The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!

Page created by Wade Reyes
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
The Patrician
                 MARCH 2021

         The Victoria Flying Club ~ Aviation Excellence Since 1946

                                                                     Women of
                                                                     Stories from some of
                                                                     the amazing women
                                                                     pilots among you in the
                                                                     Victoria Flying Club!                                                                                 1
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
The Patrician                                                                   HANGAR SPACE
                                                                                  Contact Marcel at the Club to see if a
     “To promote flying and aviation in general, and to teach and train
    persons in the art and science of flying and navigating and operating
                                                                                 hangar spot is a good spot for your plane
                                                                                        and to get on the waitlist.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Around the Club
                   all manner of heavier-than-air aircraft.”
            (Victoria Flying Club Incorporation Bylaws, 1946)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEWS and EVENTS
                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                                         WOMEN OF AVIATION                    hours daily) to coincide with             NEW PLANES
                                                                                                                                         On March 8, 1910, Raymonde           Daylight Savings Time.                    As you may have heard, the VFC
                       PRESIDENT Colin Williamson
                                                                                                                                         de Laroche became the first                                                    is adding new planes to the fleet!
                                                                            3     News around the Club
                 VICE PRESIDENT Don Devenney                                                                                             women to earn a pilot's licence      VFC MENTOR PROGRAM                        The club hopes that these new ad-
                                                                            6     General Manager's Article                              in the world! On March 8-14,         The program continues! Would              ditions will bring fliers old and new
                       SECRETARY Jennifer Zadorozniak                                                                                    we celebrate this and all of the                                               back to the club for recreation or
                                                                                                                                                                              you like to meet other pilots to fly
                      TREASURER Iain Barnes                                 8     Ramona Reynolds, Alumni Profile                        achievements of women in             with, split the cost of flights, share    low-cost flying time! The Board
                                                                                                                                         aviation with International Women    knowledge on how to do things,            of Directors made this purchase
                       DIRECTORS John Ainsworth                             10    Hilary Harris, Alumni Profile
                                 Tony Allan                                                                                              of Aviation week. As such, this      get help getting into a new airport       from pre-existing credit after care-
                                 Adam Johnston                              12    Member Showcase: Lindsay Harmsworth                    month's Patrician is dedicated       for the first time? VFC's mentors         fully weighing rising costs against
                                 Graham Palmer                                                                                           to the women of the VFC! This        have their resumes posted on              long-term benefit to the club and
                                                                            13    Member Achievements & First Solos                      issue features four articles         a special VFC Mentors bulletin            its membership. With these new
           GENERAL MANAGER Greg Matte                                                                                                    about women, including pilots,       board beside the Dispatch coun-           planes, the VFC will be able to
                                                                            14    Member Showcase: Jessica James
                    CHIEF FLYING Mike Schlievert                                                                                         instructors, and the first female    ter. Each mentor's resume includes        offer fantastic flying rates and new
                    INSTRUCTOR                                              15    Ground School Schedule                                 president of the VFC.                their contact details, or you can         services for years to come!
                                                                                                                                                                              email for              Learn more about our new planes
                                                                            16    Thanks for the Share                                                                        more information.                         in the General Manager's article!
                                                                                                                                         2021 ANNUAL GENERAL
                               CONTACT                                                                                                   MEETING
                                                                                                                                                                              Looking to become a mentor your-          Have news or a story to tell?
                                                                                                                                         The AGM has been scheduled!                                                    Email us at
    1852 Canso Road         P: 250-656-2833                                                                                                           self? There's always room for more
                                                                                                                                         Mark your calendars for Thursday,                                              for a chance to have your news or
       Sidney, BC          F: 250-655-0910                                                                                                           experienced pilots! Send an email
                                                                                                                                         May 13th. The Zoom meeting is                                                  story published in The Patrician.
        V8L 5V5                                                                                                                                                               to for more
                                                                                                                                         scheduled to commence at 18:45
                                                                                                                                                                              information on how to join up!
                                                                                                                                         hours for a 19:00 start. More
                                                                                                                                         information to come as we get
                                                                                     PARKING AVAILABLE                                   closer to the date.
                          Editor: Kelly J. Clark
                                                                                        If you’re interested in prime
                                                                                                         CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                                                                                    paved parking spaces for your aircraft,
                                                                                          there are spots available!                     Want to make a change? The call
           The Patrician accepts unsolicited submissions.                                                                                for nominations for the Board of
                                                                                     Secure, pull-in/pull-out, easy access.              Directors election is waiting for
      This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part,                                                                            you! Four (4) positions on the
       with prior permission of the publisher or author. The                                                                             Board of Directions will be coming
                                                                                    Please call Dispatch to arrange a spot,
       opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors.                                                                             up for election. Please note that
                                                                                  or get on the waitlist for hangar spaces at
                                                                                                250-656-2833                             only Sustaining and Life members
                                                                                                                                         are eligible for nomination or
                          SUBSCRIPTIONS                                                                                                  election to the Board.
                                                                                   DAYLIGHT SAVINGS
                                                                                                                                         HOURS CHANGE
                                                                                                                                         Time is changing and so are our
                         PHOTO CREDITS                                                                                                   hours! As of Sunday, March 14th,
                                                                                                                                         we've switched to our longer
               Front cover photo credits: Hilary Harris.
                                                                                                                                         operating hours (08:00 to 20:00

