The nature of developmental and educational dysfunctions of a modern family

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ORIGINAL PAPER                                                                                      Arch Physiother Glob Res 2014; 18 (3): 27-32

              The nature of developmental and educational dysfunctions of a modern family

                                                            Maria Panasiuk ABCDEFG

Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Poland


        The socio-psychological reality, in which the modern family functions, requires many interdisciplinary studies
undertaken for diagnostic as well as corrective and therapeutic (aiding) purposes. This paper attempts to present, from
the psychological perspective, the issue of dysfunction in terms of general developmental and educational problems
that parents face in the upbringing process. In psychology, family is treated as the child’s socio-educational primary
and natural environment, in which he can gather his first life experiences. These are of diverse character and may be
drawn from a variety of actions: supportive and motivating activities, passive participation in the upbringing process or
negative, inhibiting interactions. A wide spectrum of variables modifying the developmental and educational process
includes the child’s age, level of psychic development but also broadly understood parental educational competencies
shaped in objectively difficult reality and other factors modifying the family developmental and educational activities. In
family educational interactions, as far as their form, content and educational methods are concerned, we should take into
account current civilization-related determinants, understood as a number of social environment variables (school, peer
groups, youth organizations, social movements) which influence the development of the child in a planned systematic
and intended way. Susceptibility of young people to these influences gradually becomes more open and natural, often
replacing the direct educational influence of the family.This paper focuses mainly on various manifestations of social life
that pathologize modern developmental and educational interactions within the family, both of internal and external
character.Current trends in psychoprophylaxis should also take into account interactions that would make the parents
aware of numerous external threats to the modern family, indicate preventive methods, grouped in a system of actions
particularly important for correct functioning of the family as well as aim at development or consolidation of parental
competencies, developmental abilities, self-awareness and educational self-control. Multispecialty and multidirectional
assistance to the family - the child’s developmental and educational environment - in self-diagnosis of its functioning
should be a priority for many specialist centers on the national scale.
Key words: family psychology, education, difficulties

        Family issues and its educational duties are now-                 born) as well as external (environmental) factors and
adays brought up in an unusual context. The role of the                   therefore it plays a special role in the child’s develop-
family commonly viewed as the first and natural educa-                    ment.
tional environment of the child is gradually changing,                            In psychology, family is treated as primary and
also in the light of social threats as the source of neg-                 natural educational and social environment of the child,
ative external educational influence, which results in a                  which forms his primary life experiences. The spec-
spreading phenomenon of social inadequacy of chil-                        trum of its influence is wide – from positive actions
dren and young people.                                                    of supporting and activating the child’s development,
        Modern threats to educationally correct func-                     through passive participation in its education, to neg-
tioning of the family are not necessarily connected with                  ative actions inhibiting the child’s educational process.
pathological manifestations of its internal functioning                   Natural and personal rights of the child to education as
but increasingly often with external determinants con-                    well as the rights and duties of parents to educate are not
siderably limiting the possibility of direct influence on                 questioned. It is the only non-reciprocal relation from
the child, connected with parental ethical and moral                      among all the educational models, but it has to be borne
representation, social and personal values and rules                      in mind that the family in this model may also consti-
that parents try to live by and use in the upbringing                     tute a potential source of behavioural disorders of chil-
process.                                                                  dren and their dysfunction in adaptation to rules and
        In psychological literature, family environment                   norms of social coexistence.
is viewed as one of the factors of psychic development                            The crucial pathogenic factors present nowadays
from the egzogenic group, mainly due to the possibility                   in the family environment include the following:
of influencing the child through educational and family                   • Family educational failures,
processes that govern its development. However, when                      • Faulty, negative parental attitudes,
we take a much broader look at the family it becomes                      • Educational models inadequate to the child’s age,
apparent that parental influence on children is the only                      educational inconsistency, authoritarianism, exces-
environment that includes both internal (genetic-in-                          sive liberalism,

Copyright © 2014 Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Poland
28                                                             Maria Panasiuk

