THE POWDER KEG - Temple Gun Club

Page created by Amy Casey
 Officers                                          Board of Directors
  Ken Gaby - President                              Jason Armstrong 254-534-0739
  Arthur Chaput - Vice President                    Arthur Chaput 254-239-7321
  Don Wyatt -Secretary/Treasure                     Dick Dwinell 254-698-0085
  Ken Gaby - Recording Secretary                    Ken Gaby 254-780-2025
                                                    Stephen Hammonds 254-721-0534
 Membership                                         Jeff Howard 208-741-0152
  Jeff Howard –
                                                    Erik Marshall 510-725-7499
 Editors- Powder Keg                                Watt Taggart 254-760-4900
   Dave Hamel -                   Don Wyatt 254-780-2664
   Ethan Begely -
 Temple Gun Club                         
 P.O. Box 2027, Temple, TX 76503         

           RANGE MAINTENANCE – Aug. 31, 2021 – The grass has grown.
                                From the President
 Construction of the protective berms for the 300 and 500 yd firing lines is scheduled
 to begin Aug 16th. During the first week, the rifle firing lines on the west side of the
 range will be closed.
 The new covered pistol firing line will be closed while the concrete culverts are
 removed. The remainder of the range will remain open. After the initial dirt is removed
 in front of the rifle impact berm on the west side, the 100-200 yd firing line will be re-
 opened. Construction will take approximately 2 weeks weather permitting.

                  Freedom – Where Do We Go Next – Ken Gaby
 Since the Democratic administration has taken office on Jan 20th, it’s becoming hard to
 recognize America as the land of the free. Freedoms are being removed by
 administrative dictat on a weekly basis. Most recently, the Biden administration has sent
 the BATF on a mission to go after gun dealers. Most likely, this will be an assault similar
 to the one under the Clinton administration where dealers will be audited and any small
 administrative error will result in closure and maybe arrest. This is simply an attempt to
 reduce the number of dealers and harass and intimidate those that remain in business.
 Funny how the Dept of Justice ( I use that term very loosely) had no problem letting
 dealers violate the law when they wanted to run their Fast and Furious campaign.
 If you haven’t made it your mission to bombard your elected officials at every
 opportunity to vote against any proposed Bill that limits any of our freedoms, that needs
 to become a high priority today. If we stay complacent and don’t stand for our
 freedoms, those freedoms will be gone tomorrow. Taking a stand with keyboard and
 phone is much less painful that having to fight an actual battle. Commit yourself to be a
 loud voice for freedom.                   1                        Temple Gun Club, Inc
My Old Gun: 1895 Nagant Gas Seal Revolver
 Article contributed by Ethan B. who is TGC member and co-editor of the Powder Keg.

 I was only 14 years old when I found her; she was an antique wheel gun sitting on a
 table, hastily cabled to a chain gang of modern striker fired semi-autos at a gun show in
 Oklahoma City. Boy that was my favorite thing about leaving California to visit family in
 Oklahoma or Texas! My dad always took me to a gun show and let me bring back
 another relic, sometimes even two...

 I was intrigued by her from the very beginning, years spent watching documentaries on
 the history channel had given me a wealth of knowledge when it came to soviet
 weaponry, a fascination of mine that I still maintain to this day. When I found her, I
 recognized her beauty and mystique right away, unbeknownst to the dealer who
 possessed her, this mighty warhorse had survived multiple world wars just to spend
 decades locked away in a dusty warehouse, deep in the Soviet Union.

 She wasn’t perfect, that’s for certain; whoever had cleaned off the cosmoline had abused
 the poor girl, the factory blue had been stripped off the barrel haphazardly. Cosmoline is
 a brown, viscous and foul-smelling creation, it works paraffin deep into every crevice of
 the gun, throughout the fire controls, barrel and cylinder. Anyone who’s ever received an
 antique firearm still covered in it knows exactly the pain-staking labor that is required to
 clean it all out.

