The Functional Review of the Kosovar Justice system: an overview of the process so far - October 2018 - GLPS ...

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Policy Note              No. 09/2018

The Functional Review
of the Kosovar Justice
system: an overview of
the process so far

October 2018
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Policy Note 09/2018

The Functional Review of the Kosovar Justice system: an overview of the process so

Authors: *Barbara Matias, Francisco Jose Garcia Martinez

October 2018

© Group for Legal and Political Studies, October, 2018.

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*International Research Fellows, Group for Legal and Political Studies

“This publication is published by the support of the Democratic Society Promotion (DSP) – financed by
the Swiss Development and Cooperation Office (SDC) and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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In late November 2016, the Government of        What is the functional review: terms of
Kosovo launched a functional review of the      reference, methodology, working groups,
whole Rule of Law sector under the lead of      and unpredicted changes
the Ministry of Justice, as mandated by
Government Decision No. 07/117 – Annex
                                                The Government Decision No. 07/117 of 23
1. The review would comprise all institutions
                                                November 2016 remains the cornerstone of
related to the topic and seek to impose a
                                                the whole functional review process in
comprehensive strategy for the development
                                                Kosovo. According to the terms of reference,
of effective Rule of Law in the country. The
                                                the final purpose of the review is to prepare
main aim of this policy note will not be on
                                                a comprehensive national strategy for the
the intricate content but rather to trigger
                                                Rule of Law. In line with this, five main
discussion and raise questions with a focus
                                                objectives      were      originally  defined:
on organizational issues related to the
                                                establishing strategic objectives to enhance
functional review of the Rule of Law in the
                                                the efficiency of the involved institutions,
Republic of Kosovo. For this purpose, this
                                                reviewing the legal framework and the
document will start by laying out which
                                                existing cooperation arrangements between
strategies and organisms the functional
                                                said institutions, assessing their capacities
review entails followed by a comparative
                                                to     fulfil  their   functions,    providing
look into the functional review processes
                                                recommendations on the legal framework,
other countries from the region – Serbia,
                                                capacities and cooperation processes on the
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Romania - have
                                                field of Rule of Law and, lastly, creating a
undertaken. This will lead to a final section
                                                national strategy on Rule of Law. In its first
on the main issues regarding the process in
                                                version, the functional review process was
Kosovo, and how to successfully move
                                                envisioned to have a mostly technical
                                                nature, being directed by institutions with a
                                                relevant role in the Rule of Law1. Due to the
This policy note argues that, in order to
                                                change of government in 2017 following
achieve the all-inclusive approach privileged
                                                snap elections, very little developments took
in the Terms of Reference of the
                                                place on this regard until March 2018, when
government decision itself, a clear look at
                                                the new government took over and the
shortcomings of the institutional setup must
                                                process was formally launched. It
be done in order to determine how to best
                                                established working groups and defined a
move forward. This would enhance the
                                                methodological approach for the review. In
potential for sustainable success, as well as
                                                this instance, the review was made more
prevent the country from projecting an
                                                political as the offices of the President and
external image as a state which undertakes
                                                of the Prime Minister became involved, while
important reforms in an unplanned or
uncoordinated manner.

