The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers

Page created by Warren Kelly
The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers

50 Wealthiest                                              GREEKS IN AMERICA
                        An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers

      The National Herald
 This special edition was sponsored in part by Michael and Robin Psaros
The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers
2   SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020                                       50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                                        THE NATIONAL HERALD ❙

    Welcome to TNH’s Annual 50 Wealthiest Greeks in America Special!
    2020 is the second year that I am spearheading this incredible           courage is the indispensable kindling needed for the American patented     many in their 80s and 90s still going to the office at least five days a
project. Although most of our top ten have been at the top of rankings       entrepreneurial approach to work that creates jobs and fortunes.           week. Thus, while the numbers may be the most ‘fun’ part to skim
such as Forbes magazine for many years, their incredible stories and             Many studies have been conducted in an effort to understand why        over and the easiest way to list these individuals, it is by far the least
biographies still strike me year after year. They instill in me a real       human brains love lists. In an article written just a few years ago, the   valuable. Contrastingly, what is valuable is each person’s unique story
sense of pride and relatedness – even though I have not had the              New Yorker stated that whenever we encounter new information, our          – their struggles, their triumphs, their journey. They cover an
opportunity to meet most of these high-net individuals first hand. I like    brains immediately try to make sense of it. Once they figure out what      impressively wide spectrum of industries: energy, retail, finance,
to believe that this is because their stories are relatable – they are       we’re seeing in a physical sense, they provide personal context and        shipping, food service, engineering, publishing, entertainment – just to
familiar to me. Growing up with immigrant parents, like most of our          decide if it’s relevant enough to focus on further. The process is         name a few. I encourage everyone to take the time this weekend to
readers, I have heard and read countless stories about their hardships       instantaneous – we don’t even realize we’ve made a choice in the           actually read the biographies of these individuals – you may be
and year after year I can’t help but feel a renewed admiration for our       time our minds have selected one path or another. Our gaze either          surprised at how much we all have in common and you may get some
people, our culture, our perseverance, and our work ethic. Many of our       stops, or we simply keep scanning. Recall a time when you were             ideas on what the next steps of your career should be.
featured Greek-Americans came here with nothing in their pockets             spacing out while skimming a stream of content and then, without               Although countless hours were spent researching the various
and had no other choice but to work incredibly hard to just put food on      quite knowing why, found yourself pausing to actually process the          individuals featured on our list, we are aware that this list is not all
their table every night. Eventually, they caught their big break (again,     information. This is likely because we saw a phrase, a word, a location    encompassing (some individuals do not like to be in the public eye)
with that unwavering work ethic and a little bit of luck) – and what is      that we identify with.                                                     and that the net worth of the individuals are approximations (i.e., the
truly noteworthy is that most of these individuals managed to instill            It’s the same with our list. Once we see the name of the island we     stock market’s daily fluctuations may cause some people’s net worth
the same principles and ideals in their children (even if they were not      have roots in, or see the name of our church, or even see a job title or   to change minute by minute). This is a ‘problem’ that is not unique to
able to be home too often).                                                  passion that we share with a particular individual, we automatically       The National Herald but also to Forbes, for example, which is widely
    America’s genius has always been its ability to attract the world’s      start paying closer attention. However, I encourage you to actually        regarded as the ‘gold standard’ of such rankings.
brightest minds and hardest working people and have them live                spend the time to read each and every one of the biographies of our            We invite you, once again, to enhance this list by letting us know of
alongside each other to advance the common good – while at the same          featured individuals. Although many of the same individuals are            any information – including, perhaps, a particular Greek-American we
time maintaining and advancing our history, culture and religion. Our list   featured year after year, their biographies are updated as more            may have overlooked, so that this Special Edition can continue to get
proves that Greeks have been contributing mightily to the American           information becomes available. Not only that, the saying that ‘old         better and better, year after year.
success story for as long as they have been coming to these shores in        habits die hard’ is truly representative of our culture. Despite the age                                                        Vanessa Diamataris
the hopes of a better life for themselves and for their families. This       of many of the people on our list, they have not slowed down – with                                                                   Editor-Publisher

                       The 50 Wealthiest Greeks in America List
                                                             Davis, now 77, is the Massachusetts-born son
                                                          of Greek immigrants. He graduated from Middle-
                                                          bury College with a degree in biology/chemistry
                                                                                                                                                                           320 running shoe. Davis’ wife, Anne, joined the
                                                                                                                                                                           company in 1977 and now serves as NB’s Vice
                                                                                                                                                                           Chairman. The company has since grown, remai-
$7.7 BILLION (Forbes)
                                                          but soon realized he didn’t enjoy school (“hated                                                                 ning one of the few shoemakers that continues
                                                          school” were his exact words in an interview with                                                                to manufacture some of its shoes in the United
Middlebury College                                        Sports Business Daily). After college, he started                                                                States, and now features clothing and equipment
(Biology/Chemistry);                                      selling equipment having to do with biology and                                                                  for lacrosse and soccer. Davis and his family own
Married, 2 Children                                       chemistry. He then decided it was time for him to                                                                an estimated 95% of the company, which is still
                                                          buy a small company for himself and New Balance                                                                  private.
   With a huge bump in net worth since last year          was the first one he looked at. At the time, he                                                                     In June of 2019, the Boston Globe announced
– 2.1 billion to be exact – James S. ‘Jim’ Davis,         said he knew a little about sporting goods but no-      cided to buy the now 114-year old retail sports          that New Balance was planning to open what Davis
the owner and Chairman of New Balance (NB) tops           thing about footwear, so he decided to pass on          footwear company.                                        described as a “factory of the future” in Methuen,
The National Herald’s 50 Wealthiest Greek-Ameri-          the offer. However, a year later, in 1972, the com-        In 1976, the company began soaring to new
cans once again.                                          pany was still for sale, and that’s when Davis de-      heights with the development of the New Balance                                           Continued on page 4

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The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers
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The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers
4    SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020                                     50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                                        THE NATIONAL HERALD ❙

Continued from page 2                                         Gores oversees approximately 40 companies           live in Beverly Hills, CA, but also maintain a home
                                                          with some $19 billion in assets through his Los         in Birmingham, MI. In January 2020, an article
Massachusetts. The report said that state tax bre-        Angeles-based private equity firm, Platinum Equity      about property taxes was published which discus-
aks amounting to $900K and property tax breaks            – which he founded in 1995. Platinum Equity is          sed the property taxes in Los Angeles. The article
of $272K would help subsidize the $33M project.           one of the largest private companies in the United      stated that there are 12 homes in LA that pay more
The factory will be New Balance’s sixth in the New        States and has offices in California, New York, Bo-     than $1M a year in property taxes. One of those
England region, where the brand produces most             ston, London, and Singapore. Its in-house business      homes was the $100M Holmby Hills mansion of
of its Made in USA footwear. This will be the first       development, M&A, transition, legal, real estate,       Tom Gores. Gores bought this 10 bedroom, 20 ba-
manufacturing plant New Balance has opened in             marketing, finance, and operations teams enable         throom, 30,000 square foot mansion in 2016. The
two decades. In return for the tax breaks, New Ba-        us to resolve matters expeditiously.                    master bedroom of the home is 5,300 square feet
lance has pledged to create 60 new jobs in the                Since its founding in 1995, Platinum Equity has     – roughly twice the size of the average home in
80,000 square-foot factory. According to the Globe,       completed nearly 200 acquisitions in a broad range      the U.S. The article stated that the Gores estate
the focus will be on testing advanced manufactu-          of market sectors. The current portfolio includes       property tax bill is $1.22 million annually.
ring techniques, 3D printing, and research and de-        companies in diverse industries, acquired in a range