 A few hours of restorative justice and she was ready to rock and roll. The hard part
 becomes finding the proprietary ammunition that was specifically designed to operate
 the weapon. The 7.62x38R cartridge is unique in the fact that the 32-caliber projectile
 remains recessed below the case mouth, to which a crimp is applied above the projectile.
 When fired in the revolver, the cylinder actually moves forward to mate with the barrel,
 the crimp expands as the projectile moves forward and the case mouth seals tight in the
 chamber. No gas is expelled along the sides of the cylinder, making this a clean and
 quiet revolver that won’t blow your fingers off if you leave them indexed high up on the

 A standard revolver leaves a small gap between the cylinder and the barrel, otherwise
 the cylinder would not be able to freely rotate. One notable feature with the Nagant
 design is that the sealing of the barrel to the cylinder allows one to effectively suppress
 the subsonic projectile, all gas funnels directly into the baffles of the cylinder. One
 simply has a machinist thread the barrel up to the fixed front sight and you are ready to
 roll. Legend has it that the North Vietnamese effectively utilized suppressed Nagant
 revolvers for assassinations and that an example is maintained in the CIA museum at

 I have a particular love for this revolver that is centered around the history and
 peculiarity of its design, I would not choose to carry the weapon unless all other
 handguns of mine were defunct. It is not particularly powerful or generous in accuracy,
 with a double action trigger pull of 20 pounds! The movement of the cylinder to the                    2                        Temple Gun Club, Inc
forward position requires a long and heavy trigger pull, I fire the revolver almost
 exclusively in single action. I have begun reloading my previously fired brass with
 modern propellant and velocity, although the process to effectively crimp the
 ammunition is agonizing, at least compared to a simple 45 ACP load. I expect that I
 shall pass this revolver down the line to my children someday and hopefully my
 admiration for historical firearms will pass with it.

 Do you have an exciting relic or classic that you would like to share? Please email the
 editors of the powder keg to have it featured in the next edition.

              Statistics – Got correlation…Well, so what?
 We are in the silly season of 24x7 media bombardment and political shading of the facts
 (or truth). This comment from a member in Temple reminds us to separate the wheat
 from the chaff.
    Statistics is one subject that is difficult for most of us to get excited about. It sure isn’t
    as exciting as getting some trigger time at the range. However, when it comes to gun
    control – and many political issues for that matter – one of the most fundamental
    concepts in statistics is regularly disregarded by those seeking to take away our
    rights. Therefore, it is worth taking a moment to consider the following: correlation
    alone is not sufficient to prove cause and effect. Correlation essentially means that as
    one measurable “thing” increases, another measurable “thing” tends to either increase
    or decrease. If you were to record the amount of ice cream sold and the number of
    heatstroke cases for each month in your county, you probably wouldn’t be surprised if
    ice cream sales increase in the same months as heatstroke cases. There would be a
    positive correlation between ice cream sales and heatstroke cases. Should you then
    conclude that selling ice cream causes heatstroke? Clearly that would be ridiculous,
    but that is the kind of conclusion one can come to when it is assumed that correlation
    proves cause and effect. More evidence is required to support a conclusion of

    When correlation alone is used to prop up an argument – especially one for gun
    control – it should be called out for the fallacy that it is.

               The Biden Gun Ban Plans – Oliver North | June 08, 2021
 On June 08, 2021 in an editorial published in Townhall, Oliver North provided key insight
 into the direction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and its proposed new
 director David Chipman. LTC North focused on June 4th ruling by Judge Roger T. Benitez
 in the Southern District of California and the 94-page opinion in the case of Miller v.
 Bonta. The careful wordsmithing by Judge Benitez provides memorable quotes with his
 description of the “AR-15” rifle. The judge’s comment about “assault weapons” was
 particularly pithy and pointed when he said, “these prohibited guns, like all guns, can be
 used for ill or good. They could just as well be called home defense rifles or anti-crime
 guns.” In fact, the opening sentence of the ruling included the comparison of the AR-15
 to the Swiss Army knife. [Miller v. Bonta, Case No. 19-cv-1537-BEN (JLB)]                      3                          Temple Gun Club, Inc
This ruling will work its way through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and probably
 further up the judicial totem pole. For your reference, a copy of the ruling is linked here
 and archived in the Temple Gun Club’s online file. Read the ruling closely for reference.

            Democrats Plan to Use Budget “Slush Fund” to Go After Guns
 In the nationwide email blast on 20-July-2021 from the Gun Owners of America (GOA),
 the organization’s members were alerted to the threats to the Second Amendment and
 actions planned by the current administration in Washington.
 The national leadership has not been reluctant to leak their intentions to the press. The
 following are talking points taken verbatim from the GOA’s newsletter:

