The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School - Somers Central School District

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The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School - Somers Central School District
The Tusker Tribune
  The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

Issue Number 35                            Spring 2019

         Tennis: Don’t Judge It ’Til You’ve Tried It
          By Natalia Tellez                               win a point, you can’t just
          Tusker Tribune Staff                            swing at the ball and hope
                   Have you ever heard someone say        your opponent can’t return it.
          that tennis is not a real sport or isn’t re-    You need to be able to swing
          ally hard to do?                                a tennis racket properly and
        I have and I always tell the person that if       with enough force to place it
you actually know what tennis is about and how            on the spot you want on the
to play it, their opinion would definitely change.        court. Not enough and it
There are multiple ways of tennis which might             doesn’t go over the net and
give the impression that it isn’t challenging and a       too much causes the ball to
lazy sport to play. But, of course, a couple of old       either go in the double's alley or out of bounds.
and easily tired people playing a tennis game will                One of the hardest skills to master in ten-
definitely not require skill, just a small swing          nis is serving. To get a good serve, you first have
from the players.                                         to toss a good ball above your head, far away that
        I'm talking about the tennis where you            you can hit it comfortable but close enough that
have to be in extreme shape, have great skill, and        you can lean into it. Then, you must place it in the
intense concentration.                                    right position on the court, with the right amount
        First of all, to be a good tennis player you      of spin, use the right movement, and do it all
need to have good stamina and have                                      without making a mistake.
good fitness. To play a good game, you                                          Another super hard technique
have to be able to run quickly up,                                      in tennis is knowing when to put spin
down, and side to side. This makes you                                  on a ball and when to use what
need endurance and speed and usually                                    stroke. This can include hitting a lob,
not for a few minutes since tennis                                      cross-court hit, volley, serve, a drop
doesn’t have a time limit and can go on                                 shot, backhand, forehand and driving
for a long time.                                                        hit. Moreover, tennis is not as simple
        The running portion of tennis                                   as you may think and requires lots of
can be compared to doing suicides (an                                   practice to learn all the different
exercise where you sprint back and                                      types of shots and the right tech-
forth across a field) while carrying a                                  nique.
racket and thinking of technique and                                    Not only that, but to be win in tennis,
placing without a break. Sound easy                                     you must have very good concentra-
right?                                                     tion and more. You always have to be
        Also, tennis works out almost every muscle        paying attention to the shot and where it landed,
in your body and can cause the player to be sore in       whether it’s out or is going out. If you get distract-
your legs, arms, and more. It has been proven that        ed for even a small second, you will miss the ball
you burn more calories playing tennis than most           and lose a point and in tennis that can either
other sports and can burn up to 200 calories in a         make or break a set. Furthermore, you have to
30-minute match. Overall, tennis certainly de-            pay attention to your placing and the opponents
                             mands the exercise and       place on the court.
                             fitness part that other              Tennis isn't just hitting the ball and hoping
                             sports may have.             the other player will make a mistake, but actually
                                     In addition, to      setting up your opponent to mess up. For example,
                             having a good tennis         if they are close to a net, you might hit it over
                             match you need have          their head or if they are staying on one side you
                             great skill in multiple      place it on the other half of the court. This also
                             ways. To get all the tech-   applies if they are far away from the net, you
                             nique needed you must        might do a soft hit so they can’t reach it in time.
                             attend various practices
                             and train hard. Also, to                                  Continued on Page 2
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Page 2                                                                     The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

