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International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)
Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2020, pp.438-445, Article ID: IJARET_11_12_047
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499
DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.11.12.2020.047

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed

 Nuslih Jamiat, Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana and Bima Shafar Bastio
 Department of Business Administration, Telkom University,
 Bandung, Indonesia

 This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on purchasing decisions for
 Converse shoes. The problem studied in this study was to determine how many
 consumers recognize the Brand Image on Converse shoes. This research is a
 quantitative study. The method used is descriptive method. The objects used in this study
 were students of the city of Bandung. Data collection was obtained through distributing
 questionnaires to 100 respondents. In this study, the non-probability sampling
 technique used was purposive sampling, in which the sampling technique used was the
 sample member with certain criteria determined by the researcher. The data analysis
 in this study used descriptive analysis and simple linear regression. The results showed
 that the brand image had a significant effect on purchasing decisions for vans shoes.
 This can be obtained by the t value (7.004)> t table (1.66055), it means that the Brand
 Image has a significant effect on the Purchase Decision of Converse Shoes for Bandung
 City students.
 Key words: Brand Image, Purchase Decision, Business Administration.
 Cite this Article: Nuslih Jamiat, Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana and Bima
 Shafar Bastio, The Influence of Brand Image on The Decision of Buying Converse
 Shoes in Students in Bandung City, Indonesia, International Journal of Advanced
 Research in Engineering and Technology,11(12), 2020, pp. 438-445.

Nowadays, there is always an opportunity for shoe manufacturers to issue various types and
brands. One of them is Converse Shoe Brand, an industrial company that is quite old with a
112-year-old age that can maintain the Converse brand until now. As a fashion company
originating from abroad that enters Indonesia, of course, Converse has a goal to live and
develop. One way to increase market share and reach new customers is to put a right brand
image in the eyes of customers. Converse continues to grow and innovate to develop its
products and provide excellent service for consumers. Therefore, it is considered important for 438
The Influence of Brand Image on the Decision of Buying Converse Shoes in Students in Bandung
 City, Indonesia

Converse to increase its brand image to increase market share and reach new consumers in
order to survive and grow in the Indonesian market.
 Based on the information obtained by the author has conducted an interview with converse
store supervisors in Paris Van Java Mall Bandung, based on the target market most Converse
shoes are in demand by students the reason in terms of the design converse has the same model
from the year of the year which is very classic and make products from Converse shoes can last
a long enough time so that the Converse brand is already widely recognized by students.
 According to Hafid et al., (2019), under increasingly stringent business competition
conditions today the company seeks to create products that can influence consumer perception,
for example through the brand image of its products. Nowadays there are many brands or
sneakers companies that are increasingly diverse, this is proven by the many brands built by
young people in Indonesia. One of them in Bandung, Bandung is known as the mecca of fashion
in Java island so that it gets the nickname as "Paris Van Java City". The development of fashion
that exists today makes the number of people outside or inside Bandung make fashion trend as
one way to increase confidence, especially among students. Many students from out of town or
outside the island come to study at Bandung college which finally impacts on daily habits in
fashion used, one of which is sneakers.
 Purchasing decisions are influenced by consumer behavior as said by Pradana
(2015)consumer behavior is an individual's action in achieving, using and disposing of
economic goods and services, including from decision-making procedures before establishing
action. But in the end the brand image has the capacity to purchase decisions. Purchasing
decision process according to Griffin and Ebert (2006: 284). Rational concepts in consideration
and benefits obtained by a product, while the concepts that a person has, such as self-esteem,
caste, artistic, and other personal factors. (Saidani & Ramadhan, 2013). According to Kotler
and Keller (2009:188) consumers form a selection between selected products. Consumers are
shaping up to buy the most beloved products or brands.
 Data from pre-survey interviews to 30 student respondents conducted by researchers,
namely the variable purchase decision has the largest percentage of value which is 77% on "I
chose Converse shoe products because it suits what I need" and "I am interested in buying
Converse shoes because of its goodservice" which is where student respondents in Bandung
choose Converse shoe products because it suits their needs and provides good service when
buying in store. Meanwhile, the lowest value with a percentage of 70% "I will repurchase
Converse shoes", which 30% of consumers do not make buybacks because the quality is
considered not much different from other product shoes. So from the explanation above
researchers are interested in the title to be raised is "The Influence Of Brand Image On The
Decision To Purchase Converse Shoes On Students In Bandung"

