The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too many Cooks?

Page created by Clinton Haynes
Journal of Social Service and Welfare
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2019, PP 20-31
ISSN 2642-8423

The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of
    Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too many Cooks?
                                        Odum, Mbanefo., Ph. D*
               Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author: Odum, Mbanefo., Ph. D, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University,
Igbariam Campus, Nigeria

 Efficient law enforcement depends on the quality and outlook of the institutions and personnel saddled with
 this responsibility. There are several agencies in Nigeria created for the purpose of law enforcement.
 Despite the multiplicity of these agencies, however, the country is still far from being a reflection of a
 society where security and orderliness are being maintained. The essence of this paper is to explore the law-
 enforcement terrain of the country with a view to ascertaining the state of affairs vis-a-vis the existing law
 enforcement agencies, their functional relevance, and general impact on the society in terms of maintenance
 of law and order. Findings reveal that the state of security and maintenance of law and order is still
 abysmally low in spite of the fact that there exist several law enforcement agencies within the country. The
 main recommendation is that instead of placing emphasis on creating more and more law enforcement
 agencies, which sometimes amount to duplication of functions, efforts should be made to reorganize,
 streamline and strengthen the existing institutions.
 Keywords: Law enforcement, Inter-agency collaboration, insecurity, human rights abuse.

INTRODUCTION                                              enforcement outfit populated by well-trained
                                                          officials and provided with adequate operational
Every society is guided by laws, which regulate           tools and equipment is more likely to exhibit a
the actions of individuals living within the              higher level of efficiency than the one that lacks
society. Left to obey the laws as a matter of             those features.
choice, the tendency is high for individuals to
break them at will. As such, the existence of             Nigeria can boast of numerous law-enforcement
laws and code of conduct are not sufficient               agencies that cover various spheres of life.
conditions for the enthronement of security and           Some of the agencies of the federal government
orderliness within the society. Achieving these           involved in law enforcement in Nigeria include
                                                          the Nigerian Police Force (NPF), Nigeria
objectives requires setting up the necessary
                                                          Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC),
machinery to regulate human activity as it
                                                          Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), State
relates to adherence to existing laws. Hence,             Security Services (SSS) also known as the
governments set up law-enforcement institutions           Department of State Services (DSS), Economic
saddled with the responsibility of ensuring               and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC),
compliance to the laws. To this extent, one can           Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related
rightly say that law enforcement is sine qua non          Offences Commission (ICPC), National Drug
for the maintenance of orderliness and security           Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), etc. The
within the society.                                       National Assembly has also passed the Nigeria
Law enforcement agencies exist in all the                 Peace Corps Bill. The passing of the Bill, which
countries of the world. However, it is quite              took place quite recently (precisely in July,
agreeable that the state of security, peace, and          2017), was aimed at establishing (or rather
orderliness in the different countries are not the        legalising) another agency known as the
same. The reason behind this variation borders            Nigerian Peace Corps. From Nwafor‟s (2017)
on the fact that the agencies in the different            reports, the Federal Government is equally
societies differ in their operation, level of             contemplating the establishment of another
efficiency, level of effectiveness, and in terms of       security agency to be known as National Guard.
their environment. For instance, a law                    This is despite the fact that this agency was

