Infrastructure,   People
Secondly, business events often drive     tourism destination in Europe by 2025,       Business Environment and Places, as        The government set out in the Industrial
inbound visits outside of peak leisure    increasing the number of international       well as maximising the opportunities       Strategy its vision to create good jobs
season, and the UK government is          visitors with disabilities by 33 per cent.   from the Grand Challenges.                 and greater earning power for all. The
launching an International Business                                                                                               tourism sector supports an estimated
Events Action Plan in conjunction with
                                                                                       Ideas                                      1.6 million jobs across the UK6, giving
the Sector Deal. This plan sets out                                                    The Industrial Strategy commits to         it the potential to offer development
how the UK will maintain its position                                                  establishing the UK as the world’s most    opportunities right across the country.
as a leading nation for hosting                                                        innovative economy.                        In the future, the industry will seek to
business events in Europe and sets                                                     The tourism sector has always been         attract, train and retain a more skilled
out clear steps to bring more major                                                    at the heart of new technology             workforce. This ambition will be overseen
conferences and exhibitions to the UK.                                                 including some of the world’s best-        by a newly formed Hospitality and
                                                                                       known websites for booking flights,        Tourism Skills Board, chaired by Grant
                                                                                       holidays and accommodation.                Hearn, former CEO of Travelodge. The
                                                                                       But there are also obstacles to            Board will oversee a significant increase
                                                                                       this innovation, including the high        in the number of approved apprenticeship
                                                                                       proportion of small businesses             starts to 30,000 a year by 2025 and a
                                                                                       who can find it challenging to             mentoring programme to support 10,000
                                                                                       obtain market intelligence for             employees to enhance their careers and
                                                                                       accurate business planning.                ensure they remain within the sector.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Industry will lead a £1m retention and       The government wishes to make
recruitment campaign, to demonstrate         holidays in the UK available for all
to young people that tourism can             and for the UK to become the most
be a life-long, fulfilling, career.          accessible destination in Europe. In
                                             recent years the sector has made
Infrastructure                               significant contributions to improving
The Industrial Strategy commits to           accessibility and to support that
upgrading the UK’s infrastructure and        laudable, as well as astute, investment
as part of that, the Tourism Sector          the UK government will convene a
Deal sets out how the public and             conference to share good practice
private sectors will invest in our assets,   and discuss where best to target our
from attractions to transport and            interventions. The British Tourist
accommodation. This investment will          Authority has committed to producing
allow us to prepare for the extra 23         a new space on their website to
per cent visitors we expect annually         provide tourists with comprehensive
by 2025 and ensure that our offer            accessibility information. Additionally,
remains world-leading in an ever-            the organisation will take more
increasing competitive marketplace.          steps to ensure that all its marketing
This investment includes the addition of     collateral is as inclusive as possible.
130,000 hotel rooms across the UK by         There are 200,000 Small and medium
2025, 75 per cent of which are outside       sized enterprises in the tourism industry
the capital. Investment is also being        that often require business support,
made in attractions across the country       from understanding international
from the English Coast Path - the            markets to helping them go digital.
longest coastal path in the world - to       The British Tourist Authority currently
a new Game of Thrones studio tour in         offers a range of support to them
Northern Ireland. The range of tourism       and this support will be enhanced
product available and currently in           through the Great Britain Tourism
development has never been so varied.        Exchange, a business-to-business
                                             platform which connects tourism
Business Environment
                                             suppliers to global distributors.
The UK government’s new International
Business Events Action Plan will
create the right environment for
attracting business events to the UK,
enabling us to maintain our position
as a leading destination for hosting
international business events in Europe.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Places                                 Devolved Nations
The Industrial Strategy commits to     The British Tourist Authority is the
helping prosperous communities         national tourist agency, responsible
thrive across the UK. Tourism is       for marketing Britain worldwide and
about place building — its success     developing Britain’s visitor economy.
is based on developing and caring      However, tourism is a devolved
for local attractions and amenities    competence, as such, England,
and managing growth so that            Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales,
investment enhances the lives of       each have their own national board
local residents as well as visitors.   responsible for attracting visitors. The
In rural areas diversification into    UK government, where appropriate,
tourism, by farmers, has helped keep   will continue to consult the devolved
their businesses sustainable and       governments on future work and
protected our landscape. In many       join up on projects the devolved
coastal areas tourism is the lead      governments would like to partner in.
employer and source of economic        There are also a number of policies
growth. The development of Tourism     outlined in this document where the
Zones, will see the government         competence is not devolved, most
and industry support the most          notably visas and immigration. The
innovative and ambitious areas         Skills and Hospitality Board established
to grow their visitor economy.         by the industry proposes working with
                                       all four nations on the skills agenda.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

To generate good jobs and greater earning power for all
To ensure high quality tourism training is available, so that the sector can attract,
retain and develop a workforce with the skills it needs both now and in the future.

     Government action to support tourism

     Skills                                 ``
                                             The government will engage fully
      The government will work closely       with industry during its Post-16
       with industry on the rollout           Qualifications review to ensure the
       of two new T Level courses to          sector has an opportunity to feed
       help deliver the hospitality and       into future policy development.
       tourism workers of the future.       ``
                                             The Department for Work
      The government will continue           and Pensions will continue its
       working with industry, through         partnership agreement with the
       ‘Fire It Up’ and other campaigns,      hospitality industry to help provide
       to promote apprenticeship and the      its customers with a structured
       opportunities for careers in the       route into work in the Sector.
       hospitality and tourism sector.

