Page created by Ron Evans
THE                                                                               IN THIS ISSUE:

                                                                                     Question of the Month
                                                                                      - p. 2
                                                                                     Senior Spotlights - p. 3
                                                                                     20X Rodeo - p. 4
                                                                                     Shooting Sports - p. 6
                                                                                     Girls Basketball- p. 7
                                                                                     Boys Basketball - p. 8

    Volume 82, Issue 4		                Colome High School - Box 367, Colome, SD		         January 19, 2021

Students present Christmas concert
by Devan Dougherty                                                                                   Left: The high
  On Dec. 18, 2020, the K-12 grade                                                                   school         choir
                                                                                                     performs at the
concert was held at the gym. The                                                                     Christmas con-
concert started at 7:00 with the kin-                                                                cert. In back sing-
                                                                                                     ing a solo is Isaac
dengarteners and first graders sing-                                                                 Beltman.
ing “Sparkly.” The fifth and sixth                                                                   Below middle:
grade band followed with “Hot Cross                                                                  The      kindergar-
                                                                                                     teners and first
Buns,” “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” and                                                                 graders         sing
“Jingle Bells.”                                                                                      “Sparkly” during
 The sixth grade music was next with                                                                 the concert.
                                                                                                     Bottom:         The
“We Will Remember” and “Yuletide                                                                     7-12th       grade
Rhythm.” The K-5 students then sang                                                                  band plays a mu-
                                                                                                     sical selection at
“Veterans, We Love You,” “Out on the                                                                 the concert.
Line,” and “Snow, Snow, Snow.” The
second graders then followed with
“Here We Go A-Shoveling.”
    The K-5 grade music then sang
“Ode to Joy.” Next the third graders
played “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on
their recorders. Then the K-5 graders
sang “What Child is This.”
  Next the fourth graders played “A
Medieval Christmas” with their re-
corders. Also playing the recorders
were the fifth graders with “Deck the
Halls.” The K-5th graders sang “May
There Be Goodwill.”
  Next, the 7-12 grade band played
“Jingo Jango,” ‘Silver Bells,” and
     The 9-12 grade choir then sang
“Come Thou Fount,” “Throw Open
Your Shutters,” “Silent Night,” and
“God Bless the USA.” Singing solos
were Isaac Beltman and Elizabeth
Yeaman. Finishing the night, the
seventh and eighth grade choir sang
“Bless Our Troops” and “Go in Peace.”
Lariat                                    January 19, 2021                                                  Page 2

Question of the Month                                                                      by Libbie Petersek

If you had to change your name, what would your new
name be, and why would you choose that name?

7th grader TayShaun Hoffer said that he     Shae Munroe, who is a seventh grader,        Lilly Nelson, freshman, replied, “Maddie,
would change his name to Shauntay be-       said, “Steph Curry, because he is a baller   because I just really like that name.”
cause one person calls him that and it is   and I am a big baller.”

Sophomore Jordyn Ring said, “Isabell be-    Katie Welker, junior, responded, “Bynlee     Senior Rhet Bertram said he would call
cause that’s what my American Girl doll’s   because it’s cool and I want to name my      himself Donald Trump so he can imper-
name was.”                                  daughter that.”                              sonate him.

  The Lariat is published by the desktop publishing class at Colome High
 School. Readers may submit letters to the editor, but the Lariat staff re-
 serves the right to accept or reject letters. Writers/Page Designers: Devan
 Dougherty, Ashlyn Hoffine, Landi Krumpus, Caden Munroe, Libbie
 Petersek, Jordyn Ring, Clarissa Ringing Shield, Riley Shippy; Advisor:
 Mrs. Rohde.
Lariat                                   January 19, 2021                                              Page 3