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originally set up in 1993 but later collapsed            Part Three explores the history of the major law
(Daily Post, 2017). Aside the federal agencies,          enforcement agencies in Nigeria, Part Four
the State governments have their law                     reviews the orientation and character of
enforcement agencies that operate within such            Nigerian law enforcement agents. Part Five
spheres as traffic and waste management. Added           appraises the state of law and order in Nigeria
to these, there are recognised private outfits that      vis-a-vis the Multiplicity of law enforcement
assist in law enforcement such as Vigilante              agencies. Part sixconcludes the study.
groups and community policing outfits.
                                                         THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE
Despite the prevalence of law enforcement
agencies in Nigeria, the country is still                The Systems model of change and the
characterized by high level of insecurity and            Organizational Development perspective fall
disorderliness. News about incidents of crime,           within the Planned Change Approach. In line
which remain unresolved in most cases, abound.           with the general systems theory, which sees a
Driving through Nigerian roads exposes one to            system as an assemblage of parts that must be
bare cases of disorderliness. As Odumosu                 viewed as a whole (Sapru, 2013), the former
(2017, p. 115) rightly observed, there is                lays emphasis on interdependence. Hence, an
pervasive lawlessness in Nigeria as “most                organization is treated as a set of interacting
Nigerians are unbridled, unruly, unrestrained,           variables, all of which are likely to need to
and illegal in their day-to-day life and                 change together (Rollinson, 2008). According to
activities”. In fact, lawlessness seems to have          French and Bell (1999), Organizational
become part of the national life. More often than        Development is a planned, systematic process in
not, it appears as if the law enforcement agents         which applied behavioural science principles
have been overwhelmed by the issues they were            and practices are introduced into organisations,
meant to guard the society against. In the light         towards the goal of increasing individual and
of the numerous law-enforcement agencies and             organisational effectiveness. By implication, the
the poor state of security and orderliness in            Systems model of change is to a large extent
Nigeria, one is compelled to believe that the            integrated into this approach.
country‟s law enforcement agencies are far from
being efficient and that the approach the                In discussing Organizational Development,
government usually adopts towards making                 Rollinson (2013) captures it as an approach that
things better is to create more law-enforcement          deals with fundamental and transformational
outfits. Is it likely that the solution to the           changes and thus deemphasizes the ad hoc or
problem of ineffectiveness of the law-                   quick-fix solutions to problems. According to
enforcement agencies in Nigeria lies in creating         him, the basic tenet of Organizational
more agencies? That is to say, can one say that          Development approach is that organization is a
the reason the country has not attained a                system of sub-systems and, as such, is strongly
satisfactory level of security and orderliness is        concerned with identifying the multitude of
because she is yet to have the right number of           simultaneous changes that may need to be made
law-enforcement agencies? Or, are the existing           within     the    organization.     Again,     the
agencies likely to perform better if they are            Organizational Development not only sets out to
strengthened towards achieving the desired               achieve a better functioning organization but
objectives? In response to these and other               also focuses on the process of change. The
related questions, this paper appraises the              understanding here is that how change takes
impact of the law-enforcement agencies on the            place plays a significant role in determining
Nigerian society vis-a-vis the state of law and          whether the objective of a more effective
order.                                                   organization is likely to be realised. In sum, the
This paper adopts mainly the qualitative                 Organizational       Development         approach
mechanisms in generating and analysing data.             underscores the possibility of making an
Documentary evidence and observational                   existing organization operate more effectively
instrument form the main source of data                  by initiating changes in the desired direction.
collection, which are analysed with the relevant         Guided by this approach, it may not therefore
interpretative skills. The paper is divided into         make sense to embark on establishing a new
different parts starting with the introduction.          organization in a bid to overcome the challenges
The second part establishes the theoretical              posed by the operational anomalies and poor
foundation upon which the study rests. While             performance of a similar existing organization.

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The Organizational Development perspective is          that call for law enforcement. In a bid to impose
apt in analysing the issue of multiplicity of law      their will over the local people and have control
enforcement agencies vis-a-vis the current             of the situation, maintenance of law and order
chaotic state of law and order within the              (as dictated by the foreigners) formed part of the
country. To the extent that the prevalence of law      primary policy of the colonialists and as such
enforcement agencies have not helped in                law enforcement outfit had to be created.
enhancing the effectiveness of the law
enforcement, the need to apply an alternative          As can be gleaned from documentary evidence,
approach becomes necessary and this calls for          the police force was the first agency for social
the approach that emphasizes the strengthening         control and law enforcement created by the
of existing agencies towards the realization of        colonialists     (Biereenu-Nnabugwu,         2015;
the objectives of law enforcement.                     Aderinto, 2014; Don, 2014; Akani, 2014;
                                                       Alemika, 2003; Asenime, 2014). According to
BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE                       Adoyin and Agwanwo (2015), the police in
MAJOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN                      Nigeria came at the instance of the colonial
NIGERIA                                                authority in order to ensure acceptance of the
                                                       new order as well as enforce the regulations it
Scholarly discourses point to the fact that            introduced. From the account of the Network on
mechanisms for the maintenance of law and              Police Reform in Nigeria (cited in Aderinto,
order existed in those traditional societies that      2014 p.61) the move towards the establishment
were eventually colonised to form Nigeria              of the Nigerian police force began even prior to
(Biereenu-Nnabugwu, 2015; Yecho, 2015).                the formal annexation of Lagos, hence, “In
However, the structures for law enforcement            1860, British colonial authorities created a 30-
within the different ethnic nationalities were not     member Consular Guard in Lagos as the first
the same. Whereas there were regular                   organised policing unit for the territory which
formations dedicated to the performance of this        eventually became Nigeria”. It is not surprising
task in some areas, there were other areas that        therefore that this desire to have a force formed
had no standing establishment in this regard and       one of the top priority as soon as the annexation
as such had to draw individuals from age grades,       took place. According to Bieerenu-Nnabugwu
cults or other social groups to deal with the          (2015, p. 9), “The establishment of police
challenges of social control and law                   force...dates back to 1861 when the British
enforcement whenever the need arose. In all, the       government, after so much pressure by
mechanisms and structures for law enforcement          Macosky, then acting governor, finally gave
that existed in the traditional societies had to       approval for its establishment. It was, however,
                                                       police ordinance 10 of 1895 that fully
give way to a more organised and uniform
                                                       established the civil police force in Nigeria”. It
system with the advent of colonialism.
                                                       stands to reason, therefore, that the Nigerian
The journey towards having modern law                  police was formed through a gradual processthat
enforcement outfits in Nigeria began with the          began during the colonial period and it was this
emergence of the British imperialists in the           colonial police that transformed into the
areas that eventually became Nigeria.                  Nigerian Police Force when independence was
Colonialism was borne out of the desire of the         granted.
imperialists to satisfy their selfish interests        There are clear indications that the Nigerian
(Okechukwu, 2015). Upon the termination of             army share the same historical roots with the
slave trade and the emergence of the industrial        Nigerian police. Both can be said to have
era, the interest of the British capitalists dwelt     originated from the same source and only
on commercial activities bordering on                  metamorphosed into different branches along
acquisition of raw materials like palm produce,        the line. While presenting the history of the
groundnuts, cocoa, rubber, etc. As observed by         Nigerian police, Aderinto (2014) made mention
Yecho (2015), the new emphasis on legitimate           of the various forces formed by the colonialists
commerce increased points of contacts as well          in Nigeria such as the Hausa Guard, Niger Coast
as conflict between the foreign and African            Constabulary, etc. In discussing the origin and
middlemen/traders. Also, the arrival of Christian      development of the Nigerian Army, Ndoh
missionaries became another source of serious          (1997) equally traced it to the various forces
clash of interests between the foreigners and the      formed by the colonial administration that, inter
local people. Indeed, all these raised problems        alia, include the Lagos Constabulary and the

