Page created by Kathleen Pena
CONTENTS.                                                                               THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN.
                                                                                        The new MINI Countryman is a versatile, five-seater Sport Activity Vehicle. As big as it feels on the inside, the new Countryman is still a MINI through
Select a topic below to explore.                                                        and through. Gliding through the city, coasting through the mountains – it's all effortless. It's just under 4.3 metres long, which means it has some serious
                                                                                        luggage capacity in addition to ample legroom.
Introducing the new MINI Countryman
                                                                                        New design features include changes to the front and rear bumper and to the front grille. The new MINI Countryman also comes equipped with a higher
                                                                                        level of standard equipment than ever: Fully digital display cockpit, Navigation with 8.8" screen, LED headlights and rear lights… and more.
Standard Equipment – All models                                                         Some exciting new options are also available, including new exterior colours, alloy wheels, upholsteries, and interior surfaces. The optional Piano Black
Standard Equipment – Classic / Sport / Exclusive                                        Exterior now comes with extended contents, and the optional ALL4 Exterior Optic Pack is featuring a new look. With powerful engines and optional ALL4
                                                                                        all-wheel-drive, it tackles even the trickiest terrain with ease. So what are you waiting for? The world won't explore itself.
Standard Equipment – The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid
Standard Equipment – The new MINI Countryman John Cooper Works 306hp
Exterior Colours and Exterior Design                                                       STANDARD EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS.
Upholsteries and Interior Design                                                           EXTERIOR:                                               ENTERTAINMENT AND COMMUNICATION:                        TECHNOLOGY:
Alloy Wheels                                                                               – LED headlights in new design                          – Navigation Pack, including:                           – Fully digital display cockpit
                                                                                           – LED rear lights in new design                           – MINI Navigation system with 8.8" display               (5" digital instrument cluster integrated
Packs                                                                                      – LED fog lights                                          – Real Time Traffic Information (RTTI)                   into a larger display set behind the
Optional Extras                                                                            – Roof rails in silver                                    – Apple CarPlay                                          steering wheel)
                                                                                           INTERIOR:                                                 – Remote Services                                     – Rear Park Distance Control
MINI Pay Monthly Servicing and Trackstar                                                                                                             –C onnectedDrive Services (including Online          – Rain sensor and automatic headlight
                                                                                           – Interior lights pack
                                                                                                                                                       Search and Weather Information)                        activation
Charging Solutions                                                                         – MINI Excitement Pack (including MINI
                                                                                                                                                     – Intelligent emergency calling (E-call)              – Cruise control with brake function
                                                                                              logo projection, illuminated door handles
Technical Data                                                                                                                                     – DAB digital tuner
                                                                                              and LED mood lighting)
MINI Select Finance                                                                        – Multi-function controls for steering wheel                                           For more information about full standard equipment, please click here.
Sensible reasons to choose a MINI

          Wherever you see this icon, a simple
          click will return you to this page.                                            LED rear lights in new design (shown with Piano            Digital display cockpit                                 MINI Navigation system with 8.8" screen
                                                                                         Black bezels, as part of optional Piano Black Exterior)

                                                                                        CHOOSE YOUR PERFORMANCE.
           Click here to configure your
           new MINI Countryman.
                                                       Best viewed in landscape mode.
                                                                                        The 1.5-l 3-cylinder petrol engine                         Better, faster, stronger: With a 2.0-l 4-cylinder       The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid
                                                                                        (136 hp/100 kW) offers a handy blend of                    petrol engine (178 hp/131 kW), the Cooper S             features a clever combination: A 1.5-l 3-cylinder
                                                                                        power and economy. It comes with a                         packs the biggest punch. Hallmarks include the          petrol engine (125 hp/92 kW) at the front with an
           Click here to book your test drive.                                          Chrome-plated exhaust tailpipe.                            red S at the rear, side scuttles, the radiator grille   95-hp/70-kW e-motor at the rear axle. The new
                                                                                                                                                   with honeycomb structure and Chrome border              MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid is instantly
                                                                                                                                                   and the twin Chrome-plated exhaust tailpipes            recognisable via the yellow MINI Plug-in Hybrid
                                                                                                                                                   (right and left).                                       logo on the side scuttles and at the rear.
THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN.                                                                                            BIK tax rate                                                                    OTR
                                                                                                         CO2        2020-2021           Basic                                         P11d          price      Insurance
 Style                  Model                                                     Transmission         (g/km)†         from             price           VAT            RRP            value         from         Rating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           VED RATES                                                                                                                PRICES AND SPECIFICATIONS
                        MINI Countryman Cooper                                    Manual              151-143           31%          £19,750.00      £3,950.00      £23,700.00      £24,225       £24,495            17E   Annual VED (second year onwards) includes an additional rate of £325 for cars costing over                               MINI UK reserves the right to alter prices and specifications without notice.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           £40,000 which is payable for five years. VED rates for brand new cars are determined by their                            MINI UK has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of information but does
                        MINI Countryman Cooper                                    Automatic           152-144           31%          £21,083.33      £4,216.67      £25,300.00      £25,825       £26,095            18E   CO2 emissions figures. First year VED applies to the first year of ownership. Annual VED rates                           not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           apply thereafter.
                        MINI Countryman Cooper ALL4                               Automatic           165-157           34%          £22,583.33      £4,516.67      £27,100.00      £27,625       £28,220            18E   The new MINI Countryman models are all RDE2 Compliant and fall into one of the categories
    CLASSIC             MINI Countryman Cooper S                                  Manual              157-152           33%          £21,833.33      £4,366.67      £26,200.00      £26,725       £27,320            24E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           listed below:                                                                                                            ON THE ROAD PRICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The recommended On The Road price is based on the Recommended
                        MINI Countryman Cooper S                                  Automatic           151-147           32%          £23,166.67      £4,633.33      £27,800.00      £28,325       £28,595            24E   Petrol                                                                                                                   Retail Price (RRP) and On The Road charges. OTR charges include:

                        MINI Countryman Cooper S ALL4                             Automatic           164-159           34%          £24,833.33      £4,966.67      £29,800.00      £30,325       £30,920            25E   CO2 emissions (g/km)                                  131-150              151-170             171-190                   Delivery and MINI Emergency Service                £500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Number plates                                       £25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           First year VED                                          £215                £540                 £870
                        MINI Countryman PHEV Cooper S E ALL4                      Automatic            42-39††          12%          £27,166.67      £5,433.33      £32,600.00      £33,125       £33,180            26E                                                                                                                            Vehicle first registration fee                      £55
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annual VED – second year onwards                                                                                         Vehicle Excise Duty                              See left
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   £150                £150                 £150
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (standard rate)
                        MINI Countryman Cooper                                    Manual              150-143           31%          £22,333.33      £4,466.67      £26,800.00      £27,325       £27,595            18E   Annual VED – second year onwards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   £475                £475                 £475
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (vehicles over £40,000)
                        MINI Countryman Cooper                                    Automatic           151-144           31%          £23,666.67      £4,733.33      £28,400.00      £28,925       £29,195            18E