2   MARCH 2021                                                                                  VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                                                                                                           3
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
NEWS and EVENTS                                    OFFICE SPACE
                         MAR 8 International Women's Day
                     MAR 8-14 International Women of Aviation Week
                       MAR 15 The Ides of March                                    800 square feet available
                       MAR 17 St. Patrick's Day                                      in the VFC building!
                       MAR 20 First day of Spring

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NEWS and EVENTS

                        MAY 13 Annual General Meeting
                                                                                   Contact Marcel Poland at
                               Is your aviation-related event not listed?
                                Let us know at               for more information!
                                                                                                                                             Looking to brush up your skills?
                                                                            All prospective businesses must be                                   Email
                                                                            Victoria Airport zoning compliant.                                to find a mentor or be a mentor.

                                                                                Sustaining and Lifetime members:
                                                                              15% discount on Cessna rental rates and
                                                                                 purchases in the Little Pilot Shop.

                                                                            10% discount for everyone who pays fully in
                                                                            advance for their annual aircraft parking fees
                                                                                          for 2021 - ONLY

                                                                                [YOUR FREE AD HERE]
                                                                                                                                       VFC CHARTER SERVICE                       VFC Charter offers inexpensive, on-demand, and
                                                                                                                                                                                 direct transportation to places not serviced by other
                                                                              Do you know a business owner                                                                       commercial carriers in the lower BC area.
                                                                                 that could benefit from                               Be there in minutes!
                                                                                    free advertising?                                                                            The charter service is operational in day VFR
                                                                                                                                                                                 conditions. Please contact us for more information
                                                                                                                                                                                 on destinations and costs.
                                                                                VFC would like to support our
                                                                            community by offering free advertising
                                                                             spots in The Patrician (business card                                                                               For more information or to book a flight
                                                                                sized ads) where space allows.                                                                                   Email:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Call: 1-778-350-3213
                                                                                 Please send an email to Kelly at
                                                                                           for details.

            4     MARCH 2021                                                                   VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                                                                                     5
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
General Manager's Article                                                                        Clarification – Solo Monitor
                                                                                  Greg Matte, VFC General Manager                                 Rate
                                                                                             News Around the Club                                 There has been some confusion
                                                                                                                                                  regarding the new solo monitor fee
                                                                                                                                                  that was introduced by the Board of
                                                                                                                                                  Directors, commencing January 1st,
                   As we continue to look ahead to the      Cessna Fleet                              Virtual AGM                                 2021. This fee is only charged for

