THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District

Page created by Katie Stevenson
THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Spring Edition                                                                                           March 12, 2021

                                              Rochester Area High School

                       THE ORACLE
                                                                       education teachers should have more of an understanding of
LGBTQ Awareness at                                                     the community because thats the time when you get judged the
School                                                                 most.” Zoe isn't the only member of the community. There are
                                                                       so many students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
Staff writer, Keara Alberts
                                                                       or either questioning their sexuality. As a school district we
Picture of Friends from Zoe Boren
                                                                       should show love towards everyone, no matter if they are
                                                                       straight or not. Let’s love and support each other as much as
                     The LGBTQ community at Rochester Area High
                                                                       possible and spread awareness of the LGBTQ community
School needs to be heard. LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning. There are
many students at Rochester who are a part of the community.
Many students in high school questioned their sexuality/
gender in middle school. Middle school can be a scary
confusing time in a child's life. They're discovering who they
are as a person and going through a lot of changes in their
body. Some students go through a lot more in middle school
than others. As a straight female, in middle school I had it
easier than others who questioned whether they were actually
straight or not. Zoe Boren, a local student at Rochester High
School said “when I rst came out in middle school, bullies
would call me homophobic slurs.” This is unacceptable
behavior. People who rst come out as who they were born to
be, is really hard for them to do. On top of that, to be bullied
by others in school is just wrong
         People have the right to have their own opinion, but
to bully or use homophobic phrases isn't ok. In our high school
we are respectful of the LGBTQ community and students are
supportive. But in middle school the LGBTQ youth are nearly
twice as likely to be called names verbally harassed at school
compared to their non-LGBTQ peers, according to
Their mental health and education can be at risk. There should
be awareness starting in middle school about the LGBTQ
community and if students have questions there should be
some type of meetings or somebody to talk to you about these
feelings that students may have. Zoe Boren also included “ sex


THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Spring Edition                                                                                                 March 12, 2021

                                                                      ourselves. Cyber bullying can cause depression in children and
 Teen Depression on the                                               teens. Once something is posted it never goes away. These

 Rise                                                                                                  people that are cyber bullied
                                                                                                        can never escape the
 Editor, Jenna                                                                                          embarrassment and
 Zawislak                                                                                               harassment. Until they realize
 Picture taken by Jenna                                                                                 that others' words about them
 Zawislak                                                                                               do not define them, they are
    Depression and anxiety                                                                              sad, lonely, and depressed.
                                                                                                        Cyber bullying can sometimes
 are serious issues that
                                                                                                        lead to suicide. Children and
 people of all ages face.
                                                                                                        teens sometimes don’t see any
 Young children do not
                                                                                                        other solution. They feel that
 necessarily understand what
                                                                                                        the world would be better
 depression and anxiety are,
                                                                                                        without them in it. Covid-19
 so people really start
                                                                                                        has done nothing but make all
 realizing they are anxious
                                                                                                        of these problems worse.
 or depressed in their teen
                                                                                                        Everyone was stuck in their
 years. This world is so
                                                                                                        house. This left some children
 superficial anymore. People
                                                                                                        with no one to talk to that
 strive to be like shallow
                                                                                                        they trusted, and put some in
 celebrities who look
                                                                                                        dangerous situations due to
 amazing but are not good
                                                                                                        abusive parents. Some
 people. Society pressures
                                                                                                        children were left at home
 teens to want to look and be
                                                                                                        with access to alcohol, pills,
 like people that they will
                                                                                                        and other dangerous things.
 never be like instead of
                                                                                                        With no one there to watch
 encouraging kids to be
                                                                                                        them, some could have the
 themselves. High
                                                                                                     inclination to try some, or
 expectations from parents, teachers, and others as well as the
                                                                      purposely try to harm themselves. My mom works at
 pressure to succeed makes teens extremely anxious. A survey
                                                                      Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, and she was telling me one
 taken by Higher Education Research asked incoming college
                                                                      day that they have seen a huge increase in overdoses in teens.
 freshmen if they felt overwhelmed with all of the things they
                                                                      Low self esteem, irritability, tiredness, insomnia, social
 were expected to do. Out of all that were surveyed, 41% said
                                                                      isolation, and use of alcohol and drugs can all be signs of
 yes. Social media is another cause of anxiety and depression.
                                                                      depression. If you see these signs and are worried about your
 We compare ourselves to other people’s posts, wondering why
                                                                      friend or child, talk to them. Make sure your children and
 we don’t look like her, or how he looks more athletic than me.
                                                                      friends are okay and if they aren’t help them out or refer them
 I’ll admit I’ve scrolled through Instagram and thought to
                                                                      to help.
 myself, “wow she’s gorgeous, I wish I was as pretty as her.”
 We shouldn’t have to feel like we have to be anyone other than

THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Spring Edition                                                                                                    March 12, 2021
                                                                                feeling empty. Once you surround yourself with the right
     How to be Yourself and                                                     people, it will help you to continue to grow and live the way

     Live a Complete Life                                                       you want to be living.
                                                                                   Finally, once you have completed the first two steps, it is
     Co-editor, Ryan Zawislak
     Picture from Pexels                                                        important you stand firm in the life you have created for
                                                                                yourself. People will always judge you and tell you what they
         Everyone always hears people say they should be                        believe you should be doing with your life. However, you
     themselves and live life to the fullest. They believe that this is         must do what you feel is best for yourself and ignore the
                                                  the way to live a             outside influences trying to pull you from this. It doesn’t
                                                  complete life.                matter what anyone else thinks, as long as you are happy and
                                                  However, many                 thriving - that is all that matters.
                                                  people struggle and              If you are able to live your life following this process, I
                                                  find it difficult to be       believe that you will be successful in your journey to be
                                                  themselves and live           yourself and live a complete life. Keep continuing down your
                                                  their life to the             intended path and you will be satisfied with whatever you
                                                  fullest. They                 come across during your passage through life.
                                                  ultimately feel as if
                                                  they failed to live a
                                                  fulfilling life. In
                                                  order to avoid
                                                  becoming a part of
                                                  this group of
                                                  people, I am going
     to explain how I feel you can achieve being yourself and
     begin to work on living a complete life.
        The first step in this process is finding out who you are.
     Sometimes, people want to be themselves but find it
     impossible to do so. In many situations this is because they
     are not even sure who they are yet. In order to find out who
     you are, you must look at two major things. These things are
     your morals and your values. Morals are what you believe in
     and how you decide right from wrong. Values are what you
     find most important in your life. Once you figure these two
     things out you will be on the right track to being yourself and
     living a complete life.
        The second step in the process is acting on your morals
     and values. Living in line with your moral code will help you
     develop as a person and placing emphasis on your values will
     help you surround yourself with people that have the same
     values as yourself. It is important to be around these types of
     people because otherwise you will be led down a path you
     shouldn’t be going down with the wrong people. This will
     inhibit you from feeling fulfilled and will instead leave you

THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Spring Edition                                                                                             March 12, 2021

     Bullying and Drug
     Sta writer, Bronc Tomochak
     Picture by Bronc Tomochak

           Do you know anyone who is being bullied? If the
     answer is “no”, then you're either not very observant or you
     just wanna believe that you don’t. In an anonymous survey, 25
     people were asked about bullying and substance abuse. When
     asked if they were ever bullied 16 out of 25 said yes, and when       money that they’ll say something along the lines of “If I saw a
     asked if they knew anyone who was a victim of bullying the            student being bullied I’d step in and do whatever I can to
     number was even greater with 21 out of 25 saying yes. Would           help.” But if it actually came down to it only 10% or less
     you say that this seems to be a problem? I guess the question         would truly have the students back. Even if teachers and
     is, who should deal with it? Teachers will say parents because        parents can’t see it, many students have each other’s backs
     they should teach their kids to defend/stick up for themselves,       when the people who are supposed to be there just don’t help.
     whereas parents say it should be the                                  Many don’t notice and many just don’t care but there are more
     school’s responsibility - if it takes                                                                             students than
     place on school property to step in                                                                               teachers and more
     and deal with it. It’s complete                                                                                   students that will
     chaos, and call me crazy, but I                                                                                   help you than
     don’t see how both teachers and                                                                                   teachers. Remember
     parents can stand here and blame                                                                                  to keep friends you
     someone else when it’s the child                                                                                  trust with you
     who is suffering. This causes many                                                                                because they will
     students to think they just aren’t                                                                                help you. Never try
     worth the effort. “Students who                                                                                   to deal with it on
     experienced bullying or                                                                                           your own because
     cyberbullying are nearly two times                                                                                although there’s
     more likely to attempt suicide”                                                                                   many people who
     Sameer Hinduja and Justin W.                                                                                     won’t help you
     Patchin. “Just stay away from them” or “they wouldn’t just            there’s more people who will help you. Many bullies don’t
     randomly try to start something if you didn’t provoke them”           notice until after they have already hurt someone, and in many
     are two great examples of things you shouldn’t say if a kid           cases they are being hurt by someone close to them so they
     tells you they're being bullied. However those words are some         think it’s normal. Being a bully is never acceptable and can
     of the most used responses to a kid thinking they can trust an        cause serious mental damage to the victim, but if both sides
     adult by telling them about their bullies. This is a problem!         can work through it, it will get easier and don’t forget to lean
     However if you interview any of them I’d be willing to bet            on people when you need to.

THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
                    Spring Edition                                                                                                                                          March 12, 2021

                     Russian Mini Cakes
                                                                                                                               •        Sift the combination of cacao and powdered sugar in a small bowl
                                                                                                                                        and roll each ball in it. You might desire to repeat it once or twice,

                     Sta Wri r, By: Abi’s                                                                                               for a thicker coating.
                                                                                                                                        Using a pastry bag or small wooden stick, decorate with chocolate
                     Grandmo er Cookbook

                     (Pexels Picture)

                                                                                                                               •           Arrange on a plate, cover, and let them cool in the fridge for
                                                                                                                                           30-60 minutes.
                                 •              About 350 gr. neutral cookies

                                                or biscuits (Like Maria,                                                    German Cookie Cakes
                                                digestive cookies, or similar

                                                tea biscuits) – always have a
                                                                                                                            Sta Wri r, By: Abi’s Grandmo er
                                                few extra cookies                                                           Cookboo
                                 •              1,5 sticks of butter (about 170                                             (Pexels Picture)

                                                gr.), soften
                                 •              About 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk – always have a few
                                                                                                                               •        1 cup light brown sugar
                                                extra spoons.
                                                                                                                               •        1 cup granulated sugar
                                 •              1-2 tbsp. of strong alcohol like cognac, brandy, or rum
                                                                                                                               •        2 teaspoons vanilla extract
                                 •              1-3 tbsp. dark cacao, for the dark version
                                                                                                                                                                 •2 large eggs, beaten
                                 •              ½ cup walnuts toasted and finely chopped
                                                                                                                                                                   •2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

                     Coa ng                                                                                                                                        •1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa, such as

                                 •              3-4 tbsp. dark cacao powder, sifted                                                                                Hershey's

                                 •              1 tbsp. powdered sugar, sifted                                                                                     •1 teaspoon baking soda

                                                                                                                                                                   •Pinch salt
                     Ins uc ons                                                                                                                                    •1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
                                 •              Beat the butter with a mixer, until lighter,                                                                       •1 cup shredded sweetened coconut, such
                                                about 2 minutes. Stir in the sweetened                                                                             as Baker's Angel Flake Coconut
                                                condensed milk and beat for another 1-2                                                                            •1 cup chopped pecans
                                                minutes, until well combined. Reserve 1 tbsp.
                                                of the cream, for the “eyes” if desired.                                                                          Ins uc on
                                 •              Place biscuits into a blender and pulse until they turn into fine              •        Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line baking sheets with
                                                                                                                                        parchment paper.
                                 •              Take about 2/3 of the crumbs and mix with the cream. If using, add
                                                                                                                               •        In a stand mixer or large bowl using a hand mixer, blend the butter,
                                                the cacao powder (for the dark version), walnuts, and alcohol. mix
                                                                                                                                        both sugars, vanilla and eggs. In a medium bowl, stir together the
                                                well, adding more of the reserved crumbs, until you get dough-like
                                                                                                                                        flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Gradually add the flour mixture
                                                consistency. If you’re using nuts or cacao, you will need less of the
                                                                                                                                        into the butter mixture and blend until combined. Stir in the
                                                crumbs. The mixture will be slightly sticky and soft but pliable.
                                                                                                                                        chocolate chips, coconut and pecans.
                                                You can always chill it out for 20-30 minutes to make it firmer.
                                                                                                                               •        Drop the dough by tablespoons onto the prepared baking sheets, 12
                                 •              Take a little piece of dough (around 3 tablespoons or less
                                                depending on desired size) at a time and roll it into a ball or oval                    cookies per sheet, and bake 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on a baking rack.

                                                shaped “potato”




THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Student’s Work
Spring Edition                                                                                                March 12, 2021

                                                                     And our freedoms may be a cruel and hard but we all will
  Student Poems                                                      spread our wings to take flight to see our beauty of our

