The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?

The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?
Supporting PSN partners and initiatives

The Public
Network (PSN)

Are you ready?
The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?
Why a Public
Services Network?

The Public Services Network (PSN) will
substantially reduce the cost of communication
services across UK Government and enable new,
joined-up and shared public services for the
benefit of citizens. PSN is creating one logical
network, based on industry standards, and a
more open and competitive ICT marketplace
at the heart of the UK Public Sector.
                                          Cabinet Office PSN Website
                                                      November 2012

“The PSN is based on a new approach, one that
 is already yielding dividends. I urge all potential
 participants to get stuck in.”
                                                         Francis Maude
                                        Minister for the Cabinet Office

2   The Public Services Network (PSN)
The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?

           Introduction                                             4
           What is the PSN?                                         5
              The Benefits                                          6
              How to Plan for the PSN                               7
              The Business Maturity Model                           8
           PSN Implementation                                       9
           How Cisco Can Help                                       11
              References and Reference Documents                    11

                                                   Are you ready?    3
The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?
    The Public Services Network is a key programme for delivery of
    Government ICT. By 2014, the PSN should contribute up to £130
    million per year in savings to the Government’s efficiency and
    reform programme.

    Senior Public Sector management        This brochure explains what the       We would welcome the
    are expected to understand             PSN is and why Public Sector          opportunity to discuss the PSN
    the PSN programme and begin            organisations will benefit from       with you and to review the
    business planning now, with the aim    it. It offers practical advice that   contents and recommendations
    of capturing the full cost savings     will increase your understanding      in this paper.
    and other business benefits of the     of the task ahead, and help you
                                           save time and cut costs. It shares    Simply contact us at
    PSN as quickly as possible.                                         or talk
                                           key knowledge acquired from
                                           our contribution to the Cabinet       to your Cisco Account Manager.
                                           Office PSN programme since
                                           2008 and from our involvement
                                           as a technology supplier to many
                                           of the first wave of PSN network

4      The Public Services Network (PSN)
The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?
What is the PSN?
The Government ICT Strategy       The PSN is described by the            The PSN, however, is much
offers a vision of driving        Cabinet Office in the following way:   more than just a network. It is
down costs and transforming                                              a genuinely transformational
                                  The PSN vision requires a change       programme that sets out to
business in the Public Sector.    in the way the Public Sector
Covering infrastructure,                                                 change how ICT infrastructure
                                  procures its network services,         and services are specified,
standards and capability,         and the way in which these             procured and operated by the
the strategy’s ultimate aim       services are offered. PSN              Public Sector. Its success will meet
is to create a shared ICT         customers will no longer procure       the Government’s number one
infrastructure for the whole of   physical network assets. Instead,      objective – to drive down costs.
the Public Sector and use it to   rather like domestic or commercial     The PSN is also a powerful catalyst
deliver shared data, voice and    Internet users, PSN customers          for cultural and process change
video services.                   will simply buy network services,      across the Public Sector.
                                  as and when required and in
                                  whatever configuration is preferred,
                                  e.g. as an integrated solution
                                  of many services, or as an
                                  individual service, across a
                                  whole organisation or devolved
                                  to local groups.

                                                                                           Are you ready?   5
The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?
The Benefits

The PSN is already delivering significant direct and indirect benefits.
The main direct benefit is the reduced cost of infrastructure and other ICT
services. This is expected to deliver savings in excess of £130m per annum
across the whole of the Public Sector by 2014.