•    Failure at or insufficiency in satisfying the child’s            It includes assessment of all elements of educational
     biological and psychological needs,                              importance: biological, financial, social and cultural
•    Negative patterns of conduct and resourcefulness,                spheres [2], [3]. Psychological diagnostics dealing with
     negative patterns of personality maturity, inappro-              the sphere of child behavior disorders, educational diffi-
     priate norms and values presented by parents that                culties and dysfunctional adaptation to social life, clear-
     influence the family,                                            ly treats the family as a possible source of pathological
•    Pathology in family life: addictions [1], physical or            educational and care (protective) determinants.
     psychological abuse, aggression, crime,                                  In family educational interactions, as far as their
•    Absence of help in child development: lack of or                 form, content and educational methods are concerned,
     inappropriate cooperation with the child, lack of re-            we should take into account current civilizational deter-
     spect for him, his achievements and plans,                       minants, understood as a number of social environment
•    Neglecting the child’s future, inappropriate educa-              variables (school, peer groups, youth organizations, so-
     tional and developmental care,                                   cial movements) which influence the development of
•    Ignoring or underestimating the developmental dys-               the child in a planned, systematic and intended way.
     functions of the child including partial developmen-             Susceptibility of young people to these influences grad-
     tal disorders, disability, handicap, chronic somatic             ually becomes more open and natural, often replacing
     diseases hindering proper functioning and develop-               the direct educational impact of the family. The social
     ment of the child,                                               environment factors start to penetrate the family much
•    Poor financial and living conditions of the family,              earlier than in the past, influencing the formation of the
     low socioeconomic status, unemployment.                          child’s psyche, trying to replace or modify the child’s
                                                                      natural educational environment, sometimes standing
         In view of the above, a specific profile of a child          in opposition to the rules and educational methods pre-
from the dysfunctional family emerges, the child with                 ferred by the family.
unfavourable features that burden his psychological                           Diverse spheres of environmental influence on
development and portend badly for his further devel-                  young people that raise concern manifest themselves in
opment, i.e. the syndrome of a child from the educa-                  growing degradation of direct social ties in primary ed-
tionally inefficient family, which manifests itself in the            ucational groups (family) with the concurrent increase
following:                                                            in importance of informal groups, to which a person is
• Excessive neurotic tendencies, emotional instabili-                 attached only with part of his personality and for a short
    ty, increased tendency to experience negative emo-                period of time. This sphere is connected with collapse
    tions (fear, embarrassment, anger, guilt), high level             of traditional authority and simultaneous increased im-
    of susceptibility to stress;                                      pact of apparent authorities, which promote culturally
• Poor quality and frequency of social interactions,                  strange and harmful ideas and behavioral patterns [4].
    isolation, withdrawal from social relations, the feel-            Therefore, we cannot rule out the possible occurrence of
    ing of hopelessness, despair, low level of activity               „secondary care and educational failure of the family”,
    and energy;                                                       which considerably diminishes or modifies the influ-
• Tendency to shut oneself away from new experienc-                   ence of family on the child and directs his education in
    es, negative evaluation of life experiences, aversion             accordance with modern trends.
    to novelties, lack of cognitive curiosity;                                The most important elements of the external,
• Adopting extreme attitudes towards others (agree-                   unfavourable for the family and the child phenomenon
    ableness or antagonism), increased level of aggres-               pertain to the following spheres:
    sion (including auto-aggression);                                         1. Nowadays scientific trends of humanism un-
• General lack of internal organization, persistence                  derline special independence of a person, understood
    and motivation in actions that are goal-oriented and              as the ability to meet one’s needs and fulfill one’s goals
    require planning;                                                 and life plans [4]. Liberalistic tendencies, preferred in
• Attitude of self-rejection closely related to the feel-             the modern education, favour treatment of young people
    ings of grievance, guilt, inferiority, blaming and                inadequately to their development, as ready for respon-
    resenting oneself, lacking faith in one’s abilities,              sible participation in autonomous decision making and
    underestimating one’s achievements, magnifying                    undertaking important life tasks. Modern youth often
    failures, degrading oneself, as well as distortion of             chooses the so-called horizontal path of their develop-
    self-esteem;                                                      ment, in which the modification of life and extend of task
• Psychological pessimism – tendency to see wrong                     readiness as to their future remains at the level of mani-
    in every occurrence, attitude towards the world full              festation actions. This phenomenon pertains to awaiting
    of fear and feeling of hopelessness.                              or creating facts and events that provoke and enhance
         The overall specificity of functioning of a giv-             emotional experiences and fascinations. They are often of
en family, as a care (protective) and educational envi-               terminal character – limited in time, which favours the
ronment, is the subject of family diagnosis in the psy-               attitude of searching for new events generating positive
chological, pedagogical and sociological dimensions.                  emotional experiences of hedonistic character (see [4]).