     Sector action to support tourism

      The sector will create 30,000        ``
                                             A new industry mentoring
       apprenticeship starts each year        programme will be developed
       by 2025, covering all grades,          to support 10,000 employees
       from entry-level roles up to           each year. This will aim to
       degree-level apprenticeship, and       enhance careers as well as
       across a range of disciplines.         helping to ensure talented people
      Employers will commit over £1m of      remain within the sector.
       funding to an ambitious retention    ``
                                             The sector will increase
       and recruitment programme              the percentage of the
       to revolutionise the pipeline of       workforce receiving in-work
       talent that joins the sector.          training to 80 per cent.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

The Industrial Strategy seeks to develop prosperous communities
throughout the United Kingdom.
Developing the visitor economy and places that people want to visit.

     Government action to support tourism

      The government will pilot up to five   ``
                                               Tourism Zones will also receive
       new Tourism Zones to increase            a range of support co-ordinated
       visitor numbers across the country.      by central government.
       More information about the
       bidding process will be released
       later in the year, with a view to
       commencing projects in 2020.

     Sector action to support tourism

      Tourism Zones will be developed        ``
                                               A range of larger businesses have
       and delivered by businesses              offered training and support for
       local authorities and Local              small and medium enterprises
       Enterprise Partnerships (in              within Tourism Zones.
       England) who will determine the
       specific priorities of an area.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Business Environment                                                                   Infrastructure
To be the best place to start and grow a business                                      A major upgrade to the UK’s Infrastructure
To improve the productivity of the tourist industry and establish the UK               To ensure the tourism sector can support the government’s ambition
as a global leader by increasing visitor numbers throughout the year.                  to deliver a major upgrade to the UK’s infrastructure.

     Government action to support tourism                                                Government action to support tourism

      Alongside the Sector Deal the            he UK government will achieve
                                               T                                         ``
                                                                                          The UK government will make           ``
                                                                                                                                  The UK government will launch
       UK government’s International           this by providing support in relation       travel to the UK and around the         a new £250k competition to
       Business Events Action Plan 2019-       to the six key drivers that event           UK easier for tourists through the      improve broadband connectivity
       2025 has been published and sets        decision makers consider when               development of its Maritime and         in conference centres. This will
       out the steps the UK government         determining where to host an                Aviation strategies, as well as a       be a UK wide competition.
       will take to support the UK to          event, from providing government            number of rail policy developments.   ``
                                                                                                                                  The UK will build on its excellent
       maintain its position as a leading      advocacy to financial support.            ``
                                                                                          The UK government is investing          existing offer, to become the most
       destination for hosting international                                               in a number of projects across          accessible destination in Europe.
       business events in Europe.                                                          the Museums, Heritage and             ``
                                                                                                                                  The British Tourist Authority
                                                                                           Arts sectors that will enhance          will increase their publicity
                                                                                           visitor’s experience. These include     about accessible travel and
     Sector action to support tourism                                                      supporting the conservation             provide inbound visitors with
                                                                                           work at Wentworth Woodhouse,            increased information about
      The Events Industry Board, set up       These priorities are being                  the development of a new                the accessibility offer in the UK
       to advise government, has identified    considered by working groups                interpretation centre at Jodrell        through a brand new website.
       two priority areas which they           set up by the Board and will                Bank and the development
       can help and support - skills and       report later in the year.                   of England’s Coast Path, the
       infrastructure.                                                                     world’s longest coastal path.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

  Sector action to support tourism

   Industry will create an extra          ``
                                            The sector will support the UK
    130,000 bedrooms across the UK           government’s ambition to be
    by 2025 - a significant increase of 21   most accessible destination in
    per cent in accommodation stock.         Europe. They will take forward a
  ``Industry will continue to invest        number of measures, including
     in tourism attractions and              better coordination of accessible
     innovative products, to remain a        itineraries online, and increasing
     global leader in the experiences        the visibility of people with
     the UK offers visitors.                 accessibility issues in promotion
                                             and marketing campaigns.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

To be the world’s most innovative economy
To increase the capacity of the sector to innovate by accelerating the
development of digital technology and reducing barriers in the sector

  Government action to support tourism

   The government has supported          ``
                                           The UK government has provided
    the British Tourist Authority           £40k to the Tourism Alliance
    development of Tourism Exchange         in England to carry out further
    Great Britain. Launching in             research on how, where and why
    June 2019, this is an online            businesses within the sector
    business-to-business platform,          obtain advice on compliance,
    which will connect tourism              which will inform the shape
    suppliers to global distributors.       of further advisory services
                                            including Primary Authority.

  Sector action to support tourism

   The industry and British Tourist        for location, activities and products
    Authority will work together to         in real time. It will also enable the
    create a new, independent Tourism       sector for the first time to gather
    Data Hub, which can help the            better data about the people
    sector across the UK to better          choosing not to holiday in the UK.
    understand visitors’ preferences

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

People                                                                                  Case study: Birmingham City Airport

