The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club

Page created by Daniel Richards
The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
MAY 2021
                    The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart’s Melville FP Club

SMC lit up on the National Day of Reflection
(thanks to ESMS Marketing for the photo)
The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
2        Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

3    Editor’s Introduction
3    FP Club Update
4    New Club President - Kenneth Russell
5    Principal’s Report
6    Patrick Tobin
7    Colin Rigby
10   Class of 2020
11   Reasons to Remember
14   James Wight Rutherford
15   Iain Riley
16   ESMS Development Office and Community Update
17   Ross Thompson
19   Melville College Trust Update
20   A School History Lesson
25   Stewart’s Melville College Archives
27   Sports Clubs - Cricket
28   Sports Clubs - Rugby
31   Sports Clubs - Golf
32   Sports Clubs - Hockey
33   Melville Class of 1963 Annual Reunion
33   Tribute - Mike Geddes
34   Tribute - Douglas Wright
35   Obituaries
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Editor’s Introduction                          to be so, but I’m quietly hopeful that        some interesting material and some great
                                               normality will be returned to us sooner       photos, and have a look at the piece
                                               than we may dare to wish.                     about the Rutherford building as well.
                                               The FP News this year has been a              I am very thankful to all the people who
                                               welcome distraction, and hopefully            contributed as always. My job is really
                                               there’s a good variety of content for you     made easier by sports captains, features
                                               to enjoy. There are the usual updates         and updates writers, and everyone else
                                               from Principal Moule, the club president      who contributes in some way. Thank you
                                               (welcome to the new president – Kenneth       to everyone who contributed obituaries,
                                               Russell), the Melville Trust, our sport
                                                                                             which I know cannot be an easy ask. I’d
                                               clubs, and from the head of Sixth Form.
                                                                                             also thank Bryan Lewis for writing a kind
                                               Beyond this, make sure to catch some
                                                                                             obituary for Patrick Tobin, who many
                                               of the varied features included. I enjoyed
                                               interviewing Iain Riley, a headmaster and     FPs will remember. As always, a special
                                               school director in China, and loved the       thank you to Sandra Shedden, at MDPD,
                                               contribution from Dave Clarke, part of the    who designs and prints the magazine,
                                               SMC History department, about FPs in          Suzi Squires, of the Development Office,
                                               the World Wars. Make sure to read it –        and Laura McIntosh as well. Thanks also
                                               and also see the piece by David McLeish,      to Bob Young, Bert Barclay, Alan Veitch,
                                               head archivist at SMC, on the archives        Jack Davidson, and John Archer.
Hello again, First things first –              projects and the work being done there.       It’s been a nice project throughout
apologies for the lateness of                  I interviewed a friend from my year at        a busy year for me personally – I
                                               school, Ross Thompson, about the
the magazine this year!                        beginning of his professional rugby career
                                                                                             graduated from Oxford during lockdown,
                                                                                             and I’m almost finished a MSc at
A better editor might have rattled out         at Glasgow Warriors, and also chatted
                                                                                             Edinburgh. Thanks to the club for letting
three of them with all this time at home,      to Colin Rigby, now the VP at the SRU.
                                                                                             me do it again. I love receiving anything
but it proved a little difficult to assemble   Both interviews give fascinating insights
                                                                                             that could end up as content for the
with so much disruption. Regardless,           into Scottish Rugby from totally differing
I hope you enjoy what we’ve put                perspectives. Bert Barclay and Alan           magazine – please do reach out to me at
together. I know it’s been a really            Veitch contributed a fascinating history of
difficult year for so many, and continues      the School playing grounds, uncovering        Enjoy!

  FP Club Update
                                                                                             resolution to transfer the operational
                                                                                             management of the clubhouse at
                                                                                             Inverleith from the FP Club to the
                                                                                             school. As part of the transfer
                                               due consideration a special resolution        agreement the school have undertaken
  A summary of the significant                                                               that there will be a seamless experience
                                               was put to an Extraordinary General
  donation the club has made                   Meeting of the Club on 15th July              for users of the clubhouse for the rugby
  to the ESMS Hardship                         held by Zoom and the outcome was              club, hockey club, cricket club and
                                               unanimous agreement among those               other patrons. Laura McIntosh, the
  Fund, and the changes in                     present that the Club should donate a         FP Club’s treasurer to this point and
  clubhouse management.                        sum of up to £215,000 from reserves           Denise Mitchell, long time bar manager,
                                               to SMC’s hardship fund which at               have transferred their employment
  Donation to ESMS                             times was called upon to assist with          to the school and will continue to be
  Hardship Fund                                payment of school fees on an ad hoc           principally responsible for the services
                                               basis. The Hardship Fund is separate          offered at the clubhouse along with
  In July 2020 on receipt of a request         and in addition to the Bursary Fund
  from a senior member of the club the                                                       Joyce Waterston of the caterer AJ
                                               operated by the school via “Access to
  FP Club Council agreed to consider                                                         Catering. Unfortunately as all members
                                               Excellence”. The donation has proved
  what might be done to alleviate the          most helpful to the school in resolving       will be only too aware the clubhouse
  financial consequences of Covid that         some of the difficulties put before them.     has remained closed since early March
  some parents might experience in                                                           2020 due the pandemic, so the new
  relation to meeting school fees and          Clubhouse Management                          arrangements have yet to be tested in
  thereby allow for the continuance of         The Extraordinary Meeting of the Club         operation.
  the education of sons at SMC. After          on 15th July 2020 also approved a             Bert Barclay
The Magazine and Annual Review of The Stewart's Melville FP Club
4            Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

New Club President -
Kenneth Russell                           emotional challenges we face as a
                                          result of the Covid-19 pandemic have
                                                                                      Ken is the third generation of an
                                          provided us with an opportunity for the
                                                                                      entrepreneurial Edinburgh family with
                                          FP Club to work closer with the school
                                                                                      interests in construction, property
                                          in supporting each other – helping the
                                                                                      and the automotive sectors. After
                                          Development Office and Access to
                                          Excellence support current and future       leaving school he travelled extensively
                                          pupils and their families while working     throughout the USA before spending a
                                          together to make former pupils aware        semester at Lincoln Way High School,
                                          of the many social and networking           New Lenox, Illinois. Ken then spent five
                                          benefits of club membership beyond          years as a management trainee with
                                          the ones associated with the club’s         a national construction group before
                                          sporting activities.                        joining his family construction business
                                          “I also feel the FP Club and its            in Edinburgh.