Arch Physiother Glob Res 2014; 18 (3): 27-32
The nature of developmental and educational dysfunctions of a modern family                               29

         2. General acceleration of the child’s psycholog-   ative identity [7], often leading towards social malad-
ical development involves as well the construction of        justment, crime or addictions. During this time young-
self-awareness. The sense of personal identity and con-      sters become considerably more open and susceptible
struction of self-awareness, as traits of self-determina-    to influence of modern social and youth groups, which
tion that enable the description of a person as different    propagate various ways of living a “happy life”. Lack of
from other people [5], is a difficult process which often    sufficient explanation of these ideas or their multitude,
requires help from those with whom the person has            provoke disorientation and are overwhelming for the
mutually positive emotional relationship [6]. Optimally,     adolescent. Success, freedom, happiness and money are
these tasks could be performed by the family. However,       slowly becoming a mantra for the young generation.
sometimes the child has to walk this difficult path with-    These are backed up by slogans taken from the western
out his parents and not always because of their fault (ex-   culture: “I deserve it, I have the right, I earned it”. Pop-
cluding educational inefficiency and family pathology).      ulist movements and youth organizations do not take
It is too early that these intimate grounds of self-aware-   into account cultural distinctiveness of adolescents,
ness are entered by external factors which markedly af-      which plays a crucial role in understanding many no-
fect the way the child forms his perception of himself       tions governing the development of an individual and
and the world. This influence may be positive, but often     social order in the place where he was born, brought up
the child draws negative patterns, social and personal       and socially active. This way the process of formation
ideals and norms of self-conduct and the vision that he      of ethnical and cultural identity becomes disturbed [8].
creates of himself and the surrounding world is not al-              Accelerated tempo of social changes affects all
ways consistent with standards and values preferred by       aspects of human development. Generally, available
the family.                                                  multitude and diversity of proposals as to basic values of
         3. Nowadays the construction of personal iden-      a modern man, ethical and moral norms, life goals and
tity by the youth takes place earlier, almost simultane-     standards of conduct generate the sense of chaos and
ously with the formation of social identity. This makes      danger, resulting in increased pugnacity and aggression.
it difficult to obtain reliable information, thoroughly      The dilemmas, conflicts and uncertainties concerning
assess facts and make the right choices concerning the       personal choices affect the functioning of a child in the
child and his life goals. The child builds the image of      family, negatively influencing his relations with parents.
himself, his aspirations and goals hastily and superfi-      These harmful phenomena increase generally observed
cially, often abandoned by the family and pressed by the     intra-family difficulties in communication.
requirements of the outside world.                                   5. A new disturbing phenomenon spreading
         Modern models of family underestimate the           among youngsters is permanent and persistent com-
value of constructing the child’s identity based on ideas    paring oneself, one’s values, goals and achievements to
and values recognized by parents and often neglect the       peers, to imaginary western models, media-promoted
formation of system of values preferred by the family.       “European standards”, including in all aspects of ex-
The void that appears is easily filled with influence of     istence and one’s family actions. It often generates the
external, extra-family environments.                         sense of social, moral and family provincialism ampli-
         Hence, the social identity develops parallelly to   fied by the media, resulting in unfavourable psychic
the personal one. These two processes do not always          experiences such as stress, frustration, low self-esteem
complement each other and their assimilation and mu-         and underestimation of one’s achievements. Such a psy-
tual valuation provokes in young people unfavourable         chosocial aura has negative impact on our strives and
internal experiences of cognitive and emotional char-        ambitions, influences adversely the sense of order and
acter. The striving for, often at all cost, group accepta-   logical consequence of events and experiences from our
tion, feeling significant and building self-esteem in the    family life. The pathology of educational mechanisms
extra-family environment generates contradictions and        influencing the child from the moment of his birth is
internal conflicts, especially if psychological needs of     even more acute, since these unfavourable influences
the child (acceptation, love, the sense of belonging and     are first to appear and form the psychological develop-
recognition) are not fully met at home. Searching to sat-    ment of the child at least until the moment he becomes
isfy these needs outside the family environment does         independent. In accordance with the widely recognized
not always lead to group structures that are valuable and    rule that the sooner the adverse factor begins to act the
consistent with the family educational model.                more serious and profound damage it causes, educa-
         4. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to      tional malfunctions generate irreversible negative con-
various psychological fluctuations, sudden or gradual,       sequences, neglect in development, and in consequence
when taking decisions concerning their future provokes       bad habits concerning behavior and actions. Making the
numerous contradictions and internal rebellions. This        family realize that is extremely difficult. In educating
does not always favour integration and success in reali-     their children, many parents try to function within the
zation of one’s goals. The multitude of new life roles ad-   limits of the so-called social norms. The external nega-
opted during adolescence often breeds chaos in a young       tive specialist assessment is viewed by the family as un-
person’s psyche which influences the formation of neg-       authorized interference with its internal problems, and

