Page created by Ethel Palmer
Spring 2021   February 17     Volume 22        issue 8

                            The Keystone XL
                            What Does This Mean For

                                   Local Food
                             Where and How to get the
                                       food you need

                                 Movie Review

                                 Buying Guide

              Three Rivers Community College
Table of                                                     Community
contents                                                     4 The Keystone XL Pipeline Cancelation
                                The Current is the                 What does this mean for Americans?
                                 official student
                              publication of Three
                                                             8 Local Food Banks
                           Rivers Community College.                  Where and how to get the food you need
                          The Current is written, edited,
                               and designed solely
                                                             10 COVID Vaccination Update
                                                                      What to expect from the brand-new vaccine
Editor                             by students.
                                                             12 Vocaturas Bakery Reopens
    Gillian Taylor                                                    Iconic grinder shop recovers from accident
Managing Editor                                              Entertainment
    Gillian Taylor
                                                             16 Streaming Services in a Pandemic
Staff                  Campus
                                                                    How media consumption has changed for at-home use

    Brent Meraviglia
                                                             18 Vegan Cheese Pizza and Vegetarian Bacon Pizza
                       14 Course Review                      20 Bernie Sanders Next Big Meme
    Emme Romanelli                                                    The mittens seen around the nation.
                                 Principles of Advertising
    Alex Slane                                               22 Movie Review
    William Silva
                                                             24 Places to go when everything’s closed
Advisor                                                               State Parks to visit to get outisde
    Kevin Amenta                                             26 Things to do during a snow storm
                                                                      Fun things to do outside
                                                             28 Instrument Buying Guide
                                                             32 The pros and cons of a social media giant
2                                                                     A review - Is TikTok something to worry about?    3
                                                                                               could have offered an estimated $3
                                                                                               billion dollar addition to the
                                                                                               American economy and would support
                                                                                               production from Canada.                    Nationwide, gas prices went up 5 cents
                                                                                               While the pipeline would have              from February 1st to the 8th. However,

      The Keystone XL                                                                          guaranteed a more productive               gas prices are dependent on
                                                                                               economy for both Canada and the US,        multiple factors. This includes crude
                                                                                               it also came with many cons. Some-         oil prices, production, location and a

    Pipeline Cancelation                                                                       thing to consider is that sustainable
                                                                                               and renewable energy could create up
                                                                                               to four times more jobs than the
                                                                                                                                          recent factor, the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                          Covid-19 has put many Americans in
                                                                                                                                          a situation far from normal. The same
     What does this mean for Americans?                                                        pipeline. Not only would this option       can be said about gas. According to
                                                                                                                                          CNN, drivers spent 100 billion dollars
                                 By: Brent Meraviglia                                          create more jobs, but it would also be
                                                                                               better for the environment. The            less on gasoline in 2020 than they did
                                                                                               pipeline would be transporting a           in 2019. While the pipeline closing
                                                      WASHINGTON D.C – President Joe           corrosive product, leading to a risk of    may be a factor, it is not the sole
                                                      Biden moved quickly into office,         a potential leak. While unlikely, leaks    reason.
                                                      canceling the Keystone XL pipeline       from the pipeline could create
                                                      on his first day. 830,000 barrels of     damaging effects for the environment.      While many Americans go back and
                                                      oil a day were expected to be            The size of the pipeline is also a risk.   forth on the shortcomings and benefits
                                                      transported from Alberta, Canada to      1200 miles is a lot                        of the pipeline, the decision made by
                                                      Illinois and Texas where it would be     to cover in terms
                                                      refined. The project has been in         of safety. The pipe-                        December 2020 - February 2021
                                                      process for over a decade now            line also does not        $3.00
                                                      leading to a multibillion-dollar         sit well with
                                                      roadblock. Recently in March, Alberta    Native Americans.
                                                      invested 1.5 billion into the pipeline   The project would         $2.83
                                                      and construction began on April 7th,     go through
                                                      2020. Along with the project             traditional lands,
                                                      cancellation also comes 48,000 tons      where they argue          $2.65
                                                      of steel.                                many of their dead
                                                                                               are buried.
                                                      The Keystone XL project offered                                   $2.48
                                                      many pros. The pipeline helps create     Gas prices are on
                                                      thousands of jobs although most are      the rise again
                                                      temporary. The pipeline itself would     leading some            $2.31
                                                      have helped reduce emissions and         Americans to link                                    J                           F
                                                      transportation dangers with other        it with the pipeline
                                                      methods. Economically, the pipeline      cancelation.
                                                                                                                                               Gas prices between Dec 2020 to Feb 2021
    A Gas pump at Shell Gas Station in Lisbon CT. Taken by Gillian Taylor
4                                                                                                                                                                                        5
                             COMMUNiTY                                                         Institute, Marty Durbin said in a
                                                                                               statement “It will harm
                                                                                               consumers and put
                                                                                               thousands of Americans
                                                                                               in the building trades out
                                                       It has created a situation where pipe   of work. Halting
                                                       liners and environmentalists are        construction will also
President Joe Biden will not have a                                                            impede the safe and
massive effect on gas prices. It will,                 against each other. Despite many
                                                       arguing these are temporary jobs,       efficient transport of oil,
however, affect the thousands of                                                               and unfairly single out
workers now without a job and the                      they are also jobs that families rely
                                                       on. The current situation of the        production from one of
local businesses benefiting around                                                             our closest and most
the construction. Geri Risley, a local                 pandemic and lack of stimulus
                                                       money makes this decision even          important allies.”
resident from Lebanon said “It’s
upsetting. I think we need the jobs.                   harder for the workers. The
                                                       president of the U.S. Chamber of        Alternatively, the
It would have been a great benefit to                                                          decision has given a lot
the economy.”                                          Commerce’s Global Energy
                                                                                               of attention towards