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Niger Coast Constabulary. According to him,              the State governors. On the other hand, the NIA
the initial desire was to raise the Niger Coast          handles external intelligence and counter
Protectorate Force as a purely military Force.           intelligence while the DIA handles military-
But in view of the fact that this required an act        related intelligence both inside and outside
of the British Parliament to take effect, the            Nigeria         (
Force was raised instead as a constabulary. It is        National_Security_Organisation).
worthy to note that these forces were charged
                                                         From the work of Odum (2016), it can be
with both military and police duties at the initial
                                                         gleaned that the Federal Government created the
stage. Ndoh (1997) further posited that a body
                                                         National Road Safety Commission in 1974 in an
known as Hausa Force was carved out of the
                                                         attempt to establish a formalised structure for
Lagos Constabulary in 1895 to perform
                                                         traffic management and streamline the rules and
exclusive military duties while the remnant of
                                                         regulations      for  traffic   offences.  This
the Constabulary performed exclusive police
                                                         commission appeared not to have lived up to its
duties. It was this Hausa Force that later became
                                                         expectations. Hence, the Federal Military
the Lagos Battalion in 1901 and along with the
                                                         Government established the Federal Road
Northern Regiment and Southern Regiment
                                                         Safety Commission in 1988 with the backing of
were incorporated into the West African
                                                         Decree 45.The main responsibilities of the
Frontier Force (WAFF). At independence,
                                                         Commission include preventing or minimizing
which occurred in 1960, Nigeria inherited the
                                                         accidents on the highway; designing and
army that was put in place by the colonialists. In
                                                         producing       the    driver‟s   license;  the
fact, “even though there was a formal handing
                                                         standardization of highway traffic codes; etc
over of the control of the army to Nigeria, a
British officer continued to be the commanding
officer of the army until 1964 when the Nigerian         The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps is
officers emerged dominant within the officers            one of the security and law enforcement-related
corps in the army” (Ndoh, 1997, p.5).It can be           agencies that operate in the country. Following
seen, therefore, that the two forces (the police         the outbreak of the Nigeria-Biafra war, the
and the army) were created within the colonial           Lagos Civil Defence Committee was set up with
era and inherited by the country at                      the aim of sensitizing and protecting the civil
independence.                                            populace through such means as educating them
Following the assassination of the former                about the war and how to take precautions in the
military Head of State, General Murtala                  event of an attack. As the name implies, its
Muhammed, in a failed coup d‟etat, the Nigerian          sphere of influence covers only Lagos – the then
government under the military regime headed              Federal Capital Territory. By 1970, it
by General Olusegun Obasanjo formed the                  transformed from the Lagos Civil Defence
National Security Organisation (NSO) under               Committee to the Nigeria Security and Civil
Decree number 27 of 1976 and this agency was             Defence Corps. The organization became
saddled with various responsibilities such as the        recognised as a national security outfit in 1984
detection and prevention of any crime against            and, following a major restructuring that took
the security of the state, protection of classified      place in 1988, Commands were established at
materials, and carrying out any other security           all the states of the federation as well as the
missions assigned by the president. The NSO              Federal Capital Territory. The organization got
functioned as an agency for about ten years              statutory backing in 2003 when the National
before it was dissolved in 1986 and restructured         Assembly passed an Act that was eventually
into three different organisations by the                signed into law by the President. The Act was
Babangida-led         administration.        These       further amended in 2007 to enhance its statutory
organisations include the State Security Service         duties (see
(SSS), also known as the Department of State             The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
Services (DSS); the National Intelligence                (NDLEA) was established by the federal
Agency (NIA); and the Defence Intelligence               government with Decree number 48 of January
Agency (DIA). The SSS serves as the primary              1990. This occurred at a point the country
domestic intelligence agency of the country with         witnessed a dramatic rise in the trafficking and
the responsibility of intelligence-gathering             selling of hard drugs and whereupon the drug
within the country and the protection of senior          barons and traffickers engage in ostentatious
government officials such as the president and           display of their drug-related wealth. The