Senior Spotlight
Name: Isaac Beltman                                             Name: Makayla Shippy
Birthday: September                                             Birthday: January 10,
21, 2002                                                        2003
Birthplace: Sioux Cen-                                          Birthplace: Winner, SD
ter, Iowa                                                       Family: Dad: Dale;
Family: Parents: Melis-                                         Mom:
sa and Ivan Deboer and                                          Betsy; Brothers: Jordan,
Aric and Krista Belman                                          Caleb; Sisters: Halley,
Brothers: Wyatt, Gauge                                          Rihanna, Rayanne
Deboer                                                          Favorite childhood
Favorite childhood                                              memory: Making dance
memory: Riding an                                               routines with my sister
elephant at a carnival                                          Growing up I wanted to be a teacher.
Growing up I wanted to be a paleontologist.                     All-time favorite movie: McFarland USA
All-time favorite movie: Iron Man/Jurassic Park                 Favorite sports team: Duke
I stay home to watch Spiderman.                                 Favorite band and/or musician: For King and Country
Favorite sports team: Duke Blue Devils                          Hobbies: Jumping on the trampoline, playing with kids
Favorite band and/or musician: Miracle of Sound                 Three things that can always be found in my refrigera-
Hobbies: Collecting, gaming                                     tor: Milk, Mtn Dew, eggs
Three things that can always be found in my refrigera-          If I have any warning, my last meal will be Shrimp Alfre-
tor: Cheese, milk, leftovers                                    do.
If I have any warning, my last meal will be a cheeseburg-       Pet peeve: When people say things more than once, or when
er with extra fries and a Sprite.                               they say ‘the other day” when it happened years ago.
Pet peeve: Calling chili soup                                   People would be surprised to know I can juggle.
People would be surprised to know I love badminton.             I’m better than most at juggling.
I wish I could stop over exaggerating.                          I could be better at being quiet.
I’m better than most at comic stuff.                            I’m proud that I won my softball tournament the day Caleb
I could be better at normal conversations.                      was born.
I regret eating Taco Bell one time.                             Best time of my life: Going to San Fransico to watch the
I’m proud that I’m different.                                   Golden State Warriors
Best time of my life: Being with my best friends                I’ve never been able to whistle.
Worst time of my life: A camel bit me                           I’d like to have a dollar every time I laughed.
I hope I never have to solve the hardest math problem.          Most embarrassing moment: Missing a wide open layup
I’d like to have a dollar for every time I sneeze.              If I could travel in time, I would visit 2025 so I don’t have
Worst idea I ever had: I bet my uncle to a milk chugging        to go to college.
contest.                                                        If I won the lottery, I would buy a Great Pyrenees and a
If I could travel in time, I would visit dinosaurs.             big house.
If I won the lottery, I would put half of it in my savings.     A great evening to me is eating ice cream, watching Im-
A great evening to me is playing PS4 with my friends.           practical Jokers.
Behind my back, friends say: Don’t know enough to care          Best thing about school: 5th period tea time senior year
Best thing about school: Teachers and food                      Future goal: Graduate college, get a job, get married, have
Hardest thing about school: Work                                kids, and be happy
Future goal: Photographer                                       Best thing about living in Colome: Get across town in 30
Best thing about living in Colome: Food at the bar              seconds
I can die happy once I visit the northern lights or stop col-   If I could change something about Colome, I would add a
lecting.                                                        Sonic or Panda Express.
At my funeral, I hope people say: He was ok.                    At my funeral, I hope people say: She was always laugh-
Lariat                                      January 19, 2021                                                    Page 4