                                          members are well placed to use their        Following his father’s unexpected
                                          extensive social and business networks      death Ken, then aged 25, assumed
                                          to seek new donations from the wider        responsibility for his family’s business
We welcome Ken, our new                   business community for Access to            interests, which under his stewardship
                                          Excellence in order to pass on to
club president, and thank                                                             continued to flourish for the next
                                          current and future generations of pupils    40 years, including acquiring one
Charles Wilson for his service            the benefits of a first-rate education
over the last two years. Below                                                        of Scotland’s most award-winning
                                          they enjoyed while a pupil themselves.
                                                                                      motor dealerships and being a co-
is a press release for Ken, via           I look forward to the support of club
                                                                                      founder of the internationally-renowned
ASM Media & PR.                           members in this goal.
                                                                                      Howtowdie Restaurant in Edinburgh’s
New FP Club President Ken Russell         Thanks                                      West End.
is particularly keen that the mutual      “I’d like to thank Past Presidents          A Fellow of the Institute of Directors,
support between the club and              Charles S. Wilson MBE and Robert            Ken has also been a member of The
the school increases during the           Barclay for guiding the club through        Society of Edinburgh High Constables,
challenging times we now face. Having     a challenging period including              Scottish Motor Trade Association,
already overseen the completion of        successfully managing the Clubhouse
a substantial donation by the club                                                    Federation of Master Builders (Past
                                          and latterly to Robert in steering the      President), St Andrews Business Club
to the school’s Hardship Fund, Ken        Club through the significant challenges
will use his presidency to fundraise                                                  (Past President), Edinburgh Chamber
                                          created by Covid restrictions.”
further among FPs and the wider                                                       of Commerce and a founder member
business community for the fund and       Ken’s links with the club and school go     of the Scottish Borders Chamber of
the school’s Development Office.          beyond his own attendance at Melville       Commerce. Now resident in North-East
In return, he hopes to work with          College and membership of the FP            Fife, Ken is an award-winning business
the Development Office to increase        clubs since leaving – his uncle, Alistair
                                                                                      mentor, board advisor and is currently
awareness of and engagement with the      Birrell (DSC 1940) was a Past President
                                                                                      is non-executive chairman of two
club among former pupils, resulting in    of Daniel Stewart’s FP Rugby Club and
higher membership.                        his cousin, broadcaster Mike Russell,
                                          was also an FP of Daniel Stewart’s          Ken and his wife Ann have a daughter,
Opportunity                               (1959). Ken has also been a member          three sons and five grandchildren.
Speaking about his plans, Ken says:       of The Royal Company of Merchants of        His other interests include cycling,
“The economic, financial, social and      The City of Edinburgh for 44 years.         hillwalking and speechwriting.
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Principal’s Report                                                                    where both teams gave it their all, it
                                                                                      was a truly memorable game. The
                                                                                      boys 1st X1 Football team won the
                                                                                      Independent Schools’ Cup with a 3-1
                                                                                      win over local rivals George Watson’s
                                                                                      College in an entertaining final played
                                                                                      at Falkirk Stadium. The 1st X1 Hockey
                                                                                      team were silver medallists at the
                                                                                      National Indoor Championships (a
                                                                                      school) first. A group of boys attended
                                                                                      the Scottish Schools Aquathlon
                                                                                      Championships at the Michael Woods
                                                                                      Leisure Centre where they all raced
                                                                                      well. In the final race of the day one
                                                                                      of our S6 boys retained his Scottish
                                                                                      Schools title by running into 1st place
                                                                                      with the fastest run of the day.
An update from the Principal               They demonstrated commitment,
                                           perseverance, and the ability to embrace   The autumn term calendar was filled
of ESMS, Linda Moule.
                                           every new challenge thrown at them.        with special events and occasions,
I am delighted to write a report for the   Over the course of the summer boys         including Remembrance, The Pipe Band
FP News Magazine as the Principal          had the opportunity to participate in      and Dancers’ Ceilidh and excellent
of Erskine Stewart’s Melville Schools.     various sporting and curricular trips.     performances of Alice in Wonderland,
This has been a year like none other,      These included a cricket tour to           The Last Witch and Othello. Musical
however, I have never felt so proud        Liverpool with two thrilling fixtures, a   events included the Award Holders’
of my pupils in their determination to     very wet Gordonstoun tour and our          Concerts held in The Dean, followed by
overcome the many obstacles triggered      1st XI hosted to compete for the David     the Senior School Chamber Concerts.
by the Covid-19 pandemic.                  Gray Cup in the annual cricket festival.   The Solo Piping and Drumming
In 2019/2020 boys were unfortunately       South Africa Hocky Tour was truly          Competition was keenly fought at all
not given the opportunity to sit their                                                levels from Chanter through to the Senior
                                           memorable on and off the pitch; 46
examinations as they were cancelled                                                   events. Keeping with tradition, our Carol
                                           U18 rugby players travelled to Ontario,
due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pupils                                                  Party followed by the Senior School
                                           Canada for the SMC pre-season rugby
were genuinely very disappointed                                                      Carol Services in St Mary’s Cathedral
                                           tour. CCF camps (Army) to North
not to be able to demonstrate their                                                   were the end to a special term.
                                           Yorkshire and RAF in Hertfordshire;
industry and knowledge which they          the annual trip to Malawi for S5 boys.     We were all hugely disappointed when
had acquired throughout their studies.     Canoeists enjoyed the river Spey for       we had to severely curtail our calendar
Instead, pupils were graded on teacher     a few days of canoeing and camping         of events at the end of term 2 due to
estimates based on their demonstrated      and our skiers a trip to Sestriere.        Covid-19 restrictions. However, our pupils
and inferred attainment in each subject.   During the October break, the Drama        embraced this with many other ways to
The pass rate at National 5 was 97.4%      department led a successful trip to        keep busy and support others: creating
with an A rate of 75.9%. At Higher         Hollywood, Geography trip to Iceland       PPE at home, running a half marathon
level boys secured a pass rate of          and the History department to Japan.       round their garden, taking therapet to
98.3%, with an A rate of 67.4%. At         Just before Christmas a group of 45 S2     local care homes, project Linus continued
Advanced Higher level the pass rate        boys headed to London for a weekend        by sewing patchwork quilts from home,
was 97.7% and the A rate was 63.3%.        of history tours and sight-seeing,         designing a child friendly hand sanitiser
                                                                                      station and many more.