  Roses Like Us
  (Picture from Pexels by Gabby K.)                                  Student Winter Break
  Why should I listen
  why should I give
                                                                     (Picture from Pexels by Andrea Piacquadio)
  enough thing for
  people who don’t                                                             My winter break was like an old wooden roller
                                                                     coaster, starting out slow and rattling. After reaching up to the
  matter and respect
                                                                     top of the wooden boards holding the wooden cart, with
  me. they say “life’s
  too short” then why                                                clipped, faded red and green paint decorating the wood in a

  play this game of                                                  festive manor. The cart stops after a long and slow incline of a
  rosey poses when                                                   massive hill. I am allowed to take a breath before the old cart
  we’re all gonna fall                                               starts to roll down, the slow movement is beginning of the
  down a rose lives                                                  cookie backing war, then in second, at the speed of light the
  and can create                                                     cookie war takes off like cannon fire. Batting in the trenches of
  beauty but can die
                                                                     school, cookie tray making, gift wrapping, gift gathering,
  short and make a
                                                                     decorating the tree, delivering breakfast boxes and cookie
  blooming flower short
                                                                     trays, the old cart races down the massive coaster tracts and
  and fake
  Are we sweet or sour                                               rattles with stress and sleep deprivation. The night of

  Are we corrupted or cryptic                                        Christmas Eve, the cart slows down to a tunnel, this tunnel is
  We are free but trapped in a cage were a bird caged                                                             dark, but it is decorated
  sitting there for years. We fly to get free but fail                                                            with garland, ornaments,
  we’re trapped in a cage by our guilts and hostility                                                             and creates a sense of
  we are trapped by the thoughts yet we can only set                                                              wonder and excitement
  ourselves free.
                                                                                                                  after the intense coaster
  When we free ourselves we may not be the prettiest
                                                                                                                  ride. Going through when
  bird. We may not be a Phoenix with it’s dazzling
                                                                                                                  it seems like a dark tunnel,
  fire feathers that turns ugly once near death and can
                                                                                                                  once the old cart slowly
  re make itself from the ashes good as new
  We are a single rose but living longer                                                                          enters the tunnel the

  We grow from the seed then sprout soon we blossom and we           darkness turns into light. The old roller coaster cart turns into a
  die                                                                sleek, new, and exciting cart and track. The day continues on
                                                                     the new track at a slow, but quick speed with soft hills and
  We can never truly break the cage we will anyways have guilt       turns that can fill anyone’s stomach with thousands of tiny,
  but we ourselves can only set our guilts and pains that can        fluttering butterflies. By the end of break, the new coaster
  hold us down free
                                                                     slows to a stop, the new and old tracts combined as life, new

THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Spring Edition                                                                                                March 12, 2021

  and old, continues on for a new year to be filled with new             bit then after a little over an hour and a half I was able to make
  memories, and revisit the past.                                        my way upstairs. I spent most of my time in my room after
                                                                         that, for the next week or so I rarely came out. It’s awfully
  Other Student Winter Break                                             strange to sometimes become my room is nothing special. It’s
  Memoir(Picture from Pexels)                                            actually quite a wreck. My bed is never made, my clean
                                                                         laundry is always thrown onto my bed. I always tell myself
            This isolation was enough to make anyone                     that I would do it later, but I never do, dishes and laundry piled
  completely insane. Everyday on our dreary break from online            up over the floor. I’m not sure as why I can stay in my room
  school leading up to Christmas was like a ticking time bomb.           for so long with it being like this however I guess I’m just
  When will I                                                                                                         used to it now. I laid
  break? When                                                                                                         in my bed until 5
  will I just lose                                                                                                    o’clock. I just sat in
  it? Finally on the                                                                                                  my bed looking out
  eve I stayed up                                                                                                     the window at
  until about 3                                                                                                       nothing. I wasn’t
  o’clock in the                                                                                                      even focus with my
  morning. I slept                                                                                                    sight. I don’t
  in the closet. For                                                                                                  remember that I was
  some reason the                                                                                                     was thinking about
  peeling                                                                                                             probably stupid or
  wallpaper and                                                                                                       me just
  unfinished                                                                                                          overthinking
  hardwood floor                                                                                                      something that
  made me feel                                                                                                        dozens’t even
  safe. I stuffed                                                                                                     matter or making up
  my turquoise                                                                                                        random scenario in
  blanket-which                                                                                                       my head of how I
  was barely long enough for my body-into the closet with my             wish my life were. About a day passed and the snowed melted.
  stuffed black bear. As I laid against it I could feel the red          The ground was muddy and gross, my own company was
  ribbon tied as a bow around his neck softly caressing my               enough to keep me sane and unfazed by lack of social
  cheek. I eventually fell asleep. The next morning I was                interaction however it was in my household I don’t know what
  surprised as I gazed outside to see ivory. The palest most             it is or was about this house but it brings this sorrow every
  freshly untouched sheet of snow. This was our first white              time I stepped into it, maybe it because I know that once I go
  Christmas in a while. I made my way downstairs unamused.               in I won’t be leaving until I have school or have an
  For some reason, maybe because I am getting older, I felt no           appointment for some reason. This entire Christmas break has
  holiday spirit. It could be just due to the fact that I am aging       made me quite numb. I truly believe that I reached the
  and becoming more and more mature. However I paid no mind              pinnacle of the nonchalant mountain and I don’t care. I know
  to my immature thoughts of nonsense. I wished not to ruin              it’s horrible to not care and feel nothing when it comes to
  Christmas for my siblings. After about thirty minutes or so the        others I still believe I feel things it’s just when it comes to my
  3 of them came rushing down the stairs, stomping and jumping           household I’m just numb to everything at this point this
  over most of the steps. They hurried over and looked joyful.           Christmas break has been a long outdrawn ceremony of
  That childhood joy I remember feeling was worlds away. I               nothing.
  remember being happy. Oh what a feeling. I envied them for a