                                                                                        As one of the UK’s major                    for roles in the Airport’s supply chain
The Industrial Strategy aims to boost productivity by backing                           international gateways and a                including security, customer service,
business to create good jobs and increase the earning power of                          supporter of over 30,000 roles in the       retail, catering and ground handling.
people throughout the UK                                                                West Midlands, Birmingham Airport           The Airport also engages with The
                                                                                        has been developing its employment          Prince’s Trust, where they fund the
The People element of the Tourism          - who account for over 85 per cent of        pipeline, ensuring visitors to the UK
Sector Deal outlines how the sector,       those who work in the sector7. Annual                                                    ‘Get into Airports’ programme, a
                                                                                        will continue to receive a world class      pre-employment course supporting
the UK government, and the devolved        churn, however, is high (industry            service. Working with Solihull Council,
administrations will work together         estimates that gross labour turnover in                                                  unemployed young people. The
                                                                                        the Airport has supported the Youth         2017/18 programme saw 51
to invest in the millions of people        hospitality is around 30 per cent, with      Promise Plus programme. The
who have been at the heart of              pub operators estimating churn levels                                                    completing the programme and
                                                                                        Airport has been working with local         39 young people offered positions
hospitality and tourism economy.           as much as 75 per cent and above)8.          young adults ‘Not in Employment,            at the Airport. Ensuring a vibrant
The people who work in hospitality and     Developing the workforce                     Education or Training’ to support           and skilled talent pipeline is key
tourism are not only the cornerstone of                                                 their journey towards sustainable           to the Airport’s expansion plans,
                                           Industry has committed to a number
the sector’s growth in recent years but                                                 employment or training. Over 60             as it intends to increase capacity
                                           of programmes to help attract and
also form one of the fastest growing                                                    Youth Promise Plus participants             by 40 per cent by 2033.
                                           retain talent in the industry, including
sectors of UK employment. Future                                                        have received support in applying
                                           a pledge to provide 30,000 new
economic growth and productivity
                                           apprenticeship starts every year,
gains in this dynamic sector will
                                           in England, by 2025. These new
also, undoubtedly, be driven by the                                                   enhance our understanding of the              These new technical learning
                                           apprenticeship will offer a wide range
commitment and competence of the                                                      specific actions needed to mitigate           opportunities will offer students a mixture
                                           of occupational advancement at all
workforce - and the Tourism Sector                                                    against workforce shortages - in terms        of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’
                                           levels, from entry level to degrees,
Deal will be a pivotal vehicle for                                                    of roles, skills and locations. In this way   experience during an industry placement
                                           and across a variety of disciplines
supporting the personal development                                                   in-work training programmes will be           of at least 45 days. This is another avenue
                                           - with support through the UK
of the people who already make                                                        more targeted and the percentage of           to ensuring future talent has a better
                                           government’s ‘Fire It Up’ programme
UK tourism a global exemplar.                                                         the workforce receiving training rises        expectation of hospitality and tourism
                                           to promote the opportunities.
This workforce is part of a rich and                                                  to 80 per cent by 20219. An annual            roles - as well as the undeniable rewards
                                         Industry as also resolved to deliver a       survey will be created to understand          of working in one of the most flexible,
diverse employment ecosystem
                                         mentoring programme— building on             sector workforce needs in more                lively and convivial sectors in the country.
including travel agents, tour operators,
                                         existing initiatives—that will support       detail and to monitor progress.
bed and breakfast hosts, museum                                                                                                   These two new T levels will create
                                         career development for 10,000
guides, cruise captains, restaurateurs,                                               New qualifications                          fantastic opportunities for those who
                                         employees each year. Mentors
bar staff and pub managers.                                                                                                       wish to work in catering or at attractions,
                                         will signpost personal training              To support this ambitious programme,
The bedrock of the experience that sees and development opportunities                                                             but the hospitality and tourism sector
                                                                                      the UK government will continue to work
domestic and foreign visitors repeatedly through clear demonstration of                                                           provides a vast array of roles and careers
                                                                                      closely with industry to develop vocational
return to their favourite British        appropriate career pathways.                                                             - from bar staff to global hotel managers.
                                                                                      qualifications, including the two new
destinations is created by people who                                                 T levels which will cover Catering, and
                                         Additionally, industry will continue to
work in hotels, pubs and restaurants                                                  Cultural and Heritage Visitor Attractions.
                                         work with the government to further

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

To that end, government will engage         Hospitality and Tourism
with industry during the review of          Skills Board                               Case study: Greene King
post-16 qualifications at level 3 and       The hospitality and tourism sector
below so that stakeholders are able         have committed over £1m of                 In March Greene King launched           The apprenticeship and recruitment
to inform future policy development.        funding to an ambitious programme          The Stepping Up Report, setting         programmes aim to encourage
Not all the sector’s prospective talent     to revolutionise the pipeline of           its ambitions to encourage greater      people to make hospitality a
needs highly technical training, but        talent that joins the sector. This         social mobility. In addition to         career and provide clear career
many school leavers will derive a long-     means working in a different and           Greene King’s commitment to             progression in the industry.
term benefit from targeted guidance         more proactive way with schools,           train 20,000 apprentices by 2022,
that shapes practical skills and delivers   colleges, universities, older workers,     the group is also formulating a
applied learning—underpinning a             JobCentrePlus, returners to work,          new recruitment programme
successful transition into high quality,    charities and hard-to-reach groups.        for ex-offenders and plans to
sustained, employment. This multi-                                                     increase internal appointments.
agency engagement will also contribute
to policy development of the emerging
National Retraining Scheme.                                                          It will combine a new digital approach    pre-interview support, even more
                                                                                     to promoting the multitude of careers     people will be able to emulate the
                                                                                     in the sector with more traditional       millions of others that are thriving as
                                                                                     routes as part of a cohesive campaign     a result of the wealth of opportunities
                                                                                     to support recruitment and retention      from a career in hospitality and tourism.
                                                                                     - with hospitality and tourism career     These are significant commitments
                                                                                     showcases in sector hot spots. It will    and will not be easily achieved. Delivery
                                                                                     be localised so that employer needs       will be overseen by the Hospitality and
                                                                                     in different areas are considered and     Tourism Skills Board. The Board will
                                                                                     will reflect the different educational    be chaired by Grant Hearn, former
                                                                                     frameworks, current initiatives, and      CEO of Travelodge. This will feed into
                                                                                     general landscapes of the four nations.   the Tourism Industry Council, which
                                                                                     It will also, most importantly, mean      will task the Skills Board with fulfilling
                                                                                     there is increased support for reaching   the Sector Deal ambitions. The Board
                                                                                     marginalised and hard-to-reach            will, additionally, identify long-term
                                                                                     potential employees, including those      workforce progress goals, such as a
                                                                                     in rural areas who are often isolated     target for reducing employee churn and
                                                                                     and find it harder to access education    measuring the employment prospects
                                                                                     and employment in their localities.       of participants in the mentoring
                                                                                     The Hospitality and Tourism Skills        scheme, all of which will be measured
                                                                                     Board will build on the partnership       by an annual workforce survey,
                                                                                     created with the Department for Work      administered by UKHospitality and
                                                                                     and Pensions through Hospitality          the British Beer and Pub Association.
                                                                                     Works—so that, with the right