Boys not only distinguished themselves     On the sports field, the boys Rugby
on the academic front but have adapted     team won the U18 Scottish Schools          This session has marked an
and demonstrated great resilience to       Cup, the final was played at BT            extraordinary time for so many of us.
overcome the obstacles of working          Murrayfield against George Watson’s        Linda A Moule
from home and online learning.             College. It was a fast-paced match         Principal
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6             Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

Patrick Tobin
The SMC Community was                        to ensure that the schools he left were
saddened to hear of the death                much more demanding of themselves
                                             than when he had arrived. The schools
of ex-Headmaster, Patrick                    owe him a great deal for all that was
Tobin. Bryan Lewis remembers                 achieved during his tenure as he strove
his former colleague below.                  to strengthen the schools’ reputation for
                                             academic rigour, for cultural appreciation
                        I remember the
                                             and for high behavioural expectations.       part of our schools today including
                        day I first met
                                                                                          staff appraisal, the use of comparative
                        Patrick Tobin        Patrick had joined the schools in
                                                                                          statistics, annual reviews with all senior
                        shortly after his    August 1989 from the Prior Park
                                                                                          school Heads Of Department and Heads
                        appointment          School in Bath where he had
                                                                                          of Guidance, the structure of the school
                        as Principal of      transformed the school into a
                                                                                          timetable, an increase in the range and
                        Stewart’s Melville   beacon of excellence. Always very
                                                                                          number of subjects taught and the
                        College and The      courteous with a personally caring
                                                                                          introduction of a joint Sixth Year and
                        Mary Erskine         and surprisingly shy side to him
                                                                                          shared guidance system. The schools
School (not yet ESMS!) in 1989. I had        which did not always come across
                                                                                          without doubt became more academic
applied for the post of Headmaster           in public meetings with colleagues           in their approach and results improved
of the Junior School and realised that       and parents, Patrick possessed the           considerably during his decade in
Patrick, who had not yet assumed his         steely single-mindedness which               charge. The schools also became much
new responsibilities, was the person         marks out leaders who are willing to         closer to each other and during Patrick’s
I needed to convince that I should be        face up to challenges, and in some           tenure the foundations of the future
appointed, despite all my previous           cases opposition, in order to fulfil their   integration into today’s ESMS were laid.
experience being as a secondary              vision. With an excellent degree from
                                                                                          Patrick was deeply involved in
school Stewart’s Melville teacher. His       Oxford University and a broad teaching
                                                                                          independent schools’ education on
eyes were piercing, his questions were       background which included a spell as
                                                                                          a UK wide basis where his views and
piercing and I quickly realised that both    Head of History at Tonbridge School in
                                                                                          opinions were widely sought and
were reflective of his intellectual depth    addition to his previous experience of
                                                                                          valued. His appointment as Chairman
and rigour which were also piercing.         Headship at Prior Park, Patrick brought
                                                                                          of HMC in 1998 was a personal
Patrick decided to offer me the post         with him wide experience, intellectual       highlight. By the time he retired in
and for the next 10 years I worked           curiosity and and an unmatched ability       2000 he had undoubtedly changed
closely with him, latterly as Vice           to separate the wood from the trees.         the schools and laid the foundations
Principal as well as Headmaster.             Patrick was instrumental in developing       on which David Gray and latterly Linda
The clarity of his vision, his single-       many of the structures which remain          Moule built the ESMS we know today.
mindedness and his ability to analyse
problems and come up with solutions
were extraordinary. My senior
colleagues and I enjoyed the intellectual
and mental challenges we faced as
we worked hard to keep up with the
pace of change as he his realised his
vision for the schools, a vision which
he had explained very clearly to the
Management Teams within weeks of
his appointment.
Patrick believed the schools lacked
intellectual rigour and in retrospect he
was correct. He demanded more of
the academic staff and he demanded
more of the pupils. He also demanded
more of himself and he worked tirelessly
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Colin Rigby
I spoke to Colin Rigby (whom              MND in January raising over £1m – a       their own rugby community are truly
                                          quite remarkable achievement!             outstanding. For example, buy a virtual
many will know from the FP
                                          One of the major items I campaigned       round; virtual dinners with delivered
Rugby Club), who was elected                                                        meals and wine with speakers; and
                                          on was the level of transparency given
VP of the SRU last year. We               to clubs to explain the context behind    regional fitness competitions including
discussed the pandemic, the               decisions. The VP Notes are now           throwing the welly; and inter-club
club game, the national team,             published after each Scottish Rugby       football leagues to name but a few.
and head trauma amongst                   Council meeting and I am delighted        With that in mind, are there new
                                          they have been a resounding success.      priorities for the leadership of the
other topics. Thanks to Colin
                                          Going forward, since minutes of our       SRU after the pandemic?
for being generous with his               Council meetings are now also being
                                                                                    The pandemic, globally, has led to all
time and his answers.                     published on the Scottish Rugby
                                                                                    organisations reviewing their priorities
                                          website, my aim is to weave this into
You were elected VP of the SRU                                                      and strategies for the coming years
                                          one document combining the minutes
in summer last year. Has it been                                                    and Scottish Rugby is no different. The
                                          of meetings and the VP notes.
difficult to make progress with the                                                 priority firstly has to be the wellbeing
domestic reform you talked about          The Governance review is well             of stakeholder, that is the clubs and
in the campaign in the difficult          under way with already some five          their communities and employees.
circumstances of your term so far?        meetings. President Ian Barr and
                                                                                    We responded with a four-stage
                                          Stewart’s Melville’s Gavin MacColl QC
It’s certainly been an interesting                                                  plan - Respond, Reset, Recover and
                                          as chairman are driving the review
opening six months - effectively three                                              Rebuild, and I believe Scottish Rugby
                                          and we remain on track to report back
AGMs as a result of the coronavirus                                                 was proactive from the outset in its
                                          to the clubs by early summer.
pandemic, the cancellation of the                                                   response to the pandemic.
                                          As we progress through the pandemic,
competitive domestic season, the                                                    We are now in the reset phase and
                                          we will start to focus on how domestic
start of a governance review, and new                                               various strategies are being evaluated
                                          clubs will emerge from the pandemic
autumn series – the Autumn Nations                                                  and refined, the difficulty on this
                                          and reform going forward as the game
Cup and new ways of delivering the                                                  occasion is the majority of decisions
                                          on and off the pitch as we knew it will
game to the wider audience, CVC                                                     are impacted by items outwith Scottish
                                          need to adapt. One of the positives
money into Pro 14 now 16 and of                                                     Rugby’s control such as government
                                          of the pandemic is that I have been
course, the win at Twickenham.            able to speak to more clubs than I        legislation and restrictions.
In addition, thanks to Doddie Weir and    would normally as forum meetings are      So, to answer your question, yes, there
Rob Wainwright, a lot of us have had      via Zoom rather than in person. Some      are new priorities, around survival and
the chance to do some exercise in the     of the positive initiatives clubs are     realigning the game for when we can
Doddie Aid inter-district challenge for   coming up with to keep contact with       eventually resume.