                        MINI Countryman Cooper ALL4                               Automatic           166-158           34%          £25,166.67      £5,033.33      £30,200.00      £30,725       £31,320            18E   Plug-in Hybrid
      SPORT             MINI Countryman Cooper S                                  Manual              157-151           33%          £23,750.00      £4,750.00      £28,500.00      £29,025       £29,620            25E   CO2 emissions (g/km)                                                                               1-50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           First year VED                                                                                      £0*
                        MINI Countryman Cooper S                                  Automatic           152-147           32%          £25,250.00      £5,050.00      £30,300.00      £30,825       £31,095            25E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annual VED – second year onwards (standard rate)                                                  £140*
                        MINI Countryman Cooper S ALL4                             Automatic           164-159           34%          £26,750.00      £5,350.00      £32,100.00      £32,625       £33,220            26E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annual VED – second year onwards (vehicles over £40,000)                                          £465*
                        MINI Countryman PHEV Cooper S E ALL4                      Automatic            42-40††          12%          £29,083.33      £5,816.67      £34,900.00      £35,425       £35,480            26E

                        MINI Countryman Cooper                                    Manual              152-143           31%          £22,333.33      £4,466.67      £26,800.00      £27,325       £27,595            18E

                        MINI Countryman Cooper                                    Automatic           153-144           31%          £23,666.67      £4,733.33      £28,400.00      £28,925       £29,195            18E

                        MINI Countryman Cooper ALL4                               Automatic           167-158           34%          £25,166.67      £5,033.33      £30,200.00      £30,725       £31,320            18E

  EXCLUSIVE             MINI Countryman Cooper S                                  Manual              158-152           33%          £23,750.00      £4,750.00      £28,500.00      £29,025       £29,620            25E

                        MINI Countryman Cooper S                                  Automatic           153-147           32%          £25,250.00      £5,050.00      £30,300.00      £30,825       £31,095            25E

                        MINI Countryman Cooper S ALL4                             Automatic           165-159           34%          £26,750.00      £5,350.00      £32,100.00      £32,625       £33,220            26E

                        MINI Countryman PHEV Cooper S E ALL4                      Automatic            43-40††          12%          £29,083.33      £5,816.67      £34,900.00      £35,425       £35,480            26E

                        MINI Countryman John Cooper Works 306hp                   Automatic           188-174           37%          £30,166.67      £6,033.33      £36,200.00      £36,725       £37,650            33E

 † Figures shown are for comparability purposes; only compare fuel consumption and CO2 figures with other cars tested to the same technical procedures. These figures may not reflect real life driving results,
    which will depend upon a number of factors including the starting charge of the battery, accessories fitted (post-registration), variations in weather, driving styles and vehicle load. The CO2 figures shown
    above have been determined according to the WLTP test. WLTP has been used as the applicable CO2 figure from 1 April 2020 for first year vehicle tax (VED) and from 6 April 2020 for company car tax (BIK).
    The CO2 figures were previously based on the NEDC equivalent.
†† CO2 figures were obtained using a combination of battery power and fuel, CO2 figures shown correspond to weighted combined figures. The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid is a plug-in hybrid vehicle
    requiring mains electricity for charging.                                                                                                                                                                              * 	R ates for alternative fuel vehicles including the new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid with CO2 emissions of 43-39 g/km.

SAFETY:                                                 – Performance Control (improving cornering           – Radiator grille with chrome border and               adjustment
– Alarm System (including tilt sensor, monitoring         agility by reducing under-steer) on Cooper S /        honeycomb structure in matt black (including S     – Passenger seat height adjustment
   of doors, bonnet interior and tailgate)                 ALL4 / PHEV and John Cooper Works 306hp               badge) on Cooper S / ALL4 / PHEV variants          – Carbon Black Colour Line
– Airbags (six – front, side, head and seat belt          variants                                           – Side scuttle in black with integrated white
   tensioners)                                          – MINI Driving Modes (centre toggle switch to           indicator on Cooper / ALL4 variants
– 3-point seats belts on all seats                         control driving mode settings – Sport, Mid,        – Side scuttle, chrome plated, with integrated       TECHNOLOGY:
– Rear ISOFIX child seat attachment                        Green) on Cooper S / ALL4 / PHEV and John             white indicator and S badge on Cooper S / ALL4     – Navigation Pack, including:
– Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)                           Cooper Works 306hp variants                           / PHEV variants                                       – MINI Navigation system with 8.8" display
– Dynamic Stability Control (DSC)                                                                             – Single exhaust tailpipe, left, with chrome            – Real Time Traffic Information (RTTI)
– Dynamic brake lights                                                                                           finisher on Cooper / ALL4 and PHEV variants           – Apple CarPlay
– 2-tone horn                                           EXTERIOR:                                             – Twin exhaust tailpipes with chrome finisher on        – Remote Services
– Tyre Pressure Monitoring System                       – Roof and mirror caps in body colour                    Cooper S / ALL4 and John Cooper Works 306hp           – ConnectedDrive Services (including Online
– Electronic vehicle immobiliser                        – LED headlights and rear lights                         variants                                                 Search and Weather Information)
– Front and rear disk brakes                            – LED fog lights                                                                                            – Digital display cockpit (5" digital instrument
– Locking Wheel Bolts                                   – White indicator lenses                                                                                       cluster integrated into a larger display set
– Dead-Locking Function                                 – Split rear doors                                    INTERIOR:                                                behind the steering wheel)
– Auto Drive away Locking                               – Engine designation on the right-hand side of the   – Sun visor with vanity mirrors                       – Day-time driving lights
– Intelligent emergency calling (MINI E-call)             tailgate                                           – Chrome highlights                                   – Rain sensor with automatic headlight activation
   (automatic emergency rescue call in the event of     – Fuel filler cap in body colour                      – Door sill finishers (metal with 'Cooper S' for     – Start-stop toggle including key-less go
   collision, vehicle location and severity of impact   – Rear fog light                                         Cooper S variants)                                 – Cruise control with brake function
   also transmitted when necessary, manual              – Rear window wiper                                   – Mechanical seat adjustment                          – Multi-function controls for steering wheel
   activation by driver also available)                 – Heated windscreen washer jets                       – Folding rear seats (40:20:40)                       – Manual air conditioning
– Electronic handbrake                                  – MINI Excitement Pack (including MINI logo          – Steering column adjustment (height and length)      – Heated rear window
– Active Guard (Automatic Emergency Braking)               projection, illuminated door handles and LED       – Sun and heat protection glass                       – Electric windows
                                                           mood lighting)                                     – 12v socket in centre console                        – On-board computer
                                                        – Roof rails in silver                                – Cup holders                                         – DAB digital tuner
PERFORMANCE:                                            – Model designation ‘COUNTRYMAN’ in                  – Glove compartment                                   – MINI Teleservices (the vehicle transmits service
– MINI Twin Power Turbo                                    individual letters centred on the tailgate         – Door storage compartments                              requirements to the preferred MINI Service
– Fully variable valve control (Valvetronic)            – Door handles, chrome-plated                         – Luggage compartment lashing eyes, four                 Partner)
– Double VANOS                                          – Chrome bezels around headlights and rear lights     – Tool kit                                            – Bluetooth with audio streaming for compatible
– High precision injection                                                                                    – Instrument cluster                                     mobile phones
– Automatic start/stop function, including brake       Engine-dependent content:                             – Speakers, six                                       – Rear Parking Distance Control
   energy recuperation                                  – Engine scoop in body colour on Cooper S /          – Interior lights pack with 12 basic colours and
– Electro-mechanical steering with speed-                 ALL4 and John Cooper Works 306hp variants             over 700 shades of those colours (selectable via
   dependent steering assistance                        – Fuel filler cap in chrome on Cooper S / ALL4          toggle switch in roof)
                                                           variants                                           – LED reading lights, vanity mirror lights, front
Engine-dependent content:                               – ALL4 logo on the lower right of the front doors       footwell lights, spotlights on front seats
– 6-speed manual transmission (including                  on ALL4 variants                                   – Mechanical seat adjustment, forward/back and
   gear-change indicator display) on Cooper and         – Radiator grille with chrome border and three          backrest for front seats, driver seat height                                                             Model shown: The new MINI Countryman Cooper S ALL4 Exclusive with optional
   Cooper S variants                                       slats in high-gloss black on Cooper / ALL4                                                                                                                     Sage Green metallic exterior paint, roof and mirror caps in black, bonnet stripes in
– Automatic transmission on all ALL4 variants              variants                                                                                                                                                       black, Piano Black Exterior, ALL4 Exterior Optic Pack and 19" Turnstile Spoke alloy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          wheels in two-tone.
Click here to configure your
STANDARD EQUIPMENT.                                                                                                                                                            new MINI Countryman.