Direct Savings                              Indirect Savings
These fall into two main categories:        ICT accounts for just 3% of the budget of typical Public Sector
                                            organisations. The remaining 97% comprises the far greater
1. Removing duplication in ICT              costs of the workforce, the workplace, energy and resources.
infrastructure, by enabling:
                                            Connecting to the PSN can create significant cost benefits
      hared network infrastructure         across the remaining 97%, for example:
      hared data centres
      hared business and                   • Staff: A location-independent            • Resources: Standard business
     application services.                    workforce reduces travel costs              applications and easy access
                                              and increases productive time               to information support multi-
                                                                                          disciplinary teams and connected
2. Streamlining how ICT is                  • Buildings: Shared buildings and            service delivery
specified, procured and operated,             smaller estates reduce direct
and spending less on:                         costs, as well as the associated          • New and Improved Citizen
                                              operational costs of security, building     Services: Technologies such
    •T  he procurement cycle                 management and energy                       as video and distributed contact
    • ICT integration                                                                    centres provide better face-to-face,
                                                                                          phone and interactive services
    •O  perating costs.
                                                                                          to citizens.

6       The Public Services Network (PSN)
The Public Services Network (PSN) - Are you ready?
How to Plan for the PSN
Many organisations have found it challenging to plan effectively for the
PSN. Each organisation or partnership faces a unique set of organisational,
technical and financial challenges.
If you haven’t already started planning for PSN we believe the time is now right. We recommend
an approach that we have developed with other major strategic business projects. This is to break
down the planning exercise into sequential steps that fit within three key planning outputs and
provide a platform to move you directly into the implementation phase.
Our recommended steps are:

1. Vision and Strategy                     2. Understand the PSN Frameworks             •C
                                                                                          reate a Business Maturity
                                                                                         Model – to explain the series
  ather Information – a clear             •E
                                             nsure a Full Understanding –               of steps by which PSN services
 understanding of the PSN                   know what can be purchased                   can help transform businesses and
 programme and the business                 from each of the Government                  drive cultural and process change.
 benefits it can deliver is critical.       Procurement Service (GPS) PSN                This maturity model should link
 Exploring the Cabinet Office PSN           Frameworks, how to utilise the               directly into workforce, workplace
 website will provide the most up-          frameworks, and what is the best             and operating strategies
 to-date and accurate information           approach to take advantage of the
 on the current thinking within the         help GPS can provide. This will             •D
                                                                                          evelop Outline Business Plans –
 programme. See http://www.                 inform your procurement strategy/            based on the assessment information       approach to buying PSN services.             of the ‘as is’ environment, the initial
 services-network                           See the section ‘References and              view of the target ‘to be’ environment
                                            Reference Documents’ at the                  and the expected business benefits
  stablish Initial Stakeholder             end of this brochure for sources             for PSN. The outline business
 Partnerships – the concepts of             of more information.                         plan should be used to increase
 shared infrastructure and shared                                                        executive sponsorship and the
 services are fundamental to PSN;          3. Business Plans                             level of stakeholder engagement.
 this implies partnerships between
 stakeholder organisations. The next       •C
                                             arry out ICT Infrastructure               4. Executive Sponsorship
 step for planning, therefore, is to        and Services Assessments –
 determine where there is opportunity       carry out assessments of all                •E
                                                                                          stablish Executive Sponsorship
 for partnership: it may lie with           existing ICT infrastructure and              and Full Stakeholder Engagement
 departments working with agencies;         services – networks, data centres,           – PSN will fundamentally change
 or with regional stakeholders working      security provision, voice, video,            ICT and business models, acting
 together; or with like organisations,      collaboration, email etc. – to               as a major catalyst for business
 such as police forces, working             determine existing (‘as is’) usage           and service transformation. PSN,
 together. Partners must be identified,     and current costs. Carry out a               therefore, needs strong executive
 partnership discussions convened           technical readiness assessment               sponsorship and active stakeholder
 and agreements reached                     for PSN                                      engagement from all partners.
                                                                                         A steering group should be
• Create the Vision and Strategy          •C
                                             reate a Technical Maturity Model           established to create and sustain
   Document – create a vision of how        – to explain the series of steps to          the necessary project momentum.
   PSN will change ICT and business         migrate legacy environments to the
   models; develop a strategy to realise    new PSN model. This maturity model
   that vision.                             is particularly important as it will show
                                            how best to maximise the return on
                                            investment for existing infrastructure
                                            and skills

                                                                                                            Are you ready?    7
The Business Maturity Model
Shared infrastructure and shared services require stakeholder organisations
to enter into partnerships. Here, strong executive-level sponsorship and full
stakeholder engagement are essential to allow these partnerships to develop.