velopment.                                                of corporate divestitures, public-to-private transac-
    In April of 2019, NB Development Group broke          tions, and transactions with private sellers. Each              JOHN A. CATSIMATIDIS -
ground on The TRACK at New Balance near Boston            portfolio company operates independently with the               New York
Landing, featuring a multi-sport athletic complex         goal of creating long-term, sustainable value. For              $3.3 BILLION (Forbes)
spanning a city block, as well as a concert venue         example, this past January, Platinum Equity com-        OIL, REAL ESTATE, SUPERMARKETS
with The Bowery Presents (with room for up to             pleted the $2.7B acquisition of Cision Ltd., the Ch-
                                                                                                                  New York University;
3,500 fans) and a New Balance Athletics Sports            icago-based parent of PR Newswire.
Research Lab. The 250,000 square foot complex                                                                     Married, 2 Children
will also include ground floor retail and food services
with an expected completion by late summer 2021.                                                                      At a personal fortune estimated at $3.3 billion,          Catsimatidis’ most recent projects include buil-
Of the project, Davis said, “The TRACK at New Ba-                                                                 John A. Catsimatidis remains very close to the top        ding mixed-use developments in Brooklyn's Fort
lance will set a new performance standard in pro-                                                                 of our list again this year.                              Greene and Coney Island neighborhoods. He is
fessional and amateur sports due to its innovative                                                                    Since our last 50 Wealthiest issue, Catsimatidis      planning to build Ocean Dreams – a 425-unit lu-
design, location and amenities.” The project will                                                                 has been extremely active in our community and            xury rental complex overlooking the Atlantic in
also drastically change the area from a sprawling                                                                 beyond. He was the featured speaker at the Helle-         Coney Island. In March of 2019, Santander Bank
mass of decrepit warehouses.                                                                                      nic-American Chamber of Commerce event which              provided Red Apple with a $200 million refinan-
    Here are some other interesting facts about Jim                                                               focused on the effect of politics on New York City’s      cing package for its downtown Brooklyn 32-story
Davis taken from an interview he gave to Sports                                                                   real estate and the future of energy in the U.S. and      project, the Eagle.
Business Daily:                                                                                                   abroad; he expanded his supermarket holdings by               More recently, in December, Red Apple Group
    Favorite music: The Rolling Stones                                                                            taking ownership of the D’Agostino chain of su-           received site plan approval from St. Petersburg,
    Favorite movie: I’m not big on movies.                                                                        permarkets; he was appointed the Vice-President           Florida’s Development Review Commission for a
    Favorite quote: Anything that refers to tenacity,                                                             of the Archdiocesan Council; he has joined the new        $300M mixed use project. The project includes a
to never giving up, I strongly believe in.                                                                        entity, The Friends of St. Nicholas, Inc., a non-profit   45-story condo building, 20-story hotel, roughly
    Favorite vacation spot: The north shore of Bo-                                                                in charge of overseeing the completion of the St.         20,000 square feet of office space, and an 800-
ston.                                                         In 2011, Gores and Platinum became owners           Nicholas shrine at Ground Zero; he acquired the           space parking garage. Catsimatidis will need ap-
    Typical day off: If I’m not doing something with      of the National Basketball Association’s Detroit Pi-    77 WABC Radio station; he was honored for his             proval from the Federal Aviation Administration for
my family, I’ll be fooling around with my cars. I col-    stons. In August, 2016, he purchased Platinum’s         contributions to the community at Three Hierarchs         a 515-foot tower. This new tower would surpass
lect cars.                                                stake and became sole owner. In the beginning of        in Brooklyn; and finally, he was informally endorsed      the tallest building in that city.
                                                          2020, Jalen Rose, a former NBA player and current       by former NYC Mayor Giuliani as the “logical” can-            When Catsimatidis was an infant, he and his
                                                          sports analyst for ABC and ESPN, approached Go-         didate for NYC’s new mayor – just to name a few           family moved to an apartment in Harlem from the

2TOM  GORES - California
 6.6 BILLION (Forbes)
                                                          res to become a minority owner of the Pistons.
                                                          Rose is a Detroit native, grew up idolizing the De-
                                                          troit franchise and has a longstanding relationship
                                                                                                                  of his achievements.
                                                                                                                      In 2013, Catsimatidis self-funded a campaign
                                                                                                                  for Mayor of NYC in which he finished a strong se-
                                                                                                                                                                            small Greek island of Nisyros. Catsimatidis, now
                                                                                                                                                                            71, is a true self-made billionaire – getting there
                                                                                                                                                                            through decades of hard work and innovation.
                                                          with Gores who has been a major supporter in Ro-        cond in the Republican primary. He might do it                Catsimatidis attended New York University, but
Michigan State University
                                                          se’s public charter school in Detroit.                  again in 2021. In a recent interview with the Real        withdrew before completing his degree require-
(Construction Management);                                    In 2016, he launched FlintNow to address the        Deal, Catsimatidis said he’s considering launching        ments, much to the dismay of his father. He opened
Married, 3 Children                                       water crisis in his hometown of Flint, MI. This past    another bid – perhaps as a democrat. He was quo-          his first grocery store in 1969 and owned ten stores
                                                          November, through an expanded partnership with          ted saying, “Well, somebody has to do it. The city        by the age of 24, making $25 million a year in re-
    Tom Gores scores number 2 on The National             the Michigan State University-Hurley Children’s Ho-     is getting in worse shape and I’m very much con-          venue. He plowed $5 million into Manhattan real
Herald’s 50 Wealthiest list this year. Gores, 55, was     spital Pediatric Public Health Initiative, FlintNow     cerned. I love New York.”                                 estate in 1977; that property was worth $100 mil-
born in Nazareth, Israel to a Greek father and a Le-      and the National Basketball Players Association di-         Catsimatidis is chairman and CEO of the Red           lion just five years later.
banese mother. When he was only four years old,           stributed $325,000 worth of gift certificates for       Apple Group, which is among the country’s largest             Catsimatidis stumbled upon the Chapter 11 pro-
the family moved to Genesee, MI.                          fruits and vegetables for all Flint children during     privately held companies with 8,000 employees             ceedings of United Refining in Warren, PA. and pur-
    Throughout his youth, Gores stocked shelves           the holiday season. During that same holiday sea-       and estimated annual revenues of $5.2 billion. Red        chased the oil refiner’s stock for $7.5 million. The
at his father’s small grocery store in Flint, MI. After   son, Gores donated approximately 10,000 toys, bi-       Apple has holdings in oil refining, retail petroleum      firm now owns 375 gas outlets and convenience
earning a bachelor’s degree at Michigan State Uni-        cycles and helmets that were distributed to families    products, convenience stores, supermarkets, and           stores in Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio.
versity, he joined his brother Alec (also featured in     in the Detroit area.                                    real estate. With a major focus on energy, Catsi-
this edition) in buying out companies.                        Gores, his wife, Holly, and their three children    matidis’ fortune accelerated with rising oil prices.                                     Continued on page 6
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6   SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020                                      50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                                          THE NATIONAL HERALD ❙