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Places                                                                                  Tourism Zones

                                                                                        The ambition behind Tourism Zones is that they are focused on
Developing the visitor economy and developing places that people                        addressing local market failures in the visitor economy
want to visit                                                                           Each Zone will focus on delivering            The strategy would need to set
The UK government has demonstrated           but many places suffer from issues         increased productivity at a local             out plans for addressing local
its ongoing commitment to developing         surrounding seasonality; around 38         level by initiatives such as enhancing        market failures which are holding
tourism product over the last seven years,   per cent of inbound holiday visits are     tourism product, extending the                back productivity in the area.
from the £40m Discover England Fund,         made in the three months between           tourism season and investing in skills.       Winning strategies are likely to be those
to the £78.8m given to tourism projects      July and September10. This creates a       Tourism is often place specific and           with plans that address market failures
through the Coastal Communities Fund.        number of barriers as it can lead to       it is the uniqueness of a place that          and barriers to productivity, including:
The Coastal Communities Fund has             high staff turnover and low productivity   makes it attractive to visitors. This
been used to support a range of tourism      as businesses close or reduce activity     means that, although areas may have           ``
                                                                                                                                       Options for extending the
initiatives from establishing the National   in the winter months. For example, in      similar issues around seasonality,              tourism season outside of
Coastal Tourism Academy, to supporting       2018 the room occupancy rate in the        solutions may be unique to an area.             the summer months;
heritage railways such as the North York     UK was 85 per cent in July but just        The UK government will be piloting up         ``
                                                                                                                                       Proposals for investing in the
Moors, and pier and lido restoration         63 per cent in January11. If we are to     to five Tourism Zones, and hopes that           skills of the local workforce;
including Clevedon Pier in Somerset          increase productivity in the sector we     bids will reflect the rich diversity of the   ``
                                                                                                                                       Options for making the visitor
There are already excellent products         need to ensure that we increase visitors   country including rural and coastal             economy more accessible;
in every region of the country, which        in the traditional off-peak season.        areas, as well as urban destinations.
                                                                                                                                       Investment opportunities to
attract significant numbers of domestic                                                 Areas will become Tourism Zones via             enhance and innovate the visitor
and international visitors each year,                                                   a bidding process; receiving targeted           experience, for example by
                                                                                        support from government if successful.          promoting a destination’s heritage
  Case study: Diageo/Johnnie Walker                                                     Bids should align with any Local                attractions or by creating an
                                                                                        Industrial Strategy for the area.               attraction around intangible assets;
  In 2018 Diageo announced a                 around Scotland where whisky               Collaboration                                 ``
                                                                                                                                       Options for ‘small-scale’
  £150m investment to transform its          is distilled and hear the stories          The government expects Tourism                  infrastructure developments;
  Scotch whisky visitor experiences          of the people who produce it.              Zones to develop from stakeholder             ``
                                                                                                                                       A commitment to measuring job
  in Scotland. The investment will           This investment in product                 collaboration, therefore in order               quality within the Zone, with a
  facilitate immersive experiences           creation and visitor dispersal inturn      to become a Zone, businesses,                   clear plan for reporting on the
  that will connect visitors to the          supports these local economies             Local Enterprise Partnerships in                metrics chosen and how this
  heritage and science behind                and communities. Diageo invests            England, Destination Management                 information will be used to increase
  an iconic Scottish product.                £1m per year in its Learning for           Organisations and Local Authorities             the provision of good work; and
  The Edinburgh location will be             Life programme, which to date has          will need to join together to develop
  directly linked to four distilleries—      created opportunities for over 1,300       a strategy for how they plan to
  Glenkinchie, Cardhu, Caol Ila and          people with almost 80 per cent             grow their local visitor economy.
  Clynelish—encouraging people to            going on to sustained employment.
  visit the beautiful rural communities

28                                                                                                                                                                             29
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