                                                                                     Arch Physiother Glob Res 2014; 18 (3): 27-32
30                                                              Maria Panasiuk

the reception and evaluation of threats to the education-                       Social prophylaxis, although directed at the
al process are carried out from the wrong perspective.                 child’s personality is at the same time a set of complex
         6. Modern youth is marked by excessive desire                 and longitudinal actions that happen in the environment
to achieve success, be noticed and admired, gain per-                  [4], see [9]. Therefore, the effectiveness of prophylaxis
sonal recognition, distinguish oneself and be appreci-                 depends not only on actions taking into consideration
ated by others, which unfortunately favours not easily                 personality traits of children, but also on the under-
noticeable alienation of the youngster from his family                 standing of specificity of developmental environments:
environment. This phenomenon is exacerbated by in-                     educational and social, the influence of which deter-
creasing difficulties in proper communication with                     mines the conditions of the child’s social development.
parents and other family members. Inability to initiate                         Current trends in prophylaxis should take into
and maintain contacts with members of the family re-                   account actions which would make parents realize
sults not only from the lack of time but also from the                 numerous external threats to the modern family and
fundamental ignorance concerning expression of one’s                   would offer ways to fight them. Psychological preven-
thoughts and emotions in a clear and mutually accept-                  tion, understood as a complex of methods and psycho-
able manner. Therefore, it is common that not enough                   logical means used in order to prevent adverse phenom-
attention is paid to ways of enhancing communication,                  ena in family life resulting in disorders in its educational
such as direct closeness of interlocutors, willingness to              functioning may be of primary, secondary (see [8]) or
listen to the other person, openness and correct un-                   corrective-compensative character.
derstanding of the conveyed messages, cooperation,                              Preventive actions of primary character, as far as
emotional, clear, concrete and precise expression of                   the family pathogenesis is concerned, should be aimed
thoughts, partnership approach, control over one’s feel-               at decreasing the risk of disorders in family functioning,
ings and paying attention.                                             in parents – child relations, through anticipating and
         7. Today’s social reality disturbs the family educa-          counteracting adverse factors. Secondary actions are
tional and prophylactic influence on children. External                used when early signs of disorders are detected to stop
social determinants which enter the life of young people               their escalation and limit their duration. Corrective and
very early are difficult to control and adjust to the norms            compensatory prevention should be construed as avoid-
and values accepted by the family. Therefore, we can no                ing the effects of negative experiences, counteracting
longer talk only of intra-family pathogenic factors and                possible recurrences, minimizing secondary disorders
see the family as the first potential source of disorders              resulting from primary pathological factors.
in social adjustment of children and adolescents. Mod-                          Specialist preventive management should also
ern threats to educational influence of family appear re-              be introduced to parent self-diagnosis in the case of
gardless of its educational efficiency, financial status and           difficulties in the educational process or disorders in
living conditions, lack or presence of advanced pathol-                child’s functioning, both sudden and increasing gradu-
ogy. These threats are of external nature, that structure              ally, since this diagnosis is often based on negative pat-
and modify the accepted patterns of pro-social behavior                terns of knowledge of oneself. It pertains to the negative
as well as moral and normative beliefs of parents. This                self-image of the parent, where psychological defensive
adverse influence is often a prerequisite to adverse and               mechanisms set the scope and subjective assessment of
pathologic prognoses – psychological, pedagogical and                  the emotionally difficult situation. The profile of this
sociological.                                                          negative assessment of oneself may be based on the in-
         8. The family has been long abandoned in its ed-              tensity of features forming the so-called “syndrome of a
ucational efforts, partly because of deteriorating finan-              parent faced with educational threats”, which manifests
cial and living conditions and partly due to numerous                  itself in the following ways:
directives issued by superior authorities as to the scope              • Emotional symptoms: depressed mood, sadness and
of its influence on the child. Estimation of what is wrong                 anxiety, inability to enjoy life, sensitivity;
and what is right is often imposed and takes place with-               • Cognitive symptoms: negative image of oneself as
out the knowledge and approval of parents. System                          an indolent parent, low self-esteem, self-accusation,
preferences concerning educational liberalism limit the                    pessimism and resignation;
possibility or even make it impossible to use the instru-              • Motivational symptoms: problems with mobilisa-
ments of penalty and award. The system of penalizing                       tion for action, general psychomotor slowdown –
parents for improper care over children also requires                      apathy, problems in taking decisions;
improvements which leads to the phenomenon com-                        • Somatic symptoms: sleep and wakefulness disor-
monly known as “secondary family malfunctioning”.                          ders, loss of or excessive appetite, weakness and
Nowadays the family often faces an artificially created                    fatigue, general malaise, hypersensitivity to pain.
dilemma: whether to be “modern”, that is do not teach,
do not demand, do not see, or do the opposite – be an
                                                                              The main preventive strategy should include re-
old-fashion style family and demand, make problems,
                                                                       inforcement of parents’ personal competencies by pro-
give the child educational tasks adjusted to his possibil-
                                                                       viding them with knowledge and practical skills to cope
ities for him to solve independently.