THE ORACLE - Rochester Area School District
Randomness Ram Page
Spring Edition                                                                                                March 12, 2021

                                                                          Something needs to change, I don’t know what exactly, and
  Salting Fresh Wounds                                                    maybe it won’t happen today, or tomorrow, or the next day, it
  Staff Writer, Bronc Tomochak                                            might never happen if I’m being honest. Yet that shouldn’t
  (Picture by Bronc Tomochak)                                             stop you from trying to change it yourself. Go out and salt
         Have you ever been walking down the street, when you             your sidewalks, salt your neighbors sidewalks, salt your
  randomly need to stop yourself from slipping on ice, only to            grandma’s sidewalks, and whatever you do be safe and don’t
  fall and hit your back on                                                                                    fall.
  the snowy pavement?
  This is a common
  occurrence in the winter
  months. One way many
                                                                                                               Staff writer, Jeremiah
  people prevent this is by
  putting out salt and
                                                                                                               (Pexels   Picture)
  shoveling their sidewalks.
                                                                                                                           The movie I
  However, in most states,
                                                                                                               reviewed is called Full
  there is no law forcing
                                                                                                               Count. Full Count is a
  people to shovel or salt
                                                                                                               movie about faith and the
  their sidewalks and many
                                                                                                               will to keep going no
  people don’t even attempt
                                                                                                               matter what the cost. This
  to do it. This causes many
                                                                                                               movie is very good and I
  people to get injured
                                                                                                               highly recommend this
  while walking or working.
                                                                          movie to anyone. A boy named Milton Young was born in a
  There is also an increased chance of car crashes with fatalities.
                                                                          small town in Georgia, he had a love for baseball and farming
  According to the Federal Highway Administration “Over
                                                                          (which was his family business.) As he grows older his love
  1,300 people are killed and more than 116,800 people are
                                                                          for baseball excels and he is known as a town hero for his skill
  injured in vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy or icy pavement
                                                                          at baseball. But his father doesn’t want him to play baseball
  annually.” Yet, there are still no laws enforcing salt to be put
                                                                                                             and wants him to focus on
  on roads, it’s considered “just a convenience”
                                                                                                               the family business. He
  by many politicians and many streets don’t
                                                                                                               leads his team to a state
  get salted. This is partially because many
                                                                                                               championship and gets a
  states find it too much of an expensive hassle
                                                                                                               huge offer from a college
  to salt unpopular roads. “Winter road
                                                                                                               and then chooses to
  maintenance accounts for roughly 20 percent
                                                                                                               finally pursue his dreams
  of state DOT maintenance budgets. State and
                                                                                                               of playing national
  local agencies spend more than 2.3 billion
                                                                                                               baseball. When he arrives
  dollars on snow and ice control operations
                                                                                                               at college he is not
  annually.” Said by the Federal Highway
                                                                                                               welcomed by the students.
  Administration in the same article. Yet falling
                                                                          He meets a player who is the starting pitcher who hates Milton
  on ice is still one of the highest amounts of workplace injuries.
                                                                          with his guts and constantly calls him names and starts a fight

Spring Edition                                                                                                    March 12, 2021

 with him. After all that drama the coach decides to make him            with seasonal depression. As a per caution you should warm
 the starting pitcher, this causes his bully to freak out and            up your muscles before working out in the cold because cold
 overdose. Now the whole team is shocked and this causes                 muscles have a greater chance of injury. You want to bundle
 Milton problems later in his life. As things finally start to get       up and put a little sunscreen on because even if it’s cold
 better he receives the                                                                                outside the sun still produces UV
 worst news of his                                                                                      light. If there is snow the UV
 life....                                                                                               light will bounce off the snow
 I would love to tell                                                                                   and hit your skin instead. You
 you more but I do                                                                                      are now ready to go outside and
 not want to spoil it!                                                                                  conquer the cold.
 I highly recommend
 it to anyone who has                                                                                   Rochy
 some free time on
 their hands. This
 movie is family                                                                                        Editor, Jenna Zawislak
 friendly and is rated                                                                                  (Pictures took by Ms. Zawislak)