 In support of our Clean Growth Grand     ``
                                            Working with large tech companies to       Successful bids should be able to          We also expect Tourism Zones to
  Challenge, a commitment to develop         deliver targeted digital skills training   demonstrate, in a compelling way,          share their progress and lessons
  and adopt a sustainable development        to small and medium enterprises            how they are able to overcome the          learnt with other destinations.
  plan to reduce environmental impacts       who lack a digital presence.               local market failures preventing
  within the Zone and to report on         ``
                                            Working with Building Digital UK           productivity growth.
  progress in order to drive change.         to provide extra support to Zones
Further information on the support on        to receive full fibre access, if they
offer will be provided in due course.        fall into the ‘final 10 per cent’.           Case Study - Be the Business Cornwall Peer Network
Should the devolved administrations        ``
                                            Working with the British Tourist
wish to pursue the Tourism Zone              Authority to help ensure product and         Be the Business has built a              In Cornwall, members of the
concept, then the UK government              promotion development is supported           collaborative peer network in            hospitality network are identifying
will work collaboratively with them          by the latest market research,               Cornwall made up of over 150 small       common challenges and Be
to ensure a similar support offer to         including data from the Tourism Data         and medium sized businesses within       the Business is helping them
that available in English zones.             Hub and customer insight data.               the hospitality sector, where business   to mobilise around solving them.
Government Support                                                                        leaders are coming together to share     Using action learning sets, businesses
                                           Bidding Process                                business ideas and solutions, both
Some examples of support on offer to                                                                                               are able to find common solutions
                                           Tourism Zones will be chosen through           in person, as part of masterclasses
successful bids are likely to include:                                                                                             to their business challenges through
                                           a bidding process - run by the British         and networking events, and               questioning in a structured and
 Potential access to Be the Business’     Tourist Authority. Bids should align           online via digital platforms.            trusted environment with fellow
  benchmarking tool to assess              with Local Industrial Strategies (where
                                                                                          Business improvement                     hospitality business leaders and
  the current productivity and             relevant), cover a geographical area
                                                                                          networks facilitate the sharing          managers. The purpose of this
  competitiveness of SMEs in the sector.   that can be marketed effectively to the
                                                                                          of best practice between firms that      learning format is to give business
  Access to Be the Business’ insights on   consumer, and not require substantial
                                                                                          otherwise might not gain exposure        leaders refreshed thinking and
  building collaborative peer networks     transport infrastructure investment
                                                                                          to more efficient ways of working.       renewed confidence to go and
  focused on business improvement          to facilitate. Government will not
                                                                                          To date, Be the Business work has        develop their plans and chart a clear
  and developing leadership and            stipulate Tourism Zone size - as this
                                                                                          shown many small and medium              path to improved productivity.
  management skills in SMEs, based         should be determined by bidders.
  on learning from a pilot with                                                           sized firms do not have a peer           Moreover, Be the Business’
                                           All bids will need to have a Chair and a
  hospitality businesses in Cornwall .                                                    network with whom they can               work in Cornwall is developing a
                                           decision-making board for accountability
                                                                                          discuss business development and         deeper understanding of how to
 In addition, potentially working         purposes. Boards must contain
                                                                                          how to increase productivity.            engage with a wider audience of
  with Be the Business during the          representatives from local authorities;
                                                                                                                                   hospitality business leaders.
  development of Tourism Zones to          Destination Management Organisations
  provide expert mentoring to small        and Local Enterprise Partnerships (in
  businesses leaders in the sector,        England). It should also include members
  including by potentially contributing    from key tourism businesses (attractions,
  experienced business mentors             accommodation etc.) that will play a
  from leading large businesses            major role in delivering the strategy.
  within each zone where relevant.

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Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Making Travel Easier

Visitors and their experiences must remain at the heart
of tourism policy.
The government wants to make               system, we intend to introduce an
international travellers’ trips to the UK  Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA)
as easy as possible and ensure that        scheme which will require visitors
from the moment they book their travel     and transit passengers who do
arrangements, visitors have a positive     not normally need a visa to obtain
and welcoming experience of the UK.        permission prior to travel. This will be
The vision for the future of crossing the a simple online system which is more
border, and the government’s intentions light-touch than a visa requirement,
for the future immigration system more and an ETA will be valid for multiple
widely, is set out in the ‘The UK’s future entries over an extended period.
skills-based immigration system’ White     Since 2008, ePassport gates have been      stakeholders across the whole of the       In addition, as set out in the
Paper published in December2018,           available to British and EU nationals.     UK on the proposals in the White Paper.    Department for Transport’s Aviation
with automation, streamlining and          EU nationals will remain eligible to       Ministers have already held a meeting      2050 Strategy Green Paper, the
digitisation at the heart of the future    use them once the UK leaves the            with the Tourism Industry Council and      government is also committed to
strategy, all of which will contribute     EU. As a result of recent changes,         further engagement events will take        improving service at the border, whilst
to improved customer service.              visitors from Australia, Canada,           place throughout the year. The Home        maintaining the security of the UK,
                                           Japan, New Zealand, Singapore,             Office has also launched five advisory     helping to make it smoother for eligible
We want to ensure that European                                                       groups – forums for detailed discussions   passengers, including tourists, to enter
tourists can continue to come to the       South Korea and the United States are
                                           now able to use ePassport gates at         over 2019 – as the policy, system          the UK. The government proposes to:
UK in ever increasing numbers. Free                                                   design and implementation plans are
movement for EU and EEA citizens is        ports across the UK and juxtaposed                                                    ``
                                                                                                                                  Work with industry to consider
                                           controls11 in a move designed to have      developed. Membership details for            a new operating model between
ending, the government is therefore                                                   each advisory group are published on
putting in place arrangements to           transformational impact on their                                                        government and the aviation
                                           border experience. This change is a Through listening to priorities,     industry, enhancing collaboration and
ensure that the experience for EU                                                     concerns and ideas about the future
citizens coming here as visitors is as     prime example of sending the message                                                    considering options to encourage
                                           that the UK is open and welcoming.         system, the government will ensure that      innovation and new technology;
smooth as possible. The government                                                    it supports the UK’s dynamic economy,
does not intend to require visitors who     For those nationalities who do require    allowing business and employers to         ``
                                                                                                                                  Review the current Service Level
are citizens of current EU Member           a visa to visit the UK, visit visas are   have access to the skills and talent         Agreement and process for
States to obtain a visit visa. Tourists     already available globally for six-       they need from around the world,             passenger waiting times at the
will continue to enjoy a generous           month, two, five and ten-year validity    ensuring they can continue to compete        border to ensure it is robust, and
entitlement to spend up to six months       with multiple entry. Over 99 per          on the world stage, whilst supporting        appropriately balances security
in the UK. Visitors coming to the UK        cent of all non-settlement visas are      higher productivity and wages in             and service at the border; and
for short-term business reasons will        processed according to the criteria       the UK and ensuring net migration
be able, as now, to carry out a wide        set out within the Service Standard.                                                 ``
                                                                                                                                  Ensure the sustainability of
                                                                                      is reduced to sustainable levels.            funding services at the border
range of activities, including permitted    The government is currently engaging
paid engagements. Under the future                                                                                                 through a new funding model.
                                            with business, employers and other