  CLASSIC.            The Classic style comes with an extensive list
                      of standard specifications, such as:
                                                                                              – Standard seats in cloth on Cooper / ALL4 /
                      EXTERIOR:                                                                  S E ALL4 PHEV
                      – 16" alloy wheels on Cooper / ALL4                                     – Sport seats in cloth on Cooper S / S ALL4
                                                                                              – Sport leather steering wheel on all variants
                      – 17" alloy wheels on Cooper S / S ALL4 / S E ALL4 PHEV
                                                                                              – Hazy Grey interior trim on Cooper / ALL4
                                                                                              – Piano Black interior trim on Cooper S / S ALL4 / S E ALL4 PHEV
                                                                                              – Satellite Grey headlining on all variants

                      The exterior image shown features optional roof and mirror caps
                      in black (no additional cost).

  SPORT.              The Sport style is distinctly sporty. It includes some exclusive
                      John Cooper Works interior and exterior equipment such as:
                                                                                              – John Cooper Works sport seats
                      EXTERIOR:                                                               – John Cooper Works sport leather steering wheel
                      – Upgraded 18" John Cooper Works alloy wheels                           – John Cooper Works Piano Black interior trim
                      – John Cooper Works aerodynamic kit                                     – John Cooper Works door sill finishers
                                                                                              – Anthracite headlining
                      – John Cooper Works spoiler
                                                                                              – Performance Control (already standard on Cooper S / S ALL4 / S E ALL4 PHEV)
                                                                                              – MINI Driving Modes (already standard on Cooper S / S ALL4 / S E ALL4 PHEV)

                      The exterior image shown features optional exterior colour and
                      roof and mirror caps in black.

  EXCLUSIVE.          The Exclusive style prizes individuality and a more refined style. It
                      includes some exclusive MINI Yours interior and exterior features
                                                                                              – MINI Yours leather steering wheel
                      and upgraded equipment such as:
                                                                                              – MINI Yours leather sport seats
                      EXTERIOR:                                                               – MINI Yours interior style
                      – Exclusive 18" alloy wheels                                            – MINI Yours gearstick with exclusive stitching*
                                                                                              – Chrome Line Interior
                                                                                              – Satellite Grey headlining

                      The exterior image shown features optional exterior colour and          *Not with Cooper S models with sport automatic transmission (2TC/2TB)
                      roof and mirror caps in black.                                            which include red stitching on the gearstick.
The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid combines an electric motor and battery with a conventional
                                                                                                                             petrol engine to offer drivers the best of both worlds with a total output of 220 hp enabling thrilling                                                 1
                                                                                                                             acceleration from 0 to 62 mph in 6.8 seconds. The e-motor backs up the petrol engine via the boost
STANDARD EQUIPMENT.                                                                       Click here to configure your new
                                                                                          MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid.
                                                                                                                             function and enables electric all-wheel-drive. New standard features include eDrive Services (with
                                                                                                                             the ability to initiate charging, monitor charging status and locate public charging stations), MINI
THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN PLUG-IN HYBRID.                                                                                      Navigation system with 8.8" screen 1 as well as a fully digital display cockpit 2 . AC home and AC
                                                                                                                             public charging cables are also available as standard. The battery can be charged both during the
                                                                                                                             journey and externally using the supplied cables 3 .

                                                                                                                                   STANDARD EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS.
                                                                                                                                   (In addition to the new MINI Countryman Cooper S standard equipment)
                                                                                                                                   – Automatic transmission                                               – Performance Control
                                                                                                                                   – High voltage battery and electric motor                               – Chargeable battery during driving
                                                                                                                                   – AC charging (charging flap on front left lower A-panel)              – eDrive button (change the powertrain preference to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             AUTO eDRIVE, MAX eDRIVE or SAVE BATTERY)
                                                                                                                                   – AC home (occasional 3-pin plug) charging
                                                                                                                                      cable (type 2 – 2.3 kW)                                              – eDrive Services (ability to initiate charging, monitor
                                                                                                                                                                                                             charging status and locate public charging stations)
                                                                                                                                   – AC public charging cable (type 2 – 3.7 kW)
                                                                                                                                   – Acoustic pedestrian protection (external driving                     – MINI Driving Modes (centre toggle switch to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             control driving mode settings: Sport, Mid, Green; allows
                                                                                                                                      noise generated when driving at speeds less than
                                                                                                                                      30 mph in pure electric mode to aid pedestrian safety)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             adaption to different driving situations and ensures a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             high driving efficiency and the optimal electric range)
                                                                                                                                   – ALL4 Electric (rear axle powered by electric motor                   –P
                                                                                                                                                                                                             reconditioning (remotely heat or cool the vehicle
                                                                                                                                      and front axle powered by combustion engine)
                                                                                                                                                                                                            prior to departure through the MINI Connected app)

                                                                                                                                   The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid is available in Classic, Sport or Exclusive style, for more
                                                                                                                                   information about the equipment standard with each style please click here.

                                                                                                                                   Petrol engine                        Electric motor                       Combined
                                                                                                                                   – Max. output: 125 hp                – Max. output: 95 hp                 – System output: 220 hp                   – 0–62 mph:
                                                                                                                                   – Max. torque: 220 Nm                – Max. torque: 165 Nm                – System torque: 385 Nm                   6.8 seconds
                                                                                                                                   – Battery type: Lithium-Ion                                               – Net battery content (high voltage): 8.8 kWh
                                                                                                                                   – Gross battery content (high voltage): 10 kWh                            – Battery capacity (high voltage): 34 Ah
                                                                                                                                   RANGE AND CONSUMPTION1:
                                                                                                                                   – All Electric Range: 28.0 – 29.8 miles                                   – Electric energy consumption (weighted
                                                                                                                                   – Equivalent All Electric Range: 29.2 – 31.7 miles                          combined): 4.0 – 4.2 miles/kWh
                                                                                                                                   – Fuel consumption (weighted combined):                                     (15.4 – 14.8 kWh/100 km)                                             3
                                                                                                                                      148.7 – 166.2 mpg (1.9 – 1.7 l/100 km)                                 – CO2 emissions (weighted combined):
                                                                                                                                   CHARGING2:                                                                  43 – 39 g/km

                                                                                                                                     Home charging (AC)
                                                                                                                                     With occasional home charging cable (3-pin plug)                                    2.3 kW              3 hours 48 minutes
                                                                                                                                     With Homecharge unit                                                                3.7 kW              2 hours 24 minutes4, 5
                                                                                                                                     Public charging (AC)
                                                                                                                                     With AC public charging                                                             3.7 kW              2 hours 24 minutes

Model shown: The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid Classic with optional White Silver exterior paint,                         These figures were obtained using a combination of battery power and fuel. The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid is a plug-in hybrid vehicle