                                                                                                                                                                                           GM CORNER
                   coming months, there are a number                                                                                              pre-PPL students as well as anyone
                   of exciting initiatives and activities   As the Cessna fleet progress through      As with the recent Annual Awards            working towards earning their night
                   on the go or under planning, so I        its phase inspections, the AMO is         Gala, the upcoming AGM (scheduled           rating.
                   thought it would be a good time to       also taking the time to remove the        for the evening of Thursday, May
                   provide an update.                       defunct auto-pilot systems. Although      13th) will be conducted virtually           Fleet Expansion
                                                            the saving in weight is minimal, it       using Zoom. Details will be provided        For those who haven’t already
                   Beechcraft Travel Air 95                 will allow for the removal of these       in due course as to how this will           heard, the Board of Directors has
                   Rebuild Project                          long-standing deferred defects            be conducted, including the voting          approved an expansion of the fleet.
                                                            and replacing the yellow tags with        process for the Board elections.            The objectives of this strategic
                   The first rebuild (C-GGMF) is            green tags on the aircraft journey        Speaking of which, four of the Board        decision is to improve single-engine
                   progressing nicely with lots of          logs. We’re also in the process of        positions will be coming up for             aircraft availability for recreational
                   concurrent activity. The AME team        installing the 406 MHz ELT, as they       election, so if you’d like to be more       flying and “time-building”, as well
                   is focused on the engine nacelles        must be installed by November             involved with the VFC during this           as to allow for increased usage of
                   which have required additional           25th, 2021. These ELTs will greatly       exciting time of multiple strategic         the Cessna 172S fleet for training
                   TLC due to wear and tear. Murray         improve SAR response as they              initiatives and activities, then            purposes. The mandate allows for
                   Palmer’s master craftsmanship in         enable the COSPAS/SARSAT system           contact me directly for a nomination        acquisition of four aircraft with
                   metal fabrication and fitting has        of satellites to fix a crash location     form. Just a reminder that only             the objective of bringing them
                   been amazing! The glass cockpit          to within 100 meters. Finally, as         Sustaining and Life members in good         into flight operations as soon as
                   segment is being produced off-           the exterior lights wear out on the       standing are eligible for nomination/       possible, preferably in time for the
                   site by Victoria Air Maintenance,        aircraft, they are being replaced with    election to the Board of Directors.         busy summer period. The mandate
                   while the seats are also being           LEDs to increase reliability as well as                                               further specifies three categories of
                   re-upholstered off-site by another       performance.                              Ground School                               single-engine aircraft as follows:
                   local company. By the time you read
                   this article, the second Beechcraft      Additional Hangar Space                For those who aren’t aware, we                 1. Two simple aircraft with the
                   (C-GGWA) will have flown to the                                                 now have a highly experienced,                 basics (“6-pack” instrumentation,
                   VFC from Penhold, Alberta bringing       Although this has not been formally    full-time ground school instructor             2-way radios & transponder) that
                   with it one of the overhauled            brought forward to the Board of        (Neil Keating). In addition to nearly          will allow for a low-cost rental
                   engines that will go on C-GGMF.          Directors for consideration, we’ve     18,000 hours of flight time as a               option that will be ideal for “time
                   The other engine will be overhauled      been examining a conceptual plan       pilot, Neil began his career as a              builders”;
                   by our Lycoming expert (Al Girard).      for the construction of additional     high school teacher and was also a
                   We should have also received the         hangar space at the VFC, as the        certified ground school and simulator          2. One older model 4-seater, also
                   two new variable-pitch propellers        demand for partial or full shelter     instructor with Flight Safety Canada           with the basics, that will allow for a
                   and gearboxes. For those wondering       from the elements remains strong.      before relocating to Sidney and                competitive-priced rental option for
                   about the painting of C-GGMF,            As with fleet expansion, this is       joining the VFC staff. Since his               recreational flying / cross-country
                   we require about 20-25 degrees C         another strategic initiative that will arrival, the VFC has successfully              trips; and
                   for the paint to dry evenly, so we       take time to fully develop with the    introduced distance learning using
                   elected to allow mother nature to        Board, and will likely be undertaken   Zoom as well as CPL-level ground               3. One higher-end 4-seater
                   save on the hydro bill by waiting        through incremental phases of          school, a revamped mountain rating             equipped with an attractive IFR
                   until the day-time temperatures rise     implementation once approved given course, and RPAS (“drone”) training.               suite (e.g. full instrumentation
                   into the teens later this month.         the capital costs involved.            More recently, he’s begun providing            including GPS as well as ADS-B In/
                                                                                                   one-on-one tutoring. This has                  out compatible in Canada and the
                                                                                                   already proven popular with some               United States).
                                                                                                   of our students preparing for their
                                                                                                   written exams.