                                                                                                                                   environmentally friendly solutions
                                                                                                                                   and has pushed America in that
                                                                                                                                   direction. Dale Marshall, the
                                                                                                                                   national climate program manager
                                                                                                                                   for Canada’s Environmental
                                                                                                                                   Defence stated “Killing the
                                                                                                                                   Keystone XL pipeline once and for
                                                                                                                                   all is a clear indication that climate
                                                                                                                                   action is a priority for the White

                                                                                                                                                   Shell Gas Station Sign with prices.
                                                                                                                                                             Taken by: Gillian Taylor
                                                                                                                                                  Graphic of a crane carrying a pipe.
                                                                                                                                                           Created by: Gillian Taylor
    A close up of someone pumping gas. Taken by: Brent Meraviglia

6                                                                                                                                                                            7

                                                                                                        3 Thames Valley Council for Community
                          Local Food                                                                     Action

                                                                                                         83 HUNTINGTON ST, NEW LONDON CT
                                                                                                         Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00am till 4:00pm
                                                                                                         Phone Number: 860.889.1365
                   Where and how to get the food, you                                                    Web site:                                      New London
                       need in South Eastern CT
                                   By: Gillian Taylor                                                    TVCCA is a large program that helps family across
                                                                                                         Eastern CT. This program strives to help those in need
1 St. Vincent De Paul                                   2 First Haitian Baptist                          of housing, food, employment and education. From the
Place                                                        Church Food Pantry                          webpage it says that they have a “focus on building the                       3 Thames Valley Council
                                                                                                         community’s self-sufficiency and resiliency”.                                    for Community Action
120 CLIFF ST, NORWICH CT                                  365 CENTRAL AVE, NORWICH CT
                                                                                                         Not only do they provide help with food, but they also
Hours: Mon & Wed 9:30 am till 3:00 pm,
Saturday 8:00 am till 12:00 pm
                                                                        Hours: Friday 12pm
                                                             Phone Number: 860.367.7413                  want to help families who need housing or many who                        4     New London Area
                                                                                                                                                                                         Food Pantry
Phone Number: 860-889-7374                               Web site:              need jobs.
Web site:                  The First Haitian Baptist Church of
                                               Norwich was first established in 1996.
                                                                                                        4 New London Area Food Pantry
St. Vincent De Paul Place was founded in     From their webpage it states that “Rev.                     106 TRUMAN ST, NEW LONDON CT
1979 to help the                                                                  George Sterne Lys,     Hours: Mon 2pm to 4pm, Tues 10am to 12pm, and
communities who are strug-             Norwich                                    pastor of Hartford     Thurs 10am to 12pm
gling. From their                                                                 Missionary Baptist     Web site: https://newlondonareafoodpantry.weebly.
webpage it states that their                                                     Church in Hartford      com/
mission is                                                                       CT, a few members
“to provide food and                                                             of that church, and     The New London Area Food Pantry has been in
service to those who are                                                           a few residents in    operation since 1988 as a
physically, mentally, or                                                          Norwich; in March      nonprofit organization. Their mission
spiritually impoverished.                                                              1996 started a    statement is “we provide emergency food to those in need in the
We welcome anyone in need.                            2    First Haitian Baptist
                                                           Church Food Pantry           movement of      New London area with a choice of foods to provide a
                                                                                       evangelization    balanced diet of fresh, frozen and canned foods. This includes
Our goal is to motivate our                        1 St. Vincent De Paul Place                  every    vegetables, bread, fruit, peanut butter, dairy products, meats and
patrons towards
self-sufficient and a better                                                             Saturday, by    various other products that become available to us”.
life”.                                                                             going from house
                                                                                           to house”.                                                  Graphics and maps made by Gillian Taylor

 8                                                                                                                                                                                                  9

                                                                       Covid Vaccination Update
                                                                                                              What to expect from the brand-new vaccine
                                                                                                                                                                 By: Emme Romanelli

COVID-19 is                  and assisted living facility
                                                            both times... speaking
                                                            firsthand it was nothing
                                                                                        responders are
                                                                                        continually getting
                                                                                                                          it.” He clarifies
                                                                                                                          “We are
nothing new to anyone,       ER nurse Riley Tompkins        compared to the virus,      vaccinated to protect             assigned to get
but there is something       who currently works at         and absolutely worth        those they care for as            it at Hartford
new in terms of ending       Providence Medical             it.”                        well as themselves.               hospital as they
the pandemic. As we          Center in Anchorage,           It is predicted that the    Outside of a hospital             are focusing
come up on one year          Alaska received the            vaccine will be available   there is more                     on healthcare
since the pandemic           vaccine less than three        to the public by            organization necessary            workers
began in the U.S.            weeks after battling           mid-2021, so it is          to make sure all                  rather than
Pfizer and Moderna have      COVID-19. His experience       important for those         firefighters and police           enior citizens.”
begun distributing           with the vaccine differs       unfamiliar with how         personnel receive the             Most people
vaccines to senior           from those receiving it        vaccines work to            vaccine. Nate Romanelli,          getting the
citizens and healthcare      without having had the         understand why this         Old Mystic Fire                   vaccine do
workers.                     virus.                         one is so important.        Department EMT                    not have a full
                                                                                        completed the process to          scope of what
The scope of who gets        “Most people are getting       “[The vaccine] instructs    receive his vaccine in the        to really expect
the vaccine first is a bit   a little more than a sore      your body to create the     coming weeks. As he is            as it varies Nate
              further        arm from the first dose,       proteins that               only 17 years old, most           plans on,             Old Mystic EMT Nate Romanelli Photographed
              than peo-      but then an immune             mimic those found in        doctors’ offices cannot           “taking a                                    by Emme Romanelli
              ple may        response from the              the virus. These            provide the vaccine as            couple days at least            nothing to be worried
              think. The     second dose, including         proteins are what your      they are reserved for             to recover from any effect about. Though it may
              vaccine is     fever chills and aches.”       body recognizes as bad      citizens 75 and older.            it may have. I’m in online      have more of an effect
              being          For those who haven’t had      news and creates            “The station I                    school anyway so there’s        that a regular flu shot,
              given to       the virus he says “it’s        antibodies to fight         volunteer with has a              no better time than now to this is the first vaccine
              those          miserable, but it’s your       against it. At no point     program through our               get it and make sure I’m        available to tackle this
              working        body doing its job.”           is there a live or dead     department which                  safe.”                          pandemic. As of now,
  Covid-19    inside                                        version of the virus        provides us the vaccine           The vaccine is                  it is all we have to get
  Vaccine     hospitals,     In terms of if someone         introduced, so it’s         if we choose to receive           obviously not a walk in         back to regular day to
              as well as     receiving the vaccine has      impossible to contract                                        the park, but this is           day life.
              first          had it, he states “My body     the virus from the
              responders     was still chock full of        shot.”
                                                            In terms of a local
                             antibodies, which meant I                                    Vaccine
 10                          had the immune response        perspective, first
                                                                                        Graphics made my Emme Romanelli