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We are grateful for the support we have       at least weekly with stakeholders           There are a good number of
received from the Scottish Government         from throughout the game evaluating         exciting prospects in Scotland at
in the recent weeks by underpinning our       scenarios and opportunities so when         the moment (including some from
plans by the provision of £15 million grant   we are given the green light, we are        Stew Mel). What is your opinion
aid and the option to take an additional £5   ready to re activate the game at mini ,     on the increasing tendency of
million loan as part of a rescue package,     midi, schools , and club levels. We will    clubs giving opportunities to
given the absence of spectators at almost     all have to work hard together to retain    southern hemisphere talent, instead
all matches since restrictions triggered by   and ultimately increase the number of       of young domestic prospects?
the coronavirus pandemic were imposed         people playing and involved in other        Great question and one that highlights
in March 2020. This will help finance         roles in our game.                          the issue of where we stand as a game
the game at all levels. Scottish Rugby        What are your thoughts, and the             on and off the pitch. The reality is we
understands the parlous state many of         thinking within the SRU, on how the         need to evaluate why our domestic
our clubs find themselves in and I am         Super6 league has operated so far?          prospects are not in some cases the
sure in the upcoming Council meetings         Are there any plans for it to evolve        first port of call? And this comes back
and Board meetings we will look to build      in the future?                              to where we need to look to invest in
on the template of last season’s Club                                                     the game at grassroots and create
                                              It’s early days with Super6 as their
Hardship Fund.                                                                            a pathway that the best players are
                                              first season was truncated by Covid.
                                                                                          tested week in and week out for clubs
Live sport attendance is something            My initial view was it was a positive
                                                                                          and schools so as they rise up through
a lot of people are looking forward           step forward and from a Stewart’s
                                                                                          the ranks. These prospects need
to after lockdown - how do you see            Melville perspective we have seen
                                                                                          to have the best coaching, strength
crowds being phased back in?                  many benefits from our partnership
                                                                                          and conditioning and understand
We all wish to see crowds back at             with Heriot’s. I also appreciate that not
                                                                                          what is expected of them, but, most
sporting events within Scotland as            all has been plain sailing and Super6
                                                                                          importantly, that they have been tested
soon as possible following guidance           has much to do to gain the trust of the
                                                                                          in each environment. We as clubs and
from medical experts and Scottish             clubs and build a working relationship      schools have never, I believe answered
Government. As the virus continues to         with Premiership clubs.                     that question to any great degree of
mutate more and more scenarios are            That said, Super6 is here and we            satisfaction. We are very fortunate at
being planned around how and when             need to embrace its conception and          Stewart’s Melville over the last few
crowds can return whether to Inverleith       standing in the club game and perhaps       years to have provided several players
or BT Murrayfield. Scottish Rugby has         there will be consideration in the future   to the professional ranks, Scott Riddell
a threat management group meeting             to increase it to eight or ten teams.       at Scotland 7’s; George Turner with
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Glasgow Warriors and Scotland; Ross        We need to be open minded and think         of how injuries occur, the game’s
Thompson also in Glasgow. And in           outside the box, why can’t school           laws have adapted and the emphasis
the Edinburgh ranks we have Jamie          teams play against the best club            on player safety must continue to be
Hodgkinson, Jack Blain and Connor          teams? How do we retain players at          paramount. All sports will need to
Boyle. Add in hooker Isaac Miller at       all levels of the game, irrespective of     come to terms and adapt as medical
Worcester Warriors, Callum Hunter Hill     gender, how do we increase match            research evolves around head trauma.
at Saracens - we are contributing to       official recruitment? The list is long,     This is not just a challenge for rugby.
the Scottish professional game.            but we must all start to understand the
                                                                                       A lively debate within Scottish
This is great news for the school and      issues before we can apply a solution.
                                                                                       Rugby surrounds the potential
the rugby club and a progression that      Sometimes we forget that every player       resurrection or creation of a third
we should celebrate. At the same time      that plays for Scotland, Edinburgh or       professional club. Is that something
however, it is in the domestic game        Glasgow started either at a club or         to realistically expect?
where 95% of players play, some for        school, there were no bright lights and
                                                                                       Why not? However, the bigger question
competitive rugby, but most for fun        sponsors it was Saturday mornings or
                                           Sunday afternoons.                          is how it can be financed. It’s no secret
and the social aspect with their friends
                                                                                       that Glasgow and Edinburgh lack the
and that must be at the forefront of our   We must get the girls and women’s
                                                                                       financial clout of some of the PRO
minds when laying out our strategy for     game to dovetail into these deliverables.
                                                                                       14/16 teams and their English and
the future. The top 5% of our playing
                                           Head safety and concussion is               French counterparts. So, before we
population need a structure to be as
                                           maybe the biggest debate in rugby           can look towards a third Pro Team,
competitive as possible to drive sucess
                                           (and a number of sports) right now.         we need to ensure we can adequately
and funding which is then promoted         The RFU and WRU have had former
and distributed to the 95% of the                                                      finance what we already have.
                                           players raise lawsuits against              Obviously, the CVC investment in the
playing population so we must all look     them, and an increasing number
at the overall bigger picture as well as                                               PRO14 will help Scottish Rugby as a
                                           of parents have reservations about
within our own team or club.                                                           whole, however it will also aid the other
                                           their kids taking up the game. What
                                                                                       countries, so we need to fight hard just
                                           can be done to encourage more
                                                                                       to stand still.
                                           people playing whilst ensuring their
                                           safety? And have the regulations            Then debate will be where does
                                           at the professional level gone far          this potential third team play? Borders?
                                           enough in your opinion?                     North? Or even London via London
                                                                                       Scottish could be a consideration.
                                           This is certainly an area that has
                                           become very newsworthy of late.             It will take a few years for all forms of
                                           For those of us privileged to hear Dr       rugby to settle down and get back
                                           James Robson speak at the rugby             to the levels of financial investment
                                           club dinner a few years back, Scotland      that were seen prior to the pandemic
                                           through James and his medical               so I believe our focus at the current
                                           colleagues have been and remain             time should be to ensure we have the
                                           vigilant around all aspects of player       strongest Edinburgh and Glasgow
                                           welfare. In conjunction with their          teams we can afford, with the correct
                                           colleagues in coach education, they         pathways and infrastructure to support
                                           have been prominent in advancing            this underneath. The club game is what
                                           the importance of safety first around       these foundations are built on.
                                           concussion, through, for example,           Lastly, Scotland are currently 40/1
                                           the “Are you ready to play Rugby”           to win the World Cup in 2023 – is
                                           and “Rugby Right” initiatives. There        that worth a tenner?
                                           is undoubtedly much more awareness
                                                                                       Surely, you’re not asking me to break
                                           of what to look for and how to treat
                                                                                       World Rugby regulation 6!
