The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School

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The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
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                                          The Messenger
                                       TERM 2 WEEK 2 TUESDAY 21 APRIL 2020
                                  (DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION BY CLICKING HERE)

                                        My will is filled with fire and might;
                                       As days grow shorter, it burns bright!
                                          I face the world; I have no fear.
                                      And many things become more clear.
                              For though there’s much that I don’t understand as yet,
                                                   I seek for light.
                                                   Michael Burton
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
To friends and families,

The plaque on the wall of the Rosa Mundi wall says,
It is not yet the time for the harvest
Now is the time to plant the seeds
Which will bear fruit at a later date
Here we have time.

Steiner education is similar to gardening – we carefully prepare the soil, plant the seed and sensitively nurture the
child until the harvest. The harvest sometimes doesn’t happen during the student’s time at the school and the
results of the harvest may not be evident until adulthood. Often the school or teacher is unaware of their influence
after the students has stepped out into the wider world unless, by chance, they meet an alumnus.

I recently received an email from a former parent whose three boys attended the school. Her middle son, Tristan, is
studying his Masters of Architecture in Dessau-Rosslau Germany, the home of the Bauhaus movement. Germany
has very strict social distancing laws and also had an enforced lockdown for the Easter period. Tristan was very
industrious during his time in isolation. As masks are in very short supply in Europe, Tristan used all the craft skills
he had learned at Mansfield Steiner School to hand stitch one to wear in the streets when restrictions are lifted. He
was very proud of his efforts and was impressed he could rely on these practical skills and that he still had the
confidence and competence to stitch such an article. His unique creation will be very distinctive as a preventive
measure during the pandemic.

This past week has been an extremely unusual time for all. Meeting teachers and classmates online is far from
ideal and may have been quite disturbing for some younger children. The conversations are slightly stilted with
voice delay, it is difficult to read feelings and not to be able to see your whole class at one time. Schools are
complex places and a lot of learning also happens at break times. Please still limit screen time with your children,
after the morning greeting there is no need for primary students to be on the computer until the end of the day. If
you or your child is not coping with remote learning send them to school.

There are lots of ways to learn and there is time.

Fran Cummins

   Term 2: Wednesday 15 April – Friday 19 June 2020
   Class 3 & 4 Melbourne Zoo Snooze Camp                                  Cancelled by Zoo’s Vic
   Kindergarten & School Working Bee                                      Postponed until further notice
   Year 7,8 & 9 Art Camp                                                  Postponed until further notice
   World Earth Day                                                        Wednesday 22 April
   Class 6 McCormacks Trail Ride Camp                                     Postponed until further notice
   Prep Bindaree Visit                                                    Postponed until further notice
   Class 1 Play                                                           Postponed until further notice
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
EC Autumn Festival                                                Friday May 1
Autumn Festival                                                   Friday May 8
Bio-dynamic Seminar                                               Cancelled
Year 9 Murray River Canoeing Camp                                 Postponed until further notice
School Annual General Meeting (ZOOM Meeting)                      Monday May 18, 7pm
Year 8 Shakespeare Play                                           Postponed until further notice
Berthe Mouchette French poetry competition                        Friday May 22
Year 7 & 8 Interschools Sports Round Robin                        Postponed until further notice

 Stay up-to-date with all our events and date changes by subscribing to the 2020 MRSSK Calendar...
      Follow the link and click the "Subscribe" button in the bottom right-hand corner of the calendar.)

                                         SUBSCRIBE HERE

                                                    With the recent change to the use of technology in our
                                                    school routine, it is important to ensure we retain some
                                                    sort of balance in our lives.

                                                    Sitting in front of a screen can be tiring, so
                                                    to balance these activities our secondary students were
                                                    asked to go outside and connect with nature. They were
                                                    tasked with the project of creating a nature mandala.
                                                    The results were beautiful as they shared their creations
                                                    with the rest of their cohort.

                                                    There is no question that being in nature—or even
                                                    viewing nature pictures—reduces the physiological
                                                    symptoms of stress in our bodies. What this means is
                                                    that we are less likely to be anxious and fearful in nature,
                                                    and thereby we can be more open to other people and to
                                                    creative patterns of thought.

                                                    YEAR 9
                                                    Class 9 have launched into remote learning with the
                                                    Main Lesson, ‘The Making of The Modern World’. We
                                                    are learning about the ideologies that shaped and
                                                    changed the world following the Industrial Revolution.
                                                    Students are exploring the various ‘isms’ (communism,
                                                    socialism, capitalism) and how these united and divided
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
people. They have worked in small online groups to
                                                     create short films to describe the various ‘isms’ using the
                                                     analogy of washing a load of clothes. They then shared
                                                     these videos. They have come to understand who was
                                                     on each side of the war by raiding the family pantry and
                                                     finding products and household items to represent each
                                                     side of WW1. In the coming days we will look at trench
warfare, advances in medicine, WW1 nursing and how we tell the story of the Gallipoli landing in Australia.