32                                                                                                                                                                      33
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Business Environment                                                              Business Events

                                                                                  The UK is a world leader in hosting international business events.
To improve the productivity of the tourist industry and establish                 In 2017 we held 592 international association meetings, behind
the UK as a global leader by increasing visitor numbers, especially               only the USA (941 meetings) and Germany (682 meetings)12
in the shoulder season                                                            In 2017, business visits made up            To achieve this the UK government
                                                                                  almost a quarter of all international       is publishing a comprehensive
                                                                                  visits, accounting for 8.4 million trips,   International Business Events Action
  Case study: Celtic Manor                                                        with delegates spending £4.5bn13.           Plan 2019 - 2025 as part of the Sector
                                                                                  60 per cent of business visitors            Deal. The Action Plan outlines in
                                                                                  say they are likely to return to the        detail how the UK government will
  The Celtic Manor Resort in             The scale of this project has positive
                                                                                  area they visited for business for a        support the business events industry
  Newport, South Wales, is already       implications for the wider region,
                                                                                  holiday or short break14. Those who         in attracting, growing, creating and
  a five-star destination for golf,      as the 5000+ delegate capacity
                                                                                  have visited are also 16 per cent           retaining international business events.
  leisure and business and has           is likely to significantly increase
                                                                                  more likely to invest in Britain15.         It builds upon the Business Visits and
  been voted the UK’s Best Hotel         overall room occupancy in the
                                                                                                                              Events Strategy published in 2015 and
  for eight of the last nine years at    area, creating around 1,000 jobs         The UK government’s ambition                has been developed in close partnership
  the Meetings and Incentive Travel      and bringing a projected £70m per        is to make the UK a more                    with the Events Industry Board16.
  Awards. To build on this success,      annum into the local economy.            competitive host for these events,
  it is now investing significantly in   In line with the development of the      with the aim of maintaining our
  expanding its collection of hotel      International Convention Centre,         position as a European leader.
  properties and improving its           Celtic Manor is investing more than
  product offering to draw larger        an additional £100m in ancillary
  conferences and events to Britain.     infrastructure and is expanding its
  Most notably, its joint venture        accommodation portfolio with the
  partnership with the Welsh             acquisition and building of hotels
  Government in the £84m                 on and around its 2,000 acre
  International Convention               site, taking total spend to around
  Centre Wales will be opening           £200m. It also plans to open a
  in summer 2019.                        175-bedroom hotel in Cardiff,
                                         broadening its brand presence and
                                         expertise into a new location.

34                                                                                                                                                                 35
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

The Action Plan sets out what support          expertise amongst Destination            The Events Industry Board has              the UK more competitive. These
the UK government will provide in              Management Organisations.                identified two priority areas —skills      priorities are being considered by
relation to the key drivers that event       4. Arrivals and Welcome: The              and infrastructure — which it believes     working groups set up by the Board
decision makers consider when                    Border Force and UK Visas and          will support government in making          and they will report later in the year.
determining where to host an event:              immigration will provide a relevant
1. UK government advocacy: by                   support offer to delegates.
                                                                                          Case study: Upcoming Sporting and Cultural Events
    offering Ministerial support to      5. Capacity and connectivity: UK
    accompany bids, Ministerial              government will run a new £250,000
    attendance at events, assistance                                                      The Premier League, Wimbledon and        is committed to ensuring that we
                                             scheme to improve broadband
    with bringing in influential speakers                                                 The Ashes all form integral parts of     continue to be a world leader in
                                             connectivity in conference centres,
    and hosting delegations, where                                                        the UK’s identity and visitors often     hosting international sporting events,
                                             enabling them to receive full
    appropriate.                                                                          endeavour to include a visit to one      which is exemplified by its role in
                                             fibre access. Details and criteria
                                                                                          of these events in their itinerary. In   hosting the 2022 Commonwealth
2. Financial support: by continuing to      will be announced later this year.
                                                                                          particular, the Premier League is        Games in Birmingham.
    fund the Business Events Growth          VisitEngland will also undertake
                                                                                          an extremely powerful global brand       It’s not only in sporting events
    Programme run by the British Tourist     research to assess the capacity and
                                                                                          and in 2014, more than 800,000           we excel - The UK has a strong
    Authority and exploring whether the      availability of venues in England.
                                                                                          international visitors attended a        tradition of hosting other types
    size and scope of the fund can grow. 6. UK government coordination: by
                                                                                          Premier League football match            of cultural events - for example
3. Destination marketing and                  providing a single point of contact to     during their visit to Britain17.         the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee,
    promotion: the British Tourist             coordinate the government’s support
                                                                                          The UK is a world leader in hosting      which was also hosted in 2012,
    Authority will continue to deliver its     offer and setting up a consultative
                                                                                          major sporting and cultural events.      enabled us to show the world our
    Business Events Growth Programme           panel of industry leaders.
                                                                                          The London 2012 Olympic and              unique history and heritage.
    and its core business event support
                                                                                          Paralympic Games were highly             Over the course of the next
    work. This includes destination
                                                                                          successful in showing visitors and       three years the UK will play
    promotion, financial support and
                                                                                          viewers from across the world that       host to a number of high-profile
    workshops to build capacity and
                                                                                          the UK is a must-see destination         events. These include:
                                                                                          with a tourism offer that is second
                                                                                          to none. The hosting of global           ``
                                                                                                                                    2019 Cricket World Cup
                                                                                          sporting events allows visitors          ``
                                                                                                                                    2020 UEFA European
                                                                                          to the UK to experience sporting           Championships
                                                                                          matches where the competition,
                                                                                          as well as the infrastructure and        ``
                                                                                                                                    2020 400th Anniversary of
                                                                                          experience, are of the very highest        the Mayflower voyage
                                                                                          global standards. Since 2012, over       ``
                                                                                                                                    2021 Rugby League World Cup
                                                                                          90 major international sporting
                                                                                                                                    2021 Coventry City of Culture
                                                                                          events have been secured for the
                                                                                          UK, including 37 World and European      ``
                                                                                                                                    2021 Women’s Euro Football
                                                                                          Championships. The government              Championships