                                           head trauma. You only need to look
                                           at campaigns across Scottish sport,         Professional rugby at International level
                                           in which Scottish Rugby has taken           is incredibly competitive, especially in the
                                           an active lead, such as “If in doubt sit    top 10 – most countries on a given day
                                           them out” to know the importance we         can beat each other so a lot will come
                                           attach to this area of player welfare.      down to who performs on the day.
                                           As we have become more aware                Thank you Colin!
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10            Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

  Class of 2020
An update from Jeff Marsh about the class of 2020 – who left SMC in unique circumstances.
Perhaps only FPs whose time at                That final week saw a mass year group       Some have already made their mark, with
Daniel Stewart’s or Melville College          football match up at MES, a post-it         school captain Joe Ewing performing
ended during the world wars can truly         note memory wall, the traditional lads-     well in televised middle-distance running
empathise with the newest recruits            only final school lunch (see attached       events prior to taking up his scholarship
to their ranks, the Class of 2020,            pictures) and a cheerful determination      to Harvard in 2021, and Kieran Ngwenya
whose final year of active schooling          to make the most of the situation. As       making his SPFL Premier League debut
was brought to an abrupt halt by the          lockdown began, the red blazer team         for Aberdeen FC before the year was
national lockdown initiated by the            swung into action, entertaining the year    out. Peter Molloy began his degree
COVID-19 global pandemic. One week,           group with a series of amusing video        in Modern and Mediaeval Languages
dissertations were being completed            presentations, concerts (this being         at the University of Cambridge, whilst
and the climax of the sporting season         an exceptionally talented year group        the ancient universities of Durham, St
being prepared for as normal with the         from a musical as well as a sporting        Andrews, Edinburgh and Glasgow, as
distant promise (after exams) of the          perspective) and intellectual and           well as the colleges of the University of
end-of-year traditional events – the          physical challenges to keep spirits high.   London all featured more prominently
Leavers’ Ceremony, the 24 hour dash           Sixth Form Tutors guided the boys
                                                                                          than usual in the list of destinations of the
to Alton Towers theme park and back,          through their final decision-making for
                                                                                          leavers of a notably academic cohort.
the Leavers’ Ball and of course the           the future, and all too soon it was time
                                                                                          More boys than usual also opted to take
final school day and Prizegiving. The         for the online Leavers’ Ceremony, an
                                                                                          an impromptu gap year, to protect their
next week, it was announced that              opportunity to mark that final week of
schools were to close, exams were to          official schooling with the school hymn,    future university experience, whilst those
be cancelled, as would, ultimately, the       the torch ceremony, and a welcome to        who had hoped to serve our Australasian
inevitable cancellation of all those end-     the FP community from Alasdair Seale,       partner schools as Gap Tutors instead
of-SMC rites of passage.                      is spite of the continuing lockdown.        found themselves patrolling more familiar
                                                                                          playgrounds here at ESMS.
Showing the same resilience which had         Little did those going off to university
taken them to the Schools’ Rugby Cup          realise at that stage what awaited them     Already notable as the first group of
in a memorable Murrayfield final against      in the autumn, campus lockdowns with        students to enjoy Sixth Form under the
Watson’s, the national schools’ hockey        freshers confined to their rooms under      enthusiastic leadership of new Director
final and an unbeaten record at football,     the watchful eye of security guards, but    of Sixth Form Mrs Frances McCrudden,
the Class of 2020 shrugged off these          with a solid education behind them and      the Class of 2020’s final year was
disappointments and left at the end of the    with the school motto and ESMS Nine         memorable for many more reasons
year knowing that their contribution to the   Values as their guiding principles, they    than they could have imagined, but their
school was equally as great as those who      again bore the additional challenges        stoicism and collegiality will help them to
had enjoyed the good fortune of seeing        with good humour and can look               make a major contribution to both the
their final year through to the end.          forward to a brighter future.               FP Club and the wider community.
FP News 2021         11

Reasons to Remember
As has become a tradition,                 and Crematorium here in Edinburgh- so      shot down wholesale but, against all
                                           let us uncover a few of their stories…     the odds, swept into the Ottoman
Dave Clarke of the History                                                            lines and, caring nothing for artillery
                                           Warriston is now a rather rambling
Department has provided a                  and neglected site but is slowly being     and musketry, carried three lines of
deeply moving piece about                  reclaimed from nature by a dedicated       trenches and put all those who resisted
                                           band of volunteers. Buried there is        to the bayonet. Casualties amongst our
some of the young Melville                                                            FPs were terrible- eight Stewartonians
                                           Stewartonian William Ross, a rising star
College and DSC men who                    in RBS whose career was cut short          and five men from the Institution
lost their lives whilst serving in         by duty and war. At the outbreak of        were killed that day, including James
                                           the conflict, he enlisted as a private     Henderson and Arthur Sanderson (both
the World Wars.                                                                       of 7th Royal Scots Majors) and John
                                           soldier in the 4th Royal Scots- he could
The 2020 Service of Remembrance            easily have waited for a commission        Peebles, B Company commander and
was, needs must, rather an odd one         as an officer but divined (correctly)      brother to the commanding officer
this year- not least for its dramatic      that the fastest route to the front        William Peebles, another EI FP. Badly
setting on an atmospherically foggy        was in the drab serge of an enlisted       wounded in the assault, William Ross
and floodlit Monday evening. Given         man. Dispatched to Gallipoli as part       was evacuated to Graylingwell Military
the hundreds of names on the               of the 52nd Lowland Division in May        Hospital in Chichester where he died
Stewart’s and Melville memorials, it       1915, the 4th were nearly lost to a        on Boxing Day, 1915. His body was
is an automatic assumption that all        man when their troopship accidentally      returned to his native Edinburgh for
the men thereon lie in some ‘foreign       rammed a hospital boat in the dark         burial. Resting nearby is the Institution’s
field’- that all our FPs were killed in    of a Mediterranean night- but their        Robert Lamb- a Royal Naval Division
battle and were buried where they fell     luck held, and the 4th landed on the       officer who saw service on the Somme
in one of over a million Commonwealth      fated peninsula on 8th June. They          and also died of his wounds in 1919.