                                                                                                                             requiring mains electricity for charging. Figures shown are for comparability purposes. Only compare fuel consumption, CO2 and electric range figures
roof and mirror caps in black, 18" Pin Spoke alloy wheels in black, Piano Black Exterior, roof rails in black,               with other cars tested to the same technical procedures. These figures may not reflect real life driving results, which will depend upon a number of
                                                                                                                             factors including the starting charge of the battery, accessories fitted (post-registration), variations in weather, driving styles and vehicle load.
darkened rear glass and Adaptive LED headlights.                                                                             The CO2 figures have been determined according to the WLTP test. 2 Charging time corresponds to an 80% charge. Charging times are approximate
                                                                                                                             and may vary depending on various factors such as the type and condition of the charger and the temperature of the battery at the point of use.
                                                                                                                               A 100% charge is achieved in 5 hours. 4 A 100% charge is achieved in 3 hours 12 minutes. 5 Charging time applies to any 3.7 kW Homecharge unit.
The new MINI Countryman John Cooper Works 306hp is back with more exciting features than ever. As the ultimate Sport Activity Vehicle,
                                                                                                                          the new MINI Countryman John Cooper Works 306hp blends exceptional capability with inspired driving wherever it goes. New design
                                                                                     Click here to configure your
STANDARD EQUIPMENT.                                                                  new MINI Countryman
                                                                                                                          features include changes to the front grille and the LED headlights and rear lights. Piano Black Exterior comes as standard with the new
                                                                                                                          MINI Countryman John Cooper Works 306hp and includes extended contents. The standard ALL4 all-wheel-drive provides exciting off-road
THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN JOHN COOPER WORKS 306HP.                                     John Cooper Works 306hp.             abilities to go with its powerful forward thrust and extreme traction – just in case you find yourself off paved roads and really want to hit
                                                                                                                          the accelerator.

                                                                                                                          STANDARD EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS.
                                                                                                                          (In addition to non John Cooper Works models standard equipment)

                                                                                                                          EXTERIOR:                                                                                                INTERIOR:
                                                                                                                          – 18" John Cooper Works Grip Spoke alloy wheels in black                                                – John Cooper Works sport seats upholstered with Dinamica/leather
                                                                                                                          – Piano Black Exterior with extended contents (including headlights                                        in Carbon Black
                                                                                                                             and rear lights surrounds, front grille frame, model designation                                      – John Cooper Works sport leather steering wheel with multi-
                                                                                                                             and door handles in Piano Black)                                                                         function controls
                                                                                                                          – Sport Suspension                                                                                      – John Cooper Works Piano Black interior trim
                                                                                                                          – John Cooper Works aerodynamic kit                                                                     – Rubberised stainless steel pedals
                                                                                                                          – John Cooper Works sport exhaust                                                                       – Anthracite headlining
                                                                                                                          – John Cooper Works spoiler                                                                             – John Cooper Works door sill finishers
                                                                                                                          – 17" Sport Brake discs with 4-piston callipers                                                         – MINI Driving Modes (Sport, Mid, Green)
                                                                                                                          – Red brake callipers with John Cooper Works logo                                                       – Performance Control
                                                                                                                          – ALL4 all-wheel-drive system                                                                           – Cruise control with brake function
                                                                                                                          – Torsen mechanical differential                                                                         – Sport automatic transmission
                                                                                                                          – Side scuttle with John Cooper Works logo in high-gloss black with                                     – Comfort Plus Pack
                                                                                                                             Chilli Red border                                                                                     – Comfort Access System (keyless vehicle access)

Model shown: The new MINI Countryman John Cooper Works 306hp with optional                                                           18" John Cooper Works                                                     John Cooper Works sport                           John Cooper Works Piano
Rebel Green exterior colour, roof and mirror caps in red, John Cooper Works sport                                                    Grip Spoke alloy wheels                                                   seats with Dinamica / leather                     Black interior trim
stripes in red, black roof rails, 19" John Cooper Works Circuit Spoke alloy wheels                                                   in black                                                                  upholstery in Carbon Black*
and Adaptive LED headlights.
                                                                                                                    †For more details about the Comfort Plus Pack, please click here.   * Seats include lumbar support.

                                                                    CLASSIC                            SPORT                             EXCLUSIVE                  JOHN                                                                                              CLASSIC                            SPORT                             EXCLUSIVE                  JOHN
                                                          COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER      COOPER S   COOPER S E
                                                                                                                                                                   COOPER                                                                                   COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER      COOPER S   COOPER S E
                                                           / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4      / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV    WORKS                                                                                     / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4      / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV    WORKS
 Exterior colours                               Code                                                                                                                        Exterior design                                                          Code

 Moonwalk Grey (metallic)                       B71         £0         £0         £0           £0        £0         £0           £0          £0         £0           £0     Bonnet stripes in white                                                  327    £150       £150        £150        £150      £150        £150        £150        £150        £150          -

                                                                                                                                                                            Bonnet stripes in black                                                  329    £150       £150        £150        £150      £150        £150        £150        £150        £150          -
 White Silver (metallic)                        A62       £595       £595        £595        £595      £595        £595        £595        £595        £595         £595
 Not with roof in body colour (3AB)

                                                                                                                                                                            Bonnet stripes in silver                                                 3AK       -          -           -           -         -           -        £150        £150        £150          -
 Thunder Grey (metallic)                        B58          -       £595        £595           -      £595        £595           -        £595        £595         £595

                                                                                                                                                                            John Cooper Works sport stripes in black                                 3A7       -          -           -           -         -           -           -           -           -         £200

 Midnight Black (metallic)                      A94       £595       £595        £595        £595      £595        £595        £595        £595        £595         £595
 Not with roof and mirror caps in black (383)
                                                                                                                                                                            John Cooper Works sport stripes in red                                   3A8       -          -           -           -         -           -           -           -           -         £200
                                                                                                                                                                            Not with Chili Red exterior colour (851)

 Island Blue (metallic)                         C2M       £595       £595        £595        £595      £595        £595        £595        £595        £595         £595

                                                                                                                                                                            Roof in body colour                                                      3AB     std        std         std         std       std         std         std         std         std         std
                                                                                                                                                                            Not with White Silver exterior colour (A62)

 British Racing Green IV (metallic)             C3B       £595       £595        £595        £595      £595        £595        £595        £595        £595         £595
                                                                                                                                                                            Roof and mirror caps in white                                            382      £0         £0         £0           £0        £0         £0           £0          £0         £0           £0

 Chili Red (solid)                              851       £595       £595        £595        £595      £595        £595        £595        £595        £595         £595
                                                                                                                                                                            Roof and mirror caps in black                                            383      £0         £0         £0           £0        £0         £0           £0          £0         £0           £0
                                                                                                                                                                            Not with Midnight Black exterior colour (A94)

 Sage Green (metallic)                          C4L       £795       £795        £795        £795      £795        £795        £795        £795        £795         £795
                                                                                                                                                                            Roof and mirror caps in silver                                           3AF       -          -           -           -         -           -          £0          £0         £0           -

 MINI Yours Enigmatic Black (metallic)          C3Y       £795       £795        £795        £795      £795        £795        £795        £795        £795         £795    Roof and mirror caps in red                                              3A3       -          -           -           -         -           -           -           -           -          £0
                                                                                                                                                                            Not with Chili Red exterior colour (851)