 PG so anyone can                                                                                               Rochester High School
 watch this amazing                                                                                      sports have achieved major
 movie and enjoy it!                                                                                     success this year despite the
                                                                         roadblocks Covid-19 have put in their way. In the fall,
 Conquering the Cold                                                     Rochester’s varsity football team were the Big 7 section
                                                                         champs and made it to the semifinals of the playoffs. It is now
 Staff writer, Seth Cervi                                                winter and our winter sports so far have not disappointed. The
 (Picture from Google Images)
                                                                         boys varsity basketball team went from worst to first. Last
                                                                         season the boys went 0-21 not winning a single game and not
            If you are still committed to your New Year's                having much hope for the next season! With new leadership, a
 resolution you should start working out outside. When you               new coach, and the notion that things couldn’t get any worse,
 workout outside, the cold air is more dense than normal. If you         the boys were ready for this new season. Head coach, Sean
                                                                         Keaton, has led the team to a
 breathe the more dense air then when you breathe the warm air
                                                                         winning season, with a record
 it will be easier. It conditions your body to breath and operate        of 10-3. The starting varsity
 with less oxygen. Also, if you are trying to lose weight then           team is senior Devon Hemer,
 the cold will make your body burn more calories trying to               junior Sal Laure, junior JD
                                                                         Azulay, junior Noah Haskins,
 keep yourself warm. When you get to a point where your legs
                                                                         and sophomore Duke
 and arms are numb it’s fine you just won’t be able to feel the          Mullins. Sophomore Parker
 cold. If you are looking to get more muscle quickly working             Lyons and senior Ryan
 out in the cold helps, too. When you are out in the cold you            Zawislak are sixth and
                                                                         seventh man off the bench .
 generate more lactic acid. So your muscles rip because of it
                                                                         Devon Hemer and Sal Laure
 and when they heal. The muscles will be stronger. Covid                 are the team's leading scorers.
 attacks the lungs and weakens them. Working out in the cold             The success of this season led
 will help you fight off Covid. Also, if you workout in the cold         the boys to become this year's
                                                                         Class 1A section champions! The girls have not disappointed
 your heart doesn’t have to work as hard according to Harvard
                                                                         either. Last year, our girls basketball team made it all the way
 Men’s Health Watch. Also, according to the same article you             to the state playoffs. Sadly, Covid ended the season before
 sweat a lot less which saves a lot of energy so you can                 they had the chance to make it to states, which they had a
 workout longer. It also helps with mental health. It can help           really great shot of winning. This season the girls are doing

Spring Edition                                                                                                  March 12, 2021

 great! The starting varsity team is senior Alexis Robison,              Outstanding Lead Actor and Outstanding Limited Series. It
 senior Kallista Seybert, senior Alysha Martin, junior Corynne           also won the Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best
 Hauser, and junior Mekenzie Robison. The team's leading
 scorers are                                                             Limited Series. On April 19, 1989 a woman jogging in Central
 Alexis                                                                                                   Park was brutally assaulted
                                                                                                          and raped. She was found
 Hauser, and                                                                                              naked, gagged, and covered in
 Mekenzie                                                                                                 mud and blood by a policeman
 Robison. At                                                                                              the next morning. Five
 a game this
                                                                                                          suspects were brought into
 year against
 Aliquippa,                                                                                               custody and falsely accused of
 junior                                                                                                   committing the crimes. Their
 Corynne                                                                                                  names are Kevin
                                                                                                          Richardson(Asante Blackk),
 scored her
 thousandth                                                                                               Antron McCray(Caleel
 point! Head                                                                                              Harris), Yusef Salaam(Ethan
 coach CJ                                                                                                 Herisse), Korey Wise(Jharrel
 Iannini has
                                                                                                          Jerome), and Raymond
 led the team
 to a winning                                                                                             Santana(Marquis Rodriguez).
 season, with a record of 12-3. A winning season is great, but           The five individuals are each pitted against each other and
 winning the section is even better. Our girls varsity basketball        forced to oust each other in order to try and secure their own
 team is this season's Class 1A section champions! Both the
                                                                         freedom. However, each of them end up receiving charges for
 girls and the boys are headed to the playoffs. All of Rochester
 wishes them the best of luck! So far we have three section              the crime they didn’t commit. Kevin, Antron, Yusef, and
 wins in the 2020-2021 school year. Let’s hope spring sports             Raymond were treated as juveniles and given the maximum
 are a success as well. Rochester is so proud of all of its                                                      term they could receive.
 students and athletes for making the best out of this                                                           Korey is charged as an
 unpredictable year.
                                                                                                                 adult despite only being
                                                                                                                 16 when the crime