       6    MARCH 2021                                                                                     VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                         7
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
of 2019, when I became the club’s      better. Where previous boards           We must be vigilant.

                                                                                          Alumni Stories
                                                                                                                                                 first female general manager           had focused on modernizing the
                                                                                                                                                 during the transition to the new       fleet and organizational affairs,       During my time at the VFC, I had
                                                                                                                                                 management team.                       ours made policy and human              some of the greatest of champions
                                                                                              Ramona Reynolds                                    We have a close-knit community,
                                                                                                                                                 but sexism runs deep in male
                                                                                                                                                                                        protections a priority. Much like
                                                                                                                                                                                        an empty airplane, a club isn’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in this community and also many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                opponents; some worthy, some
                                                                         The VFC's First Female President                                        dominated fields such as aviation.     much without people in it. We           not so much. But I can say with
                                                                                                                                                 Before I first became president, we    held sexual harassment training         absolute certainty that I have
                                                                                                                                                 also started a chapter of Women        and standardized the employment         never met anyone at the club

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ramona Reynolds
Ramona Reynolds

                                                                                                                                                 in Aviation. I was overwhelmed by      agreements and policies which           who didn’t have its best interests

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ALUMNI STORY:

                                                                                                                                                 stories from women in all areas        have been continued and updated         and intentions at heart. While we
                                                                  sexism as a woman in            treated as a newcomer because of               of aviation about sexism, loss of      by the current management team.         may disagree on many things, we
                      You all know the history of this
                                                           aviation. I came to the club to        my gender.                                     employment opportunities, sexual       Together, as a community, we            are bound together by a shared
                      Club: we’re headed for our 75th
                                                           have fun and I became a change-                                                       harassment, and sexual assault         became better.                          passion for aviation. Airplane
                      anniversary, but the club’s origin
                                                           maker. I made a lot of mistakes        I’m turning fifty this year, and for           and abuse that was current,                                                    people are passionate, and with
                      dates back to the 1920s. As the
                                                           as I grew into the position. I had a   women of my generation it was                  historical, and even cultural.         Change is never easy, but I’ve          that in mind, I urge every member
                      club’s first female president, I
                                                           lot to learn. I let people speak on    the norm for men to be the ones                As a mother, I was criticized for      seen the club grow in ways that         of the club to become a champion
                      was asked to write this article
                                                           behalf of myself and my role, but      to introduce them to the world of              pursuing my goals, but empowered       I wouldn’t have thought were            for the young women taking to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Alumni Story: Hilary Harris
                      in celebration of International
                                                           I also found my voice and power.       aviation and to invite them into its           by the sense of connection I           possible when I first became            air right now and in the future.
                      Women of Aviation month. It was
                                                           When I was a child, aviation was       community. When I joined, I was                felt to those who depended on          president. However, as things
                      challenging to be the first female
                                                           something fun, but it turned into      welcomed with open arms by the                 me. I became both airport-mom          improve we must remain vigilant,        To the women of the VFC, my
                      president of a flying club with
                                                           something more.                        people who would become my first               and mama bear; nurturer and            lest we return to the old ways. I       advice is this: stay focused. Show
                      over 100 years of history, and a
                                                                                                  friends and mentors at the club:               fierce protector, and came out         don’t believe that any of us want       up and do the work. Keep showing
                      heavily regulated flight training
                                                           Aviation has always been a part of     Colin, Kim, Don, Ted and Marie;                swinging. When I tried to address      younger generations pay the             up especially when it gets hard.
                      unit, approved maintenance
                                                           my life. I grew up in the 70s and      the very same people who mentor                these systemic issues, I received      price for cultural norms that were      Encourage the women around