Continued from page 4                                    doors until he got 12 orders and checks. After             shop, crafts, and gardening. This training allows
                                                         two years of hand-to-mouth work, the company               them to earn an income and their gardens allow
   Catsimatidis is a licensed pilot, though eye sur-     grossed $1 million.                                        them to eat organically. Dejoria noted that the pro-
gery has grounded him over the past few years.               In 1989, after Mitchell died, DeJoria found ano-       gram is working so well that they will be adding an
He has helped raise millions for Alzheimer’s, Par-       ther partner and launched Patron, a premium te-            additional 400 homes to the project.
kinson’s, and Juvenile Diabetes research. He ser-        quila, something unheard of at that time. His friend          The vast list of charities supported by John Paul
ved as co-chairman and founder of the Brooklyn           Clint Eastwood placed it in his film In the Line of        Mitchell Systems includes the Boys & Girls Clubs
Tech Endowment Foundation. At the time, the $10          Fire, celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck endorsed it, and        of America, the American Cancer Society,
million fund was the largest gift to a secondary         DeJoria gave it away at John Paul Mitchell events.         Food4Africa, Grow Appalachia, and Chrysalis, a
school in the United States. Since 1988 he has               In June 2014, DeJoria co-founded (with British         nonprofit group that helps homeless and low-in-
funded scholarships at the NYU School of Business.       entrepreneur Jonathan Kendrick) ROK Mobile, a              come people get back on their feet and find the
   Catsimatidis is married and the father of two         music streaming service combined with a contract-          path to self-sufficiency. DeJoria is also a patron of
children, Andrea and John. His wife, Margo, runs         free mobile phone plan offering unlimited voice,           Mineseeker, a non-profit organization dedicated to
his company’s in-house advertising agency.               text, and data that runs on the rails of larger cell       seeking solutions to the worldwide problem of land-
                                                         phone carriers T-Mobile and Sprint. On March 20,           mines.

                                                         2019, ROKiT (part of ROK Mobile) announced a                  Today, DeJoria is on lists of the world’s billio-
       JOHN PAUL DeJORIA -                               line of five mobile handsets, including three smart-       naires, and one of America’s richest living veterans.
       Texas                                                                                                        His John Paul Mitchell Systems hair products, still
       $3.1BILLION (Forbes)                                                                                         privately held, is worth more than a billion dollars.
HAIR CARE PRODUCTS, SPIRITS                                                                                         They are available in more than 100,000 salons in        pointed Argyros U.S. ambassador to Spain. Argyros
                                                                                                                    the United States and are distributed throughout         also served on the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Married, 4 Children
                                                                                                                    the world. Patron Spirits, the original ultra-premium    Corporation (FreddieMac) under President George
                                                                                                                    tequila, also the vision of Dejoria, was recently ac-    H.W. Bush.
    John Paul Dejoria’s net worth is back to where                                                                  quired by Bacardi Limited for $5.1 billion.                  A resident of Harbor Island in Newport Bay, CA,
it was a few years ago after a significant dip last                                                                    He and his third wife, the former Eloise Brady,       Argyros is a recognized business leader and phi-
year.                                                                                                               are based in Austin, TX. Dejoria has four children,      lanthropist. He was the 1993 recipient of the Ho-
    Born to an Italian immigrant father and a Greek                                                                 one of whom is professional drag-racer, Alexis De-       ratio Alger Award of Distinguished Americans, and
immigrant mother, who divorced by the time he                                                                       Joria.                                                   a 2001 recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
was 2, DeJoria has known poverty repeatedly: first                                                                                                                               Chapman’ University’s School of Business and

during his childhood being raised by a single mother                                                                                                                         Economics was renamed in his honor in 1999. He
in Los Angeles, CA, and two periods of homeless-                                                                           AMB. GEORGE L.                                    has served on the board of trustees for several
ness as an adult.                                                                                                          ARGYROS - California                              community organizations, including the California
    DeJoria has been quoted telling a story that                                                                           $2.7 BILLION (Forbes)                             Institute of Technology, the Beckman Foundation,
when he was 5, his mother didn’t have enough                                                                        REAL ESTATE, SPORTS                                      the Horatio Alger Association, and Chapman Uni-
money to buy her sons Christmas presents. As                                                                                                                                 versity.
                                                                                                                    Chapman University
they walked through downtown Los Angeles, his                                                                                                                                    Argyros developed a friendship with scientist/in-
mother pointed to a woman wearing a navy blue                                                                       (Business & Economics);                                  ventor Arnold Beckman in California in 1962. Soon
suit ringing a bell. “Boys,” his mother said, “I’m gi-                                                              Married, 3 Children                                      afterward, he began a 22-year service as chairman
ving you a dime. See that lady ringing the bell? Put                                                                                                                         of the board of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Fo-
this in her bucket.” DeJoria didn’t understand; 10                                                                     George L. Argyros is well known in a wide variety     undation, which awards research grants in chemi-
cents was a lot for a kid who didn’t have much in                                                                   of prominent circles, as his long and illustrious life   stry and the life sciences. In 2013, the foundation
1950. Why did he have to give it away? “That’s the                                                                  has included achievements ranging from real              developed the Beckman-Argyros Award in Vision
Salvation Army. They need it more than we do,”           phones, to market (sold at and Wal-              estate, to sports, to international diplomacy.           Research. The annual award offers a $100,000
was her reply. From that experience, he learned Unlike other phones, these are paired              Argyros served as U.S. Ambassador to Spain            prize and a $400,000 research grant to an individual
that “success unshared is failure.”                      with vital life services like family telemedicine, legal   and was an owner of the professional baseball            who has made a significant achievement in vision
    DeJoria’s very first job, at age nine, was selling   counsel and more. In August of 2019, ROKiT ente-           team, the Seattle Mariners – which he sold in 1989.      research.
greeting cards door-to-door. He and his brother had      red into a distribution arrangement with Universal         But Argyros, 83, made his fortune in grocery stores          In January 2012, Argyros became a member
paper routes through their school years. After high      Pictures Home Entertainment which would enable             and real estate.                                         of the Board of Regents of the Orange County Co-
school and two years in the U.S. Navy, DeJoria did       ROKiT customers to rent and watch a diverse col-              A second-generation American of Greek de-             uncil Boy Scouts of America. In April 2011, he and
whatever it took to make ends meet – from selling        lection of 3D films from the movie studio’s catalog        scent, he was born in Detroit, MI and raised in Pa-      his wife made a $5 million gift to an ambulatory
encyclopedias and working as a janitor to pumping        on their glasses-free 3D ROKiT smartphones.                sadena, CA. He worked his way through high school        surgery center at the University of California. In
gasoline. During his first homeless period, after he         As expected, Dejoria has a soft-spot for helping       and college in southern California as a paperboy         2018, the Argyros family foundation pledged $7.5
and his then-wife separated, he collected bottles        the homeless. In response to the homeless crisis           and grocery clerk. Argyros went into real estate in      million to renovate the Los Angeles Coliseum,
to stay afloat, all while caring for his two-year-old    in America, Dejoria is building a community called         1962, selling land at busy intersections to gas sta-     home of the USC Trojans and, according to the
son. Eventually, he took his talents to several hair     Mobile Loaves and Fishes which has constructed             tions. Today, his privately held Arnel & Affiliates      Los Angeles Times, the foundation donated
care and cosmetic companies before becoming an           250 small homes in the city of Austen, Texas, for          owns and manages 5,500 apartments and 2 million          $750,000 to help get the Balboa Island Museum
independent consultant.                                  those who have been sleeping on the streets for            square feet of commercial space.                         & Historical Society established in its new location
    In 1980, DeJoria teamed up with his friend           over a year. Homeless people pay $90 per month                Argyros also founded Westar Capital, a private        in Newport Beach, CA.
Paul Mitchell to launch John Paul Mitchell Sy-           for their small homes but are prohibited from drin-        equity firm, in 1987 and he is a director of First           Most recently, the Argyros family is part of an
stems, a line of high-end hair care products. The        king alcohol and fighting. The program also affords        American Financial Corp and Pacific Mercantile           estimated $17-million campus renovation for the
partners began with $700 and with DeJoria living         the homeless the opportunity to learn skills and           Bancorp.
in his car at the time. He said he knocked on salon      earn money; it offers woodshop, auto shop, metal              In 2001, then-President George W. Bush ap-                                          Continued on page 10
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8   SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020   50 Wealthiest Greeks in America   THE NATIONAL HERALD ❙
The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers
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The National Herald - GREEKS IN AMERICA An Annual Edition of our Community's Top Achievers
10   SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020   50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                THE NATIONAL HERALD ❙