War Graves Commission plots in 2500        had been in the Dardanelles less than      It is easy to imagine how a wounded
cemeteries worldwide. It may come          three weeks when they were thrown          serviceman like William Ross might end
as something of a surprise (as it did      into a hastily arranged attack on the      up under a Commonwealth Graves
to me) to discover that a significant      Ottoman positions at Gully Ravine          Commission stone, but the sad tale of
minority of our FPs are either buried or   on the 28th of the month- an assault       James MacNaughton (DSC) reminds
commemorated here in the UK- 29 of         that was, paradoxically, disastrously      us of how precarious life could be
them from the Great War, and 53 from       successful. Launched at a series of        before the NHS and the medical
WWII. Ten alone are either buried or       enemy trenches with no preparatory         advances we take for granted today.
commemorated in Warriston Cemetery         bombardment, the Royal Scots were          James was unusual in that he was
12              Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

     Alistair             Eric                 Gus              Robert             Robert              William            Robert
     Leslie               Gibb                 Hogg            Waterson           McCallum              Weir              Lamb

one of our very few Regular soldiers,          four months later. Accepted onto the           before joining the RAF and qualifying as
enlisting straight from school on 23rd         pilot training course in the final month of    an observer. At this stage of the war, Air
January 1914 into 1st Northumberland           the year, his progress to active service       Observers were tasked with navigation,
Fusiliers. It is clear that he had his heart   was derailed somewhat by his transfer          photography and dropping the weapon
set on soldiering, having completed            to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve,          load, and were, in some quarters tacitly
his training with the Black Watch as a         presumably with a view to his eventual         accepted as being more skilled than
schoolboy. A strapping lad of 5ft 10ins,       acceptance into the Royal Naval Air            pilots! Joining 35 (Madras) Squadron
he was nevertheless retained in the            Service. It mattered not, as in April of       on twin engine Wellingtons in June
depot at Portsmouth on the outbreak            1918, the two forces merged, and               1940, Gibb immediately embarked
of war where ill health intervened. He         Robert found himself as a flight cadet in      on a service career that would see
reported sick in January 1915 with             the newly fledged RAF. By October of           him rack up 225 hours of operational
a persistent cough, which worsened             that year, and no doubt feeling dreadfully     flying over an incredible 33 missions.
to such a degree that in May 1915,             frustrated as the war was drawing to           In November of that year, the elite 35
he was found to be suffering from              a close, McCallum was posted to 37             Sqdn (which was staffed by Bomber
advanced tuberculosis- his left lung           Training Depot Station in Yatesbury,           Command legends such as Leonard
being almost completely destroyed              Wiltshire. As a finishing school for pilots,   Cheshire VC) was nominated to bring
by it. Though James was adjudged to            it operated a rag-bag of training and          into service the Handley Page Halifax,
having been suffering from TB before           ex-service types- none with a worse            a veritable leviathan and the second
enlistment, the Army took responsibility       reputation than the RE8. An ungainly           of the RAF’s four engine bombers to
for his condition on account that the          two-seater used for reconnaissance,            see action. Gibb continued to take the
illness should have been picked up in          in the words of one pilot, it ‘flew like a     fight to the Nazis, ranging out in broad
two medicals on his enlistment. On             steamroller’ and had a nasty reputation        daylight to bomb Scharnhorst at anchor
the 17th July 1915 he was honourably           for irrecoverable stalls. With an upper        in La Pallice- the sort of operation an
discharged to pension as permanently           wing of much greater span than the             insurance salesman wouldn’t look
unfit. His medical records make for            lower, the long wing extensions were           twice at. His mettle was tested on
sobering reading- when asked to                structurally suspect if the aircraft was       June 30th, 1941 in another dreadfully
assess James’ chances of recovery,             pressed into a dive, so much so that a         risky daylight operation to strike at
the colonel presiding over his medical         squadronmate of McCallum’s, Richart            harbour installations at Kiel. Gibb had
board simply wrote ‘None’. He died at          St.J Hartley, confided in his diary of         just released the bombload and was
home surrounded by his family on 7th           the terror he faced going aloft in ‘those      setting a course for home when an
March 1916, aged 19, having never              deathtrap REs’. Though docile enough in        anti-aircraft shell turned the fuselage of
fired a shot in anger. It is sad to relate     level flight, RE8 pilots were also required,   the Halifax where he was stationed into
that Melville College’s Alastair Leslie        when needed, to intervene to help the          a colander. Worse was to come- they
died from the same illness in 1947,            infantry on the ground with divebombing        were attacked by three Me.110 fighters
after contracting it in a POW camp. He         and strafing attacks on enemy positions.       which shredded the aircraft’s wings and
is also buried in Warriston.                   On the afternoon of the 8th October            reduced the starboard outer engine to
To peruse the schools’ Rolls of Honour is      1918, McCallum took C2677 aloft to             a flaming wreck. Still- Gibb got them
to be forcefully acquainted with the truly     practice such an operation. Predictably        home. It was only after landing that
eyewatering mortality rates suffered by        for our Stewartonian, the inherent             he revealed that he had been hit by
our flying services in both world wars-        weakness of the RE8 wing struck and            shrapnel but had carried on regardless.
especially so in training. On entering         in a steep dive, the whole top plane           This incredible work was immediately
Warriston Cemetery and walking directly        collapsed, bearing the 19-year-old to his      recognised by a commission to
south from the gateway, one is quickly         death. His distraught family established       Pilot Officer and the award of the
arrested by the imposing granite Celtic        the R.P.F. McCallum Trophy for Cricket in      Distinguished Flying Medal, his CO
cross of the McCallum family. Robert, a        his honour.                                    opining that he was ‘an observer of
very promising cricketer and a junior staff    A few paces away from Robert’s                 outstanding ability, possessed of a high
member in the Leith office of the North of     grave is the last resting place of a           order of courage’. Rested after an over-
Scotland, Orkney and Shetland Steam            bona-fide Melville College hero, Eric          long operational tour, he was posted to
Navigation Company, he went up to              Fawns Gibb- his valiant life marked by         28 Conversion Flight at Leconfield to
Edinburgh University OTC from Stewart’s        a very unprepossessing recumbent               pass on his skills. The events of 22nd
for basic training in May 1916, before         stone. Strikingly handsome, he was             December 1941 are still as murky as
transferring to the Royal Flying Corps         apprenticed to Rosebank Ironworks              the weather that day. Officially slated
FP News 2021         13
as a flight to deliver Halifax L9522 to      Malta. Further success in the air came        blank range and tore his opponent out
Handley Page’s HQ at Radlett, possibly       with the conversion onto the even             of the sky for his first credited solo kill.
for refurbishment, the aircraft took off     more potent Hurricane. Posted back            The next morning RAF Hornchurch
with- unusually- a full crew and an extra    to the Deck Landing School at HMS             was the target of a devastating attack.