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responsibility of the NDLEA include tackling           can be traced to the colonial era and this began
the growing, processing, manufacturing, and            with the creation of such institutions as the
selling of hard drugs as well as targeting the         police and the army. The three basic points that
leaders of narcotics and money laundering              characterize the institution for law enforcement
organisations     (      established by the colonialists, as highlighted by
National_Drug_ Law_Enforcement_Agency).                Asenime (2014), can be summarized in the
                                                       following terms: (a) it served the purpose of
Against the backdrop of notoriety gained by
                                                       achieving the colonial conquest of the Nigerian
Nigeria within the international community in
                                                       peoples, (b) it employed violence in the process
relation to her records on corruption, the Federal
                                                       of conquest, and (c) it served as an instrument
Government came up with the Corrupt Practices
                                                       for the sustenance of British domination over
and Other Related Offences Act 2000. It was
                                                       the indigenous peoples. It is against this
based on this Act that the Federal Government
                                                       backcloth that Yecho (2015) asserts that the
set up and inaugurated the Independent Corrupt
                                                       hallmark of colonial policing was pacification
Practices and Other Related Offences
                                                       and suppression of the indigenous communities
Commission on September 29th, 2000, for the
                                                       in order to serve the interests of the colonial
purposes of tackling corruption in a more
                                                       masters. Allen (2014) aligns with this viewpoint
decisive manner. The Commission is
                                                       by describing the colonial law enforcement
empowered to receive complaints about corrupt
                                                       agents as being brutal and notoriously repressive
individuals and investigate and prosecute them
                                                       in approach.
                                                       Commenting on the army established by the
The Federal Government also established the
                                                       colonial masters, Odumegwu-Ojukwu (1989,
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission
(EFCC) in 2003 to tackle crimes related to             p.31) states thus: “In training, the Nigerian army
                                                       was totally alienated from the Nigerian Society.
Advanced Free Fraud (popularly known as 419
                                                       It was a weapon closely guarded by the agents
in the country), money laundering, and
acquisition of illicit wealth generally                of imperialism to be unleashed whenever
(           necessary on the native population”. According
Financial_Crimes_Commission). Aside these              to him, the criterion for judging the excellence
major agencies, there are other ones established       of that force during the period was its ability to
by the government at the federal, state, and local     serve the whims and caprices of the agents of
government levels at one point or the other with       imperialism. It was based on this orientation that
the aim of enforcing law in either a general or        a Nigerian soldier would proudly display medals
specialised area. Examples include the Kano            he won in the process of conquering his own
state Hisbah Corps, the defunct Bakassi Boys in        village, which entailed killing his own relatives
Anambra       State,   Lagos     State     Traffic     and close friends. By implication, the colonial
Management Agency (LASTMA), Enugu State                law-enforcement institutions were effectively
Waste Management Agency (ENSWAMA),                     alienated from the indigenous peoples on whose
Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO) established by         soil they were operating. As captured by Odum
the various states of the federation, etc.             (2016), these colonial officials saw the
Currently, the plan to establish the Nigerian          indigenous peoples not just as natives but as
Peace Corps (NPC) is underway and has gotten           bloody natives and upon the departure of the
to its final stage. Already, the National              colonial masters, the security and law
Assembly has passed the bill for the                   enforcement officials retained the derogatory
establishment of this organisation but the             „bloody‟ appellation and resorted to calling the
presidential assent is still being awaited. It         ordinary citizens bloody civilians. It is therefore
appears however that the president has decided         necessary to point out that it was not only the
to withhold assent and some members of the             foreign officials that alienated themselves from
National Assembly are threatening to override          the local people. The local people recruited into
the presidential veto on the matter (Umoru,            this establishment equally got themselves
2018).                                                 detached and alienated from the rest of their
                                                       fellow citizens. In sum, the colonial law-
THE ORIENTATION AND CHARACTER OF                       enforcement agents were not concerned with
NIGERIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENTS                        serving and protecting the citizens within their
It has been noted already in this work that the        immediate environment. They were rather
history of modern law enforcement in Nigeria           committed to serving British interests.