       GUN CONTROL: If Biden can steal from COVID patients in order to implement gun
       control, there is no part of the $3.5 trillion budget he cannot use for the same
       purpose. GOA will ask Congress to adopt an amendment prohibiting any of the
       money from being used for AR-15 bans, gun confiscation, and gun registries. We
       expect virtually every Democrat to oppose our amendment. This will tell you
       AMNESTY: Sources within the committee tell us that the upcoming budget bill
       could grant amnesty to as many as 10,000,000 illegal aliens. A Pew poll has shown
       that undocumented aliens support anti-gun candidates at a rate of 8:1. So if these
       become voters, America will turn anti-gun in the same way that California did when
       3,000,000 illegals were given amnesty in 1986.
       OBAMACARE: The $3.5 budget proposal offers a massive influx of subsidies to
       buck up the ObamaCare program, which requires people’s medical history be put
       into a government run database. Of course, this opens the door for the FBI to use
       certain medical data to deny gun purchases. And with the government providing
       insurance, doctors will increasingly be pushed to ask patients and their kids
       whether they have guns. This will create a computer-retrievable, de facto gun
       TAXES: Under the budget rules, if Biden wants to spend a trillion dollars, he has to
       raise an offset from somewhere else. One idea that he is pushing for would
       increase the corporate tax rate from 21-28%. So if taxes on your local gun store
       increase by as much as 7%, who do you think is going to pay for that tax increase?
       That’s right. You, the gun owner.
       The administration has made it clear that he can use billions of dollars from the
       previous COVID-relief legislation as a means to seize and confiscate guns. This is
       precisely what anti-gun politicians in New York City are bragging about!

                               Voter Integrity Legislation
 Regrettably, some members of the legislature have chosen to grandstand and use novel
 lobbying efforts attempting to leverage their political imbalance in Austin. By fleeing to
 Washington, DC with one case of Miller Lite, these folks were able to acquire six cases of
 Corona. [humor intended] This accomplishment is one that the late Johnny Carson could
 have used for weeks. Going maskless on the party plane seems to have bitten them in
 the keister.                    4                        Temple Gun Club, Inc
Hugh Shine, Texas State Representative for HD-55
 The club was honored to have the local state legislator address the membership at the
 July 2021 meeting. In the week prior to the meeting, Rep. Shine was provided with a list
 of questions from the club’s leadership and asked to address those topics before moving
 onto the questions from the floor. By and large, Rep. Shine accomplished his mission
 and adroitly avoided stepping on anyone’s toes, including his own. Shine did provide his
 perspective on taxpayer funded lobbyist legislation. Some members may have seen the
 lobbying legislation differently. Since Rep. Shine did not get on the sponsorship of the
 Constitution Carry legislation until midway through the session, it is clearly important to
 keep the members of the legislature headed in the right direction and remind them that
 voters are watching. Many “thanks” go to Watt Taggart for helping facilitate the meeting
 with Rep. Shine.

                                   Upcoming Speakers
 August 2021- representative from Texas LawShield. It will be an opportunity to
 refresh your understanding of your Second Amendment rights and being aware of local
 laws and practices as they apply to gun ownership.

 The next club meeting is Monday, 02-August-2021 at the Harris Community
 Center in Belton, TX.
                               Monthly Range Rule Reminders

 Please note the Board has updated the range rules, so the prevailing document is dated
 June 14, 2021.
 Temple Gun Club’s Range Rules and Safety Rules are on the website: Log-in, then click
 the Members Only tab, and click Range Rules. The three-page document includes the
 rules and safety standards for the facility.
 Rule Reminder: Members must display TGC membership card on their person while on
 the range. The targets may include paper, cardboard, and polymer material, but nothing
 Temple Gun Club Thursday Night Steel Match is 3 stages of family fun held from May until mid August
 at Temple Gun Club Range 3924 FM 438 Loop, Temple, TX 76501. The minimum round count for the
 match is 75 rounds, but always bring more in case you miss. Please make sure you arrive early for
 check in. If you have any questions, please email us at
 Jason Armstrong, Match Director.
 Tigertown 4-H Club provides a Shooting Sports activity for the youth from 3rd-
 12th grades. The club’s activities and venues are as follows:
 • Archery practices alternating Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. at the CWUWCD in Belton;
 • Rifle practices alternating Sundays at 2:00 p.m., and the opposite Tuesdays at 6:00
       p.m. at the Temple Gun Club;
 • Shotgun practices Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at Webers in Troy; and
 • Muzzle loading practices usually precede the Sunday rifle practices, weather
       permitting.                       5                          Temple Gun Club, Inc
The activities are posted on FaceBook<> and
 on Bell County’s FaceBook page <> Barbara
 Wood can provide more detailed information ( or text at 254-
 624-6507) Barbara has a day job, so the return call may be in the evening.