                   A War For First Place

         By Jesse Manginelli                      Yelich is signed to a 7-year
         Tusker Tribune Staff             contract that pays $49.57M. Yelich
                In my last article I      is one of many players who was
         talked about Cody Bellinger      drafted out of high school. He was
         and his                                               chosen by the
         amazing                                               Miami Marlins
season with his                                                in the first round       The Tusker Tribune is the
most home runs.                                                in 2010.                  online Somers Middle
Although he was                                                        Yelich           School Student Newspa-
outshining every-                                              made it to the         per. It is published weekly
one a new face                                                 majors in 2013.        (except during school vaca-
has come up to                                                 Yelich has also         tions) on the Somers Mid-
take his reign.                                                won a Golden             dle School Website. It is
        Christian                                              Glove Award            entirely student-written by
Yelich now has                                                 and a Silver              6th, 7th and 8th grade
the most home                                                  Slugger Award.                 students from:
runs. Yelich has                                               Yelich has               Somers Middle School
22 home runs and                                               played most of                250 Route 202
Bellinger has 20.                         his days on the Marlins but was                  Somers, NY, USA.
        Although Bellinger has more       traded to Milwaukee Brewers in               Any SMS student is eligi-
RBIs and a higher batting average,        early 2018.                                   ble to write stories. If in-
Yelich took a first place away and                Christian Yelich went to                   terested, please
took it for himself. Yelich is 27         Westlake High School. That is all               e-mail Advisor Dean
years old. Yelich is a center fielder     for today. I think Yelich is going to                 Pappas at
for the Milwaukee Brewers. Yelich         have a great season because of him                    DPappas
has a .309 batting average this sea-      being at the top of almost every stat
son and a career average of .298. He      this season. Do you think he will
also has 117 career homeruns and          live up to these expectations?
452 career RBIs.

From Page 1                                        End of Year Calendar!
        Also, during your serve you
can’t mess up more than once or else        June 7th:                         June 24th-26th:
you will have given away an easy            Mentoring Breakfast               1/2 day of school for students
point which can ruin your chances at        June 12th:                        June 24th:
winning the game. To sum it up, ten-        ALP Trip to NYC                   FLACS Exam
nis certainly includes the mental           June 13th:                        June 24th:
               part that many have          8th Grade Dinner Dance            6h & 7th Grades SS and-
               said it doesn’t.             June 14th:                        Science Final exams
               In conclusion, tennis is     8th Lake Compounce Trip           June 25th:
               a sport where you            June 17th:                        6th Grade ELA and Math ex-
               have to be in great          6th Grade Field Trip              am
               shape, have extreme          June 18th:                        June 25th:
               concentration, and be        Rain date for Splashdown          7th Grade Math and
               very skilled. It’s a         Trip                              WorldLanguage exams
               game where you have          June 19th:                        June 25th:
               no one to fall back on       Algebra Regents                   8th Grade Graduation @
but your partner if in doubles, and         June 20th:                        2:00pm
all with short breaks in between            Earth Science Regents             June 26th:
each match. Next time someone says          June 21st:                        Last Day of School – ½ day
that tennis is on old ladies sport or       Geometry Regents                  (11:30am dismissal)
not hard to play make sure to say           June 21st:
otherwise.                                  7th Grade Splashdown Trip
        Now you tell me, is tennis          June 21st:
hard? I definitely think so.                8th Grade Graduation Practice
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The Tusker Tribune
Page 3                                                               The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

                                This Week In History
          By Kaeleigh Picco
          Tusker Tribune Staff
                Have you ever wondered what happened today
        ten years ago? Twenty years ago? Fifty? In This Week in
History, I will tell you about the events that happened that par-
ticular week that could have impacted our everyday lives or are
just really interesting to learn about.

                                     June 6th, 1944
                                            This date marks the largest seaborne invasion in history.
                                     Also known as the Battle of Normandy, this historic landing in
                                     World War Two took place in several beaches on the northern
                                     coast of France. This attack by the allies took months of plan-
                                     ning, and involved over 1,527,000 soldiers in 47 allied divisions.
                                            American troops landed on Omaha and Utah beaches,
                                     while British and Canadian troops landed on Gold, Juno, and
                                     Sword beaches. By the time the allies has successfully finished
                                     the invasion, 150,000 allied soldiers had been landed, at a cost of
                                     about 40,000 lives.
June 8th, 1867
        American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright was born on this day in Richland Cen-
ter, Wisconsin. During his career he has created over 1,000 structures. He used a
style commonly known as the “Prairie School”, with houses that featured low pitched
roofs and lines that appeared to blend into the landscape. He is considered to be one of
the most influential architects of his time. Wright died in 1959 in Phoenix, Arizona at
the age of 92.