                                                1 Republic of Kosovo, Government Decision No.
                                                07/117, 23 November 2016. Available at:
                                                117-te_te_Qeverise.pdf .
law      enforcement       institutions       were    development management of aid, anti-
relegated2.                                           corruption measures and commercial
Regarding the methodology adopted, the                justice. Of these working groups, the first
review is directed by a Steering Committee            one, legal and institutional framework, is
charged with defining the general guidelines          charged with centralizing and managing all
and ensuring the coherence of all activities.         legal aspects, which in practice means any
It is composed of representatives from the            finding made by other groups related to
ministries of Justice, Internal Affairs and           potential legal changes must be sent and
Finances, the offices of the President and of         approved here first. This is expected to
the Prime Minister, the Judicial and                  ensure the harmony and coherence of the
Prosecutorial Councils, international donors          outcome, while the specialized nature of the
engaged in the Rule of Law and even the               other groups will allow for a comprehensive
University of Pristina. In its first iteration, the   assessment of the state of play in each
State Prosecutor, Police, Customs and                 sector and institution. To that end, every
Intelligence Agency would have also been              working group will have representatives of
part of the Committee, but were later not             the institutions directly involved with the
included in the final decision issued in              topic, even if they are not part of the
2017. Once more, the original terms of                Steering Committee (i.e. police or state
reference shifted due to unpredictable                prosecution).
political circumstances. Supporting this
Committee, a Secretariat was established              Aside from intensive desk research,
from the permanent structure of the Ministry          discussion within the working groups and
of Justice, led by the Secretary General              report analysis, the most innovative aspect
himself, to provide the necessary technical           of the review was the introduction of some
assistance during the process. This                   systemic methodology by using the Rule of
Secretariat also assists the working groups,          Law Checklist of the Venice Commission and
which in turn are conducting the main                 the Checklist for promoting the quality of
activities of the review.                             justice and the courts of the Council of
These working groups amount to seven,                 Europe European Commission for the
divided in thematic areas, which conduct the          Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) as guidelines
assessment of the state of play of the                for the assessment. Even though this was
judicial and law enforcement agencies of              hailed as a very positive step from previous
Kosovo in order to compile a final report to          unsystematic, ad hoc studies to measure
be approved by the Steering Committee, and            and consider when assessing the
then presented to the Government for                  functioning of a judicial/law enforcement
consideration. The thematic areas tackle the          system, the idea has seemingly not been
following topics: legal and institutional             incorporated into the review process thus
framework, functioning of the judiciary,              far.
transformation of the penal system,
improvement of mechanisms for access to               The functional review was formally launched
justice, inter-institutional coordination and         in a conference held on 8 March 2018 in
                                                      Prishtina. As determined by the previous
 Republic of Kosovo, Government Decision No.          government, the deadline for the completion
07/117, 23 November 2017. Available at:               of all activities would be 1 June 2018. As
http://www.kryeministri-                              things stand, the original deadline has        already passed and the work on analysis
t%C3%AB_t%C3%AB_Qeveris%C3%AB_s%C3                    and assessments continues. The expected
%AB_Republik%C3%ABs_s%C3%AB_Kosov%C                   output remain: a Final Evaluation Report on
3%ABs_2017__.pdf .
the Rule of Law Sector (to be compiled by        obsolete before compilation. For this reason,
the Secretariat) and a National Strategy for     it is essential that the Functional Review fit
the Rule of Law Sector (drafted by MoJ and       in the broader working programme of the
approved by the Government).                     Ministry of Justice in order to ensure the
                                                 outcome of the process does not collide with
The problem of decentralization: ongoing         other lines of activity, but enhances them.
parallel processes
                                                 Also operating in parallel is ‘’Justice 2020’’,
The main standing issue is the fact that the     flagship initiative led by the Kosovo Minister
functional review triggered by Government        of Justice in cooperation with the Chairs of
Decision No. 07/117 of 23 November 2016          the Kosovo Judicial and Prosecutorial
relays an extremely decentralized and            Councils and supported by the EUSR/EUO,
uncoordinated approach.                          EULEX as well as the U.S. and UK Embassies
Since February, the Assembly has approved        in Pristina3. During its launch event in
a number of laws directly linked to the scope    September 2018, the initiative was
of the Review, thus proving the                  marketed as focusing on making the justice
decentralization which overpowers the            system better performing and more
functional review process. Examples to take      accountable, with the ultimate goal of