1.1. Problem Formulation
According to the background described above, the problems that will be discussed are:
 • How do consumers respond to Converse shoe brand image in students in Bandung?
 • How to purchase consumer converse shoe products at students in the City Bandung?
 • How much influence of Brand Image on consumer purchasing decisions of Converse
 shoe products in students in Bandung? 439
Nuslih Jamiat, Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana and Bima Shafar Bastio

1.2. Research Objectives
Based on the background and formulation of the problem, therefore the purpose of the authors
doing this study is as follows:
 • To know the consumer response about Converse shoe brand image to students
 in Bandung.
 • To know the decision to purchase converse shoe products consumers to students in
 • To know the influence of Brand Image on consumer purchasing decisions of Converse
 shoe products on students in Bandung.

According to Nugroho and Irena (2017), marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and
processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging deals that have value for
consumers, clients, partners, and society in general. Meanwhile, marketing strategies are
created so that companies can allocate and manage their marketing resources effectively
to achieve profit goals in the long run. The marketing sense is that social processes in which
individuals or groups get what they need and want by creating, offering, and freely
interchangeing valuable products and services with others (Kotler and Keller, 2018:27)
 According to Kotler and Keller (2016:76) defining the marketing mix is a specific blend of
advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal sales, and direct marketing used by
companies in communicating customer value persuasively and building customer relationships
According to Kotler & Keller (2016:258) is a product or service whose dimensions differentiate
the brand in several ways from other products or services designed to satisfy the same needs. A
brand in turn informs consumers about the source of the product.
 Brand definition according to The American Marketing Association in Kotler and Keller
(2016:322)" Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended
to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from
those competitors", may be interpreted as the name, term, sign, symbol, or design or
combination theref, which is intended to identify the goods or services of any of the sellers or
sales groups and indict them from the competitors".
 According to Saragih et al. (2018), "Brands are products that can provide different
dimensions than other products designed to meet the same needs". According to Pradana (2016)
defining brand image as a set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a person has towards a
brand, therefore the attitude and actions of consumers towards a brand are very determined by
the brand's image.Brand images involve real sensory representations of an idea, a feeling and
an object.Brand image is everything to do with a consumer's perception or perception of a
product's brand.Here's what you need to find. Strong brand image is supported by high quality
products available on the market.Brand image is a collection of associations made and attached
to consumers (Summary in Soim & Abdillah, 2016).
 Here is the frame of mind of this research based on the theory described above. Thus a good
brand image of a product will influence a person's purchasing decision on the product,
especially shoes that are Converse brand shoes

Research Hypothesis
Based on research questions and theoretical frameworks, nine hypotheses were created to guide
the empirical results of this research, namely: 440
The Influence of Brand Image on the Decision of Buying Converse Shoes in Students in Bandung
 City, Indonesia

 H1:Brand Image has a significant influence on Converse Shoe Purchase Decision on
Students in Bandung

 Figure 1. Frame of Mind

3.1. Types of Research
This research is a descriptive and causal study because it aims to analyze the relationship
between variables and describe the results of the study. The research method used is a
quantitative approach method. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple
regression analysis.

3.2. Population and sample
According to Sugiyono (2018:81) the sample is part of the characteristics and amounts
possessed by the population.If large populations and researchers are unlikely to study
everything in the population, such as limited time, funds, energy, then research can use samples
taken from those populations.According to Zikmund and Babin (2013:356), since the
population in this study is not known for certain amounts, the sampling technique used is the
Bernoulli formula as follows:

 = 96,04 = 100
 1,96 0,5 0,5
In this study used a level of precision (α) 5%, a confidence level of 95% so obtained a value of 441
Nuslih Jamiat, Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana and Bima Shafar Bastio

Z = 1.96.The error rate is set at 10%.Meanwhile, the probability of the questionnaire being
correct (received) or rejected (wrong) is 0.5 each.
 Based on the calculations obtained above, the sample size studied was 96.04 respondents.
To reduce the error rate in the study, the sample was fulfilled by rounding to 100 respondents.

Respondents' responses to the above statements had a percentage of 68.80%. The score belongs
to a good category. This showed that respondents felt that Converse had an attractive shoe
design from other products.