                      organization, and charter. Being
                                                           watched my father attain his pilot     so many of our members today.                  significant pushback and less          established by those who came           you to take their seat at the table
                      the first female anything in an
                                                           licence. He bought a little 172 that   In the beginning, their support                than polite regard. I have received    before us.                              and if there isn’t a place for you
                      organization is a double-edged
                                                           we flew everywhere. I hopped in        and friendship kept me in the air.             enough stories of my own that I                                                make your own. You don’t need
                      sword: uplifting and terrible.
                                                           the back seat of that plane like       In 2013, it was the men in this                could write a book based solely        I’ve reflected on what I want to        an invitation. Women like me kick
                                                           most kids hop in the back seat         community who encouraged me to                 on angry correspondence received       my legacy as first female president     open the doors so that women
                      In fact, most of my experiences
                                                           of their parents’ car. When we         accept a nomination to the board.              from privileged men. Don’t worry: I    to be, and it’s this: that I will not   like you could hold them open
                      as a woman in aviation, and in
                                                           moved to Victoria in 1981, my dad      The reaction from the women                    kept the receipts.                     be the last. My hope is that I have     for the women behind you. With
                      leadership at the Victoria Flying
                                                           became a member of the Victoria        in the community had been the                  Slowly, painfully, we moved            played a part in creating a safer       perseverance and support, I hope
                      Club, have been two-sided. I have
                                                           Flying Club, and so when I joined it   opposite: they told me how hard it             forward. I celebrated the success of   environment for everyone, but I         that one day the women who join
                      met the most honourable people
                                                           myself in 2009 it was like coming      would be; that I would never make              our students in the same way that      know that the work is not done.         us even won’t notice there was
                      and the most challenging people
                                                           home. I’d also been married to a       it; that I would quit; and that I              I celebrate the growth of my own       As recently as a few weeks ago, I       ever a door there at all.
                      that I have ever known at the VFC.
                                                           former member of the Snowbirds,        was destined for failure. In 2014              children. We rooted out the old        received an email from a female
                      In contrast, my core values were
                                                           so I’d seen many sides of aviation     I became this club’s first female              ways of doing things and charted       member of the club who witnessed        And remember: this is the fun part.
                      tested constantly during my term,
                                                           in Canada; yet to this day I am        president, which I held until March            a course toward something              sexism, verbal abuse and bullying.
                      and I have experienced significant

        8         MARCH 2021                                                                              VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                                                                                                           9
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
that’s just gas, which means that it     work to this day. This was my first      Aurora and somehow felt like even

                                                                                         Alumni Stories                                          can fly for more than ten hours on
                                                                                                                                                 patrol, if needed. With the Aurora,
                                                                                                                                                 I flew fisheries patrols offshore of
                                                                                                                                                                                          experience working with helicopters
                                                                                                                                                                                          and opened my eyes to a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                          new world. In 2018, I had the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   more of an adventure!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Last year, I decided to try out life
                                                                                                          Hilary Harris                          Newfoundland, sovereignty patrols        opportunity to use my military Flight    as an airline pilot. I picked up a job
                                                                                                                                                 in the high arctic, and anti-drug        Instructor skills working at the         with Flair Airlines and had the good
                                                                                                 VFC Flight Instructor                           patrols in the Caribbean. I was          Victoria Flying Club. My eyes were       fortune to complete my 737-800
                                                                                                                                                 fortunate enough to participate in       opened again: this time to wonderful     type rating and fly one pairing from
                                                                                                                                                 anti-submarine warfare exercises         world of recreational flying and         Vancouver to Toronto and back

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ALUMNI STORY:

                                                                                                                                                 with our allies in England, Scotland,    private aviation. Since joining the      before Covid grounded us all. I joke

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hilary Harris
 Hilary Harris