Vocatura’s Bakery Reopens!
 Iconic sandwich shop recovers after a tragic accident back in October 2020                                                                                                Before
 By: Gillian Taylor

VOCATURAS BAKERY in          his beloved business back     Being an eyewitness to       having the
Greenville CT has been       and booming again. After 3    the accident, standing in    refrigerated
standing for over 50         months of hard work and       the building now it never    grinder and
years. In October 2020,      labor, they finally picked    even looked like a           pizza counters
a Jeep rammed into the       an opening day. As of         vehicle smashed into the     The new slicers,
front of the old building    Thursday, February 4, 2021    glass store front. Jordan    and the new
destroying the store front   Vocaturas Bakery is           Lombardi, who has been       cases. The old
and all the cases inside.    officially reopened and       working at the bakery        cases were about                                                                    After
Workers were quickly         ready for business.           for 5 years, made it clear   40 years old.
rushed from the building                                   how different everything     Maybe even
so that the area could be    Walking into the Bakery       is now at the bakery. She    older.These new
secured. David               today, customers would        talked about how it is       changes are for
Vocatura, the owner of       never know that a jeep        going to take a while to     the better”. She
the bakery was in sham-      drove straight into the       get used to the newer        mentioned how
bles and believed that his   building just 3 months        cash registers.              happy she is with
business was done for.       earlier. The construction     Previously, the cash         the change and
Not only were the            company called Mattern        registers were so            that the
employee’s                   Construction worked day       outdated,employees had                                  Pictures of the accident and after repairs. Taken by:Gillian Taylor
                                                                                        bakery really needed an
devastated from this         and night to                  to do all the math           upgrade, a new start she   Although this                      full as usual, and bellies
accident but so were the     secure the structure of the   in their head to give back   even goes to say.          close knit family at the           filled with the pizza,
people of the community.     building. The shiny new       change. With the new         Lombardi was               bakery have been through           grinders and pastries
                             fridges, meat slicers and     registers the employee’s     present during the         a lot, they’re working to          sold at Vocaturas.
The damage done to the       counter tops are an           job is more efficient.       accident and said “I do    come back stronger than
building was                 upgrade from the previous                                  get scared” when           before. The new appliances
extensive and needed a       wood counters, old fridges,   When asked what the          reminiscing about the      secured structural supports
lot of time to repair.       and dinky slicers they had    biggest difference is,       event. However, she        and love from the
David Vocatura was           before. The whole inside is   Lombardi stated that         mentioned feeling          community,
the most eager to get        a lot brighter and more       “the biggest difference is   safer now that she         Vocaturas Bakery is back up
                             welcoming compared to         really the upgraded          better knows how to        and booming. Parking lot is
                             what it looked like before.   appliances,
  12                                                                                    handle such a situation.
C                                                          Principles of Advertsing
                                                                   A class more than just advertisers could benefit from
                                                                                                                By: Emme Romanelli

Principles of Advertising is a        as Integrated Marketing

Marketing Course which is typically   Communications (IMC), which is
a requirement for Graphic Design      utilizing various marketing
students. My course was taught by     channels to convey one message.
Professor James O’Shea, a Professor   While we learned concepts to sell
within the Business and               to specific audiences, we also
Technologies Department here at       viewed real world examples, such
Three Rivers.                         as Super Bowl commercials and
                                      recognizable ad campaigns. This
My experience with the class was      class took our learning one step
positive, the class is helpful to     further, while a regular class may
anyone who wants to improve on        require just learning the material,
appealing to an audience. For my      we applied these concepts to our
case, it was looking at how designs   own advertising campaigns.
will be interpreted to anyone         The bulk of the class was spent
looking for a split second.           within breakout rooms on the          The final for the class was         with more people than just yourself.
The first several weeks are devoted   online format with our designated     presenting our ad campaign as       Alongside the group work, the
to learning the basics of             groups, ranging from four to six      well as listen to what other came   concepts learned in this class are felt
marketing and advertising. This       people per group. The goal was to     up with. All around there were      by everyone. Advertising is
includes focusing on concepts such    create a product which did not        so many different ideas that        everywhere and it is a cool thing to
                                      exist and would appeal to a           only show up when                   understand how your brain perceives
                                      specific audience.                    collaborating with other people.    these concepts every day.
                                                                            The class was one of my most