Arch Physiother Glob Res 2014; 18 (3): 27-32
The nature of developmental and educational dysfunctions of a modern family                                31

with educational difficulties, including the following              and responsibility for care and education of children
concepts:                                                           executed through the system;
1. Self-knowledge – self-assessment– self-acceptance,           •   Considerable and dangerous relaxation of interper-
   self-esteem, proper self-image                                   sonal bonds in the family that points to numerous
2. Self-control – ongoing control of emotions, judg-                neglected and underestimated areas of care and edu-
   ments and manners of reaction to difficult situa-                cational reality, including the role played by grand-
   tions, drawing conclusions and more effective for-               parents, siblings, distant relatives and other people
   ward-looking actions                                             important for the child;
3. Self-realization – self-actualization, striving to realize   •   Low level of psychic-emotional support and sense of
   one’s personal potential, developing talents and skills,         security in the family observed currently, which pro-
   internal coherence. A self-realizing person should be            vokes loneliness and lack of understanding among
   spontaneous in thinking and action, have distance                children and adolescents, increasing as well the or-
   towards oneself and occurring events, maintain close             phanhood and social maladjustment rates.
   relationships with other people and be independent.
4. Self-development – attention to personal develop-
                                                                        Methods of personal influence of parents seem
   ment, internal work which may bring change in be-
                                                                nowadays very limited, decreasing in strength and scope
   haviour, habits and attitudes. The process requires
                                                                as the child grows. The basic psychological factor that
   time, motivation, ambition, persistence and devo-
                                                                can cement the intrafamily relationships is the bond
   tion. The desire to change, form new values and im-
                                                                with the child – directing his actions through advice,
   prove the old ones should be strong enough to re-
                                                                minimizing various factors that provoke development of
   sist fear of being ridiculed or objections from family
                                                                adverse, antisocial attitudes and organizing certain ele-
   members and friends.
                                                                ments of the educational environment through skillful
                                                                directing of interests, abilities and talents of the child to
        Discussing pathogenic family factors that cause         motivate him to provoke positive personal attitudes to-
disorders of socialization processes, we should also            wards current social norms.
mention the disturbing secondary symptoms of cryp-                      Another neglected type of family educational ac-
to-pathologization of family environment developing             tions concerns the ways to cope with psychological ef-
gradually and effectively through the following negative        fects of adverse and pathological factors (see [10]) pres-
influences:                                                     ent in the external social environment.
• Media, gradual limiting of the authority of family                    Current prophylactic actions, particularly im-
    and its educational actions in the name of falsely un-      portant for correct functioning of the family and cop-
    derstood child’s right of self-determination;               ing with challenges and difficulties of the present reality,
• Deprivation or limitation of basic instruments of ed-         should be focused on development and strengthening of
    ucational impact (punishment) in favour of indepen-         the family hard and soft competencies, i.e. broadly un-
    dent actions of the child, excessive to his age, often      derstood assistance activities aimed at propagation of
    lacking the values and rules commonly accepted in           correct models of functioning of the family – the basic
    the society, which are passed over by the family en-        development and educational environment for the child.
    vironment;                                                          Usefulness of competencies defined in psycho-
• Alcoholism and other forms of addiction, such as              logical literature seems here of extreme importance and
    substance abuse, drug dependence, cell phones, the          preparation of methodological basis of education of par-
    Internet, that are spreading among young people,            ents may increase their level of self-awareness and edu-
    provoke disturbing ways of dealing with difficult sit-      cational self-control:
    uations manifesting in considerably increased levels        - making the family aware of, and, if necessary, work-
    of stress, frustration and aggressive behavior;                 ing out family models and effective methods of com-
• Early and adverse to the child’s development and                  munication, including rules of assertive educational
    strength of parent-child relationship use of foster             influence,
    care (nursery, kindergarten, school common room)            - detailed, constantly monitored analysis of methods
    with simultaneous negligence of the direct educa-               and effects of the means of communication used by
    tional influence of the family;                                 the family,
• Difficulties in understanding each other and main-            - working out patterns of mutual understanding, com-
    taining proper communication with the child, often              passion, sympathy, acceptance and tolerance with
    related to poor skills of parents;                              simultaneous objection to the child’s behaviour con-
• Depriving parents of influence on the profile of their            tradicting the rules and norms of family coexistence,
    own educational actions through rules and condi-            - understanding of the essence of parenthood and re-
    tions set by superior authorities concerning “correct           sponsibility for the development of the child as well
    educational situations”;                                        as respect of the child’s rights in all developmental
• Making the parents give up their educational roles                domains, in line with the requirements of his age,