                                Interview of David from Bell County

 About how long have you been a member of TGC? Have been a member or any other gun clubs?
 Perhaps as early as 2009 - I moved here Nov 2008 and joined after I settled into the
 area and became acquainted with things. I was a member of the Golden Triangle Gun
 Club in Beaumont Texas during most of the 15 years I lived there 1993-Nov 2008. I
 trained with the Luke AFB pistol team in 1963.
 About how often do you go to the range and is it a particular day?
  I don't go regularly - just as I can spare time. I do not have a particular day. Usually, I
 try to go when not busy so I can do sighting in - lot of back and forth between firing
 point and target

  I have seen you on the rifle range. Do you use any of the other facilities? Are there any particular calibers
 that you shoot and do you have a favorite?
  I do some shooting at home - live in a rural area. [The interviewee indicated he has an
 appropriate number of long guns and pistols. -editor]. All my guns are "favorites" -
 each has a purpose.

 Do you remember your first firearm? If so, do you still own it? [I still have the first two 22s that I purchased
 with my own money.]
  A .410 single shot Savage shotgun - Christmas present from parents when in 2nd
 grade. At that time I also was allowed to shoot my mom's .22 rifle. The shotgun and a
 Remington NYlon 66 were stolen from my household goods being shipped to Germany in
 Have you participated in any of the competitive events? Have you or your family participated in the 4-H
 shooting program?
 I did "Steel Challenge" once. Would like to do more but typically don't take the time
 from other activities. Never did 4-H - attended urban high school with no 4H program

 What is the condition of the range when you go to the property?
  Excellent, with exception of times when drainage is an issue. That is being address on
 an on-going basis. I did some drainage work on east edge of range by the pistol area, to
 complement what Ken Gaby did with the tractor.
 Do you have any suggestions for how the property is managed or groomed for club members?
  I would like to work with the Austin amateur radio club to install a MESH "local internet"
 with a camera up fairly close to the rifle targets that would transmit video back to a
 monitor at the rifle firing stations - would enable seeing bullet holes in targets without
 spotting scope or walking/driving up to target. I have the basic parts but have never
 assembled them.                              6                               Temple Gun Club, Inc
Do you affiliate with any of the gun or firearm lobbying groups? [GOA, NRA, etc.]. If so, has your group
 kept you up to speed on the happenings in Austin and DC?
 NRA, GOA, Texas Rifle Association. Yes - GOA is best.
 My recollection is that we first met at a political function. Then, I recall seeing you again at the capitol in
 Austin. I was there with the GOA group, but I believe you were focused on vote integrity issues. Do you have
 any suggestions on how and why individuals should interact with their elected representatives? If so, why is this
  We must "interact" with the "elected class" because they are, with the exception of
 perhaps 4 to 8 in House and 4 in the Senate, totally NOT WITH US - they have to be
 "supervised". And is very hard to get them to do what is right. Look at the record of
 last 2 sessions, and all before that. We occasionally get something we want - and it is
 ALWAYS a result of MASSIVE phone calls, visits, and e-mails to them DEMANDING what
 we want. The system is awful, we don't get much of what we went, but, we do get a few
 What type of airplane do you fly?
  I fly an RV-6A - 2 place, cruises 150 knots, goes farther than I can sit without a pee
 If there is another topic or angle you would like to chat about, please let me know.
  I'd like to set up a demo/test of the video camera system and see if it would really work
 to see bullet impacts.

 Dues Increase: The Board of Directors has determined to raise the annual dues per
 member to $150.00. The initiation fee has also been raised to $50. These increases are
 effective July 1.
 When you log into the Temple Gun Club website, there is a notice about the dues invoice.
 Everything can be paid online and works very well. The website hosting service, Wild
 Apricot, has produced a good product that supports the Temple Gun Club’s brand.
 NOTICE: The club mails a small number of hard copies of the Powder Keg to members
 without emails. Please notify the President or Powder Keg editor, if you would like to
 continue this accommodation. The list will be updated in October 2021.

               TGC Range Maintenance Posting – Pick Something and Do it
 Trim weeds                                                Other tasks
 -Around all concrete                                      -Replace/Repair target backers, as needed
 -On all sides of the berms within the reach
 of the trimmer                                The above tasks can also be accomplished
 -Around all buildings and shelters            before the 8 am, shoot start and after the
                                               official sunset, shoot stop.
 -Around all ground mounted signs, be careful of
 the wood posts                                *This posting is in addition to the normal
 -In the ditches along the roads, culverts, andrange maintenance day which is the last
 range entry.                                  Saturday of the month.
 Please do not interrupt others shooting to perform any of these tasks.                             7                               Temple Gun Club, Inc
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