Students will participate in 20x Rodeo                                                                               by Riley Shippy
 Four Colome students qualified for the        to his record by the end of the 2021 ro-     his last 12 bulls. Shippy usually rides
20x Rodeo which will be held in Rapid          deo season.                                  his stationary barrel every night, which
City on Jan. 31. It will start at 1 p.m. and     Riley Shippy competes in bull riding       seems to be making him a better ath-
showcase some of the top high school           which is no surprise since he comes          lete. He looks to win the 20x rodeo back
rodeo athletes across the state.               from a family who raises bucking bulls.      to back. While Shippy is only a junior,
  Baylie Hoffine, Saydee Heath, Linkyn         He qualified for the 20x Rodeo this year     he has plans to buy his pro card when
Petersek, and Riley Shippy qualified           and last year as well.                       he turns 18 and start pro rodeoing.
for this rodeo. These athletes qualified        Last year he won the 20x rodeo with a         Saydee Heath will be competing in the
by finishing as a top 3 underclassmen          78-point ride on Zamboni Nate of Sut-        breakaway roping. She was an alternate,
in their region at the end of the season.      ton Pro Rodeo. From there he went on         as she was 2 points short until a girl
This is because seniors from last season       to qualify for nationals for the second      drew out. This is her third year qual-
can’t compete in the 2021 season. There        year in a row. He ended up finishing top     ifying for the 20x Rodeo. She had gone
are four regions across the state, and         10 in the world. He bucked off his short     in breakaway and goat tying previously.
Colome is part of the River Region.            round bull at 6.8 seconds which ended        Having a rough regionals, she placed
  Baylie Hoffine will be competing in          up costing him the world title.              second in Winner to go to state. At state
barrel racing. This is her second year          Shippy recently decided to retire from      she placed 6th out of 73 contestants in
qualifying for the 20x Rodeo. She              wrestling so he could stay healthy for       the first go and missed the second go.
placed sixth and seventh at the regional       bull riding. He has been performing          Heath is aiming for a successful season
rodeo in Winner last year out of 43 con-       quite well recently, covering 8 out of       this year as she competes in 6 events.
testants. These placings also qualified
Hoffine for the 2020 State Finals which
were held in Ft. Pierre. She didn’t do as
well as she hoped at state, but she has
one season left in her high school rodeo
  Linkyn Petersek competes in multiple
events but qualified for the 20x Rodeo
in tie down roping. He had a successful
2020 season and qualified for nationals
once again. He won the state title in tie
down roping and also won reserve state
champion in the team roping. His team
roping partner was Denton Good. Pe-              Linkyn Petersek - photo by Sara Petersek     Riley Shippy - photo by Jennie Shippy
tersek competed in tie down roping and
team roping at nationals which was
held in Guthrie, Oklahoma. He didn’t
have the best luck at nationals but it is
an accomplishment to qualify.
  Petersek plans to continue his rodeo
career at the college level but hasn’t
decided what college he will be attend-
ing. He is interested in rodeoing for the
Casper, Wyoming rodeo team. He has
caught many people’s eyes with his stel-
lar performances at state throughout
the years. Petersek has won multiple
state titles throughout his high school
career and plans to add a couple more             Baylie Hoffine - photo by Shelley Heath       Saydee Heath - photo by Joel Burgeson
Lariat                                         January 19, 2021                                                       Page 5

Colome students compete in shooting sports by Ashlyn Hoffine
    There are three Colome High School
students who are on the Winner/Colome
trap team. These students include Jack
Anderson, Jesse Larson, and Katie Welk-
   The spring league began in May for the
Winner/Colome high school trap team.
Katie Welker finished top female in the
state and second overall. The team fin-
ished first in their conference. The spring
league ended in June. There was no state
tournament this year due to COVID.
  Last year Larson shot at the High School
Nationals. He had hoped to compete at
that level again but just missed qualifying
by one.
    The fall league began in October. As
a team they ended up first place in their
conference. Jack Anderson placed in the
top 10, and Welker was the top female
and second overall. The fall league ended
in November.
  Katie Welker said, “I started when I was
8 years old. I started doing it because my
dad and brothers did it when they were
    Jack Anderson said, “I started doing
shooting sports because my cousin did it
when he was younger.”
    Jesse Larson said, “I got into shooting
sports because I always liked shooting
guns on my family’s farm/ranch.”                   Above: The Colome High School students who shoot on the Winner/Colome trap team include
  The spring league will start in March as         Jack Anderson, Katie Welker, and Jesse Larson.
long as there are no COVID issues.

Jack Anderson shoots for the Winner/Colome trap    Jesse Larson shoots at High School Nationals   Katie Welker shoots for the Winner/Colome trap
team.                                              Shooting Sports.                               team.
Lariat                                   January 19, 2021                                                               Page 6
Students celebrate
with Christmas
by Jordyn Ring