                                      We were required to create a full     helpful as a Graphic Design
                                      visual advertising campaign. This     major. Most of my career work
                                      included magazine                     will involve collaboration and
                                      advertisements and social media       this class provided one of the
                                      posts alongside a mock website        most real-world situations I
                                      and concepts for a commercial         could be part of as a student.
                                      and radio advertisement.              Although it is an advertising
                                      Overall, the campaign was             class, I highly recommend
                                      created for a mock product which      taking this as a way of problem
                                      were sneakers that converted into     solving and creating something
14                                    roller-skates.
    E                                              Streaming Services in a Pandemic
                                                    How media consumption has changed for at-home use          By: Emme Romanelli

Streaming services have become a media giant in recent years. The         over others.
classics such as Netflix and Hulu have been around for years, but
2020 saw a whole different need for at home streaming, stay-at-home       Before long, movie releases were
orders.                                                                   being delayed and eventually
2020 opened with some of the now biggest shows and movies                 just moved to streaming
                                                 because by March         platforms. But that can come
                                                 there was nothing        with some trouble as at home
                                                 else to do but watch     movie releases were rare before
                                                 tv. As time went on      now.
                                                 there was less need
                                                 for public viewing       While streaming giants are
                                                 experiences, like        getting their day in the sun, the
                                                 movie theaters,          fate of movie theaters is up in
                                                 and necessity for at     the air. As of October 2020,
                                                 home streaming.          Regal Cinemas closed all 536 of
                                                 This situation           their theaters indefinitely.
                                                 provided Netflix to      While 2020 provided us with
                                                 have some of its         dozens of paid streaming
                                                 biggest programs.        services there are a few that
                                                 These included the       come free. Tubi TV is one of
 Disney Plus
                                                 likes of Tiger King at   them which features small-
the beginning of the pandemic, to more recently Bridgerton.               er movies such as My Friend
Disney was one of the biggest contenders for a quarantine takeover.       Dahmer and shows like The                  Tubi. Taken by Emme Romanelli
Their service came out at the perfect time in November of 2019. By        Masked Singer.
the time COVID-19 hit, people had already bought the subscription
and were taking it all in.                                                If there is anything 2020 brought along, it was change and adjust-
                                                                          ment. The movie industry was hit, but in comes adjustment and alas
Disney also took a business venture and bundled Hulu and ESPN+            we have a streaming service
with their plan to give more incentive to choose their service            takeover.

  16                                                                                                                                                 17
     E                                                                                                    from scratch if desired, but we used pre-made
                                                                                                          dough for this recipe. Just make sure the
                                                                                                          pre-made dough does not contain any animal
                                                                                                          products such as milk or eggs. By this point you might want to check and see if your
                                                                                                          bacon needs to flip.
      Veganism and the various forms of
    vegetarianism have become much more
                                                  Vegan Cheese                                            After preparing your dough, you can pour your sauce out. We used just about half a cup

                                                    Pizza and
  popular over the past few years. There is a                                                             of pizza sauce. Make sure to spread it evenly on your dough.
  whole new generation who are trying to do
      their part in saving the planet and                                                                 Once the sauce is on, you can spread your cheese out on top of your pizza. The amount
 reducing their carbon footprint. A good way
to help towards ending animalcruelty as well
         as helping the environment is
                                                   Vegetarian                                             of cheese is really a preference, we used an estimated amount of 1 cup of shredded
                                                                                                          cheese. Spread your cheese out evenly as well.
cutting meat, or even all animal products out
  of your diet. Many people think this means       Bacon Pizza                                            Finally, your bacon is likely done at this point, so it’s time to prepare it for your pizza.
                                                                                                          Cut your bacon strips into small slices and sprinkle it onto your pizza. The bacon
 having to eat extra healthy and frankly, not                     By: Alex Slane
                                                                                                          required for this recipe does contain egg and milk products, so it is not vegan, it is
  the most delicious meals. However,
                                                                                                          vegetarian. We are going to do half bacon and half cheese, this way, we have half a
   this is not the case. Today we are
going to be making plan- based pizza!
                                                                                                          vegan cheese pizza and half a vegetarian bacon pizza.
The total time for this recipe is 20-25
                  mins.                                                                                   Put the pizza onto a greased tray and cook in the oven for 15 Minutes. Depending on
                                                                                                          the dough you used, it may take a few minutes longer than that.
1 cup of Daiya Mozzarella Style                                                                           When it is done, cut it and enjoy!

Shreds                                                                                                    AD
4 strips of Morning Star
Veggie Bacon Strips
½ Cup of your choice of
Pizza Sauce
Your choice of pizza dough
INSTRUCTIONS:                              Vegan Cheese and Vegetarian Bacon Pizza. taken by Alex Slane
To start, preheat the oven to 400
degrees. Now, we are going to get our bacon started. The
amount of bacon is up to your preferences. We are making
one pizza today, ½ cheese and ½ bacon, so I used 4 slices of
bacon to cover ½ of the pizza. Place your bacon strips on a
greased pan on medium heat. They are going to take around
3 minutes on each side or cook to your preferred crispness.
After starting your bacon, we can begin on rolling the dough.
You may need to add a little flour to your dough so you can
roll it into the shape for your pizza. You can make dough

  18                                                                                                                                                                                             19
 E                                                                                                                          sitting there,trying to
                                                                                                                            keep warm. Trying to pay
                                                                                                                            attention to what was going

Bernie Sanders Next Big
                                                                                                                            on”. Sanders isn’t into memes
                                                                                                                           imself but appreciated the
                                                                                                                          moment, nonetheless.Brendan