Shared services ICT                      That convergence may be applied        The plan might include
partnerships can deliver many            to a range of different stakeholder    the following:
of the direct benefits of the            partnerships including: Government
                                         departments, agencies and              •H
                                                                                  ow shared networks and shared
PSN programme; however,                                                          data centres will support location
the even greater indirect                Non-Departmental Public
                                         Bodies (NDPBs); NHS Trusts;             independence and shared buildings
business benefits can only be            regional groupings including local     •H
                                                                                  ow shared services, such as
fully realised if PSN is allowed         authorities, NHS Trusts, Police
to act as a catalyst for more                                                    video and collaboration, will drive
                                         Forces and Fire and Rescue              cultural and process changes
substantive commercial and               Organisations. There are a number
business convergence.                                                            in the workforce
                                         of well-established healthcare
                                         ‘Community of Interest Networks’       • How location independence
                                         (COINs) where partner NHS Trusts          and shared services will lead
                                         have started to make this transition      to back office functions being
                                         and these serve as good examples          shared across organisations
                                         of best practice.
                                                                                • How shared infrastructure and
                                         The Business Maturity Model               services will allow applications and
                                         forms part of business planning           information to be shared across
                                         and explains how a shared service         organisations – so services can
                                         approach to ICT can be developed          be joined up
                                         to drive greater commercial and
                                         business convergence and greater       • How location independence and
                                         business benefits.                        ready access to citizen information
                                                                                   will lead to front office – web,
                                         The maturity model also sets              contact centre and face-to-face
                                         out a plan – to explain the steps         – functions being shared
                                         and benefits for stakeholders             across organisations.
                                         as they make the transition
                                         from independent business,             The plan within the maturity model
                                         to collaborative business,             shows how to transition currently
                                         to full business partner.              independent stakeholders into a
                                                                                single delivery organisation. It is
                                                                                important that this is recognised
                                                                                by all executive sponsors and
                                                                                organisational stakeholders.

8    The Public Services Network (PSN)
PSN Implementation
The PSN will be implemented   New partnerships have already        These services are supplied
by individual Public Sector   been established and continue        as managed services ready for
organisations and by          to emerge to aggregate demand        implementation and operation.
‘aggregator organisations’    for shared infrastructure and        They must meet the PSN technical,
with the mandate to           shared services, for example         security and service management
                              on a regional basis.                 standards specified. Service
implement on behalf of                                             providers need to be certified
stakeholder partnerships.     The PSN is being implemented         on the PSN Connectivity and
                              as a set of PSN-compliant            Services Frameworks.
                              services, procured from PSN-
                              compliant service providers, using   The two frameworks cover
                              approved PSN commercial and          the following:
                              governance models.
                                                                     SN Connectivity Framework –
                              PSN services cover a wide range,      for the procurement of Wide-Area
                              from network, security, hosting       (WAN) connectivity services, Local
                              and gateway services to voice,        Area (LAN) connectivity services and
                              video, collaboration, email and       Secure WAN connectivity services
                              messaging services.
                                                                     SN Services Framework – includes:
                                                                    voice, unified communications, CCTV,
                                                                    video, contact centre, mobile voice
                                                                    and data and other ICT services.

                                                                                      Are you ready?   9
Each framework has a list of approved suppliers that can provide PSN
compliant solutions to the Public Sector. Cisco is a supplier to many of
the approved PSN providers.