passenger. Whether there was any             Condor at Arbroath to train new pilots,       Bubble amazed his pals by coolly
intention to visit Radlett (due well south   he, by pure chance, found himself a           sitting in a slit trench as the bombs
and on the outskirts of St Alban’s) is       passenger on an Avro Anson on a               fell all around, joking and generally
unknown- and can never be known.             short hop from Prestwick. The Anson,          unfavourably comparing his chances
L9522 collided with the high ground of       never overburdened with power, lost           on the ground with those in the air! He
the Terrace Hills to the north of Melton     a Cheetah engine on takeoff and               flew three gruelling sorties that day- his
Mowbray in thick fog, with the loss of all   gravity rapidly reasserted itself. Staff at   last in the late afternoon. Nobody is
onboard. Rumours persisted to make           Ballochmyle Hospital did all they could       sure what occurred in the air above
the loss doubly sad and poignant-            for the 20-year old- which was nothing        Woolwich that early evening of 31st
though officially bound for Radlett, the     more than to make him comfortable.            August 1940, but a memorial today
plan had been to visit RAF Grantham,         He died the day after the accident            marks the spot where Waterston’s
to the east, to collect turkeys for the      on the 18th March 1942. Thus, fate            Spitfire came to earth. He was 23.
station’s Christmas lunch, just 72 hours     accomplished what the entirety of the         There are over 2500 Commonwealth
later. Christmas in the Gibb household       Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica could         War Graves burials in Edinburgh-
that year does not bear thinking about.      not- dared not- do.                           men and women claimed by illness,
Nearby the cemetery is Warriston             Also remembered on the memorial is            accidents, or simply just broken by
Crematorium, and a handsome war              one of that immortal band ‘The Few’-          their war service. Taken from the
memorial with no less than five Melville     an RAF fighter pilot who defended             context of the battles they fought in,
College FPs remembered on it, all of         these isles during the Battle of Britain-     the people they served with and dotted
whom were in the flying services. Both       Robin ‘Bubble’ Waterston. Like Gus            around our civilian cemeteries miles
William Weir and William Taylor were         Hogg, he was another fine Melville lad        from the seat of war, it can take some
killed in training accidents before they     and a pre-war Volunteer Reserve pilot         digging and a lot of time to uncover
ever reached operational squadrons- or       in the socially exclusive 603 (City of        their stories. This rather begs the
their potential. Tom Ainslie’s death was     Edinburgh) Squadron, based at RAF             question- does a man need a story to
particularly cruel- after completing four    Turnhouse, the site of today’s airport.       be remembered? Is it not what he was
peril-fraught missions as the second pilot   Initially a bomber squadron, in the           willing to do when called, not what he
of a 75 Squadron Wellington, he lost         run up to war the unit’s Hinds were           did, that really counts? Irrespective
control of his motorbike near Cambridge      swapped for Gladiators, and then, joy         of what their service and sacrifice
on the night of 26th February 1941.          of joys, for brand new Spitfires. Posted      had on the outcome of the war, it is
Also remembered here is the                  to Dyce, on 20th June 1940, Bubble            with great pride and real affection
redoubtable Fleet Air Arm ace, Gus           Waterston shared in the destruction           that we remember each of our FPs.
Hogg. Posted to 806 Naval Air                of a Dornier 17 bomber, which his             It goes without saying that their spirit
Squadron at the tender age of 17, he         patrol dismissed headlong into the            of willingness to put service before
could little know that his unit would        sea off Aberdeen. Moved south into            self runs in no less a vein right down
become the Navy’s ‘top guns’ of WW2,         the heat of the battle, he could little       through the years to the incredible
and he himself would go on to carve          know he had just 72 hours to live. On         young men of today who have the
a swathe of destruction through the          30th August high above Canterbury he          pleasure and privilege to call Stewart’s
enemy above the Mediterranean with           attacked a Messerschmitt 109 at point         Melville College their home.
twelve confirmed victories and the
Distinguished Service Cross and Bar. His
war started inauspiciously- defending
the Orkneys with an outdated Gloster
Gladiator biplane! Converting onto the
Blackburn Skua divebomber, he took
part in the legendary raid which saw
the sinking of the Konigsberg in Bergen
harbour, though Hogg commented
with habitual modesty in his journal that
his 500-pounder fell well wide of the
mark! Posted south into the heat of the
Battle of Britain, he had the misfortune
of being shot down over the Channel
by RAF Hurricanes- his gunner being
killed. Shipping out to the Med on
Illustrious and ditching the lumbering
Skua for the sleek eight-gun Fulmar,
Hogg and his squadronmates made
short work of the Italian seaplanes,
flying boats and bombers menacing
14           Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

James Wight Rutherford
David McLeish gives a short               had been assumed he would leave a         Government Bonds.
biography of James Wight                  small donation but when the letter from   Once invested he left the money there
                                          the lawyer arrived, the Bursar showed     and never touched any of it, so that
Rutherford – one of the
                                          the letter to the Principal (and Bryan    by his death it had become the large
most generous benefactors                 Lewis) who miscounted the zeros and       fortune that he donated to his old
in school history. The new                read it as five thousand five hundred     school.
Rutherford Building was                   pounds… the Bursar pointed out it
                                                                                    It is especially fitting that the first
finished in recent months.                was actually five million five hundred
                                                                                    building on the Queensferry Road site
                                          thousand pounds.
The new building at Stewart’s Melville                                              to have a Melville College connection
College is named after James Wight        How did he end up with this               should be named after such a
Rutherford (1908-1978), who attended      amount of money?                          generous benefactor. In keeping with
Edinburgh Institution (later Melville     He lived in a very average bungalow       his quiet and unassuming manner
College) from 1913-1925.                  in Craigleith and had never given any     we can find no photograph of him
                                          indication of his wealth. He was a wise   despite his being a governor of the
He was a loyal supporter of the school
                                          investor and did not spend money          Melville College Trust for many years
during his lifetime and donated several
prizes for sport and the Boarding         unnecessarily. Just prior to WW2 he       and having been a supporter at literally
House. Following his death, the entire    told his wife that war was imminent       thousands of school and FP, rugby and
proceeds of his estate were left to the   and therefore he would invest in 6        cricket matches at all levels.
Melville College Trust to be used for     pairs of good brown brogues (these        He always stood quietly on the
the benefit of the school. The story      he wore until his death - never needing   touchline, beautifully attired in his kilt
goes that the size of his estate came     to buy any more pairs) and that all       and, of course, never without one of his
as a great surprise to the school. It     of their money should be placed in        6 pairs of brogues!
FP News 2021         15

   Iain Riley
I interviewed Iain Riley, a school         number of years ago which changed
director and principal in China,           the face of education. China looked at
                                           the leading countries across the world
about the education sector in
                                           using the PISA results and external
China, the Chinese response to             organisations including the IBO to
the coronavirus, and mistaken              create a hybrid curriculum that is
European assumptions about                 creating individuals for the rigour of the
Chinese society.                           21st Century and the changes in the
                                           job market. China also has an ageing
                                           population so again something needed         Do you think the China is politically
                                           to be done quickly to create the ever        and culturally misunderstood as a
                                           changing workforce of the future.            nation from a British perspective?