                                                                                                                                                 and the United States, and was           VFC, I’ve met so many fun, friendly,     that my career as an airline pilot
                 Good day! My name’s Hilary Harris        Private Pilot’s Licence courtesy        3 G. Needless to say, they’re fun to           able to visit interesting destinations   and interesting people. I’ve had so      was short and sweet. I certainly
                 and I’m an instructor at VFC. As         of the Air Cadets during my             fly. Apart from the standard skills            like Sicily. I particularly enjoyed      many generous offers to fly with         enjoyed it and, even as I write this,
                 part of International Women’s Day,       summer break that year. I joined        of instrument and visual flying, we            flying scientists around the coast       individuals on their personal aircraft   I’m preparing to return to airline
                 I’ve been asked to tell you a bit        the military after high school          also learned how to fly in formation           of Ellesmere Island to monitor the       and have always been so impressed        flying in mid-March.
                 about my experiences as a pilot.         and studied engineering at Royal        and low-level navigation. After                environmental conditions. We saw         by the competence and commitment
                                                          Roads Military College and the          completing the course, I stayed                all kinds of things: polar bears,        to aviation they’ve demonstrated.        To me, flying isn’t just a job, but a
                 I would have never thought of            Royal Military College of Canada.       on as an instructor and eventually             glaciers, arctic ice-breakers. Very      I’ve particularly enjoyed tagging        whole life: a pilot’s licence is a ticket
                 being a pilot if it wasn’t for the       During the summers, we began our        taught at the flight instructor                few people are lucky enough to see       along with Victoria airport’s            to fun, friendship and adventure.
                 influence of my grandfather. He          flying military flying training with    school.                                        that part of the world.                  unofficial Air Demonstration team,       With a solid background in aviation,
                 was a Mustang pilot in World War         a few short introductory courses in                                                                                             “Yak Flight” led by Mike Sudul and       countless doors will open to you and
                 II and owned an aerial surveying         aviation.                              I was posted to Nova Scotia at                  In 2012, I retired after twenty          Dave Gagliardi.                          you’ll have all kinds of experiences
                 company after the war. He always                                                twenty-nine to fly the CP 140                   years at the age of thirty-seven                                                  that you could never have predicted.
                 loved flying in all of its forms, from   When I arrived in Moose Jaw I was Aurora. The Aurora is a very                         and I thought that I was done            I recently had the brilliant             And for my next adventure? Float
                 float planes on up, and he brought       twenty-two and it was the place to different aircraft than the Tutor;                  with aviation. But I lived beside        experience of ferrying a tiny            Planes! I can’t wait to get my rating.
                 me to the Victoria Airshow for an        be for anyone who loves airplanes. I it’s a long-range patrol plane                    the Victoria airport and after a         Grumman AA-1 through the
                 airplane ride when I was little.         was there to complete Basic Flying designed to hunt submarines. It                     few years I couldn’t help myself.        mountains to Calgary. The plane had
                                                          Training on the Tutor jet which were has four turbo-prop engines and                   In 2014, I accepted a part-time          been beautifully restored by Victoria
                 Lured by the promise of a free           – and still are – beautiful, sporty    weighs 140,000 lbs when carrying                military reservist job as a Flight       Air Maintenance, and painted a
                 pilot’s licence, I joined 676            trainers with a max speed of over      its 60,000lb fuel load. It’s small by           Safety officer at 443 Maritime           lovely jellybean orange. That flight
                 Kittyhawk Air Cadet Squadron.            400 kts, a max altitude of 41 000      airline standards, but it’s notable             Helicopter Squadron, where I still       was as magical as any I’d had in an
                 I was fifteen, and received my           feet, and the ability to pull +7.3 / - for the proportion of its weight

       10 MARCH 2021                                                                                      VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                                                                                                                11
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
Member Showcase                                                                                                                      Member Achievements
                                   Lindsay Harmsworth
                                                                                                                                      NEW MEMBERS                                                     FIRST SOLOS
                                                                                                                                      Kaleb Neufeld             Forest Kruus                          Jordan Isenor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MEMBER ACHIEVEMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                Anthony Bocquentin

                                                                                                                                      Shivam Nagpal                                                   Blair Vaillancourt
Lindsay Harmsworth