Compliance                                Procurement                              The preferred option is to utilise
                                                                                   the PSN frameworks, because
Although the PSN specifies                PSN procurement is managed               you don’t have to create your
how to create shared network              by the Government Procurement            own requirements specifications
infrastructure and shared                 Service (GPS). The PSN                   or resource your own bespoke
services, there will be no central        frameworks are published on              procurements. The PSN
procurement and implementation.           the GPS website.                         frameworks are compulsory
PSN services procurement                                                           for Central Government
and implementation will be                Public Sector organisations can
                                          procure PSN-compliant services           organisations but not for any
the responsibility of individual                                                   other part of the Public Sector.
organisations and partnerships so         in one of two ways:
it is essential that each individual      •S
                                            ame as today, using either
implementation is compatible with          OJEU or existing frameworks
other PSN deployments.
                                            sing a streamlined process based
For this approach to work it               on the PSN Connectivity and PSN
is critical that all PSN services          Services Frameworks administered
are confirmed to have met the              by GPS.
requirements of the PSN
technical, operational and
commercial models.
The PSN Authority (PSNA) is                 PSN compliance certification is issued on the basis of commitments
responsible for confirming that             made by service providers and customers against the requirements
these requirements have been                set out in the three PSN Codes:
met and for issuing PSN
Compliance Certificates for PSN             1. The Code of Interconnection (CoICo) sets out the requirements for
services, PSN service providers                PSN networks to connect directly to the GCN – the PSN backbone
and customer environments.
                                            2. The Code of Practice (CoP) sets out the requirements for other
                                               PSN networks and network services

                                            3. The Code of Connection (CoCo) sets out the requirements for
                                               customer environments to connect to the PSN. The PSN CoCo
                                               is based on the existing GSi and GCSx codes of connection.

10    The Public Services Network (PSN)
How Cisco Can Help
Cisco has actively contributed        We believe there are a number          Cisco Services has a global
to the Cabinet Office PSN             of ways that Cisco teams could         consulting practice with the
programme since 2008.                 support you and accelerate             capability to provide advice and
                                      the realisation of PSN business        guidance on the business planning
                                      benefits:                              recommendations contained in
                                                                             this paper. Its consultants can
                                        ssist with development of a PSN     advise on how best to execute
                                       vision and strategy                   them within your organisation or
                                        arry out infrastructure, security
                                                                             provide you with additional, skilled
                                       and services assessments
                                                                             resources to take on specific
                                                                             planning tasks.
                                        evelop transition plans
                                       that make best use of existing
                                                                             We would welcome the opportunity
                                       Cisco infrastructure
                                                                             to discuss the contents of this
                                                                             paper and share our knowledge
                                        upport PSN business                 of the PSN programme directly
                                       plan development                      with you. Please contact us at
                                                                    or talk
                                        ssist with creation of a            to your Cisco Account Manager.
                                       business maturity model.

  References and Reference Documents
  Public Sector References            A guide to using the frameworks        Cisco References
                                      is available from:
  A considerable amount of                                                   Cisco has created a website
  reference information is now        to provide customers and service
  available on the Cabinet            default/files/resources/National-      providers with information
  Office PSN website at: www.         Frameworks-Brochure-v1-5.pdf           on the PSN and on related                                              Cisco products, technologies,
  public-services-network             In addition, the Cabinet Office        architectures and services.
                                      maintains an internal document         The website can be found at:
  For more information on the         repository – Huddle – for final
  PSN Frameworks:                     and working PSN documents.
                                      A request for access to Huddle
    SN Connectivity framework:       can be made through the Cabinet   Office contacts on the above
   contracts/rm860                    websites.
    SN Services framework:           The PSNGB is a trade association   for any organisation or individual
   contracts/rm1498                   that provides PSN services to
  Some of the key documents that      the Public Sector. Cisco was
  define the technical, security,     a founding member and has
  commercial and governance           a director on the Board. More
  models for PSN have been            information about the PSNGB
  identified in this paper and        can be found at:
  they are available at the
  above websites.

                                                                                                Are you ready?   11
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