36                                                                                                                                                                           37
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

   2022 Commonwealth Games                  3) E
                                                xtend the period of awareness:
   2022 Festival of Britain                   maximising opportunities before,
                                               during and after the event.          Through the Future of Mobility and Ageing Society Grand
  The UK government is committed to
  leveraging the opportunities these        
                                            Our  strategy for major events          Challenges, we want to ensure accessible transport for everyone.
  major events provide by working           is threefold: i) Pre event - build      One in five people in the UK has an impairment and those with
  with the British Tourist Authority        relationships with key stakeholders     health conditions, and their travelling companions, are estimated
  to support host destinations to:          and start brand marketing to            to spend £12bn on trips in England each year18
                                            build awareness; ii) During the
  1) Understand the opportunity -          event – use PR to showcase the          Although this is a significant spend,   Industry has already developed an
      event related vs event motivated      destination; and iii) Post event –      there are a number of opportunities     extensive collection of best practice and
      visitors: Major events can have the   invest in tactical marketing to drive   to grow this figure further. Half       new initiatives. Visit Wales, VisitScotland
      dual effect of attracting visitors    conversion and deliver the legacy.      a million British adults cited ‘lack    and VisitEngland all have dedicated
      to the event itself and acting as a                                           of accessibility provision’ as the      web portals providing business advice.
      showcase for the wider destination.    y focusing on these areas,
                                            B                                       reason they did not take a domestic     However, as a nation we need to
                                            the UK government hopes                 trip in the last 12 months19.           make sure this excellent work is being
  2) Think national: events can            to use events to encourage
                                                                                    In 2016, Britain scored just 25 per     publicised and increasing awareness
      make people think differently         visitors to enjoy everything
                                                                                    cent on its accessibility credentials   of existing resources is a key aspect
      about the whole country,              that the nation has to offer.
                                                                                    in the National Brands Index20 and      of promoting Britain as an accessible
      not just the host venue.
                                                                                    0.6m inbound visitors in 2018 had       destination. Visit Wales has produced an
                                                                                    a disability21. The Nation Brands       accessibility film, promoting some of the
                                                                                    Index suggests that Britain, like its   fantastic accessible attractions available
                                                                                    competitors, is not widely recognised   in Wales—including surfing, falconry and
                                                                                    for its accessibility (France scores    steam train trips. More work like this is
                                                                                    22 per cent and Germany 27 per          needed and industry work will include
                                                                                    cent). The sector will strive to see    better coordination of accessible
                                                                                    this figure rise over the next five     itineraries online and increased
                                                                                    years. The government and industry      visibility of people with accessibility
                                                                                    will work together to make the UK       issues in the British Tourist Authority’s
                                                                                    the most accessible destination in      promotion and marketing campaigns.
                                                                                    Europe by 2025, with a target of
                                                                                    increasing the number of inbound
                                                                                    visitors with a disability by 33 per
                                                                                    cent by 2025. This target will be
                                                                                    measured by metrics obtained from
                                                                                    the International Passenger Survey.

38                                                                                                                                                                  39
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