                         How long have you been flying for?                                                                           Krishna Srivastava        Garry Brown                           Tony Clemente
                                                                                                                                      Anthony Rudge             Travis Dhasi                          Liam Nish
                         I have been flying for just over two years.                                                                  Michael Rudge             Leith Balson                          Takumi Satake
                                                                                                                                      Samuel Biagioni           Dwayne Cranston
                         What is your favourite place to fly/aerodrome to visit                                                       Guy Lomax                 Richard House
                         and why?                                                                                                     Dylan Magnuson            Gavin Vales
                                                                                                                                      Nico Reindl               Michael Barry
                         My favourite aerodrom to fly to right now is Gillies                                                         Louis Gave                Austin Bicknell
                         Bay. You can camp next to the airstrip and they have
                         courtesy bikes that you can ride! But make sure to bring                                                     Lily Russell              Mark Stevens
                         a bike pump.                                                                                                 Jakob Steele              Nicholas Hovde
                                                                                                                                      Sophie Gatt               Nicholas Meelker
                                                                                                                                      Daniel Larson             Todd Richards
                         What is your favourite club aeroplane?                                                                       Zachary Sitara            Lyle Hanna
                         My favourite aeroplane is BMO because it was my first
                         solo plane.

                         What do you enjoy most about flying?

                         I think I enjoy almost everything about flying - I enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                   First Solos
                         the challenges it brings, getting to share it with my
                         family and friends, the amazing people you meet at the
                         flying club, and you get to see some pretty spectacular
                                                                                                                                                               "Without disruption of air traffic, these
                                                                                                                                                                 fearless, forthright, indomitable and
                         What is your go to in-flight snack?                                                                                                   courageous individuals did venture into
                         Definitely dried mango!                                                                                                               the wild blue yonder in flying machines.

                                                                                                                                                                Furthermore, these skillful individuals
                         One piece of advice you’d pass along to other pilots?                                                                                  did safely land said flying machines at
                         Try to speak with everyone you meet in aviation,                                                                                           Victoria International Airport,
                         because you can learn a lot (good and bad) from other                                                                                     incurring no significant damage
                         people’s flying experiences!                                                                       Takumi Satake                                 to self or machine,                Blair Vaillancourt
                                                                                                                            Instructor: Mami Iijima               thus completing first solo flights."       Instructor: Ryan Greenwood
                         What's a truly memorable flight or experience that
                         you've had?

                         I think one of the flights I remember the most was when
                         my instructor and I were flying back from Nanaimo on
                         my first night training flight. We were asked to do a few
                         orbits because someone had dropped their phone on
                         the runway! We had quite a laugh with the Tower.

                                                                                                                            Liam Nish                          Tony Clemente                                 Jordan Isenor
                                                                                                                            Instructor: Ryan Greenwood         Instructor: Ryan Greenwood                    Instructor: Ryan Greenwood

         12          MARCH 2021                                                      VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                                                                                         13
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
Member Showcase                                                                                                                                                                       Ground School
                                                                Jessica James                                                                                                                                                            Schedules
                   How long have you been flying for?

                   I have been flying since the fall of 2012.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GROUND SCHOOL
                   What made you want to become a pilot?
                                                                                                                                                        Private Pilot Licence Ground School
   Jessica James