               June 10th, 1922
                       Actress Judy Garland was born on this date in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Her
               birth name was Frances Gumm. Garland was an immensely popular performer and is
               most well known for her role as Dorothy Gale in the Wizard of Oz in 1939. She soon af-
               ter became one of the most well known concert performers in New York and broke box
               office records in New York City and London.

           Co-Editors                  Photography Editor                        Reporters
         Noah Volkman                   Allison O’Connor                       Natalia Tellez
         Joseph Melillo                                                       Jesse Manginelli
                                          Copy Editors                         Kaeleigh Picco
         Feature Editor               William Underkoffler                     Noah Volkman
          Samuel Sanz                    Michael Aiello                         Aidan Brinn
                                                                                 Lucas Fry
          Sports Editor
         Jesse Manginelli
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The Tusker Tribune
Page 4                                                                  The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

          Tyler, The Creator’s IGOR: Good or Bad?
          By Noah Volkman                                                             Unlike Tyler, DJ
          Tusker Tribune                                                      Khaled had been atop the
          Staff                                                               charts before with 2017’s
                  More than a                                                 Grateful and 2016’s Major
          decade since made an                                                Key. Father of Asahd had
          earfquake in the music                                              an impressive first week,
industry, Tyler, The Creator                                                  buoyed in part by the
finally has his first No. 1 al-                                               streaming success on
bum on the Billboard 200 with                                                 songs like “Wish Wish”
IGOR. The record, which was                                                   with Cardi B and 21 Sav-
entirely produced and ar-                                                     age and “Higher” with
ranged by Tyler, moved                                                        John Legend and Nipsey
165,000 total units in its first                                              Hussle. Khaled’s latest
week according to Forbes, best-                                               album moved 136,000
ing DJ Khaled’s long-awaited                                                  units. I explored the many
Father of Asahd and The Na-                                                   surprise collaborators on
tional’s I Am Easy to Find.                                                   IGOR, including Playboi
         Tyler came close to top-                                             Carti, Solange and Kanye
ping the charts with 2017’s                                                   West. But the interesting
Flower Boy, which peaked at                                                   thing is, Tyler, The Crea-
No. 2 after moving 160,000 al-                                                tor’s highly anticipated
bum-equivalent units in its in-                                               fifth solo album was re-
augural week. He’s also had                                                   leased listed features
three other studio albums de-                                                  prompting an Easter egg
but within the top five, dating                                                hunt of sorts for its collab-
back to 2011’s Goblin. The rap-                                                orators.
per posted a reaction video                                                            To make things
soon after learning the news.                                                  both easier and harder at
         After IGOR’s release                                                  the same time, two days
Tyler shared an Instagram                                                      after IGOR’s release, Ty-
post explaining that the album                                                 ler posted a photo with
was a deliberate departure                                                     the names of the people on
from both traditional hip-hop                                                  the project – and that’s
and all his previous studio rec-                                               where the fun began.
ords, imploring fans to give it                                                        So far, this is what
their undivided attention on                                                   I’ve gathered:
first listen and share with him                                                 IGOR’S THEME fea-
their favorite moments, writ-                                                  tures Lil Uzi Vert and
ing: “Igor. This is not B*******.                                              Solange
This is not Goblin. This is not                                                 EARFQUAKE fea-
Wolf. This is not Cherry Bomb. This is not Flower         tures Playboi Carti and Charlie Wilson
Boy. This is Igor. Pronounced Eee-Gore. Don’t go         I THINK features Solange
into this expecting a rap album. Don’t go into this      EXACTLY WHAT YOU RUN FROM YOU
expecting any album. Just go, jump into it. I be-         END UP CHASING is said by Jerrod Carmi-
lieve the first listen works best all the way             chael
through, no skips. Front to back. No distractions        RUNNING OUT OF TIME is a solo track
either. No checking your phone no watching TV no         NEW MAGIC WAND features Jerrod Carmi-
holding convo, full attn. towards the sounds where        chael and Santigold
you can form your own opinions and feelings to-          A BOY IS A GUN* is a solo track
wards the album. Some go on walks, some drive,           PUPPET features Kanye West and Jerrod
some lay in bed and sponge it all up.                     Carmichael
Whatever it is you choose, fully indulge. With vol-      WHAT’S GOOD features slowthai
ume. As much as I would like to paint a picture          GONE, GONE / THANK YOU features CeeLo
and tell you my favorite moments, I would rather          Green and Jerrod Carmichael
you form your own. If we ever cross paths, feel          I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE is a solo
free to articulate what those moments were for            track
you, keep it timely tho I’m not tryna have an            ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? features Al Green
Oprah episode. Stank you smelly mucho. IGOR.              and Pharrell Williams
All songs written, produced and arranged by Tyler             What’s your favorite song?
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Page 5                                                                  The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