         Meme                                                                                                            Smialowski, a man from Newtown
                                                                                                                        Connecticut was responsible for the
                                                                                                                      viral photo. He is a photographer with
     The mittens seen around the nation                                                                             the Agence France-Presse and has been
                By: Brent Meraviglia                                                                             taking pictures of political key moments for
                                                                                                              almost two decades. In an interview from his
                       Washington D.C – Former Presidential                                                   home in Washington D.C, he said “It’s okay for
                          candidate Bernie Sanders was a primary
                                                                            			                     people to take a break from the heavy journalism and
                              topic of discussion during the
                                                                            find light hearted moments”. While he is serious about his work, he is still grateful
                                 Presidential Inauguration that took
                                                                            for the attention.
                                        place on Wednesday, January
                                        20th. While many were on
                                                                            Not only has the photographer himself been getting some recent attention, but the
                                         edge after the recent capitol
                                                                            woman that made the famous mittens has been getting some interest as well. In
                                                                            reply to Seth Meyers, Sanders said “What was really nice is the woman who made
                                           unintentionally took the
                                                                            the mittens lives in Essex Junction, Vermont. She is a schoolteacher; a very very
                                             internet by storm.
                                                                            nice person and she has been somewhat overwhelmed by the kind of attention
                                              Alleviating some of the
                                                                            shown to her mittens.” Her name is Jen Ellis and now has over 22,000 followers on
                                               tension. Hundreds of
                                                                            twitter. It has gone as far now that people are bidding on the
                                                thousands of memes
                                                                            mittens she is making.
                                                 are available, many
                                                 showing up just hours
                                                                            While both Biden and Trump supporters were on edge, Sanders gave the nation
                                                  after the inauguration.
                                                                            something to come together and laugh about. Between the pandemic,
                                                                            political differences, and other concerning conflicts, it was something that
                                                 What sparked the
                                                                            brought American’s together during a time of division. This event shows the
                                                 meme was a now
                                                                            power of people coming together.
                                                 famous picture of
                                                Sanders wearing
                                                                            Sanders has since announced that the meme has raised 1.8 million dollars from
                                                hand-knit mittens from
                                                                            his online store. The meme was put to good use and Sanders included
                                               a supporter in Vermont
                                                                            merchandise for it. He plans on giving the money to organizations working in his
                                              along with a casual coat.
                                                                            home state, Vermont. Andrew Zemantic, a local resident from Lebanon said “I’m
                                             In an
                                                                            not huge on politics but it was nice seeing something so positive for once. Both
                                            interview with Late Night
                                                                            political sides seemed to be together and it’s funny considering how
                                          hosted by Seth Meyers,
                                                                            unexpected and unrelated it was.”               Graphic made my Gillian Taylor
                                         Sanders said “I was just

20                                                                                                                                                         21
                                                                                                From this fall Joe’s soul is sent to the great
                                                                                                beyond. He lands on this conveyor belt that is
                                                                                                slowly bringing him up to a white light. There
                                                                                                are other souls on it and Joe realizes he is not in
                                                                                                his body anymore. He is not ready to die right
                                                                                                 after waiting his whole life for anopportunity to perform. From here Joe runs through
                                                                                                 this cosmic dimension and breaks a lot of rules along the way to get back to the life he
                                                                                                 knew. While escaping the fate in front of him he gets lost in a place where new souls are

Movie Review: Soul
                                                                                                 created before going to Earth. Joe breaks the rules to get back to Earth and he finally is
                                                                                                 reunited with his body that has been in a coma. After jumping over all the obstacles to
                                                                                                 get into his body he frantically runs around the city getting ready for his big night.
By; William Silva                                                                               Joe arrives late to perform, and the famous jazz musician tells him he is too late. Joe
                                                                                                does not take no for an answer and he tells the woman he is meant to perform. Inspired
This Disney movie takes you on a magical journey through life, death, and the unknown.
                                                                                                by his dedication she lets him perform alongside her. Joe gives it his all and wows the
It takes place in the busy streets of New York City. The main character is named Joe
                                                                                                audience with the biggest performance of his lifetime. At this moment he is truly
Gardner, and he is voiced by Jamie Foxx. Joe is a school music teacher who has always
                                                                                                content. However, after the performance he feels this emptiness inside of him. He asks
had dreams of being something more. Music is his passion and even though his job
                                                                                                the famous musician what happens after the show. She tells him that they will come
involves music it is not what he is meant to do for the rest of his life. Ever since he was
                                                                                                                                                       back tomorrow night and do it all
a boy he wanted to be in the spotlight. He knows deep down that he is meant to be on
stage speaking jazz through the keys of his
                                                                                                                                                         In this moment Joe realizes that
                                                                                                                                                         he has been chasing this dream
The movie starts to pick up when his boss
                                                                                                                                                         his whole life and by doing so he
offers him a raise. He acts excited about
                                                                                                                                                         has missed out on all the
getting the full-time position, but he is far
                                                                                                                                                         little things that he thought of as
from it. To him taking this position is es-
                                                                                                                                                         a waste of time. He realizes that
sentially the same as closing the door on his
                                                                                                                                                         living is not just playing piano
dreams to be a famous jazz musician. His
                                                                                                                                                         and being famous. Living is
mother pushes him to take the position be-
                                                                                                                                                         sitting in the park as the breeze
cause she does not believe he will ever be ca-                                                   A photo comparing (Joe Gardner) the main character to   hits your face. Living is letting
pable of accomplishing his dream. From her                                                       (Jamie Foxx) the actor who voiced him.                 the cold ocean water hit your toes
perspective he is chasing a fantasy.
                                                                                                as you stand and look at the sunset. He realizes life is not about the destination, rather
On the same day that Joe receives a raise
                                                                                                it is about the journey and appreciating every little moment.
he also receives a life changing voicemail. A
past student left him a message with an offer
                                                                                                                                                         This is a beautiful life lesson,
of a lifetime. This student informed Joe that
                                                                                                                                                         and it was necessary. Especially
he was going to be performing with a famous
                                                                                                                                                         for people who have dreams of
jazz musician and asked Joe to join them
                                                                                                                                                         being famous this movie has a
playing the piano. Joe is ecstatic to hear this
                                                                                                                                                         crucial lesson. You must chase
voicemail and immediately starts celebrating
                                                                                                                                                         your dreams and never give up
as he runs through the streets of New York.
                                                                                                                                                         on them, but do not let them take
Distracted by his excitement he falls into an
                                                                                                                                                         your attention away from the
open manhole.
                                                                                                                                                         beautiful moments that life has
                                                                                                                                                         to offer.