 Rebel Green (solid)                            C19          -          -           -           -         -           -           -           -           -         £795    Piano Black Exterior                                                     ZL2    £650       £650        £650        £650      £650        £650        £650        £650        £650         std
                                                                                                                                                                            Now comes with extended contents including headlights and rear
                                                                                                                                                                            lights surrounds, front grille frame, side scuttle (only on Cooper S /
                                                                                                                                                                            S ALL4 variants), model designation and door handles in Piano Black
                                                                                                                                                                            Includes Comfort Access System (322)

Key std Standard £ Optionally available – Not available

                                                                    CLASSIC                            SPORT                                    EXCLUSIVE                        JOHN                                                                        CLASSIC                            SPORT                             EXCLUSIVE                  JOHN
                                                          COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E          COOPER        COOPER S     COOPER S E
                                                                                                                                                                                COOPER                                                             COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER      COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER
                                                           / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV            / ALL4        / ALL4      ALL4 PHEV      WORKS                                                               / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4      / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV
 Upholsteries                                    Code                                                                                                                                           Interior design                             Code

 Firework cloth in Carbon Black                  BGE1      std          -         std           -         -           -                  -             -             -               -          Chrome Line Interior                        345    £130       £130        £130           -         -           -         std         std         std          -
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line and
 standard seats

 Double Stripe cloth in                          BZE1        -        std           -           -         -           -                  -             -             -               -
                                                                                                                                                                                                Hazy Grey interior trim                     4EP     std          -           -           -         -           -           -           -           -          -
 Carbon Black
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line and
 sport seats

 Leatherette in Carbon Black                     K9E1     £1,500    £1,300      £1,300          -         -           -                  -             -             -               -
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line and                                                                                                                                                          Piano Black interior trim                   4BD    £160        std         std        £160         -           -           -           -           -          -
 sport seats

 Cross Punch leather* in                         NEE1        -          -           -        £500      £500        £500                  -             -             -               -
 Carbon Black
                                                                                                                                                                                                John Cooper Works Piano Black               4G9       -          -           -         std       std         std           -           -           -         std
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line,
 sport seats and lumbar support                                                                                                                                                                 interior trim

 Dinamica/cloth in                               DAE1        -          -           -         std       std         std                  -             -             -               -
 Carbon Black
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line and                                                                                                                                                          MINI Yours Piano Black illuminated          4GV       -          -           -           -         -           -         std         std         std         £250
 John Cooper Works sport seats                                                                                                                                                                  interior style

 Dinamica/leather in                             GSE1        -          -           -        £500      £500        £500                  -             -             -              std
 Carbon Black
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line, John
 Cooper Works sport seats and lumbar                                                                                                                                                            MINI Yours Shaded Silver interior           4FX       -          -           -           -         -           -          £0          £0         £0          £250
 support                                                                                                                                                                                        style

 MINI Yours Lounge leather in                    TYE1        -          -           -           -         -           -                std           std           std             £500
 Carbon Black
 Includes Carbon Black Colour Line,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Carbon Black Colour Line                    4C1     std        std         std         std       std         std         std         std         std         std
 sport seats and lumbar support
                                                                                                                                                                                                Not with Chester leather upholsteries in
                                                                                                                                                                                                Satellite Grey (NYGK), Indigo Blue (NYIB)
 Chester leather* in                             NYGK        -          -           -           -         -           -                 £0            £0            £0             £500         or Malt Brown (NYMJ)
 Satellite Grey
 Includes Satellite Grey Colour Line, sport
 seats and lumbar support

 Chester leather* in Indigo Blue                 NYIB        -          -           -           -         -           -                 £0            £0            £0             £500
 Includes Indigo Blue Colour Line, sport seats
 and lumbar support

 Chester leather* in Malt Brown                  NYMJ        -          -           -           -         -           -                 £0            £0            £0             £500
 Includes Malt Brown Colour Line, sport seats
 and lumbar support

Key std Standard £ Optionally available – Not available                                                                   * Some sections of the seat and interior feature synthetic leather.

                                                                    CLASSIC                            SPORT                             EXCLUSIVE                  JOHN                                                            CLASSIC                            SPORT                             EXCLUSIVE                  JOHN
                                                          COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER      COOPER S   COOPER S E
                                                                                                                                                                   COOPER                                                 COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER      COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER
                                                           / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4      / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV    WORKS                                                   / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4      / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV
 Alloy wheels                        Code                                                                                                                                   Alloy wheels (cont.)                  Code

 16" Revolite Spoke                  2EX                   std          -           -           -         -           -           -           -           -          -      18" John Cooper Works Grip Spoke in   2WN/       -          -           -          -          -           -           -           -           -         std
 Not with run-flat tyres                                                                                                                                                    black /
                                                                                                                                                                            18" John Cooper Works Grip Spoke in   2EM                                                                                                               £200
                                                                                                                                                                            black with run-flat tyres

 17" Imprint Spoke                   2QB                  £500        std         std           -         -           -           -           -           -          -      19" John Cooper Works                 1NP        -          -           -        £500      £500        £500          -            -           -         £500
 Not with run-flat tyres                                                                                                                                                    Circuit Spoke
                                                                                                                                                                            Not with run-flat tyres

 17" Channel Spoke in black          28T                  £600       £100        £100           -         -           -           -           -           -          -      18" Pair Spoke /                      2QE /      -          -           -          -          -           -         std         std         std          -
 Not with run-flat tyres                                                                                                                                                    18" Pair Spoke with run-flat tyres    20D                                                                          £200        £200        £200

 18" Pin Spoke in silver /           2QG /                £1,000     £500        £500           -         -           -           -           -           -          -      19" Turnstile Spoke in two-tone       27M        -          -           -          -          -           -        £500        £500        £500          -
 18" Pin Spoke in silver with        20F                  £1,200     £700        £700                                                                                       Not with run-flat tyres
 run-flat tyres

 18" Pin Spoke in black /            2QH /                £1,100     £600        £600           -         -           -           -           -           -          -      19" MINI Yours                        1V9        -          -           -          -          -           -        £500        £500        £500          -
 18" Pin Spoke in black with         20G                  £1,300     £800        £800                                                                                       British Spoke in two-tone
 run-flat tyres                                                                                                                                                             Not with run-flat tyres

 18" John Cooper Works               2WM/                    -          -           -         std       std         std           -           -           -          -
 Grip Spoke in silver /
 18" John Cooper Works               2EL                                                     £200      £200        £200
 Grip Spoke in silver with
 run-flat tyres

Key std Standard £ Optionally available – Not available

                                                                    CLASSIC                            SPORT                                  EXCLUSIVE                      JOHN                                                                                                               CLASSIC                            SPORT                             EXCLUSIVE                  JOHN
                                                          COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E        COOPER       COOPER S    COOPER S E
                                                                                                                                                                            COOPER                                                                                                COOPER         COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER    COOPER S   COOPER S E   COOPER      COOPER S   COOPER S E
                                                           / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV          / ALL4       / ALL4     ALL4 PHEV      WORKS                                                                                                  / ALL4         / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4    / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV     / ALL4      / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV    WORKS
 Packs                                           Code                                                                                                                                       Packs (cont.)                                   Code

