Page created by Aaron Chapman
The fruit fly Drosophila
     melanogaster only grows
     to a size of two to three
     millimeters. Scientists use
     a brush to separate individ-
     ual insects with differing

                                                                     Pho t o: F r a n k V i n k e n

       The Methuselah
         Text: Kl aus Wilhelm

                                    Max Planck Research · 1 | 2020
                                                                                                             Biology & Medicine

Linda Partridge and her colleague
Sebastian Grönke at the Max Planck
Institute for Biology of Ageing in
Cologne can’t promise eternal life – but                                                                                                    57
they are at least discovering ways to
lead a healthier one. The researchers’
findings in fruit flies and mice have    In addition to a daily dose of rapamycin,                  ing how cells, tissues, and organisms
                                            their food contains two other drugs:                    age. She now heads research teams at
revealed astonishing new insights into      lithium, known as a mood stabilizer                     the Max Planck Institute in Cologne
aging that will also benefit us humans.     to treat depression, and the drug tra-                  and at University College London.
                                                         metinib, which is used to treat can-       Numerous biological mechanisms
                                                         cer patients. “The triple cocktail ex-     are conserved across species, and
                                                         tends the usual lifespan of the fruit      that’s why scientists usually perform
        The fruit flies of Sebastian Grönke that         flies by almost 50 percent,” explains      research on flies and mice. “Time
          made it into the tubes marked “Rapa”           Linda Partridge, who heads the De-         isn’t on our side; life expectancy is
          have won the lottery. They reach an            partment of Biological Mechanisms          continuing to rise in many west-
          age of two months – an advanced age            of Ageing at the Max Planck Insti-         ern industrialized countries,” Par-
          for flies – and are still fit and healthy.     tute in Cologne. The drugs have en-        tridge says. It has been calculated
         “Rapa” stands for “rapamycin”, a drug           abled some of the insects to live for      that in 2060, there will be more than
          that’s one of the most promising anti-         as long as four months – the highest       ten million people over the age of 80
          aging substances of our time.                  age ever attained through the admin-       living in Germany. Every fifth baby
                                                         istration of drugs. Typically, the flies   born today could live to be 100.
        Flies exposed to rapamycin – up to now           die between two and three months
           prescribed as an immunosuppressive            of age.                                  When it comes to aging, genes only play
           drug following kidney transplant –                                                       a minor role. “Their contribution to
           don’t just live considerably longer,        On the strength of such results,             life expectancy is less than 20 per-
           they also stay healthier. The Max             Partridge is optimistic that such ad-      cent – perhaps even less than ten,”
           Planck researchers can measure such           vances will also enable humans to re-      the biologist explains. Environmen-
           improvement by means of a specially           main generally healthy into very old       tal factors, individual behavior, and
           devised fitness test for flies: “When         age. “We won’t be able to do away          a person’s social and economic status
           rapamycin is added to their food,             with death,” she says, “but we can         are far more important. Unhealthy
           they still perform at the same level at       certainly reduce illness and infirmity     habits such as overeating, seden-
           60 days old as they did when they             in old age.” Her life as a researcher      tary lifestyle and smoking have been
           were young,” Grönke explains.                 has mostly been devoted to unravel-        proven to reduce life expectancy.

                                                            Max Planck Research · 1 | 2020
knowledge from

     Experiments on different animal spe-       flies fed on a diet with less protein
        cies are continually revealing new      live longer. And this comes at the
        ways in which the biological clock      cost of reduced growth and lower
        can evidently be turned back. Two       fertility.
        years ago, for example, a discovery by
        Dario Valenzano, a colleague of Par- The scientists, however, wanted more
        tridge at the Institute, caused a stir. detailed information. “Our re-
        He had found that fish fed micro-       sults show that not all amino
        organisms from the guts of younger      acids are equally important. Essen-
        fish of the same species live longer.   tial amino acids such as leucine, iso-
        In another study, colleagues in the     leucine, or valine are particularly