 Table 1. Analysis Test Results
 Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Correlations Collinearity
 Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
 B Std. Beta Zero- Partial Part Tolerance VIF
 Error order
 (Constant) 1.840 .241 7.642 .000
 .484 .069 .578 7.004 .000 .578 .578 .578 1.000 1.000
 a. Dependent Variable: PURCHASE DECISION
Source: SPSS Processing Results 20, 2020 Based on the table above can be obtained regression model
 as follows:

 Y = 1,840 + 0,484X
 The constant value of a means that when a brand image (X) is zero (0) or a purchase decision
(Y) is not influenced by the brand image, then the average purchase decision is worth 1,840.
While the regression coefficient b means that if the brand image(X) variable increases by one
unit, then the purchase decision (Y) will increase by 0.484. The regression coefficient is
positive, which means that the brand image gives a positive influence on purchasing decisions
(the higher / stronger the brand image, the more purchasing decisions).

 Table 2. T Test Results
 Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Correlations Collinearity
 Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
 B Std. Beta Zero- Partial Part Tolerance VIF
 Error order
 (Constant) 1.840 .241 7.642 .000
 .484 .069 .578 7.004 .000 .578 .578 .578 1.000 1.000
 IMAGE 442
The Influence of Brand Image on the Decision of Buying Converse Shoes in Students in Bandung
 City, Indonesia

4.1. Hypothesis Test (T-test)
This test aims to prove whether work motivation has a significant influence on employee
performance, then tested with statistical hypothesis such as the following:
 H0 : Brand image has no significant effect on purchasing decisions.
 H1 : Brand image has a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
 With a significant level ( = 0.05 and degree of freedom df= 100-2 = 98 obtained a table t
value of ± 1.66055. T test results obtained based on SPSS process can be seen in table 4.15 can
be obtained t count value of 7,004 and significance value of 0.000, then H0 is rejected. Because
t-count (7004) > t-table (1.66055) so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. That is, brand image
has a significant effect on purchasing decisions for students in Bandung.

4.2. Determination Coefficient Test Result
 Table 3. Determination Coefficient
 Model R R Adjusted Std. Error Change Statistics Durbin-
 Square R Square of the R Square F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
 Change Change
 1 .578a .334 .327 .44155 .334 49.054 1 98 .000 1.800
 a. Predictors: (Constant), BRAND IMAGE
 b. Dependent Variable: PURCHASE DECISION

 Source: SPSS Processing Results 20, 2020

Based on Table 4.6 above shows the size of the brand image of the purchase decision indicated
by the acquisition of correlation coefficient value (r) of 0.578. The amount of influence of brand
image on purchasing decisions is indicated by the coefficient of determination with the
following formula:
 KD = r 2 x 100%
 = 0,334 100%
 = 33,4%
 The determinant coefficient of the calculation result was obtained by 33.4%. This showed
that x had a 33.4% influence on y, while the remaining 66.6% was influenced by other variables
not studied in the study.

Based on the results of research and discussion on "The effect of brand image on the decision
to purchase converse shoes on Students in Bandung", can be concluded as follows:
 • Brand Image of Converse shoe products at mahasiwa in Bandung is already in a good
 category with an average percentage value of 70.95%.
 • The decision to purchase Converse shoe products at the mahasiwa in Bandung is already
 in a good category with an average percentage value of 73.74%.
 • There was a positive and significant influence among brand image on the decision to
 purchase converse shoes products in Bandung by 33.4%. 443
Nuslih Jamiat, Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana and Bima Shafar Bastio

 Based on the results of research and discussion and conclusions, there are several
suggestions that researchers apply that can be used as ingredients for future improvement for
Converse are as follows:
 • From the results of research and discussion on brand image variables, it is known that
 the dimensions that have the lowest value are the Favorable of Brand Association
 required in the statement "Converse gives a positive impression to consumers". It is
 therefore advisable for consumers to improve branding in converse shoe products,
 because strong branding is the company's strategy in helping consumers to identify
 products, provide reasons for choosing products, attract and maintain consumer loyalty
 by delivering products that are always in line with what the company has promised.
 • From the results of research and discussion on variable purchasing decisions it is known
 that the dimensions of the purchase amount have the lowest value on the statement "I
 purchased Converse brand shoes more than once". Therefore it is advisable for
 companies to increase trust in consumers by always providing the best service, always
 maintaining the quality of products, always providing new product information that can
 provide information through mass email or social media to maintain relationships with

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