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As rightly observed by Yecho (2015, p.23), it             buttressed this position by highlighting the
was the expectations of people that, upon the             popular belief and allegations bordering on the
granting of independence, the indigenous                  misuse of law enforcement agents by the
government would overhaul the structure set up            Federal Government for the purpose of serving
by the colonial masters and establish a people-           the selfish interests of top government officials.
oriented police geared towards treating citizens
                                                          Law enforcement agents in Nigeria conduct
with dignity. In his words, “these expectations
                                                          themselves in a manner that makes it seem as if
were however dashed as the post-colonial
                                                          they desire to be feared and remain friendly with
government merely inherited the „form‟ and
                                                          the ordinary citizens. For instance, despite the
„content‟ of the colonial administration with
                                                          fact that the police keep maintaining that they
more emphasis on law and order approach of its
                                                          are friends to the masses, the latter never takes
predecessor”. It is in this same vein that
                                                          this serious because the conduct of the officials
Biereenu-Nnabugwu and Chukwujama (2014, p.
                                                          cannot be reconciled with such claims. Again,
35)) assert that “there was STRUCTURAL
                                                          the law enforcement agents appear to live with
transfer of the Nigerian police from the British
                                                          the belief that belonging to law-enforcement
without FUNCTIONAL reform”. In effect, the
                                                          organizations gives one the leverage to live
orientation and character of law-enforcement
                                                          above the law. In the light of this, they tend to
institutions in Nigeria continued to bear marks
                                                          exploit their positions. For instance, the sticker
of its colonial heritage even within the era of
                                                          of the Nigerian police, emblem of the military,
independence. They continued to remain
                                                          or insignia of any of the law enforcement
alienated from the masses. This orientation and
                                                          agencies pasted affixed to vehicles tend to
attitude invariably persisted and permeated the
                                                          confer the right of passage at check points.
ranks of the newer law-enforcement agencies
created within the independence era.                      In sum, the Nigerian law enforcement agents do
                                                          not see the ordinary citizens as the primary
Judging from the manner they operate, it
                                                          beneficiaries of the law enforcement services.
appears that the law-enforcement agents in
                                                          They operate as mere tools in the hands of the
Nigeria have the general belief that they are not
                                                          powerful for the oppression of the defenceless
meant to serve the common man; not meant to
serve the weak and defenceless citizens. Hence,           citizens. Given this outlook, the feelings,
it is not uncommon to see law-enforcement                 choices and preferences of the masses find little
agents intimidating, harassing, oppressing,               or no space within the hearts of the agencies. As
terrorizing, brutalising, and trampling upon the          such, they view the ordinary citizens generally
rights of defenceless individuals. They appear to         as victims rather than beneficiaries of law
enforce the law in a manner that is skewed                enforcement.
against the ordinary citizens. For instance, it is a      STATEOF LAW AND ORDER IN NIGERIA
common occurrence for police officers to                  AND  THE  MULTIPLICITY OF LAW
capitalise on the ignorance, state of illiteracy, or
defencelessness of some citizens to arrest,
                                                          ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES
detain, and extort money from them.                       It goes without saying that efficient law
As observed by Odumosu (2017, p. 115), “many              enforcement enthrones peace, security, and
Nigerians feel they are above the law, and so             orderliness in the society. As such, the state of
break laws routinely with impunity”. Indeed, the          security, peace, and orderliness in a particular
class of individuals that break laws routinely            environment can serve as a good yardstick for
with impunity are top government functionaries            measuring the level of efficiency of law
and highly placed individuals within the society.         enforcement within the society. Being the first
These are the class of people the law-                    law-enforcement institution established by the
enforcement agents appear committed to                    British colonialists, we can understand the sense
protect. Such individuals move around with                in which Adoyin and Agwanwo (2015) posited
police or even military escorts and bodyguards.           that the police once performed the roles of the
In discussing the Nigerian police, for instance,          other agencies that later came on board. These
Kasali (2012) observes that the basic                     include the roles of Customs, Immigration, the
preoccupation of the force is to serve the interest       Department of State Services, the National
and ensure security of the elite and a few                Intelligence Agency, the Civil Defence Corps,
wealthy individuals and organizations. He                 Road Safety Corps, Economic and Financial

