The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings

The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
About eu.bac
eu.bac is the European Building Automation and Controls Association
and represents the European manufacturers for Home and Building
Automation and Energy Service Companies.

Our vision: "A world where energy-efficiency and sustainability in every
building is achieved through the optimal application of home and
building controls, automation systems and services."

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
eu.bac members

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
eu.bac is structured in three sectors
             HOMES                  BUILDING AUTOMATION                        eu.ESCO

"A world where every home has   "A world where energy-             "A world where Energy
appropriately controlled and    efficiency and sustainability in   Performance Contracting is
balanced heating, cooling,      every building is achieved         recognised by public authorities
ventilation and hot water       through the optimal application    as one of the key tools for
systems."                       of building controls, automation   energy efficiency in buildings."
                                systems and services."

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
The eu.bac association
Targets                                                                             Facts
      Promotion of Home Controls and Building Automation technologies                   Foundation: Brussels, 2013

      Quality assurance: Testing – Certification – Labelling
                                                                                        Volume BACS market: 4.6 billion € (2016)
      Positioning of Energy Performance Contracting

      Proactive support: CEN/ISO standardisation and archievment of EU directives       85 % of the European BACS

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
Proactive fulfilment of European directives
                  Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)

                  Calculation methods of energy savings
                  −EN 15232: Energy Performance of Buildings – Impact oft Building Automation

                  Fulfilment of EU directives and nationale regulations
                  −Implementation of certification and test method
  Labelling       −Provision of certification system for national regulations

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings

  Bundling of technical   Providing information to    European platform of    Representation of the      Statistical surveys,
      know-how            − Member companies         Home Control and BAC    European Home Controls   market research and case
                          − Business                   system and service      and BACS industries    studies, as well as other
                          − Policy makers                   providers                                 services for industry and
                          − Research                                                                        policy makers

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
Presidency – Board
President                                     Seeded Board members (Head of Working Groups)
− Dan Napar              Siemens              Advocacy Working Group: Stefan Kolb, Danfoss
Vice Presidents                               Technical Working Group: Martin Zährl, Siemens BT
− Alfred Freitag         BELIMO               Business Development Group: Klaus Wächter, Siemens BT
− Jörgen Malmborg        Schneider Electric
− Peter Schoenenberger   Sauter
− Heiz-Eckard Beele      IMI Hydronics
− Nils Meinert           Johnson Controls
− Jan Schoemaker         Danfos

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
Intelligent integration of services
− eu.bac promotes the utilisation of integrated and
  intelligent systems at the European level
− The integration of services offers new opportunities
  for energy efficiency in renovation and new
− eu.bac members create new jobs in Europa within
  their growing markets

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The New Dimension of Energy-Efficient Homes and Buildings
Energy saving potentials
BACS can reduce thermal and electrical energy
consumption* up to
− 26% in educational institutions and hospitals
− 27% in residential buildings
− 41% in hotels and restaurants
− 49% in wholesale and retail buildings
− 52% in offices and lecture halls

*High energy efficiency (Class A) compared to standard equipment (Reference Class C)
EN 15232 – Impact of BACS and TBM on energy performance pf buildings

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Successfully introduced – Quality Management System

               GOAL                           SOLUTIONS               The eu.bac Cert logo guarantees
                                   − Calculation methods              − Conformity with standards and
     Certification of innovative                                        regulations
    products that enable higher    − Qualification of testing
                                     laboratories and certification   − Excellent quality
         energy efficiency.
                                                                      − Higher energy savings
                                   − Implementation of a European
                                     certification system

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The Certification System
             eu.bac Cert
             − Promotes the best available technology for system designs and
               efficiency of components
             − Shows the consequences in terms of comfort and energy efficiency
             − Enables calculation of the best affordable technology

             eu.bac Cert Partners
             − Certification bodies

             − Test laboratories

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Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)

                                             eu.bac developed procedures to determine EPC potential
                      eu.bac promotes
     The EU              EPC as the
  Commission          solution for more
demands energy        energy efficiency
services activities                       − eu.bac has founded the European Association of
                          in existing
                                            Energy Services Companies (eu.ESCO)
                                          − Additional potentials for energy savings on national
                                            and EU-level are enabled by EPC
                                          − Public authorities archieve sustainable development
                                            and environment goals

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What EPC can achieve
                         EPC is the key to cost-efficient energy efficiency in existing public buildings
                                                                  Additional savings of
                                                                  energy price increase

                                                                                                              Best practises
Energy and Operational Costs

                                                                                                              Austria      3,000 federal properties
                                          Guaranteed savings
                                                                              savings                         USA          $1.9 billion was invested in federal facilities
                                                                                                              Sweden       Nyköping Community
                                                                                                              UK           Royal Gwent Hospital
                                                 Reduced costs due
                                               to performance-based                                                        IBM
                                                                                                              Germany      City of Berlin

                                                                                               Time (years)
                Start of positive         Duration of programme             Customer to
              environmental impact                                        retain all savings
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New perspectives in residential automation
The European Commission expects annual energy savings of 15% in residential housing starting in
− eu.bac promotes the standardisation of components and systems for home automation
− eu.bac guarantees the conformity of certified products with national standards and European

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− eu.bac
  BluePoint Building
  Boulevard A. Reyers, 80
  B – 1030 Brussels

− Phone: +32 2 706 82 02
  Fax:    +32 2 706 82 10

−   Managing Director                 Dr. Peter Hug
−   Dep. Managing Director            Thomas Müller
−   Director Governmental Relations   Simone Alessandri
−   Director Residential Controls     Colin Timmins
−   Assistance                        Bakhtawar Butt

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