                                                                                                Pho t o S: F r a n k V i n k e n
        U.S. discovered that replacing the      important for longevity,” Grönke
        blood plasma of older mice with that    explains. Essential amino acids are
        of younger animals had an astonish-     those that the body can’t synthesize
        ing effect on the aging process.        itself; they have to be ingested with
                                                food. They regulate a signaling path-
     In many animals, exercise and diet are     way known as “TOR,” which is in-
        the primary factors influencing the     volved in important aging processes
        speed of aging. Mice that are allowed   in cells.
        to consume only 60 percent of their
        normal diet live considerably lon- The researchers observed the same phe-
        ger and remain healthier than mice      nomenon in mice. One study has re-
        fed a standard ration. Rhesus mon-      vealed that consuming lower quanti-
        keys have also been to live longer      ties of certain essential amino acids
58      under dietary restriction when the      can actually have a positive effect on
        diet contains sufficient quantities     health – including in humans. Howe-
        of vitamins and minerals. In recent     ver, it’s still unclear whether this also
        years, however, Partridge and her       results in longer life. The scientists
        team have come to suspect that the      also used the genome information of
        key to living a longer and health-      the fruit flies to define their dietary
        ier life into old age isn’t calorie re- amino acid requirements. “This al-
        striction; instead, it’s the particular lowed us to develop a specialized diet
        nutrients in an animal’s diet. It is    for fruit flies that contains neither
        eating too many of these, they sug-     too few nor too many amino acids,”
        gest, that will reduce life expectancy  says Grönke. “Animals fed this food
        and increase the risk of age-related    feel full earlier and therefore eat less.
                                                                                                                                       The fruit flies in Linda Partridge’s
        diseases.                               Nevertheless, they grow faster, be-                                                and Sebastian Grönke’s laboratory live
                                                come larger, and lay more eggs than                                                   in finger-length tubes sealed with a
     In the laboratory, Sebastian Grönke        other fruit flies fed with standard                                                                 gas-permeable stopper.
        points to an ordinary-looking shelf     food. And, despite this, they live just
        lined with dozens of cans. These        as long,” Grönke explains.
        contain chemicals for the flies’
        food. In a time-consuming process, Reducing the quantity of essential
        Partridge’s colleagues in London de-    amino acids has an impact on a net-
        veloped a fly food with a chemically    work of cellular signaling pathways
        defined formulation. This allows the    known as the “IIT network.” This
        scientists to modify the diet of the    network is active in a wide range of
        flies at will. This enabled Grönke      organisms, from fruit flies to hu-
        to discover which nutrients pro-        mans, and controls development,
        long lifespan and improve health in     cell proliferation, growth, reproduc-
        old age. Fruit flies fed on a diet high tion, and the stress response. The
        in protein and amino acids die ear-     network includes “insulin/IGF-1”
        lier. To compensate, the insects lay    and “mTOR” signaling pathways,
        a large number of eggs. Conversely,     each with a large number of differ-

                                                               Max Planck Research · 1 | 2020
Biology & Medicine

                                                                                      Fitness test for flies: only
                                                                                      physically fit flies can climb
                                                                                      up the tubes quickly. When
                                                                                      the first ones have reached
                                                                                      the top of the left-hand tube,
                                                                                      the upper section is moved to
                                                                                      the right, and the next round
                                                                                      begins. Gently tapping the
                                                                                      tube sends the flies back to
                                                                                      the bottom and then they have
                                                                                      to repeat their climb to the top.
                                                                                      This procedure is repeated
                                                                                      five times, until the fittest
                                                                                      flies have reached the far right


  ent signaling molecules, the most         individual substance extends the         study in the U.S. involving several
  important of which are IGF-1 and          longevity of the flies by an average     thousand participants. People who
  mTOR. Flies and mice that have the        of eleven percent. A combination of      are unable to prolong their lives even
  modified genes for these molecules        two of them increases life expectancy    with optimal nutrition could bene-
  age more slowly and become genuine        by around 30 percent, while all three    fit from such drugs. Most of us, af-
  Methuselahs. Like a precise sensor,       increase life expectancy by nearly 50    ter all, find it difficult to stick to a di-
  the IIT network measures the nu-          percent. At the same time, they com-     etary regimen for decades on end.
  trient status in the body and adjusts     plement each other when it comes to
  metabolic processes as required,          reducing side effects. Rapamycin on The researchers have also searched for
  based on the demand for and avail-        its own induces adiposity, while lithi-  other anti-aging candidate drugs.
  ability of food. Reduced food con-        um appears to negate this.               They trawled through a database of
  sumption evidently puts a brake on                                                 active agents with known effects and
  the activity of the network.            Drugs that can slow down and promote       performed computer simulations to
                                            healthy aging, it seems, are no longer   find out whether these bind signal-
The drugs lithium, trametinib, and          a mere pipe dream. Metformin, used       ing molecules in the IIT network.
  rapamycin also have an effect on va-      to treat diabetes, is another possibili-
  rious signaling molecules of the IIT      ty. Its impact on life expectancy will They soon discovered what they were
  network, reducing its activity. Each      soon be investigated in a large-scale    looking for. A drug known as tane-