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Crimes Commission, the National Drug Law               and inter ethnic armed conflict began to escalate
Enforcement Agency, etc. It is not out of place,       with the passage of time. Corruption began to
therefore, to expect that the creation of more         grow by leaps and bounds and got to the extent
agencies would make the tasks easier and               that one can mistake it as being part of the
enthrone higher level of organizational                national symbols. Indeed, the rising cases of
efficiency, security, and orderliness within the       insecurity,        indiscipline,      corruption,
society.                                               disorderliness and other negative traits within
                                                       the country were signs that the existing
Though the structure and orientation of this
                                                       institutions saddled with the responsibility of
colonial establishment has been variously
                                                       law enforcement have failed to deliver the
described as being repressive, “worse than
                                                       goods. Faced with the situation, the government
inefficient”, and against the interests of the local
                                                       chose to create new institutions instead of
people (Don, 2014, p. 107), it has to be
                                                       strengthening the existing ones. Hence, the
conceded that it truly succeeded in achieving the
                                                       government created the National Security
basic objective for which it was created. It           Organisation after the Head of State was
cowed the local people and helped in keeping           assassinated in 1976. In the same vein, the
order and maintaining law as desired by the            Federal Road Safety Commission and other law
colonial masters. To that extent, one can say that     enforcement agencies were created at a point the
it justified the original reason for its creation,     government felt that the Police Force was
which includes suppressing, repressing,                overwhelmed by some specific responsibilities it
intimidating, and whipping the people in line          had been saddled with. But to what extent has
with the foreign-imposed rules. Notwithstanding        these     numerous      agencies    helped     in
the fact that the establishment was against the        enthronement of law and order?
indigenous people, law enforcement and
compliance within that period can still be rated       The state of security, peace, and orderliness in
high.                                                  Nigeria has continued to degenerate as the
                                                       country advanced with age. Okechukwu (2015,
As at 1960 when Nigeria gained her                     p.48) observes that “there has been an
independence, the police force was the primary         unprecedented upsurge in criminality and
law enforcement agency saddled with the                violence of multifarious dimensions on alarming
responsibility of dealing with the civil populace      scale with the return to civil rule in 1999”.
in terms of keeping order and maintaining law.         Odumosu (2017, p. 115) minced no words in
The implication is that they still performed most      stating that there is pervasive lawlessness in
of the roles enumerated by Adoyin and                  Nigeria and that most law enforcement officers
Agwanwo (2015). Comparatively speaking, the            in the country are routine law-breakers. This
state of law and order during the early days of        state of affairs can tell a lot about the state of
independence was better than what is obtained          law and order in a country. Indeed, the
in recent times. Just as expected of every
                                                       multiplicity of law enforcement institutions in
dynamic society, the country started undergoing
                                                       Nigeria has not led to efficient law enforcement
certain national metamorphosis as she advanced
                                                       in the country. Things appear to be getting
in age. Among the changes witnessed in the
                                                       worse in this direction as more agencies are
country include what Odumegwu-Ojukwu
                                                       being created.
(1989) referred to as cancer of indiscipline. The
political intolerance and conflict that led to the     On a closer analysis, one can see certain
collapse of the First Republic prepared the            elements of duplication of functions in some of
grounds for the incursion of the military into         the agencies, which tends to create confusion
politics. Subsequent activities of the military        rather than promote orderliness. For instance,
gave rise to a situation where the country lost        there was a point the tension between the EFCC
control of her armed forces. Coup d‟etat crept         and the ICPC was palpable. The then ICPC
into the country‟s lexicon and eventually              chairman, Justice Emmanuel Ayoola, had to
became a dominant feature within the country‟s         complain about duplication of the functions of
political scene. The civil war that ensued six         both Commissions, particularly with regard to
years after independence ruffled the social            the overlap between the ICPC Anti-Corruption
fabrics of the country in so many ways. For            and Transparency Monitoring Units and the
instance, violent crimes such as armed robbery         EFCC Anti-Corruption and Transparency

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The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too
many Cooks?