into consideration are the amendment on          effectively serving its citizens. However,
the Law on the State Prosecutor (06/L-025),      great uncertainty remains on what it means
on State Border control and surveillance         in praxis, what is the main target(s) and
(06/L-013), on Mediation (06/L-009) and          under which scope it is operating under.
on Conflict of Interest in discharge of Public   Insofar is has proved to be yet another
Functions (06/L-011). Other relevant,            flashy endeavor with no consequential
sectorial regulations include the Laws on        results, further sending the message of
Asylum (06/L-026) and on Foreigners (06/L-       Kosovo as a state with no concrete or lasting
036), the Law on Treatment of constructions      agenda.
without permit (06/L-024) and on
Independent Oversight Board for Civil            In the original terms of reference, it is noted
Service of Kosovo (06/L-048). Furthermore,       in the concluding remarks that the
currently a new Criminal Code and a new          functional review will not obstruct the
Criminal Procedure Code are being drafted        established policy processes which will
by the Ministry of Justice. All of these         continue in parallel to the revision –
initiatives have been taking place in parallel   however the question remains on why the
to the execution of the Functional Review. It    chosen, optimal approach was to launch a
remains unclear whether and to what extent       different over-reaching process instead of
these developments have been taken into          merging open-ended policies into one solid
consideration during the review process,         framework of coordinated action. The fact
since they substantially alter the conditions    that parallel processes remain hinders the
of work of a number of institutions related to   efficiency of the functional review launched.
Justice and Law enforcement.                     This not only discredits Kosovo in matters of
It is thus worth remembering that, while the     the Rule of Law, but more so means a loss
review takes place, the political and            of momentum and a difficulty to deliver
administrative cycles do not stop. The           since there is no single source of
Ministry of Justice is at the same time          institutional pressure being applied, but
sponsoring a number of important initiatives
and the functional review must not be            3
                                                  EULEX Kosovo, ‘’EULEX at the launch of
unconnected, or its conclusions may well be      Justice 2020’’, 26 September 2018, Available at:
rather scattered efforts and many parallel         improper alignment between law and
agendas.                                           practice.
                                                   Bosnia and Herzegovina similarly undertook
Comparative outlook into                 review    a review process to identify and analyze the
processes of other countries                       responsibilities and core functions of the
                                                   Ministries of Justice (MoJs) and other
In the region, other countries have                institutions within the justice sector, in the
undergone functional review processes in           first half of 20045. The aim was to plan and
similar terms as Kosovo. In this section we        manage the operation of that sector at all
will offer a general outlook into the              levels within the country, by assessing how
coordinated processes undertaken in                the responsibilities are divided and the
Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and                 functions performed. To a possible extent,
Romania in order to better evaluate the            the review sought to compare their domestic
strengths and shortcomings of the Kosovar          reality with the situation in other European
approach.                                          countries. The process in BiH looked to
                                                   make recommendations that would allow
Serbia conducted a Judicial Functional             the functional competencies of the MoJs
Review in the first half of 2014, covering the     and other relevant institutions to be
developments occurred in the country since         rationalized and reorganized to promote
20104. Its aim was to establish an analytical      efficiency and to enhance performance.
baseline to assess the status of the judiciary
and steer future actions in order to enhance       In 2013, Romania, already an EU Member
the functioning of the Courts based on solid       State, also launched a review of its Rule of
data. The scope of this review was thus            Law sector6. The review examined three
limited to the judiciary, which was assessed       main issues related to the judicial system
in terms of external and internal                  performance, looking at both the individual
performance. External performance was              agency level and the collective performance.
defined as the efficiency, quality and             First, efficiency as measured by the
easiness of access to justice services, while      timeliness of case dispositions and
internal performance revolved around               productivity. Second, quality as indicated by
processes and arrangements, such as its            corruption in the judiciary, the judicial
governance, financial and human resources          system’s effectiveness in addressing
and the use of ICT means, as well as their         corruption in the broader public sector, and
effect in service delivery. The assessment         the extent to which there is uniformity in
executed by the World Bank on this topic           legal interpretations by courts. And third,
was very focused in this service-delivery          access referring to whether ordinary citizens
dimension. After review, they noted that the       can and do use court services.
country       should      reconsider     some
traditionally-pinpointed problems which were       A Functional Review is, by definition, an