                                                     Continued from page 6

                                                     Mariners Christian School in Costa Mesa. Their
                                                     contribution went towards a new 900-seat audito-
                                                     rium (the Argyros Center for Worship and Perfor-
                                                     ming Arts) and a redesigned gymnasium (Living
                                                     Legacy Athletic Center).
                                                        Additionally, in December of 2019, the Argyros
                                                     family announced a surprise $5M donation to the
                                                     South Coast Repertory, the Tony Award-winning
                                                     theatre in Costa Mesa. It is one of the largest single
                                                     donations in the history of the theatre, which was
                                                     founded in 1964. The Argyros family has been one
                                                     of the leading supporters of the Repertory since
                                                     the 1970s.
                                                        Argyros is an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriar-
                                                     chate’s Order of St. Andrew the Apostle. He and
                                                     his wife, Julia, have three children and seven grand-
                                                     children. The Argyroses were honored by the city
                                                     of Costa Mesa, CA in May with a Lifetime Achie-
                                                     vement Award for service to the community.

                                                     6 Florida
                                                       C. DEAN METROPOULOS -                                    to acquire and revitalize brands with deep roots in
                                                                                                                our American culture and tradition, such as the re-
                                                           $2.4 BILLION (Forbes)                                cent acquisitions of the 170-year-old PBR and 100-
                                                     MANAGEMENT, ACQUISITIONS                                   year-old Hostess. Our European-acquired brands,
                                                                                                                such as Perrier Jouet and Mumm Champagnes,
                                                     Babson College; Married, 2 Children
                                                                                                                among others, often go back 300-plus years: truly
                                                                                                                humbling heritages.”
                                                         C. Dean Metropoulos, age 72, is Chairman and               In July 2013, Metropoulos paid $410 million to
                                                     CEO of Metropoulos & Company, a boutique buyout            buy Hostess Brands and return Twinkies to grocery
                                                     and management firm. He remains very high on               shelves after the company had filed for bankruptcy
                                                     our list, as a result of his $2.4 billion estimated        protection and closed its doors. Hostess has made
                                                     worth (a slight dip from last year). Metropoulos ac-       a remarkable turnaround; in the past few years it
                                                     cumulated his fortune by purchasing and resurrec-          has released several ice cream flavors and rolled
                                                     ting food brands such as Hostess, Pabst Blue Rib-          out a new upscale line of snacks. In 2016, The Go-
                                                     bon Beer, Chef Boyardee, Ghirardelli Chocolate             res Group (see Alec Gores, infra) acquired Hostess
                                                     Company, Pinnacle Foods, Bumble Bee Tuna, Vlasic           via a spin-off, under a special-purpose acquisition
                                                     Pickles and Utz Snacks. He also recently helped            company process – but Metropoulos remained ch-
                                                     produce the film Cliffs of Freedom.                        airman. In August of 2019, Hostess completed a
                                                         The Greek-born Metropoulos moved from Tripoli          public offering of 12 million shares of Class A stock
                                                     to Massachusetts with his parents at age 10. Typi-         - which was owned by Metropoulos and entities
                                                     cal of many immigrants, his parents worked hard            controlled by him. Following the sales, Metropoulos
                                                     and encouraged their children to pursue their dre-         still owned 8.1% of outstanding Hostess stock. To-
                                                     ams. Metropoulos made his first American acqui-            day, the Hostess company is worth more than $2B.
                                                     sition at the age of 32, when he acquired a cheese             Metropoulos sold Pabst Brewing for an estima-
                                                     company in his wife, Marianne’s, native Vermont.           ted $750 million in September 2014, nearly tripling
                                                         Metropoulos is very well known in the private          his 2010 investment. Pabst remains one of the fa-
                                                     equity, investment banking, and financial commu-           stest-growing brewing companies in the United
                                                     nity, having spent nearly three decades creating,          States, if not the fastest.
                                                     acquiring, restructuring and growing nearly 100                Metropoulos’ sons, Evan, 38 and Daren, 35, are
                                                     different businesses and 300 brands involving ap-          and have been an integral part of the turnaround
                                                     proximately $14 billion in capital in the United Sta-      of the acquired companies. He has said that his
                                                     tes, Mexico and Europe. Many of these were sub-            sons have been the “the creative catalysts for re-
                                                     sequently taken public or sold to strategic acquirers.     positioning and reinventing these brands.” In Au-
                                                         “We love acquiring and transforming underma-           gust of 2016, his son Daren made headlines after
                                                     naged companies by investing heavily in operating          he purchased the legendary Playboy Mansion in
                                                     efficiencies, systems, new products, and innova-           Los Angeles, CA for $100 million.
                                                     tion,” Metropoulos said, “and unique marketing,                In 2019, Metropoulos was selected as one of
                                                     thus turning them into vibrant, growing businesses.        the five distinguished Greeks of the Diaspora to be
                                                     We have been particularly privileged and fortunate         honored by the International Foundation for Greece