Committees         (      personnel resisted the attempt to seal off the
Economic_and_Financial_Crimes_Commission                Road Safety office as ordered by a court, the
It is equally instructive that Oronsaye‟s               former claimed that the confrontation started
Presidential Committee on the Rationalisation           because the police officers and soldiers
and Restructuring of Federal Government                 assaulted a female Road Safety marshal.
Parastatals, Commissions and Agencies, in its           Akinkuotu (2017) also reported how officials of
report, recommended the reduction of the                the DSS and the EFCC were involved in a
existing 263 statutory agencies of the Federal          showdown for over thirteen hours on Tuesday,
Government to 161. With regard to the law               21st November, 2017 when some DSS
enforcement agencies, the report indicates that         operatives resisted the EFCC officials in their
there is duplication of functions involving the         attempt to arrest the former Director General of
Nigeria Police Force, FRSC, EFCC, ICPC, and             the DSS, Ekpenyong Ita, who was being
the NSCDC. Part of their recommendations was            investigated for offences bordering on alleged
that EFCC, ICPC, and the Code of Conduct                theft and diversion of public funds. Similar
Bureau should be consolidated into one anti             incident equally occurred when the EFCC
corruption agency; the FRSC should be                   operatives went to arrest the former Director
abolished with their respective functions               General of the NIA but were resisted by men of
reverting to the police and other relevant              the DSS. Hence, the Senate was prompted to
agencies; the government should consider fusing         wade in and institute a probe (Umoru, 2017).
the NSCDC with the Police Force; etc(FGN,               Such occurrences indicate that each agency is
2014).                                                  using its position to live above the law.
The multiplicity of law enforcement agencies in         It is already a known fact that, in Nigeria, law
the country has, on several occasions, given rise       enforcement operatives assist influential
to incidents of lawlessness, tension, violence,         individuals in breaking the law with impunity. It
and insecurity. Iredia (2017) highlighted some          is a common thing to come across cars bearing
of the several incidents of clashes between the         law enforcement officials (as escorts or
security agents such as, the police and soldiers,       orderlies) driving against the traffic or
naval officers and policemen, NDLEA and Air             disobeying      other    traffic   rules.    The
force personnel, officers of the Nigerian Navy          escorts/orderlies usually go out of their way to
and operatives of the Special Anti-Robbery              enforce the lawlessness – even if it means
Squad (SARS), police and Air force men, etc.            clashing with the officials of sister law
Just as Mutum and Odeyemi (2014) gave                   enforcement agencies on duty. The clash
account of how the police and the civil defence         between the security men attached to the
officials clashed in Abuja, The Nation (2016)           Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike, and
reported how two officers of NSCDC were shot            those attached to the Minister of Transport, Mr.
and killed in a clash between officers of the           Rotimi Amaechi, speaks volume in this regard
NSCDC and the police in Calabar. These                  (see Akasike, 2017).
clashes involving security agents who are
                                                        Based on the foregoing, one can say that the
supposed to be enforcing the law have become a
                                                        multiplicity of law enforcement has not helped,
common occurrence across the country.                   and may not likely help, in improving the poor
In a sense, it can be said that the law                 state of law and order in the country. Perhaps,
enforcement agencies constitute stumbling               the major factor driving the multiplicity of law
block to law enforcement. On 14th March, 2018,          enforcement agencies is rooted in the
for instance, the newsstand was hit with the            consideration     of    creating    employment
story of a clash that occurred between the              opportunities. This day Live (2016) hinted that
officials of the FRSC on one hand, and soldiers         despite the stiff opposition mounted by the
and policemen attached to the Abuja                     police and the NSCDC on the grounds of
Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) on the            duplication of functions, the House of
other. As reported by Ogundipe (2018), fracas           Representatives still went ahead to pass the Bill
broke out when the latter attempted to serve a          for the establishment of the Peace Corps. From
violation notice at the Road Safety office in           what it appeared, the major argument advanced
Wuse Zone 7. While the AEPB task force                  by the House of Reps was that establishing the
members claimed that the Road Safety                    outfit would enhance youth empowerment.

27                                                   Journal of Social Service and Welfare V1 ● I2 ● 2019
The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too
many Cooks?