  During the week before Christmas
break, staff and students celebrated in
a variety of ways. On Dec. 17 CHS Stu-
dent Council members made root beer
floats during fifth period to wish staff
and students a Merry Christmas.
  On Dec. 18 students and staff dressed
up and went crazy with Christmas
spirit. On Dec. 22 Mr. Christensen
                                           Baylie Hoffine, Saydee Heath, and Lanie Bolton      The winners for the NHS Christmas dress-up con-
and some other staff held an exciting      serve root beer floats to the seventh graders for   test are Ms. Sparks, staff winner; Lilly Nelson, the
event: duct taping Mr. Christensen to      the Student Council.                                high school winner; and Allie Spellman, the mid-
the wall for the K-5 elementary kids                                                           dle school winner.
                                                                                                                                 Several       staff
who earned CARES tickets.
                                                                                                                                 members were
   Mr. Christensen suprised the ele-                                                                                             in the holiday
mentary kids by dressing up as San-                                                                                              spirit as they
                                                                                                                                 dressed for the
ta Claus and delivered prizes to the                                                                                             NHS        Christ-
students who had participated in the                                                                                             mas dress-up
math fact and sight word challenges.                                                                                             contest.         In
                                                                                                                                 back are Mrs.
He also played tag and visited class-                                                                                            Va n d e n b a r k ,
rooms in the middle school and high                                                                                              Mrs. Ewing, Mr.
school. Also on Tuesday, the kinder-
                                                                                                                                 Mrs. DeMers,
gartners went Christmas caroling to all                                                                                          Ms.      Mander-
of the school buildings.                                                                                                         feld, and Mrs.
                                                                                                                                 Rohde. In front
                                                                                                                                 are Ms. Sparks,

                                                                                                                                 Mrs.       Chris-
                                                                                                                                 tensen,       and
                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Bolie.

  wrestling contin-
  ues their season                                                                                                                     Elemen-
                                                                                                                                       tary     stu-
                                                                                                                                       dents tape
                                                                                                                                       Mr. Chris-
    The Winner Area Wrestling team                                                                                                     tensen to
                                                                                                                                       the     wall.
  is doing very well. On Jan. 2 they                                                                                                   Students
  traveled to Salem for the MCM In-                                                                                                    who       re-
  vitational. They had five wrestlers                                                                                                  c e i v e d
  place first, including Maxton Bro-                                                                                                   C A R E S
  zik, Karson Keiser, Kaden Keiser,                                                                                                    tickets
                                                                                                                                       were given
  Riley Orel, and Sam Kruger, they                                                                                                     a piece of
  finshed second as a team behind                                                                                                      tape to stick
  Canton. They hope to have a                                                                                                          Mr. Chris-
                                                                                                                                       tensen to
  healthy rest of their season.                                                                                                        the wall.
Lariat                                     January 19, 2021                                                              Page 7

Cowgirls work
through schedule
by Clarissa Ringing Shield
  The Cowgirls have been working hard
as they play through their schedule.
They hosted Burke on Jan. 14 and lost
a close game with a final score of 47-51.
  They traveled to Murdo to face Jones
Co. on Jan. 12. This was a loss, 39-50.
  On Jan. 9 the Cowgirls played in the
Redfield Classic against Estelline/Hed-
ricks. The Cowgirls took a loss in this
game, 42-47.
  The three top scorers were Baylie Hof-
fine with 12 points, Makayla Shippy
                                             Top left: Libbie Petersek puts up a shot Top right: Baylie Hoffine posts up to get ready to recieve
with 8 points, Maura Luedke and Eliza-       the ball. Bottom: Saydee Heath plays defense against Avon player
beth Yeaman with 6 points each.
   Top three rebounders were Yeaman
with 11, Shippy with 9, and Hoffine
with 5.
  On Jan. 4 the Colome Cowgirls played
the Avon Pirates. They had a double-
header with the Cowboys. The Cow-
girls came out with a loss against the
Avon Pirates.
  The Cowgirls scored 15 points in the
first half of the game, and to wrap up
the night the Cowgirls ended up with a
final score of 48. The Avon Pirates had
scored 24 points in the first half, and to
end their score they had a total score of
52 points.
   For the Cowgirls the top three scor-
ers were Saydee Heath with 11 points,
Libbie Petersek scoring 10 points, and       this game was Shippy with 12 points.                    The top three rebounders against
Makayla Shippy making 9 points.              The second top shooters of the night                Cody-Kilgore were Heath and Libbie
   The top rebounders were Elizabeth         with 6 points each were Toree Ringing               Petersek with 6 each and Hoffine with
Yeaman with 10 and Saydee Heath and          Shield, Luedke, and Yeaman. Libbie Pe-              5.
Libbie Petersek with 5 each.                 tersek came in with 4 points.                        On Dec. 12, the Cowgirls played Cor-
  On Jan. 2, the Cowgirls played in Cen-      The top rebounders were Yeaman with                sica-Stickney at home. They lost this
terville. This game was also a double-       8 and Shippy and Preslie Petersek with              game 36-71. The top three scorers were
header with the Cowboys. The Cow-            4 each.                                             Shippy putting up 14, Libbie Petersek
girls took a loss at this game, but it was      On Dec. 19 the Cowgirls played                   making 8 points, and Heath scoring 6
an intense game. The Centerville team        Cody-Kilgore in Cody. The Cowgirls                  points.
came out ready to play and so were the       took a win with a score of 58-48.                      To end the night with the most re-
Cowgirls, but they came up four points         The top scorers for this game were                bounds in this game was Heath with 9.
short. The final score was 35-39.            Heath with 13 points, Libbie Petersek               Yeaman came in with 8 rebounds, and
  The top scorer for the Cowgirls during     with 12, and Shippy with 9 points.                  then Libbie Petersek had 6.
Lariat                                       January 19, 2021                                                          Page 8