not backed by evidence, and focus on a             assessment activity. Once the process has
number of issues that had not been
previously identified. That perspective            5
                                                     Functional Review of the BiH Justice Sector,
allowed finding gaps between the de iure           March 2005, Available at:
and the de facto situation, usually due to an      content/uploads/2016/09/functional-review-of-the-
                                                     World Bank, ‘’Romania judicial functional
 Open Bank Repository, ‘’Serbia Judicial           review‘’, 28 October 2014, Available at:
Functional Review, 1 October 2014, Available at:    468293466653/Romania-judicial-functional-review
6/21531 .                                          .
been completed and a national strategy            institutions. A matrix was designed for the
adopted, it is essential that action is taken     collection of findings and conclusions on
based on the recommendations. For                 these matters in order to proceed in an
comparative purposes, the Romanian                organized way. The second meeting, held
Functional Review was followed by extensive       recently on 28 September 2018, continued
legal reforms, while the Serbian one gave         discussions on all the sub-topics and the
way to a number of interventions at a micro-      respective objectives set for each. It was
level to enhance service-delivery. Functional     highlighted, for instance, that the MoJ has
reviews must be framed in a broader               drafted a new Law on Enhanced
strategy and not remain an isolated program       Competencies for Confiscation of Illegally
with no continuity.                               Acquired Assets which, once it enters into
                                                  force, will bring new responsibilities to the
Example of a thematic area in the review          institutions that, in turn, require additional
process: the Anti-Corruption Action Pillar        capacities and resources for proper
                                                  implementation. Another proposal derived
                                                  from the meeting regarded a requested that
One of the pillars of the functional review for
                                                  the Law on Declaration and the Descent of
the Rule of Law sector is Anti-Corruption
                                                  Assets be reviewed for, as is, it lacks
Action Pillar, for which a working group was
                                                  uniformity and the Agency Against
created. For a better understanding of the
                                                  Corruption exerts penalizations which don’t
works of the groups set up for the purpose
                                                  contribute to combating corruption.
of this review process, this section will lay
                                                  The importance of clear efficiency and
out the efforts of the working group of the
                                                  transparency in this particular pillar lies in it
sixth pillar, regarding anti-corruption
                                                  being one in which public pressure is high.
During the first meeting, it was agreed that a
                                                  Main issues pertaining to the Functional
preliminary analysis would be conducted on
matters of corruption, as well as the
                                                  Review process in Kosovo
prevention      and     fight   against    this
phenomenon. It would consist of a summary         Unlike the other country cases, the Kosovar
based         on         conclusions       and    Functional Review has been framed in quite
recommendations from international and            vague and ambiguous terms. All three of the
local organizations. From thereon, objectives     abovementioned       countries    undertook
and measures were defined, such as                similar processes as a part of a broader
strengthening inter-institutional coordination    reform strategy or after an initial
in preventing and combating corruption,           assessment recommended deeper review.
boosting the mechanisms for the                   In the case of Kosovo, both elements are
confiscation of illegally acquired property,      missing given that the original Decision
improving the implementation of policies in       states the purpose is to prepare a sectorial
the Public Procurement System (and therein        strategy for the Rule of Law. Thus the work
harmonization of legislation with EU              is ongoing in parallel to other processes
directives), strengthening measures to            within the Ministry of Justice, raising a
prevent conflict of interest, and increasing      number of questions regarding the technical
transparency on the financing of political        adequacy of the process.
parties. Advancing and completing the legal
framework on the aforementioned sub-              The first issue worth rising relates to delays
topics is the end goal, by means of               harmful to the credibility of the process. Due
supplementing legal loopholes and avoiding        to the long impasse in 2017 and the change
overlapping        competencies       between     of government, the Functional Review only
started its work in March 2018, more than a       The aim of the functional review according
year after the initial decision and less than 3   to the Ministry of Justice is to provide a
months before its formal deadline of June         review of the whole legal system in order to
2018. The deadline arrived and passed with        identify whether changes must be made or
the work still at an initial stage. In order to   the status quo must be preserved. In
set a better precedent and higher standards       consideration of these key issues, it is highly
of work conduct, the government should            advisable that no new legal developments
make use of its prerogative under the             should be pushed in Kosovo. Instead,