Again, many people expressed worry and                 state of peace, security, and orderliness, the
apprehension when Oronsaye‟s Presidential              country cannot account for the existence of
Committee Report recommended the scrapping             numerous law enforcement agencies. In fact, the
of some of the law enforcement agencies. The           country appears to be getting worse as
main cause of worry for these set of individuals       additional agencies are being created. The evil
was not the impact of scrapping of the agencies        of corruption keeps expanding in size and
on law enforcement but its implication on the          dimension while security challenges keep
jobs of the affected individuals. Across the           mounting higher. From what it seems, each
country, there were no serious arguments               additional agency created for the purpose of law
indicating that the situation of law enforcement       enforcement end up being trapped in the same
would worsen should the agencies be scrapped.          web that had jeopardised the efficient
As pointed out by Adoyin and Agwanwo                   performance of the older ones.
(2015), the different law enforcement agencies         Corruption has permeated the fabrics of Nigeria.
lack inter-agency cooperation and collaboration.       This social cankerworm, which began on a
The image they throw up to the members of the          small scale, suddenly grew by leaps and bounds
public is that of unnecessary rivalry and              through a gradual process and has continued to
competition for relevance. An example can be           affect the efficiency of government institutions.
drawn from what transpired when the aide of            Thus, as new government agencies are being
former Governor of Edo state, Adams                    created within the Nigerian environment, they
Oshiomhole, was killed. While the police               are exposed to the evil currents of corruption. If
paraded some individuals whom they                     an existing agency failed due to the influence of
(policemen) claimed had „confessed‟ to the             corruption, it stands to reason that newer ones
crime, the DSS paraded a different set of              would fail once exposed to corrupt environment.
individuals that were actually in possession of        The implication of this is that creating a new
the phones stolen from the deceased. Despite the       agency simply because an older one is corrupt
fact that the version of the DSS operatives            and therefore inefficient cannot be a solution to
sounded more credible, the police maintained           solving the problem of inefficiency in the
their stand. Thus, both agencies never worked          system. For instance, many people shared the
together to resolve the matter on a common             impression that the FRSC officials were not
ground.      Again,    lack    of     inter-agency     corrupt as at the time they newly started their
collaboration among the agencies manifests in          operations. However, the same cannot be said
the manner each agency sets to generate her            about the agency presently. In like manner,
data. When the FRSC proposed for a change and          other newer law enforcement agencies cannot be
fresh registration of number plates and new            exonerated from corrupt practices.
unified drivers licensing scheme, the agency
hinged her reason on the need to generate              The Nigerian environment is one that
biometric data of vehicle owners and drivers.          encourages the thriving of strong personalities
Within the same period, the police equally             rather than strong institutions. This manifests in
began clamouring for the initiation of the             different ways. For instance, the National
BCMR (Biometric Central Motor Registration)            Agency for Food and Drug Administration and
in order to generate the biometric data of drivers     Control (NAFDAC) is a government agency
and vehicle owners. In an environment where            that was formed in 1993. However, Nigerians
there is inter agency collaboration, the biometric     never felt the influence of the agency until Dora
data generated by one agency is supposed to            Akunyili became the Director General. The
serve another agency that requires similar data.       general opinion is that the performance of the
                                                       agency has plummeted ever since she left the
CONCLUDING REMARKS                                     organization. Same goes with the EFCC, which
Nigeria has several law enforcement agencies           many people believed was bolder under the
created over time through a gradual process. But       incumbency of Nuhu Ribadu as the Chairman.
the question remains whether the creation of           Whether true or false, the impression being
more and more agencies has helped in                   created is that the efficiency of an organization
enthroning a better society with regard to             largely depends on a single individual that is
maintenance of law and order. Judging from the         heading it. Thus, an organization only performs

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The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too
many Cooks?

well when it is „lucky‟ to have the right person          with the northern citizens and would be harsher
in place. This has been the fate of government            while dealing with those from other parts of the
agencies in Nigeria where the performance of              country. On the other hand, the issue of federal
agencies are determined by the „body language‟            character and making of appointments based on
of the Chief executive. Again, it is a common             considerations       of      favouritism     creates
thing for Nigerian presidents to abuse their              opportunity for the wrong persons to be
power by personalising government agencies. It            employed or placed in a sensitive position
is in this regard that one hears of a president           within a law enforcement agency. By and large,
using the law enforcement operatives to fight his         this will affect the efficiency of the organisation.
perceived enemies or that the federal
government is misusing the law enforcement                Given the Nigerian environment, there is no
operatives and this in itself destroys the spirit of      doubt that creating more agencies cannot help in
law enforcement. Given this circumstance,                 enhancing law enforcement. The best option
creating more agencies will translate into                therefore is to strengthen the existing
expanding the „war chest‟ of the president and            organization towards performing better. One
as such cannot promote efficient maintenance of           such was to achieve this goal is to rid the
law and order.                                            organizations of the fundamental problems
                                                          within the country, as enumerated above.
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  Citation: Odum, Mbanefo, “The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and
  Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too many Cooks?”, Journal of Social Service and Welfare, 1(2), 2019,
  pp. 20-31.
  Copyright: © 2019 Odum, Mbanefo. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
  Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
  any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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