 Miniseries Thriller                                                                                             occurred. The rest of the
                                                                                                                 series follows the five
 Co-Editer, Ryan Zawislak                                                                                        individuals and their
 (Picture from Google Images and Net ix
                                                                                                                 families as they live
                                                                                                                 through their time in
     When They See Us is crime drama television                                                                  prison and what

 miniseries found on Netflix. It was created, co-written,                                                        happened to them once

 and directed by Ava DuVernay. The miniseries was                                                                they were set free.

 released on May 31, 2019. The cast of the series includes                                                           Overall, I really
                                                                                                                  enjoyed watching this
 stars Jharrel Jerome, Asante Black, Jovan Adepo, Michael
                                                                                                                  series. It was extremely
 K. Williams, Logan Marshall-Green, Joshua Jackson,                                                               informative about a
 Blair Underwood, Vera Farmiga, John Leguuizamo, and                                                              topic I didn’t really
 Felicity Huffman. When They See Us has received much                                                             know anything about.
                                                                         Also, it was very thrilling to watch. I never felt there was a
 praise and recognition following its release. It received 11
                                                                         dull moment, the events of the series always had me sitting at
 nominations at the 71st Primetime Emmy Awards including                 the end of my seat. When They See Us is a prime example of

Spring Edition                                                                                                     March 12, 2021

 what can happen when corrupt people have the power to do                  The big reason I have a problem with this is all of your
 what they want. These innocent men were put through so                  college visits in ninth grade do not count and I, wish I knew
 much just so the police could close a case. It shows why
                                                                         that one. Saving time and getting less stressed is the point of
 everything should be analyzed fairly and we should always try
 our best to identify injustice when we see it occurring.                having certain knowledge beforehand. Seniors have to worry
                                                                         about enough stuff like trying to make life altering decisions
                                                                         and what not so it is best to be prepared and be informed
 Senior Project Stress                                                   before the last two years begin.
 Staff Writer: Keara Alberts
 (Picture from Keara Alberts)

       Being a senior in high school is exciting and stressful, I        YouTube and how it helps
 wish I was aware of certain requirements for the senior project         anxiety
 prior to my senior year. Since my sophomore year I was                  Staff Writer, Mickey Buffington
 recommended to start                                                             (Picture from Google Images)
 my volunteer hours                                                                        According to the National Institute of
 year for the senior                                                              Mental Health, “Anxiety is the most common mental
 project. So that’s what                                                          illness in the US, affecting 40 million adults.” It’s an
 I did,I went to my local                                                         umbrella term for a number of mental health
 animal shelter and                                                               disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder,
 logged my hours like I                                                           panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder and
 was supposed to for the                                                          post-traumatic stress disorder. These are
 senior project. But                                                              characterized by persistent and unrealistic worry
 what they didn’t tell                                                            about everyday things. Treatment typically involves
 me was that you need                                                             talk therapy, such as psychotherapy or cognitive
 pictures of the                                                                  behavioral therapy, and more severe cases can be
 volunteer work you                                                               treated with medication. Brian Primack, professor of
 did. I should have read                                                          medicine, at the University of Pittsburgh, also agrees
 the senior project                                                               that YouTube videos about anxiety are a big step
 packet on the school’s                                                           towards talking about mental health. Primack, who
 website but students                                                             specializes in the effects of social media on mental
 can clearly miss those                                                  health, adds that the impact of these videos is strengthened
 details. It would have been nice to know that while I                                                           when they’re made by
 was volunteering my sophomore year proper                                                                       prominent YouTube
 documentation was needed. There is a way around not                                                             personalities with large
 having pictures by taking pictures off the internet with                                                        fanbases. “Instead of a
 the owner’s permission but taking your own pictures                                                             stuffy doctor giving you
 would have been easier and more meaningful to my                                                                jargon and terminology
 project.                                                                                                        that’s complicated, the
     Another thing I would have loved to have known                                                              information is coming
 is when you visit a college for a tour - you must bring                                                         from a peer,” he said.
 back a brochure, a signed application of some sort or                                                           Eve Critchley, Mind’s,
 an email confirmation from admissions. That would                                                               head of digital, says
 have been another great thing to know beforehand.                                                               social media can help
                                                                         anxiety sufferers feel less isolated. “Increasingly social media