           Why So Much Waste? Have Reusable Trays!
         By Lucas Fry                                  plastic or metal trays are a simple fix.
         Tusker Tribune Staff                                  Kids can use their trays and then put them
                Every day,                                                      somewhere where people in
         during periods 4, 5                                                    the kitchen can come and
         and 6, kids in Som-                                                    get them. They do not re-
         ers Middle School                                                      quire much work to be
kids buy a hot lunch.                                                           washed and with a few peo-
        The school gives hot                                                    ple working they could be
lunches on paper trays                                                          cleaned easily. Also, you
that kids throw since there                                                     can get a basic lunch tray
isn’t any designated recy-                                                      with different sections for
cling and because you                                                           around three dollars. If you
can’t. Hundreds are being                                                       estimate there’s around 750-
thrown out each day and thou-                                        800 kids in the school and you round
sands each week. Over time, this                                     up to 800, that’s about $2,400 not in-
becomes a large contributor to fill-                                 cluding that companies will probably
ing landfills.                                                       give a discount when the school buys
        As a school, we have                                         a large amount of a certain product.
worked to become eco-friendlier                                              If we do this with all the
and more efficient. For example,                                     schools, the total amount of buying
we were one of the first schools to                                  all these trays would be around
receive solar panels from New                                        $10,400 which would eventually
York State. We have also stopped                                     make it a cost-effective decision.
using paper in some of our classes and instead,                Considering that all kids in 5th Grade up to
use our tablets to do our work.                        12th Grade have tablets and those tablets get bet-
        This year, the technology class made bins      ter every year, getting plastic trays would not be
for recycling outside and there is a huge bin in the   lots of money for the district.
cafeteria, so that each grade can recycle their bot-   This could stop our school from producing so much
tles. However, we can’t recycle the paper trays        waste and it could point us in a direction where,
that you get lunch on when eating cafeteria food       as a district we keep increasing our effort to be-
because they have food on them. Using reusable         come more environmentally friendly.

         The Somers Slam is a Memorable and Fun Event
         By Aidan Brinn                                There were many vendors selling food, such as
         Tusker Tribune Staff                          Pow Burgers, Mario’s Wood Fired Pizza and Ice
                So, what is the Somers Slam all        Cream from the Snack Shack.
         about? Well, it was an all-day boy’s la-              Apparel and lacrosse equipment were also
         crosse tourna-                                                        sold. Some of these vendors
         ment on the 2nd of                                                    were: Grass Slides, and
June. This well-                                                               Twin Lacrosse. There were
organized event was so                                                         also fun activities and
big, it hosted 76 teams                                                        games where kids could win
from all over. Some                                                            prizes. There was a radar
teams were from as far                                                         gun shooting contest where
away as Brooklyn, NY,                                                          a player from every grade
Ossining, NY, and even                                                         who shot fastest won some
Greenwich, CT. Teams                                                           free lacrosse apparel. There
that entered the tourna-                                                       was also a sling shot water
ment stretched from Kin-                                                       balloon launcher (no prizes)
dergarten to 8th grade.                                but still very fun! ) Players would load the sling
         As a player on the Somers 7th and 8th Red     shot and fire at the opposing player. The person
team, this event was a lot of fun. This was be-        who was hit lost.
cause we played very talented and skilled teams,               Remember, this is an annual event. It hap-
that we would not play during the regular season.      pens the 1st weekend in June. Be sure to come
We really lucked out because the thunderstorms         next year to support the Somers Youth Lacrosse
stayed away that day and we had great weather.         at the Somers Slam.
The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School - Somers Central School District The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School - Somers Central School District The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School - Somers Central School District The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School - Somers Central School District
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