                                           How would you explain Chinese                Yes. China is one of the most diverse
                                           success at managing the virus,               countries that I have ever lived and
                                                                                        worked in. They are indeed run by a
                                           beyond the simple Western answer
                                                                                        communist government that likes to
                                           of ‘fewer liberties in general’?
                                                                                        standardise across the board, however
                                           China was smart. They locked down            in reality this is not possible. Shanghai
                                           the whole country and had support            for example has its own municipal
                                           infrastructure in place in 48 hours.         government and the city along with
                                           Everyone followed the rules as the           those of Shenzhen and Guangzhou are
                                           Chinese government was clear on              extremely internationalised. In terms
                                           how serious this could be. The UK            of culture, you can go 30 minutes in
                                           would not be going through such a            the car and see something completely
First of all, can you briefly explain      hard time with the second wave if they       different. The people from the north
your role in the education sector?         had followed some of the rules from          certainly live differently to people of the
                                           China - for example hotel quarantine         south. They even look different and
I am very fortunate of having multiple
                                           is coming in a year after that of China.     speak a different dialect.
roles across my company and also
                                           The smartest move was closing their          If you could pick one, what would
with the IB. I am currently the Head
                                           borders to lower cases and stop the          you say is the biggest challenge
of School for a very large IB school
                                           spread.                                      facing China as it moves past
and also the General Principal for 7
Kindergartens and the Director of          A lot of Chinese parents continue            the pandemic? Feel free to give
IB for the company. I also hold the        to value UK universities - do you            multiple answers!
post of workshop facilitator with the      think this will still be the case            Trust in the government. People are still
International Baccalaureate and Visiting   a decade from now? Will China                not convinced how the virus started
Team Member with the Middle States         emerge as the global standard for            and many of the people still believe that
Schools Association for the American       higher education?                            the government did not tell them the
High School Diploma. Finally, I am also    China is not really known for its            truth.
a consultant for a famous UK boarding      universities presently. However certain      What are your thoughts on British
school that is owned by a Hong             universities such as Fudan and East          schools launching Chinese
Kongneese and is expanding into the        China Normal University are changing         operations? Will they stay viable?
Chinese market.
                                           this. Parents are wanting a more             In certain cities yes. Fettes and
In your experience (having taught          internationalised education system so        Merchiston both have representation
in Scotland and worked in China)           in many respects the UK and the US           in China. Harrow, St Bees and other
what can the UK primary education          will never miss out. However with the        English names have a clear presence
sector learn from China?                   rise of Chinese education system, we         also. It is interesting to see these
Adaptability. The Second Educational       will see in time that less students may      schools adapt with the East meets
Reform Act in China was introduced a       apply to the UK.                             West philosophy.
16            Daniel Stewart’s & Melville College Former Pupils Club

ESMS Development Office
and Community Update
An update on ESMS                             •	A weekly photography competition
community activity during the                 •	We linked pupils with alumni to
                                                 exchange letters in a pen pal type
unique year, from Suzi Squires                   scheme
and the Development Office.                   •	We shared jokes, baking, recipes
As with all parts of the school in the last      and generally positive news from
12 months, the Development office has            the ESMS Community, including
had to adapt and change its planned              a lockdown wedding, several
activities for the year. The usual               promotions and new roles for alumni
schedule of family ceilidhs, quizzes,         •	We facilitated a couple of special
reunions and career-based events were            digital events, like the Peboryon
set to one side whilst we worked out             bakealong!
the best ways to support the wider            Life started to open up as we went
ESMS community through various                into the summer, we paused the
lockdowns and restricted access.              coffee mornings, singalong and weekly
We firstly launched a neighbour helping       children’s quizzes. The community/
scheme, predominantly in Edinburgh but        family quiz remained very popular and
                                                                                           November also saw the first ever digital
also looking to assist elderly or isolated    in demand so we ran this monthly
                                                                                           Inspire Lecture. Attendance was up
alumni wherever they were in the world.       during the summer and autumn to give
                                                                                           and we had alumni tune in from around
We had lots of young alumni, parents          families an opportunity to spend some
                                              time together on a regular basis and         the world to hear leading female polar
and pupils volunteer their assistance                                                      explorer, Felicity Aston, talk about
in fetching groceries and essentials for      have some fun. We also continued the
                                              photo competition and introduced an          some of her experiences exploring
those who were elderly or shielding.                                                       in extreme climates and leading
                                              art competition for the summer break
We spent a week or so looking into how        to help parents keep children occupied.      expeditions too.
we could help to support our community
                                              During the autumn term, a large amount
in various ways during the lockdowns,
                                              of our time was spent preparing for our
tested various different technologies
                                              Remembrance Day. This was supposed
which could help us to bring activities       to have been an exhibition of school,
to the community and spoke to a wide          alumni and family memorabilia in the
range of teachers and other school staff      Dean on the weekend following the 11th
to see what they could help us to bring       but due to the restrictions on gatherings,
to the community.                             we had to change our plans and launch
We then launched a blog (www.                 this digitally instead. We owe a great to be a hub for all        debt of thanks to both School Captains,
our planned activity. This was initially a    Lily Burgess and Conrad Derbyshire, and
temporary website but it’s been such          their friends as they spent much of their
                                                                                           We also found time to start a new
a success and so popular that we’ve           October break recording themselves
                                                                                           initiative in the autumn term – video
decided to maintain it all year round now.    reading out transcripts of testimonials
                                                                                           interviews with alumni in a range of
                                              from alumni and from our archives for
We launched several initiatives that ran                                                   careers. The first two videos were with
                                              the montage. Thanks are also due to
throughout lockdown:                                                                       alumni whose businesses had been
                                              our amazing archivists and the MES
•	Twice weekly digital coffee mornings       Guild archivist who spent a lot of time      significantly impacted by the lockdown
   featuring a wide range of speakers         researching some interesting stories from    – a baking company and a magician!
   from the ESMS parent and alumni            the archives to bring to the community.      Christine Jensen, MES 1992 leaver,
   community.                                 The end result was a stunning tribute to     owns and runs Peboryon Cakes with
                                              those who served in the war and those        her husband Phil. They usually provide
•	A weekly quiz for children during the
                                              who served to support the war effort         wedding and celebration cakes, not
                                              at home. It gave context to their efforts    just for people in their local area but
•	A weekly community/family quiz for         whilst paying tribute to their sacrifices.   they also undertake large sculpture
   everyone                                   The video can still be viewed here:          cakes which are sometimes featured
•	A weekly singalong                               on TV programmes, such as Extreme
You can also read