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❙ THE NATIONAL HERALD                                                 50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                      SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020                  11

(IFG). Every three years, the IFG honors distingui-
shed members of our community for their contri-
butions to enhancing the country’s international
                                                                                                                 8ALEC  GORES - California
                                                                                                                  $2.1 BILLION (Forbes)
                                                                                                                 TECHNOLOGY, LEVERAGED
presence in various fields – including entreprene-
urship, which was given to Metropoulos. The Hel-
lenic Post issued stamps dedicated to Metropoulos                                                                Western Michigan University (Computer
as well as to four other members of the Diaspora                                                                 Science); Married, 5 children
including: George Behrakis (also featured infra),
Corinne Mentzelopoulos, Alexandre Desplat and                                                                         Alec Gores, 66, like his brothers Tom and Sam
Dimitri Nanopoulos.                                                                                              (both also featured in this edition) was born to a
    Metropoulos and his wife are both members of                                                                 Greek father and Lebanese mother, in Nazareth,
the Leadership 100 Foundation, a leadership orga-                                                                Israel. It took the family, which included 6 children,
nization that supports the activities of the Greek                                                               five years to get visas to enter the United States.
Orthodox Church in the United States. Metropoulos                                                                Eventually, the family finally made it to America
is also a founding member and president of Faith                                                                 and settled in Genesee, MI when Alec was a tee-
Endowment, a New York based organization pro-                                                                    nager. The sons, who were originally named Elias
moting the Greek Orthodox religion and Hellenic                                                                  (Alec), Samir (Sam) and Tewfic (Tom), were prom-
culture and interests.                                                                                           ptly given new American names by their aunt, who
                                                                                                                 picked them up from the airport.

                                                                                                                      "My father was willing to give up literally every-
       PETER NICHOLAS -                                                                                          thing he had [in Israel] and pack his bags and bring
       Massachusetts                                                                                             us here," Gores told Forbes in October, 2016. "He
       $2.3 BILLION (AffluenceIQ)                       loper, manufacturer, and marketer of medical de-         did it for the kids, to make sure we have a better        child, daughter Rochelle Gores Fredston, founded
Duke University                                         vices whose products are used in a range of in-          future."                                                  the Philanthropic Society Los Angeles (now called
                                                        terventional medical specialties, including inter-            The elder Gores, Charlie, emphasized hard work       Learning Lab Ventures) in 2010. The organization
Married, 3 children
                                                        ventional radiology, interventional cardiology,          and an appreciation for the opportunities the United      is focused on education, and provides disadvanta-
    Peter Nicholas, now 80, was raised by Greek         peripheral interventions, neuromodulation, neu-          States presented, his son told Forbes. "The day we        ged students with after-school learning and enri-
immigrant parents. His father, who had come as a        rovascular intervention, electrophysiology, cardiac      landed in America, my dad sat us down and he              chment programs. Kelly, Alec’s wife, recently rele-
child from Constantinople, settled in the Munjoy        surgery, vascular surgery, endoscopy, oncology,          said, 'This is your new country. You have to respect      ased the documentary Heal (83% on Rotten
Hill neighborhood in Portland, ME – a Greek com-        urology and gynecology. The company went public          it. You have to embrace it,’" Gores remembers. His        Tomatoes) on Netflix which is about the power of
munity that produced “dozens of immigrant children      in 1992 and currently employs 35,000 people              dad added: "You've got to work hard, and you can          the mind to heal the body.
who grew up to achieve real success.” In a report       across six continents.                                   do anything you want in this country."

published by the Partnership for a New American             The company is primarily known for the deve-              Alec began his professional career by bagging
Economy, Nicholas was quoted saying: “These             lopment of the Taxus Stent, a drug-eluting stent         groceries at his uncle’s store soon after arriving in            HASEOTES FAMILY -
funny looking Greek kids all had embedded in them       which is used to open clogged arteries. With the         America (for 25 cents an hour) – he didn’t speak                 Massachusetts
this ambition to work hard and achieve a better life    full acquisition of Cameron Health in June 2012,         any English at the time.                                         $2.1 BILLION (Forbes)
than what their parents could have ever imagined.”      the company also became notable for offering a                Today, Gores heads the Beverly Hills-based pri-      CONVENIENCE STORES
In the same study, Nicholas also said that he was       minimally invasive implantable cardioverter-defi-        vate equity firm The Gores Group, which has $2.5
“very aware” of the old country his family came         brillator (ICD) which they call the EMBLEM Subcu-        billion in assets. He lives in an 11-bedroom mansion
from and how much his parents wanted him to             taneous Implantable Defibrillator (S-ICD).               on 2.2 acres in Beverly Hills – near his brother Tom,         Vasilios and Aphrodite Haseotes founded Cum-
work to take advantage of the many opportunities            In 2016, Nicholas announced that he would step       who bought a palatial estate in Holby Hills in 2016       berland Farms in 1938. The Haseoteses emigrated
that America offered.                                   down as Boston Scientific’s chairman, a year ahead       as part of a reported $100 million deal.                  from Greece’s Macedonia and Epirus regions to
    A graduate of Duke University, Nicholas went        of his intended retirement. President & CEO Mike              After graduating from Western Michigan Uni-          the state of Maine and eventually proceeded to
on to earn an MBA from the University of Pennsyl-       Mahoney, who succeeded Nicholas as Chairman,             versity with a degree in computer science (the first      purchase a one-cow, one-calf dairy farm in Cum-
vania’s prestigious Wharton School of Business.         said this about his predecessor: “These changes          person in his family to finish college), he founded       berland, RI for $84. They had eight children, two of
He served as an officer in the U.S. Navy, resigning     represent a major milestone in the history of the        Executive Business Systems in 1978, for $10,000,          whom – Demetrios (Jim) and Lily – would go on to
his commission in 1966. He is Chairman Emeritus         company, as Pete’s dedication, passion, and com-         and was selling computers out of his basement.            lead the convenience store chain.
of Duke’s Board of Trustees. In 1996, Nicholas gave     mitment were instrumental in bringing the benefits       His father “gave [him] his last $8,000 and had [him]          Cumberland Farms eventually expanded across
$20 million to Duke for its School of the Environ-      of interventional medicine to patients in need. Un-      go buy a demo machine," Gores told Forbes. "That's        state lines and grew to become the largest dairy
ment, which was named in his honor. Since then,         der Pete’s leadership, Boston Scientific has become      what I needed to start the business." He grew the         farm operation in Massachusetts. In 1956, the com-
he and his wife, Virginia (Ginny) Lilly, have made      a leading global healthcare corporation serving 22       company tremendously, and sold it in 1986 to Con-         pany opened a jug-milk store in Bellingham, MA.
other gifts of tens of millions of dollars to Duke.     million patients each year, and we are deeply in-        tel for approximately $2 million.                         During the 1950s, few convenience food stores
Ginny is the great-grand daughter of Eli Lilly, foun-   debted for his decades of service and love of the             In 2016, he joined C. Dean Metropulos, also fe-      with dawn-to-midnight service every day of the
der of the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Company,    company.”                                                atured in this edition, to take the food snack giant      week existed in the northern part of the country. In
where Nicholas worked prior to founding Boston              Today, Nicholas serves as the managing director      Hostess public.                                           1962, Cumberland Farms quickly expanded to be-
Scientific, the medical device company.                 of Ithaka Partners LLC, a relationship-driven private,        Gores famously lost over $17 million in a three-     come New England’s first true convenience store.
    In 1979, Nicholas co-founded the aforementio-       alternative asset management firm. The firm in-          day backgammon series to fellow billionaire JP                By the early 1990s, Cumberland Farms ranked
ned Boston Scientific with scientist John Abele         vests in and actively advises early-stage companies      McManus in 2012, the Independent reported, and            third among the country’s convenience store ch-
after meeting him at a children’s soccer game. The      (especially in the areas of healthcare, technology       Gores promptly “paid up like a gent.”                     ains, and was also a leader in both the retail and
company started out by making steerable catheters       and the environment) on the development of brea-              The father of five, Gores is now married to Kelly    wholesale distribution of petroleum products thro-
used in less invasive medical procedures.               kthrough products and services that will improve         Noonan Gores, his second wife (John Legend per-
    Today, Boston Scientific is a worldwide deve-       the well-being of people and the planet.                 formed at their wedding in 2016). Alec’s eldest                                        Continued on page 12
12    SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020                                   50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                                     THE NATIONAL HERALD ❙