  22                                    A movie poster for “Soul” showing the main character.
                                                                                                A scene of Joe as a child. In this memory he is                                       23
                                                                                                listening to music with his father.
                           Places to go When Everything’is Closed
                                                                                                                                                    By: Alex Slane

For over a year now, Coronavirus has had a hold on us and kept us from being          Esker Point
able to do things like we used to. To keep ourselves and everyone else safe, we       Esker Point is a small beach and picnic area
have had to sacrifice many of the things we liked to do. Having to stay indoors for   with many glowing features. Located in
over a year can have some negative side effects. Therefore, it is important to get    Groton, CT, you are right on the coast and
outside and explore the local beauty you may not have seen before. Visiting local     have access to a nice little beach. The beach
parks and other outdoor locations is a good way to remain safe and still have that    allows for swimming and they even offer
feeling of being out in public like everything is normal.                             volleyball courts! The picnic area is very
                                                                                      nice, and you will find that many people
Devils Hopyard                                                                        enjoy bringing their dog. This park is also
If you are feeling a little down and need a good                                      right next to a nice residential area if you are
mood booster, you should consider hiking!                                             in the mood for a walk to look at the unique
Exercise releases endorphins which make your                                          architecture.
brain happy. Devils Hopyard located in East
Haddam, CT, has several paths to follow so you                                        Harkness Park
can enjoy a nice walk in the woods. Surrounded by                                     Harkness Memorial State Park is in Waterford, CT, and offers a beach as well as a
waterfalls and rivers, you can enjoy your                                             massive field and picnic area. Harkness is much larger than the other parks
surroundings and have a nice time. There are even                                     mentioned, meaning it can feel less crowded even with a lot of people visiting. It
seating areas if you wanted to pack a lunch.                                          has a beach like Esker Point, but it is much larger. However, there is no swimming
                                                                                      at this beach. The picnic area has tables and even some charcoal grills. There is
Fort Shantok                                                                          also a mansion that houses 42 rooms.
Located in Uncasville, CT, Fort Shantok offers easy
trails with pretty views and wildlife. There are                                      Remember to make time for yourself to go outside and experience what the local
many ponds, some even with bridges to cross.                                          parks have to offer and stay safe while doing so.
If you are lucky, you might even stumble across
some sleeping turtles. There are geese everywhere,
but do not get too close as they do not take kind-
ly to strangers. Once in the woods, you can even
break away from the trail and explore on your own.
There are cliffs and waterfalls here as well to add
to the amazing surroundings.

                                                                                                      Pictures of Fort Shantok and Esker Point.Taken by Alex Slane
  24                                                                                                                      Devils Hopyard Taken By: Gillian Taylor.   25
      E                                                         Things to do During a Snow Storm
                                                                  Whether you are cozied up inside or eager to get out, here are some fun things to
                                                                                                       keep yourself entertained when snowed in
                                                                                                                                             By: Gillian Taylor

Outside:                                                                                Inside:
Snowboarding                                                                            Baking
Although many people think you need large slopes to go snowboarding, you are            When it’s too cold to get outside and you are looking for something fun, look in
wrong. The Norwich Golf Course has large hills and when there is tons of snow it        your cabinets and bake something yummy! Or if you or your family is going
makes plenty of chances to build jumps, rails and different obstacles. Even if you      outside, having a warm piece of cake just hits the spot! Also, this will give you
live on a large plot of land with a hill you can go out and build yourself a mini       and your family something to do together, baking cookies and decorating them
snowboard slope!                                                                        can make for some great memories.

Sledding                                                                                Netflix
Sledding is one of the oldest ways to have fun in the snow! Sledding is fun for         There is nothing better than cuddling up on the couch and watching your favorite
all ages and gives everyone that sense of being a little kid again. The little bit of   TV show or Movie. Not just on Netflix but also, Hulu, Disney Plus and others. Plus,
adrenaline that rushes through you when going down a huge hill is like nothing          if you bake some cookies it will give you something to snack on while watching
else. Even if you do hit a bump and tumble you are wearing so many layers you           your binge worthy TV series.
can barely feel it! Fun for all ages and can be done even in your own backyard or
at a public park that has some huge hills.                                              Card Games
                                                                                        Sometimes there is nothing better than playing a good old fashion card game.
Building snowman                                                                        Whether you want to play alone or with family, there are plenty of options. If you
Building your own frosty the snowman is one of the easiest things you could do          are alone you can play solitaire, there are 4 different types to choose from. And if
in the snow. Gathering all your supplies, the sticks and pebbles or even a carrot.      you are in a family setting you can play, Go Fish, Rummy, Blackjack or Poker!
Coming together as a family outside assembling your own snowman is an easy
way to spend time together outside the house. You can even make it a little             Plan a camp out in living room/ bedroom
competition to see who has the best snowman out of the bunch! Using old gloves          This one is great whether you have kids or not! Building a fort on the living room
and scarves can bring a bit of pizzazz to your snowman ensemble!                        brings you right back to your childhood. It is not only easy but it is fun to build.
                                                                                        If you have kids, it will give them a sense of doing something new! The kids will
Snowball fights                                                                         enjoy being able to sleep outside of their rooms and spend time with their
Do you need to let out a little anger after being pent up in the house with your        parents!
family for 9 months? Outside is an endless supply of snowballs! The easiest way
to let off some steam and have fun. Going outside and forming these tiny soft
snowballs is simple and doesn’t take a lot of time and it’s not as painful as some
other options!