Spring Edition                                                                                                  March 12, 2021

 is giving young people a way of voicing their experiences,”              to deal with it and missing school because you are in so much
 Critchley said. “Mind actively encourages people to create               pain that pain medicine won’t help. There’s sometimes where
 their own ‘mental health selfies’ because sometimes the best             you have to go to the hospital multiple times a week due to
 mental health advice we get is not from professionals, but               dislocations. The pain some days is so unbearable that even
 from people who’ve been through the same thing as us.”Life               sitting or laying in bed hurts. There’s some days where
 With Ehlers Danlos and how it affects people.”                           walking can hurt so much. People who live with EDS can tell
                                                                          you how much they have to fight with doctors because doctors
                                                                          are not educated enough on EDS. If you would like more
 Life With Ehlers Danlos and how it
                                                                          information about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome visit
 affects people                                                  or go follow Life with Stripes on
 Staff writer, Mickey Buffington
 (Picture from Google Images)                                             YouTube for more information.

             What is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? EDS is a genetic
 connective tissue disorder that affects the collagen. Collagen is
 the glue that holds your body together so when it is faulty,
 your body is
 falling apart
 on the
 inside. It is
 that 1 in
 2,500 to
 5,000 have
 EDS. What
 are the
 of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Joint hypermobility, easy bruising
 and scarring, joint dislocations, chronic pain, chronic fatigue,
 low muscle tone, muscle spasms, flat feet, dysautonomia,
 migraines, Gi issues and MUCH more. Why the zebra?
 Medical students are taught that when they hear hoofbeats,
 think horses, not zebras. In other words, look for the obvious
 diagnosis because that’s probably what it is. However EDS is
 not the obvious answer and even though zebras are rare, they
 do exist! Other Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Facts. There are 13
 different types of EDS. Each one can be diagnosed with a
 blood test except for the most common type, Hypermobility
 EDS or hEDS. The gene for hEDS has not been identified yet
 so it is clinically diagnosed, usually by a geneticist. There is
 no cure for EDS and symptoms can vary widely from one
 person to the next. Life with Ehlers Danlos and how it affects
 people. Living life with EDS can be very difficult with trying

Spirt Week Pictures
Spring Edition                            March 12, 2021

Monday - Beach Attire          Tuesday: Preppy Attire

                    Winter Attire

Thursday: Hippy    Friends Having      Friday: Blue
    Attire          School Sprit       Rams Attire

Spring Edition                                                                               March 12, 2021

      New and Improved Class at Rochy!

                                                                                                       e Oracle
      Real World Writing
      By: Ms. Valerie Perelman
                                                                                               Rochester Area High School
                 This has been a very topsy                                                  540 Reno St. Rochester, PA 15074
                                                                                                       Room: 1915
      turvy year to say the least, especially
      regarding how the academics at
      Rochester are taught and learned -
                                                                                                   Our Mission
      we were in person, online, and now
                                                                                                 Statement - The
      back in person, but what we can be
                                                                                              Oracle is a student
                                                                                              run newspaper that
      grateful for from this experience is
                                                                                              writes to inform, to
      to recognize the need to evolve or
                                                                                             educate, to entertain,
      change so we can progress and. By
                                                                                                 and to provide
      looking forward to the next school
                                                                                              multiple viewpoints
      year, we can expect a better
                                                                                               for our community
      experience because we learned
                                                                                                and all Rochester
      about what works with technology
                                                                                                   High School
      and what works with
                                                                                              students and staff.
      how students continue
      to find unique ways to
      learn. I can relate to this
      myself, since I had to
      reflect and find creative
      ways to make things
      work in my classroom
      or from my home. So
      what can we look
      forward to for our next
      school year? We are always trying to make authentic                                     If you would like to
                                                                 The Oracle Staff: L to R,
                                                                                             submit an article 250
      learning experiences as educators, so our Journalism       Jeremiah Gallagher, Keara
                                                                                               words or less to be
      class will now incorporate news writing, laws, ethics,     Alberts, Jenna Zawislak        published in The
      communication skills (verbal and written),                 Editor, Abi Hohman-          Oracle, please email
      presentation skills and all types of real world writing,   Designer Layout,Co-         your submission with
      such as: business correspondence, cover letters,           Editor-Ryan Zawislak.             an original
      resumes and web-based communication. These are             Missing: Micky                  photograph to
      skills that you will be able to apply to in any career
                                                                 Buffington, Bronc 
                                                                 Tomochak, and Seth           with “The Oracle” in
      field of your choice! If interested, please see Mr.
                                                                 Cervi.                         the subject line.

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