It has been a challenge to shape the Class 9 Outdoor Program, but students have been encouraged to use
Wednesday morning to go for a jog in the time allocated in the morning. On Friday morning we start the day with a
‘packs on’ walk. Brooke has created a nature diary project to encourage students to immerse themselves in their
outdoor environments and observe and record nature through musings, descriptions and drawings. This is the art
of the naturalist movement which was a popular way of learning about and recording nature in the 1900s.

                                                          YEAR 8
                                                          Year 8 have launched into their online learning with great
                                                          optimism. Many students are enjoying the challenge of
                                                          learning via distance, and have embraced the change in
                                                          schedule, and method of learning.

                                                          They have been experiencing Bartering at home with
                                                          their parents, as part of our Money and Society main
                                                          lesson, sometimes to the joy of parents.

                                                          Other highlights from our week include writing letters to
                                                          the residents at Buckland house, and learning a new
                                                          skill, with some students looking to play the piano
                                                          accordion, learn how to use a digital camera effectively,
                                                          and one student looking to make lasagna from scratch.

The year 8s are taking the challenges in their stride and continue to be positive young people.

                                                          Remote French lessons are off to a flying start with every
                                                          class from Prep to Year 11 busy working.

                                                          Jo and Jen have been posting videos and work on
                                                          Teams, so everyone has something to keep their
                                                          language skills improving.

                                                          Classes 3 to 11 have a French poem to memorise and it
                                                          would be lovely if parents could check in with children to
                                                          see how they’re going with this.

                                                          The IB French class is studying science and technology
and associated ethical issues.
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
                                                  Class 1s have been working hard this week and doing
                                                  lots of writing, drawing, counting and movement activities
                                                  at home.

                                                  They have written sentences for the first time and have
                                                  decided that all sentences have to have a capital letter,
                                                  full stop and must make sense.

                                                  Their sentences have been based on the story of Snow-
                                                  white and the Seven Dwarfs by the Brothers Grimm.

                                                  Last Friday a recipe for a zucchini cake was sent out and
                                                  some students managed to make this cake at home.

                                                  We are going to all share our favourite recipes over the
                                                  term and make a booklet to share.

                                                  It is strange only being able to see each other over the
                                                  computer but everyone has done such a great job so far
                                                  considering the circumstances.

                              FROM GARDEN TO PLATE

                                Remember to ‘Eat a Rainbow’ ❨

The garden has been growing an autumn harvest of sweetcorn, silverbeet, zucchini, potatoes,
carrots, leafy greens, garlic, tomatoes, pumpkin, leeks, rhubarb, watermelon, and a spectacular
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
array of herbaceous herbs, so that’s exactly what has been cookin’ in the school kitchen! We are
feeling very grateful for Pat’s dedication and the abundance that we have, preparing meals around
what is seasonal and plentiful.

Remember to ‘Eat a Rainbow’ ❨ ❮ every day making sure to have at least one fruit/veggie of every
colour to keep your taste buds dancing, plate vibrant, belly happy and body strong.

We would love to see some ‘Garden Helpers’ in the community! Offer to help with watering,
harvesting, weeding, caterpillar relocating, etc. for your parents, family, or neighbours (within social
distancing regulations of course). The weather is still beautiful, so stay active in the great outdoors
and help a garden grow.

Here’s a yummy recipe to make together as a family this week...

Vegan Zucchini Fritters //

Prep: 30 min.

Cooking: 30 min.


   •   1 kg / 35 oz zucchini or courgettes coarsely grated (8 cups grated)
   •   Feel free to add in grated carrot, potato, or any other veggies you have plenty of!
   •   2 spring onions, thinly chopped
   •   2 garlic cloves, finely grated
   •   zest of 1 lemon or lime
   •   2 tsp salt, more to taste
   •   generous amount of black pepper
   •   2 tbsp fresh dill, finely chopped
   •   1 tbsp fresh mint, finely chopped
   •   1 tbsp parsley, finely chopped
   •   Feel free to add any spices, herbs, etc. that you love, make it your own!
   •   2 tbsp ground flax seed
   • about ½ cup wholemeal flour (or rice flour for gluten-free version)
   • about ¼ cup breadcrumbs, gluten-free for a gluten-free version
   • olive oil, coconut oil, etc. for frying
   • yoghurt, avocado, or tomato sauce to serve over the top