                                                                                                                                             Picture of snowman and
                                                                                                                                  apple pie. Taken by Gillian Taylor.
  26                                                                                                                                                                    27
                      Find your sound!
           An instrument guide to help you chose the right one
                                                                                                 the best buy for you!

                                                                                                 When beginning to learn
                                                                                                 music, there are a few
                                                                                                                             strings inside. They can be
                                                                                                                             very large, and you need
                                                                                                                             to get them tuned several
                                                                                                                             times a year. Digital Pianos
                                                                                                                                                              lightweight and
                                                                                                                                                              portable. They are like
                                            By: Alex Slane                                                                   are essentially as close to      digital pianos; however,
                                                                                                 things to consider. You
The summer of 2020 was their major quaratine in                     learning music.                                          a real piano as you can get,     they do not have
                                                                                                 are going to want to think
a time of mixed feelings late spring. Having to stay                After speaking to an                                     but the sound is all digital.    weighted keys, and are
                                                                                                 about what style of
for many. The COVID-19 at home and                                  employee of the Music &                                  Digital Pianos have              usually either 61 keys long
                                                                                                 music you are going to
outbreak had started                quarantine resulted in a        Arts location found in                                   weighted keys to                 or 76 keys long. They do
                                                                                                 want to play, your budget,
becoming a real threat in very odd summer                           Waterford, CT, it is clear                               emulate the feeling of a         not feel exactly like a real
                                                                                                 and your goals with
the United States and               compared to past years.         that music was on the                                    real piano, and they are         piano and do sound a bit
                                                                                                 learning music.
Connecticut had begun               For some, this meant            mind. “Oh yeah,                                          most commonly 88 keys            cheaper than the other
                                                                                                 Let’s start with piano.
                                                     having to      definitely! It was crazy”                                long, which is essentially       options.
                                                                                                 Piano is a great starter
                                                     adjust their   says employee Margo                                      a full-size upright piano.       However, keyboards are
                                                                                                 instrument for any
                                                     work life      Cadorette. Based on the                                  Finally, there’s keyboards.      a great option for people
                                                                                                 beginner musician. It
                                                     to being at    large increase of sales                                  Keyboards are the                who are not sure if they
                                                                                                 allows for an easy
                                                     home, and      and several conversations    experience for learning
                                                     for others     with customers, they have    about music theory, which
                                                     it meant       determined that there was    is a knowledge of why
                                                     having a lot   indeed a spike in            music is the way it is. The
                                                     of free time   popularity.                  keys are laid out in a
                                                     on their                                    consistent manner,
                                                                    Now jump ahead to the
                                                     hands. If                                   making learning where
                                                                    current times. Many
                                                     you had an                                  the notes are, and
                                                                    people are still working
                                                     eye of                                      building chords easier
                                                                    from home or may not
                                                     social                                      than some other
                                                                    even be back to work yet
                                                     media over                                  instruments. You can play
                                                                    at all. The free time may
                                                     the                                         many genres of music on
                                                                    be a little less abundant
                                                     summer,                                     piano, so it is quite the
                                                                    than when the quarantine
                                                     you would                                   versatile instrument.
                                                                    began, but it’s certainly
                                                     have seen
                                                                    still there.                 As for obtaining a piano
                                                     lots of
                                                     people         Music is a very satisfying   yourself, there are a few
                                                     getting into   hobby, and the best part     options. There are
                                                                                                                                                  Margo Cadorette working on an Electric Guitar
       Electric Guitars hanging on wall              art such       is, anybody can learn!       pianos, digital pianos, and cheapest of the
                                    as painting and crafts, and     This is going to be a        keyboards. Pianos are the three options and
  28                                many decided to get into        comprehensive guide on       traditional piano with real are also the most                                             29
     E                            amount of time, guitar and
                                                                 guitars are larger than
                                                                 electric guitars because
                                                                 they need to be hollow
                                                                 to allow sound to
                                                                                               amplifiers, called mod
                                                                                               amps, take the place of
                                                                                               foot pedals, and have
                                                                                               effects built in.
                                                                                               Electric guitar is
                                                                                                                          ukulele maybe for you.The
                                                                                                                          pricing for acoustic and