Continued from page 11                                   was chairman of the board of directors and her ne-                                                            $100 million on this one case alone.
                                                         phew, Ari, succeeded Bentas as CEO in June 2014.                                                                   Angelos was also enormously successful in
ugh the Cumberland Farms (and previously, also               However, on October 22, 2019, EG Group, a                                                                 suing Wyeth, the makers of the diet pill fen-phen,
Gulf and Mobil) names.                                   United Kingdom-based company, officially bought                                                               and representing the state of Maryland as lead
    The company first added a gas station to one of      Cumberland Farms which operated 567 stores in                                                                 attorney in a lawsuit against tobacco company
its stores in 1971 and expanded greatly in the wake      seven states in the northeast as well as in Florida.                                                          Philip Morris. The agreement had stipulated that
of the 1973-74 Arab oil embargo. By 1975, Cum-           At the closing, Ari Haseotes said: “Being a third-                                                            he would receive 25% of the recovery, but when
berland Farms opened its 1,000th store. The follo-       generation founding owner and operator, I have an                                                             it came to $4.5 billion, Maryland refused to pay;
wing year, it opened a 560,000-square-foot bakery        immense amount of gratitude for the Cumberland                                                                Angelos’ team settled for $150 million. After that
and warehouse in Westborough, Mass. In 1987, it          Farms team and what we have achieved together,”                                                               he became a major player in the Baltimore com-
purchased all of the Northeast assets of Gulf Oil        he said. “This is the right next step for Cumberland                                                          munity. Commenting on winning settlements of
from the Chevron Corporation, including 550 ser-         Farms and creates an incredible opportunity to ex-                                                            that size on behalf of governmental entities, An-
vice stations and a terminal network throughout          pand and grow the existing business into the wider                                                            gelos said, “If you get that kind of a fee, you’re
the Northeast.                                           EG Group global network. In that regard, I couldn’t                                                           fundamentally taking it from the public interest.”
                                                         be more pleased with the historical milestone ach-                                                                 Angelos bought the Orioles in August 1993,
                                                         ieved today.”                                                                                                 leading a group of investors including prominent
                                                             The EG Group intends to retain the Cumberland                                                             Marylanders like novelist Tom Clancy, in purcha-
                                                         Farms logo and their locations. Of the acquisition,                                                           sing the team for $173 million, a record price at
                                                         Zuber Issa of EG Group said: “Over nearly eight                                                               the time.
                                                         decades the Haseotes family have built Cumber-         League Baseball’s Baltimore Orioles.                        The Orioles enjoyed some success early under
                                                         land Farms into an outstanding portfolio of large,        Angelos was born in Pittsburgh, PA on July 4,       Angelos’ ownership, making the postseason as a
                                                         modern facilities run by a team of associates who      1929, to immigrants from the island of Karpathos.      wild card team in 1996 and winning the American
                                                         are connected to the communities they serve.”          He went to Baltimore at age 11, where his family       League East Division title in 1997. But manager
                                                             Also in October 2019, Vasilios Haseotes was        settled in the Highlandtown section of the city. His   Davey Johnson resigned after the 1997 season,
                                                         honored (posthumously) for his service to the Uni-     father owned a tavern in East Baltimore where Pe-      and 14 straight losing seasons ensued. As of late,
                                                         ted States in World War I with the ‘Oxi’ Service       ter worked during his adolescence. Peter learned       their fortunes climbed, as they clinched the division
                                                         Award (part of the Washington ‘Oxi’ Day Foundation     very quickly how hard life could be – especially in    in 2014 and just felt short of repeating in 2015,
                                                         Courage and Service Awards) at the National WWII       Baltimore. Baltimore wasn’t a gentle environment       but made the playoffs again in 2016. In 2016, For-
                                                         Memorial in Washington, D.C. After arriving in Ame-    to say the least; in order to protect himself, Peter   bes reported that the Orioles’ value had increased
                                                         rica at the age of 15, Vasilios enlisted in the army   learned how to box at the Baltimore Athletic As-       61% in two years, from $620 million to over $1
                                                         in 1917 and found in WWI. He was decorated by          sociation. Years later, Peter graduated from the       billion. In April of 2019, Forbes reported that the
                                                         both the U.S. and France for his heroic service. He    University of Baltimore School of Law, where he        team is worth $1.3 billion.
                                                         was an Archon the Ecumenical Patriarchate and          was class valedictorian, and went onto a lucrative          Angelos and his wife, Georgia, have two sons:
                                                         passed away in 1980 after years of philanthropic       career in trial law, specializing in cases involving   John, who serves as the Orioles’ executive vice
    In 2010, Gulf Oil L.P., a subsidiary of Cumberland   contributions to various charities.                    harmful products, professional malpractice, and        president and Louis, an attorney at the family law
Farms, announced it had acquired all rights, title                                                              personal injury.                                       office. Angelos began to cede control of the Orioles