 Comfort Pack                                    ZCM      £900       £900        £900        £900      £900        £900             £900         £900         £900               -          Navigation Plus Pack                            7GK                                  £1,300         £1,300      £1,300       £1,300    £1,300     £1,300       £1,300     £1,300      £1,300       £1,300
 Contains:                                                                                                                                                                                  Contains:
 – 534 Automatic air conditioning                                                                                                                                                           – 6UM Navigation System with
 – 494 Seat heating                                                                                                                                                                            8.8" display
 – 423 Floor mats                                                                                                                                                                           – 6CP Apple CarPlay
 – 493 Storage compartment pack                                                                                                                                                             – 6FP MINI Visual Boost Radio
 – 473 Front centre armrest                                                                                                                                                                 – 6NM MINI Connected*
 – 450 Passenger seat height adjustment                                                                                                                                                    – 6AK ConnectedDrive Services
 Not with Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)                                                                                                                                                              (including Online Search and
                                                                                                                                                                                               Weather Information)
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 6AM Real Time Traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                               Information (RTTI)
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 6AN Concierge Service
 Comfort Plus Pack                               ZCO      £1,600    £1,600      £1,600       £1,600    £1,600     £1,600           £1,600       £1,600        £1,600           std          – 6AP Remote Services
 Contains:                                                                                                                                                                                  – 6NT MINI Connected XL* with additional
 – All the contents of the Comfort Pack (ZMC)                                                                                                                                                 features including
 – 3AG Rear view camera                                                                                                                                                                        Amazon Alexa**
 – 430 Folding and auto-dimming mirrors                                                                                                                                                    – 6NW Enhanced Bluetooth with
 – 508 Front park distance control                                                                                                                                                             wireless charging
 – 5DP Parking Assistant                                                                                                                                                                    – 6AE Teleservices
 Not with Comfort Pack (ZCM)                                                                                                                                                                – 6AC Intelligent emergency calling (E-call)
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 6WB Digital display cockpit
                                                                                                                                                                                            Only with Comfort Pack (ZCM) /
                                                                                                                                                                                            Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)

                                                                                                                                                                                            Driving Assistant Pack                          ZDR                                   £800           £800        £800        £800      £800        £800        £800        £800        £800         £800
 Navigation Pack                                 ZHH       std        std         std         std       std         std              std          std           std            std
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 5AS Driving assistant
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 541 Active Cruise Control
 – 6UM Navigation System with 8.8" display
 – 6CP Apple CarPlay
 – 6FP MINI Visual Boost Radio
 – 6NM MINI Connected*
 – 6AK ConnectedDrive Services (including                                                                                                                                                  Activity Pack                                   ZAV                                   £800           £800           -        £800      £800           -        £800        £800           -         £800
    Online Search and                                                                                                                                                                       Contains:
    Weather Information)
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 1AG Larger-capacity fuel tank
 – 6AM Real Time Traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 316 Automatic operation of tailgate
    Information (RTTI)
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 413 Luggage compartment
 – 6AP Remote Services
                                                                                                                                                                                               separating net
 – 6AE Teleservices
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 4FD Rear sliding seats
 – 6AC Intelligent emergency calling (E-call)
                                                                                                                                                                                            – 4F6 Picnic bench
 – 6WB Digital display cockpit
                                                                                                                                                                                            Only with Comfort Pack (ZCM) /
                                                                                                                                                                                            Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)

Key std Standard £ Optionally available – Not available                                                               *Subject to phone compatibility, please check   **Amazon account required. Initial subscription available at no extra cost and active for 3 years.
OPTIONAL EXTRAS.                                                                                                                                                                                                               MINI PAY MONTHLY SERVICING AND TRACKSTAR.
GO ON, MAKE IT YOUR OWN.                                                                                                                                                                                                       IT’S YOUR MINI, BE BOLD.

                                                                                               CLASSIC                                  SPORT                                     EXCLUSIVE                      JOHN                                                                                                           CLASSIC                                   SPORT                                     EXCLUSIVE                    JOHN
                                                                                     COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E       COOPER       COOPER S    COOPER S E         COOPER       COOPER S    COOPER S E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                COOPER                                                                                                COOPER     COOPER S   COOPER S E        COOPER       COOPER S    COOPER S E         COOPER      COOPER S     COOPER S E
                                                                                      / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV         / ALL4       / ALL4     ALL4 PHEV           / ALL4       / ALL4     ALL4 PHEV      WORKS                                                                                                  / ALL4     / ALL4    ALL4 PHEV          / ALL4       / ALL4     ALL4 PHEV           / ALL4      / ALL4      ALL4 PHEV    WORKS
 Optional extras                                                              Code                                                                                                                                              Optional extras (cont.)                                                        Code

 Steptronic sport transmission with double                                    2TC       -          -           -               -         £1,800          -                 -         £1,800          -               -          Darkened rear glass                                                            420    £300        £300       £300             £300          £300         £300             £300         £300          £300        £300
 clutch (7-speed)                                                                                                                          /-                                          /-                                       Rear quarter and tailgate glass darkened, reducing sunlight penetration
 Includes electronic gear lever and steering wheel paddles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £60        £60         £60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Warning triangle and first aid kit                                             428                                             £60          £60           £60              £60          £60          £60          £60
 Steptronic transmission with double clutch (7-speed)                         2TF    £1,600     £1,600         -           £1,600           -            -             £1,600           -            -               -          Warning triangle fitted to tailgate, and separate first aid kit in boot area
 Includes electronic gear lever                                                        /-         /-                         /-                                          /-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Seat adjustment, electric with memory function                                 459       -          -           -             £1,100       £1,100       £1,100           £1,100        £1,100       £1,100       £1,100
 Automatic transmission (8-speed/6-speed)*                                    205     -/          -/          std             -/            -           std               -/            -           std              -          Not with John Cooper Works sport seats (4FN)
                                                                                      std         std                        std                                         std
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Front passenger ISOFIX and airbag deactivation                                 470     £100       £100       £100              £100         £100         £100             £100         £100         £100         £100
 Sport automatic transmission (8-speed)                                       2TB       -          -           -               -           -/            -                 -           -/            -              std
 Includes electronic gear lever and steering wheel paddles                                                                                 std                                         std                                      Rear centre armrest                                                            497     £210       £210       £210              £210         £210         £210             £210          £210         £210        £210
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Includes two cup holders
 Adaptive Suspension                                                          223    £700        £700          -            £700          £700           -              £700          £700           -             £700
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Only with Comfort Pack (ZCM) / Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)
 Electronically controlled suspension settings
 Includes Driving Modes (4VA)                                                                                                                                                                                                   Anthracite headlining                                                          4AA       -          -           -               std          std          std             £200         £200         £200          std
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Darkened interior headlining, including grab handles,
 Sport Suspension                                                             226       -          -           -              £0           £0            -                 -            -            -              std
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                sun visors and coat hooks
 Stiffer suspension spring and damper combination offering more
 Sport orientated Driving Dynamics                                                                                                                                                                                              MINI Driving Modes                                                             4VA     £200        std        std               std          std          std             £200          std          std          std
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Offering MID mode for comfort, SPORT mode to increase
 Trailer tow hitch                                                            235    £700        £700          -            £700          £700           -              £700          £700           -               -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                throttle pedal sensitivity and steering feel, GREEN mode to
 Removable ball head stored in tool kit box
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                optimise fuel consumption
 Only with Comfort Pack (ZCM) / Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Included in Adaptive Suspension (223)
 Space saver wheel                                                            300    £100        £100          -            £100          £100           -              £100          £100           -               -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adaptive LED headlights                                                               £500        £500       £500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               552                                            £500          £500         £500             £500         £500          £500        £500
 Includes jack and wheel brace (5DD)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Matrix function offers automatic switching of high beam headlights via
 Only with Comfort Pack (ZCM) / Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)                                                                                                                                                                         camera detection of other road users to ensure optimum lighting for the
 Automatic operation of tailgate                                              316       -          -        £375               -            -          £375                -            -          £375              -          driver at all times
 Automatic operation of tailgate via boot button                                                                                                                                                                                Only with Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)
 Easy opener function (foot swipe) and activation via key also available in                                                                                                                                                     Harman Kardon© Hi-Fi System                                                    674     £600       £600       £600              £600         £600         £600             £600         £600         £600         £600
 combination with Comfort Access System (322)                                                                                                                                                                                   Improved audio system via digital amplifier and 12 speakers (360W)
 Easy opener function not available with trailer tow hitch (235) or
 rear accessory preparation (3AR)                                                                                                                                                                                               Head-up Display                                                                6AD     £500       £500       £500              £500         £500         £500             £500         £500         £500         £500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Displaying Entertainment, Navigation, Warning and Speed information
 Comfort Access System                                                        322    £350        £350       £350            £350          £350         £350             £350          £350         £350             std         (optional Driving Assistant Pack is required for the Head-up Display to
 Included with Piano Black Exterior (ZL2)                                                                                                                                                                                       show the speed limit)
 Keyless vehicle access via sensors to detect key presence, enabling
 access to all vehicle doors using handle buttons and preventing
 inadvertent locking                                                                                                                                                                                                            MINI Pay Monthly Servicing and Trackstar
 Heated front windscreen                                                      359    £150        £150       £150            £150          £150         £150             £150          £150         £150            £150
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MINI Pay Monthly Servicing1                                                           £17.992    £17.992    £17.992          £17.992       £17.992      £17.992          £17.992      £17.992       £17.992     £17.992
 Heating element integrated in windscreen operated via
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Service plan including 2 services as well as added extras including fluid
 centre toggle switch to demist or defrost the screen easily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                top ups, an MOT, a Wash & Vac at each visit, seasonal health checks and
 Roof rails in black                                                          3AA    £100        £100       £100            £100          £100         £100             £100          £100         £100            £100         Sat Nav Map updates