                                                                                                                                                                              for you to
will stick with learning                                                                       commonly used for                                                              begin your
                                  ukulele are for you. Songs     project without               genres such as rock,
piano. The price range for        on guitar are                                                                                                                               musical
                                                                 plugging into anything.       punk, metal, jazz,
keyboards is around               mostly played with chords.                                                                                                                  journey. If you
                                                                 They are used to play         indie, pop, and more.
$100-$300. The price              Chords are a group of                                                                                                                       still are not
                                                                 many genres of music,         Finally let’s move on
range for digital pianos is       notes played at the same                                                                                                                    positive, head
                                                                 including blues,              to ukuleles.
around 300-$2,000+ The            time. The most common                                                                                                                       to your local
                                                                 country, indie, pop, and
price for Pianos is around        chords on ukulele are very                                                                                                                  music stores
                                                                 more. There is also a         Ukuleles are
$2,000+. Moving on to             easy to learn and only                                                                                                                      and try out
                                                                 type of acoustic guitars      four-stringed
our next category which           require one or two                                                                                                                          some
                                                                 called “Classical”            instruments that tune
is going to be Guitars and        fingers to play.                                                                                                                            instruments!
                                                                 guitars, these use nylon      to GCEA and make                            Ukuleles being displayed on wall
Ukuleles. Guitar is not           Guitar chords are slightly                                                              electric guitars                                  Learning an
                                                                 strings as opposed to         use of nylon strings,
necessarily any more or           more robust, but                                                                        ranges from                         instrument is a great way
                                                                 traditional steel strings     similarly to classical
less difficult than piano,        overall, not too difficult                                                              $100-$2000+. A decent               to spend free time right
                                                                 and are from Spanish          guitars. They come in
it simply has very                with some practice.                                                                     beginner guitar is                  now and is a very
                                                                 origin.                       various sizes, which from
different techniques. The         Ukuleles are divided into                                                               usually around the                  satisfying hobby. There
theory is the same                                               Moving on to electric         smallest to largest are                                        are many resources to
                                  sizes, and guitar is divided                                                            $200-$300 range.It is
between all                                                      guitar, they are much         soprano, concert, tenor,                                       teach yourself these
                                  into acoustic and electric.                                                             important to
instruments, it is just a                                        lighter and need to be        and baritone. The only                                         instruments as well as
                                                                                                                          remember that electric
matter of how you play                                           plugged into an               difference between these                                       local places you can take
                                  Acoustic and electric                                                                   guitars will need an amp
them. If you are wanting                                         amplifier. They use a         instruments is size,                                           lessons. Many stores
                                  guitar are                                                                              and a cable, which can
to learn and be able to                                          lighter string, so some       excluding baritone, which                                      offer online lessons as
                                  fundamentally the same,                                                                 range from $60-$400+
play full songs in a short                                       recommend learning on         uses a different tuning.                                       well so you can stay safe
                                  they simply sound and feel                                                              Ukuleles can be found
                                                                 an electric guitar as it is   The nylon strings are very                                     while learning. Rock on!
                                                   slightly                                                               from $30-$400+
                                                                 easier on your fingers.       easy on the fingers and
                                                   different.                                                             There are hundreds of
                                                                 Alongside amplifiers,         allow for an easy learning
                                                   They both                                                              other instruments to
                                                                 they also can be used         experience. Ukuleles use a
                                                   have six                                                               choose from, these are just
                                                                 with an assortment of         chord system just like
                                                   strings                                                                the common instruments
                                                                 foot pedals. These            guitar. The chords on
                                                   and are                                                                that people choose to learn
                                                                 pedals are                    ukulele are generally easy
                                                   tuned to                                                               on.
                                                                 modification                  to learn because they only
                                                   EADGBE.                                     have four strings. If you
                                                                 accessories that allow                                   Hopefully, this helps you
                                                   Let’s                                       think six strings is too
                                                                 you to add effects to                                    choose what will be best
                                                   start with                                  much to learn on, then                                           All images taken by: Alex Slane
                                                                 your guitar. Some

              Close up of an Electric Guitar

  30                                                                                                                                                                                      31
     E                                                                                 learns what to show and not show
                                                                                       that specific user. If used
                                                                                       correctly, TikTok can be a great

The Pros and Cons of a
                                                                                       source of entertainment filled with
                                                                                       similar content a specific user may
                                                                                       want to see. Alternatively, it can be just as

  Social Media Giant
                                                                                       negative and inappropriate as the latter option.

                                                                                       While TikTok does have strict guidelines with eleven different sections, certain
  A REVIEW - IS TIKTOK SOMETHING TO WORRY                                              unnecessary content can get through due to the high population of users.
                    ABOUT?                                                             According to their guidelines, TikTok states “TikTok’s mission is to inspire
              By: Brent Meraviglia                                                     creativity and bring joy. We are building a global community where people can
Since its creation in August 2018, TikTok has                                          create and share, discover the world around them, and connect with others across
been downloaded over 2 billion times globally.                                         the globe”. However, this is easier said than done. TikTok does a great job
Chances are it’s hard for cell phone users to have                                     achieving this mission, but it cannot be foolproof. They also stated “We will
never heard of the app. It offers a broad range of                                     remove any content – including video, audio, livestream, images, comments, and
content involving anything lighthearted, serious,                                      text – that violates our Community Guidelines. Individuals are notified of our
controversial, funny, and more.                                                                                     decisions and can appeal if they believe no violation
The app features a section to discover, to create and a “For you” and “Following”                                   has occurred”.
section where users can find personalized content fit for them.While the app was
developed with fun in mind, mental health is a big issue revolving around it.                                      So is TikTok something to worry about? I would say
Followers, screen time, likes, notifications and trends can quickly overwhelm if                                   for children under the age of 16, yes. TikTok can
not cripple an individual’s mental fortitude. While TikTok isn’t the first of its                                  quickly lead to a battle for followers, create
kind to have this problem, it is arguably a game changer. A constant flow of 15                                    self-esteem issues, create a lack of sleep, and may
second videos is available at the user’s fingertips. It provides a wide variety of                                 leave some feeling disconnected from their peers.
fast video-only entertainment generated based off the user’s likes and view time.                                  Charlie D’Amelio, TikTok’s most subscribed user is
It becomes easy to lose track of time. Users need to remember that TikTok is a                                     16 with over 100 million followers. She’s reported
business running a free app. Users are the product. It is TikTok’s job to keep their                               having panic attacks, not feeling normal and feeling
users there for longer as it generates more ad revenue.                                                            discontent with herself. While most users won’t feel
                                                                                                                   the pressure she does, it’s a great example how even
With that in mind, TikTok and its community are proactive about mental health.                                     some of the most popular people on the app struggle
They have featured hashtags listed as “mentalhealthawareness” and                                                  with mental health. In an interview with Avani Gregg,
“mentalhealthmatters”. A video will automatically play saying remember to take a                                   D’amelio mentioned her therapist, stating “Even if
break once a user has been scrolling for too long. There are certified doctors and                                 you think, ‘Hey, I’m doing great,’ it doesn’t hurt to get
therapists on the app as users offering healthy life tips. There is also a wide                                    help. It doesn’t hurt to talk to someone. It’s genuinely
variety of wholesome content that can inspire or uplift a user’s mood. There                                       really awesome because even though sometimes you
are options to report a video or mark it as “not interested” so that the algorithm                                 feel genuinely alone, you have someone to talk to.”

  32                                                                                                                                                                  33
Three Rivers Community College

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