and interest to the Gulf brand in the entire United                                                                His firm, the Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos,      to his sons starting in 2017. Amid rumblings of a
States and its territories. About 5 years later, Cum-                    PETER G. ANGELOS -                     has attorneys and locations in Maryland, Dela-         potential sale or a move out of town a few months
berland Farms sold Gulf Oil for a reported $1 billion                    Maryland                               ware, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. Angelos be-         ago, John was quoted saying that the Orioles would
in order to “get out of the wholesale business and                       $2.0 BILLION                           gan working as a criminal defense lawyer follo-        be in Baltimore “as long as Fort McHenry is stan-
focus exclusively on retail.”                                            (Celebrity Net Worth)                  wing graduation. For most of his legal career, he      ding watch over the Inner Harbor.” Relatedly, on
    Until October of 2019, Cumberland Farms was          LAW, MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL                             was a successful attorney representing Baltimore       February 22nd, Baseball Commissioner Rob Man-
one of America’s largest family-owned convenience                                                               labor unions and their members through his own         fred expressed optimism that the Orioles’ franchise
                                                         University of Baltimore;
store chains – and one of the largest family-owned                                                              private practice, which he founded in 1961. Be-        was solid in remarks he made at a news confe-
companies of any kind in the United States. A clo-       Married, 2 children                                    ginning in the 1980s, he refashioned his firm’s        rence. He said, “I have spent a considerable amount
sely held family-owned company since its inception,                                                             focus from criminal law to civil class action suits.   of time with the Angelos family this off-season. I
Cumberland Farms grew to become a multi-billion-             Peter G. Angelos finishes off our top ten weal-    His law firm and wealth expanded exponentially         think the family is committed to making baseball
dollar corporation – in 2017 alone, the company          thiest Greek-Americans of 2020. Angelos, now 90,       in 1982, when he represented 8,500 plaintiffs –        as good as it can possibly be in Baltimore. They’re
reported $6 billion in revenues. Lily Haseotes Ben-      is an attorney based in Baltimore and is best known    the largest number of plaintiffs ever – in an asbe-    excited about [general manager] Mike Elias and
tas, daughter of Vasilios and Aphrodite Haseotes,        for being the owner, chairman and CEO of Major         stos litigation and won. He reportedly made over       his team in terms of their ability to make the fran-

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❙ THE NATIONAL HERALD                                                 50 Wealthiest Greeks in America                                                                             SPECIAL EDITION FEBRUARY 2020                     13

chise as competitive as possible.”                                                                                 Leaders for 2018 list. He is also on the Board of              locales. The company, according to Forbes, cur-
    A lifelong Democrat, Angelos has thrown his                                                                    Directors of Harvard Business School and the                   rently owns almost 60,000 apartments along the
hat into the political arena as well. He won election                                                              Board of Trustees of New York University School                West Coast (with sales of $1.4 billion as of 2018).
to the Baltimore City Council and served on the                                                                    of Medicine.                                                   Marcus is also one of the original founders of Plaza
Council from 1959 to 1963. He also ran for mayor                                                                      In July 2014, Dimon said he had been diagnosed              Commerce Bank and Greater Bay Bancorp. He
as an independent in 1964, but lost. He has been                                                                   with throat cancer. The following December, he an-             served on Greater Bay’s board of directors until it
an active supporter of national Democratic candi-                                                                  nounced to his staff that he had concluded treat-              was sold to Wells-Fargo in 2007 for $1.5 billion.
dates.                                                                                                             ment and that after testing, his doctors found no                  Along with another Greek-American couple,
    Angelos has been active in charitable programs                                                                 evidence of cancer in his body, although he will               George and Judy Marcus opened the successful
in the city and state. He enjoys horse racing and                                                                  continue to be monitored. Even though he contin-               Evvia restaurant in Palo Alto in 1995, and its sister
owns thoroughbred horses. He has given $10 mil-                                                                    ued to work during his treatment, he had cut back              restaurant Kokkari in San Francisco in 1999. Known
lion to his alma mater, the University of Baltimore;                                                               on his schedule. By 2016, it appeared the cancer               for its rustic and elegant cuisine and environment,
in return, the new law school building bears the                                                                   was in remission and he had a good long-term                   Kokkari enjoys its standing as the premier Greek
name of his parents: The John and Frances Angelos                                                                  prognosis.                                                     restaurant and a favorite of the local Democratic
Law Center, which opened in April 2013. That same                                                                                                                                 establishment.

year, he gifted $2.5 million to the MedStar Franklin
Square Medical Center in Baltimore to open a lung                                                                                        GEORGE M. MARCUS -
disease center.                                                                                                                          California
                                                                                                                                         $1.6 BILLION (Forbes)
                                                        three daughters, Judith Kent. Upon graduating in