Michael Supik and Joseph Laprath put defensive pressure against   Caden Munroe looks to pass the ball in the Avon game held on Jan. 4 in Colome.
Avon on Jan. 4.

Cowboys play through season                                                                               by Caden Munroe
  The Colome Cowboys basketball sea-            by a score of 37-63 on Jan. 7. Leading             The Cowboys fired up as they traveled
son has started. The Cowboys have two           scorers for the game was Rhet Bertram             to play Cody-Kilgore on Dec. 19. The
new faces for the coaching jobs. Scott          with 11, followed by Michael Supik and            Cowboys came home with their first
Hannon is the head coach, and Vince             Caden Munroe with 6 each.                         victory. The score was 44-25. Leading
Thieman is the assistant coach. Also              The Cowboys then played their first             scorer in the game was Bertram with 14
helping with the coaching job is Layton         home game of the season going up                  points, followed by Laprath with 9 and
Thieman. The Cowboys’ record is 2-3.            against Avon on Jan. 4. The Cowboys               Looking Cloud with 8.
  The Cowboys traveled to Murdo for             came out hot and stayed that way for               The Cowboys then traveled to Gregory
the Jones Co. Tournament on Jan. 14-            the entire game. They won the game,               on Dec. 17. The Cowboys were unable
16. In the first game of the tournament         50-30. Leading scorer in that game was            to get anything going for them offen-
on Thursday, the Cowboys faced Ly-              Bertram with 11. Followed by Munroe               sively and defensively. Because of this,
man Co. This was a loss for Colome              with 10, and Supik and Joseph Laprath             they fell 23-59. Leading scorers in that
with a score of 30-65. In the next round        with 8.                                           game were Supik and Laprath with 7
on Friday, they faced Bennett Co. The              The Cowboys’ next game was on Jan.             points each, followed by Eli Vobr with
teams battled to the end, but Bennett           2, and they traveled to Centerville. The          5 points and Hayden Thieman and Ber-
Co. won with a final score of 36-39. In         Cowboys fought hard until the very                tram with 2 each.
the last game for the Cowboys in the            end but still came up short. The final             The Cowboys played Bridgewater/Em-
tournament, they played Philip. The             score in the game was 42-54. Leading              ery on Dec. 10. The Cowboys fell short
game went into overtime, but the Cow-           the team in scoring was Nathaniel Han-            by a score of 26-59. The leading scor-
boys came out short with a final score          sen with 13 points, followed by Bertram           ers for the game were Munroe with 6
of 59-64.                                       with 8 and Laprath and Billy Looking              points, Looking Cloud with 5, and Ber-
  Recently the Cowboys played against           Cloud each with 6.                                tram and Heath with 4 points each.
Winner. The Cowboys fell to Winner
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