                                               Max Planck Research · 1 | 2020
knowledge from

        spimycin had already proven its po-          “mitochondria”, the power genera-                  and measured the impact on life ex-
        tential in the model organism most            tors of the cell, and, this was also suf-         pectancy. In the young animals, the
        frequently studied by researchers on          ficient to extend the lifespan of the             results were as expected. The mice
        aging: the nematode Caenorhabditis            animals. The IIT network therefore                on a restricted diet lived to a very
        elegans. It blocks the heat shock pro-        controls various life-extending pro-              old age and were still comparatively
        tein Hsp90 and reduces the number             cesses in different tissue types.                 healthy even at an advanced age. In
        of “senescent cells.” These are ma-                                                             contrast, animals fed a restricted
        ture cells that increase in number in                                                           diet only later in life experienced lit-
        old age and emit substances that fa-                                                            tle or no benefit.
        cilitate chronic infection. As a result,
        they contribute to diseases associ-                                                          Analyzing gene activation in various
        ated with old age, such as heart at-                                                           tissues showed that the liver adapted
        tack and cancer. In young people, the                                                          quickly to the new diet. By contrast,
        immune system removes these cells.                                                             in adipose tissue, the researchers ob-
        In the elderly, however, they are pro-                                                         served a memory effect of the previ-
        tected from destruction by precisely          SUMMARY                                          ous diet. Activation of fat metabolism
        the Hsp90 protein.                                                                             genes in the precursor cells of the
                                                      The IIT network has a major                      actual fat-storing, adipocyte cells
                                                      impact on how organisms age.
     Tanespimycin is associated with severe           Pharmacological and genetic                      can be influenced by lifestyle in
       side effects, however, and needs to be         inhibition of this cellular                      youth, but not later on. As a result,
       administered with caution. “Even so,           signaling network results in                     the mice that only began to fast later
       it might be feasible to combat old             increased life expectancy.                       in life did indeed lose weight, but the
       age-related diseases with short-term           Dietary restriction and                          genes in the adipose tissue remained
       localized administration, such as              reduced consumption of                           active at a similar level to that of ani-
60     in cases of macular degeneration of            essential amino acids                            mals with a normal diet. In addition,
       the eye, the commonest cause of age-           decrease the activity of the                     the changes in the composition of
                                                      IIT network. Fruit flies
       related blindness,” Partridge ex-              and mice therefore live
                                                                                                       lipids in old mice were less marked.
       plains. This prompted the resear-              longer in laboratory tests                       The various lipid molecules have
       chers to investigate whether drugs tar-        when they are given a                            different functions: triglycerides,
       geting the IIT network might delay             restricted diet.                                 for example, are used by the body to
       aging throughout the body, even                                                                 store fat, phospholipids are compo-
                                                      A combination of rapamycin,
       though they are activated only in cer-         lithium, and trametinib                          nents of cell membranes, and choles-
       tain tissues. They analyzed whether            significantly increases the life                 terols act as signaling substances.
       the brain, muscle, gut, and adipose            expectancy of fruit flies.
       tissues of a fruit fly produce the same        The drugs also reduce acti-           Adipose tissue therefore has an impor-
                                                      vity of the IIT network.
       proteins when the IIT network is less                                                  tant part to play in the body’s
       active. “That clearly wasn’t the case,         The adipose tissue possesses            aging process. There, dietary habits
       as we discovered. The various cell             a type of memory for environ-           chiefly affect the mitochondria. If
       types respond differently,” Partridge          mental influences and life-             the animals consume less food, these
                                                      style. For this reason, dietary
       explains. Of the 6,000 proteins stu-           modification in mice only               cellular  power generators are pro-
       died, 2,400 are synthesized at differ-         extends life expectancy if it is        duced in greater numbers – but only
       ing levels in the brain, muscle, gut,          implemented at young age.               if the animals eat less early on in life.
       and fat. The gut, for example, pro-                                                    In the case of mice, “early on” means
       duces more enzymes that control the                                                    after just a few months, as a further
       quality of protein synthesis when the                                                   study by the researchers in Cologne
       IIT network is less active.                                                            has shown. This memory effect may
                                                                                              be based on “epigenetic” alterations
      “That local factor alone can prolong                                                    of genes, in which DNA is tagged by
        an organism’s overall lifespan,”                                                       small molecular groups, switching
       Partridge explains. On the other            External influences also have varying      genes on or off. In this way, environ-
        hand, if the IIT network is sup-             effects on different tissue types, de-   mental factors can have a relatively
        pressed in a fly’s fat tissue, entirely      pending on age. For example, the         rapid impact on genes, and their ef-
        different proteins are synthesized.          Max Planck researchers put young         fects can even be passed on to the
       These improve the quality of the              and older mice on a restricted diet      next generation.