                                                                                       Arch Physiother Glob Res 2014; 18 (3): 27-32
32                                                           Maria Panasiuk

- respect of special developmental potential of a hand-                 rozwojowa człowieka. T.2. Wydawnictwo Naukowe
  icapped child or a child requiring individualized ef-                 PWN. Warszawa 2000.
  forts and treatment in the educational process,                   8. Sęk H.; Społeczna psychologia kliniczna. Wydawn-
- improving psycho-pedagogical knowledge of stag-                       ictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa 1998.
  es and particular requirements of the child’s devel-              9. Szczęsny W.W. Zarys resocjalizacji z elementami pa-
  opment, his psycho-physical needs, ways to satisfy                    tologii społecznej i profilaktyki. Wydawnictwo Aka-
  them in a manner adjusted to the stage of their de-                   demickie „Żak”, Warszawa 2003.
  velopment and their maturity,                                     10. Urban B., Stanik J.M. (red.); Resocjalizacja. Teoria
- acquiring knowledge concerning the essence of pa-                     i praktyka pedagogiczna. T.1. Wydawnictwo Nau-
  rental attitudes, family educational models, as well                  kowe PWN. Warszawa 2008.
  as unification of attitudes and values preferred by
  parents, aiming at education of the child,
                                                                    Correspondence address:
- formation and self-control of proper parental atti-
                                                                    dr Maria Panasiuk prof. WSSP
  tudes based on self-experience, acquired knowl-
                                                                    Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno - Przyrodnicza
  edge and drawing thorough conclusions as well as
                                                                    w Lublinie, ul. Choiny 2
  on compromises in cooperation of marital-parental
  systems in this respect,
- control over parental ambitions, flexible adjustment
  of parental visions of the child’s future to the child’s
  individual abilities as far as his general develop-
  ment, intellect and emotions are concerned,
- development of substantive and practical methods
  of coping with stress, difficulties and failures as well
  as aggressive and pathological behaviour.

       Generally, the understanding of prophylaxis
concerning educational influence on children and ad-
olescents raises serious concerns; hence, the practical
approach to this issue is viewed as inadequate, non-sys-
temic and ineffective. Institutionalized actions in this
respect are of fragmentary character and are undertak-
en sporadically, which suggest absence of complex con-
cepts and plans from the competent institutions.
       Multispecialty and multidirectional assistance to
family – the child’s developmental and educational en-
vironment – in self-diagnosis of its functioning, should
be a priority for many specialist centers on the national

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4. Rybczyńska D. (Red.); Ciągłość i zmiana w obszarze
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Arch Physiother Glob Res 2014; 18 (3): 27-32
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