 Rear accessory preparation                                                   3AR    £200        £200          -            £200            -            -              £200          £200           -             £200         MINI Trackstar S73                                                                     £410       £410        £410            £410          £410         £410             £410          £410         £410        £410
 Only with Comfort Pack (ZCM) / Comfort Plus Pack (ZCO)                                                                                                                                                                                                 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MINI Trackstar S5                                                                     £549        £549       £549             £549          £549         £549             £549         £549          £549        £549
 ALL4 Exterior Optic Pack (new look)                                          3CA    £475        £475       £475               -            -            -              £475          £475         £475              -
 Addition of three silver trim surrounds on the lower air intake ducts of                                                                                                                                                       MINI Trackstar S5 Advance3                                                            £649        £649       £649             £649          £649         £649             £649         £649          £649        £649
 the front bumper, with matching silver sections on the rear bumper
 Panoramic glass sunroof                                                      402    £800        £800       £800            £800          £800         £800             £800          £800         £800            £800
 Includes integrated wind deflector and sunshades for front and rear glass

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Terms and Conditions Apply. Participating MINI Retailers only. We use a third party partner, EMaC, to administer the MINI Service Plan. Both services must be claimed within 4 years or 40,000 miles,
                                                                                                                        * 8-speed automatic transmission including electronic gear lever for Cooper ALL4 and Cooper S ALL4;   whichever occurs soonest. For more information please contact your preferred MINI Centre.        Price per month for 36 months. Terms and Conditions Apply. For more information, please click here.
Key std Standard £ Optionally available – Not available                                                                  6-speed automatic transmission excluding electronic gear lever for Cooper S E ALL4 PHEV.              3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Price excludes subscription, please consult your local MINI Centre for further details.
CHARGING SOLUTIONS.                                                                                                                                                                                          TECHNICAL DATA.
THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN PLUG-IN HYBRID.                                                                                                                                                                      THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN.
                                                                                                              CLASSIC                                SPORT                              EXCLUSIVE                                                               MINI                           MINI                            MINI                        MINI                          MINI                     COUNTRYMAN
                                                                                                           COOPER S E ALL4 PHEV                 COOPER S E ALL4 PHEV                  COOPER S E ALL4 PHEV                                                   COUNTRYMAN                     COUNTRYMAN                     COUNTRYMAN                  COUNTRYMAN                    COUNTRYMAN                JOHN COOPER WORKS
 Charging solutions                                                                                                                                                                                           MODEL                                            COOPER                       COOPER ALL4                      COOPER S                  COOPER S ALL4                PLUG-IN HYBRID                   306HP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EU6 – RDE2 Compliant           EU6 – RDE2 Compliant           EU6 – RDE2 Compliant        EU6 – RDE2 Compliant          EU6 – RDE2 Compliant           EU6 – RDE2 Compliant
 AC home (occasional 3-pin plug) charging cable (type 2 – 2.3 kW)                                                  std                                  std                                   std             emissions standard

 AC public charging cable (type 2 – 3.7 kW)                                                                        std                                  std                                   std             Capacity (cc)                                        1499                           1499                           1998                        1998                           1499                          1998

 bp pulse Homecharge unit (charging capacity up to 7 kW) with standard installation                              £599^                                £599^                                 £599^             Power output (hp)                                     136                            136                            178                         178                            125                           306
 Includes 3 year warranty
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Torque (Nm/rpm)                               220 / 1480-4100                220 / 1480-4100                280 / 1350-4200              280 / 1350-4200               220 / 1500-3800               450 / 1800-4500

                                                                                                                                                                                                              0-62 mph (secs)                                     9.7 [9.7]                       [10.1]                        7.5 [7.4]                     [7.3]                         [6.8]                          [5.1]

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Top speed (mph)                                    127 [127]                        [125]                        140 [140]                     [138]                          [122]                         [155]

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions*
                                                                           bp pulse Homecharge unit                                                                                                           Fuel consumption –                                 42.2-44.8                                                     40.4-42.2                                                                 **
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [38.7-40.9]                                                [39.2-40.4]                 [148.7-166.2]                    [34.4-37.2]
                                                                                                                                                                                                              combined (mpg)                                    [42.2-44.8]                                                   [42.2-44.1]

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fuel consumption –                                   6.7-6.3                                                       7.0-6.7                                                            **
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [7.3-6.9]                                                  [7.2-7.0]                    [1.9-1.7]                       [8.2-7.6]
                                                                                                                                                                                                              combined (l/100km)                                  [6.7-6.3]                                                     [6.7-6.4]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  152-143                                                       158-151                                                             **
                                                                                                                                                                                                              CO2 emissions (g/km)                                                              [167-157]                                                  [165-159]                      [43-39]                       [188-174]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [153-144]                                                     [153-147]

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Length1 (mm)                                         4297                           4297                           4297                        4297                           4297                          4297

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Width incl. door                                     2001                           2001                           2001                        2001                           2001                          2001
                                                                                                                                                                                                              mirrors (mm)

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vehicle height (mm)                                  1557                           1557                            1557                       1557                           1559                          1557

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fuel tank capacity (litres)                          51/61                          51/61                          51/61                       51/61                           36                           51/61
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Luggage capacity2 (litres)                         450-1390                       450-1390                       450-1390                    450-1390                      405-1275                      450-1390

                                                                                                                                                                                                              * Figures shown are for comparability purposes; only compare fuel consumption and CO2 figures with other cars tested to the same technical procedures. These figures may not reflect real life driving results, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 will depend upon a number of factors including the starting charge of the battery, accessories fitted (post-registration), variations in weather, driving styles and vehicle load. The CO2 figures shown above have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 been determined according to the WLTP test. WLTP has been used as the applicable CO2 figure from 1 April 2020 for first year vehicle tax (VED) and from 6 April 2020 for company car tax (BIK). The CO2 figures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                were previously based on the NEDC equivalent.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ** Figures were obtained using a combination of battery power and fuel. The new MINI Countryman Plug-in Hybrid is a plug-in hybrid vehicle requiring mains electricity for charging. Fuel consumption and CO2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 figures shown correspond to weighted combined figures.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sport models are slightly longer due to the John Cooper Works aerodynamic kit fitted as part of the standard equipment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Luggage capacity varies depending on whether the rear seats are up or folded down.