  1. To prepare the “flax eggs”, put flax meal into a small bowl and add 4 tbsp of water to it. Mix
     well, place in the fridge for the mixture to thicken and get gelatinous.
  2. Season grated zucchini with a generous amount of salt (I used 2 tsp) and place it on a fine
     sieve over a bowl. Set aside for at least 30 mins.
  3. After 30 mins, squeeze all the moisture out of the grated zucchini by placing in the middle of a
     muslin cloth, gathering the ends and squeezing the ‘zucchini ball’ tight. Or you could simply use
     your hands squeezing the moisture out in small batches. Take care to do it properly as it is very
     important for the grated zucchini to be as dry as possible or else your fritters will get soggy.
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
4. Place squeezed zucchini in a bowl. Add herbs, lemon zest, pepper , grated garlic, chopped
    capers and spring onions to it. Mix very well.
 5. If using flaxseed, take it out of the fridge and add it into the zucchini mixture directly.
 6. Add enough flour and breadcrumbs to ensure that your mixture isn’t wet, yet you will still be
    able to form patties out of it easily.
 7. Put the mixture into the fridge for an hour or so that it is easier to form patties.
 8. Once you’ve chilled your mixture, form small patties (mine weighed 50 g each) with your
    hands. Grab a chunk of mixture and squeeze it well in your hand first to extract even a tiny
    amount of excess moisture. Then proceed to form a patty.
 9. Heat up 1-2 cm of oil in a small pan. Once the oil is hot (but not too hot or else they will burn on
    the outside), place a few fritters on it and fry them without turning for about 2-3 minutes. After 2
    minutes, check one of the fritters and if it’s nicely browned gently flip it to the other size and fry
    for the same amount of time.
10. Serve with a dollop of yoghurt seasoned with lemon juice, salt, & pepper, avocado smash, or
    your favourite sauce!

                                                     LOCAL BUSINESS REGISTER
                                                     To supoport our school family's local business', we are
                                                     starting a Local Business Register where you can share
                                                     your business' details & online links with the rest of our
                                                     Please      contact
                                                     0419398183 to be included.


                                                     NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL

                                                     Monday, May 18, 7.00pm
                                                     A ZOOM Meeting invitation to our AGM will be sent
                                                     out shortly to all Association Members.

                                                     Membership of the Association is open to all current and
                                                     past parents and staff, as well as others with a
                                                     connection to the school. Application forms for
                                                     membership of the association are available at the office.

                                                     This year, in addition to the normal AGM formalities, the
                                                     meeting will consider nominations for three positions on
                                                     the Governance Committee, which are available as a
                                                     result of members completing their two-year terms.

                                                     The Governance Committee is essentially the School’s
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
Board of Directors and is made up of seven elected, up
                                                            to two invited members and the School’s Principal. The
                                                            Governance Committee is responsible for setting the
                                                            strategic direction of the school. The year ahead is
a particularly important and exciting time for the School and its Governance Committee -making sure we deliver the
International Baccalaureate in 2020 and the continuing work on our Masterplan. The Governance Committee meet
on a monthly basis (generally the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30pm). Members are also expected to take up a
position on a sub-committee relevant to their skills and experience (these also meet monthly). If you are interested
in being nominated for a position on the School Governance Committee, please contact Sarah Lieber, Governance
President, for an information pack and application form on 0401 016 198.

                                                          MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL
                                                          COMEDY FESTIVAL ROADSHOW
                                                          Following the Prime Minister’s announcement about non-
                                                          essential gatherings of more than 100 people, it is with
                                                          much sadness that we announce The Melbourne
                                                          International Comedy Festival have postponed the

                                                           The 2020 Comedy Festival Roadshow was scheduled to
                                                           perform in Mansfield on June 9th. The impact will be felt
                                                           nationally across all venues, staff, communities and
audiences. Postponing the Comedy Festival Roadshow is disappointing but the only decision possible to support
the community’s efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

We are currently working on rescheduling the Roadshow performances to later in the year if possible. We will be in
touch with all those who have already purchased their tickets. For any ticket refunds or enquiries please contact

                                                          PARENTS & FRIENDS - CRAFT

                                                          Craft Group is postponed until further notice.

                                                          Thank you for your support over the term.

                                                          We hope you enjoy autumn evenings making your own
                                                          creative handcraft.

The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
                                                         The Pondering Steiner reading
                                                         group is postponed until further

                                                         EXTRA LESSON WITH JANINA
                                                         Due to the current climate regarding educational classes,
                                                         Threefold Educational Support sessions are postponed
                                                         until further notice, thank you.
                                                         Janina 0421812881

Prep - Year 8
Year 9
Year 11 - IB
Corona Vircus UPDATED Fact Sheet
THE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE (GC) meet on the Fourth Monday of each month, 6.30pm in the staff room.
President – Sarah Lieber
Vice President – John Bowen
Treasurer – Tim Ross
Secretary – Scott Ersvaer
Catherine Yencken, Andy Stokes, Rosemary Brennan

Fran Cummins (Principal) - For ALL school issues. (Parents please note your first port of
call is to your class teacher to discuss any issue regarding your child, thank you)
Jacinta Walker (Vice Principal)
Suzanne McKay (Secondary Coordinator)
Andrew Karzons (Operations and Financial Manager)
Sally Singleton (School reception and College Secretary) – Everyday admin enquiries. All
staff have a school email address as above, being their first name and initial of their last
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
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