                   A few things...firstly, I was very fortunate enough to have
                   grown up in a very small aviation related community, Nimpo       How has flying changed your life?                                   February 08 – April 28: Mondays & Wednesdays; (09:00 – 15:45)
                   Lake. (Fun fact-At one point Nimpo Lake was actually
                   known as the floatplane capital of British Columbia.) Being      Goodness these are good questions! It has changed my life           February 18 – March 23/2021: Tues, Thurs, & Fridays; (18:00 - 21:30)
                   surrounded around aviation from birth defiantly started          in many ways. Too many to count or probably realize. It's
                   my flying bug. My first flight in a Cessna was actually at 6     how I have met my long term boyfriend, how I have met
                   months old with my parents. Secondly, when I graduated           my closest friends, my mentors, and many, many amazing              March 24 – April 30/2021: Tues, Thurs & Fridays + Mar 24; (18:00 - 21:30)
                   high school I didn’t know what I wanted to do, my Mom            people along the way. It has also given me the opportunity
                   has always been a big advocate for school, so I had to pick      to see beautiful places on the coast while creating memories        May 03–May 25/2021: Mondays to Fridays; (18:00-21:30)
                   something. (Thank you Mom! :) ) Knowing that someday I           and stories. I look forward to what it has in store for me after
                   wanted to get my PPL I started with that, then continued on      the pandemic is over.                                               May 26– June 18/2021: Mondays to Fridays; (18:00 - 21:30)
                   with my CPL and the rest is history.
                                                                                    If you could fly anywhere − and I mean anywhere − where
                   What do you enjoy most about flying?
                   The people that you meet, the family it creates and the
                                                                                    would it be?
                                                                                    The Maldives and Africa.
                                                                                                                                                        Commercial Pilot Licence Course
                   places that it will take you.                                                                                                        March 16–Apr 29/2021; (Weekdays: 13:00-17:00)
                                                                                    One piece of advice you’d pass along to other pilots?
                   What is your favourite place to fly or visit? Why?
                                                                                    The industry is very very small, always be a good person.           Individual scheduling requests available for PPL, CPL, MTA, and RPAS by individual request.
                   This one is continually changes and there are so
                   many places I want to see. But...the one that will always stay   What's a truly memorable flight/experience you've had?
                   the same is probably Anahim Lake, BC. (Closest airport to my                                                                         Individual tutoring available for PPL and CPL by individual request.
                   hometown.)                                                       Another good / hard question. Simply stated, there are so
                                                                                    many.                                                               Confirm your attendance with Neil Keating (204) 291-9667 and Brenda Hardwick (250) 656-2833.
                   What is your go to in-flight snack?                              There have been captains that have taught me about flying
                                                                                    and about myself in a short amount of time that have made
                   Flying commercial with an open cockpit concept you don’t         a lasting impression. Landing at Sonora lodge and having
                   get to snack but my favourite in flight beverage is and          a grey whale greet us near the dock. Learning tail dragger
                   always will be London Fogs.                                      from one of my favourite humans. Having a very kind older
                                                                                    passenger state that she was proud to see a women pilot
                   What is your favourite club aeroplane?                           because she never had the opportunity when she was my
                                                                                    age. All the milestones along the way, those first solo's,
                   My favourite at the time was WLY & BMO.                          achieving flight tests, your first commercial briefing, learning
                                                                                    something new then nailing it. There's too many to mention
                   What about becoming a pilot was the most surprising,             and I look forward to the ones that are yet to come.
                   challenging, or rewarding for you?
                                                                                    Are there any other stories or anecdotes you'd like to
                   Surprising: how much I repeatedly fall in love with aviation.    share? We're all ears!
                   Challenging: never giving up, even though there have been
                   lots of obstacles along the way, including our current one,      There's so many going through my head and some that
                   COVID. Rewarding: getting checked out commercially on a          would only apply to a few but in a nut shell; there's days that
                   DHC-6.                                                           are going to be really tough, but if you love it, it's worth it.

        14 MARCH 2021                                                                                          VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946                                                                                    15
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!

      Pics from our members on Instagram who shared with us using the #flyvfc or #victoriaflyingclub tag.
      From top, left to right: @rachelaliyah joins the VFC Dispatch team; @pilot.angie enjoying a flight without turbulence;
      Avena ready to fly helicopters and take her CPL; @mathewthepilot shows that the world is better up here; @pottumutu_
      nav striking a pose for one of our Member Monday posts; @leahvarga at home in the pilot's seat.

                      Tag us on Instagram & get featured!
16 MARCH 2021
                  @victoriaflyingclub #flyvfc                              #victoriaflyingclub
                                                                                     VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946
The Patrician - Women of Aviation Stories from some of the amazing women pilots among you in the Victoria Flying Club!
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