                                                                                                                   REAL ESTATE
               JAMIE DIMON                              1982, Sanford Weill convinced him to turn down
               New York                                                                                            San Francisco State University
                                                        offers from Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley,
               $1.7 BILLION (Forbes)                    and instead to join him as an assistant at American        (Economics); Married, 4 Children
FINANCE                                                 Express. Through a series of unprecedented merg-
                                                        ers and acquisitions that ensued, they formed Cit-             Born George Mathew Moutsanas in 1941 on
Tufts University (Psychology &
                                                        igroup, then the largest financial services conglom-       the island of Evia in Greece during World War II,
Economics); Married, 3 children                         erate in the world. Weill was the one who made             George Marcus, now 78, emigrated to the United
                                                        the deals, but Dimon was the “whiz kid” who made           States at the age of 4. His family settled in San
    Jamie Dimon, 63, is chairman and CEO of Amer-       the numbers work. Dimon left Citigroup in Novem-           Francisco’s blue-collar Potrero Hill neighborhood,
ica’s largest bank JPMorgan Chase, and considered       ber 1998 due to an internal conflict with Weill.           where, he has said, his top priority was fitting in. It
one of the nation’s most powerful people.                  For the 2013 fiscal year Dimon received a 74%           was in this neighborhood that Marcus eventually                    Marcus supports many organizations of the
    Dimon was born and raised in New York City          pay raise to $20 million, which has continued to           met his future wife, Judy. According to an interview           Greek-American community. In 2008, he co-
with his older brother Peter and his fraternal twin     increase since (his current salary is $31.7 million,       with the Nob Hill Gazette, Marcus was friends with             founded and is the current Chairman Emeritus of
Ted. To ensure their surname sounded French (and        after a record 2019 profit for JPMorgan). The Wall         Judy’s younger brother – they knew each other                  the National Hellenic Society, which brings together
not Greek), his paternal grandfather changed the        Street Journal said that Dimon looks set to remain         since elementary school. However, it wasn’t until              distinguished Greek-Americans on a national level
family surname from Papademetriou to Dimon              the highest-paid CEO in the banking industry.              after Marcus came home from the military that his              to preserve their heritage. His considerable com-
when he emigrated from Smyrna. Dimon’s grand-              According to Forbes’ 2019 list of the world’s           friend, Judy’s brother, suggested that he should               mitments to the Greek Orthodox Church and the
father became a broker and passed his knowledge         largest companies, JPMorgan is the largest and             go on a date with his sister.                                  Community include memberships on the boards
of the business onto his son, Theodore (Dimon’s         most powerful public company in the country, and               Marcus completed his undergraduate studies                 of directors of the Modern Greek Studies Founda-
father). Dimon’s father and grandfather worked to-      second in the world behind one Chinese bank                in Economics at San Francisco State University in              tion, the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Fran-
gether for 19 years and Jamie joined them during        (ICBC). Its market value was estimated at nearly           just two and a half years, and founded the Uni-                cisco, International Orthodox Christian Charities,
the summers in their New York office. In a 2016         $370 billion. It is one of the oldest financial institu-   versity’s first economics club. He also served as              the Elios Society of Northern California, Leadership
interview with CNBC, Dimon said that he and his         tions in the United States, with a history dating          a member of the Board of Trustees of the Califor-              100, and many others. He is also involved with The
family were very ‘tight’ – so when both of his par-     back over 200 years, a presence in over 100 mar-           nia State University System in 1981-89. He was                 Hellenic Initiative, the Washington ‘Oxi’ Day Foun-
ents died within a few hours of each other in that      kets, and over 250,000 employees. The firm has             named SFSU Alumnus of the year in 1989 and                     dation, and the Taube Foundation.
same year, it was very tough on him.                    assets of $2.7 trillion and serves millions of cus-        one of its 11 Distinguished Centennial Alumni in                   In February 2017, The National Herald reported
    As a boy, Dimon attended the Browning School,       tomers in the United States and many of the world’s        1999. He and his wife (also an SFSU alum), helped              that Marcus donated $1 million to the Hellenic Col-
a prestigious all-boys prep school on New York’s        most prominent corporate, institutional, and gov-          create SFSU’s International Center for the Arts                lege and Holy Cross Theological School (HCHC) in
Upper East Side. He later majored in psychology         ernment clients.                                           with a $3 million gift. Marcus also helped develop             Massachusetts. And just a few weeks ago, he do-
and economics at Tufts University, and earned his          Dimon has been on Time magazine’s list of the           SFSU’s Greek Studies program, and chairs its                   nated another $2M towards the rebuilding of the
MBA from Harvard University Business School             100 most influential people in the world four times        Modern Greek Studies Foundation, which sup-                    St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National
where he met his future wife and mother of his          since 2006 and on Fortune’s World’s Greatest               ports the Nikos Kazantzakis Chair for Modern                   Shrine at the World Trade Center in Manhattan.
                                                                                                                   Greek Studies.                                                     The Marcuses also support non-Greek causes
                                                                                                                       Marcus went on to found G.M. Marcus & Com-                 as well. For example, last year, they gave San Fran-
                                                                                                                   pany, which evolved into Marcus & Millichap Com-               cisco State University a $25 million gift to benefit
                                                                                                                   pany (MMC), with the help of his business partner,             the school’s liberal arts program (the largest grant
                                                                                                                   William A. Millichap four decades ago. MMC is one              ever given to that institution). Earlier this year they
                                                                                                                   of the country’s premier providers of investment               gave $10M to Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High
                                                                                                                   real estate brokerage services, and the parent com-            School which will be used to establish an endow-
                                                                                                                   pany of a diversified group of real estate, service,           ment – a gift that the school’s president calls “trans-
                                                                                                                   investment, and development firms. According to                formational.”
                                                                                                                   Forbes, MMC closed nearly 9,000 transactions val-                  The Marcuses have also been major political
                                                                                                                   ued at $42.3 billion in 2016.                                  donors, mostly to Democratic and liberal causes.
                                                                                                                       MMC’s featured company, Marcus & Millichap                 Most recently, Marcus has become one of Joe
                                                                                                                   Real Estate Investment Services, has established               Biden’s largest donors (according to Forbes). He
                                                                                                                   itself as a leading real estate firm with more than            gave $1M to a super PAC supporting the former
                                                                                                                   1,200 brokers in markets throughout the United                 vice president in December and hosted a fundraiser
                                                                                                                   States. With dozens of offices across the United               for him in the fall.
                                                                                                                   States and Canada, the firm concentrates on in-

                                                                                                                   vestment brokerage, and provides financing and
                                                                                                                   research services to both buyers and sellers. Mar-                           JAMES S. CHANOS -
                                                                                                                   cus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services                              New York
                                                                                                                   went public with 6 million shares in October 2013,                           $1.5 BILLION
                                                                                                                                                                                                (Celebrity Net Worth)
                                                                   KIM COOK/AP IMAGES FOR JPMORGAN CHASE & CO.
                                                                                                                   generating net proceeds to the company of about
Denver Receives a $7 Million Investment                                                                            $34.6 million. In 2015, due to the company’s suc-              INVESTMENTS
to Help Prepare Youth for Work                                                                                     cess, Marcus’ net worth catapulted him from mil-
                                                                                                                                                                                  Yale University (Economics & Political
                                                                                                                   lionaire to billionaire.
                                                                                                                       Marcus is also chairman of Essex Property Trust,           Science); 4 children
Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon with Pinnacol Assurance apprentices and
program leads before the launch of a multimillion-dollar career readiness investment on Wednesday,                 a publicly held, multi-family real estate investment
Feb. 12, 2020 in Denver. Denver is one of 10 global cities receiving the investment from JPMorgan                  trust (REIT). Located in Palo Alto, CA and traded                 James S. Chanos, 62, is a second generation
Chase. From left: Cheyanne Greer; Julie Wilmes; Apprentice Angela Mendoza-Rico; Chairman and                       on the New York Stock Exchange, Essex is a fully               Greek-American who grew up in Milwaukee, WI.
CEO of JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon; Apprentice Eric Miller; Apprentice Moniqe Lane; Phil Kalin,                    integrated REIT that acquires, develops, and rede-
President and CEO, Pinnacol Assurance; Apprentice Sharon Avina-Nunez and Mark Tapy.                                velops apartment communities in select west coast                                             Continued on page 14

                                                                                                                                                           Beauty ❙ Dignity ❙ Security
                                                                                                                                                                                    St. Michael's Cemetery offers a full range of options
                                                                                                                                                                                       including our beautiful Mausoleum of St. Mary
                                                                                                                                                                                           as well as graves, headstones, and cremations.
                                                                                                                                                                                    One of the greatest gifts you can offer your loved
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ones is the security and knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                       of having everything taken care of. St. Michael
                                                                                                                                                                                              is a religious cemetery open to all faiths.
                                                                                                                                                                                    We proudly acknowledge that the beautiful designed
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mausoleum of St. Mary is available to people.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 For more information,
                                                                                                                                                                                           inclounding a free Resource Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                     please contact:

                                                                                                                                                                                              Mr. NIKOLAOS
                                                                                                                                                                                             P. PAPAMICHAEL

                                                                                                                                    Mausoleum of                                                 (917) 687-9856
                                                                                                                                     St. Mary

                                                                                                                                                                                                 We assure you that
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mr. Nikolaos P. Papamichael,
                                                                                                                                               Discount                                   continuously provides his highly
                                                                                                                                               $1,000                                  professional services to our Community
                                                                                                                         Discount available with the purchase of a crypt
                                                                                                                                at the Mausoleum of St. Mary's
                                                                                                                                                                                                      with pride
                                                                                                                                       ($500 per person)                                      and great responsibility

                                                                                                                                                                           (718) 278-3240
                                                                                                                                   72-02 Astoria Blvd., East Elmhurst, NY 11370 ή επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα μας στο

                                                                                                                         You will be greatly satisfied with your choice!
                                                                                                                                                Discount available with the purchase of a crypt
                                                                                                                                                       at the Mausoleum of St. Mary's
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