Promoting destinations as welcoming         The industry will also facilitate
and accessible will be a key part           discussions to try to standardise          Case Study: Titanic Belfast
of Britain’s brand proposition. The         accessibility provisions across the
British Tourist Authority will commit to    UK and to work collaboratively
increasing the visibility of people with    across destinations.                       The Titanic Belfast attraction            visual impairments, the experience
disabilities and accessible destinations                                               has been recognised as one                uses bright lights, sound effects,
                                            Making tourist experiences more            of Britain’s 20 most accessible           contrasting text on panels, narration,
in its imagery and content, with an         accessible will have a wider impact
aim to incorporate accessibility into                                                  attractions following its pro-            and tactile areas to make the
                                            - benefiting groups such as parents        active approach to accessibility          attraction as immersive as possible.
major ongoing campaigns such as ‘I          with prams and the elderly too.
Travel For...’, in order to leave lasting                                              for both guests and employees.            Working with organisations such
                                            Visitors over 55 spent £2.3bn in the
impressions with potential visitors         UK in 2017 and with an ageing global       As well as having fully accessible        as AutismNI, Titanic Belfast has
about the accessible experiences            population it is a key market for          exhibition, banqueting and external       implemented a number of autism
that can be found in Britain.               businesses to target in the future22.      plaza facilities, Titanic Belfast have    friendly features such as improved
                                                                                       worked to improve transport to the        pre-visit information, Autism friendly
                                                                                       venue via the full accessible Belfast     sessions, quiet spaces in galleries,
  Case Study: National Trust                                                           Glider bus service and accessible         and ear defenders – winning them
                                                                                       parking spaces. Free carer entry and      an Autism Impact Champion award.
                                                                                       on-site wheelchairs are also available.   Titanic Belfast’s recruitment
  The National Trust has been working       commitment to people with
  to improve accessibility to its places    disabilities, allowing them to bring a     Optimising the visitor experience         and staff training strategies hold
  for a number of years in order to         companion or carer free of charge.         to ensure everyone can engage             accessibility as key tenets and the
  ensure that all visitors are able to                                                 with Belfast’s Maritime heritage has      attraction is working to reach out
                                            Development of on-site facilities has      been a key part of Titanic Belfast’s      into the local community to invite
  enjoy their time visiting National        been a priority, with a revision of
  Trust properties and locations.                                                      accessibility strategy. In addition to    groups of all ages and abilities to
                                            design standards to include facilities     the multimedia audio guides available     experience the story of the Titanic.
  The Trust has made improvements           such as Changing Places across             for guests with hearing loss and
  to the presentation and content           their estate, and the expansion of
  of their accessibility information,       accessible accommodation. The Trust
  ensuring visitors can feel confident      has also implemented access audit
  about the facilities available when       reviews, and participates in England’s   The The British Tourist Authority has       The British Tourist Authority will
  choosing a property to visit. In          Inclusive Tourism Action Group, to       agreed to produce a new consumer            provide further business support
  addition to these improvements, the       routinely identify where additional      web page, providing inbound visitors        to small and medium enterprises to
  Trust continues its long-standing         improvements need to be made.            with disabilities information and           encourage all organisations to consider
                                                                                     itinerary suggestions that will aim to      whether their offer can be enjoyed by
                                                                                     enable everyone to travel in the UK as      everyone. Additionally, government
                                                                                     independently as possible.                  and industry will explore even more
                                                                                     This will make visitors trips to the UK     ways to work together to increase
                                                                                     easier, meaning that they feel assured      access and participation for all.
                                                                                     and confident that the attractions,
                                                                                     transport, and accommodation
                                                                                     providers have the necessary facilities
                                                                                     to meet their individual needs.

40                                                                                                                                                                        41
Industrial Strategy Tourism Sector Deal

The government will convene a UK
conference on Accessibility Tourism,
with key government officials, the
                                           The conference agenda will include
                                           best practice sharing, how to prioritise
                                           making business changes and potential
Department for Work and Pensions           economic and social impact.
accessibility sector leads, major                                                     To ensure the tourism sector can support the government’s
charities and tourism stakeholders.                                                   ambition to deliver a major upgrade to the UK’s infrastructure.
                                                                                      Transport                                    We are proposing a new industry wide
                                                                                      In addition to making it easy to travel      Passenger Charter that will seek to
  Case Study: Wadworth Pubs – Dementia Friend Initiative                              to the UK, it is essential that it is easy   increase awareness of consumer rights
                                                                                      for visitors to move around the country      standards across aviation, improve
  45 per cent of international visits      A Dementia Friend learns a little          easily. This is particularly important to    passenger services and promote
  include at least one visit to a pub      bit more about what it’s like to live      the UK as 46 per cent of international       best practice in the aviation sector.
  and pubs are key to our international    with dementia and then turns that          visitors are nervous about driving here24,   As an important part of the government’s
  offer23. Wadworth, the independent       understanding into action — anyone         in particular because we drive on the        long-term Aviation Strategy, we
  family brewer and regional pub           of any age can be a Dementia Friend.       left-hand side. Therefore, a range of        are proposing a new industry wide
  operator based in Devizes in Wiltshire   Those attending the Dementia               alternative public transport options are     Passenger Charter that will seek to
  has engaged with the Alzheimer’s         Friend sessions learn more about           needed and the government is committed       increase awareness of consumer rights
  Society Dementia Friends campaign        dementia and the small ways they           to improving the passenger experience        standards across aviation, improve
  with its brewery and south west          can help. The Wadworth face-to-            in the aviation, maritime and rail sectors   passenger services and promote
  pubs attending Dementia Friend           face sessions are being run by             in both the short and long term.             best practice in the aviation sector.
  sessions. 43 people working in and       Wadworth’s own Dementia Friend’s           ‘The Future of Mobility: Urban Strategy’     The government is currently consulting
  running their Wadworth pubs have         Champion, Marie Wood who also              lays out the principles by which the UK      on measures to improve the flying
  so far attended the sessions with        looks after the brewery’s training         will support advances in data science,       experience for all passengers as part
  more to come. The sessions are           and development programme.                 artificial intelligence and sensing          of the wider Aviation 2050 Strategy.
  being organised by Wadworth to                                                      technology to increase the speed of
  ensure that people with dementia                                                    transport innovation. Cleaner transport,     The government believes that forecasted
  and their carers can enjoy their                                                    automation, new business models and          aviation demands up to 2030 can be met
  visits to a Wadworth pub and know                                                   new modes of travel promise to transform     through a Northwest runway at Heathrow
  their needs are better understood.                                                  how people, goods and services move.         and by Airports beyond Heathrow
                                                                                                                                   making best use of their existing runways,
                                                                                      Aviation                                     subject to environmental issues being
                                                                                      The Department for Transport is              addressed. To ensure additional growth
                                                                                      developing an Aviation Strategy              is sustainable and delivers the full
                                                                                      - Aviation 2050 - setting out the            benefits for the consumer and industry
                                                                                      government’s long term vision for            while minimising the impacts on local
                                                                                      aviation to 2050 and beyond, which is        communities, the government proposes
                                                                                      of particular importance to tourism.         to work in partnership with the industry
                                                                                                                                   to deliver on a number of policy areas
                                                                                                                                   being developed as part of the Aviation
                                                                                                                                   Strategy 2050 consultation document.

42                                                                                                                                                                          43
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