                                                                    Max Planck Research · 1 | 2020
Biology & Medicine

                                                                                                                                                        Probability of survival
                                                                                                                                                                     in percent
                                                          Maximum lifespan
                                                          of a fruit fly                98%           84%           64%      54%    28%   14%


                                                          Rapamycin                    100%           98%           90%      72%    62%   48%     20%


                                                          Lithium                      100%           99%           98%      82%    62%   48%     20%
Gr a ph ic: G CO M e di e nage n t u r


                                                          Trametinib                   100%           99%           97%      83%    72%   56%     30%


                                                          Combination of rapamycin,
                                                          lithium, and trametinib      100%          100%         100%       100%   98%   95%     82%         21%       18%


                                                                                       30            40            50        60     70    80      90       100          110         120

                                                                                                                                                                    Lifespan in days


                                         Studies in the U.S. have shown that         that anyone who wants to live a long                 to employ these biomarkers in age
                                             some epigenetic changes are age-re-     time needs to start early. “Our re-                  research on animals and in clinical
                                             lated. On the basis of around 350       search shows that such dietary hab-                  studies on humans. However, blood
                                             such DNA modifications, scientists      its need to be adopted at an early age.              biomarkers may eventually help
                                             can determine the biological age        The foundations for a healthy old age                young people find out, with a high
                                             of a person with astonishing accu-      are already laid in early adulthood,”                degree of certainty, whether they
                                             racy. The epigenetic clock ticks at     Linda Partridge explains.                            will suffer from certain illnesses
                                             the same pace in all the cell types                                                          in old age. Then everyone would
                                             studied – whether in cells that are A further discovery made in the labo-                    be able to decide for themselves
                                             continuously being regenerated or       ratory by the researchers in Cologne                 whether they should exercise more
                                             in those that originally developed      might offer an incentive to start                    and eat a healthier diet, or whether
                                             in the embryo. The precise impact       thinking about your own aging pro-                   they should even take preventive
                                             of these DNA modifications is still     cess early on.                                       medication to improve their health
                                             unknown.                                                                                     in old age.
                                                                                   Together with colleagues from Leiden
                                         Dietary restriction clearly has an effect   University Medical Center in the
                                             on age-related epigenetic changes.      Netherlands, they took blood sam-
                                             It also stimulates lipid metabolism     ples from tens of thousands of people
                                             reprogramming. This protects the        and searched for molecules that indi-
                                             body from the harmful effects of        cate the remaining lifespan a person
                                             fat deposition in the liver, as well    is likely to have. Following exten-
                                             as against insulin resistance – a       sive analysis, the scientists identified
                                             typical sign of age-related, type-2     14 biomarkers, including various
                                             diabetes.                               amino acids, the ratio of “good” to
                                                                                    “bad” cholesterol, fatty acids, and
                                         If the results of the studies on mice are   signaling molecules involved in in-
                                             transferred to humans, it is clear      fections. Initially, the scientists aim

                                                                                            Max Planck Research · 1 | 2020
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