                                                                                      ^ Prices may vary depending on special offers available. Prices include OLEV grant. Subject to OLEV subsidy and
Key std Standard £ Optionally available                                                 qualification which may be liable to change. For more information please see        All figures relate to vehicles with 6-speed manual transmission. Figures in [ ] relate to vehicles with automatic transmission.
MINI SELECT FINANCE.                                                                                                                                    MINI Financial
THE NEW MINI COUNTRYMAN.                                                                                                                                Services

                                                                                                                                        Roof rails (standard), Moonwalk Grey exterior
 16" Revolite Spoke alloy wheels                                    Digital display cockpit, as part of the
                                                                                                                                        colour (standard) and roof and mirror caps
 (standard)                                                         Navigation Pack (standard)
                                                                                                                                        in black (no additional cost)

 MINI Select Representative example: the new MINI Countryman Cooper Classic in Moonwalk Grey
 with roof and mirror caps in black.

  Term of agreement                                 48 months                                     Option to purchase fee                                £0.00

  47 monthly payments of                            £310.00                                       Optional final payment^                               £9,597.34

  On the road cash price*                           £24,495.00                                    Total amount payable                                  £26,917.34

  Customer deposit                                  £2,000.00                                     Total amount of credit                                £21,745.00

  Deposit contribution                              £750.00                                       Rate of interest                                      3.9% Fixed

  Total deposit                                     £2,750.00                                                                                           Representative 3.9% APR

 MINI UK, a trading name of BMW (UK) Limited, is a credit broker not a lender.
 Representative example is for a MINI Select agreement for a new MINI Countryman Cooper Classic with a contract mileage of 32,000 miles and excess mileage charge of 5.84p per mile.
 Applies for new vehicles ordered between 31 December 2020 and 31 March 2021 and registered by 30 June 2021 (subject to availability) at participating MINI Retailers. Retail customers only.
 *On the road cash price is based on manufacturer’s recommended retail price and includes 3 year MINI Retailer Warranty, MINI Emergency Service, 12 months’ road fund licence, vehicle first
 registration fee, delivery, number plates and VAT. ^Optional final payment not payable if you opt to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement (vehicle condition, excess mileage and
 other charges may be payable). Finance available subject to credit acceptance to UK residents aged 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Terms and conditions apply.
 Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time. ‘MINI Select’ is a form of hire-purchase agreement provided by MINI Financial Services, a trading name of BMW Financial Services
 (GB) Ltd, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB. You will have a 14 day statutory right to withdraw from the agreement. MINI UK introduces customers to MINI
 Financial Services only and does not receive any commission or other payment for the introduction. The introduction does not amount to independent financial advice. Your Retailer may receive
 commission for introducing customers to MINI Financial Services.
SENSIBLE REASONS TO CHOOSE A MINI.                                                                                                                                                                      Prices and technical data shown are those in effect at the time of publishing and may alter periodically subject to product changes. All prices include VAT unless quoted separately.

Exceptional drive, build quality and an array of striking interior design features – all great reasons to                                                                                               For more information: Genuine MINI Accessories                                              MINI COLLECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ∕ accessories                                    
buy a MINI but that’s certainly not the whole story. Here are some other things you might find interesting:                                                                                             		                                                                                          automotive/lifestyle.html

Genuine MINI Accessories.                                                                        Finance that focuses on you.
Genuine MINI Accessories are the only range of products which                                    Driving away in your new MINI could be closer than
are approved by the people that build the MINI. Every item is at                                 you think. From getting an online quote, to getting behind the
one with the design, build and spirit of this uncompromising car.                                wheel, we make the financing journey easier. We offer three
New or Approved Used, there are many ways to make your MINI                                      tailored finance products, so whether you want to own or lease
unique with our innovative equipment and Accessories.                                            your MINI, you'll find a finance product that works for you.
Be it exterior styling accessories including decals, alloy                                       Visit for more information. What's more,
wheels, roof rack systems and mirror covers or why not tailor                                    you can manage your agreement online with MyMINI Finance.
the interior, where the range extends from textile floor mats
                                                                                                 MINI Select.
and door lock caps to MINI Advanced Car Eye and Travel and
                                                                                                 Having three options at the end of your agreement makes
Comfort systems for rear seat entertainment and storage.
                                                                                                 this our most popular finance product, for new or Approved Used
Whichever you choose, Genuine MINI Accessories are sure to                                       MINIs.
make your MINI as individual as you. For details of the full range
available ask about our MINI Accessory brochures at your local                                   MINI Hire Purchase.
MINI Centre or visit:                                                     The attraction of MINI Hire Purchase is that there are no
                                                                                                 mileage restrictions. Better still, when you get to the end of your
Servicing made simple.                                                                           finance agreement, your MINI is all yours.
Planning for the road ahead has never been easier. With the
MINI Pay Monthly Service Plan you can remove the uncertainty                                     MINI Contract Hire.
that comes with car servicing costs by spreading them monthly,                                   Available for both personal and business users, this is a truly
just like you would with household bills.                                                        effortless way to get the keys to a MINI.
Our Pay Monthly service plan covers 2 services2 and comes with                                   MINI UK, a trading name of BMW (UK) Limited, is a
a number of added extras including fluid top ups, an MOT, a                                      credit broker not a lender.
Wash & Vac each time you visit, seasonal health checks and Sat                                   Finance is subject to status and available to over 18s in the UK only. Guarantees and indemnities
Nav Map updates.                                                                                 may be required. Terms and conditions apply. Finance provided by MINI Financial Services,
                                                                                                 a trading name of BMW Financial Services (GB) Limited, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue,
The cost for your Service Plan is fixed for its duration, so                                     Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB. MINI UK introduces customers to MINI Financial
                                                                                                 Services only.
you're protected against inflation and any price rises that
might happen in the future. If you ever come to sell your MINI,                                  Our retailers.
you’ll have the option to keep the plan and transfer any unused                                  Last but certainly not least, our lovely MINI Centres.
balance to your new MINI, so no worries about not using all of it.                               Our retailers take a lot of pride in making their showrooms nice
What’s more, your MINI Pay Monthly Service Plan is suitable for                                  places to visit and staffing them with friendly, knowledgeable
any age of vehicle.                                                                              staff. Our service areas are filled with MINI specialists who
With the MINI Pay Monthly Service Plan you can keep your                                         know them inside out and are ready to lavish them with care.
service history up to date at a locked-in price. And you can rest
easy knowing that we’ll put the same love and attention into
servicing your MINI as we did making it.
For more information please contact your preferred MINI Centre.
 Terms and Conditions Apply. Participating MINI Retailers only. We use a third party partner,                                                                                                       Information valid for vehicles from January 2021 production. Published in January 2021.
 EMaC, to administer the MINI Service Plan. For more information, please click here.
 Both services must be claimed within 4 years or 40,000 miles, whichever occurs soonest.
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