framework it established itself and set a         priority should be on increased efficiency of
new, realistic deadline.                          the existing frameworks and a strict focus
Secondly, even though the formal purpose          on implementation. In this way, the
remains upheld - creating a national strategy     proposed targets for advancement and
and enhancing the implementation of the           improvement are the processes and
legal framework - the procedures put in           procedures, not further legal changes that
place (i.e. the working groups) appear more       additionally disrupt efforts. Related to that,
focused on introducing new legal changes          any following action should take into
instead of building on developments. This         consideration the need of legal certainty and
could be linked to the unique policy-making       institutional stability. In the last ten years
in Kosovo as a new state. In light of the         since independence, the country has been
intense state-building process which              engaged in a major state-building campaign
occurred before and after independence,           in which creating new institutions and
policy-making in Kosovo is inherently linked      introducing radical changes was the go-to
with creating and reshuffling institutions as     approach. Despite any mature legal system
a whole, which has consequently become            requiring such tweaks and patches, major
the instinctive approach of policy-makers.        changes should be few and more far apart.
This approach puts the unhindered success
of the Review into question, as the               Concluding Remarks
leadership must exert a proper balance
between improving efficiency and disrupting       Proceeding from a short examination of the
the institutional setup. For instance,            Functional Review of the Rule of Law sector
different reforms on the Judiciary and            in Kosovo, this policy notes denotes that a
Prosecutorial Council have failed in the past     systemic lack of coordination has critically
because the laws were amended too                 hindered the smooth execution and timely
quickly.                                          assessment of the review. The functional
Furthermore, the lack on inclusivity in the       review in Kosovo, unlike similar processes
review process could also disrupt the end         undertaken in countries of the region,
goals. In the composition of the working          appears as an isolated program while other
groups, there was a late incorporation of         relevant legal changes and policies are
civil society and no presence from members        developing in parallel.
of the opposition, nor international experts.     As a new country with a track record of
The Parliamentary Committee on Legislation        tendency for excessive policy-making, the
has not been involved in the process,             question of legal certainty must start to be
although the end result has been put in the       prioritized. Stability and consistency of laws,
legal field and is to include proposals to        reforms, structures and processes must
amend laws in the framework of the                prevail over the need to revitalize entire
Assembly.                                         institutions or frameworks. This would
                                                  certainly also serve the purpose of the
                                                  review of the rule of law sector, which is one
of focusing on its functionality and in order    qualitative data. Regarding the overall
to increase the efficiency, transparency and     approach taken, Kosovo presents many
accountability of the justice system.            different sectorial strategies and policies, as
                                                 noted in the official Terms of Reference
In light of all the issues raised throughout     document itself.
this note, further discussion on the
development of the process is encouraged         Domestic affairs, such as the present one
and, hopefully, fueled – a focus could fall on   on the functional review of the Rule of Law
which elements of the original setup have        sector in the Republic of Kosovo, may be an
had a positive impact, how could they be         internal matter but they are key in projecting
boosted, and which changes could be              an external image. The process has been
implemented to better proceed with the           uncoordinated thus far, to which this note
review. For instance, the review should not      calls attention to in order to encourage
disregard Administrative, Commercial and         discussion and improvement. Moving
Civil jurisdictions, for often the privileged    forward, this policy note sought to lay out
jurisdiction in such endeavors is the criminal   that the feasibility of reform success lies in a
one. Thus far, the review has focused mainly     coordinated effort designed into a single,
on the legal and regulatory framework with       detailed revision framework. In this way the
the aim of proposing specific normative          pressure exerted is targeted and the work is
amendments from a mostly internal,               dutifully geared. Most importantly, such an
institutional perspective. Moving forward, it    approach acclaims Kosovo as a functioning
would also be interesting to consider the        state in due command of its domestic
external dimension of Justice (i.e. service-     judicial affairs and policy-planning.
delivery and user satisfaction). Moreover, a
substantial oversight is latent with regards
to the judiciary in the Serb Northern areas
and respective the integration in the judicial
system, a matter which deserve more
The Concept Document states the need for
an evaluation of legal framework and
strategies according to quantitative and
“This grant is financed by the Democratic Society Promotion (DSP) project - funded by the Swiss
Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA),
and managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)”
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